THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO. THURSDAY. AUGUST 27îh. 1936 PA(~ rT-TPRW In The Dim and Distant Past 1(- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO R, Yoùing -ieu: F rH. Mocrris 4fýhDur. From Th'e Caniadian StatfesInan. ham Regimfn:,. s-ared Lýs wir August 24th, 1911 a:, the Doirin.ion of Canada Rifl A&,zcciat.or. malenes at Otta.v: RowlandC. ale L-nd F4 x. e 1~t a 33 pint score in a 3Î have suff(redi a heavy î in thie point P&il and won $10. death of thei.- Clydesdalt Ial]jon Mr. John ( and Ms Edrp "The Mclntosh" purchasedc two 'Grigg rE*urned f rom Iwo monzh. Years ago froir the estase of Dr. vîsît -vo triends in CcrriwaIl. De"- Thurs., Fri., Sat. - Aug. 27 - 28 - 29 RONALD COLEMAN and JOAN BENNETT in The Mau, Who Broke the Banik at Monte Carlo ALSO JACKIE COOPER and RIN TIN TIN JR. in "'Tough Guy" Malinee Saturday. 2.30 p.xn. Mon., Tues., WVed. - &ug. 31I - Sept. 1 - 2 The Greatest Picture of the Year Six full weeks at Loew 's Theatre, Toronto, an ail time record for a Toronto theatre The Spectacle of the Year CLARK GABLE and JEANETTE MACDONALD in "San, Fraisc'Rto" Don't miss tbe tremendous earthquake scenes, the brillhant acting.... The whole picture is a sensation. Comedy News Matinee Monday, 2.30 p.m. - Wednesday, 2.30 pm. Thurs., Fri., Sat. - Sept. 3 - 4 - 5 ROCHELLE HUDSON in TUE COUNTRY DEYOND ALSO WARNER OLAND in "lCharlie Chan at the Cfrcus"' >Cartoon News Matinee Saturday, 2.30 p.xn. COMING 'PETTICOAT FEVER' 'LETS SING AGIN- "PRIVATE NUMBER" "FARMER TARES A WIFE- Shirley Temple in 'POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL- ,IVIISPIURNG SINMIIt PEAKS* "PRIVATE NLVMBER- "KING, OF BURLESïQU;E '"THE LAST OUTLAIV -LX-MRS. BRADFORD- SCHOOL OPENING SALE 0F Every Pen Guaranteed Breadyfo the openmng of wchool September Ist. perhap, the most important item of al sehool equipment is a reliable fountamn pen. If your old pen needs repairing or bring it (o us. We wil check it and repair it promptly. If you need a new one we have the one you are loing for, f ully guaranteed and at the Iowest price. School Set Sal " Pen and Pencil LAXSJIVE $150 value 98c Hepatica 34~li1 Edipse Set $150 a reliable 'Special Pens srtem25c-49c-69c-$1.00 cleanser ~ ~' Waterman Fens 30c - 59c $2.504$3.004$5.00 $1.15 j..Schaffer Fens $2.75 and Up Save $845 Now mmmii. movvtawamg on tbis 26 piece Jus Poce sEROGERS SILVER SET (Made b.y Oneida, Ltd.) Every piece carrnes replace- ment guarantee by the Slmply buy $3.00 of goods in our store which must include one PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH BRUSH - 25e - 35e - 50e ROY AL THEATRE' BOWMANVI LLE The Coolest Spot ini Town on a Hlot Day, Lined,: NEW $10.0( For any Corn flot he removi tif ic loyd's Salve. in 3 to salve de-sens louses with t Cl your dru der a jar of! Callouses of Ig quire slightly Pr HEAD COLI JUNE CDLI $IMPLE TO1 R ESU LTS PRESCRIPTIONS A SPE( Alex McCi DRUGS Phone 92 Uinited Cigar Store A 3 or ~Mrs. Winterburn and son. 0f KENDAL Hampton. wish te express .itheîr KEND - thanks Io the nelghbors andi fri- SPALMOLIVE ends for their kîîidriess and Mi. andi Mrs. George Quantril SHAVE pathy in every way over îe j - nave returned from a vsil w;th CREAM of huyband and father. heir son Haroldi of Whitby Police i.dw>,O-' I Miss Jenre Thompmon anti Io e.t sMAk~i.tOifl D AmUfM Mr- Thompson. Newtonville. 