THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, ONTARIO, THUR.SDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th, 1936 PO IE Ken Werry and Bride Honored ýxended thmir honieward wIy. utoîttirîtcju5 t h lte nex: IHamIpton IewyJvvdu couple oi aur comnîunîty vojiti be zo take the marr:a-e %os. SurrisedBy Fiends Social and Personal La sW edin e dv etenur ia On Friday evenin, o-mer a hun- l arge number ofîflk oi oo an-! dred relat:xe.-. neighbors and fr:- ýî.Hr.Potr\-lc ced ounL ca:hered a-, :hc home of ends gathered a* the home of Mi-r n r~. .L lacad: and Mrs. W. 0. \'erry to spend in Pontypool. horiour of their recen: marriaze. a socal evn'n-ývi*, Mi-.Ken-When a.1 wtre a!zsembled *he su:-1 a scia ven.y ng hMrid. Te \Ir. and Mr.s. Frank Brima- 1prised bride and groom were company announcedi :hcmsei1cs coinbe. Rochester. N. Y.. vîsited , paced in the centre of the group.t wit a ereadeto l-. nev1u-dý. ela,ývs hre.'%1sýGraý- Cawker read a vr thnaftser en& a hnvJe i. w d .. înf:,idd,-eýs and a: the prop-, r then ater e:nchnved in. fhled M:s.s Flher. Toronto. %vas in 1 Urne Mir. Frank Hast:nLz ant(Mr thespaios Monday calling on Miss 'Gor,r. WIlbur presented -,t1h' overflowing. Rev. A. 'M. \Voo:'on Faurbairn and other od frienci-.. a cy ~ouple ;v th a tea wacor, calleti the gatherîng to ottier. andi frcm the co!nniun::ý- andi a biblef after a neat Uittie :o the Miý..s M. E. Stecri- ;s v tigfroin MrS. B&Anchýa-d. Sunday happy couple called 'cil Mr. F. L. Sciuaic whio reaod the fo:lown her nieces. Mr;%. Nc:. ,e Webs-:e, -ho-'l clas- as tokens of best address:g and 'Mrs. Lillie- Ro%\x-ze. De*,: .*x-.M,-. and Mrs. Ban2harde ades amSet 8h196Mic IL. \ vfi .ne.. thankinz Saem Sep. 1*h. 936:o rmanvfriendz for the beau - To Kenne*'h \Vrry andi Mr. and MrS. Ar' hir Hol:, haý c r f-: and k:nd :hs : Dea Fïun-,:Thee s a~,- been s~dn a pea.,n: ho1d:iy Ehnoi- Sylke- led ;n cmunt verb w,,h.cýh -ay-. -Ail :h4 worid a- Fa: ci - s Po:i: . Szormioun - îr:n. Tt' eo he rest of loves a love:. and judc:n7a bs the CoUnvx . p ni cames af:r -. wýay in s :hpeople in cenerai ,v cd of aIl ages and cond:' :on.s n l:ft? Mn-. . Aubr cx Sii::h ,vaý -. Le- _______ show :n'.er-ezt :n the îoy.. ancl a, a s;otu er 10 ihonor of M.1sf woe-.0f ill the Ju.e sand Rcmi,- .'n Caldwell. Port Hope. 1 WOMEN ARE ACTIVE -os of i'cra:t.iie or :n the progres.x ho :> a bie:-c cour own local play-. as they 1IUN BOWLING CLUB reaclh the clý::nax of their love M r S. R. H.V.dc and .he,ý-le o storv on th.e 'ci-o in a book. rmcc. Miýs Doco:,hyThorn.o ldco oumnî we canno: doub: -that the old pro- R.N.. Brocktoi. 'Mas,.. V;Sïted the :he f:rist t:me. have taken uP - verb conta.ns. much :ruthi. Nor fresdaughtec. Mi.ý, Marion li.xn bo::nc this year. and as in is it unreasonable. when we have \Vardcr. B. .Tamiwo:th. nmos: activa'tis in fe they ar the opportunîty. to transfer this -'-gnv:nc men a run for their moe _ natural intertst in imiag:nary lot - Pla-ns, for the prograrn of For 3. tha:t here %voud no: be a def- ers' fortunes to the real experi- Hope Home and School Club on Jni*e lne of markation betweenc ences of the.,e oui' friends of September 28th include a Health the sýexes thEy are playing mixed 1lesh and blood , -ho have just Pageant by Miss E. R. Graham. doubles. in which