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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1936, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TI~E CAADIAN SATESMAN4OW vil>'-.w flGrlATTrs SEP' rd'13 et m~~n heu Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interests of th town of Bowmnanvitie and surrounding country, isu at King Street, Bowmanviie. every Thursday. by M.A Jamnes & Sons. owners and publishers. The Canadia Statesman is a member of the Caniadian Weekiy News papers Association. also the Class "A" Weeklieso Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $200 a year; in-hie United States $250 a year. payable in advance. Singie copies. 5 cents THURSDAY. SEPT. 3rd. 1936 Public Utility Proving Valuable Asset to Citizens Th'Ie reîiarkaliie sal f 0111- <tr I a iliv systenlil inst lie £riatitviiigr ti iltliist' iti/ellsw ho hlad t'aith ihi the prii oetf thle svsreîn i l e yeaiN < 111i. rat i'tlottii'ally everviiiie. hi- eiiidiiig thitsi î'îtîivus xiv iî ted againsrtiih puhre h e lîîaîse tliiy sîîîeîrelv hiilievCul it i- xvîse, are todiav glati thiat the loiaI svstenm ht came a îitmlie îîtiiitx îtwnt'd anil tirateti for the oeili<f theto twîî. siîîe the loval 'mii- mlissioni totk <ver thut]()('al sv-steIIiîtiisiît havi liadil a i'dlivtioi iii rates, have soein thi servitle oharge ahoil~ied, and Nwill seilext inîtli anitler reiluttionin ii ates. 'lievx&11 reeeive a eas h î'iate onlthieji1935 auijnts as annoîiîîed lact wee k and i n a fe weeks w ill Seets lie assets of thelie eomnîssioîi fîrthîer eii hanoed hy the new I tilities Building. 011e of the mnst îioterli ini Ontario, wlîipli is fast near- ing comipietion. 'The pureliase o f thle systni ha.s tîrîîedti u tolie ne of the w'sest investineîits eitizeii.s have niade iii reoettvears. Thle eIeetors Who vtted fir thle pureliase have heen vin'- dicated in thîir stand, and those Whlo voted against it have lîeeîx showil 1w aetual operation that they were ilistalkenlhintlîeir viewpoint.. These rNeletin rates. the cashi rehate. and the rehîuilding tif th<'exv u tilities building have not inîpaired the fiiicial stalilitv of the systeîîî. Ample nine remnaîîs ini reserve for any emnegeîîy anîdfor plant renewals. The systeni is rnaking gond profits. and the con- simers are fast hecomning lîydro e-nneious. Thev realize the value'of electrical applianees anîd are using therni to SiInplîfy the hîîrden and drudgery of iouseiuld tas". The result is. that. despite redueed rates tmelose of lîycro is growiting. anti the larger volume oif power useti brings in Yi wxa ke ltxxer horse powxer rates. The ii xx'lo lhaive served on the Publie Itilities cotmmhissioni. anîd uartieîla civ the manager anid hi. lovaistaff are to Ye cngrat- ulatel on the tefficient nianner hii wlivthtv lia ntliel one (if thle t«xii s <st prizeti asset s. l11 pavinLtiff froinpjrofits 1li11!-r stuiîdiiiii de- liitith(t ( 'iîîiïnulissioI i las savedIl inditreîi, or dollars a<ii? îîilI v in iîe est<liiries At last xve have -alî'eai îtiîty . oiixi andi <ipritetili t he <eîpli'foritiihe people. Humble Woodsman Puts Many a Christian to Shame xxek tii' It'Iriii< "aiiî' 'îiîit ed. iii î'îîîîîîtîoîî witli Ii 't \ lîî-. 