THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARJO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27tb. 1936 PAGE FIVE four drowned in the tragedy at the picture and il is truly mar-i- îcy of service as his guiding the resu]t ta your Commission iLake Simcoe over the weekend. vellous. principle. Many new bies of wifl be an annual saving in oper- alts- was a cousin of Mr. W. P. Cor- Sunday was the closing of the bakeryi produrt.s are to be intro- 'ation costis of approximateix So i la d P r onal belt. Bovimanville. *union services for tbis season be- duced fram lime to tirne.1 $1000. This is a substantial step A Mr. and Mrs. Fle*tcher Staple.s. zween St. Paul*s and Tr:n.îy Un- Btis:ness mer. :hrouighout the in the reduction of annual oper- 4 E!îzabeh and Jean. 'visteci her ited churches. Rev. Sidney Davy tow.,n . bi e sorry te 1ocit Mr. ming cor-s and mvil] ullirnately \P Miss Margaret Ireland 5 flO:- i.:e r.FH or n'e i.W.H pro Ttio :i.erne Watso. frm :e:number . M.-.reflecî in reduced rates. daying w.:h friends in Toronto. 1I-Miana MsW. H Li*or.s Tc r o- have been enjoy';ng a few Grttd. pnîg ou eWts.h.-onut aren. Cash Rebate '.%ade Mr.Her. Knne. Sra:crd 'onagave- The S:,a*esmar. dasat, Loan Lake. many blessîngs rece.vecao-, us as busine. s and. na, arigtly incita'- Y.rCrm~infi htu- T A visite-d aid iriencis here or TUiE"-- fr;enov c on Thursdav.. IMr. Andreiw Gray. Long Branch i, u -sl 1n'nad i (inn .scer:cn rde.- ex:sting (:rcuimstances and I y 1and .Mr. Jack Moxon. ,Vç S r a anation. and aur gratitude as Watson .-so î. r-cee Chrsisi:ari :n *,- of tue a.uat cost af poiv- i sty Rev aa rs H W Fce: n~eios-ng :: Lr ~se- M ec 1 1 .d1 h'4 orme"sby aur actions anc, wards. 'xorkrand b".d..canduct:ng a e un' i 1935 and *the amaunt ec ret.urned ta Springbank ai:,er ;Tac-,-Gray.Long Bran(h. acae:s r n rs. E L. Hîs evenîg ho emed C'va ds erae Bibe., at theLa pracnhe padtherefruee bsttcnso amrs-tne three weeks* holidays htire and 1M iDîniiet-,. Brign:1or. Ms Osbore. Wellington Street. Aaîewodncl hitaisxea :msa h aain h h 'eee1tldt r-tn' West. lllea.Prh eeM. idMsW.C _* jafter ital zation af his i n-s*akelArmy.M Wazsar ha> no: de-,portiona:,e rbate an their pawer j ends.i Mrs R-y Semo. t:aa. cLen.Perh. e:c Sue ' vi ar. is.W. . Ahtn. he 'pt. The speaker quest-i-cided ye, wh2.: bw-L.ness he wtand ighting for the year 1935.i Mrs. eRo paren. D tawa. Mrs C gLe-,Ls aof rs.A. E. Devl! LaH. . Benc k . e -. Ms oned haw many af us cauld show go intc Accorcingly we have been able ta ne .tdhrprns r n .iMrs. j, A.