th-e ladies can turned a new leaf in their hist- School Nurse of Bowa'ilie.biame the men for their lasses ory. This I take ît is the chief demonstrating the work t.hat sheadtemncnbmehel- reason why we have gathered cioes in the Bowmanville public ies. and no one really knows who here tonighr. just ta show aur Schools. is3 to blame. In one of these mix- sympathy with you in ed tournaments recently the ce- your new expecience. The many W.C.T.U. Plan Open isults were as follows: services that you have rendeced FIrst Camne sfreelyý in the welfare of Salem Meeting, October 27 Mrs. Gillespie and Mr. McIl- we gratefully acknowledge and veen defeated Mrs. Fisher and ask you to accept this gift as a: W. C. T. U. met at the home of Doug. Nichals. 6-2. tokn a tht fct.Mrs. Washington an Tuesday aLf- Miss Martin and Mr. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Werry were pre- ternoon. with the President, Mrs. defeated Mrs. Cunningham and sented with a handsome d.nner'L. A. W. Tale, in the chair. Mrs. Mr. LaBelle. 6-5. wagon and an occasianal chair. G. L Wagar had c.harge of the Miss Cunningham and Mr. In- The groom ma~de a îtn el eoional period, after which the fantine defeated Mrs. LaBelle of thanks in which the bride, minutes of June meeting and and Mr. Elliott. 7-2. jined. three cominittee meetings. and Mrs. J. T. Fee and Luther Nich- Short addresses were made by the treasucers report were read als deieated Mrs. Garbutt. and F. Mc. C. M. Carcuthers. Mr. G. A. and approved. Arrange mn e n t s Cryderman. 5-4. Stephens and Mrs. A. Welsh.! were completed for the . open Second Game Games and social chat were en- meeting on Oct. 27th. Several, Miss Cunningham andi Mr. In- joyed and to top off a very delic- clipp:ngs from the public press. fantine defeateti Mrs. Gillespie ioii5 and bountiful luncheon was bearing on the tempecance ques-adM.MIve 75 ~ervedi, and after again wishing tion, were read and discussed. Ms e and Mr. Nllveen. 7-5 C1-i bride and groom a very long Th-ree new members wvere wel - fa isMri n r c and happy lfe. the company comed. Briea.d is7 ati-ndM1.c mrs. Fisher and Doug. Nichols * defeateti Mrs. LaBelle and Mr. Elîbott. 8-3. 7 ";* A, LMrs. Garbutt and Mr. Cryder- man defcatet Mrs. Cunningham MME W MEN Kand Mc. ILaBelle. 7-3. *Third Gaine tïUR YI#V /YMrs. F:sher anti Doug. Nichols ,defeated Mis. Garbuti and Mr. Cryderman. 11-1. TrOWM FOR ~ Miss Cunningham and Mr. In- fantine defcateti Mrs. Fee and Mr. N.chols. 7-6. Miss Martin and Mr. McBride defeated M,-S. LaBelE and Mr. Elliot:. 7-4. Mr.;. Gilie-pie and Mr. McIl- - INveen tiefeated Mrs. Cunningham and Mc. LaBelle. 7-.5. The recapatulation shows Mrs. 2ganées. and a plus of 6; Miss plus 8: Mrs. Fisher and Doug. iN:chols. 2 gaines. plus 15: Mrs. M VE YOVffi RDgane, plus 4. The other doubles ir:s KE LOGG1Slest three games. 