'î E-xliiiiiti<iii.a 8î'k.ivoiiiitestx hii1îv'l to l.e <lie if tuie îiajiir ;traetîonis of thei- Iliîitiîîi. Ih vac xxiiiliv TlioIna< Wa Ilu. al Vear '14itIloiîiîuiiii xx iii îîiîk J11st '54 ~"kti înak'î'tiîr'e îvioc iniia MiX mii ati' ifd 2% 111<1 fI e Mr . Waii i..xxiNxv jîîî uli if aeIl i vin 'i . l'itit t î ut Ili," aoi ivenioir' l the' iîle t tha;t xci iiî. 'o î111111,11 îîî Iini. a*ie i <t i,* Exîîîiliî. oTil oi Iii li,' (thristiaîih'ai ut fircst tliiîîti h i xi, tii g"îtotii v iesali titli Arî'i xlia l'il' ai handid <,ix î"latiI lit' tii lii' xxrk tif tihiLrdl. il straiglt hf W; or -t)xxîsv iiiitr lotiihe sa Iva rion <Iii.\ 'î heliexî' that if vî'aî.lîi<t s xoîIl rg,iv itîlî' tf our eacîîîngs tii cîîîrl andi<Ie"l% ît b îie thfle churehes îioi'thle Itoor xiiiih suifï,r.\s thie Petechoco Exani i' r says ' Tleîe issoiitii So sulisantilandîîl wile aliiîiit Mthî. at we hope peuople<' xxil I 'ot pass li riî I'<vir it. It would take a iiiglit fine sermotn tii teaelî su great a le-s<n. If people arc yearninu for a touch tof praetieal reigin--and tliev sax tîiev are-then fthece ik alsample w'ortJiî eîntlating,,.* Growing Menace of Communism On Alîgust. l5tli.the first i.îcof "Thc Industnial Worker," a new antî-communist newspape-r w'as publislied in Toronîto. This newspaper will uage a vigorous raitnpaigui against the <,rowin,, mcnaec- of ('ommuntnism iin Canada. So prolifie have becomne the adher- ents to this inistikeiand tlisilluisiolied philtos- ophy, tiîat tIîeY' hax'c iiade tiicmschx'es a inieri- ace to gntîd govt'm'uinînt in thîis Doiniion. Their cliief a ink and utliglit seems toIilut'nue of force anid disorulir. They~ have hîcen active in fonitiîg îtr'ikes iand tispi)it.i's letxvein cap- ital and<l lubon, auliiiidi eveci' sermouis iot or <is' orden it. lias lît'tî suxxîuthla t eîniîmn istsliuave bceuî tIi-îl'ixiuv tî'î" ihiuîd the st'ues. Tl'ie I îuîlîîstu'iîJ \\'tii' i"has i'er'tivi'd f tic <'tin-' tht' i îiîs 'iav 'it'k.u' ii i ' shleilid ii IT paigril il lis îi'iu'i tî'f tii *<', l'l'v ul. o (ig, î j1 'it 1ii-'ý 'i (iîi 1i l t a. 1ill'Ithi s 1. i f b t îuuî the Vor t hus Ii'ix l lie. i t li(' ilui uîtk, lui tPoi I t t i'x l, ;11'i îîî"iî vt ui ri ortiu'î t <i't u îiî'îi"îiîftiîs pro- ,%iti"î iI ii n l i ittis li 'rx io thit iire haî I i p i <'<'lut. ii' t iilii'n'e gt't a ho nus. tha t t hie loxt'est xx'a ge pa id iibove thle jte-r-d-ad----o ico-th ie sot n sesi 1 i 'I iIIIîd xxa.s 47o per houx', alffltlîît thîe Iow'est ---KLI.the x'aund ab os beongîng vthuset heeis t ndle s h'ti ite W'uve iiii'r.rriiutl vas53' pr htur Tu ~ JJ11 an ~ered until lufe was quite extinct. ting on their bottoms. YOU mayý xvîir3olieriiî. Tel UuivLD a diM NEI W. R. R. Cawker had it.s leg brait- warld. A fewx hours later the tîde' '<'raiu of$5e s ai'oin (i- BY JOHiC. KIaîîî en by' a kickt from another horse i comes in and balance is restoreci. BY JOHN C. KIRKWOODter in the Pasture field an Sunday,j We should neyer allow shoîtg îedh.(opriht fîortaigi' itef$01 sgxenwres fe n A. t lOlitlhis iî id s$1o00tifter tliree vars Bon- aCpndgt had to be shot.. or abundance to trouble us ver-y ian IItssu.