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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1936, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 241h, 1936 PAGE FIVE and would do credit to a town much larger than Deseronto.- -Social and Personal » Deseronto 'ot On Thursday evening. Sept. 17. _________________________________________________ Durham Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. hield an enjoyable Miss Elea Roblin. Hamilton, is wth Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fos-lwîener roassIat the home of the visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. H. ter~. Picton. Worthy Matron,.Mrs. Kenneth Knight. Cox. Kingston Rd. Memnbers and Kelloe-g's are using The States- their husbands numberîng tifty Mrs. John Hyde anld son Harry. tman again this year to spread thor-oughly- enjoyeci an evenîng Toronto. visited hier mother. Mrs. the glad news of their Great Har- spent in card.s and gamnes. Mrs. J. A. McClellan. vest Sale on page 3. Gus Bounsall ant', Mr. Arley Mrs. J. Shaw. Brockton. Mass.. Mayor Ross Strîke left today to Northcut, were the winners of visited Mrs. T. H. Powers and'rpeetteB fQit o-two lucky prizes. Refreshinents other friends here. ference at the General Council of cotsisting of w:eners and rolis, MisesHeln aso ad Janthe United Church in Ottawa. douginuts and cýoff ee wvere îerv- ed and a sing-song brought a Morris are attending Macdonaldi We wvelcome several new sub- very pleasant evenîng to a close. Institute at Guelph. 'scribers te the Statesman family ________________ Mr. andi Mrs. W. C. T. Jenkinis this %veek. Send 50c and become r Kingston, were guestîs of he reguarsuscibr o ndof COMING EVENTS aunt, Mrs. J. H. Werry.196 Look for the yellow slip in this Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Pethick. week's Statesman if yeur stib- Bowmanvîl2e. wish to announce! Enniskillen Chicken Pie Supper seription is in arrears. the marriage of their daugliter. 1 and Concert. Sept. 251h. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dilling have Ina Marie 10 Mr. John E. Mac- St. Pauls, Anniver.sary Senvices returneci from an enjoyable mot- Naughton. on Sunday. Nov. lst. Partîculars or trip 10 Quebec city.' Miss Rosina Edger. dauzlh:er ef later. Mr. Oliver Bracit has resumed Mir. andi Mrs. Geo. Edger. Har-, Reserve Tuesday. Oct. 27th. for his course at the Ontario Agicul- mony. has entered Jury & Loy-'pl.v "Who Cares?- in Trinity trlCollege at Guelph. ell's drug store as an apprentice Sunciay aschool room. Auspices tural ~in pharmacy. WCTU Mrt.Ahur Ma istguire iCalary Rev* Franklin and Mrs. Ban- Please reserve att. and eve. ta., asbnvs. tîn Mg is mo iter wîll be At Home in St. Pauls Fiiday. Nov. 201h. for Salvation ther Mr. E J. agure.Manse on Wednesday. Sept. 301h. Arrny Home, League sale of work Keep in mind Zien services Receiving hours. 3.30 10 5.30 p.m.. and programme. Sunday, Oct. 4th. and hot roass and 7.30 te 9.30 pin.TeNecse ntdCuc chicken supper Wed. Oct. 7th. Ke nnidZo evcs TeNwateU'fdCuc 39-2 SKeep int. thmind Zot rvicsfcwl supper and enîertainment S'îdavOct 4t. ad ht rastwill be held on Wed. Nov. 4th. jMrs. C. C. Washington and: chicke'n supper \Ved. Ocz. 711h. Pes eev h ae 'Miss Joyce Washington. Toronto.1 39-2 Pes eev h ae were guests of Mrs. W. C. Wash- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Warder. The Womans Guilci of St. ington. Fort William. who are enjoyinz a John's Church are having the Mr. andi Mrs. A. J. trio ýhrough Ontario and the Un- ar.nual Thanksgiving Supper on Owven Sound. were guests of herlIite~d Sates. isited his uncle. Mn ýThursday. Oct. 15th. at 5.30. in sister, Mrs. Geo. Souch. over the R. H. Warder. ýthe Parîsh Hall. ResErve this weekend.