With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 82 ______ BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBE-R-10, 1.3NUBE 3 ROYALS WII Community Park Scheme Is Strongly Advocated Friday By Speaker At Rotary Club Charles Hl. M a s o Urges A 11 Servic Organizations To Gt Together To G i v~ Bowmanville an Oui standing Playgroun Bowmanville's great need of central park, ta be the mecca children. and sportsmen, wi stressed in a most capable addr. by Rotarian Chas. H. Mason the Rotary Club on Friday. M Mason was speaking in hais capaA ity as Chairmnan of the Commut ity Sei-;ice Com.mit tee and m outlining a few of bis though along the line of comimunity in provement. Af ter paying tribi ta the fine wark of Mr. J. Morden along this line. Mr. Mý son stated be was heartily in ai cord witb the development of centrai park. He wanted ta s a swimming pool. basebail di maond, a beautiful landscape, an a real playground in the heart( tbe town. and be added that 1 tbougbt it was part of the Rotai Clubs duty ta set' that this wor was ;sponsared. IL is tao big a job for one ci ,o bandit'.lhe added. but why ni inake it a job for Roary. Lian Xomens Institute. Lodges. Sa, leties. and Durhamn Old Boys' A, sociation and such groups. He was canf:clent if a start wa mnade aiong thîs lune. tbat Dur ham aid boys and girls intereste in tbeir aid homne tou-n woul giadly .îin w::hl the townsfalki seeing tiat thîs vital ne2i wa cared for. Mr. Mason said that amon ather needs in 'thet' :wn were generai impravement in tbe busi ness section witb more moder tare front. and better light which in turn wauld reap bette business for the mierchants. H exPres-sed a hope that a rea bandstand %vouid be erected. reulace the horst' and piank af faýr now in use. and he wvant.? ta see benJhes piaced in the' pari and flaýxer cardem, laid mut. We belont' ta a R'ariy Club). 1i .'ad ea.,, we want ta t' Service Before Self. Leti keep aur town in the' mat ch0 pro ' re-s. anid let us ': that 'ser v:'fe wh:ch t he motta of Rata:- demands of lus. Mir. Mason aisa touiched an Il t netdof improx ements at Bown manvilie Beach, andi the' aid ir ircuring a . c-pable bandrnuas:<* for the' Canadian Legian Banc whîch wa îîiv ing un.se:fisily it.s service ta tht' !OIIIIIn;ty. Boy Scouts Start Season'sActivity Bowmanx ille Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs are gett.ing under way witb their fali program nexi week. The Scouts will meet at theGy aI Central 3cisooi ai 7.15 anar) on Tut'stay night, anti tht' offic- ers waultiiket' taset' 100,, aI te'ndance anti tvery boy preseni an lime ta gel off ta a gooti tart On Thui'sday nigbt tise Cubs wil. meet aitishe same place ai o'clock ta tari Iheiî' season'., work. Ail boys n'ishing ta jair either tht' Cubs or Scouts anE asked ta a'tend these meetings a-, a nexv troop anti a nexv pack are likeiy ta be organizeti. Several nesv leader's have been lineti ut anti it loaka hlike nere off for oui biîgt'st sear yet. Tht' age foi Cuba ia 8 ta 12, anti for Scouts, 12 la 90, sa letas go. MAHER SHOE STORE HAS NEW MANAGER Alex Wilson To Take Course At Guelph - Stan. Môrrison of Port Hope Is New Manager For tise second lime wilhin a few weeks, tht' management o! tise local branch o! tht' Mahier Shot' Stoaies i formeriy Nabor- hoati) has changeti. Mr. Alex Wilson, better known ta bis fri- endis as Santiy. bas lefi tht' em- play o! the' Maber Company ta enter thse Agricultural Caliege at Guelph