\Viley and son 3JohnJbr a s : h eeeda better record when under temp- -- secure the consent af the Pi-ovin- e t]a W. Sleman. Toranto. werc visâtai-s 'w1the, at Vasaga Beach guei a r tatian and urgeci a! ta take I cia' Commission ta alaow a rebate ere th Mr.W. ,ll oft-h Sta I Mi r.Pr- .anning. ard M. Gore mece varnîng that we do no* deny aur IHYD RO USERS TO lof 0' taoa] res.dent JightJng staff, Man:real. is visît*ing r. Mrn- C. W. E. Meatb and Mr. Ar. Brtward Buxton. Miami. Master. Mr. Clare and' Miss Nan R C IV EB Ï onsum'ers an their '1935 bis and GL ih.Flor:aa. v.siled bis aunts,. Mrs. Alun -sang a duet at the mai-ning REEIE EB T Now The G. L Wgrac. W. J.oHoarsretuf rid ta Otîawa Gea. H. Bickell and Mrs. R. H. 1service. and Misses Dorathy Nicli- AND LOWER RATES 15,of U1 r 1935pwerbcansumern MissGrae Bantn ha ben a Suday wiîh Capi. M1eat.h. Harr-ey. and other relatives en- ais and Lamna Clarke ane in the _____t, W135pietbish visiting her aunt. Mrs. R. Patýter- Mr. W. H. Hellyar. Cknton. is - ________ lmea aprxi- &o, etmun.V;s:tung his rte and s,,ster. route Ia Tîmmons ta vîsît h.s si- evenîng. bath beîng muci. appre- Cont r ic .fion' prge i i 1aef this w]m ea 6.0 n cshroeit- sonWestnout. M. Jon ad te. iaed.The înîser Iso express- wf MissHe'e Frakli h aý ben ýr. Jhn ad Mis Ea Helyar te. iaed. hebeniretua wnldbetatutht a th ansusm-- pless MisssHeienr.rankhn has been is Eareol r. .W.i Be ri, ed bis pleasure af hîs association power fram ,.he Pravincial Com- ers. t budb etoe htsok visiting Mr. and Ms arPt M'. Thos Coulter is i-ecavertng Mr. and stsckA terson, Caledon. fi-on a flu dawn cellar when he james. Detroit, Mich., hîs moth- with the united cangregaton dur- mission was $10783.22. The same h îs cash rebate has been madle. on suiftred several cuts and bruis-es er. Mr.-s. John James. and aunt. îng the past montb and wsbed bill in 1934 was $7051.16. This under exceptional conditions that cm Mr.adMs.JE.Hn and MissSperJ.s rEureHunMtS Elnd Jmes. Columbus. were for belth churches suc,-f's ir. the increase wasthreatatti--cno pssby rse nual plies. daughter are visiting bis parents Toi-arIa atr aspleasant vo isst guesîs a r n r.Ga .cmn er ue othe rpowrtaofthe rEa- cand a ss m a ris e nal -m ri at Penbroke. -_,______ofr._nd________W._omit ynr.ducdcsrît oaspowr ete as ttIi nt rCom edc e h wîhber cousin. Mrs. W. Tapson. James. enDsrc sarvda ytecpei e eomn yt Mrs. Florence Smyth. Supt 0 r. and Mrs. C. A. Ba-t lett Miss E. R. Graham. Public 'Provincial Commission. Provincial Cammission ex ce pt Bowmanville Hospital. is holixtay- w ere xtekend guesîs 0of ber bro- Health Nurse, bas returned fi om DR. FRED MARLOW ' Prepay Debentures Iwbere local systems are camplete- ing at Marrisburg. ther. M.Cî:nGa.Srn-holiday'ng in Saskatchewan and D ESUNTO ON O 'Commion atsga e ilillalofeorcshme Mi. and Mrs. David Beatit. ai bank. Detroit. She will iestime the theoca.alobea ah e MisMt' rw.Trno sChild Welfare Conference on Fni- fit in 1935 aperatian af $21.751.48. baTtemd oteTwofB - Brsn. M n.. wchreguests i iss Matthe Bra'.n. orono. Ti- dyrom 2 ta 4 p.m. (Continued from page 1) The total net profit fi-rn Octoiser manville of $1012.41 for street Mrs W.R. trie as eenvis .son. and renew:ng aid acquaint- - Mr. and Mrs. John Paterson. Mi-. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow. Ist, 1931. te December 3lst, 1935 lighting. Tht reason for this is Mtn ris .R.. tertohs n . . -ne; is $51.882.40. Prom this amaunt 'that street ligbting is sold ta tht Blacslok. nnoncetheengge- Oneyea asintrnein t. erepre-paîd debentures foi- the Town at an inte-rim rate and is and Morrîsburg, Ont. iss Winnie A. Lancaster is ment of their daugbttr. Margaret Michatî's Hospital was followed er198t152ilu: Mir Bruce Honeywe11. Toronto. holidaying wiîh ber çister. Mrs. Pearl, ta Mi-. William John Hooey. by two years' study in Landon. yer 98t 92icuie and adiust.ed ta t.he actual cost each J. amounting tao $24421.13. Thus year a.nd tht dufference collected in j town last week renewing W.' A. Lockbart. Nagara Falls. Blaclutock. tht mar-miage- ta take Englard. wheme- he became a Ftl-avi ng mItere-st charges. over tht rtturned ta the Town. old acquaintances. N. Y. place on Saturday. September 5. low of tht Royal College of Sur- li aithabedbnurspi wrRts______ R-ev. A. J. G. Carscadden. Toi-- H. Hunt. Dr,.ision St.. Bow- Mrs. C. W. Jacabs visited Mrs. geons. tht yaunge-st man evtVt- ta ftht e m abov$1713203. n a ddition t a ts or - onto. spent. the weekend witb hîs man.ilie. wonr'one af tht PrIzes S J. Mi-îyn. Lakefield. an Sat- achteve this hbronr.Ht aIso won tht cu îuoat$17 pofit2he]d Issaiion stla tisyotakeCote- _____________________ a'. the KMnsmen C:uo >drat'.a:, iurday. Pleased ta know Mrs. tht degrees LRCT nve-iyo yTht Commission praiter h re-missbiong aoutafreytaer ein S:co. lîar -Martyr. wbo is 95. is coing nictly L-ondon, and tht M.R.C.S. Ht tii-e-ment af tht above debentur*es l 1in rates ta be annaunced shoi-tly Moiganand Ry hv beerbhoh-li- n opes *ta)vis:t Bowrnanville fist apemation in the new Toi-- 1931 t Dtcember 31st. 1935. j on October Ist billing. hoee S C iOI ptrBuy h t4t1A' 27ndacOutaOd'There is eve-y reason foi o ian Hay. - ~mr niMs m asr. Returning ta Canada ni 1903. which capital charges amaunting fidence in tht future prosperity - Mm.anc Ms. rak Wlla m.s Nev Ycîk. Mr,-. Emerson Colwill he was appointeci to the %urgical Wa appi-axîmatelv $2400 was tise-clofaivour utility. Tht use Dcia'ci ard Helen. arc or. a motor and daughter Mrs. Short. and staff af the Toronto Gene-raI Has- ta pi-avide 'or capital expendi- af Ietîricity is being extended in su Ne- Yrk hteAL-edcsadMrs. Geo. Case and son BabbY.,pital. andi was naneci Associate turces leavîng a net accumulated ever fileldi ard aur awr consump- Ms. racî S ttor.o n:a. wei-e guest.s af their Professai- ai Gyntcoiogy in the prif:of approximataly 1$25.000 lion is steacliy rising. Al~ ~~I . .~.'e in.Landan . atdngistht con-aur:n xsEmaWit Wl-Uîeriya arno itwas a n tht Lards cf th- Commisstcn.1Ireec is cameful andi far kseting Rdu eîinLorn tht CaracthCegon riner nSt. cantrîbutor ta numerous ,,maga- of ]Profits jmanagement and administration U.,iIC S oOrgat. ftheCndnClee ýv. Mr. Si:us af New- York con- zînes. Tnt eCorTnm:ssiar. ftît it ta bel 50 that evei-y possible opportunity Mr. Chi-ls Sa'l aiCi'r-duc- eci tht celebration af Haiy -As a D.M.S. durîng tht Gi-eat ils ciaiy ta dispo.eea to' - r- îi et'nio- at rtsCastile lot.North Cai-aLna. .s ;isiting Cmuro n t-JbsAnl-WafDriaiolvs in cnvus ihe mas: business tike wîthout ir any w-ay tîther weak- ber parents. Mr.