4 -t I 1) '- e Iin.t. ld me titat te- first sunt- I casl nty lot un IManitoba. Whe-n mer Ite spent on Itis itonesteati. I arniveti aI Higît Bluff anti te- was unable-. for meitths, o bought a cooking steve 1 hati just senti a letter te tis wife- antian- $900 lef. I was short of moiey c iNYO RiR& E iy - back Itimeý" un Ontario be-- for t%-o reasons -te- tripout tere THE SYSTEM e~~~ause ite titinoV have t-le- price- et hati cosl more-titan IIthatiîeckon-M A M LU R NýB IK e::: iatree-cent stantp. 'Anti by jol- eti on anti 1 wvas flm-f lamme-tiout RIHI IAM I lies, Miler,' he- atded. tion't of over $100 anti a teant et herses. think I was te- oniy one- like- When centing away front Ontario ltaI; we w-e-ie alnl ite sante ic: I left $95 wit a ma.n wlto hatiD n o moite-y anti no place- te werk been driving my eant fer more- diin) (rcMabec ocaj o earn a dime. tan our years. I at alwaysPhn 250a ON ) L A ' The wnter ct-lthe- 'ancie-nt lt- tount i hm truslworthy. Wie-n rPhIe250R'oy IN 1C Iols courtîce er" wvhicit ollows titis introtiti- was conting away lie was drlving A * ' lien, was anotitel' wio kne-w, un my te-ar on construction werk on AT OURDRU GI a-i is bille-mess, witat il me-e t o te- railway about six miles front L b without moite-yun a strange- Coiiingwood 'Te a mou n Vef THTJRSDAY, APRIL 151H, 1937 THIE CANADIAN SIATESMAN, BOWMANVIL'LE, ONTARIO __________________________________________________________________ money 1 h&l on harid wa.s not were about f ifty passengers who man of the hou-ce and got in af - to get work among the farmers keeping orl ordllr o enough to Pay for the transporta- had bought tickets. M y t w o ter having travelled 60 miles in but could flot get a day's work at 1self. tion of the team so I arranged 1 a straight heat. The railwycnrc o h TA ES CH RG -F I M UN AI R SO T O EL wih hi mn owok oranthrchums and I went out on cne of redm lthsaeth an ven f ifty cents a day. At this.If irsthundrd mlsws a TAKE CH RGE 0F IG M UNT IN ESOR HO EL wthtisrafl ~~d or tioherthe ionloded cars. Thie dron-m' time I had fot heard of losing my awarded to onRa Unfortunately, at the end of I told him we didnt have any: lie as the Three Creek MacKinnon's. hay which in the f aIl was burnt 'ors Lfhor'io arva n hnie - ~the month, navigation had closed. ordered us to get off at Selkirk. I got a lunch for noon and start- by a prairie fire. Harvest wasWlhtokpaebutheim I I ha corespndece wt.hhlmTrain passed Selkirk; conductor ed. In the afternoon I played now on and I hired for a month had finishedm o'hwt h ndtold him to find work for came out again and threatened to out with violent pains in the back at $26 with a man who was sick f'arie.Iwoet i e ei hmlfand tenfotewitr thi'ow us off. I tokI hini te Put of my legs. The only way I could. and nDt able Ito be up. He ha.d a he was goin eltaysbcn whic he<Li; hehaued ord o n f the brakes and try his hand. get along was o walke about a lot f catte and pigs Vo, attend tat fgaig ease~ ' to Colhingwood. He said he -would ,Ho iawed a while andi went -off-.1 mile as fast as I could and then to and I worked about 17 hours m aigta ewudi h - hve orktil srin. hisbit0fTh.at same conductor is flOW On lie right. down on the grass for a day. Th-, woxnan whined the sPrig.Ith- wred-1i satifacorynewswasthelast I the passenger train between Win-1 about f ift.eeri minutes and in tis whole month about having to Pay mnhfrara fr$.O ek ever atrd f rom hlm.thef nipeg and Brandon. Last winter 1 way I managed Vo arrive at Mac- such big