TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TEURSDAY, OCTOBER lat. 1936 PAGE SEVEN in The Statesman produce.s re- sol ts. -Social and Personal Those of upelewohv --istrcke parts of the West. xiii Mr. B.C. Fenneli, Toronto. vis- biS Oncle. 'Mr. John Henderson. ibi interested in hearing Rev. Dr. ited friendas here last week. on Siinday. jGeo. Dorey. Regina. Sask.. xlio Mrs. J. H. Bateman is holiday- Mrs. Brock Thompson ba.s been ClîH pch in SndaTr:niy Unîedt ing with her ic.Ms o.vstn redaiFnkr. He bias had charge af th, distri- Ober. Boston. 'Mass. Keep in mind Zion services bution of gcods sent and xiii have Mrs. J. H. Werry is visiting her Sunday. Oct. 4th. and bot roast1 an interes':ng stary te, relate. daughter. Mrs. C. H. Rawafl.,chicken supper Wed. Oct. 7th. BethanY. 139-2 Mrs F. H. Morris has returned M.Mno osok aaz iflom thr*ee weeks' visit witb fri- eror. Mepanson&Comstock.mnar-MILTON EVENS qýads in Michigan. Ca. attended Lakefield Fair xvbe-e Mrs. R. Duma.s is visiting lber he purchased a fine team fari-de- Continued froni page i) daughter. Mrs. Jas. Milligan. li very "urposes. v.liýn -Ma:se threwý badly ta Car North Bay. M.s Doris Jamieson of the den for wha: should hýave been Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cale General and Marine Hospital. the third out. haemaved ta Waterlowhee Owen Sound. bias been %isi':ngi OsIorne had two hi's for Bow- Ray bas received a position. ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Milton mian'.:lle. wtbMa'se. Corden. Miss Gladys Jammesan. R.N.. i., Jamuieson, Larre'and H.tk.s cgetti'nL ane each. enjoying a trip La the Pacif:c Mr.. N. Redpatb. Fenellon Fal'. Laiee and Hicks eaclm bait for :xxo Caast.rs H. J. Wer:y.. and Mi.ý basàes. Miss Enima French. Trrnto. Lloyd Ashton. Ra!phi. Mari e and' R.H E bas been visiting Mis.s MariorieRnl.Ens:e .s~dw"Bw,:1 0 1 0 ow.Mr. and Mr"s. Gardon W. rry a o'n 300 003 10x- 7 8 61 Rae.Sundav. os.3:Cl Mrs. Ella Strike is vis:ting her ionn 1e M"s.3:Cl san. Mar.izýt.at.e Glenn Strîkýe. in1 The Publ:c Libr-arýY wil reluine 21. b: Cord-rin lb: 'Ms'Ilveen Ottawa. Hthna the Chidrens Stary Hoar on Sa- onci Ba'".. c: Lar-ge If: Baunell. . . i urdav. Oct. 3îd. f riin 10.30 ta 1Irc f::O rf: H:ck. ss: and Os~- Mca. M. J. Huciso s - .n. .Ail clildr-en fiom the ages .b mne.'p. ingbersiter Mis aur Bet, of 5 ta 10 wbo love .s:aries w:-;ll e M.:on - W. Clement.. n: R. at Wllîamisburg. very welcome.US. c: Taletzka. ss: A. Cleni- Keep in mind Zion sers ics Rev. Arcbîbald Young, M .A.. on'. 2b: J. Brush. lb: Naylan. If: Sunday, Oct. 41h. and bat roasat D . rmPic let m. .Cen .p nesn3:Gl chcken sopper Wed. Oct. 7tb. D. from Princ g est Abeane et . cf~n. nesnl:G 11-.1 39-2 Thîankafferineý and Anniversàrv Umpires-Jclinston and Green Misses Vivian Martin. BeverlY Services a: Tr.n;ty United Churci, of Oakvîlle. Aima and Marjanie Shirna. Tor- an October 18th. anto. were recent guests af Mrs. Mrs. (Rex'.> H. McCannell W DDN A. W. Pickard. . Ricbandaan. Sask.. wha lias been E DN Mr. and Mî's. Wm. Shinra. Miss enjavy.ng a visit witb bier dau- ________________________________________ Tomlin and Mn. Wmn. Tomlin. ter. Mrs. . E Inbam anobe Taranto, spent Sunday wth Mn. mather. Mrs. W. C. Washingtan. Rbrs.