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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1936, p. 8

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PAGE KIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 241h, 1936 THE NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT Harry R. Pearce. Correspondent, Phone Clarke 1114 Miss Simpson, Oshawa. ad toncan Woodcock. vho %vhîie iniField Day plans and agreed ta Mr. Isaac Selby visited M,. adtWlas alled an Mrs. R. W.1unite wit.h Orona and Millbrook Mrs. Norman Gartshore, Brigýht- Gibson.; in a three school f ield day at on. W. A. off the United Church'Orano on Friday afternoon, Sept. M.r. and Mrs. Lawrence Kerr miet in the Sunday school hall on! 25th. It thien becamie advisable and sons Wesley and Donald, vs- Thursday afternoon. Sept. l7th, 1ta hold a local field day a few ited Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allin on with the pres:dent. Mis. W. H. day,-s preiar ta this date to deter- their way ta and from Ottawa. Coake. in the chair. Following a mine local championships and Messs. J H. ose nd H R.profitable session spent in dis-1 possible competitors for the in- Mesrs J.H.Jos ad H R cussingý and furthering plans for 1 tersehool meet. Sa teachers and Pearce and Mesdames Jose. Percy bazaar. play and supper projects. students spent Tuesday afternoon Hare and Chris Law attended the Mrs. Percy Brown's group pre-i at the community park working monthly meeting off the Orona sented a program consisting off out a program off general athlet- Horticultural Society in the Unit-1 readings by Mrs. S. MacLean. ies in anticipation off Friday's ed Church basement. Sept. l5th.- piano selection by Mns. C. A. biggýer event. when Mr.. Lane of **Kenilworth Cowvan ' and reading by Mrs. Ross High School Literary Officers Gardens." Valentia. Hor::'cultural icknsn Sandwiches, cake and NwateLtrr oît e Director for this district. NO. 4' tea %vere served.Necsl iraySceynet gav a eryinsrucî~e ilustat- Mr.. .Frîday. Sept. l8th. to elect officers. 1 gae alk oynstgutad.:lusad tr M.and Mi's. Aiken and fmivAn interestine feature off this el- e ako ldoiadthrrecent acquisitions ta the village, etinashehoigUp0 floers Mr an Mr. J~e okh'ave rented the Wilniot house on 1 sades and each sîde having a plat- wit thm aveîY fne Ž~srtm niiMll St.. formierly the home of the form as in parliamientary7proced- offglaiol, gow ~nther Ofl v~Miss Elizabeth Wilmot and ure. The leaders were James gardens. for decorat've and demi- :s Margaret Wilmaot now off oeî n rheMartin onsraionpuposs.Cobourg. Mr. A'ken is emiployed Speeches were made by each Mrs. Ernest Gibson. Os.hawxa. wvith the J. Anderson Smlith Co. mme f h otsigads was a visitar wth hier sîster. Mrs. which îs working five n after ohfc the cneetin 100ks Harry Couch. n:ghts a week ta keep Up %with its ate. Tih heficrre elect ed o Mr. Lincoln Might. San Diego, orders. by ballot and the following were Calif.. a farmer principal off the Mr. Geo. C. Wright, visited rela- ichasen: President-James Lave- high school. was in tawn renew- tives at London and attended the kmn: Vie-Pres.-Tam Brereton: ing old acquaintanceships. He Central Ontario Fair. Sec'y.-Reita Cooke; Treas-Ar- was a guest off Mr. and Mrs. W. Cangratulations ta Mr. and thur Toms; Editar off Buzzer- E. Bemjan. Mrs. Frank Miller, nee Hazel Me- Jean Banathan; Poet-G o r do n Miss Margaret Sander-san off Manus, an the birth off a daugh- Cotter: Histrian--Jahn A Ili n: the high schoal staff, vi s it ed ter. Bays' Athletie Com.