~ Mr. John Watson and Miss M. dt.3- Mrs. H. McConnell. Mr' and Watson. Caesarea. are plann:ne ý1Reserve Tuesday. Oct. 6th, for Mrs. B. E. Ingham, Mac and te sptnd the winter in Bowman-; a one-act play. music andi illus- George, vîsted Mrs. Geo. Inghiam, ville and wîll reside in Mr. F. j. trateci travelogue by RLev. S. Day-I Peterboro. Mannings house on Horsey St. ison. sponsored. by Group 10 of M.r. andi Mrs. Gordon Werry Tht Misses Allen, Beech Av e..Cut sh A. n 8 United andi son Boyd spent. the weekend andi Mrs. J. A. McClellan attend- Churt;chscholromat15c.]39-21 ______________________ed the wedding in Cobourg on Saîurday aftennoon of the forin- The public will be made wel- ers' niece. Miss E. L. Allen, and come at the Annual Fieldi Day te TOEN WMr. K. T. Whyte. be helci at the Boys' Training Ttisth esreEfte Nbis-Sciioolon Saturday afternoon, It esie 0 te pblih-October 3rd. commencing at two terest in this column of The teresting sports progra.m. 39-2 Statesman. If you h.ave friends atrip. leave wore or senci it on will meet in St. Joh.n's Parish E Sa post card. Hall on Friday, Sept. 23th, at 3 R.usellRobins Tanto,~ C. Mutton's group. S u b i e c t:* tablished semnewhat of a record "Dangers of Luxunies in Modemý at Lindsay Fair on his sheep. Life" Roll caîl: Your favorite With eleven sheep he won 6 firsts flower.1 and 6 seconds. These progressive 0 1 L 1 Durham County farmers sure do Zion Special Services Su nday. set the Pace. Oct. 4th. at 2 and 7 p-n.. when Air Conditioning Mrs. T. E. Jackson and son will preach. Hot roast chicken Bevely. iss enaFaulkener supper Oct. 71h. from 5 till all are and r. Rber Wilon.Toronto, served. At 8 o'clock a drama by SS EI M M.adM Harry Shelley and1 Zion Dramatic Club. "The Win- Miss Margaret Shelley. Oshawa.'nn tJy dr:so:AuI spent Sunday at Mi. D. Walace 15Oc. children 35c. 39-2 Is now on display in Dow,ýney's. Base Lino. Eldad Harvest Home services5 our window. This The Lsgar St. Cîtadel Band.'Sunday next at 2 and 7 p.. Rev. th oebeng~Toronto. w.vll vi.sit Bowînianv-illpW. F. Banister. Bovînanvîlle. willi isthon enin Sunday. Oct. 4th. and will bie pec.Wdedy et 0 stalled in the new providing special music in thepech enedySpt30h Salvation Army Hall andi in the int 4pm oseciknspe BellPhon bnid- i theshed. Concert at 8 p.m..' Bel Phne Trnnîy Church at 8.30 p.îii. Fur- 'Silas Smtidge trom Turnîp Ridge' ing. hnanucnoi îwe. by OŽ,haw a talent. and Mr. Sain Mr.s. Kenneth Cox. Worthy Castle ..soloist. Admission 50,c _Matron of Durham Chapter. Or- and 25c. lee It's the latest in the der of the Eastern Star. and Mrs. in'tmste3acplyA sejentific system of Hrl lmn. soit a-Old Fashioneci Mother- 10 be hetn.ron, are in Toronto attendîng the gvni ecsl omnt heating. 21st annual Grand Chapter Ses-galen Fin Nepat.le Comn8unity sien. cenvenîng at the Royal Yor alk FîaSet 5h.8pn HYore, standard time. by Oshawa Play- Don't fail to see it Hoee rs f.rected by S. May Bell, M.E., Bowmanvîlle Rotary Club hias Teacher of Dram.atic Art. Oshawa. been informed that the selection Music by Rickard Orchestra and of Nice, France. for the 1937 con- Oshawa artists. Admission: Ad- L IEN vention of Rotary International ults 25c, chilciren 15c. Proceeds LL ~has n fcily confirred. The aid of W. A. NewcasteUnie te Rotary headquarters froni Will M. Manier. Jr.. President of Rot- Heres an înteresting i t e m. ary International. states. i Scouting in Bowmanville has in- E ll o ti Miss M. Maher beaves on Fn.