-'and Mi-s. Oea car C.burch Iast Sunday moiring. ai tht me-ducal care and examun- methaa passible as the-e %vas enirg tht cap:taI structure or the 1 Soap - A. Stephenis. '.vhiIe Mr. Amey of Oshawa jalion ai soldiers irnrnost af On- ample :rdication that aur localljinterests of tht consumems as a 1 ae Mi. oiies A Du:r bs o preacheci a splendid sermon at tario. had medicalsuipeision a sstf i was0rsucakecsmsanes25le Pleted a furithet- vetk ai trainingI ~s i evc.'i ams niarneifrttas '.vulci al!aw, such surplus ta be (irateful for Support at htTo-aiaFlir Cub For ls. care ai ali-oaci t aey a:ecnu-jYour commi,-sion is gi-aIe-fuifor Cae -obs plasfocene.Mms. Harley W. Percy. 486 Ger eH aso superviseclal permnan- sei-s tht support. anci co-aperatier ofN rs. Jaots. cesba adMis î lake Avenue. Toronto, w-ie af -ht trnt camps. such as tht Exhibi- The paramnounit factor ta be ai-, aliscutmrad ae hs Frutativeç n Setmd. Mi-. ar eputycity auditer. receives an 1tionthe HSm.lwy c dit nhocid alt udii cld.t' ~ 20BI Hamnlyr.eb. e o aura l Ptbrg ias.adwhntemucicleitha ulcsto vredyear. -Espe-cmally do we - wish ta B ~ ~ ~ ttw.aehoIida3tng iîh Iis ~ ec sadube-nlwttdshrecicv must bt reduceci ta a *minimum mention oui- manager. Mm. G. E. Ipaxia Pasi _f ater. Mm. Thos. Haiyr. an Mr. and Mis. Tom Percy. Bow- eed. was are af tht mer caileci wile retainurg eficiency. Witb Chase. wha bas rat orly carried o ther relatives bei-e. marvîlle. ta Quebte ta help bandit tht big this in minci youm Commission b is own administration loa<l but Fly Coils Mis.Chas Polai-l ad be If vou want ta go ta Toronto rush aifi-eturnec me-n. afler canisiderable investigationj also bas shou.ide-red a gi-e-at mary Wisn S. . . . . .te-m. .Ms hs.ybil Hockend Tomante. Exhibition tht came fret. ecanomn- His militamy carter begar in and enqumry decmdee ta puichase '0f tht respensibililies in connec- ko F I1iite-c hrcui. MissSblH ke . rWto -ical and sait way. go by Garton's 1900. wben be jaineci the Army its own pie-mises and corse-quert- l ion wit.h oui- new pi-e-mise-s. Fly Fume REvIGI Lnia -e osn. Carter . Coach Lires. Leave- Bow-manville Medical Coi-ps as a private. Ris- ly tbe- A. L. 71icholls- property or Ail ai wbich is respeclfully _____ MissNG Bedo, anJaess Mos alat8.20 a.m. givirg Yeu a corn- îrg ta a lieutenrant -colonelcy. he- King Stre-et was' purchased l a a submitte-d on behaif ai tht Ut-il- Sehol Txt ooksin toc. iss Taa ne wre- ge-sts aixMi plete day ai t-be'Ex' and gels was in charge of No. 1 Cleainig cost ai $3000 and these prtm:ses ities Commission.Ou-S AUl regular Public and fhigh Sask., and Miss Marguerite Jon- you home- aourel midnight. What Hospital duirg tht Niagara Camp are- row beigrg-e-modtled ta give PrYec W. Nelits, Our___Spi Spca res ie rmtand Mrs. F. H. Jortss beIeseiicdoyu anttndys. tht Commission a