whiere he n'ill lake a J course n'hich xiii eadt b is be- coming a Veteiinary Surgeon. Duing bis short stay here Mr'. Wilson matie many fiientis wiso regret iii.s tepaî'ture. H-is Position as manager o! tihe' lorai store wilh be taken by Mr'. Stan Moirrison. who cames here iran Kingston. tise store, flot tht' other institutiomn. Mm. Morrison is a Port Hope boy, anti has been with tise company twa anti a hall years. Ht' is a inember o! tise1 United Church, is single, anti vei'y gooti iooking. alihouglishewont admit if. Like bis predecessr e la boarding at Mrs. H. Cabuns (King Street. EASTERN HERE NEXT FREDAY _ONTARIO Passes Bylaw HM NV Machines In Town~ o F c ip'wnance Coriit sn ted Arr uÂL.s w îiîr ýIi i.0 nû'7 :'Z j T o Bides n Bse$972.59 of regular accaut and $1n2 fr el.ef purpo'ses. They ce ould Lorike T Se Line Said to Be i were ordered paid. ce~~a Elontoritionld Councillor Sic i Lttle, chaîrman iet 1 rs At Local Hospital BaoCnito Roads and Streets. reportý-d e rs J. H. Werry. Horsey Street, Qý Slot machines in Bowmanville need of repair.s. It was decided it- is appealing to public spirited cit- i viii in future be taxed $25. each, ta Place notices forbidding thie id izens ta joîn in a campaign for a.~ccordîng to the provisions of a use Of the' bridges by heavy trafrlc. the' installation of an elevator at bylaw passed by the Town Courn- Mr. Lttle aiso recoînmended that Bawmanvilie Hospital, Mrs. Wer- cili Thursday night. Originaily the bridge south of the Cream of ry, whtheabymadeptheidedsforoa-$10.00 Barley miii be painted, and stat- a~~~~h ry, wo bapmadvthefîsfdon CHAMP'.IONSHIP Win Coveted Honor Second Year In Succession In Two Straight Games FromCards Second Battalion HeId Annual Service Rev W. Franklin Banister, minister of St. Paul's United Church. conducted the annual service of commemoration of the plaicing of the famous Second Battalion colors in that church f to oadtiensae htlicense, but afercnsdral ed that it realynedda e was attendled by many members Bowm.anville Rayais became va the need is very great, and nurses ~ discussion, the' fee was raised f0to tp. o h Io eod umneiEsenOtroItreit -es are now required ta carry heavy $25.00. The nt'w byiaw wiil likely Dt'puty Reeve Edmondstone re- _______ 4 . I Branch rof te anad an eion.eutie yler fwhe tec odmbon at patients up and down stairs from have the effect of eîther abolish- parted an offer by the Countie., aCol.oNfP.tAe andan memio.ber 'rugthve Kihnsthn Crdîna %.tbe operating rooms. Mrs. Werry ing tbe siot machines f romi thet'taf ix a cuivert on Scugag StreetCo.NP.Aeadra n-b touhheKgsnCrdas a-is confident that there are enougb town. or at ieast garnering irý or a 50-50 basis. but recaminend- 0f the Second, was the guest solo- ta a 14 ta 3 victory for the se- in- interested people in the district Rt.. Rev. A. L. Fleming, D.D. cansiderable revenue for inunici- eti that the Clerk write andi offer Hon. Vincent MXassey ist. Col. L. T. McLaughlin, war- ond straight win of the serles, as serveti by the hospl who wouid Lord Bisbop of tbe Arc tic, and Pai purposes. ta supply the stone and the coun- Canada's High Commnissioner time commander of the' battalion, tht' gamne being piayed, in King- -ils contribute toward this worthY weil known as Canada's flying A notice was received. fromn the ties do the work. Councîl wouid ta London, and Mrs. Vincent Mas- *was present. t th.isnmoednt i no kow i- abject, and would like ta set' a bishop, wha