TT~CAAOAN~t1A"W1'lAM ýUXf.1MfVIL£ (VUI'1Al-i, Il 'PTXTTLrAY, EPT MB n 24h 93 U N i ( 1 1 1 ~~~~May Gibbs. Dora Shantz. Harold _____________ Avery Recitation-Hazel Aldred. JuneK mn II ýW est iDurnam ameSTc hoolMaFaira Ashton. Fay Gilroy, Glad.xs Fer- epvl. (Rusticus in the Strattord vded. and s.iL' they cm.Te Pio-.y bs oaShn Harold Avery. Gordon Seo. A rc lua OnteBeacon-H.eraldî children had pets - what farm Lloyd Preston. Hwr Davey. Ferne Gîlroy. Seo.A rc lua OnteFarm:-These are great boy or girl hasnt? - and they Zinnias - Harold McLaughlin. ISchool days foi' the children in many brýought thenm along - rabbits Einest Anderson. Baiue Burr, M PEG O Eudrdrcin0 rural schools. The school fanrs and pigeons' and kittens. It ap- Merle Ormiston. M P EG O Eudrdrcino are on. Colts and caives that peared fo a tîme as though c- ArcnMrgl el k, Hl rdy etme lh liv encme n ;andaery miother cat in the towns~hip ArcnMrgl-el k, Hl rdy etme lh ONTARIO DEPT. 0F havsben cmbeganttiaindcalrIClavton Brown.AGIUTR suminer aie ready to face the i a on ob epresented at Hom. Dr. Ouncan Marshall. kjudges. The big niangold. and the show by at least one kîtten. Verbena - Ray Smit.h. A r t Fal Wheat, Sheaf- Wesley Minister even the sumnier of 1936 produc-lTrucks. cars'. trailers, horse and Thompson. Oke. AGRICULTURE ed somie exceptionally big ones. îony drawn vehîcles. brought Gaîllardia - James Ed wa rd Fall Wheat. Quart- Gordon T , ,u t tall coin. the sheafs of grain and their quota of children and ex- iDarcy Park. Marion Prescott. Truil. Bob Rundie. Marilyn Run- i' tiîi 1 ii i , 9)t1 the finest vegetables the kitchien hîbîts. Pinks - Ralph Kinapp. Aileen dle, We.s. Oke. r tii 1 7* grinhsproduced are ready In the feno we weie ofl Bradley-. ldsFegon Ken- Qats. Sheaf-Dentzel Ander- -'o i i for dJsplay at the township school 1 the grounds agaîn. Now thlere was neth Rahin. son, Rosý Cobbledick. Gor'don t fair. a crowd ging in at endne.T Scabiosa Lloyd Skinner. Lama MUetcalf. Eveline Gîbson. 2 uu~îa The otheir moi'ning we happenn- he hs w.' o0in Rahm. elnPaîtner. \I t, i..,t.Mui, or ppt co hegonswen - complete. The and schoo I Hle ats uatRot1uiGo-j 3.F i ii eci o beon he gouns whre ells and exerc:,.es wer-e sojon Snaîxragon-Jean Knapp. Isa- don Metcalf. Loi-ne Price. 7ttt - one of these fairs was to be held. ove;' Sîngîng and publîc speak- belle Rahmn, Donald Ferguson. alv ha as Gbo. HM CN MC It. was amost clo in e for igfollowed and then the colt,;,Eileen Cowling. Dnl erî.10'.t'U .ti entries. and busy boys and girls. Davo.nabalnd hdssvr I tMn t iiîît ii aby ssstd y qaly us a-,,, anbsan hgswee Special: Watkins Cake - Jean Barley. Quart-Dent7el Ander- ,.i. r~î i ablyassste byequllybu- par'- 1 judLed. The boys. too, were jndg- Knapp. Ruby McLaugblin. Ferne son, Donald Metcalf, Ross Cob- 2. "'iIltt ents, were putting the exhi4bit.s 'dfrteraîiya hwe.Gilroy. bledîck, Phyllîs Trimble. ii' h~ itit into Place. Did a group of car'- The latter w'as an interesting S p ec i al: Watkin.s Biscuits - Potatoes. Dooleys-John Mor- DAIRY SCHOOL rots look a trifle roughi and suni- and amusing class. A few 0of the Blanche Preston. June Ashton. , AuryPa. hli;Timltt.rna-, burned. a basket of potatoes ýyoungsters handled their young Dora Shantz. ble. John Pearce. vîî î'. h, giliiuii seemn a bit scabby. or a vase of stock as well as some f the Most Special: Temperance Poster - Potatoe.s. Irish Cobblers-Wes- Bordanii I.g n flo-wers wilted a bit? What mat- seasoned exhibîtors at the big Union School, Harold