vemy modemn Cbai-man. SI>eialordrs ive Prnwtthat? Setinte- table in another Ht was Pi-esiclent af the Or- office, show room andi starage i ac- De-ei Edge attention. Miss Violet Osberne bas e- coîumn. taio Medical Association in 1919. ilities tagether with four vei-y W.' J. Challis reports a big turneclfrian heidayîng with fi- MmS. M. S. Dale. Mmc. S. R. and af tht Academy ai Medicine complele and mode-rn si-ail living rush tbis week of matamists ta WRITING e-nds aI Long Branch. Niagara James and Mis. E. L. Oliver e-r- in 1928 and 1929. Ht was a tent-aarm ts Threaif-ntthvet-icrslteiwhtt PHONE ExecFalooksr.anr AdrPort Dahousue.tertauneci on Monday night at tht be-m ai tht Rosedale and Granite foui apartments will carr-y thte'Cilmes Service Pi-aver. Bill 49 2 for 5c, Se and 1l(k and sors. Se-agi-ave. visted bis hmc fMs. -Dal.a a social Cub and of teMilitai- Insti- cost af tht building. ircluding n- says t.he pe-ople sure do ead thte ______ j~tn lnsadCus-, parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nîch-evening andi presentatior foi- tute. trs ntemnyivse n dl x h ododSaemn 5tn lnsadCoad cuIs '.rlIe eke,.-Miss Agnes Vanstont wha îs ta Tht funemal service was con-teçtnthmne v-seadadtsmi-tgocadSaemn JUaigBooks 5e, 7c, 10e 1 Mr-. Fred Hoaper. Mr.,. be marilîeci un September. Miss clucteci by Bishop R. J. Rersor. _____________________M____________________ Bra-.Vanstone '.'as the recipient ai a assistec by Canon H. J. Cody. Loose- Leaf Books, 15c. 20e, 25ec Embi-ty andI daughle B b love]'. leather caveme-c bridge tab- fi-rn St. Pauils Anglican Clturcb. Pencils with Erasers le toa S Rocht.stcri. N.Y.. .-..ài:ec the arn le car emth lo tet oot.o us Automatie Pentuls 15c. 25c er's botierMr. J. Tilt .vbchrsamth.BorS-t. aat.onTe Fountain Pans 15lc te $125 IMr Fred E. Waor . i Toi,- IFin:-cf MijssMac Hicklîng. day. w-tb entombient in Faret Al standard mah-es of Inlai. cîtto takung ch-arge o' truc Broc-k- B.rr : mcc of Mi-. J E lluat. LwnMaul soleuin. db hs I' WLEI dalex-llnesw'ay dru-glan a: tht ARITHMETIC Caradiar National Esuioxar . li ei-es:eci n nofwa baushe widÈaw-b ftmIWal Missof hlarnc Mr. and Nrs. Ruxjpl. H. Wooc.'.a h ePcta eutiuEustb Wio iTaac Work 14x)Is - 1alheati(l aiiL- inOt*tLs.lvcni enree disli peser*tsd lal a aroe buaiter Neson Maria'.. and WorkB~as -Matemaieal dit unOttwa r <îuult a flc ceiuh:fuIltea t iniîn lier haror t'.'.a s ers Mrs. R.Mahooti and Set-, - Comnpa,.sses - Ruler BucuxîcKîîs.v.c:splay ~a- i Woodlarcl Beach previaus Ms J.J. Bruce- al of Black- thte Cenitraul Camuuaa Exlubtar. 1h' r iarruage on Sept,. it:ta R.e-v stock. Ont. 0 SUNDRIES i Mi-,ALait W. Kîigb: '.vas ir IF. C. Bayes. Filînare. Sask. ýCIuntotu aver the wi[ekerd xvistun" Paints, loxed 1ebt( u itr m.Kuh.wa Antong tht oui of town I:t: - CraonsRca.n 10 btît'.uu:uigthee -etumnct w;ho receni]v calleci an Mi. a UPPER SCHOOL Gae i..wre: t. 