wages and for revenge ed my Saraoaadsatdo had oV hard rom im fr lie asked me if I knew the reason KiÇnnon's at sun-dwn You bet ahe nearly starveti me. I wouldfo o inpgwth$.0i I woteVo rieti sk-he let mie ride that time. He I slept w-ith'out rocking that'creep on my hands and knees all MY PIcet months a (Turfi to PageieSix, Please> ing hin t o f mnd Out what was told ime it was on account of MY night. I arrived home at Highi the way 'to Texas befor I wouid wrog.Hereltd.saying that pluck. Bluff. badly used up af ter a tramp work for that mnan atwOnn hie hati made inquiries and found IW e arrived at Cross Lake, 100 lof over 300 miles. again. I got my $26 antE di ided Advertisin i h aada that. the mnan hati useti the team milles from Winnipeg, and travel- Haying was then on andi I triedi i between the store bill andi rent, statesinn ay th bet aIl intr. hat e ten old' the led t-o Rat Portage, 40 miles on____ teanm. marrieti a wife a.nd hati foot. We hati no trouble in geV- skippeti to the St.ates. So that ting our meals at shanties across, l'Is the last of My money and Section 15. When we reacheti Rat Portage I f ound that there were teamore bosses" waiting for jobs Now I wiUl return to MY ex- I. --.~ ploits here. The f irst %winter at than %ould ever get them. I wasf High Bluff I choppeti cordwood promised a boss' job if I wouldA ro e l G at 50 cents a cord and boardeti wa:t. I went Vo work at $1.40a Lodge, the su mmer resort hotel in the mountain-ri mmed At habaska ly. The timber was sv.amp elmbor.Is-nastehmnr Valey f aspr atina PakAberta. Mr. Sommerville brings to his on the Assiniboine river and as on a rock cut for a month and AU new position extensive hotel experience in England, France, Egypt and yuhv u wm mIneigtt eafrtcashrmr *on this continent. Ifle was formerly Assistant Manager of the Chateau not tell you that I came Vo te Mn.i Laurier, Ottawa. Jasper Park Lodge (above) wiIl open on June 15. conclusion that I w-as of saal I then got a letter froni home importance in the w'orld at that saying that I had nfot taken the! time. But I huti not yet reacheti homestead ltaI I thought I had hard-pan. fileti on. My brother-in-law had'tr LU ILOn the second of April my bro- wrîtt-tn to say that the one 1 harl 111 If flmmu~. fl ~ rW Daythe--in-law andt~hre other t aken up was a very poor One. Lif In Norhwe t i Ealy IIJ 1arrived at ourplc and I 5d0s I drew my money. $22. and houst laIlre as e arwellsik foraihoeain ret Recording the Hardships of Pioneering in Manitoba Back not prtovisis hrenough in e ' starteickforoeaaing. pe in 182 y a arlngto Ma succeetiet in getting sone f rom ai I paiti my f are back f rom Cross' in 182 y aDarlngtn Mn ineighbour anti we starteti. on the Lake to Winnipeg and off ereti the ____________________________ fifth of April. west Vo hunt landi.,cnutrmyfaefr1iedw 1 We succeetied in locatng home-!trip but he would not take it. I ...1 ENNISKILLEN i Dear M.Eio onr.Teemnadtheir steatis and I returnet ed ctn -gtoe anti stayeti for three -4 I have in my possession a letter ivives who pioneere-tdinm Manitoba itofind the man with MY team. days: then I shouldereti grubi Ss îîptlî i C\( îsdt ~ r IA--itten over fifty-f ive 3-ars ago'lvere real heroles anti heroines. î On the expectation of having my. exough t o take me to Oak River O rehard on i thede t ot r. b a native of Darlington. then a1 take off my hat to ie-m; I prize teant I hati previously renteti a1which was a 150 miles tramP. I Mr. A. Orchard, Detroit. -Pioneer i Manitoba, 