is ta be guest speaker Provincial Gavernment to the ef- authorîze no aiber expenzse on tht' sey are spendîng but ten days in AtwhenanmohmentiBI omanvill ute funti starte t t see that this need at Bawmanviîîe Rotary Club, of fect that in future the' town wak hchi nacanyra. aaa etr:gt Lno ywilî play its next game as Inger- L. was supplieti at the bospitai. Ail which lie is an Honorary Memn- wauid be expectedt t pay half the Several hedges which block the the Empress of Britaîn Sept. 12thý HAMPTION MANsaiwomtear uoedt a- persans interesteti in this worthy ber, an Fridav. The Bisbop wiîî cast of pravîding insulin for needy view xIhen aproaFcPlny inte- Last Sat.urdy Mr. and Mrl- ac mavement shoulti communicate tel of lbis recen-, travels i inhs diabetes cases% in t.he town. In cin nsvrlscin fteO ake fNwatexeehn ELU A H 0 tnoneneos the iir gam t Mii 7a with Mrs. Werry. huge diocese. the' largest in thie tbe past it has been supplieti free ftcwn ,vill be irimmeti off to make areti by a visit from Mr. and Mrs. ONCOMING CAR tno ensaten hi ,ee 1world. by the government. The matter for clearer vis:an.i Massey, Mr. Waller Seidon of aonthr a i e Hweer, payc ______________theBardofToronto. father of Mrs. Parkeraohrgm.Hwvr ac la-eereitateBor !h avinge ewayeci the confidence of A., the resuit af seriaus headth te papers or ask the' police, ;nd FREEMASONS TO Heaith. Hiesjl ly ee 'e~asytniyfrhî njurie's suffered Monday nîght. While George Piper was re- af~~~~~~~~~h HOLaRCETIN ASERfOTA IOThyapliatonrfth' scr nra SEptemýber 7th, at about 8.45 p.ifl" stricting tht' Cards to eigh-t luts lie HudsonCa., Toronto, for reap -_____________aat- an hxerussord nthe liy NEWCAsTrLE HALLI ELECTRICAL ASSrct st n uior 's On Satu rday Afternoonnio ,h n Joestuc f Haupto-tre rk MEETrs BROCKVILLE laid on tht' table and oxembeis C iknPeSne lies in tht' Oshawva General Hos-1 batters borbed tht' offerings of af tht' coucîl wt're Pied ta con ub Comunty allToBe ceofo side i i wud e avsa t' tan- Word was received ai on "" PItal in a critical condition. 1 Ostrander and Light for sixteen Il CmuiyHl oB cn f ie fi ol eavsbet today that Blowmianville %ill Tht' ac-idt'nt occurred about :saliti blows andi count.ed in every a. elcome ta Grand M1aster of Tht' East.ern Onro Munîc:pa i ne local autittors. It was meet Hagers-'ilIe in the' Serni- About half of Box niian',ie' one' mile east of Harmony, and: inning but tht' seventh andi Cra.t i Ocobe ElctrraiAssciaionxvii hu is pintd a: tat her xvs a Finals for the O.B.A.A. In- businesmen seemedti tabe out 'ott cmleecircuistanct's sur- t'ighth. Four runs were marked )C- anu.cneta nBiakii ag"i having inexperienceti termediate Titie of Ontarjo. the ch:cken supper at Ty:ane on rounding tht' accident art'se m-u in tht' first. ont' runner reach- Lios0 naiaDsrc t a et 6h otnn ha auditors, the' Mayor îelat'ng, that The' first gaine of the series tht' t'veninz of L.bor Day. For a w~hat of a mystetry. eti home in each of tht' second aranig aenetan i t rlncen :nn~ he' ti erhaf ni oe years 0f local wilI be played in Bon-inanNille reai !hones'-to-gadne3s in e'al, Accordina ta tht' driver ,fth'anti th;rd, three more triakieti *a Grrand n oetrai hiiicen tmm nteHotel autiiiing a defic't o.,$60.000 xvasion Saturday afttrnoon at 3.30) with everv-l'nir that the heart car. Mr., James R. Grainger, Of. over in'tht' fourth anti again in - 'GaýMaster, M. W. Bra. A. J.' Man::anna anti c o n t i n ii n a founti. of wh:ch s u