'aa r.jEX M R S L St GIRLS' JERSEY DRESSES Sehool Bags - 'e-ncil Boxes uM-. anti Mr,,. A. C.Marshall. Quer St. e-îeandMss ard Mi-s PenciliSharpe-ner--, Mis. Wadclel andc son Bill. Ms Jiai-y l - eked a M Banfm. m ac1i-.J.D Cantunueclfrem page 1 don. were ekn guiesis ofM- 1 andifaml.N iaaaFls .Y For tht bigger school mises we- am. fortunate te bc a-biet villTYad: .Gt.Weks.-ala M.and Mr.0.S. hae.Acims RuthHoney-EC 2; EL 2. i n sizes 8 t4 14 in Ibis Fa-U's wa-nted e-lors and styles. Good work requires go< nma- Mis. E. L. Brown ,oldi dll hem vos andi Re'.. Abert Cai-scaci- Maiion Jtwell-1MHc: Ag.c facturer's special with tht saving passe-do teriais. We- guara-ntee t hte ouse-bolci furnitume- on Salui-cay clen.Tai-rIat. Ti-ig. 2; LA 2; LC 2; FA 2; . c3 quality of our sehool supplies - ardIras leit to reside wit.b lie-i A' Bard Concert is ta be- gîven Ted Johns-EL c; Alg. 1; Geain. "- t. be tht best at the iowest Ibrotbei-, Mm. R. L. Broaci. A&siii- b1h:Cn a Lgo ar r~ Chtm. c.- Ijossile pri-es. iSali Anbsk.turedTbursday. August 27thi. at 8.15 Mariai-y Jane-s -1MH c; Alg. 3;C T O W EE R S E SEVIE rMissptrlrg allytasrth iela p.m. urder tht leadership af F. Tiig. 2; LA 2; LC 2; FA 1; PC 1. SEVanIGunte. atsRotai-nPark.ethe Robe-rt Ktit-EC c: EL c. Viv-sinEniad rd i now vus - pVonGmamta enasRoa 'srk.thte yKrxE i ~ - t........Thesmartest styles and the best value we have e-verlx We will endetovouras giveowou The Wa.rm a-nd made- for tubbing, these dresses corne from courtleoun-d eficieteve- iting bie-m aunt. Miss Annie- Allun. Maple Le-af: Mai-ch. Commandler; Donialdl Litt]e-EC c; EL 2. :é:at a real saving and we- pass the saving on te yoiL ortffanefiinsevc.Centre St. Overture Mie- Vetai-an- Mach Mariai-y Lycett - EC c; ELe; Store open evenings tuntil Dr. and Mmc. Aberit E. Allun, Colonel Begey; Naval Patrol, Oui- Bot. c; Zoo, c. sehol enig.Toronto, bave be-e-n vistmng hem Bluejacke-ts; Mai-ch, Office-i af He-le-n Mason-Cbe-m. 3; Bot. c; sho png.father. Mr. W. Kirkton. pi-eviaus tht Day; Overture-, Dawn in tht Zoo. 2. i ta leaving for their ne-w home- in Fore-st; Mai-ch. With Bandis andi William McFeet-s-ELc. Children's PRINT DRESSES 1 1 1 MeCor-al.Banneis: Selection, Suilivan's Op- Frank McIlven-EL, 2. ________________________ . W .Mn Siv. Hrak., -e-r; Hy Gmn Te-il MTe Thun-i Rank McMlven-MH 2; Gcin W .Jew eii nell, icha(rdvsonHea.,isvisitirg deric Gen:TlMaich Tthun- robtkMcflen-MH2c; MHc. For some weeks yet a tubfast print frock wW* - be finej Phono 30 Bwmanville er daughtei-, Mrs. B. E. Ingham. Olcl Story; God Save- the King.- c: Tig. 1; Phys. 2. cnan ausu o$.9 nszs1 .1x oevl Phone 0 Bowmnville andi hem mothtr. Mrs. W. C. Misses Moiiy Smith, Liuise Mai-gai-et Milson-EL 2. otisvleupt$14,nszs12t1x.Smvot Washington. Cale- and Betty Tambljn ente-r- Jean Marris - MH 1; Chem. 1; 1-Ôde odyan av n ite ue ills... ....... ...... li.... the itature spectacle piclume con Order tody and sae on wintr fuel bing ta tht Royal Theatre. Aum1g.