10 a brother' the friendship of the few ofltent farm nearby on shares.seponynengtiahue in Darlingtpn. How lte letter I I met in later years after te tide Now 1 hadtcV give up the f arm on this long trip. The north trail Xrý. W. C. Siainiton. Toronto, v-caem mypsesoIan tfrueh-dtreiorhent; anti hunt up another bouse Vo If ollows the W'hite Muti river. IV ....... itedNI . H Sic. ClS.able to Say anti hew I carne to I revere their mnemory now for live in. I succeede i in renting an hati overflowed ils batiks fronti Mir. and Nfrs. L. X'Çarîîand I)oînp-esretVrog telngya st5o f them ihave passetio. OtiIos a 3pr mentItanti the heavy June ra.iis anti IIhadt1 ald visited at Mir. E. Parrott's. Cal-'is an Equal mystery Vo me. I have Mrs. Nellie McClu.ng has wriî- gelting cordw'ooti at $2 Per cord. wade a: leasI 50 miles in water. JMYFAoMjlll&yIRfWM '<POJAT#/6Y I6ZfC/PIf Lake. i eati il anti re-read ti i anytintes te-n a book.The Clearing o et I t hen tiecitiedt 1go -Vo RaI Por- The bridge hati been washeti away »oajr r "fTo WAV>'PoilWANr Kr"GG 7AK0ZC/MJ6yu W/A6I! EE RAl/ Nir-..D. Burgiater iv ùgat Vl di nilrsigPares" in which sIte tels the tg ocnrc 6 the raiway that tati crosseti a Streamt which A 4ppITrFrroRnZA> CORN FLAdrrJ. LGTMA£A16«rER AO W/GraffT#LC frien(h. in Buffalo. Inarrative. I believe it would be story of her eariy lfie andtihIe construction as 1 hati heard they ran into this river anti I Ita t 07-ADcip.Jf» Mr. and Nirs. A. 1Briiît and fan fitrs omn fyu ~ai luge fhrfamiyte on-wrecmienig Ialwrk re t8 mie ws ua VoeToyado 8 fr E zzrA P.. NM4 AD RI.. II FLPN. L.OGVAIOIZLGJO R1 ily visited relatives at Scilgog Island 1 ers, more especially Vo those who 1eYs.. in the early days on the I hati fot a single cent of moîn- mieel ees aainefterypoante / IFR 1A.O/ W WN O p~4~ GO O o /bF4 Mrs W.Mars ad Mss oisje' live in the great west soeteof! prairies. I1Itave read il just re- ey, not e-yen as ntuch as a one-miebakgino Iepost ferv returncd '.ith îheim for a visit. Vicula were pioneers i their par-I cently anti enjoyeti il very much. cetpotage sîamp nor an-- pro- sd hr orrtswudhv tclrdistrict anti ohers who' lIn il, sIte gives a pen picture et visions for t-e f amily. However, ltm cosbtteewsn Sundav School A.\nniversarv prac- r1esedn flsI ad ome of the hardships endureti by I succeetied in getîing a very lit- timber to make a raf t. I stayeti tc mtice d o011 a mt1119poergsok the early setlers in the Souris ied amount of cret in a very five days at Oak River andi took cl come undavteledrhi fMri pioneeringsoc.triot. But te Iartiships Of dear store. 1 trieti several ac- another homestead which. if yeu unr he eaeshtofMisEl For reasons which may net ap-! the Moesi o o ecma-qa eo vrsei.yuwl hn savr Orchard. pear obvîous te lte reader, I have Moesi e ob opr uinla-nces t-o gelle-n bushels et ee e- l yuwl ti isavr Glad ta report M rs. Thos. Mc- ediledth Ie lelter eimiating seme- eti.xith tIhose- of otIte-s less fav- wheat f or a grisî on credit; butgoo one. Gui and Mrs.. Levi Brunit were able of te names rinentione-tin te oureti than te-y were-. The Moon- xithouit success. I te-n matie a By this lime my brother-iit-law ta be ta evening service on Siindavý, original anti I, your correspond- eys wenl eut f rom Grey COIny determination ne-ver to ask a tri- hati gone back Vo Ontario Vo be- WANT to make everybody in your family after being confined ta their homes ent, aiso wish o bide behinti bIte Ontanie,.with a MOde-stsake Vo endi for a faver as long as 1 liveti. home