-o and Mrs. A. W. ýPiekard. left Frîday nigit for hame. Trnnty United Cburcb Parsan- Mr. J. P. Caghill. Mantreal, Mi". This is the tine af year wben age %vas the scene af a pretty and Mrs. A. Hall. Toranta. were people talk about their big wedding an Saturday ai ternoan weekend guests af Mr. and Mrs. pumapkina and taîl corn. William when Helena Mae Boe. daughter C. H. Carter. Paintan bas a tamata v ine 8 ft. 4 of Mrs. Bac. Bowmanvillc. and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brown andi in. bigh. and still gaingstag the late Alex. Boe. became the sonGerge Trotowe Sn-VWhat have you? bride af Garnet Earl Roberts. son son eore, oroto.wer Su-oa Mr. and MrLs. Frank Roberts. day visitors witb ber parents. Mr. Trinity Chair members please Whitby. Rv. Sidney Davison and. Mrs. Geo. W. Grahami. note that the time for practice afficiated. Mr. H. Anslaw. editar ai tbe bas been cbanged ta Thursday The bride ware a beautiful Cam.pbellton (N.B.) Graphie. and evening at 8.35. Tbere will be an 1, gown af white lace over satin, on Mrs. Anslow paid a f raternal viait addîtianal practice this weck on princess lines. with train. and ta The Statesm.an office thus wcek. Friday at 8.30.I carried a bouquet ai roses. Her Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Carbett Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sco#t. Ed-" attendant was Misa Pat Cooney have been spending a fcw days in manton, Alta.. wba have been in of Oshawa. who was gawncd in Pittsburg and othen United States Ottawa visiting bis mother. eall- sly blue chiffoan witb navy ac- cities. cd an aid friendis bere an Wed- cessories and bouquet af gald Mr. and Mrs. Max Staplet.an nesday. Tbey were guests af Mr. 'munms and fcrn. Mr. Donald Bae. and i amily. Newtanville, visited and Mrs. Russell Candier. brot.ber ai the bride, was best Mr. and Mrs. Gea. C. Foster man. The bride's mothen had iand Vivian have returncd f raom a chosen a gawn ai black georgette POULTRYMEN wekuiesvii aKrln with corsage af red roses. The Lake eity. Tbey had a niast en- groanis mother wore black gearg- Fer real value use 1jayable trip and report. mucb ette and silver with corsage sim- Vanstone's Egg Mash Thildigaing on there. ilar. heBaptist Young People ai The bome ai the bride's matb- coutaining buttennilk powxder, Oshava were entertained by the er. Angyle Street. was decarated cod liver ol. and ail the in- E. J. Woad iamîly af the Brook- in pînk and vrite fan tbe ne- gredients necessary for health- ýdale Nurseries an Manday night ceptian. iollawing the ceremany. fui and productive birds. when after tbe regulan pragram ai ten wbiclb the bride and groom Price - $220 the gatbering assembled around lef t an a wedding trip ta, Detroit. an open waod fîre near the creek tbe brid-e travelling in a green per bag at the mili. and enjaS'ed a sup'per. crepe dress wîtb brown suede ac- On ridy, ept. ltb.Lutlecessories. On tbeir return tbey Britaîn lost ane of its aldest and ileieinWtby F. C.Vanstne moat esteemed citizenis in the Bowan'Ie hae 1 death ai John Stacey aiter a bief RECEN'T BRIDE AND GROOM illness. Deceased ivas born Sp. HNUE TSOE I th. 1846. in Darlington tawnship. son of ihe lame William Stacev The bame ai Mr. and Mns. J. and Mar- Gîlliard. Cbilds. Higb Street. was ga1ilv: V decarated mn pink and white witb, 1 Cangratulations ta tbe tbree streamers and beils. and was the1 * sans ofMceneto Talf. a ,very enjoyableevn F o r C o o ai Mro . on etan Taylsain cre.faevn Burkten onthei suces aISaturdaY. nibt. when relatives1 Lindsav Fair. Douglas won fiftb and fiends gaýthened ta, honaun a pace and Leslie tenth place in ,'e-eni bride and groaom. Mn. and E v enaawg s p, eia ie tc jdig.adMrs. Jack Paalton. Befare ber Stanley wson sixth place in thc inarr'age Mrs. Paalton xvas Miss Tiio neu- gamnes tîmati ill giv'e j unuan i ive stock doasa. F_ erne Adelaide Sions. youinL- both aduts and children many Mr-. and Mrs. W. L. Law, sb est dauglîlci'of Mi'. and Mrs. Ar- a hîappy hour - awa. celebrated tbeir 57tb ved- ch:e Simmans af Twee<l. Thev cln niesr n TedY-, ere the recipients ai many beau- MON PO Y ND Sept. 29tb. The couple were the tiful gifts of silverware. glass MONOPO Y AND rerîpients af niany congratulatary ware and kitchen utensils. 