-Bruce Van- Lindsay Fair on Saturday and Mrs. B. Thomas lias been v's't- Dusen and Dick Anderson; Girls' spent the weekend with hier par- ing in Taronto with hier daughter. Athletic Comi.-Eileen Clarke and ents. Mrs. Garnet Ryan. Patricia Pearce: Leading Pianist Recent weekend visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cox. formi- -Reita Cooke; Assistanýt Pianist Mrs. P. O'Neil were lier niece, el Miss isblP'.adtre Margaret Pearce: Farm Repre- Miss Marion Grass, and four fri' ch:ldren. Taranta. were Sunday sentatives---Farm I. Harold Hoar, end~s fram Napanee. Miss Helen r uests of Mrs. W. H. Pearce. Margaret Bowen; Form II, Ross Hull and Misses Myers, Herring- nMrs. P. ONeil spent two days Allin. Margaret Wright; Farm _________________________inhaspital in Toranto undergoing lII. Ethel Spencer. John Alun: treatment. on the advice of lher Farm IV, Jaseph Hackin. Jean local physician. Cutr Congratulations are in arder Cutr R- toa ta Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirk- B~RID GEL patrîck. nee Irene Adaii'. on the birth off a son in Bawmanville NEWUONVILLE Hospital on Sept. l9th. United Chuirch - Rev. S. Mac- Athefrtmtiga te Lean, BA.. Pastor. Sunday. Sept. 'iAn Band Hs eetnCauc hea 127th: il am.--Sunday Schoa MissiondBsecrery. chwa Rally Day service in conjuniction enat. president. and Margaret ( ~with the regular service af wor- here ps sed ta res a hus ship: é p.m.-Evening Service.t St. Georges Church - Re Dday off last week a pioneer off thîs R.D;%dBA. Rev .Dn- district in the persan off Mr. Nor- day. Sept. 27th, l6th Sunday af- man Samis. Sympathy is ex- aJter Trinity: 8 a.m.-Holy Cam- tended ta the sorrowing wife and VILL NEED munion; 11 a.m.-Marin Pry family. er and mînistrationofinat A.mong those who attended Playing Cardsf baptism: 2 P.m.-Sunday Schol;' Lindsay Fair were, Mr. and Mrs. Tls7p.n.-Evening Prayer. IGea. McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. TailesGaldei Rule Missian Band met L. E. Millsan. Score Pads in the Sunday school Saturday. Wamen's Institute met at Mrs. Sept. l9th. It was decided that Clarence Mitchelî's. Sept. l6th. ______the Fall Thank-affering will be There was a large gathering pres- WideSeletionheld Navember 2lst. Ater ail ent ta enjay the interesting pro- Wid Seectonbusiness xas completed, Mrs. Be- gram. Mesdames Chas. Beigh- BRIGE RIZ S7 an 100k charge off the juior ton. C. J. Williams and Herman Mebrwhile Mrs. Rodger and, Peters were present f rom Port In China, Crystai, Pottery, IMrs. Colwili hield a study perîod Britain. Mrs. Beighton gave a Pictures and Novelties of ,ith the seniors. A special re- splendid paper on "*Health." Mrs. al i ds. view off memory verses and stor- C. J. Williamns and Mrs. A. Red- îes was taken. knapp favored wth solas. Mrs. Make Jewel's your bridge Mr. J. H. Jase attended the R. j. Rawe gave a reading. It supply headquarters. coninment sale off daîry cattle was decîded ta fai'ward a dona- at duelph on Tuesday. havîng 1t'on to Mrs. F. W. Bowen in aid contributed twa Holstein heifers of the Public Speakîng- Contesta. to te sae. n animal contest was put on. J.MrW.andwell. JasheGsale. and~ Mr. nd Ms. Js. Gllin e wnners being Mrs. C. J. Wil- J. W Jew ll '1r.and Mrs. Guy. Toronto. ere liamis and Mrs. Chas. Hancock BIG 20 Sudy;et f r n rs.ted. Prize was a beautîful bou- l. F. Banton. qiiet off gladioli. A social lime Phone 30 Bowmanvile Recent guests off Rev. and Mrs. was en.ioyed. S.\a-:Lean a' thý ,parsona'_ýe M'.s June Warv uitertained o' .