1/ GREATHARVESTWEDDING I GREATIIARI£SrWhatmough-Fox Cove Cottage. Bowmanville-on- the-Lake, was the scene af a. SA LE ! vedding on Saturday. September 19th. when Miss Joanne Fox,I yaungest daughter of Mrs. John Fox, was married ta Mr. Frederick~ No housewife can afford to miss Kel- Russell Whatmough. eldest son Iogg's Great Harvest Sale! Right now, of Stratfod. White daisies and1 pink asters decorateti the rustic your grocer is featurlng Kellogg s ac1ne hchIecrmn was performeti by Rev. Douglas Cereals and many tempting foods at Whatmough, brother of t h ej groom. The bride, given in mac- special prices-the greatest value niage by hec mather, wore a gown of blue sprigged chiffon ove- white taffeta. andi carried a show- of the fail season. ]row int Buttecfly roses. FDI- loigte ceception for the im- inmediate families, the bride and YOU KNOW how the price of grain lias gone up. groom lef t foc the North, th' bride travelling in a mauve tweed But for ibis special sale-your grocer is stili 'suit, wilh purple hat andi acces- featuring many of Kellogg's delicious, ready-to-eat re.T ywilivin oot. cereals at the lowest prices in their history. . C D~ See your grocer and stock your pantry shelves -. today! Oven-fresh - ready to serve. Great fur, any tLndayh ibmîity ast brakass.N% cokng Klog -ssae week. 'NEW RECTORS WI FE HOLD RECEPTION FOR PARISHIONERS! Ladies In Large Numbers CaII At 1Rectory in Course of Afternoon Mrs. D. R. Dewtincy. xu':e of t:nev.-Retc-or af S,. Ge'rge. Newvca.stle. anti S'. Savicuirs. Oc- ana. neecd for'lthe irs tilune oer Tue-day aflernoan. Sept. IStit. snce coru:inL- ta Newras-:e fron September tu'as ail sm:ilcs this Tucsday aflernoon: ut va,, a prime das anti many iadies fcom výllage anti countsitie graspeti the 0,)opportuninu1I walk or drive ,ou: :in theallurine w1eath,ýr anti -aIl a: the Rcrtary. Little Mi4ss Macy Dexu-tney. about .-ix. apeneti the door for thte guIestuý anti stvýetily welcontcti lient A large basket tullet iuvtît choice glad:oi a vase of beauutifîil asters antd oU-cc floral deroral:ons bruphîen- e-i the re,-ept;on room whcrc Mccr. W. C. Lake. xvjfe oi th.e Rectoî"s- F. J. Hall. w:t1;e of Warden Frank Ha1: 0, St. Sax bau: s, a5ý,,s-et Nîr-. Dewdnev in r~: ue A ( a:ity nt>U of saitdu -heý. busý- ctit. tea anti caffee tvas sý2rtcd :ýn Ilitea roorn where a magni- t:ceît cenzrep:ece et Miss NM. MIt..tsl'ose garden other flowcu s eiltacm 10 tolite nlthe tea roa andi A. Hocco. LeGrezley. con och:ai commîlti Houvarti pourc NlrInto-h cati( course 'af the i 0f Interest To Women au. cU'inosU adu e tlî:ngs that saIseo lent theïr one coulai bte settmnc. Assislung i Fbrs', anti fore- Jessie Allen )ott were NL.sces N. mos: I waulti Brown rks anti Mrs. F. F. have a itouse insulatedti 1 the nvener of the par- lasItidegree. The extrentes ai 1te. Mý\rs. J. Scattbea: anti coiti that wce have en- ti tea anti Mî:s B. dureti this last sear emphasuz.e cee. ausi;stet iun the the neeti of that. Sa lte bouse :wo hour-s ftram four woulti be as nearîs luke a thermos boutle as possible. It woulti cost more but the initiai cost would soon be balanceti by the saving of fuel. I woulti neyer have a ver- H CAKE anda cox'ering the sitting-room windows. anti I woulti have those sainp windows ones that would open. We have hati sevecal liv- A j ing-coams with very large un- rýP P E D openable windows anti there are tintes when the air seerns dead 'anti one longs for a free move- Jment of air. We have hati sev- eral dining-rooms that have been passage-ways ta the kitchen anti it is almost impossible ta keep the floor looking as it shoulti. I woulti have a pantry between the kitchen anti tining-coom lineti with cuphoactis for di shes anti drawecs for table iinen ant ils- **ver. I