'Bath LE IC Nmessages. and fawvem's. and many were very surprised but. managed LEXICONao theïr frienc's visited them ta ta, make a fit.ling reply. tbanking Ask e sc tem.wish theni more years ai wedded ail thein friends far the lovely AsktoseetheL la.ppiness. gifla. The remainder ai the cx'- 4r Mns. Gea. W. James, Miss Ruth ening w-as spent in gaies and MAN OTIE GAES OR Jamnes. '%Is. Harvey McGil En- dancing faollawed by refresbments. WINTER AIUSEMELNT. n:skillen'. Misa Grace Werry aud ~ Dr. Doris Foster wei'c in Taronto EN EL PEýo Studa ated:nga'pantry J CHURCHES ENVELOPE Ishelf shover"given al hehome ______ af Mrs. L. M. Keîth. Oriole Park- SPECIALS1 way. in haonor ai their cousin. Dr. ST. PAJL S UNITED CHURCH iMabel Bray. a bride-ta-be Rev. W. F. Banîster. Pastar Quality business and social 'Congratulations ta aur vete ran' Miss L. L. Bragg. Organist merebant, Mr. J. B. Martyrs. wba Sunday.Ocýtober 4th: il am.- envelopes specialiy priced at last week celebrated the 85th an- "*To Gad the Fathen": 2 p.m.- 5,IO an I5c nversary of luis birth. At this Sunday Sho;7pim-Y., P. Pkge. oes ta be at bis place ai business f ieis. Pkge.every day. and looks and walk.s like a ian a score ai years ENNISKILLEN PASTORAL - ~ y'ongcn.Rev. J. E. Wbithanie, Pastar Sales ai'ip Top Tailans elath- Services Sund-ay. October 4tb- ing at Coueh, Jobustaon & Cry- Enniskillen il a.., Communion ]Book Store dcenman's store asat weck were service and necept ion ai new% ane ai the beaviest sales in ne- mernuers; Enfield 2.30 p.m.. Ral- cent years. It just goes ta prove 1y service: Bonketon 2.30 and 7 that times are gettig better and p.m.,Tbank-ofiering s e r v i c e. th.at Tip Top Tailams adventising Speaker: Rex'. W. C. Smith. Prompt Attention 'Lo AU Phone urders Specials For Saturday OnIy ¶Whipped Cream Banana Cream Marguerites Pie 3 Q oz. ea. Carter's White Bread Now Wrapped We guarantee our bread to be made from only the finest obtainabie ingredients. Try a loaf. Watch For Our Friday Mystery Special 19c 20 BANANA SPLIT For 2 The Carter Famnlly Bakery - Lunch Room - Soda Fountain - Phone 97 CHURCH Rcv. W. G. Blake, Ministen Miss Louise Osborne, Organiat Sondas, Octoben 4tb: 1il sm.- "Salvatian sud Surrender"; 7 p. m.-"God's ReQuireents": 2.30 p.m.--Sunday Scisool. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rex'. C. R. Spencer, Rector Mns. J. A. Gunn, Organist Sondas. Octeber 4th: Morning Frayer 11 sm. Preacher, Rex'. Mr. Clark, St. Aibau's Cathed.rai, To- routa; Sonday Schooi 2.30 p.m.; Eveniug Frayer 7 p.m. Preachen. tise Rector. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rex'. Sidney Davison, Pastar Francis Sotton, Mus.Bac. Organist sud Chair Directan Sudas, Octoben 4ih: 1il sm.- Cammuinion Service; 2.30 pim.- Suday Seisooan sd Bible Classes; 7 pim-Re'. Dr. George Dores. Regina, Distributor of Western Relief. THE SALVATION ARMY Bawmanville Corps Licol.s. A. Brawn sud J. Sloau Sondas, Oct. 4th: Visit ai Lis- gar St. Citadel Baud. Services il a.. nd 7 pim. Ad.jt. Caiveni wil speak. Sacred Festival lu Tuiniiy Choncis 8.30 pim. Chsoir assist- ing. PRESIDENT RE-ELECTED Part, Hope business inan 'sisa 'sa.., re-elecicd Prcieust of the~ ýDurinusCounty Mus'c Fe.> t.x ai I A-socmstious at tise annuai l~~ iue lioki iocen'b usinNexvý-cas:,Ie. He xviii ho s;;oi'ted by thsaisne oflcors os las: year sud the Fout- ixa iu be un Paît Hopeo mn 1937. COMING EVENTS Tise annuai meeting ai the Wamen's Hospital Auxiliary wiil be held at tise Nurses' Residence on Fnuday, Octaber 2. at 3.30 pi. On Friday. Navemben 6th, a Tras'eioguc au Scatiand (illus- tratedî wili be given by Mrs. J. C. Cairns lu St. Paul's Sunday sehool rooni. Musical numbers. P>ianiat G. L. Dax'idge. 40-2 Wednesday ex'eniug. October 7, Ebenezer yeung people will pre- sent iheir play "It Looks Like ,Ram.," at Enffli&.irlien. under aus- pices ai Yaung People's