î'e: c. an o. Way of Mann hier young friends with a wiener _________________________ o~ ~-a~ a McJrî. H~ of Saturday evening. a"a FaU',s. Mî's. Corfîeld and son1 Recent Visitors: IE,,ýn, Por't Dalhousie. and Mr. r.Jh LodBwiavle ad,,Mr.s. James Steel and two Ms.Jon or. awmanille daucthng 1 s Toronto. I wîh Mrs. Georg aky JIeu~.>iProf. and -Mrs. Ardagh sopped; M'. and Mrs. Fred Lppett and Ask us tc show you our where they had beLen spendîng h er cousin. Mrs. Budd. Port Hope. new combination Fl1o or the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cauch and Waxer and Polisher. Easy Mr. John Grieve. Guelph. spent ffamily' with Mi'. and Mrs. Fred to operate. Uight, a nd the weekend her-e in his old hame C ouch. Newcastle. clean. Price reasonable. town. Mr. Wm. Couch, Newcastle, at You will be under no ob- Lloyd Hancock was agaîn hîgh h îa san's. Mr. J. Couch. ligation if you ask for man for the thîrd year in suc-I1 Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane and demnonstration. cession in the high school fieldi Mr. W. C. Lane with Mr. and, day events on Tuesday afternaon. 1 Mrs. Harry Lane, Caîborne. Eileen Clark won the girls' Miss Marguerite McKay, Brigh- chatnpianship for the second year tan, home far the weekend. RE C MFO TABL insuccession. with Jean Bona- Miss Margaret Luxon guest of BE COMFORTABLE in Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burgess, Or- Now i theseasn tohave Mr. Wm. Pinnegar had business oo the windows draft with the Arnold Bros.. Pickering Mr. and Mrs. G. Overland and and dust pruof by caulk- Farms. on Tuesday and as cal- daughiter Mitzj. Detroit, guesta off ing. ed in at the Oshawa fair. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones. Mr. andi Mrs. D. Kaufiman and ASK FOR PRICES. Change in Field Day Plans LlJoyd Burley with Toronto fri- iIn consideration af a proposi- ends. tn made in persan by Mr. Or- Mr. and Mrs. H. Osborne, Mar- i. H. ABERNETH1Y 'ille L. Drummond, B.A.,o theiriswt emohrMs.J-T PHONE 431 Orano Continuatian Schaal 10 Mr. Pearce. E. M. H. Ward off the local High Recent visitars with Mr. and Bowmanville - Ontario 1Schoal and com.municated ta the Mrs. R. J. Rowe-Mr. and Mrs. staff and students. the Newcastle Rabb. Monîreal. Mr. A. E. Symons schaal byv ote modiffied ilsorigyinal and Inez. Marrish. TUTTI FRUITTI qf FANCY BRICKS L2UC NEILSONS Lunch Special TOASTED Cheese Sandwich 2 for 25 Including Tea, Coff ee or Milk Saturday Oniy English Style SWISS ROLL Reg. 25c - for 18âc Raspberry, Pineapple, Green- gage and Lemon f illed. FULL LUNE 0F CREAM GOODS has been lowered sînce January IsI, 1932. by $10.000. Commercial Rate Reducton Service charge - 5 cents per m anth per 100 watts installeti capacîty ar demanti. Minimum i monthly service charge 50 cents. unchangeti. Fîrat 100 hours monthly use af inslalled capacity or demanti 3 cents per K.W. hr.. and for ahl Iriemaining consumption, 8 cents, per K.W. lic. The preias rat was 4 cents per first 100 haurs manthly use for cannected loati. foc ail remaîning consumaplion 1 cent. Minimum monthly grass bill 83 cents. AIl lesa 10", prompt payment discount. Reductions made in 1934, 1935 andi now have meant Ihat the HIS BACKACHE1 WAS UNBEARABLEý Kruschen Brought Him Relief from Pain This mani of 31 wvas premature- ly aged by backache. when lie ________________ should have been enjoyingz the besi years off his life. Here lie MARRIED il tells howv Kruschen hielped to re -________________ store im iita health. after