-,creaseci oven 100', in the past day for a holiday in Toronto andi twelve months. andi when the or-J Boivmanville. This is the first gan:zation of the new Cub Pack E ilio i t t:îrîe in a groat number et years andi Scout Troop is comiplote.' that the To,,n Clenk lias been'Scoutîng will have increaseci by Phimbirug & Heating g.ven anxt vacation. Miss Maher ne less than 300"; . Eîghteen ha.5 bcci a faiihtul servant and mionths ago there wcrc lessa ihan BOWMANVILLE certa:nly desserves a rest troni thc 20 boys in Scouttng. Today theie a.ndiiou.ý; municipal dut ies. Hon are over 60. andi in another mon: h work over a period of tet odd this wîll have încreased te ap- __________________________~years, lias been miost satisfactory pro.inately 100. CWALKER STORES) FJMITED Cotton Tweeds 39C yard Bright Cotton Tweeds in plaids o4. red, greenî, hrown, etc. 36 inches wide. for Chil]dnen's Dresses and Skirts. WOOLE TTE Color-fast Printed Woolette, 36 ic infleabnd red grounds. This wel]-2~td knwi abicwllmaeloel arn o W d skirts anîd dresses for kiddies. Yama Cloth Yama (luth witlîi is welI-known juality fer warin pyjais andl gowns. Brightl floral patterras fer aduls, dainty 111.11e patterns for eliildreuu. Widthl abli 36 inches. 30C yard .White Flannelette 14C yard Fi ouii wviglî t file aa ripe t liat w ill pay you te Y o atiiiite , vour supply ahead. 'l'akeuî trom umir 19v value Yr.ds fr 5 for Tii~dy Frida.% and Saturday only. NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE Walker Stores, Limnited Rota ryGathering PRESBYTERY CARNA iContinued from page1 piano. Little Betty Steven-s of Maple Grove. daughter of Mr. and Mis. Ross Stevens. rendere-d [two recitation.s in a delighttui manner. She wa.s followNed by two Toronto entertainers. Claire the versatile musician and. comedian, and Dorothy Fielding. piano accordionist, and accomp- anist. *who presented a three- part prograrn that won the hearts of the entire audience. This was this popular teams third appear- ance in this district, and from the generous applause their num- bers were greatly appreciated. Mr. Rouse's playing on more than a score of instruments from a Jews harp to a violin was inter- esting entertainment. Conclud- ing ih a selection of old time music. request numbers of the audience. Mr. Rouse and Miss' Fielding closed the evenings en- tertaînment in a splendid way. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth The guest speaker was J. S. Minister of Port Perry United B e c k. four limes Mayor Of Church. who was e]ected chair- Brampton, Ex-Warden of Peel man et the Oshawa Presbytery at County. and now a member of t.he meeting of the Presbytery the Milk Control Board. H, a held in Tyrone on Friday. introduced by Rotarian Bob Se: AttendUniversity ,Centinueci froni page 1> vo rsîty. Donald Williams. son et Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Willi:ams, Bew- nianville. v.ill stant his second! year at Queen's where ho was prominont in athletic cîrcles. and especially in rugby. Just what part ho will play in sport thîs y-ear is not known as ho hms beon sîck in hospital ton seme lime. AIse at Queens is Byron Van- atone. who is commoncing his second yoar. Ho is a son ef Mn. and Mns. F. C. Vanstone. Bow- manville. Miss Jean