-C A LSH A T RGil'M d isG rs 31. Se-pi. 1 anti 2 ad you will CH RLSHCRE PHONE ORDERS FILLED -- CALL 173 or 98 thtti say tht bialbasn't be-en PURCHASES BAKERY3 9 aofltme year hias test conupleted a FROM E. B. WATSON Girls' fine quality Middie-s, with de-ta-ehabit collar. This us a Girls' Middy 7-week.s i-un at Loe'.s The-atre regular 98e selier, but out they go a-t this sa-vîng to you. Sizes know the va it Toronto w'hich us a record, un Cantinued frointpage-1) 8-10-12-14-20. K nights uefIL ýhav aredy ee Mary under the naie "Tht Carter W l er-or s . rncico- ad teywaît ta se-e- Faiiy," and tve-ry member af PonI6 Trucking Taxi Serv~~ice . aguui. The Roy aI The-ate the fuuîily will be actively con- Phe14W a k r . os Trukig ax Srvce shoui i e fille-c for e'.eîy per- netteciwth thme busness. Se-ver- foi-niente rxt Manday. Tuiesday ai change-s are cartemplateci by and iWtdnesday. We have se-en Mr. Carier wha will adopt. a pal-- ýersonal Invitation tENTS AND PUPILS- week we made aur bow as a Bautnanville ,ant in oui- new Book Store, ne-st In infan- It was a pleasure ta have so maîîy aid fri- and new ones, toa, t e-al] and share theh'r iess with us and wish us success in aur new uvaur. To ont and aU we e-xte-nd our Sm- lua-nks. en For School Supplies- the se-hools opening next Tuesday there wiii re annual rush for se-hool books and sup- o f whie-h we have a new and complete -Sa we hope you wilI teil your e-hildren te, ta their "Old School Mfaster" for their sup- This invitation aIs. appiies ta my nany is in the rural districts. EHNSTON'S BOOK STORE J. Hl. Johoston, Proprietor ed when you use Kerslake's Sweet Pickle Mixture you get pleasing resuits 1price-...--...i gal 35e - 1/2 gali. ...-.... 20c Health Saits Giant Modess ind tumbler Kruschen 21c >5c 1 -39c 69C ,2 for 39c rerve Food - 49c Play Sale us - 3c-5c Of course you me-ar te play &C tabs. - 23C sait when e-ye--slght is con- cernec, but you can't always ts 47c-79p be e-xpe-cted ta knaw. Place youm trust in us because we ste - - - 43c are ouptometrists af many bo (C ye-am's experierce. We re- - - bx 10e comme-rd ani fit Canada's 'Ijy Pads - 10e foremost giasses - "Co-ec- t-ai" - tht le-uses for maxi- e- 33c-49c-89c mumr tyt canifart. pices are pure and fresh - Prices are low ge or Art Border Pictures e-est you no more, so le-t develop your ne-it film. P. R. COWLINGPhn. ]B., E I or SMIART rogst $2*50 ta ailer Jersey Dresses Tbis aiso is a nmanu- on ta yau. $1650 been able te offer yau. a maniufaceturers stock m. Sizes 7teo1. for school This g4' j les a-nd piques in the lot. Children's Tweed Coats Chldren's Tweed and Serge Coats, ini green, brown, bine a-nd grty. Sizes 2-4-6-8-9-10-14. Values $4.95 ta S8.95. ,1$2.919 USES Bluses, in sizes ud 14 ta 20i in printed silks, ikers, etc. Va]- :CH ipc PRIJN T DRESSES Two groups of bae-k te se-liol valuin t u bfa-s t print Dresse-s that mea-n a sa-vng for you. 591CUIf9Sc 'Middie Skirts 59e l, Skirts, huttan au top with caftan bodice. Yeu value this item is. Sizes 6-8-10-,12-14-20. 9LUI. Bownaxxville TRE CANADIAN STA7T.SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th. 1936 PAGE F7VE