1LDOUBE SIZE fvstdal Mr-. Ira Thompson's. -OUthe S.iZE - MiSs Mi]dred Henry, Orono. W.A. of the United Churn ' '.'sit'td her cousin. Mrs. Evan _______________ er. at Mrs. Norman mountoy,, Quantril. 0 REWARD jonl Monda3' evening. with f orty- Mr. andi Mrs. John Elliott. Bow- .ve preot r.Cei i]t manville, called on friends herte. ior Caflous that can- char9.cof the wcr.ý.hîp. a.n.d after1 MISS Kale Stewart visited a+, cd by the new scieli- a i ePrio<l of busines, hi pro- Mr. Sflas Hailowell's. Starkvîlle. ;Thyrnoaxed (oùn glam l 'a gnün. Mrs. .a ,d Mrs. Wesley Elliott visîteti her ýo 5 days. This ncw gâve ï reiidîng, -The oue f jthe dî-ughtùr. Mrs. Milton Dunbar, âtizes cornsIaPlirytown. the ins alýlir.-.'on.Mr. John Thompson, Newton- uggist toeay and or- -ile, Ês vîsitlng ai Mr-. Roy Mer- this wonderfut !;a1ve. 4c ers. long standing wtI1 re- Mr. andi Mrs. Allin Hawe, Nor- longer treatmnent. ithern Ontario, who have been rice 40cholidayî ng al, Mr. Franik Peate's, iCO SuCOrone. were%jsijtors at Mr. Evan IQuantni 1's. MAY FEVE- Mn. Walter Thertell has been IIÀY EVERbusy with his threshing machine EAN BE RELIEVED in the northeast section of our comnmumity, while Mn. Frank UNEIFRAI Stone has been threshing onth %W6' Sixth Line. FOR . Miss Georgina Darlington spent D5-RO5E FEVER ~. a day in Toronto. 0 -SIUS TRUBLEMiss Jennie Wright is visiting I INSTRUEM E Y if iends in Toronto. liSE-INEXPNSIVEMissa Dorothy Crossley. Wei- GUARATEEDcOrne,a former teacher ai. Me- GUARATEIDLean's s&lool. visiteti Miss Kate stewart. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbraith. CIALTY . fBlack.stock, visited at Mr. Wesley Ellioti.'- Misses Marguerite and Hilda. and Mr. Clarence Bell visit ed fni - a ,endis ai Newtonville. Buc i'n ha Mr. andi Mrs. Chas~. Tamblyn. Woodbridîe. visited aai Mr. Art.hîîr FINE CUTThomwnon's. Mis;s Annie Thomp- 11,n rtuti( hone xih themn. lo g o rF A few fromn here atiendeti the ____________________________Decoration ,-ervice al, Newt.onville - - Cemetery on Sundav! afi (rnoon. We Deliver preseit <i the hall on * ( j \edne.çday evening thoroîighly ~ enjoyedti he Play -Cranberry Cor- %gecy Releve ithin: qirky. horligly ienfi nes"presented by Enniiskilleii Lgeny h.kna rotefecive tratient for mafDamîcClub. under the as 1ad oLbcr skia troubles. A record of 50 ycariY. I pliýes cf Kendal United Sunday _______ r. ChaSedS Ointmenti &101.The Young pol fEn- 'What is simple foi- oui- untien-' ;1n\ a îî W iil ;a will of hi standing is flot necessarly se fer' w i 1..t aI a;ii t! t. foif khv is oui- will -Hen-y Bergson. AnqTim ôe a 7Luw onshîre. andi London. having corne ' W. A.": .ssE:he' Carter played flot only for their acting. but for' home on the Royal George. a piano solo: Miss Alma Graham presenting a play thai bas a goec! Hon, R. Beithes hackneys were OBITUARY rEec '.\My Puppv": Misses Mur- moral andi especially one in which in. tht winr.jng 11sts ai Cobourg l e, anc Aieen MounUto, p a liahe language useti is suitable feor Honrc, 8Show. :aking a 2nd in tan- MNrs.A. M. Jacobi. Oshawaa piano c:î:. Lnch la~srvc , enier:,ainment. Rev. E c ien. teamn: Ist on cob over 14.1:D{ c;rewîbc fti ý:iBech acteti as chairman. A 2nti for harness stallion: anti îsî Mrs. MNargare: Jacob:.. c cf in th' Cço:ru!l-,aln'y Hal oni S4n - con.e readîng. -When Grandaci lor -:eam ef hign s-:eppcr,,. ihe laie Augus: MNI.Jacobi. d:ed day a :nc-Aiius: ,30h. xnhI pi t*he pîper on, theW all.