Rickard. daughter et W. F. Rîcksmd. M.P.. is taking a ene-yoar course in dental nursing aI the University ef Toronto. Miss Jean Morris. daughter et Mn. andi Mrs. F. F. Morris. andi Miss Helen Mason. daughter et Mn. andi Mns. C. H. Mason. are at Macdonaldi Institute. Guelph, whome they are taking thîe course in householci economnica. Bob Corbett. son Of Mn. and ýMrs. W. P. Corbett. will continue hîs studios aI Emnanuel College. Teronte. fer the United Church ministry. Bob has spent theoIsat t,.., nrna. mimr nmissions'zinthe cris wnS toUok tie oUportun UUiy s 1, i t o um....I.. . Nlujb11 L ý 1 e have a umiteanumoer Of ioeciPes. Uome and get yours. a Rotarian to ,velcome the Maple 'an exorbitant price for one of1 West. Grove folk, andi as a Maple Grove life'-s necessities. reszidenîte welcome the Rotar- Mayor ROssS Snike on behaif of M A G IC Baking Powder lb. ean 30c ians. the gatherin, expresseci 10 Mn. B Mn. Beck in hîs opening re- Bekaprcýto o iHades. B S. Field Day AYLMER CATSUP ..................12-oz., per btl 5 marks referred te the splendid 011010E TOMT. WUICE . per tin 5 work of Mn. E. A. Summer.s. à%g- the young people who had se xvell COC O AOJIE................Vprtn 5 ricultural Representative. who hie provideci the chicken pie dinner. (Continued from page 1) . GOLDEN WAX BEANS...........................2 tins for 21C sai wa temedbyahecipuy ond nbehaîfofthet otrthe 3 Rota 25seanSCTC3 Gra ...SCOTCH.......................................1/-1b' fo 9 Minister of Agriculture "one eofîae a pesentatof oMapsesGrve Broad Jump - 1, Kimble. 2. th nes epresentatives i On- I ly rsdnto al rv Roach; 3, Grady; 18 ft. 814 in. therbet." League. Rev. W. C. Smith on ihJm -1,onsn;2 CAMPBELLS T M t O P 3 tn o 5 Mn. Beck devoted his address wies ha o the Roesataru Slemon; 3, Gra.dy; 4 ft. il 1, in. te an explanation of the Milk foriveh nîerîaihenRotanyClu 440 Yards-1, Kimble; 2, Roacli CHOICE COOKING RICE.......-...... .------_... 3 lbs. for 21C Control Act and itis openation. for nhenin erhappy nan for 3, Spencer; 57 4-5 sec.2 AYLMER PIE CHERRIES .........._... 2 sqt., per tin 15o The logislation is net new. he He expressed the hope tgat heîg il u-. s ;BULK COCOA .-..... . ...... .. ..... ....... 2 bs. for 23e saici, non is it the product of the rural-urban meetings that thone Dunn; 5 min. 22 sec. prosent governnient. I t w a stinue te bring together the town Intermediate Boys FLY COILS ..... ......-.... .......................... -............7 for 140 bnoughî down by the Henry Ge)v- and country fol1k. 100 Yards-t. Colville; 2, Mc- ennment andi is similar to, that A thoroughly enjoyable even- Feeters; 3, Rickard; il14-5 sec. COOAECAE whih xitsinevryoter ro- ngclse wththe whole gath- High Jump - 1, Gatcheil; 2, COOAE O D P e an Uts 1-2 lb. 9 C ince with the exception ef Brut- ering joining hands andi singingI Rickard; 3, Colville; 4 f t. 6 in. ____________________________ ish Columbia and Prince Edward Au1 Ln Sn.2 20 Yards-1, Bell; 2, Colville; Island. In addition E n g 1 a n d, l Ln Sn.13, Mason; 27 sec. New Zealand andi other Empire Shot Putt - 1, Bathgate; 2, countnies have similar control, as * ia:J jRickard; 3, Colville; 28 ft. 7 in. have also some 33 States of the [5f ~ ivi 880 Yards - 1. MoFeeters; 2, Union. Mu i e tv l Bird; 3, Tait, 2 min. 28 sec. Mn. Beck predicteci that the: Breaci Jump - 1, Bathgate; 2, ltime was coming when milk. like <Continueci from page 1) Rickard; 3. Colville; 16 fl. 81,ýin.ow avi hydrowould e a pblie uility440 Yards - 1, McFý1eters; 2 PHONE 599 o m n l dislnibuted by the municipatities. Bowmanville. at 8 o'clock sharp. Colville; 3, Bird; 6.1 sec. ______________________________ We are net ready for that yet. The Syllabus Cemmittee was also 440 Yard Relay-1. 