mantlzWAT OGHFX -t o7 off pain:-1 VA'IJG - X-AtCv "I %vas in haspital for ten vveeks Cottage. Bowmiaiiville-on-:he- owing ta kidnes' trouble. When Lake. on Saturday. Sept. l9th. I was discharged I feli like an old 1936. hy Rev. Douglas What- man., althoughi I am anîly 31. If maugh. brother off the groom. I stooped ta da anythîng i t %vas Joanne Allertharne. yaungest agony ta straighten up agaîn. daughteî off Mrs. John Fox. ta Several people adviscd me ta îcy Fî'ederîck Russell. eldesi son off Kruschen Salis. I tried themn and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Whatmough ffotînd they gave me relief froi off Stratffard. Ont. pa:n and I felt better in eve--yj wvay. I cycle 28 miles a day to HYEALN-nStudy and from work. and shahl keep up SHYe. LLth 1936. at St Ad- the daily oseof Kruschen be- rew'.sP'eberaChc.C- cause I can now do the jouî'ney ta bo rby Rev. J. . Rchos and from work and not feel any EthelgLouise. daugh.ero Mr the wai'se for it."-S.V.C. Eand Mrs. llam Lyal Allen. When the internai organs ceae andKend i h'esson WhytAle ta do theJr work pcoperly. imipur- so nd Mîs. hytessan thte: 4ties begJn ta accumnulate in thelRaer Jon Whyte offte at ýYstem. and cause troublesome Mr oetJonWyeo symptamis. Kcuschien Saîts h&ep MontreaL ta stimulate the iver and excre-i LorY organs ta heallhy. regular actîvity. and thus assiat lhem ta DEATHS rid the system off harmful imi- , purities.1 annual caat off electîic current ta commercial consumera since Jan- iîary lat. 1932. has been iaweced by $4500. Power Rate Reductions No change in actual power rate s made but a local discount off 10", an monthly bills is allowved. In 1934 a 5"~ local discount was allowed primacy power usera. This means that local discounts allowed since January lat. 1932. means a savJng ta power c3n- sumers af approximately $7000 annually. The present r'ate reductian is the most drastic yet made by the local Commission and will reduce the net annual surplus based oni present cansumption by $12 '0001 annuaUly. This means off couicSe that the profits in the future : be drastically eut ffîom formner- years unless cansumplian increa.ý- es. However. it is feit the ce- duclion is justified and the con- sumera gel the benefit directly in lower bills. Il should also be noleti thatth Commission has returned to the Tawn Council since 1932 thesu off $2560.30 as refund on casl off1 streel lighting. The gross saving ta cansumers af ail kinds since Bowmanville purchased its awn system i oais $24.060, wh:ch is the comb ine savîngs ta domestie. commercial and pawer consumera. Plus thè refunds on 'street lîghting. Scout Textbook The Bay Scouts tex tb o ok. 'cuigfor Boys." by Baden- Powell. has been tcanslated ia these twenty-sîx languages: Ara- bie. Spanish. Hebcew. French. Flemi.,h. Cze-chos-lov-akîati. Bul- garian. Estonian. Gernmon, Dutchi. Ind:an Vernasular, Italian, Jap- anese. Malayan. Poli-h. Rounan- ian. Russ;an. Swedislh. Turkish. Yuigoslavian. Afrikaan ,Souh Af - cîcan Dutch r, Finnis'h. Danisli. Hungarian. Lithîanian and Swa- hili. Thece is also an Engýlîsh edition for the blînd in Br-aille. AUCTION SALES The undersîgned lias receîved instructions fram Mca. S. Stanley ta selI by public auctian all offlhec hausehold effecta încludîng kit- clien. bedcoam, dîning roam and living roam furniture. an lier premuses. scugog Street, narth off C.P.R. Station. Bawmanvîlle. on Saîurday. Sept. 261h. at 1.30 p.m. (D.S.T.). Termis cash. Wm. J. Challis. auctioneer. Friday, Sept. 25th.