Society. Admsission 20c sud 10c. The Eývening Auxiliary ai St. !Paul's Church are having a sale 1of bome-made cookiug sud ai ter- noon tes lu tise lecture rooî on Saturday. Octaber lOth. On Sat- urdas. October 24th, home cook- iug sud ruage sales wili be held. Reserve Tucaday. Oct. 6th, for a anc-set Play, music and illus- tratcd travelogue by Rex'. S. Day- isan. spousored by Group 10 ai the W. A., in Trinits United Cbureh scîsool naom at 8 o'ciock. Aduîts 25e.,eidren 15e. 39-2 JThe public will be msade wei- came at bbe Annuai Field Day ta be beid at. the Boys' Training Sebool an Saturday aiternoan. Octaben 3rd, eomencung at two a'clack. There wiil be a ve'c nl- tercsting aponta pragrain. 39-2 Zuan Speciai Services Sunday. Oct. 4tis. at 2 sud 7 pus., wben Rev. E. Bcech. B.A.. Newtons'ilie. wmîl pneach. Hat rost chieken supper Oct. 7tis, frai & tili ail are senvcd. At 8 a'ciock a drama by Zian Dramatie Club. "The Win- niug ai Jas." Admissian: Aduits 1 50c. eildren 35c. 39-2 Kinby annual Tbanksgx-ing sers'ices 'swill bc heid Sondas. Oct,. 111h, 'sith services at 3 sud 7.30 pu.. cnducted bs Rex'. Janes ai ;Lundaay. Special music wiil be furnished by a nsixcd chair. On IMandas, Oct. 12tb. the usuai goose supp-er iviii be served f roun 1 5 a'clock tili ail are satisfid, ta ho faollaxved hs a splendid play entuied 'TIse Paon Msnnied Man," pout on by Jausets'ulle talent. Ad- mission 50c sud 2,5c. 40-2 CANADA FISH WEEK "Cauada's fisbing industny 15 the rneasisoailivelibood aifusane people tIssu are iound lu any ai the Domninions cties except Mon- treai sud Torontoansd an en- terpnîse as big as that mas very weîl set aside s partucular week af bIse sean ta be observed as es- pecialîs ts awu." said Han. J. E. Micbaud. Minister ai Pishenies. lu cPesking af 'Canada's Fish Week' which begins ou September 28th sud continues util Octoben 3nd. Tue nuniben ai peaple drectly dependeni upan aur fishenies la mare iban 400,000. "Canada's Fish Weck us au ob- servance arnanged by the fishing industrsiseif, uot by the De- parbîcut ai Pishenies," Hou. Mn. Michaud went an, "but h bhas nis cordial appraval sud support sud I hope that alax'er tbc country next wveek tise publie wilion beartily lu lb. "The week wil bc a fittiug lime fan the people ai large ta be ,hin.kiug ai wlat bbc fisheries mean ta tise Dominion frai tise national point aifs'ie's. Indirect- ly, tise undu;stry creates work ion mans people outaçide bbc fisbiug distnicts- artisans in difiercut kinds ai milîs sud factories. clenka. transportation so r k er s., -aud so an. who are engaged l isiakiug sud haudiing sud carry,,- ng the gean sud equipment sud supplies tise fshermen must Ibave for thein apenatiaus and iu ian- keting iishcrics products. "Frai the standpoiut ai thel empIoyment it gives bbc fishing iudustry la anc ai aur major Cars- adian undetakinga. It us ai prime importance, toa, as a .big cantrib- uott national production sud brade. "Fan reasaus ai beaith. not only beesuse they anc naurislsiug sud tasis, it us weIi ta use Canadian ilis ioads irequentis. TIses are buildena ai heaibh sud strength. 'Ans Day s Fis Day' will be s fln ue oieio Canadians ta follow aiten Ibis." l'h>' 'Id record book's of the Oronio i tvxsi don, Soims tof Te ipe ranice, w ili be îrî'servc>l foîr postcrity, as a re- sult oîf <le ac>'îtanc h, D. lin. aues .. l'ai liumtt, I roviine li Arch i i st, o f lie bo>oks for relnsito ry itn thle On - tari>> .Archivess atTîîronîî,. Iii se- celt' 1ug tiie 1books Dr. Ti niiail su id., "'<î e nts, l xi,>11(1 i S t ,, t'cf v îî' e ewre a niiost sigiif ica lu o r- g.