un tinte fer lte harvestiitg for several weeks. scree-n of anonymily. ide thtei ve-r the-first years, But I hadt 1 break tItis resolution ofj his crop. Dick Brintacembe hapOdrKlogsC nFakstayfm '.i-.i- WIte I wasa ladwhile many others went eut witIt wiîhin a few days. I gol te-n bus- andi Jack Murray were Ihere alone hap? rdrelogsC uFak odyrm Miss Ida Ferguson, O.hawa.it hnIwsald away back only the bare- necessities ferlte- hels ef wh'eat front an olti HigIt- anti stayedti Ijl September. They your grocer. Put those crunchy golden flakes ed friends hiere. in the early eig.Ities.Ite prairies limte being. Bu-I these were eqiP- lanti Solcehman; I also borrolwed were 40 miles f ront a post office Miss Irene Sharp. Toronto, re- Itati a peculiar fascination for me-. peti with indornitabie courage anti $2 anti starteti fer Rat Portage, anti when tItey went 10 gelt-heir into bowls and pour on milk or cream. The cently visited lier parents. Mir. and Il seemedti 1 me that lite- eut unswerving resolution. It was* 200 miles away. mail it taok the-m ltree- tays. d Mrs. A. Sharp. there woulti be jusl one continu- Ihese who knew whaî pioneeiing Shudnn t akIstoIJc uryi o rmnI grandest springtime breakfast you ever tasted. ous experience of romaitlic ativen- ralyment o Winpg monafoo t ie o rtJakMur ryi 0fmy santioesani_,_ 1 ure. Il hati ne-ver occurredt o m elymat r inpgo sfr mei reo y hnisad1 Appettsta r er fmntn lcainlyamnpoe IstaIttere mighI ean ar- Wben, a fe-w years ago, I re- away. Well. I hati preîîiy nearîy i .toog-on elw vrCttsta aewayo intnu widi b c ig foi~sh.vs i ships nor deprivations; that was viitbet Manitoba afte-r an absence reaclteti ard pan anti my frientsincmh a man. winter meals wake up and cheer for crispness. If a man hasi'tIany sa f ei e al.r-e Vt-pcuo hl< f twenty-five- years, I hadth Ie ail. un lte way of a lur. saitiîI Istarleti home anti came 1tnoo e ripesa t e-ti elg' wonanissue-Vothnkhe i sn-noV register on my rniint. These- aueo-eeigHn .D hati railreati on te brain. I what is now Minnetiosa hrth imental. day tireamis anti nighl visions McGregor, aI tat tinte Lieute-oi- eachedi Winnipe-g with one dol- landt office was te-n locateti. 1V A wise man is me-rely iess et a were fostere-d anti nourisheti y ant Governor ot Manitoba. He lar gone but 1I hati met îwo chunrs was lte-n called. Tanners Crossin- They're made £rom the finest Canadian white 2 CEN-I~ L f001l taithVIe ave-rage-. some îîiings I hati se-e-n anti ster- Itad gone- to Manitoba un te on my lasItiday's tranmp ta we-re where- a FrencIt halfl reeti hatia ïïO. " _____________________ ie-s IhtIeartito eraneny eigItVie-s anti hati home- going eut 10 work aise andt heir f erry- across thle- Little- Saskatohe- corn, under ideal working conditions. An exclu- R PEpdi1 Ipesn w ha ti be-fro en anlt steadet in a district about fit ty cash v-as equally as 10w as mine. wait. Af 1er making Mty hom.estead sieKelggpocs gvs hm ih lvo ,"' . Iprairie-s, miles nerVh west of Br'andon. I We stoppetite final nighI IaelyIsateifrhm nte litVIt sping0f 880or 81stable on the Expemimental Farm 25c. GOne of t-hem stoppe-t ail meorntng, so, as Vo be- able 10 make severai you.