- e t'roiî7L, to -$250 pîer dilx . ý' îîîî- Mr. and Mrs. John Keachie. much. Either or both miav be who have been absent for three evîdence of a change in position ta- îîi'soiiihi'txvî'ii tii tv stories pltts the ('ont- had occasion quitte recentiy ta pud: for another. steel was! months vîsiting frîends in Eng- ovec xxhich ve as indvdai x of liit îx'îipî' 1iivi' -iit atxxîhama onctdxîhPr-àfer'iie d: manufacturers knexx I'and and Scotiand. and Mcs. and eî'cîse not the teast contrai. Th1' Iliîiîtî'i:l Worki'r 1;aue,1 îii'ii tii the. aluminuin îndustry. 1I ;xent haxv to use steel, and did not Miss Muir. who have also been oni A sxveli exaînpie is the sxvecp- iý,iliand 1ta interview him. ta get a staryknoxx' how ta use aluminuin. Sa a trip ta the Oid Sod. retucned stake AI: of a sudden Sani Ap- fi~iti îiiilitiîsii î<lils faisîhtiotriii afId about the advertising and sales the nxakeî's of aluminuni thein- home on Satuî'day. reparting- a piebum xvhose acqua:iance vth ea. fisI' st<ti'iiii'its '< îl ays.tîte'itorir k apractices af the Canadian makers sle a abcnemnfc-vr og worid's supply cf rnineM. el la.îiîxx'paperîîa of liî.± tai(iiL. iî laviii , boiîi o f aluminum. but I xxent axxaylurers of aiuminum praducts. and On Monday iast Miss Mccui- dom exceeded a tvo dollar bill, % vth more information about the s-i they becamie comipetîtori; off laughi. xho is Ieavinýg taxxn forxxvins fif'x' tlîousand. Immîeduate- wîit hit h ~Toiîitî< Tîleranii fir i5lt X i neietai. ils lhistacy and romance. the veî'y firnus xxhose custamte elvle a rsne iha iv he feels that the:'e us more ,îîîî vi h srt5 f iihi'î ii"sae i'sii x 'ih-'and its uses than I took axxay inx'.anted. In the course of bisn very handsome ring by the inemi- iiv l'iehîîlîsî'ahWorIer t'(e'x s it l) iiiit te ay of knoxx'edge concernîns I ather manuiactuî'ers began ta bers off the choir af St. John's î'fI'oI't5 tii steli i iî î'iiî I i i'<iv how aluminuin is marketed. And appî'eciate aiumînum. and sc. Church. Miss McCuIIough lias in Canada.i now I wanîta pass on to others lbought it - in the form 0of alumi- been a miember of the choir fir lii<'i ilili xhaL I iearned about a inetal* inum alioys. The chief merits af some years. v hîich h ad not possessed much of the metai are: it is x'ery light. W. S. Russell. W. C. King, J. Bravo, PremierDuplessis! esoff The Statesnuan wili find ste r opr it is non-corros- B. Mitchell and John Marî'is wei'e mr-htI rieinteresting, and pr-ixe. i or rain: and it is a prize winners at the provincial or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ve, tîîîxa l>"iîr'o axx"k aps instructive. good heat conductor and con- rifle matches in Toronto iast 1 _ o r t i o 1 1 1 - e l )i j îhl f e s . s i s o r Q t e viî' ' A l u m i n u m . a s m o s t p e r s a n s d u c t o r o f e e t i i y o a h e k h o a m u t w n b Listxi" at"ixdknoxx' is aur lîghest metal. In products using aluminunm are te was5195.50. S P E C leIIiîviIIv Ii, tr'oubhles \vealrt'luiilv. its pure form it is rather soit and many. for example. coating uten- tLong Sault : The friends here 1- f fixe huîl"l eîiîîlî. viii' î'eal îîîaîhhi"tiePerhaps of flot much use. But sils, power cables. chiemical ap- ntend building a nexv church stlort' if lî îîpo iîlitiî'al