would have a second sit- ting-roomn that coulti be shut off. because thece are times when we want ta get ci of the faïnily anti they wan to10gel riti of us. We have hati an extra room usuafly but il bas not been shut-offabte. Then 1 would have #a basin anti toilet. dawnslaics anti a decent- suzed balhcoocn with a shawer. ROYAL asnti pumbing %vith pipes large ~ YEAT CAES ienouglitol get more titan a trickie YEASTCAKE 0f waler. -Ini gooti hotels sou can are always filI saur bath un the lime ut takes ta dlean soîur teelh. Not a woî't Full Strengtl have 1 saîi abosut cuîpboards. Once I knew a wvonan who saui * she itati mate cupboact space thIan site couiti use. That s the aim ta shoot at. The verantia %voulti be aithIe back ta give ASSIN BREAD ýmore privacy. Yau wili probably bave things you xx'uld like more but Ihese are a feux of the lhuutgs t-e have faunti desucabie. IToo Much of a Good Thing The maîher xvito bas eslablush- 'et a vers' defînite routine for hec ~*rab5 as gone a long way ini tma ung things eass for becacîf i'anti bec chulti. Gooti habits of i cating. sleeping, anti elîmination ..... .... cannot be establisheti toa soon. Thece are mothers who make a felish of routine anti who become iso impresseti witlt ts importance that thes allow natîting 10 upset h. TTtis is a mistake because the Ilives of ex'ecyone concerneti shoulti not be canîcolleti bs a * * baby's routine anti there are times «. when concessions ightfully can EL CAKE * rhomatie. A chldt must learn ta make atijustment.s in life so an occasianal variation from rautine mas be looketi upon as an expecu- ence which is a part of their Royal Yeast Cakes and Royal Sponge Recipes assure light, tasty breads.. Royal Yeast Cakes corne ta you with th. protection of a special air-tight wrapper for each cake! This assures ah- solute freshness-fuli ieavening pewer. You can use Royal Yeast Cakes the day you buy them-or months later -and be sure of uniformi results! No wonder 7 out of 8 Canadian woamen who use dry yeast insist on Royal! BOOKLET FREE! '"il.. Rya l a Spon ge Recipe: f.or the b remd. tllustruted above anid m.ny others. FREE! Just @end coupon! DUY MADE-IN- CANADA GOODS STANDARD BRANOS LIMITED Frs.rAv.and Libertj St.,TorOntO. Ont. Pige" "aud umethe IreRoyal Vernit Ba kaPBo,. YOUR EYES And ET'esîoht Çpca lus t Disney BIdg. (opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 THE EYES IN MODERN LIFE Efficiency-Part 9 You may sas ta sourseli "MY eyes are alright-I have no symxs- toms of eyestrain.*" But statistics prove that avec 70", 0f the pea0- pie o! America have defective vis- ion anti that onîs thirty per cent are weacmng glasses ta correct the"e ti efects. Anti o! that thirty per cent now wearing glasses anIs a very srmail prboportion have hati their eyes examinetirce c en tî1 enough ta be sure that the glass- es they are wearing are efficient. Tests for the U. S. Army prov- eti that avec seventy per cent of the Young men examineti hati sub-normai vision anti these men wece soungsters in the f ullest vigor o! 111e. A promninent jewelry factory at Plainsville. Mass. founti that 8317YC needeti glasses. Mfter being fitteti they hati an increase o! 28f,; in protiuction, anti the presitient at- tributes this aimost entireiy ta the correction by the