2A; 2. 2B: _______________________________ but we do need a greaten contre: given power te decide upon the 54 4-5 sec. et ail products that can b.± con- advisability et epening certain Junior Boys Mitchell; 3, Virtue; 13 f t. 9 in. novel sight. many having neyer tnolled. The speaker expflained senior classes fer wider conipeti- 100 Yards-i. Wiseman; 2, De- Basketball Thnow-1, Willianis; seen an iceberg before. thal only products useci dome.iîic- lion than the confines et Durhamn pew; 3, Hutchinson; 12 2-5 sec. 2, Welsh; 3, Storey; 76 ft. 11 in. Our one Sunday at sea was ally and net affected by exot County. Bnr o a di Jump .- 1, Depew: 2, High Jump - 1, Williams; 2, unique to many. The church ser- markets ceulci be controlleci. Il was agreoci during the meet- Hutchinson; 3. Crawforci: 15 fI. Wesh; 3. Mitchell; 4 ft. 1 2 in. vice was very popular andi I arn safe in saying that neyer in the Milk is a necessiîy andi essen- ing that the exocutive committee. 21t2 in. 220 Relay-i, 1B; 2, 2B; 3, lA; histoye h etoehssc tial et al, lho said. The Milk which is composeci et the honor- 220 Yards-1. Depew; 2. Wise- 31 4-5 sec. a turn outthe Mchuroshser c c Board has net centrelleci the pnice ary presîdents. the president. vice mn: 3, Hutchinson: 28 sec.a unttocrhseveo- ef milk. but has sought enîy to presîdont. secretary - tressuren. mHigh Jumip - 1. Cawçford; .2. curned before. The cabin dining setath rdergt 'aradchairmen eft the four con'- McFeeters: 3. Depew: 4 tt. 634oe . In~oman room was filleci to capacily. ev- eliareofe the consumns dollar. mittecs. shaîl also constîtuto the 880 Yars-1. W i s mna n: 2«. VIMY rILGRIiMGE ery inch including standing room. The prosent act prevides for nmanagemntn committee et thelJackman: 3. Swindells: 2 miii IThe sînging of very apprepriale licensine etfsldistnibutors. andi festival. 150 sec. yn a h otipesv tlîe postine etf a bond as a guar- Conimittees appoînteci for 1937 Shot Putt -I. Wiseman: 2. i Contînueci frein page 1> ipart et the coremony which was anteo te the fariner that hoe wilî are as tollews. wiîh the firsi Tamblyn: 3. G. McFeetens: 33 ft. rmslage t em htms very much enjoyed. 15e paici ton his milk. The weak- nameci as chairman: B in. fo l nlsi çeýta ot(ob otnef r.ess in the act. hoe acdeci. was Pnize Ceniittee - W. H. Jor- 440 Yard Relay-l, lA. etf us are satistieci with our bul- T ecniu that the dainies hiad t00 much dan, M. H. Staples, Dr. J. A. But- Senior Girls 'lots and inî,end te make the best contrel oven the producens. andi lon, A. E. Fultonci. E. A. Summers. 75 Yards-i. Caverly: 2. Mon- 'et things. The tnip across was PUTYME the Board was constantly check- W. A. Meadews. Russell Osborne. don: 3, Wright; 9 4-5 sec. ' 1 nciexecttins.A ostor îng andi auditing te see that the W. W. Horne. F. F. Morris. Geo. 100 Yards-i. Caverly; 2. Mon- Iderly well conducteci affair frein For real value use tarmner wss paid sccenciing toW. James. J. T. George, Miss den: 13 2-5 sec. start te annival at Anlwerp. There VntoesEgM h the milk soîci. andi was net paiciJa ikno. r.M .Hw Breaci Jump - 1. Cavenly; 2. were ne quarrels, no drunks. no surplus price for milk that waskîns. M ns. O. W. Rolph. odn3.Mtn:1f.62i. netaîleci by the dsinies. Halls andi Tickets - A. E. Ful-Modn3. utn:2f.6'i. crown andi anchon, ne unpleas- containing buttermilk powder, Fuily 951; et the dainies wenetond. Smith Fergusen. J. H. Aber- High Jump-1, Slirubb: 2. Mon- antness whatever. Evry t hi ng ceci liver ou., and ail the in- quie onst nc aovebord th nth. W H Jrda. ns ~ den: 3, Cavenly; 3 f t. 10 1 in. went smoothly agneeable te ev- gredients necessary for health- quitehonet an aboe bord, he ntýy.W. H Joran. rs. . Basetbal Thow -1, fuiey andonproductiveoducive rds.s speaker explained. but the other Pritchard, Melville Dale. 2Basketb . al Trw -74 1. in. 1 Deryon. h dyied 5"ý were net. The samne was truîe Publicity Conmittee - M. B. 1220 Merd e3lavry; f. 8 in. Duning eeth cistie. dock-Price - $2.20 ef the farinons, for chisellens had Bennet. Geo. W. James. Jack -il .Tid 3. Fitth; 30 sec. joe hl nteeeig dn-prbga h il been founci smong thoin. 0 'NeilI. John M. James. .oe~i nteeeig ac Summing up the objects efthtle Syllabus Committee - E. P. Junior Girls 'ing on deck or community sing- act and tho Board, Mn. Bock stat- Biadt. Miss H. A. Masen. Miss A. 50 Yards-l. Williams; 2, Vir-, ing in the leunges were othen1 F.C V eci that briefly the Board tnioci McMaster. Mrs. Smith Fenguson. tue: 3. Welslî; 6 3-5 sec. torms et pasime enjoyed aIl the i F.mCnvale nstone te see that the farnien receiveci a Miss H. Morris. A. J. Knox. T. W. 75 Yards-il. Williams: 2, Bick- wsy ovor. On our way over xe IPoo7 fair~ pnico fer his preduct. thati Stanley. Mrs. L. W. Winsqlow. E. e:3Mcit:11-5 sec. oncounusereci icebergs eff Labra- 1 the distrîbutonrorceiveci a fair Cohu. F. Suitton. M. J. Tamblyn. Broad Jump - 1. W4lliam.s: 2. don. To nîsny on board it was s profit on lus distribution. andi Miss J. Dickinson. Mrs. A. Colo.____________ that the consumner dîi net po.y Mrs. E. C. Fîshen. Mrs. D. Robb. IMantin Clienhall. Neil Stewart, ____________________ Mis. L. Swi:,zer. Mns. G. Camîp-GI bell. A. R. Vir,ýni. Mrs. A. J. Ssad-I CHURCHES lei-, Mr-S. C. H. Dudley. Mrs. H. ]PILLÉ PILLS ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH W. C. Alliei. Leslie Un;tt. Geo. P RESCRIPTIO N.S Rov. W. F. Banîster, Pastor Camipbell. Miss Jessie H4awkins. 9 Miss L. L. Bragg, Oganist M 1rs. r. ' J. C. Bell. Mns. W. S. SERVICE Ca fu y a d_____ Sunday. Sept. 27t 1.m. arn ns. H. B. Foster. __________and ,Holy Communion-:; 2 p.m.- Financial Statement A ccuratelv Sqtiibb Sund.ay School: 7 p.m.-Rev. Rcceipts: Walter Rackhsni. NB-Ondin- N flnPrdut atien of eiders at morning sevc. Balance 1935 $ 22.39S sevc.Entny tees 73.25fl*ÇUE Cod Liver OiÙ.47c - 97c Don receipts 291.55 DISPENIl. Mint flavoured or plain' THE SALVATION ARMY Donations- 80.00) LOWEST 10 D. Cod Liver Oil Bowmanville Corps Interest .15 PIE Bring your prescriptions to your I.DA. 67c - $1,69 Lieuts. A. Brown andi J. Sloan Str. ah nCi tuid n Sunday. Sept. 27th, Rally Day: $467.34 ------Soe aho e arefully tdean Adex Tablets ........$1.00 11 a.m.-"Fiendship"; 2 Pm-.- Expendilures 1936: accurately filled with the purest ingred- Adex Capsules .. ... $.0 mus. hema wcho c m-esk Exchange on choque $ .15 ients. Or phone 92 and we will cail for the prescription, _____________ H.s Bh an et, sp ae Ail ,e Excise stamnps .27 f il it and deliver it prornptly to yen. co re t sekr lwl Stencils, Roneo Paper 5.05 oome. ~Statesman. paper, envs. 5.65 1.0RWR ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Orene News, 1935 acct. 2.50 Special Prices 1.0R W R Rv ahrJP.M uie atrBell Telephone .75 For ans' Corn or Callou41 Sunday. Septemben 27th: Mass StaIiWs 10.50,RtW erB tlsta cnob emvdy aI Bowmanville 9 ar.; Mass at Canadian Bureau, Marking 39e - 49o - 79c - 99c the new seentific Lloyds Newcastle 10.30 arn. Sheets .