-Mr. Wesley Adams, Lot 25. Con. 9, Darling- ton. will sell all off his farmn stock, implements, feed and a quantity: off furniture. Ternis cash. Sale t1pin. Ted Jacksan, auction- The underaigned hias received instr-uctions from Ernest A. Wer- ry, to seil by public auctian, on Lot 17, Con. 9, Darlingtan, on Saturday. Sept. 261h. at 1 p.m.. 75 Head Sprîngýers and Feedera, Durham. Hereford and Polled Angus Grades, in lots te suit pur- chasers: also 1l puce bced Red PaUled Heifers in caîf. and 7 with calves at. foot, alIl ested: Aged Bay Mare and Foal; 2-yeac-old Bay Geldîng. braken. Ternis cash. Ted Jacksan. auctianeer. Thursday. Oct, lst.-R. J. Luke. lot 9. con. 5. East Whitby. will .ell al] off his facmi stock, imple- ments. etç. See bills. Sale at 1 p.m. Techis cash. H. L. Pascoe, cleck: Elmier Wilbuî', auctianeer. BAILIFF'S SALE Landlord and Tenant Act FrîdayOctober 2nd - There 9, Darlînglan, '2 Mile west Off Enfield. occupied by Lloyd C. Ferguson. the ffarm stock, impIe- ments, hiay and grain cantainefi Ihereon. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbuc. auctioneer. 39-2 ITIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY Sept. 27th, 1936 FlIri]1 furrlrmati Irîrm ii Canadian National POWERS-In Toronto, Sept. 15. Johin Povers. age 78 years. In- terred in Orano. RUNDLE -In Darlington, Mon- day. Sept. 21.s1. 1936. Mary Grace Jeffery. widow off late Samruel C. Rundle. age 66 yeara. Funeral f ram lier laIe residence. Maple Grave. Thursday, Sept.; 241h, at 2.30 p.m. standard lime. Burial in Bowmanville Ceme- tery. SAMIS3 - In Clarke, Sept. l7th. 1936. Norman A. Samîs. in his 83rd yeai'. Interred in New- tonvilie Cemetei'y. IWILLIAMS - In Bowmanv i 1l e Hospital. September l7th. 1936. Emeline Williamns. daughter off the laie Mr. and Mca. W. H. Williams. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Samîs and ffamîly wish ta extend their sîncere Ihanka and appreciatian ta their many fri- ends for their kinti expressions off sympathy and flaral tributes extendeti during the sickness andi death off their father. Property For Sale FOR SALE-.-15 ACRES, 1 &-MILE narth off Enni.skîllen. on the highway. good buildings. f rame house with 10 rooms. drîvîng shed with cement floor. horse stable. smaîl barn, gaod hen hause. cow stable. Far partie- ulars apply ta Mca. Fred Mount- joy. Burketon. Phone 1771-33. 39-l- For Sale or Rent PARN FOR SALE OR, REN.,T- We&tecn haf oi la, 7. con 2. Tow.nship off Manve:'s. known as the Chambers Homiestead. cansiszting off 100 acces, more ori e..How inuch will you give? I i'ant ta sell. Apply A. L. Chamberas. Box 23. Milton, Ont. M8-4 FOR SALE OR lIENT -SIX î'oomned [muse. 2 acres land. Apply Kingsway Floier Shop. Bowmianvîlle. 38-2 FOR SALE OR RENT - HOUSE in Hampton. barn. hen and garage. 2 14 acres off landi hydro. Apply to J. Co-wi ng phone 332r14. 38-2* Houses to Rent HOUSE TO RENT - 6 ROOMS on Horsey St.. all modern con- veniences: po-rsession aI once. F. C. Hoar, phone 112, Bow- manville. 38-tf Apartments to Rent APARTMENT TO RENT--SEVEN roomed. steam heated apart- ment. all modemn conveniences. hardwood flbora. fireplace. el- ectrie stove. partly furnished if desireti. moderate rent. Apply to; Mca. Archie Tait, Bowm=an- ville. 39-tf-1* TO lIENT-ARE YOU LOOKINO for a two. three. four or six room easy aparîment. See J. B. Mactyiî. Bowmanville. 