Ashton. îey Oke. Joan Antil, Hilda Scor- oaresicdlgn. ter? Some youthful exhibitor was faîrs. Others again managed ta Jean Park, Ferne Giîroy, Elaine ge Louise Pere - r.rr c:d ar : sure that he or she had a chance kep between their animals and Ormiston, Eileen Cowîîngg.Ensil erc e sleyC'r Jams C.Sforer, in lii r twin aprize. Anyway, it wasn't the judge mot f the time, and Cockerel. Barred Pl1y mo uth George Osborne, Robert Muir, Principal. c the child's fault if :Dad's colt or whjile their calves or colts were Rock-Jean Werry, Gladys Brad- Ross Cobbledick. B. Lucile Bridges, B.S., ealf hadn't the breeding to make standing still. found great com- ley, Aileen Bradley, F a b i a ni SetCr ayWlis ietro on a prize winner, and you couldn't fort in leanîng on their backs, Mountjoy. SetCr -MayWknsDrector ofHes be expected to pull up all the car- even while those in charge were Pullet, Plymouth Rock - Jean Eileen Pickell, Elsie Vetzal. Eco les rot patcb at this season of the explaining how the animal should Werry, Gladys Bradley, Fabian Mangeis - Doreen Phair. Neil KEMPTVILLE, ONT.0 year to find five that were just br. presented, Mountjoy, Aileen Bradley. Metcalf, Muriel Found, 1, Artur _____________ right. The boys and ginls were Is the school f air worth while? Cockerel, White Le g ho rn - Clemence. 1 out to make a day of it. They It most certainly is. The major- Breta Collacutt, Ross Ashton, Trurnips-John Morton, Arthur ; were doing their part to make the ity of those boys and ginls went Edith Woodley, Marie Ashton. Hone. Madeline Crago. Margaret Dentzel Anderson, Doris Stevens. l day a success. home the other day bavîng learn- Pullet. White Leghorn -Lloyd Harris.HaodSens Getting back to the morning ed something. Their entbusiasm Skinner, Edith Woodley, Ross Parsnips-Wm. Bragg, Douglas PadStevenPlus-ael Cragob scene an those school grounds. will have somne influence on their Ashton, Breta Collacutt. Harris, Ross Bragg. Marion Foley, Violet Crago, KeithS Exhibits were coming in faut. parents. In this connection we Colt, DraU - How.ard Bradley, Beets -Calvin Crago. Marilyn Crago. The chiekens filled tbe coops pro- thougbt of some of the arguments Bill Gilroy. Walter Ormiston, Rundle, Ernie Hanewich, Louise Plate of Assorted Fruit - Bobk we have heard 'round the barns Gordon Slemon., Pearce. Rundle. Jean Hanna, L o u i seb at larger faîrs after the .udging Caif. Beef -Walter Ormîston, Carrots-Gordon Robinson, Ed-iPearce, Lillian Snowden. Bu iesU rco y wasdone. o\Weer vsoe f he Ral}p Hefer ossAshdie Rivett. Lillian Osborne. Bea GahmMuffins-Loryne WhiteJ the scbool fair, and perbaps there ton. Elaine Ormiston. Onions - Bob Vinson. J o h n Ellen Abernethy.a LEGAL was a bit of disappointment be- Market Lamb. Ewe or Wether Pearce. Audrey Greenham, Har- Decorated Cookies - Dorothy cause some entry had not won a -Lloyd Skinner, Howard Brad- old Stevens. nwe.Mrae ars l prize. but there wasn't any cuss- ley, Gardon Slemon, May Gibbs. Squash-Doris Stevens, Kath- SnorWen, Margaret Harris. El Mf. G. V. GOULD, B.A.. LL.B. ing at the judges. No sir, those Best broken and exhibited colt. armne Minto. Viola Ruiter. Harold enrigt agae apél Barrister, Solicitor, Notary young folk set a migbty fine ex- caîf or lamb>-Ross Ashton, Elaine Butter Cake-Catherine Minto, Phune 351 ample for some aIder exhîbitors Ormiston. Ralph Knapp. Lloyd Pie Pumpkins-Lillian Snowden Louise Pearce. Eileen Pickell. Es-A Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville we have met. Tbey