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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1937, p. 7

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THURSDAY, APRIL 22ND, 1937 THE CANADIM< STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO I'AC~E SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. ae* Mrs. Jas. Mai-r visited eydale, spent Sunday week ,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reesor, Port town. Pý1_1ry-Mr. Newton Ashton, who Mis. Oeo. Ingham, Peterboro, completed his two yea.r cours ~¶tthe weekend with hei-son, Kemptville Agricultural Col 01.E. Ingham, M.A. ret.urned home on Tuesday. Mirs. T. .McMurtry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nichiollb spntSu with her aunt, Mis. Mrs. Thos. Hoar attended J. T. H Wf uneral of Mrs. Nicholas Ingî Mi-. Oliver Braxdt, of O.A.C., Port Perr3T. Guelph, spent Sunday with hlis Miss Beatrice Mountjoy. parents, Mr. and Mis. E. P. Bradt. Bessie Mountjoy, Miss Ruth C MisWynne Street, Toronto, ma.n, Mr. Mark Hancock, and spent the- weekend with Miss Frank Hancock, Kedi-on, viý Daisy Cully. r. J. E. Elliott- on Sunday. Mr. a.nd Mis, O. Edwards, Hon- iss Elda Mountjoy, Ked THE BEST AND MOST WELCOME HOME IMPROVEMENT Us HARDWOOD FLOORS -and it doesn't cost so mnuch when you think of the comfort and convenlence, as weIl as a new joy and pride you'Il take in your home.... Bring in the measurement of our roomis and we'Ul tell you just what it costs. Buy Blue Coal Now Wheu Price 18 Lowest When You Buy Paint Don't get an unknown brand just beceuse it's cheap - for economy and satisfaction buy CANADA PAINT - we have it in ail colors and for ail purposes. Blue Coal - Welsh and Scotch Coal Always in Stock. Sheppard & GiLumber Co. LEMITED Phone 715 Bowmanville Seeds c& Feedi t ry AUin's Us Your Headquarters !IELL GROWN PULLETS PAY ;ive your jpullet chicks e chance o develop mnto big, sound birds- the kind thet wil produce plenty if big, salable eggs for you next Fall and Wmnter. La a uniforîn. resuit producing balanced ration that the bi:rds digest easly-and qidycouvert into big, strong, prodrie. ung bodies. Get 3 Tins this Weekend 3 tins - 25e Package - 17c Free 5 cup Teapot with Lipton's Tea ..................Ub. 60c M eidrums Pure Lard.............. 20-1b. paiU $2.80 Use of Etectrmc Polisher Free with Johnston's Fioor Wax .... 2-lb. tUn $1.00 Potatoes.............. 90-lb. bag $1.55 FISH White Fish lb. 15( Smoked Fillets ..... .. . lb. 18c Brià Columbia Salmon lb. 17 SprW Puppy and Dog Biscuits lb. 15( Pard Dog.or Cat Food ..........-..... ........ 2 tins 25c Churn Dog Food ........ 2 tins 25( .Brock's Bird Seed pkg. 15c FRESH VEGEtTABLES- FRUITS 0F ALL KINDE ,Ha rry 1Phone 367 - 368 Allïn F 1 La ra 91 Ln - spent the weekend with her couH riia Ddnniwell; The Inspector's mire. One hard maple was plant- the Blind in Bowmanville will Sm rs . .EllotLberty S Siilpu< Visit, Doris Stevens; Nora in the ed. Hydrangea, spireallcadcmec I ola et pi andl attended the Young People's * Nursery, Patricia Clarke; The orange blossom shi-ubs were also 26th, and will continue through- Convention at St. Paul's. *..Ïa a i Busybody, Roberta Callum. The planted. out next week. A number of local Fire of unknown origin totally WVI UINDEARAlH LLI (continuer! from Page 1) Rhythm Band led in the closing Afte'rte strenuows af ternoon'sI volunteers have charge of the detoe h ...station AS number, Go<l Save the King. work was cornpleted everyone ga- canvass. On Saturday. May lt at ______ ~~~~~~ly Row, Teddy Ott; A - Trip to The young people ail didthi theredi h colfrlnh f ySot n ofCIsw Brokln om tmeearl TesayKrscenBrought Him Relief Town, LorynEý White, Glen Hodg-I parts well and are deserving Of1 ter which Russell Osborne, Fred cndet a TaDaofo the c lmind in Mo iss . o Aydrsoucfthe Bel from Pain son. Pearl Brealn; our Brave much praise 'as well as their W. Bowen, Roy Patton, Chas. condubehaîf cfTgD y he c l it- 1ýLssClioAndeson o theBellSailors. Glen Hodgson, Jinunie teachers