38-2* TO LET-FOUR ROOM APART- nient, suitable for amaîl family, bright andi reomy, recently dec- oaaed. easily healeti: avaîlable aI once:* 10w rent. Apply The Statesîîîan Office. For Rent TO RENT - SHOP FORMERLY occupied by Jamieson's Tire Repaîr Shop. alterations ta suiît tenant. Rent $12. Apply The Statesmian Office. Wanted BARN WANTED - GIVEFL detaîls as ta size, locattion, anti lowesî cash price. Apply 'G *H' Drawer B. Bowmanville. 39-1.r Live Stock For Sale FOR. SALF-25 BARRED ROCK liens. year old, Donald Gibson aIrain. George C. Wright, Newcastle, Ont. 37-3 FOR SALE - PURE BREDý Shorthorn bull, born Jan. 26,! 1935, ced. herd fully accrediteti. Apply H. Earle Osborne. phonei 3GOr24. 39-1 ji FOR SALE-'- YOUNG GRADE Durham caw. due Oct. 4th;; iran cisîern pump, kitchen hard waler force pump. A. E. Billett. Hampton, phone 376r11. 39-1 Lost LOST - GOLD CHAIN ON SIL- ver'. Wellington ai, Temperance Streets. Valued as keepsake.' Reward for return ta States- man office. 39-1 Miscellaneous YOU'LL BE SORRY - IF YOU, dan't gel youc arder in early ta have Chamberlain Metal Wea- therstrip put on yaur drafty windows and doars. Phone 53.j J. H. Vance. 39-tf Articles For Sale FOR SALE - ROGERS BAT- terylesa Radia. Mc-del 490. wal- nut: Heintzrnan Grainaphane. mission oak. with about 100 re- cords: extension dinîng table.' mission oak: centre table. wal- nul: old-ffashioned walnut sofa. refinished and uphol ste r ed: walnut dr'essing table. with mirrar. refinished. Appîr 10 Mrs. E. V. Scobeil. Insurance Ag-ent. Bowvmanville. 38-2* FOR SALE - A NUMDBER 0F ladders. Apply H. Wîlcox. 39-2* GUITARISTS Learn ta play Hawaiîan Guitai' fro' oervnt nstru'tnr in note Advertîsements under this head- in-, one cent a word each inser- tion. minimum for each inser- tian. 25 cents cash., 25 cents ad- dîtional if nat paîd by Saturday followîng insertion. and haa 10 be charged. Where it is desired that replies be addressed ta a box at FOR SALE - MILL BUILDING. 'L ".........m"" te talesman Office. a charige of antd diagrainfform. Private les- 10 cents is made. 30 x 40 ft.. joists. ta be removed 75cns f rom premises. several t1lous- Mrs. Daiidson's Studio and f eet off good lumiber. Rea- aI W. J. Berry's Book Store. ORONO CREAMERY snnabte. Apply Oea. J o hi n s. ____ Nestleton. 38-2* Senci your creami to the Orono RASBERIS-LATAM, HESign Painting Creamery. Highest prices paid. RASBERIE-LTHA. HEDULUX PAINTING - CARS. This week: Spec.-27c: lst-25c; besl all-raund miidsunimer ber-, Trucks. etc. J. H. Needham. 2nd-23c. Price., will be publi.s:. ry. an exceptional yielder off et' t.Bwavle hn ed each week. 36-t large brîght reti frîuit. A lim- Cnr t.Bwavle hn t it.~ n~nit o rrt .g~ne- 441. 38-3 ,r.i'rlmt ber planting. Sturdy young1 canes 3c eachý, shoots 2e each. JUI A. Laird. Maple Grove. Baw-mu i manville. Phone 476r21. 38-2 a FOR SALE--4 USED TIMBERS. Francis Sutton 6 x7 in.. 24 fI. lang, $1.50 each: Mus.Bac.. F.C.C.O. 1 light car trailer. no tires. S5 A.T.C.M. diplomas in Piano, Sing- C. Bradley. Jackman Rd. 39-1* ing. Organ and Violîn. Pupils prepareti fac all examina- FOR SALE - QUANT=TYOF tions, beginners ta graduation. dry aak and bicch coirdwood. Private lessons at modecate rates. and quantity af rails. Also VOI LS ESN man and waman wanted to look VOI LS ESN after a f acm. Apply Messrs. S. A new el ass begins Sept.. Sth. and E. Webb, Pantypool. R. R. Fees $1,50 peir month. 3, Ont. 37-3 PIANO CLASS LESSONS in 4 g'rades. FOR SALE - APPLE BARRELS.1 A new~ class is naw being formeti Prices delivered: No. 1 grade., foi' beginners. Fee $1,00 per 40c: No. 2. 36c: No. 3. 30c:i month fac 1 lesson per week. bushel hamper. 