friî'iiîl, xvi"i t xot hen 't is made into an alioy- aa 'nrhtctridt i extsumr Inbhf fhs OnSl Tusdy F tr latietliii tht'ex n 'oilînial eahiiiuit. andî thiev 90' or more af aluminum and girders and spandce.s; aîî'craft. a public meeting is ta be heid on iîi it<iat' \ven"it tut the'Pitiî hoi .,~ ti t tili the remainder iron or capper orautomobile parts. street car bod- Monday xxhen addî'esses xiil be etm r 1'some other mnetal - it becames ies, paint. caliapsîble tube con- given by sex'eral clergymen.________________ Iiiii ýhattho thlig i fhifi. Priîiier ])fi- hard and most usable. I do not tainers. washing machines, creamn Zion: Zian chui'ch xxhîch has e îlî'ssis reflislil tii sî' ttII'III.huit is.sîî'1î1 a stati'- knaw hoxx many varieties of ai- separatars. x'acuum c lea ne cs. been cioseci for t men'ît inIi x idi ie saitl iii lart,-t.Il elit've in a îoys there are, but always the ce- chairs and tables. ornaments. be re-opened on Sunday when Connors nluOer Sn, Ilgviei'iit'itout stiIIilitv-. sd .Irt search men are finding out same This is but a partial list. It is Rev. W. R. Barber of Richmond _________________ tî~ i.îifidui< alloy with special properties. used for the xxrapping 0f candy. Hill xxill preach. ihîiicvaîî holicst '. I don 't iintýic to w'aiver and so widexuing thEý commercial ai tea. off cigars, off chexxing gum. The Methadist churchi at Hay- r I fi'iinî thîis îpromîise' îîl i 1>oat iiîtiid Iiolue and industrial uses ai aiurninum. in the form off fou., and foi' the don has purcha.sed a nev. organ Summer Pride PE i- il nIiîe'itîîîl 1-xfui îatîî's or extreîîîists vheîthîîr Aluminum is a rather comînon'insulation off houses. truckts, rail- from the Bowmanxille factam ____________________ tlî'h i'Ftvii areaiaiis orsi .eviî mineraI. iound almost every- way cars and reirigeratoi's. In- Jcish.1) I xusti idr h teIal" îî xhere. but it is in only a iexx deed, il wouid take a good deal of o dr » l i h 1 v s t la er ofm.thei e ad r.el p a es and countî'es w here it oc- space to itenize all th e use Pusa doT k eJU N K E T o d r r It '(iplv ' i'aviî Premuier Di)tplessis.- T he ce arepast mine it.On of tems There are today lmni atteii'too i> li o Iuse ,x'litlits xviii>productix'e countries is Britishshingles - x'ery light. and these xx'îî tt 'ui hegocruheît irhae t îîî ~'Guiana in South America. There shingies are painted ta match the By Scribe "G" Cider or White Wine S vli o 'inte -ý_rnin o àv tthe minerai is found in a pinkish- coloring af the building. * m-_______________ -sonlie pcî'solial fi'ieîit xv oseill*x' iîîulificatiiiîî grayish ciay which is easy to dig inum paint lias become lagelyf Drix'inig into the city last Sat- 1is Ili: polities anid lot bis abilit ' to fuI the and treat. and which yields pure used on both outside and inside urday, w7e saw a blackt and white Gold Medal MARMALADE ... ioffiî'e. We doubtx'eu-v innu' i w'hether t is thie aluminum in iibei'al amounts. walls. The paint. microscopicaîly, cow licking a Jersey. Nathing fî'î'îd liy ae liiîkui abut asuîui'i s T his dlay or source material is s flaky. and the flakes averlap. odd or uniniendiy about that. At Bulk SOAP FLAKES frien theý are hinktng abutcaailedie"bauxite."callTh"baxword Thiswsod makîngkin aametal susu ceiace h teic anethem same yatdme a few RMAyards .a..a........N.....A. ......... 