ý me-n. native-s of at Morde-n. He- saiti: "Thte-People night wit a fnienti andt Vt sav- a gooti tays travel. I carrieti packed in the patented WAXTITE infler bag that Darlington. wenl out wesI so everywhere ti Manitoba are- lalk- eti bis mone-y. tome- grub for dinner - Itardtack keste lasoenfeh to lte Dakolas, others o our owIt ing these days of depression anti We MetV anti founti that the- anti pemmican - te only things epthmawyovnrs. riewly organizeti province, Mani- liard imes. Aller ail depressiefi train tii net go te Cross Lake for I coulti get t-o buy. toba. InthlIe late autumnfthe Ie is only a comparative- eri anti four tiays. I proposedt -at we- go Afler walL,*ng ail day t camne Kellogg's are convenient. Ready te serve 'stae year tey neturteti. wearing It-'se are years etftiepression as across the Red. rive-n Vo St. Boni- on ram lin the- evening. The-re instantly. Wholesome and easy to digest. OneM ADE BETTER e. Z uffal:) skin coats which to-day compareti with the abuntiance face. buy sente bre-ati anti hait a was no timber itn eah ta make M D ~I 'oulti crmmanti a king's ransome-, anti affluence of the people te-n peunti of te-a anti camp un the a fire anti no Itouse itnsigIt. The of the grTeatest values you can buy! e e e c in telng trilling stories of years ago. But as Vo bard tintes. woots til I te-train w'ent. We- nain poure-ti town in torrents anti heir summers expeience un lte ake- il ram me, mister, sevenlY- bough lIte- breati, hlai a pounti ofI colti as ie-ath:itun fact it more- Enjoy Kellogg's Corn Flakes every day, now T ASTE BETTERe* Saexooc vntiertuî lanti et promise. TItese vepr etoftIhe people, f tItis te-a anti li a Pounti of butter tan rainet. My te-et were ail thelest B ounter ,oung me-n were te he-roes o ng 0f rIdo n know te mean- andi liveti onltat.fo ite four scalde-t, I wsveey îired anti iun- that spring ils here. Sold by all grocers. Made I hohuris te us, lads, andtihIe igo hetri but I know anti days. That was Manitoba for igny anti I ha4th tIer to lie dowrn ar h etCutr beaux Brunne-li (excuse m French t lIbrte erm n itr h o.adpeis rtae i ilt and garanteed by Kellogg in London, Ontario. P AC KED BETTER CekBooks madei d n pligfitsno cor- wer-~e my neighbours for tive years, Train day came andthîte train About- four o'elock un-te mont- Cek'ect; ee a n use aI - îAew what hard lintes meant. consisteti of 18 cars ot nailway i ne I ran arrosa shanty rithlIe Canada. They cost no French ant i wrse at spelling) at 'olTe n-otctpaigiv -______ morethanordiary~ xitole ounr3--idei i n comfortable Itouses; we were- books and always give - Aller spe-nting te w i n t e r cabinet un one-roonteti log shacks. satisactio. 1montlhs un idle-nets anti peasure, The-y have large stables to heuse satisfction.liey neturneti to their Eldorado. ccnttortably te-bn Ive stock: w-e We are agents an-d TItis prograintet theirs was re-- hat i snall, soti toofe-t log stables. will be pleased to quote pett o loo IreewnesTIey have large Itoldiings et cul- style andt Ie-n te-y faile- to returnIlt -itvateti lands; we hationly u you on any syeor 1 but not befoi-e they hati left a iteneste-ats with a sniail acreage- quantity required. delep impression on te mintis oet under cnop. InthVie worst years. many Young lads who were tieter- 'excepting un lteI droughl are-as. See Your Home Printer Fi minet to follow un titeir foot- lte-se have an average crop with ste-ps - anti buy buff alo coats a-n average pnice for titeir pro- - a s -o asbie-yhai aeaiie a duc Is; the grasshoppers anti go- _______________________- tge wlien ltey coulti leave home-. I phers took a large- 1011 of our cnop The beauty lanti romance-of lte levery year tallIte earîy frost ~ ~ ~prairies were furtîter impresse-itidn't catch il. Tee a e It>i 'on my minti by our stutiy, aitIflivvers or more- expensive cars s PAGE FIFTEEN