10c. D. S. Mil- THEORY lîgan. Newcastle. Ont. 39-1* As required for the Toroanto Con- FOR SALE - MASSEY-HARRIS servatory dîplomîa and for the corn bindeîr. Cockshutl stiff- higher exaînînations off the Can- toath tractar cultîvator. light adipn College off01rganists and National gang plow. Impeirial for the University degcee. Junior gang plaw. W. S. Sta- Bowxnanville, Ont. pIes. Mas3ey-Harris - A g e n t.! Phone 42. Phone 81. 39-1 - ---- FOR SALE - RIPE TOMATOES. 5ke a bushel. A. J. Adams, GOOD APIF 39-1 Depends GreatIy Repairing One's 9 HARNESS. BOOTS AND SHOES I lae yu o My lang expecience in te t he fiteaned bysevtr leather business fila me ta do f irstteyftihst clasa wock which I always try to do aI a reasonable price. Satis- Ohw anr faction guacanteed. Try me with r Ohw anr youc next order. Oua Black . Mc-! LAtJNDERERS IPHEOb Murtry Block. King St. W.. Bow- manville. 38-1 P. as iiil as iehatsabue. For Sale POTATOES Best at ................. 150 Smaller................ $1.00 Delivered bag bag RYE STRAW 5 tons rye straw, baled suitable for bedding or garden mulch. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS FOR SALE E. A. WERRY ENNISKILLEN Phone: Bowmanville 195r2 HYDRO RATES Reduce d The Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission are pleased to announce the following reduction of Rates to take effect at October 1, 1936. Residential Rates 4c per K.W. hr. for the first 60 K.W. lirs. per iuonth. 1.3c per K.W. hr. for ail remaining consumption per month. Minintum monthly gross Bill 83e per nlonth. Prompt Payment Discount 10% Commercial Rates SERVICE CHARGE- 5c per month per 100 watt of installed capacity or deniand. Mlinimum monthly service charge 50c. 3c per K.W. lir. for the first 100 hours mouthly use of installed capactiy or demand. 8c per K.W. hr. for ail remaining consu.mption. Prompt Payment Discount 10% Power Rates SERVICE CHARGE- $1,00 per H.P. per month of connected load or demand. CONSUMPTION CHARGE- 2.3e per K.W. hr. for the first 50 hours use per month of connected load or demand plus 1.5e per K. W. hr. for the second 50 hours use per month of eonneeted load or demand plus 0.33e per K.W. hr. for ail remaiming consumption. Less local discount 100%. Less prompt payment discou.nt 10%/. Less 5%/, discou.nt for power taken at distribution voltage. BOWMANVILLE Public Utilities Commnission FRED W. NELLES, -. Chairman. GEO. E. CHASE, -Manager. h PEARANCE y' Upon the Set of Clothes ur clothes are dlean- ight and look riglit. Drycleaning Co., Lt. NE 152 DRY CLEANERS The Carter FamIly Bakery - Lunch Room - Soda Fou ntain - Phone 97 PLEASE NOTE When advertisements ask for replies ta a Bax. replies should be sent in writing ta the number off the Box. The Statesman cannot re- veal the identity af the ad- veî'tiser or give any further particulars. as this is the advertiser's business. no t ours. and the ffa.cî that a box is used indicates as a rule that he does not wish 10 give his name. So in replying to a Box or Initials. please do so by letter. and save your awn tîme. and ours. Classified Advertisemenls should b e sent in by noon af the day previaus ta publicatian. WEST EN'D GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in; machinery repaira, general gar- age repaira, welding. towing service. J. L. Demerling, Pro- prietor, Bowm.anville. P h o n e 81. 23-tf THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVUM, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPTELMBER 24th, 1936 PAGE EIGI-IT

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