în izatioîn, andIff q 1 uucst ion if tnsai V svts o f t ei r iiii iitcs :ire îrt'serveîl toîd svv ' bis is thle ki id of nliaI criai whiluc <w iii troxidle thlit'baekhioof future social listory. giffd now is the touie to preserve it." dan c hepiy7isu't àah ît'a nacked up ta be, especialis for anah salote stî'augcr. Bobbies and p- pie on the atreet. are. haxvxen. surprusingîs pole sud wilhng ta help anc. 1 was certainl' gisd ta get saur, ictter sud 2 baoklets at C anada1 Hoose. Dr. Schmnidt ai Quecus'. isad also ns.aiied tise lettens ai in- troduction 's'icb be pramised me. He sent il letters afinmtroduction 10 various scientiats lu S'sedcus. Genmaus sud Italy. I ai aiready beeuuning ta doht 's'bcthen I shah hbe able ta go as fan as I have pianued, bawevcr ta stant out in Landau is ratiser duacatur- agiug irans the stindpa:nt ai ec- oonansd thunga will undaubi- edly look brighten xxien 1 get out int the country. Wallace. BOYS EXHIBIT CLUBCALVES1 T'seuty Cali Club boys. len un the Holstein sud ten un the Beef Club. cliiaxed tiseir Club sean by exhibiting thein esives ai Orono an September 23rd. Tise standing ai the finat six calves lu the Holstein Club were: laI. Ivison Tamblyn; 2nd, Wes- les Wenny; 3rd, Sandy Muir; 4th. Llayd Meicalf; Stb. Eben Milisan; 6th, Rouit. Snowden. 'hase in bhc Beef Club wcre: lai, Garuet Rickard; 2ud. John Baker; 3rd, Alfred Allin; 4th. tHaward Milison; 5tb. John Ruck- ard, 6tb. Rassa Alin. Hawcver. thc final standing aud division ai prise moues. which aiso included shsowsmanship. iced records, the sominera wdnkr with the calx'es. judging conspeti tion sud questions was as foi- lows: Holstein Cîub-lst, Lloyd Met- eauf; 2nd, Wesley Wcrry; 3rd. Eben Milisan; 4th. Ivison Tamb- lyn; 5tb, Rabt. Snowdeu; 6th. Sandy Muin; 7th, LeRoy Brown. 8tls. Donald Jase; 9th. Wilbun Blackburn; 101h, Lloyd Staintan. Bec! Club-lai, Garnet Rick- ard; 2nd, Howard Milsan; 3rd, i John Rickard; 4tb, Wm. Row- land; Suis. Alfred Allun; 6th, John HoUsses; 7tis, Carmau. White; &th.! Ross Allitu; 9th, Tam Baker; lOth, John Baker. The pnize moues ion thia im- portant work was donated equally by bise Provincial sud Dominion Depanimnents ai Agriculture sud tise Durham Central Pair Board. Lloyd Metcali and Wesley Wen- ns wil be the Dairy Teai with Ifoward Milîson and Alfned Allun ibhe Beci Teai ta represeut Dur- huamiCounis lu the Inter-County Club Competition at O. A. C., UJuelph, ou Octoben 23rd. E. A. Sunsuens, Agicultunai Representative for Durham wha was in charge oi tisese Clubs, wili coach thbe boys previaus ta ibis competitian. The Counis teaus winning ai Guelph will procced ta the Rayai Wiuten Fair ta coin- pete with teanis frai thc variaus provinces. Maus favourable c ommne ntas wene nmade by a lange nunber wisa visited the boys' exîsibut sud several aider farinera remanked tIsai they regrctted that such training was nat availabie wbeu they wcre boys. t widîb aof the shae and as long as iu will permmt togethen with stcadY Durham Boy Tours, Athletic Meet even ieecting are important at1 ,_orin____oin t licefficienes oi iCantinxucd frai page 1P îContinued frain page 1' ýthe tbreshing machine and the e~ems ta take mast ai the tîme Puckeitt C': 4* 31:,' quality af wank beung donc. and hes Duthîc tae uts ey .It us now necessany for eveny aniauhsy Person aîy i it eatr 10y ~Junior Boys ithreshing machine in tise pnov- seriusl". eroally 1 m, at- 100yards~-Wbitfieid (WI. El- incc ta be ncgistered before start- une like ahor'se. Dutcls foad and fard iO'Connan (W>;il13-5. ung operatians. alsa fan thbe ai. Thse food us wondenful. ba th" Braad Juîp-Depew v B). Emner- ,tbreshisg machine and aIl eqoip- in oalty nd uanity allsoebson (P.P.I. Elford lU:; 17.6. 220 ment ta be thau'oughly cleaned certain Dutch dîshes are, of Yards Wlsit.fueld I>W). Wiseman, before maving. course. rathen dufferent iri aur >B>. De.pew (l: 27.3. H ig1gb Thsis leg'slation bas been en- owvn. Ta guve yau an idea af theni, Jonp-Beaton (W). Rodgers (P. acted by the Depatieut of Ag- I will list whiat wc had yestcnday. ip. I Crawford B>: 4' 51 2. 