glasses. Industrial America must edu- cate itself to the importance of the eyes o! industry. Industrial managers anti employers must cealize now that correct illum- ination. correct placement o! ma- chines, anti correct glasses o! em- ployees especialis are factors in production which cannaI wisely be neglecteti. ta six by Mca. LeGcesley. Some eigltty-five ladies. numbecing set'- erai tramn St. Saviaur's. Ocono. andi mans from sister churches in New,ýcastle. signed the gucalt book inthte hall. Among tite con- tribîuors ce flowers that adorneti the cecepluon coom were Mca. M. Bronit 0of Glenwood Cottage anti Mcs. Reg. B. LeGcesley. Ebor Hotu e Hints For Homebodies W rtten for The Statesman Jessie Allen Browkn The Ideal House Th:s bus:ness of ntoving about ant ivtine in diffecent bouses teaches by experuence. someî:mes sati anti sometumies pleasant. what sou usvoulid like best un a bouse if sou coultibtuild an udeal one. 1t maY be sauid cigh' here titat e v ûn if sou build t i s unt- rosç.s:b'le ta cet exaetly w h a You t dn iue to . :cbt thunLs ta ix t)o 5ir c anti sitape anti aýize of 1o", ta sas îtoth:utc of ~ cost. But there "Let us labor foc thal lacgeî' comprehension of tculh. and that more thocough cepudiatian of er- rar. whîch shahl make the history of mankinti a series ouf a.scentiing developments'-H. Mann. Standard Quality PE S No. 4 Sieve 3Tins et CHRIST E'S COCOA FRY'S V2Ib. Tin 1L9< JUNIOR RITZ Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand Biscuits or C OFFEE DATED 1-lb.-34 MacaroonWaffers Christiea Assorted CREAMS Biscuits 2 Ibs. 35< Ch6riaties SODAS Biscuits 2PIg,21e Christie$a RITZ Biscuits Pkg. 1 4c Perfection 1-b. Tin FLOOR WAX 25< Soap Chips 4 s.25< ROWNTREE'S Cooking /2-1b. Slab CHOCOLATE 17< Kellogg'S FLAES 3 Ps23C KELLOGG'S PEP - - - - 2 Pkgs l25C KELLOGG'S RICE KRJSPIES - 2 Pkgs. 23t Cash & Carry f Gillett's Lye Tin ZEDRA Stove Poliah Large Tin13 Free Delivery PHONE 63 1j -": 25< plg'43< CHOICE XMALAGA GRAPES ....... 2 bs. for 250 ~. <.'M i.i O u i ce ý ST 0 IE IIE training. Routine is an aid andi TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE nat the end to be achieved. Tricks nith Marmalade An interesting ad drce ss o n Lfquoc Contrai in Canada by Adti 1-3 cup orange marmalade Hacry Jackman featuced the ceg- ta saur fax or'te pumpk'n pie fîli- uiac meeting of the Trinity une befoce bakinz. Young People's Society. lield in Pui: a th:n circ:e of orange the Sunday school coom on Mon- mrarmalatie around a sýerv-ing Of day evenîng. Atter the business chccola*e :ce-cream and cover session a Short time %vas spent in 1 tvth chocola*e sauce.Scm- group meetings. Clace Allin.i nous5. Ileader 0of the Citi7enship Gcoup.1 S;pread orance marmalade be- took charge of the meeting. The ttn2 o-~t f pa-try. Cut ici torship serv ice consisted of Scr«p- st*rips anti bake mn a bot oven. ure reading bs Harold Gibs_ Sert e oranve m arc malIa te. pi'ayei by Rev. S. Davison, solo crackers and cheeSe. after saur by Mrs. Stuart James. and a sel- bridg,, gante. Marmalatie Las an ec'tio n by the Ladies' Quartlette. ail inty for ans t ariety of chieese. Mesdames Fritcharti. Symons and Tomato Chutney Grant anti M:ss Lamna Clarke. 