1is the job ortithe grraft tliey hitie to g<'t thicin- derived fromn the name off a place suni and exposure do not injure, a Jersey was iicking a blackt and r selves. Prenmier Iîiplessis lias evideîîtlx' takcii in France. where aiuminum is ai- On inside walls and on machines, white cow. This seemed singular FRY'S COCOA ..................... a leaf froîîî the booîk<if Premiejr Hepburitin ~so iound. the aluminum surface given by but ut evened things up. No mat- CROWrN SyRUp _ ................. 7oui' oxvîî prîîvilîce. wxho lias slivii that <oi J C K paint mates daylight last longer ter whether such scenes are evi- Ale NATSFO niedaledoerintin lo t b sallp,ý11,1(j Bauxite has not been found in and s0 saves money by reducîng dence off love or a taste foar sait. ymrIFNSFO uiîuiîilcîl'teiiiîatiîi Iu) ti it stiipiil'dCanada. though. of course it may artificial iight bills. They make 'they remind one off the constant POST'S BRAN FLAKES bv a..igtatiîi'- dand officesek's be some day. This bauxite is milt canis of aiuminum, and beer interplay of 'Give and tate.' braught to Canada f rom South; barreis, and tank bodies for the The world itseif is in balance. ZINC JAR RINGS ............... America ta a large plant in Que-1 trucks off ail companies. For ex- While mast things seem in a Gold Medal FLOOR WAX Now for the Rural Sehool Fairs bec, ait Arxida. There the dlay us ample, a mutk truckt with a capac- Istate af flux. taten aitogether treated, in order ta separate the îry of 225 fix'e-gallon mutk cans there is equipaise. If you gîve a PAROWAX...........-.............. ('ouuiieluiiug todax'. J)îrhaui ('outv '.Ns m',Ira] t aluminum. This plant in Quebec wa%'uid carry a ioad 1125 Ibs. light- girl mare tisses than. she gxe rsoPc A AE seinitîl fujrs ý_ft et tiuihier %wav. xxithî lblaikstiii'k s there becaujse of the praximity 1e- than the load xx'uld xxeigh if bacit, some ather guy is getting huoîliîvthiirfai ttda iT liî'siax . ef<rtoa immense hydroelectric pawer the milit cýns xxere made of steel. mare than his share some place JAVEL WATER, Beats Al hoIIiIý1 her airtola' (husda- 1 ef ) "'plants. for a hufge amount off el- The increasing xxeight and sizelelse. The wocld supply off "gîve HAWE'S FLOOR WAX ...... tih' (11dl of the uioluthi uiiotIieî er'ies tif vail- ectricity is required ta treat the ai locomotives and railwxay cars and tate' remains the same. fiabîle faiiîs viîî lia vi'e eii oinffheteî'iI.11,1îî îîul- day. and passenger cars was praxing That is ta say. no "give" is exer dro-sof(-IiiirýtiivliAnd here, pei'haps. is the place too much for the rails aver xxhich actually iast. It figures in the ~- urs )fî'îiîlî'îxviihi'tiiîi'lu'tcufauii'5for a lîttie story. Away backit n they ran. and s0 locomotives and sumn total of things. o & B e tif tIIl' future,'î' httîr Ibtetxxivs nî r the 80's cf las, century a Pro- cars had ta be I'ghtened. and this If yau loat at the o'ean xxhen WW tî iiui tuiiivithe flletaws o îf sî'îîhfiu esri arcnc schooi or. lightening ,xxas accompiished by ____________________ tcaiiiuiuîv. Thoix viilhuaîve