880 rcutore witb a xiew ta imprax'- Breakfast. 8 aim-Currs sud rnec Yai*ds-...ereg (U)>. McCOY (P.P.>. -men the condition ai the threslier f iinst, bacon and eggs. toas t. caf - Bi rd >B> : 2.21 2 5. Sliot Put-' sud bis machine. tbereby assiat- 'ice and manmalade on isi. Dutclu Wiseman (B). McMasteu'1 U>. El- ung in the contrai aif'seeds and cbeese. Dunnen. i pim.-Hio g e fard >U>: 31.4. Fume Vaut-De- imprax'ing the QOlity ai the wark bowl ai beavy vegetable soup. psv BI. Marden (B). Beatan beune done. steak 1iuncîs tbick. bailed rne. ,W',. 8' 6".Arested eleQOippe. cauliflosver wvith nutmcg. Dutcb!Argsee.wl qipd hread (ruade an board sbip. rsth-' Intermediate Boys clean tbneshJng autfit is an in- en heavy and mare satyI. no tes 100 Yards-Radinan (Up. Gold- ducation ta the fanmer tbat the an~~~~~~~ mafefrdînn.adfrds an >U>. M\acDotieall (P.p.' :11 aperator is interested and effic- ser vey arg Duchappes !-ec. H:nh J u ini pMacDaugaIllent sud sbouid lead ta mare varos sauce, ta go on ail tise(W). Thoîpson iW>. Ciare ip. business, revenue sud profuts. . P.: 51ý'.220 Yar-ds-Rodmaii The ca-aperation aofcx' e nsy abos'e. For~ suppen baîled nuce( wth a sort of presersed straw- 262' MacDougall <W>. Bell >B>I: ibireshen us soluc:ied un iumprovungl hennies I thus us fînat. course>. then,'6.. Shat Put-MacDougali (W, thuJs important phase of crap pro- a kind of 1l:ser sausage. sl'ced Riekard >B>. Kydd (U,: 35. 880 duÏction and in helping ta place it tamataca. niarusalode. tes 'and IYards-Greg C>. McCoy >p.p.I, on a mare profitable basis. Dutb cce.e. îogotta e, Bird >B>: 2.21. Braad Jump- t'on that si 10.30 sus. we go: Rodinan lU>. Bat liga te 'B'. T. B. TEST 0F CATTLE caffee sud two biscuits,, sud ai 'Thaipson (W': 181,'. 440 Yds. UNDER WAY IN DURHAM 1 3.30 pni. tes sud biscuits. Ta me -Radian (U.j Gilnoy 4>P.P.>. CUT ut is almst mysteniaus wlsere it MeFecters (B>: 57.1. Paie Vaulit ________ us ail gaung. or how I est sa mocis -MacDougal W). Devitt (B). On Septembor l7th faour Vet- because 1 dont do anything ta Flay >U>. erinanies ai the Daminion Hcaitb get hongry. Hawcver. I auiy bape; Senior Girls ai AnimnaIs Braneb cammenccd; that I wil be able ta eat as well 75 Yards-McCrea (P.P.î. Swit- the Tuberclin Test oi cattle lu all the u%-ay acroýs. zen (P.P.>. Clar'ke (U); 10. 100 Cartwright, Manvens an.d Cavan1 Tihe lady sud twa chiid.reu ai Yands--Cavýe.my (B), Clarke (U). Tow,.nslhips. whamn I apoke s a Mrs. Smith MeCrea (P.P.(: 13.4. 'Braad Juip' Durng the three dasai the sud bas been living at Cabourg- -Clanke (U). Caverly (B), Mon- firat week of teatiug 115 hend.s gainig ta England for good. den; 14'. High Jump-Mcçrea were testcd eomprising 1442 est- Our cabun la excellent, a s 15 P.P.). MeGuire. Clarke (Ut; 4' tIc. There wcrc oniy txvcnty-two everything cisc. Many ai the 2'. Basketball Throw-ClIarnk e reactans lu fiteen different herds. Dutehien sx'an woadeu shoes on (U>. Dudley (B), Ayiiug (B): This is appnoximately anc sud a boardship. 88.4. balf Pencent, wbich la eonsidered Wallace. Senior Boys very favourable. 100 Yards-Crazier (P.P., Mai- Dr. F. R. Armstr'ong us in London. August 18, 1936 fy (W). Kimble (B). 10.3. 220 change ai the testiug in uxrhami Dean Polka: Yards-Kimble <B). Wallace (P. Counts and bias bis headquarters We have arnlx'ed O.K. We land- P.), Maiiey (W). 25. Broad Juunp at the Ontario Depautîent afi L ed at GravEend. about 25 miles --Crozicr (P.P.>, Maifey (W). Agriculturai Office. Bawmanvilie.L dowu the Thames. an Sunday Ca.meran (W), 19' Il". Oue Mile Dr. Anrmstrong wil be glad ta no niorning. In spite of the fact -Camenon (W), Jahnston (B). answcr luquiries eoncerning the n that the trip oser 'sas an except- Clarke. 