- wa'. Maor.isig 4hur in O.shawa on Aug-,is:. 19:Lh. -.n he:r Rev. C CHcur n hrgc given bY Bernice Langstaff. ana lhani Regýimenz. wa. eiec:ed 1-e- seventy-fourth year atter an ill- Ser*« v< :i1w 'ce ldai the no, sýnpg ewa.s lied by ~of peettieehe Ont.ario Rfle ness of thrce weeîts. A ci*t;zr eIf ment. anti frorntheret t e se - ýMr. and Mrjs. ESwarbri(,k. fiJllîn, 35.sýsociatîon or. -tht-counc'l of ,hc 'Oshawa for Mrny year*,, Mrs. ,ena] cf ere.There W: op a :n:he ,hort ,r.*,er-%al., c:es n W'acta. Dominion RifkeAsca:n Jacobi was a faithful workti cf speciýa, dec:ca:ilon for :tic e E Ban AKing Street Unî:ed Church anc a ichapft :n :ht Union ceme:,ery. Scho : hlitirer. will sýoor. L a ain - Trewin-Aqu:ei wed- 'lice member eci1110 \Vomen- i- Mr.ýT rat Mis r- acîn -p er books ready 1,o S' tnioek Place on August 191 h,. --- o Tyorad isFe-1 akig11xe ai the residence of Mn. a"YMs. . Socieiy. Born in Eow-Ig Jonsn ar ateing atr: akosho. William Trewin, when their tiau- manville. she was Mvargare* A. [trainr.g course-i W.M.S. work W"ýe have hati ,me naintn ghtr xao.wa manitite~.Rice. daughter of the late Mr.: at O)n:,aio Lac.cs' College. Whii,- past. week vwhich ha.s helped' 'A. Bain, B.A.. A.I.A.. Toronto. tea r.the he îe.bfr brb.freshen things. ceremony beîng perforn;ed by f'arae h cm oOhw The syrnpa:hy of the commun- Mi&s Nellie H-ill. who îs in Tor-1 Rev. William Jollîffe Te wî as a yoîîng girl. anti forty-nine Thywl î'asaomrre uutM.J-iyi extended the friends anti lnto Hosptal. having untierw;ýen*: resrie in Toronto. ,er g aiie uutM a rela1lves etf Dr. Fred Marlow wbo a prto.kipoig u cobi. A son. Morley Jacobi. pre-pasdnwa udoelpo Str-h r ndtion for a day or .bt TeBHS iz lsifor the deceased ber, anti she is sui-viveti day. e îasddnytn wur e lndtios nitorcal.y rtw i shool yeai- 1910-]] is given bc- by one grantison. Drew Jacob:.. Mr EIdr. M EthI Bd ti Mi- A I ow: Mr. EUor. Eck£-' has resîgn-eti Miss E el oydana M. Aex, Fonn'. -Wnî:îng. K a thle e i iin as, teachen of Black- Reiti. Newcastle. visiteti her me- Knighi. Ruby Jewell; Reading. Guy A. Andrus, Toronto stock public school, baving been ther. Mrs. Jas. Boyd. Rit Caveth: ompsiton i-d Oy Abuole ndrs. &C a-engageti as teacher ai Cooksville. Miss Kay Gray. Toronto. visJt,- fIeatur. arvetCoWiionean-dîfUY Aenuce. Tort. neMt Pne Congratulations te pupils of the eti ber aunt. Mrs. George Swar- a! Proficiency. Alice Werrv. Hg co h successfully brick. whe retunneti home w- Form2-Hadig. Gati., ou-teachen. dieti Wetinesday. August passEdti he-ir Middle anti Upper ber te Toronto. Fom -eain.Gldy oui9th. from cerebral hemorrbage. sioîeamntos Eins: Composition anti Literatune. aged' 79 years. For 43 yeans he Blackstock Continuation School <i- Nancy Johns: General ProfJc;en- wa.s on the teachîng staff of Lon-wilr-p.foteFatrm n os.Glays ousns.don Colegiate. He was, born ai wu 1y et s.a r. i ET E O Fc-m t' Composition anti L:t-'Oreno. Ont.. educateti there ant i prospe{'ve puIs shouai 9ab. E . NinLT erm:îre. Mar.