triiiuia' I wtiti'r ýoIlege intObeclin. Ohio. sa;d ta using aluminum. Sty-scraper Lbys kîî ixi't vi tf uîaiu isi'uii ihase tf 'v'x uiv is ciasa hat a fortune awaited xxere gettîng rtoa heax'y for thei .i;-1. the mani x'ho xxouid discaver a foundations. and sa. as they grex w fiivtx.loit îîi*x' intiil ~tat'ii<i 5ili' ti n .xxax' by xxhich ta mate aluunu talerthexe xxas necessuts' for' arp pe tit 'it lHi ilie hca ii'h < 'ti' ti ".liiitun commercial quantities. Th;s 1dîîin-the.x'eghton fundtio ;il(u li it,'l'iiv îuu'îîtari îîîîidt<e,11 it' rralenark fîred the umagination and Sa naw they are using alim:nuni fairi'iv'us lh toiîl i kt if 1)u ri i iiaîbi*ion and resolution off a guu'dprs and spandrets ta replace I x, 11 al ai s f li w . h o w i l ) ' ( o : 1 h e et h i m el t h t sk o f f f n d in e . T h e y a re b u ild in g bP a i n t ,-i h iF . . W. t iiît i Ilu iihî"t sîî îxi i-iii ,f 1'. A. 111iiiout a xxas bv xxhich he cjuld aluminuinAluniunurn us înuch a n illoris .v 'îîi iîa i'i'is'uît i' ,'Iît înatue aîuminum. i,,.ed un the autoniobiie undust5y- i tuuîx.<tI xîiiti' 't~pu'eriitel <i n*~ At ffrst he experumenued xxith'foi' cylunder heads unennsad With vacations over, pre- PH N 59 pl rt îîî't itiof 'Aiitrti't'ro l)u lir tilIo11tiof c hemicaLs. wu:ih no progre'ýs. Tiien 1 for- en2une casunLs. and ;n the paration of you.r home for F:i~~m~ iu~iii S'iiiii ulliî'iu' u.i ~~*he tred eectrucily. Eiecttrctv shaft:ng and. gears.I the winter season is next ,1irslui(j 0,i iiI ..' jiiii- ~,[. lie founil a' thc botouîîoff 'the In -'i- sto,;y of alu:înum ni: onteceda. Whth xeýseI be:ng u 'ed a feu' pellets off umsp4ira:uIonal mnessaize ta yaîung present low prices on quality Dalgtire alumuinunii. Then lie pa- iîen. The y*oili Hall -xho dx,- I paints and the special room DalgtSavin ie o ng ntdhue proce.,ss. and untere.5'ed cox'ered a inîe'hod 'of f maluna i lot pnices on wallpaper you - j c'ap'ual.ts n:hmand hus dis- aluininuni on a comncical <-cale i.ilt' ) xx j ti <qîî i ~ < ltc.overy. This oiung inan . uarned xxorted un a xi.oodsied. xvth honme- can intake oud homerath H S w l 11 Hall. becaine an emiplovee. He iade apparatus. Hi.s :Hgme ofrtbeadatatv ~~~~~~~î ~ ~ ~ ~ r xv iuih111Hj >tiai. x 'îiIss..fu.'c n the 'company h.s u ndustry and hus re5olutiDn t for a verv small cost, itiu i~< s f~' titiii xt a i 11 i ixtii' x'h:i.emîi'ioyed l.:ui. ,and 'n thý 'vxe reuexauded. and husnaine s! i i Is xxii t t .t , ti11!t11il'iltilt cxtiti e co0urse off'lis ýeau., Il"xwa.; p:uo - :r..<u':ýbed on fihe xxu'd.5 oi Paint urices are likely ta iix ii.'Ii;1 ii lt 11e u i'i I ed, untul lie becami, a highrh'oi off benc-factors. Goodycear.' the1 advance in the near future. be: r.mcommner'ce. lttc Hall. waS ppiýdidfololt-s \-.iiJshle:'e I nîen'.ou'ha, al- 'arei on the wax'yta fame ar.d< SU'NWORTHY AND SUN- iliil iiid 1'\ iiu;a1.1un iu:a a st . Fu'ei"- ,):",,ne by a chance i eut i ~ ~ t i-n5~tlsti~ . ~' Sî an. -xx'ortung in Fuane. uke-,x' -ui~w.'ao-sin:u hs he-ir--TESTED PAPERS utlt. ui x f tai ii < tf le~'lii' ýsocoxered 1rhý,' waxa n. <te alun,,- ung. 