and ahl others who as- Gibson and Mis. Fred Bowen gave tee which is headed by Miss Helen Telephone office is holidayrng This mian of 31 wvas prernature- Southey, Allan Strike, Ray Aber- sisted in making the evening such !short taîks,. These people m W. Crydermian. and is comprised lias with relatives in Bobcaygeon. lv aged Il- backachc, wlien lie nethY; Meiu-y Peasant, Roberta 1 an outstanding success. Mrs. Ella 1Pressed upon the minds of al hi t o f prominent local citizens to- .se at liege. Mrs. (Dr.) J. Clark Bell at- lîoiuld have been cnjo',ing file best Callum; Apple Blossoms, Loryne Strike, on behaif of the groups when they think of the Corona- gether with repi-esentatives of the tended the furèeral of her nepliew , vear5 of ]lis lf e. Here lic tells W'hite; Bright as a Button, Jean of the W. A., hanked ail for the tion of the new KCing George VI service clubs. and s vsitîg hr siter Mr how Krusclhen hielped to restore hjrn Living and Evelyn Hall; Daisy splendid evening's ent.ertainiment. Vhey will invariably reinember the_____________ s ad ndisvistig ersiser hicalth, after rnonths of pain: Chains, George Roberts; Sonata crowning success of te beaîutify- andh Staîker. in Atlanta, Georgia. "Ixvas ini hospital for ten weeks in C, R.uth Abernethy; Swallow, igo h colgonsa .S gram. Mrs. A. H. Sheppard, Citesarea. oving to kidnev troilble. \'hen I Betty Osborne; Dorothy, Collette S.S. NO. 9 CLARKE No. 9 Clarke. whoha benviitnghe nec. as discharged I felt like an old Ferguson. Ruth Abernethy, Dor- PA TS R B N The afternoon was brought to Miss M. Wat.son, Horsey St., lias mian, alîhiotigl I arn or 31. If I een Hill; Spinning Song, Doreen losebyNTiging he Naiona Mis reurnd hme.stnoped t o i anvthing it was agon. AI; ane nthemGen.ol R U D The success of the a.f- i10-tr straightein iii again. Several lette Ferguson; Watclunan's Song, T EE UNnÎed oti o Ie A iv say Sr cs 1 Mr. Mr. Don William-s of Queen'spol die et rvKisl lMr uy PnyPatss l ternoon was due mlytoth St. Andrew's .sited University, Kingston, is home for îoueavsd c 0ry rcinMayJy;an rcie.El 'IThe rain of Sat.urday, April 17 interest and efforts of te Ti-us-11 holiditys with his parents, Mr. and Satlis. 1 tried tlîem andl founid îheî' canor Jolinston; The Fountain, tpe utbfoeadbgnte10rR sonCclMl rsyeinCuc Mr.FakWilas ave ni( relief from pain and I f cît Kay O'Neill; duets. Moment Mu- - fPer iu"Thefore ain bean tlee Baid.Cha. GOsoneCciMl.rsyeinC ýdron. Mr.FakWihasetter in evere îvav. I cycle 28 sical and March Militaire. K a aftr 'he oroat Son P lan. t- ley and Cas. Gibson Miss Helen Fowler and Miss miles a day 10 anlf romn work. and O'Neill and Mary Jury; Taps, .m. boutn0dmenApril 2Sboy - Doris Muckie, Cadmus. w er e shaillkeep ni)bbcile aily dose of Krus- George R.oberts, Donald Quick, 2p myabot 50 en, om.en boy wcekend guests at Mr. Tîtos. chen l )tcati.,e I cai- nov do0 tie Allan Strike, Junior Neal. and girls were on duty at the Quietly at St. Clair United Dayight SavingIlim sehool for the purpose of beaut.- Church. Toronto, by Rev. J. E. MrigWrsi la Jackson's. toîne and f romn work nd îot Moqui Indian Dance, Ray Ab- fying thenwadelrc sho od nAri 7h lzbt ey. J. W. Foote, B.A. Mr-. and Mrs. C. C. MacNair jeel amiv flic worse for it.'*-S. \. C. ernethy. Junior Neal. Jimnue grounds. The men came ;with iMinerva Stoddard, only daughter St. Paul's Presbyterian Church spent the xeekend with her par-- \\*linflie internaI org ans Southey andi Donald Quick in picks, shovels and trees; the lad- 'of Mi-s. M. A. Stoddard. 