îorie K:rng. Regînalti ai the Normal Sohool. S4nce bisi their place'. or. that date for reg- tclîffe: Foliick Pri7ze for Sc:ence, superannuation be lhat matie hs f ýistratton and, recciving instruct- W. Aý met August 20th ai Mrs. îahien McG:il. Manrte King: home in Tononto. , 4ngv.:h OLs re:a*,ltiY c. -,]e years wonk. Rý W. Marlowes, wth seventeen 1 C-'.f:llan Pri2e for General p:o- Iis daughter, For nîany vears Rijchare P. Ath-n. Pr:noipai B.C.S. :acbes pi-esent. The meeting op- fxi tvlia. Gou:d. he was a p-rm:ncn: member of Or. Mornay e--ening about 35 eneti with scipture neading by For 4Ho Sen Fifor aïè. LondonRadeut ire e ion: hurol. v1oun .»,i4n Mr. Norman Mns. Ivan Proutt. The ladies e~:s-ad:n- a SeiorTeaher Lodon ani snceunin îe hti ountroy',s tîine anti weîcometi Planneti to, holt an ;ce cream Examination, Rober', F. Tnrc,,e.cen a Unitedi Churchman, He M- niMsLreWna.~ oii nite Dr. R. P. ________________ aknind ees Wr ces-.a cLiar- .Bowies 1te address the gathei-ing. eanivas a M.\aso)n. Hý. a:ig- L was also arrangeti to the FIF'TY VEARS AGO ter. Mrs. J. F. Car-:er. Trn:.ReCctu :,.rs aea.tI ermermeig ________anti two scns. lnneArî.M. Mary Ru-:cdge. Bancroft.Mr.W e]eea SutaR- -rmTe(nainSaeman. HaîniLton. anti Dr. P. M. Anerui.k. i ;'ath Mr. and Mr. N. M.\cNaity oet:n Mr. L. Joblîn favouneti August 271h. 1886;xeMr.anti Mrs. R. Nesbit.t. Ton--,vwth a solo. -The Filet Song": __'___Mn. Antirus aise :augh, sehrco ontc. w::uh Mris. Crozier. . R. W. Manîow reati "The Enn' kisz:teTlle ,e :eeplç of the'a: Tyiont- anti will be kindî-rne- anc. Mrs. Haroldi Bea'coek Grooms Stony": Miss Norma Church whîch was membereti by many of hs 1 cm-r- spen ,Siintay wth her motlle:Ar-msrong playeti a piano sole, tiamageti by ligbtn-ng last s-prîng or pupils. at a:'eir."ors chees.- Lunch :vas ser- has been îîndergeîng a cou.rse el Mns. Mocgomry~. of D«'rot. veti by Mrs. K. Sameils' group. nepaîrs. The work was tiene by Kneedumn Oliver Winterburr,. with Mr.,. A. Taylor. 'anti a vote elt hanks extentieti Antirew Penninglen. Hampton. .. Mn. anti Mrs. Austin Beacock Mrs. R. W. Manrlow anti the gnoup IWe congratulate Wm. McLaren Hampton anti Marion spen: Sunday with in charge. et this village on suicces'sfuly' There passeti away a: bis home Mn. anti Mns Byron Hylanti. Jan- Menning service Uniteti pasig hesecond class examin- in Dalingten on August th, evll.Cburch on Sunday was Weil at- atien for teachen's certîficate in 1 Kneetium O. Wintenbunn, in hs Mn. anti Mns. W. C. Fergusen. tenieti. when Dr. Bowles deliver- ibis yeax of indefinite questions I 53rd year. He was a o en ofMr. Bowinanvi]1e. a: Mn. Ceci] HuIs'. cd a splendid adtiness. Misses andi craniky exainination papers. George Winterbunn anti Emily Mn. anti nlls. Woodis anti son Denot.hy anti Nora Porteous f av- En.field: Thos. Fieldis badti te Chambers o! Nonland. He was Roy. anti Mn. Frank Mansfield. oured with a duet. "That. Beauti- endis'ef his fingers taken off i nimarieti in 1905 te Elizabeth J. Toronto. have neturneti aften bel- fui Land." a self bintier. . . . J. Niddery bas Marin, eldest daughten of Mn. idaying with Mi-. anti Mrs. F. Remnember Decoration Service nienteti J. OLeary's f arm for a1 andi Mns. E. Marin