'hat a fortune ava"ed the1 e-rr15(ol Iiiii W(l ol ilfai llo ili mui -eb5. aidienruil iran si h o found a vaY ila inalie eulr1col 1 lit' totixiixx'til i i îî t Iî"liii x' lit' 1îî'î i' thi-x it'uh Haills. There va., andi l no rnbbeu' tu'able un commierce. Soi ii-Ilit t ii' siîîî't 'tit itIl'liii tuit)l,. 1Iiil;.~t qastono 'creste.ilin4 the other GoedyeCar set about thebsre. On Sale 10c roll xxiii'iu\ iliv i t. ii's vt'i"aiv iy ue.>.1tablii' iians: dt a. It us jus' aLn :ustra- off mît k'rig h's d:caxery. He tmiedi tuai off 'Pc fac' that era*,nîunds for- yeam's ta ffnd a way. a nd wa s evexi î' ttt i l tii' niiist. il ni tiit 'h lhî it'"unudued cliarne!s run." un deb' ait on. and xxa.s inuiii.soned- vz't ua litt ritd orit ti vix ien t is streeliedt ttJ C K for debr : yet in the end he tru- Tii î'îîtf Setpi'îi'. It k s;lxývav*s),-s it., îî- The nten xxho taotkup Hall's uniphed. tAlnd sofanceîîedfoton . J e ~W Cii v'îîiî'îlii uil'ut". .5> lit'fuio kliii". wia patentus established a largeumani- and ontemn fte forof tttî'tir'tiîivituîvloiier uiactnruug pattimk lm ot n on e osleze Pone w30ne . thu ii.u of roitiiiiii, ivetij\unum. They had pienty off vision. hard problema aof the wor-l.d--oi- anil TheY saxx many profitable uses ten without capital. The Debt 1 Owe My Home Town for aluminium. u magined: I suggest ta my young reader.3uoSpca for aluminum. But when they orf famouas imventars and duscover S Capacitx 250 gals. If allillyîx citizenisliip accoulits wt'nt î.alanu'ed xxent ta ffrms to eld the alum- ers. Thus they may be nspired per liaur. witli 30 at this t'ýlte. 1 woiîhli pte ~~dî'htîr. Iax'en ,t1,numrn hey found them quite un- ta attemrpt great things. and it is gallon GaIxanized aI tes v'asI vid iIirîth IinLsoftu'es pensive. Fac ane thung. attempting that one achieves 'JanE atiîx' îîsî are< al t live ien te iits ofax'ei pruce was very high - about $5 and attauns. $ 15 --- uadî the benefît <if its sehools andi î'Iuunýlîs? T1 epyeîs' eie li xeî ilIad the use tfif ts librar, parks antIudn .u na D sa tr s FOR REAL Js think of being able publlic pIlaces? llaven't I had the protection nT eDî J ita tPatUAL r u sn, -t e lrlciit -1 of its fini', police and heicath departmenit?, 1________________________Q A IY..1nîgwtrtruhu W111- îuî. ti .'eutiu ia 'iitlltpar'i-ur escor.e'd bY hec father. ýmr. Henry j. Knigýht lad charge .,îh-ut ntî,cc- Itîîx six 'Thisis ii' nwi, ' sothat Icili 1The ceî'moy vs perfacmed lby '0ofthe progu-am xxith Miss Qeci- sik< : ,1 Th't'iiils IisI i'l'x, n e îîî(îî'R.ev. C. W. Barceit off Hampton. rue aweras pianîst. fake pri( le illils r0ýj)vrfY, il] 1w olioli, AsMm'. Bo*right, Le.tai'd. xxas rd a k xxiiiii ii îtistfix'î.aui iit iitiil >sdix ung homextard from Maple N G RC i îuu î< ii ii lb ixelt îîîîîr li Grox e ait Siuday' uu"ht. hLs harse,! 1 4ýjj (o li, (Il . - ) %-ýj1,it ffrightencd at an automobile and From The Canadian Statesmnan. ni- Gî' ixxiu lv ix'ui i gîî'uuitiiotf' îîivstîf. barted agauu,t a baukt lrawiniu September 3rd, 1886 $60. Mccs. Botriphit and daugliter aut. _____ luit h. xix iîiv 'iii I 'xiiiiiut ~iilii ~ TIi' lady 'rceie. d a cuir and bled iiiiv t-ii u t Lfif <41;4 t'î)ft 1 wý t ii"'îx'i 'Il. pmfuselv. otlerwî c lttie Huniptünoit Sex eca 1 off oui' un-- I .adonc. hab.uaitt. are on ihe sc k 1ust. <'hu luv'.Dr. G. C. Bauryca;tie i.s tatun£, alltigth te nuiîîbec beuug a pos' gradluate <cl-nuire f at tite Waid. t. L. Brown, Mrs. Bedfor'd, YOU Royal Coliegýe off Dental Surgeans. Mrs. J. Clatworhy, and Williîaîî Ci' zt'n, iu gr'5atnumubers isrHaiiulyn. Ou Manday morn- _____________ Brothers ai'reu iiii xx x'iuî o.