will be back Skinner. Glen Prout, Audrey Phair. Arthur ther Barnett.a next year trying just a bit barder Special: Best Broken Foal - Stackaruk. Chocolate Fudge-Phyllis Trim-a ~. . TRKEthan ever. and if we can at aIl Wesley HîlIs. Howard Bî'adley Asters - Madeline M e tealIf. ble. Madeline Metcalf, Eileen W.R TIEwe are going ta be there ta see Walter Ormîston. Lorne Pi'ice. Viola Ruiter. Ruth Pickell. Audrey Greenham.E Barrister, Solicitor, Notary t.he boys and giris put on their Spy Apples - Marie Ashton, Snudden. Wash Cloth - Fay Fao u ni d.a Solicitor for Bank of Montreal lttie show. Breta Collacott. Wes. Hills, Art Phlox - Doreen Phair. Bobbie Cbî'istina Campbell, Doris Stev- i Money to Loan. Phone 91. 'Tompson. Henry, Christina Campbell. Gwen ens. Daisy Gibson. Bowmianville, Ontario Snow Apples - Ross Ashton, Osborne. Knitted Wash Clotb - Greta G 1 EJNRISKILLEN Lloyd Skinner. Roy Smith, Isa- Zinnias-Margaret Harris. Mur- Wilkins. Margaret Campbell. e L. C. MASON, B.A. Held Monda3ý- September i 4th belle Rabm. iel Found, Catherine Minto, Aud- Sleeveless Nightgown- Cather- Barite SliitrMclntosh Apples-Ross Ashton, rey Phair. ine Minto, Eveline Gibson. Louise rE B ary Pub licitor Fall Wheat. Sheaf-_Art Thomp- Catherine MacDonald. Marie Ash- African Marigýold - D3o ugl1a s Pearce. La in blisbcEs, son. Lloyd Skinner, Bruce Gar- Iton, Lloyd Skinner. Harris. Ruth Ruiter, Ross Bragg, Best 3 Buttonholes - P e a r 1Inr O Lawce imeliatlbeanst.Roa rard. Tomatoes-Donald Lamb. Jean William Bragg. Shemmît. Catherine Minto, Hilda si Theatre. Faîl Wheat. Quart - Donald Werry, Stuart Preston, L o r ni a Verbena - Greta Wilkins, Eil- Scorgie. Wilma Scorgie. S Phones: Office 688; Home 553. Lamb. Grace Stark, Ernest An- Rai. een Pickell. Louise Pearce, Percy Plasticine Model of an Apple- __________________derson, Lloyd Skin~ner. Plate of Plums-Breta Colla- Walter. Harold Nigent. John Morton.i Oa.s Sea -Godo Semncott, Jean McLaughlin. Ross Ash- Pinks-Bill Henry, Harold Wil- George Osborne, Wm. Rundle. 'T oauShef -ordo Slmonton, Marie Thompson. kins. Lillian Snowden, Mary Wil- Robin Shelter-Eddie Rive tt. R DENTAL Marie Thompson. Grace Stark,' Plate of Assorted Fruit-Marie kins. Wooden Model Step Ladder- DR .C EIT Rod Simpson. Ashton, Ross Ashton, Wes. Hilîs. - Murray Osborne, Ross Cobbledick.H DRQ.C DVT ats, Quart - Irene G i 1 r o y, Bessie Hills. Adelaide Wilson. Model Aeroplane-Ross Cobble- j, Assistnt: Dr. E. W. Sisson Keîth Ferguson. Jîm McLaughlin G r ahbam Muffins - Ma r ie Snapdragon - Ross Cobbledick, dick. George Wright.0 leg, Trono.Offce:Jur J B aron, Srtri Thompso.Gro l- psn Edith Woodley. Fay Dorothy Snowden. Pearl Collacott Collection of not more than 25 t loge Tornto.Offle: Jry Jb- Gilroy. June Ashton. Dorotby Ruiter. Wild Birds of Ont-Doris Stev- .1 dg.. vlle.Officemon, Harold Avery. es aodSees a ons a..ta6pm.d.lye- aly.Qat rns ndr Decorated Cookies-Jean Cross- Cockerel, Barred Pl1y m ou t hen, ardStvsayFnd 9.1 Barey, uart Ernet Aner-man, Jean Knapp. Pearl White. Rock-Margaret Harris. Douglas Harold Wilkins. r a:uns a. o6pm alex son. Donald Lamb, Fay Gilroy. Aileen Ralim. Harris. Calvin Crago.Cthrn Collection of not more than 15 v Phone 90. House phone 283. Potatoes. Dooleys -Ruby Me- Butter Cake - Grace St a rk. Minto. Useful Wood.s -Madeline Craga. f X-Ray Equip<nent in Offi.ce. .Laughlin, Jim McLaughlin, Jean Catherine MacDonald. Elaine or- Pullet. Plymouth Rock - Wil- Helen Ruiter. 