c c e e di i n g and the chlio~nsol es:rýd anti the stoma-h craveti M\cLelian street. Tre'nton, the' in-th'nthatio'cotews r-d Anerson KdateMP.,ai teweas-jthiauehout the' atternoon. Th2 cautnri., badti ltany know1edge. be on hand to see Botman- f . rtht' Tvrone ,up-.)er va.s a rea' jureti man was walking aiong tht' scoret in tht' sîxth. t'd~~ditrc île t sinedat J.ardtht enir.t n of . ft.redi". ht'1at:cart'sh eehehxay nd udhneyfel intht id of Octaber. Tentative plans xere. istriet served bonthsville -oiout J. B.enar theodf- ed .noOO cashhe Iae go ort to avenge twt' de- i Whitt' tht' Rayais were pîlîng as castie Thursday1,"'-- Bowmianvilit' is preý.dent, extt'd îty crssfamtt Txn al,'m-fnIsb hi ai :ccîpi, cksanimcsiieshet wsapaetl tuc y ni iptcth'Crdnlswr xvhn ,baît ift rom Oshawa eastxvarti ta he now ust'd as a bandi i'aain far tht' tearli. Bwnianville ba h ' hi' 'be xvamen of tht'e sr:ttt front buniper. Mr. Grangr epbuycoingesrl ailsi repiesentatîves of tht' variau.sQe rbrdrhas.mke thee n1h'l:e'p0 to tt ijre ant tt Oh b mi'. arth nisiexlisi lotices :n tht' district me: vith Qee bre.Legian Banti, anti asapartments. .in-st teuns in its history. Mk. oe ntelnu f Okteijrdmnt h s-teitidfout n ith ses- .~ . . ro.Arhu J.Cok,0fMr. Martynsz st.puaton xvas fret' Hlagersvillh' lias conie tlîrough ,a-s ont' from Ca.hfarnia anti ont' a'.a Haspitai anti reparteti tht'sions. in tht' second two cons.ec- taxes for ont' ytar anti nai mort'e a touzh season. and is ont'of or Ï 5M:chiLan. W-ý dont say!accit'nt ta tht' police. utive doubles gave them their sl-"Brookl:n, District Deputy Grand Dr. anti Mrs. W. G. McCuiic'-h, than $100 for tht' secand s'ear. tht' bist batting teains in the' .ht'y camne aIl thai way for tht' inve'stigations dîscloseti tht' first sct'oret, it took thret' more hits rn Master., tadiscuss tht' matter andi Orono. andi Dr. anti Min. F. W Tht' cauncîl arreeti *o sel',anti rt-'¶provice. .A,.In for Bow- 'super. bw hty were there, ta-fact thiat tht' accident victim is ta get their next un anti the - untyHal i excati xiibecent g"ssof Mr. anti Mrs. Wai- Commîitteeto ta :xrk oui tht' de- thein a definite chance 'fer Oid Boyzs anti Girls 'rom Toronto Mr- E. Wîlbur, Hampton. Ht' left an errai'. athe scene o tereception andtiotn PasoCncessuon Stý. ti naa si"peetcu- tt naj ii.anti eist'v1iere. his home Moîsday afternoon ta go Th'amrnasptaghr a tisioarsth .ee cu- Onario____ ___rThe______________putar a waik __bnut.___ ile er rawak nocuainwith two pintedti ta antile the banqîuet, hc eusvr od -A e ofunbles by tht' Kingston i wicl heis eryfon. A ye noshortsiop, a pair of walks ta Cal- afdterconsultatand oxviadtt'ueu ..aaas'~C;~Mr. anti Mi'. C. F. R;ct' anti expianation lbas been given as te wel andti brn, Qtipeby .Cor2- a fte co'lioar F il announemgetC n d eentE..Tr14an dulii ea ere net'end vis- ihYhe nas in this part of the tien, a s rfina ril xvii bemati sb"tlywbe plÀîs -~ ~'~ Mi ant Mr. Gadonîî'h siglt by Bates, anti a long of________ninciinsior .h r ndMs Gro districtbut i s welI known that fly by Large for their first four hiave been campieteti. ThswllRe Xncrans. is Oshaux markers. Their second innjn be ane of the autstantinacci" run came an Colwell's three-bg Uii Ontario District of the' tVasonic .n r, .'umn ger anti Corclen's fly ta left, anti o f'ear. as a number af Grand Lot)ize 1 te- II'jJurte ws hereuJ -~-officers are expecteci to iieamp- -IV IwLDIm u i i*of Large gett.