> t i he ew hay hth vllge'E.jlil-S..oý W'ii'tio ii'i i 'oItI iii tos: jit'.$50.000 5'odý'eai' bii:l'duu xx'th fu':gliî t aiimiribi'ella ('ai'iied1)1 by I H R Yo iii 11' w tli liIi x x ltiii w- ii.ti rl iigreat speed,soiiie c'iîld'eut. Turîung ,iudidell- I"BEST IN THE LONG RUN W hetIl il i i i I'ill ýii' ii u-r lei ie t i-, aunouuced orf ly, lie' caps/cil tht' buggy, trcoux - ________________________ M*wIi'lii 'e'iti Iv foi. i tl olilthat 's mta i GesorgE..daiuhter off the iateuin,-,the' ocut'C ouiit arandidnjur- L Gereand Mr.. Stupes. New-i'ng Ps shoulder considerby n r s 01- it' 'îîîî'î cl îtst îîhiî'i"xi <tonxille. ta Fr'ankln V. Rictard. Ou Tliur.dax afteinoona 'tOe sborn r s l';îk1'ý ito l oavoiîuîx'il. I Itît's sîtmîtI l i )îv lié)tii o - son <if Mr. sud Mis. John 'Iild of Jouît \'.icoe, xxha luxes j .1 îsif hiiik i îîxii. i 'siiii piiix'tiiRickard. Nexx'-cagie. Tnie mai'- on Elgin Street. x'lîie piaying iilPON 9 ovor li' al Ili b)Yoij1*1age will tate place i Septeinher. teYard. feu ii a rain barre,PHN 29 EignA. lu jesi. Bawmranx'ille aud î'icunity has 1Wi x'îch %v as suîtitssaue distance mn 1Kilng Street Bowmnanville money an earth. Nothing cauid be farther fronu the truth. Al ,that hiappened was severai thous- 'and sucters callectively Partecj xxith smali suma. aillaiof *ch "went West." The worid.s ;up- puy af money ixas nat thrxvn ou' a.' balance by the slighitest. M\11. Pem'cy Greeniield rep-e. senrative off the Prudentiai Lffo Assurance Ca.. lia-s .oined thae Baud. having voiunteered his seu-- vices aftei' notîcing the band x', shtuî't off druiimeu's. He xxvas gi-- en a heam'ty wvelcome by î- bandsmeu at theur practice Moe day nîght. 1 rid Food JALS eriday and Saturday 3 -4 -5th iacks 3 tins for 14c %S 2 tins for 21c ý Tablets 2 for 23C !inegar C,-llon 35c 1 ...................32 oz. jar 28c .........- .. 3 Ibs. for 23c ............... .....package 32c ........... ....- 1-2 lb. tin 210 ...- .......... No. 2 tins 18c ...................- .. 2 tins 19c . ................ ... pkgs. 25e ..................... ... doz. 21c .............. -.. .. lb. tin 25e ................... 2 pkgs. 25C ................. .. pkg. 1o .................. 2 botties 15c o tin ELLES BOWMANVILLE saveTh 15 cto turn taps and get the home, the barn and 'Emea" bathroom in- nlimited hot and cold ter Pump :eni )Iete............. $8 1.50 with ail $06 ing ..............$0ý zxurai JJwellers Free of Charge-for operating deec- trie 1)tlfips to I)fox'ude'x t"nre pressure for H-ouselioîd Sanitary systenis. For Sale By Bert Parker Plumber Phone 651w Bowmanville if'rite for free itustrated bookleu'ç at once and start on the road ta nîadernizitig Vaut hoie. EMPIRE BRASS MFG,.CO., LTD. 34 London Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancotver 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONITARIO. THUR-SnAV c;irpr iA lûjQ

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