0 jMcLaugblin. Ray Smith. miston. Ferne Gilroy. liam Bragg, Ross Bragg, Helen A Cook-Book-Louise Pearce, l Potatoes. Irish Cobblers--Cath- Chiocolate Fudge-Jean Knapp. Wight, Phîlip Ayling. Catherine Minto, Lillian Snowden cl FUNE AL DRECT R VictorMacDn'is , Ma Gîbb s. Ruby McLaughlin, Lamna Rabm. Cockerel. White Leghorn-John Pat Husband. r VUiRctDorCOR Esîae CoMaiebshton. Jean Crossman. Mor-ton. Stewart Jarvie. Gardon Special: Watkin's Cake - Fay M SUerxcany hauCr. n dy Enlvlsila C n-Me loy ab- Wash Cloth-Merle Oke. June Hanna. Ross Cobbledick. Found, Marion Foley, Gwen Os- ri Seivic, ay huranyday Wsle Hils.Iree Glro, Fb-Alton. Joyce Abeîrnethy. Helen Pullet, White Legborn-William borne; Tea Biscuits-Lucille Wade ian Mountjoy. Rahm. Tnimble, John Morton. Jim Snud- Phyllis Trimble. Madeline Met- M F.F O RSC . Sw'eet Corn-BlanchE: Preston. nte Wash Cloth-Ruby Mc- den. caîf. Modemn Motor Equîpment Jean Xerry. Ernest Anderson. Laughlin. Colt. Draft-Bill Henry. A Scrap Book o! Simple Car- T, Ambulance and Invalid Car Mvan,,e1s - Fay Gilroy. Helen Sleevele1ýs Nighitgown -Manion Caîf, Beef-Ross Cobbledick. i pentry-Geo. Stackaruk. Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Partner. Harold Avery. R a v partner. Dora Sbantz. Market Lamb. Ewve or Wether 1 Collection of Ground Hog Tails Assistant. 573 Smith. Be,' 3 Buttonholes-Ruby Bail- -Velma Scorgie. -Douglas Harris 54, Dentzel An- pl BOWMA.NVILlE Tuinrps-Bill Gilroy. Carl Fer- ey Jean Knapp, Mary Adamns. Best broken and exbibited colt, derson 43, John Pearce 39, Mar- guson. Ross Ashton, Rut.h prs- Eileen Cowling. caîf. or lamb-Velma Scorgie, Bihi shahl Vetzal 37, Goî'don Truli 28, 'i N~%3THCUT &SMIT COt. isRo rhm.Bbi Plast:cine Model of an Apple-, Henry. Ross Cobbledick. Murray Osborne 19. Eddy Rivett er Bobbie Burr. Kenneth Rabin. Is- Spy Apples - Eleanor Wight, 17, Gardon Metcalf 14, Bob Run- Comlet Fnerl ervce Burr. abelle Rahmn. Georgine Strong . Helen Wight. Lillian Snowden, l 1 ereWih 0 oa Modern Equipment - Ambulance Bec:, - Allan P.res:an, Olive Rob'n Sbelter-Donald Samis.'Stan. Snowden. 272. in - . .G.Notcut S'rong. Maie Thamnpsan. Elle" Donald Ferg-uson. Harold Mc- Snow Apples-Lillian Osborne. Cat in Mass-Murray Osborne. - Aubrey Smith - Aberneihy. Pihos Sned.asa daysAdarros-Hael Ae 0.iiitd . udrey '- Wooden Model Step Laddeî- othy Snowden. well. Bob Vinson.M Niht, unlas iHoidys Lcaîi. aeAlrdAu-y'\- Donald Thompson. Roy Prescott. MclIntosh Apples -Lillian Os- Baby Cbick wvith Baster Egg- G Phone 23 or 76. Oions-oaShnz Dnl1 Model Aeroplane -Harold Me- borne, Helen Wight, Eleanor Wilma Marsball, Gwendolyn Os- Phon 523or 7Ferguosn.oa M ayGib. Doal Laughlin. Wight, Wmn. Bragg.1 borne. Audrey Phair, S t a ni 1 le y vi SH EREARSeu.MaykGiscbe el. Collection not more than 25 Tomatoes - Phyllîs Trimble. Snowden. 8 SH EREARSPe uipis rhi eNi.Wild Brds of Ontario - Marie_______________ Union Jack-Arthur Stackaruk, Cliffoi'd Trewîn, Isabelle Rahîn. Thomipson. Helen Partner. Marie lSim Penfound, Lenore Collacott. R. P A S O N Aileen Bradley. Astn a iry.Rgi vrs Collection of not more than 15 RegieELÀs Boot and Shoe Repairlng 1Partner, Lawrence Tabb. Howard Useful Woods-Harold McLaugh- Rleoem mi ucd',tooxgl elHand,- aheine MentoAl.nnr- Soles sewn on by Goodyear Bradley. eivsicn qck, hHubd M eleMtaf Nr Stitching Machine. Asters -Gardon Slemon. Alanli.are'Ptn. beakin, a moist effective treatment forLzema ma Sexsmith. Prices easonale Bron, RubyGnifli. F a i a n Stages of Development of War- sud other el" troubles. A record of 50 years. ATi !MpeLae-ni KlgSret