o! Cartwrigh-t, Neetiham. ai. Nesileton next Sunday at 4 tenm. aise B. Thornnon bas rent- anti they liveti eight years ai Mis Norma Hooey spent tbe m ed the farm of the late William Norlanti, jeter rnoving to Da-_ weekend with Miss Ella Tamblyn. Nestleton Institute will meet Gibson. new occupieti by Mr. ]ington in 1914 whene he has liveti Orono. etmrlsiNsltoPe- Moore. near Hampton until his deat.h. Mr. anti Mns. Rae Yates andSeteinberc, i Nesteto Pes Newtonvlle: We have again to The service was helti at bis home fami]y, Toronto, visîteti ai Mn. anti Janetville branches as guests. record t.he tieath o! anothen o! on August lth, conducteti by hi Oscar Gnahams andi Mr. Leslie Mrs. Roy Langmaid, D istrnic t our olti resitients. James McMur- pastor, Rev. W. Rackham, anti he Grabam's. President, will be guest speaker. try. who a! 1er a long anti painfu] was laid te i-est in Hampton Mn. R. Winden anti taughter. Congratulations te Miss Doris illness passed away on FYitiay. Cemetery. Stratforti. Conn., i. Fly. Bridi- Williams on being engageti as ageti 72 years. He leaves one son He leaves te mourn his loss, bis geport. anti Miss M. Becker Of teaclier at Osaca. Mrs. Williams anti three daughters. loving wife anti son Hai-ry; be Don Eltion. N. J.. at Mrn. John will be witb ber tiaughter, Mrs. An alarro was seundeti on Wed- sies two brothers, G. F. Wi'nien- Carter's. i1i-etiToddt. nestiay morning when t.he stable bunn anti A. N. Winterburn, ef Miss Pearl Taylor, Viewlake, Rcn iios on S. B. Bnadshaw's place on Nolanti; anti five sisiers, Mrs. M. with Miss Grace Heopen. Rcnt -sios LibrtyStret sdiscovened to: Newman anti Mis, . C.ay. Non- Mn. George Aikinson antiMiss Mr. Henny Sheffield,. London, beinty Strets. h niewsl ad s .MrioGeaoDonothy Atkinson. Toronto, are with fnientis. be ii lams. he ngie ws ilatiMrs L.Moniso. Genaon holidaying with Miss Edna Lai-- Mrs. Peter Wright is vî promptly on hanti but ail efforts ISask.. Mrs. R. Watkins. Chipper-1 ied a insr te save the building were useless. 1 fielti. Sask.. anti Mns. H. seot fiemearWndor A mule. some 3 on 4 tons 0f hay. Mankota, Sask. Mn. andi Min. George Latimer Mn. anti Mrs. Prank Untierbili. a ube ! ahigmahne h baer er0ixnig'n anti taughtens. Toi-ento. at Mr. R. Toronto, Mr. Farrow anti bis a nuberof wshig mhine 1 he eares wre sx nighorsPar's.mothen. Mns. Farrow. Toronto. ai! anti wiingens, besities a buggy, Messns. C. J. Kersîake. C. A. Pns Ihanness. etc. was bunneti. Nr Blanchardi, R. C. Scott, G. Gil- Mn. andi Mi-s. W. A. VanCamp. Mn. W. Campbell's. I Bndsha hat ne nsurnce 1 bei-t. F. Corden anti A. B. Cryder- Mn. anti Mrs. A. L. Bai]ey. anti Msdai rot svstn A large camping Party netunneti man. Mrs. W. W. VanCamp. with Mn. fiends in Poi-t Huron. toîlown f nom Lake Scugog on The floral tnibutes includeti: adantioron famp E- Mr. .at M. . WJobls ITesia evening, claimîng te Wi-eaihs. Wife anti Son. Mn. and miYatM.LJol 1S have iati a mosi enjoyable lime.: Mrs. C. Kay, Mr. anti Mrs. C E. IMi- Melville Lamnb, Shirley i-. Brei-ndwants. Poter, The party oonsisied of Mn. J. B.!Mantin, Mn. antiMrm. E. Parker; wi.h Mn, Frank Wright. ibfenshee Faîrbairn Misses Kate. Maud.i. Sprays, Mn. & Mrs. G. F. Wînten- Mrn. anti Mrs. Howardi Lamb Master Grant Campbell îs bol- Geogc.andMmtr