-------- - ------210y-mola.ted Corn Salve, i W. J. Berry, pencils, clips- .50 I.D.A. Bronchial Cough 3 to 5 days. This new salve ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN J W. Jewell, crepe gyrup ...... - ..49r, de.sensitizes cornsandm cal- CHURCH r apn etc. - ---b.0luses with the fta pli- Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister L. B. asn tnnMiao 25 Vaseline Hair Tonie cation. Call your druggist iMiss Louise Osborne, Organlat Port Hiope Guide ... ---- 50LageSize ............73e todS.y and order a. jar of Sunday, Sept. 27th: 11 a.m.- James Marr, medals 125.92 ______g this wonderful salve. Cal- Coun_____7________ i CmponSmth Dextri-Maltose 65e - $3 bouses of long standing will Grace; 2.30 pmn.-,Sunday Sehool. Adjudicalor .----- ----.-- 77.06 Fasteeth ....... c....e-49e eu e silghtiy longer ST OH' AGICN Miss Gwen Meore, Festival _______________ ST. OHN' ANGICAN Secretary -.- ------ --17.05 ----- CHJJRCH M. W. Tamblyn, plalform. 15.00 Àdu Ec 0 Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rector Balmnôrai Hoel-- 25.50 y la Mns. J. A. Gunn, Organist Rent Trinily Church---- 30.00 Spahr's September 27îh. l6th Sunday W. Woolley, carelaker 10.00 RemedyA S M R atten Trinity - Harvest Festiva r.Pritchard 6.00 Thanksgiving 8 ai.;. Thanksgiv- Statesman, pinling and relief inT1SSUE ing Service il arn.: Children's adt. 37.85 TAKE REGULARLY Bronchitis,- Service 2.30 pin.; Evensong 7 pi. Exchange on choques .26-* Tonsilitis and j, I00Set Special proachor. Venerable Arch- Mrs Whiîoteronto, M una nail throat aàl 001het deacon William Simpson, B-A., Syllabus ~ 20.00 Bu o nAi ments. Try atoheRi TRINITY UNITED CHURCII Helen Morris. Honorariumn 40.00 M 1M ERA LM. Rev. Sidney Davison, Pastor James Mar. extra medals 3.41 W A TER50e zterà 2fr2 Francis Sullon, Mus.Bac. James Marr, plates fer W T R3M Organist anci Choir Diroctor shields 8.48 FOR--- Sunday. Sept. 27th: 11 ar.- $6,9N U II PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY "The Potter and the Clay": 2.30 $6.9N U II pm-udySchoel and Bible Balance 2.851 Classes; 7 pn-"is Youn Heuse S I TC la Lt?" udtrs . .Brl,$7.34 J ARTHRITIS Soîics unayASet.27h tFrswil Eai . IhatiE. .inf tuenrn rn Extra Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24 - 25 - 26 JAft/JGOLD MEDAL STRAWBERRY J AM (With Pectin) Jar à VI -TONE ................................................per tUn 45e IHAWES' LEMON OIL, 12-oz .-.............per bottie 24c GILLETTE 'S LYE '..............- .............per tUn 12e SILVO ... . .................... small 15c .......... .......large 25c FANXC*fRED T a m n 5 isfr9~ SIINER CREST a m n 1/2% fn_ fr5 BEEHIVE SYRUP .. -..........................2%'s per tin 18c TIIGER SALMON ..... ....... - .....i ......... 's, per tin 23e ROLLED W HEAT ......- ..... .................. 5-lb. bag 230 WHEEN 'S CARBOLIO SOAF -. ............ 3 bars for 14c PUM PKIN ........... ........................ ........ per tin lOc KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES ................3 pkgs. 25o TRY THE MagiC Surprise Recipe It'S Different ! It's Delicious! LAIMB STEW WITH MUSHROOM DUMPLINGS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAPLIO, THUP-9DAY, SEF=BER 24th, 1936 PAGEFIVE

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