îng hit by a pitcheti c . W. Bro. Cook, who xa ma.k- TragicAccident East 0f Newcastle -,dMiea hradasnl - - Ma.onic ptate ia snce ;elc . by Piper. Anothe uwaadd ntion 10 therfic o sic DE'en- i Twelve Witnesses Give Evi MDret osal uve. h te 'nnsadc in, i thefaurth as Corden tiaubieti utvGrad Mste inJul. tak 't'M' H rait, JontablenE. SrvJobnand Osborne singleti. Inthe fiftb ej the Grarnd.at fere :ng bis .'kdence at Inquest Into Col-,I.H'To. inAle r. ontht' Royals went on a spret' anti t, ank s fo- the' an cn ferer c Miss Ev5' IiIOlWhc To Tre le rDrW HBik.aniMoore anti Moise singleti, Caîwell on him and ' thesaMissimE s-el n Turner. Walked and Osborne laceti a annotinc:netht' appa.ntnsnt of doblticenrefoatria ofruns WV. Bro. 0. H. Doxvnt3, of My-rtluî. UD cw (IrI'a anti tht' eieventh score came in as District St'crt'tary, anti W. Bro. Twt'lve witnt'sses were beard ai t' F.UL[LMI tht' sixth wben Large Jineti a two- R. V. Mowbray, af Brooklin, as Port Hope Tuestiay night when a fn i fhDaauoa agrta ief t anti Piper bit ta District Chapiain, bath of whom Coroner's jury probeti tht' circuin- DU I Ni DWMNVILLL centre. Tht' final three camne in were introîiuct'c. î ~ stances in cannection with tht'h it o isb Clel e Ontario District Includes lotiges :.: trpletragdy n tt' in Port Ferry, Brooklin, Whitby, ICmniî ali, WMcllveefoantioCainertn. Hîg'bway near Newcastle on Sun- Mms. S. Weaitha Gîlfillan, wlt£Se ovie i o or ntt Osaa omavle ecate i Y. August 30th, when three deatb occurreti at Kalmar Villa hamnîet triple to nmake it a di Orono, Part Hope. Cobourg antiohse mtrss Mr'. andi Mrs. ReSt oe omnilo e-iopeedYfrtepnhht y Coibomne, ail a! which were re-hoas ating ad hir 5year tamber 6h was tht' widow o! the presntedat he metin. od daughter Betty, were kiiiled lateaines Gilfilan, fariner Prin- Piper hati Perfect contrai andi 'Pewben their sedan crasheti witb a cipai af Bowiuanvjlje Higb Scho><,. ~nt eewietetoCr Coona Coach Lines bus. The She was born in Orona on Febru- dnitrwr addotfv THIS *S LOGIC .jury, a! ter twenty minutes o! de- arY 18th, 1852. tht' daugbter of Psseshi one ba.tter and struck 6t ~~~~liberation, brought in a verdict Mi'. andi Mrs. Etison Andrus. Her ut finve. oie b;Cl Whnamn issme..gt that ail three died froin injuries only brother, Dr. W, W. Andrus,nBa avie-Mae,3;Cl a man l~s omethng t f - 't'C'iVt' - facturti s ulls- nd Mles Cty, ontanlpr't2b;a.Cd't'en2b;1arden Hlb; H. bornen, ativertise anti does not use 'Tise rc . r cu e kul1a d Mls Ct ,M nt n p e e m d ; R c san .B g el s ae Sttsa ebt oe-btthat the cause a! tht' tragedy was ber by a Yegtr. Her early lif e c HcsaniT Bgeia; ae Statesmn - webath lot' - bt ,... due ta tht' slippery condition of sPent in Orono where she servet ni cleeIf Large anti Cam- tht' bigger laser, for bis i . tht' Pavement at tht' tinte. ontt tf !th'pbi col ron, cf, or niCovle ! nosbit'percentage o! bs is - r .W iinni ooe foteysafttor le marricgehto'anPiep ,egetrthan ours. Our loss is a hrl felirmrag te ,mail fet' for service rentiereti ameie neti tyhCrw tney weeF. aeesbsresîti.O e ti for te at oi<v- 3 8R 7 j hile bis is a capital ioss. saine- thestan nie fge 5rpotos.TeeD. Bo9g, .C., of Cobourg. sîxty years. Mrs. Gilfillan was a Knso 011100- is no selling withaut first telling *i* anteCuc o hit UnPrs- rsetancri panti creating a desire. or poin- -a-le. who was standing at tht' ht brnc efls work ud nailis ing ut neti. ontbe iil. t ub'av bentht'impct 00kclose. Since then she has been -Mr. Merchant. anti