5.21. High Junp-Mai- T. B. Test.R . ai ionally smoath anc. I was more fey (WI. Crozie (P.P.), Davis Shouid there be ans reactora lu or icas siek for 8 days. It toak (Ut. 5' 4". 440 Yards-R o acbh a herd the awncr bas thse privil- Bý us about il days iram dbheticamp, (B). Camenon (W), Kiunble (B), ege ai shipping theî ta market tu Cape Breton. But neaUly. we 51.5. Paie Vault-Crozier <P.P.), lu an orderis way within a week ct struck a very gaod freighter in- Johuisten (B), Clarke, 10' 2". or ten das afater they bave been deed in the Colytto, and the crew Reiay PLce read bs the Veternary lu charge. wene an excellent bunch. Of the Junior Giris-Uxbridge. Wbitby Cases bave ariscu where farinera trip aven I wiil tell you more lu Bawîanville: Senior Girls-Part have become excited wben they detail verysosen wbeu I get out Pennry, Ux-bridge. Bowmnauvuic:e had severai reactars and have MV ai Landau sud more settied dawu. Junior BOYa,-Bawmanvilic, Ux- saîd these ta the first trueker who Jerry sud I are bath stayiug at a bridge. Part Penny: Intermediate came alang. possibly at a sacri- lttie bostel ai the Unitanian Boys-Wbitby. Bowmanville. Port fice price. Cbunch. just a f ew doors aff the Perr3': Senior Bo3ss-Bowmauville. Ou Sondas morning, lu St. Strand and not far from Traf al- Port Ferry. Whitby. George's Cburch, Rev. D. R. gatrd 1iuare.ogh heDewduey. B.A.. admiistened the ai YestrdayI wct thaughtherites ai baptism ta Joan Mary ~ Towen ai London, but lu the Threshing - An Important Phase Brown. littie daughten ai Mn. and igE l6th century. whmcb was. af of Crop Production Mrs. J. Thas. Brown. in the pres- it course, sery intencsting. I have ec0ialag1ogegto u alsc, been through Westmistr Threshiug la ane ai the mast cîuding relatives ai both parents. r Abbc whih i abslutl lma-important aperatians in crop pro-iThe church was beautiioli dec- i E ing. Al lu ail I have aîrcady duction. The produet ai a whaic;'atdwt lail.fllatr doue a goad deai ai noansing sear's labour is handied seveusiaatd 'thladioli. flsTte around. absalutely lbat rust ai limes by the threshing crew. sud bpimatataperd su . the time. Getting araund Lon- lin lesa than anc minute fri the .-----imal.fonta .---------inea bower of ioveiy uuowers conunuu- - tue he heaes re elierc ~utcd and arsnged by the cbild's aU soa as _scho 1 utoF'i ta the feeder the grain la tbrcsh- grsndmother. Mrs. M. Brown ai aiternoaon and leaves the corn- ced irom the beads. separsted. Gienwaý-od cottage. Little J o an monity for the weekcnd. During clened weghe an deiveedMary is1 also a grand-daugliter afth weck. irai Monday morxing inta the baga or gnanary. It can. Constable John Gsrrod and Mrs. ite Friday nigbt. be or ahe la too thenefore. be seen that the re- Garrad, cburch arganist. bosy at the schooi ta take part in sponsibility af the thrcsber us . __________ the activities ai the camnuunity. very grcat. The nesuit la that the citizens see Consideu'able experience is nec- TRENITY YOUNG PEOPLE Ivery little ai that teacher. The essary in arder ta aperate a more desirable teacher, Dr. Mar- mi a c b i n e sucicessiolîx' w li c n A discussion an tbe Dramna tyn pointed out, la the "citizen threshing tbe variaus, crapsansd festuned the negular meeting af type" who nealizes the importance tunden the canstantly x'anyiuc, the Trnity Young People's Union ai t.eamwork and ca-operation candutians that are met with. it beid in the Sunday arboal raam 'with parents in the developmnent is very important that t bi e on MondaiK evening. Aiter the aio stodents. This type ai teacher ibhresher passesa a knawledge af;iis'ines-s meeting Georgina Cav-'-entera inta the activities ai the the pninciples. aperation and ad- erly led in tbe xvaship service eanimunity. and beconica a citi- itusmnient. af the machine, a well The pragrani. "Drama and Its;zen. Dr. Martyn expnesaed the set, machine ruuning at correct, Presentatian" 'sas in charge ai :hope that thc graduates ai the speed. a cvlunden and concaves Marlon Stapies. Mrs. M a rioan caming sean wauld not be "suit- with a ftull set ai strpichit nex James gave a taik on "Draniaties 'case stodents" and that they teeubh. Concaves. chaffen. sieves and Pageantry." Manion Wagar, would enter inta the lufe ai the and wind bIaisb ould be praperis J Harry Jaekman and John Ashton comninuity.