Eas omanvi rowntjoy ifn Fabia rt Th nd o ps cPartner, ATi fMpeLaeiýA l KingStret ast- Bwmavile ubley.And Bhot is-AliceDr. Chasès Ointment Kichko, Peter Kichko. Mrgaret A Cook-Book - Alice Partner,_________ Harris, Arthur Clemence Eileen Cowling, Ruby McLaugh- Hush A Bye-Joyce Cox( orn lin, Ferne Gilroy. White, Bob Vinson, Ernie liane- A Scrap Book of Simple Car- wicb. pentry - Glen Thompson, Ross It was onîy a Sunny Smile- Ashton. Doris Stevens, Dora Taylor, Aud- Collection o! Ground Hog Tais rey Phair, Geralti Cox. -Neil MoCulloch 82, Douglas The Landi 0f Nod-Pearl Colla- Merle Oke. Eisie Rahm, June Miss Frances Kay. Toronto, Mrs. Ci40JFrPo p eiei Ashton. ~. A&SOIon Geo. Turner, Victoria, B.C.. Mrs. Cal 40J or ro pt elveresThe Brookc - Lloyd Preston, W-J Warner, Hastings, Mrs. H. Jean Knapp, Ruby McLaughlin , E. Tink anti Miss Ruth MeKes- Harold MeLaughin. sock, Sauina, were guests o! Mm. Untrodden Ways-Dora Shantz £ -anti Mrs. Jae Chapman. IRy i Olga Sanderson, Velma Ferguson: Mrs. Chas. Vivian visiteti with G !!!! . K A E D Ai ngCotstDo Shantz, IEIFPI"Congratulations f0 Misses Eva R. R Stven an So Phne 08J Marion Partner. slake on winning first, second and R. . Sevns nd oLPhoe 48J School Parade - S. S. Nos. 7, third prize, respectively, at Llnd- 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21. , i i i ~ ~ M say Pair on their exhibits o! raw ~'Public Speaking-Roy Prescott, anti canneti vegetables under aus- pices of the Girls' Garden and One of Few Good Things 'motn place to the great CnigClub. Scout Movement which the wis- M . a d M rs. Ted C hant treat- - i p rand t er r s f y u h e "I look upon the Scout Move- dom adetrrs fyu he ed their creamerY staff to a ment as one of the good things Scout Lord Baden-Powell brought t'hicken dinner. Ail reported a of our time. There are flot many into being."-The Bishop of Dur- pleasant time. good tlhings, I am afraid; fewer ham, addressing 10.000 Scouts at than we wou]d like. But among t he rece.nt English Northern Mr. and Mrs. Fred Branton, those that are good. I give an iCounties Jamboree. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branton, Marilyn, Douglas and Donald. Toronto.~~ MissOtyteel n Vera Kersake. Oshawa, Mr.Oto ( o r oa t o M is. s . e rs iaky e s . l n 7 Madsen. Bowmanville. were visit- Young People's Union met on Friday evening with the vice- president. Ted Johns. conducting the openina and business period. The programý was in charge of Douglas Rackham. Ted Johnr, read the Bible lesson. Devotional was taken by Douglas Rackham. Miss Marjorie Allun favoured wth LL AJ given by Miss Doris Cryderman. - R.ev. W. Rackham delivered an1 were given by Miss Doreen Pîr_ T E Aà rett and Gerald Black. An amus-- ing contest was conducted by the program leader. Mr. Frank Trenouth. Oshawa. was home over the weekend. Mr. J. L. Johns and Eva visited the former's daughter. Mrs. W. R Young,. Havelock. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pirie, Tor- onto, visited lier sister, Mrs. W.ý Craig. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Burns, Jan- etville, and Mrs. J. P»urdon, Tor- onto, visited Mrs. Jas. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stafford, O0shawa, and her brother, Mr. iClarence Tnill, St. Thomas, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn. Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards and baby Donald, Toronto, vlsited lier sister, Mrs. L. Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, Ennis- killen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Isn't it strange how some men insist on gizarding Mrs. E. E. Staples. gis l iehzrsith ctenadivg Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robbins. aantalfr aad ntekthnadlvn Janesville, Wis., are visiting hi room. . . yet they allow waste paper, oily rags father. Mr. Murate Robbins. and and scrap wood to pile up ini the cellar? aunt. Mrs. W. W. Horn. hsme owte hudcanpti rb Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch are Teemnko hysol enu hsrb visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tre- bish .. and they also know the value of having nouth. Napanee. sufficient sound f ire insurance, too. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn and Acy spent, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jardine, Lindsay. and attended the fair.J Mrs. R. Katerson, Miss Mary J eJ--S O O Katerson and Mrs. Jno. Colwvill are home after visiting relatives INSURANCE AGENTS n Toronto. Miss Bessie Simpson, Maple Phone 50 Bowmanville Grove. wvas home over the week- end. Mrs. Chas. Vivian is visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and niece. Miss June Wilbur. Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Mr. andM vlrs. Russel Reynolds and family. [Rynods visited with Miss Lulu PORT HOPE FAIR Mr. Jno. Mifl.s has rented the,1 Hagines. Mr. Jame by Mr. Geo. F I AY A TE N O Jame. M. Jmesis moving to F I A F E N O Oshawa where hie is eMPloYed in!Bgnig t10 the General Motors.1 ein gat .0 Rally Day was observed in ouri services Sunday. In the after- 'ioon Mr. G. L. Wagar, Bowman- D ville, gave a fine address. taking Amateur DBucksaW Contest for his subject the 15th chapter of 2nd Chronicles. Mrs. M. Tay- (Sponsored by Thse Peterborough Examiner) or told a Rally Day story for the children. Audrey Kersey gave a Winners of Other Contests Not Eligible 'ecitation. In the evening Rev. W. Rackham delivered a fine ser- Cash Prizes - $10., $5. and $3. non on the subject of the day. Miss Minnie Horn is visiting Mrs. W. Jeffrey, Toronto. Mr. . . erçlkeviitd GnIRLS' SOFTBALL FOOT RACES AND Miss Grace Cavker spent the Cobourg vs Keene w'eekend at lier home in PortBIY L RA E Perry. TRINITY COLLEGE Mr. and Mrs. W.H. McLellan.ApeG sin ott Toronto. visited with Mrs. R. Av- SOHOOL ATHLETES ApeGesn ots e'y on Sunday. Lde'Ni-rvn Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trimble Street Fair Games Ladies NCash Driin .nd family. Tyrone, visited hier Horseback Potato Race Cnet ahPie riother. Mrs. S. G. Niddery. Mr. and Mrs. Colen Stephens Green Trotting Race 5-Man Tug-of-War and famnily, Saull Ste Marie,'! ____________________________ Mich.. visited his mother. Mrs. W. Mis Marare t lgr haa Mis Stephens gr,.sh'ý*a Durham ftegiment Band visited hier cousin, Miss Elinor Sykes. C oucli, Johnston & Cryderman SELL'e LIMITED Gillespie Furs . Since 1868 Giliespie's have been Canada's leading Furriers. If you are eoilsidering, a new coat, repaira or re-4modelling ta your presemît eoat - See us - We can save you money. The New Coats Are Here... Yo11'11 waîît to inspeet this exclusive rgroup of inew coats. Furs feature Plat.. munim Wolf, Sable, Persianl Lamb, Op- posunii, Blaek Fox, Red Fox and Seal. SILK LININOS (ituaranteed for three seasons. New cloths ini falev w'eaves. The new coats ame very moderately prieed frotin $12*95 to $d4S.5O New Kats New Dresses New Accessories Phone 104 Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STAIT.SMAN. BOWMANVfLIII ONTARM 7WTM-cýnAV loin 1. %