think you save place, ddt not testif y, as. she hati an atiherent of St. Paul's Unitetid when you fail ta tell folk" what th'ilgeadficrCaji Church. She was an interesteti agae atro you have 10 sli. 1inmon her in tint'.mebrfth'WmnsCn- memer f he ome'sCand- Weds Wm. J. Hooey 4 1cý 5t11 showîng tht' eff ects a! in- ian Club whose meeting she at- taries to his legs anti waiking! tendeti as long as health permit- MED~AL MEN MEE ha cane, Donald Cassidy,l ted. Mi'5. Gilfillan was ill for' Tht' home o! Mr'. and M4rs. ...x'r a tt'bus tstfiei hathe past five Years. tiuring whicb JohnPaesn Blackstock, was Notubrln n Dra .,e was going eust at 10.30 o'clock lime she bas patiently borne ber tht' scene o!f rtywdigo Narîumbelant ani Du'ham .andt sav tise une o! cars a- sufferings at Kalmar Villa Rest Satiixtay evening, SePtember Sth, las M edica .SAcety n e mea t sCobo rg Pt aaching fm' tht'e asut. "Tht' Ho me. Survivang are ont' son, h n t er d u t r, M ga t iastwet'kforangenDitsct eo.e car aheati o! the Bot.in car- D. Gea. E. Gilfillan, Toronto;Perbcm th'rie M. rampltPet'l, for tht'hDistrictoNa.r6 Ontario Medicai Association con- es ither slan't't up or sonething ont' step-san, Mr. J. J. Gilfillan, Wila JonH eysna!M. venion copi'sin t urain ~'~ 1 -happeniet. When I was up along- xvell known Orono tiruggist; anti anti Mrs. Edmondi Hooey, Nestie- Northumbrland,.asti..sPete..aide, tht' Botting car camie over ont'ep-tiaughter, Miss Viola tan. Tt eeoywscnut NroimbriaandHaring etEwr-d.,-- 4x'x about haif way ta, tht' sauth side. Gilf ihian. of tht' High School staff t'd by Rev. C. C. Harcourt, rector bora, V ic toia an i ePrine O ntario t fW e bit. I trieti tht' best 1I ld at K incardine, O ntari . S .J h s C u h, B a k to . CounitaCbeur, hti in Or-! i la keep tht' bus f rom turning Tht' funeral services were helti Tht' living roOm wuas tfu Habr stlTCebourgThiunrd the< over." Tht' witness atiteti thai he on Tut'sday afternoon frani Kal- dcrtdwt lwr n lns iAmbotiying modern features afil Tht' nen type of engine can 1air-conitionin-g systenx so that,' vas travelling about 32-33 miles mai' Villa, anti were conducteti by A sister o! tht bride plaYeit' direction of Dr. H. M. Yelianti, strýeamilining. speeti. luxury a! ap- attaîn a speeti 0f 110 asiles ani the cars n'îhh be ai aIl limes vn-prior e.W raki aitr i-w'itingmc. htPbie, whe teroro ;Dri, C unseio ofpointments anti comfort foriashaur. Its driîng whlst, n iilaleti nith dean, fresh air o!, Herbert Johnistan, of Toronto, ister 0f St. Paui's Church. Pall- was gis'en away by ber father, tht' vile O.MA.;Dr.C. W.seonDr sengers. tht' Canadian Pacifie each sîde, are 80 inches in diain- a gieeable tempt'iaiurt' Windows' who was follon'ing tise Bottin- bearers were H. J. Knight, F. J. was beautifuli i a gawn a! white An'm carse ViceCuSelor D Railxvay companys new i i g i i eter; boîler pressure is 300 pountis ,con be kept closeti 3 tt tht' air in machine, st.atd that tht' roati was Mitehell, J. W. Jewell, J. D. Stev- crepe, matie on long uines, anti A.n R. Ri cas Ft..Sa- 'iweigbît'equipmt'nt train. an a ta tise square' nch, coal caPacitv tht' coaches wihl be canstantly re- sippery, anti tha tht' speed, wasi ens anti J. R. Stuti a! Bowman- wearing a white bat anti veil. den.aitht oa scey.oatie Dr. -maien exhibition tour f ironini 0f 12 tans, anti nater capacity o! nenvetianti tht'coaches will be about 30-35 miles per haur. Tht' ville, antiO. A. Gamisby a! Orono. Miss