-St. Marys Journal- idjtusted. A weed acreen the gave' a part oi the .play which Argus. SERVICE LOWEST PRICES IT PAYS to buy at your le De A, Store Your L.D.A druggist is a member of your own community. The profits of bis business are spen t locaUy and go to enrich the commu.nlty as a whoie. Your interests are his interests. He ls your fellow-taxpayer, church and sehool supporter, and the bar- gains he offers you are bis method of proving bis interest in the improvement. and advancement of your community. Patronize your I.D.A. Store. Take a.dvantage of its personai service and profit by the excellent values offered this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.__________ ______________ ENOSUM "FRUIT SALT" SHANDY SIZE471 -IOUSEHOLD L SZE799 Squibb Vitamin Products Cod Liver Oil ....47o - 97c Mint flavou.red or plain 10 D. Cod Liver 011 67e - $1.69 Adex Tablets ............ $1.00 Adex Capsules ........... $1.00 '. RUMACAPS ________CLEANSE your sytem USE of Uric Acid, rclieving Rhcumatum and Scietic&. RU MACAPS Sybilla Spahr's Remedy Gives instant relief in Bronchitis, Tonsilitis and ail throat ail- ments. Try a bottie today 50e GIN PILLS 39C BARGAINS Dee Tee EDsom Saits .............. lb. 9c I.D.A. Olive Oit ...... 4 oz. & 8 oz. 17e - 34c Hot Water Botties .............. 39c - 49c Dee Tee Boracie Âcid ............ lb. 1 9c Mecca Ointment ............. I 9c-37c-69c 50c Fruitatives ...... 3 for $ 1.00 .... 35c Face - Elle (400 sheets) .............. 25c Scott's Emulsion.53c-98c Il Bayer Aspirin 22c-39c-98c Radio Malt ........87c-$1.53 Wampole 's Extract ... $1.00 Groves' L.B.A ............. 24c-44c Vick 's Vapo-Rub .............. 39c Sloan's Liniment ... 33c-63c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McCreffor Phone 92 DIRUGS We Deliver r -.----.-------'___________________ ýA NEW FLAVOR Neilson's Bricks French Vanilla PAGE SEVEN =- CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THUR-SDAY, OCTOBER lst. 19X LESS MONEY BUYS IT! We base jus' slashed pu'uces again an aur finest. resale Cars. Moues tIsate o uid buoy niy sCar ai liited size or quaLity clsewshene. wil.1 punchaseý a superflue Car isere naw! Cars that shaw aonis the bareat trace ai original awnership are here for you ta choose frani, at prices andý tenîs tisat arè almost ubeliex'- able! Wc bave other cars that no reasanable affer will be rcfused. Sa name saur pnuce. ROY NICHOLS General Motors Dealer COURTICE Phone: Bowmanville 124r34. ;eY arc preparing and wlich the ýeague membena were supposed ýocriticize. rThe two musical .umbers wene, a piano duet by Ruth James sud Be-tty BettleS, ind a vocal quartette by Mr. and Ira. T. Hircock and Mr. aud Mrs. 3.Muiton. Tihe remainden of the sume was spent lu a gaie Of Imanades. The meeting close wits a Fnlends'hip Circie asud a Ciaod-uight" round. [ORE ABOUT SUIT-CASE TEACHERS AND CITIZEN- TYPE 0F TEACHERS Dr. H. G. Mantyn, acting Prin- ipal oi Stnatiard Normai Scisool, und a native ai Durhamu County, ,ave saine good advlce ta budding ýachera at the opening lecture )n Friday. 'He advised bheî ta ýe the "citizen-type ai teacher" -ather than the "suit-case type." Explauiig the two types of eachera, Dr. Mantyn nef erned ta se "suit-case, type" as the teacis- ýr who - ",s into, lus or ber car