4 Ibý,. ripe tomnatces !The topic -Lquor ContraI in i lb. apples Canada"tvas gJven in a vers in- 6 ononteresting and helpful way by 1oz. ginger HarsJackman. Thora Davison 1 lb sugr gae tvobumorous ceadings. The 4 oz. Sait remnaînter of the evening- was 1 qt.vinear ipen: :n plasing gaines. Slb. raisinS teaspoon cayenne pepper \o vai] l lnc- l urgîuac'i Prepare anti cul up t\aoe. .rî î ttx i tu'r. lhi>au cileinY appies and onions. PFtton t 10 lî x l j)dnx \ cx r> - ýcoek anti txhen quite soit put \e n n ' i1iu 1a ia t hr oi f \ur throuzlh a s:c.aJner ta keep out hfiý s-eets.- Atit the'suigar,. saMý. n- gai'. anti sg1ceesanud cook until thik Add taf-mis anti botîle in stcizdjais. Grape Preseri'e Slb. Su"gar ta JURY 1 1lb. crapes1 Wash grapes in a colantier. tlten rema7-c l' itetfront the siems. Sl.p the skins from thle gcape anti put the skins in one saucepan andi the pulp in an- x *'L K E other. Cook the pulp sioxvly. until J the seeds will separate. addJng a vers little water if necessars ta P keep the fruit from sticking. Put tite pulp thcough a strainýer ta remove seetis. Put tagether the skins. pulp and sugar and caok until the skins are tender. Bottie in stecilizeti jars.*P FORMER ENNISKILLEN GIRL <f' HONOURED ON TENTH WEDIN ANIVRSRY Look At These A vecy pieasant evening was spent at Mcs. and Mr. D. Daw- Yu san's. 97 Harcourt Ave., Toronto. o 1 on Saturdas, Sept. 19th, when RKRSML FM GE they. entertaineti about thicty re- RKRSML FM GE latives anti friends in hanaur of ENO 'S FRUIT SALT.......... the tenth wetiding anniversary of 4 SQUARE TOOTH FASTE. the former's son anti his bride of FLY - KIL ....................... ten years. .Mr. andi Mrs. Stanley ANR WSL ER AT May inee Winnie Ashton). ThI NR WSLVRSL evening was spent in progressive BELMONT COMBS ........ euchre. music anti dancing. A FREEZONE ............... dainty lunch was serveti. aftec LRONIZED YEAST ............ which Misses June Ashton anti Margaret Young presenteti Mc. BRITEN TOOTH FASTE ...... anti Mcs. May with îwo beautîful WOODBURY'S CREAMS satin comfocters. JONTEEL BATH POWDER. Mr. anti Mca. May, although WATERBURY'S COD LIVEIR taken by surprise. botît vers abiv expressed theïr appreciation andi DEFENDER NASAL ATOM tltanks. af 1er which aIl jained SLOAN'S LINIMENT.......... bantis anti sang 'Foc they' are VICKS VAPO RUB ........... jolîy gootif eilows.- Af 1er lbank- MASON'S 49 COUGH SYRUI in.- the hoal. anti iostess for the very joli5 evenine. everyone ce- MODESS ................................. turned 10 tbeir hontes, feeling When We Test Eyes It Is Doi they hati been riglit: royally en- tertaineti. &LOVELL'S Prices Before Buy! :SIA .......................... 29C ..... ............ ......... 47e - 79e ... ............................ 29C ........................ 30c,- 50C 1.......................... 33C -55C .............. ..................... loc . .... ......................... 2 9 c ............ 89c - 2 for $1.75 .........29c Tube - 2 for 53o .......................... 25c- 47c ~............. .................. 3 9 C R OIL ........................93C [ZER .............................79c . .............................. 3 3 C .................................~..... 39C p .............. ........ 40c 75c ................21c -2 for 39c :ne Properly PHONE 78 HEINZ KETCHUP Bot.'35< HEINZ TOMATO SOUP 216-oz. H-EINZ Assorted soP 2Tio-25c PAGE THREE