Lois Veale, britiesmaiti, was W.W.Wde sct'ay ! ie 0Moxtreailat Windsor, xvas greet- 7000 galions. It east' f arceleî dîri anti dusî-pmoof. driver apparenfly put on bis Lovely floral fributes were receiv- gawned in wite crepe, wih paie cal _________________a cî'oxd o!fscerah hîundred tionand tisiing aedistinct Tht' trav'elling public,%vl, ebrakes adskiddeiou ron t ti-fom 1Tt'Falmil a low o!blue accessaries. Mi'. Alec Pater- 1ipeoplt' ni Bowmanvihle lasi n'eek 1;'s'tlopmt'nts in tht' operation of primai'il3y interestiet in lise new a! tise bus. John Allef, 14. or- ilrases), Friends o! tht' Disciple - son. brother of tht' bride, acteti as Jr. Farmers at C.N. E. A e cape0nC...ps ,i i'wegn' fealures a! canifort in the qý,ats'cupant af tht' car in front whichý Church, Mrs. R. C. Ros, Kincar - groornsman. senger service nvas openeti wilh al Tht' steel coaches af fard accom,- of tht' day coaches, 'tise ciseery tiws ris'en by tht' formier, meateti1 dine, Kincardine Higb School Af fer tht' ct'iemany, a wt'titing raîher thlsiing prelude as tht' motiation for fiftY-one passengers brightness of tht' interior. thet' iat ie saw tht' Rochester auto: Board, Kincardint' High Schaý.,; t"rlOir svas serseti, after which In tht' Junior Farmers Judging smart new train tirawn by a jubi- as coînPaî'et withî 70 in tht' aid canvenLience a! tht' buffet wisose ssverve out ai the traffila une into staff anti Pupiis, Mi'. anti Mrs. tht'e couple lefi amiti show- Campelilion helti at he C. N. E. let' locomotive f irst of the' 3000 type f standard cars. Tht' seas seats are of tht' buket design. tht' path a! the' bus. It was about 'George Weekes andi- Miss Etiitb ers o!îf tk -'fnd gooti wishes Toronto on Wednestiay. tilt fol- type quiethy glidet i mtiste sta- are af tht' intiixiduaî, self-adjust- ýEasily adjusteti tables are fitteti forty yards behinti, h e saiti. Weekes, Mrs. John Poster anti on a inotor tripi ta T.ronto anti lan'ing boys froini Durhamn County lion for a brie! fis'e minutes' stop !abe, reclining, ratating type, ant i nto the' window walLs for dîners Clarence Botting, 13, ont' a! tht' Miss Kate Foster, Miss Mnnie Gut'lph. On their rtt-..q thoà weî'e amoffg the prise ninners: -on its xvay ta Toronto. are spaceti much farther apart,1 in Ibis coach. Andtihie air-con- survivars, brief]y test ifieti. HeJninaM'.BeI nru. - iirsieinOhxa Shep-6b, lmoe Saît Cap- Th' ehibtio trin as on-praviding a maximum ai camfort tiihioning anti elimination o! dust saiti that he was asleep in tht erment was matie in Bowman- bt'lhrafî: Heavy H arst's--41h, paseti a! tht' jubile locomotive, for passengei's. Occupants can are improvenents that hase been back seat aI tht' tint' anti con- ville Cemetery. M. Ralph H. Carrutisers, New Murray Byers. Burketon: Beef nmail anti express car, buffet-pas- atijust tht' seais ta any angle or 1designe t taincrease attractive- selutly titi fot set' tht' bus. Yrk City, is holidaying with his Caile-lai, Garnef R ic k a rdt,senger car. anti twa standard direction tbey prefer. Tht'coachi-iness anti confort a! travel aver Other witnt'sst's were Constable "li ai asie vrls aetM.at r.W .Cr Bawanile.j oalis.es are fitteti with an ice-activateci1 tht' C. P. R. sysfem. E. Harvey, Dr. J. A. Butler, Dr. R. year's 5Iiow."-Whatt'ly. ruthers. George Piper Pitches Locals to Victory in Kingston - Bowman- ville Batters Comb Two Kingston Pitch- ers' Offerings 'Town Council TaxingSiot1 Fee For Operation ýpm!"w i ,,Otan m