JhnFair- burn. Mn. anti Mrs. W. J. Mai-lin ianti baby Carl. Lindisay. al Smith itiaying at Mn. Howard MoMul-. bairr.. Mes.sns W. F. anti W. L. A- anti familyN. Mn. anti Mns. Bros. e'.Lts Allen.T. H. McM.illan. antiH. Martin. Mr. anti Mns. J a- M.s. R. REaier. Scugog Islandi. Mann. the Mse Allen. Cîîbitt. tin. Mr. anti Mrs H. HolwelI. Gl-Mr anti Mrs D'Aicy. Mi&ssAI- Explained- Breugll anti M(Lauigh'in. antibrd a l.M.atiMs .beita Page, ef Brocton. Mi-s. F. Mi':. S C.Hle anti daîîghîer.i Clarke, Hampton Aduli BiblePaeM1s Cr ndGdywncrwh Mosi'ý. E. F. Blake antiR. D.1 Class. Hampton Women'ý nst Page.Mn. and Mrs. Char]cs Vi-- babies isý always bei-n intie nlght- F.îirbairn. Toronto. S. Pocoo-k. Si tite, Mrs. Newman anti sen.s, tue anti taucnter Evelyn. Ennîs- tuine?" Catharmnes. Messr'. Gc. Wilme D, Hilton anti son. kiilen. al Mn, Ira Ar*gues.. Lot.î:e ýage 7. a ltuile %vîsen,: ai A Chancis c s:l '.< The frienti. fi-cm a 1.5: ance; 'Mn. anti Mrs. Au.n Laim-r 1*Dont,,sou know? its 'ces îley Ms.CeerîtGi cr. G:,t-: were: 'Mr. anti Mcs. W. Clan'h- fami-l a: n.r. --eret Beech's.wants te omake <sure ef fintir* ers. Mn. anti Mci J. nmç Bratifore. their mothers ai. home." 'anti son George. MnI. anti Mr. P. Mrs. Janez Vi4t :Stn MrM. anti Mrs. Lawrence \Vrîîîh: -. -md'r. chn l l anti son oeT'anetville: atrand r n d rs-killen rca-.En 'l CanlbGs nd N Mnl rTutr! M:is Fc*rrn Ocai.E A R A INfriends and neighbors ao.incî iMr. antid r Ernes: Larme. For Sehool Opening mitnfa.iy:MnE Tlo 5c Soribblers ECI ARD 0F THANI<S NEW WALLS1 0 If you need a new par- tition or want to cover old walls with a durable fireproof finish that takes any decoration and does flot warp or hum, you wili want to leam about SHEETROCK THE FIREPROOF WALLUOARD BLUE COAL NOW When Prices are Lowest CANADA COVERS MORE SURFACE LASTS LONGER CHEAPEST IN THE TIMI TC) LEILCCIP How about re fiooring your Home? You'Il be surprised when you Iearn how economically it can be done with "Satin Finish" Hardwood Flooring. And, what permanently beauti- fui floors too! "Satin Fini 'sh" is superior ini QuaIity yet no higher in price- and, being more completely finished, co6ts less to lay. S A l * N Lt us give- you smae- IFI1NISI* HARDWO QD F LO OKRIN G *Registered Na me. Sheppard & GiLumber Co. IMGTED PHONE 15 Bownianville Responsible Dorrowers ALWAYS WELCOME At Cmnada's Oldesi Bank Ample facilities for personal loans to individuals as weil as loans for business purposes to farmers and manufacturing and mercantile firnis are, and always have been, provided by the Bank of Montreal. People in every walk of life take advantage of these facilities for ~~U7'obtaining funds for personal or busi- ness use -some for small amounts and some for large. Applicants prepared to meet the usual recjuirements of sound banking practice are invited to discuss their problems with the local manager of the Bank of Montreal. BANK 0F MONTREAL F S TA i 1Iil ) 1i8 1 -1 . EAD OFFICE: MONTRIAL Bowmanville Branch, F. O. Mcliveen, Manager MOII R. II 1< n P. NK.INC~', -j ttV11 . .THE OITTCOMI F 0F18isV-ARS' SIUCCESSFUL OPERATION TUA 1 --% 1 it- THE CANADIAN STATESIMAN. BOWMANWILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th. 11936 PAGE THREE 1 --ý PHONE 15 Bowmanville 1 ORDER BUY PAINT