574 Craw- Port Hope. ents, Mr. and Mrs. E . J. Naish. dIi thuir work properlv, inîpurities costumo playcd a qua.rtet.: Rutht ies came with sandwiches, cakes, ford St.. Toronto. forrnerly cf Evening Worship at 7 p.m. Brampton. bemzjn 10 accuimnlate in thie svsteni, Abernethy and Eleanor Johnston. Vrts. coffee and sitrubs; the boys Oshawa and Miami, Florida, was Bey. J. B. Palulin, B.A.,D D. and cause trouîdesonie sNympltoms. also in Indian costume, were seat- and girls came with the purpose'nmaixid Vo Hem-y William Mc- Rsdl rsyeinCuc Mir. and M-s. Fred Bîimacombe Krusclicin Sait. belip to stimulatele ecd on the grass covered floor of ha-ving a good tinte. They re-: Queston. son of Mi. and Mrs. John Toeal royentorc and son Garfield. Toronto, Mr. .heur andl excretory organ.. b bcaltlbv. while the boys performed and turned with that "good time" in McQueston of 882 Davenport Tod.,o and Mrs. Rd. Snowden, Oshawa, rcgîlair ativitv, and thus assist tbem Mis. Geo. E. Pritchard sang a addition te their practical workj Toronto. The bride was assised. Snecial Music by assisting were guests of the Misses Brnma- t,, ri tll,,vsteincf barinfilimpur- solo aceompanied by Fer- with nature, a keener sense cf1 by Miss Evýelyn Longbotltam, and Slit combe on Sunday.R. guson. Ruth Hutchin9on recited beauty, and a clearer idea 0fterVt ro yM- rc enns'Eeyodylo met Mr. and Mî-s. Elgirn Sparlhng- veryi dramatically and effectively, responibility towards t.heir play- The annual caniva-ss for the and daughter Bcverly Ann. To- NOTED DIETITIAN The Cattle Thief and Oiesta, by grounds. Canadian National Institute for ronto, visitcd h>et mother. Mrs. Pauline Johinson. An evergi-cen hedge was plant- _____________________________ John Curtis, on Sunday. HERE NEXT WEEK Rkectations were given as fol- ed along the north and east sidet ______lows: 1 Aîn't Scared, Mui-iel Ste- !of te gr-ounds. Fifteen Silver Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Rcy- 0f nerest 10 ev-er.% woman in yens; A SmaUl Boy's Plaint, Geo. Maples were planted ta qa nols ad ons Fed nd Il.Fbwiranvillc and vicinite k bblc an- Ingham; Maw and the Auto. Col- distance aIl around Vite roundsb. Ardm te or en., otorher.E te n"iuncenlent that flic fainons Canada lette Ferguson; Bobbie and the Each Silver Maple was planted by 1 %visitRetcnormera faUterl.MrEd Starcli Conmpany Cooking Sebool is New Baby, Lois Dinn.tweUl; When two pyupils. a boy and a girl. A wi Rynld whois~,to blefield bere. on Fridav aftcrniooil. Maw Wants Sontething New, Bet- boy and girl will always have a' R.ev. T. A. Nind, a fornmer rector :\pril 30th. utider flic auspices cf ty Stevens; His New Brother, Pa- common tree to pi-oteet and ad- ~' of St. Johns Church, is leaving flic Woimen's Instituite. M.\rs. H. NI. ____________________________________ the Port Perry perisit about the .\itkcn. tfli internationalle-knownl middle of May and w\ill assume diutitian and speaker who ci-nduects the duties cf Rector of the Angli- the..e seliocîs, is no stranger biere, as can Churdli et Grafton. lier regiiloar imornîng hroadcasts over Mrs. W. H. HeUyar. Clinton CFRB arene ocfftic niosl popullar Dr. and ML-s. Ray Ives. MaiyLtu tuj,.onMbc ar. Od îiav c Cather-ine and Billy, Stayncr. Dr. or woinin have dobd1Ibics;s visîted and Mrs. Geo. Patterson. Toronto, lis r cooklere ilemioni.tratjons abtlthe w-er weecnd uesa cfMr. oInCanladian National Exhibition. ~~~J J and issEva ehlar.Mrs. Aitkeiîlibas îravelled verv and Miss Ev Hellyar. jdelv both on tbis Continent and S E I L Mr. antd Mrs. Willerd Stevens, irope. ansi lias mcl and interviewed Toronto. wcrc Sunday gucats of sonie cf flie world's oistanding rer - 8U ae o Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTaggart, sonages. iliclndinig flic late King InB kd id and their old fh-inds wcre gla.dte George V. She lbas blic happy faculbe see theni in Trinity United Church cf brighbening bier cookery lalks --- Sunday morning. witli enberbaining anecdote., of lier Lemon or OrangeBttrceFa__________ Mrs. L. G. Gale, manager of traveis. so t11mb (vere\ minute cfButrle ac te Kingsway Flower Shop, was tlîese selîcols is inbensely inltetig Meringue inBleilnnMnayatnigS ltcli 50thaitt 'rcl fc ~urA PEW FACTS You need it in the Unit Convention of te Flor- Slîccl madie a repeat appeara PIE. .. each 2 c Laye C ke 35 ABOUT ICE! * ists Telegraph Dehivery Assoc-ia- Peberboro tickets lîad 10 bce ih Ice refrigeration S m e lion at the Quinte Hotel. drawn froin sais bwc ilai s I_______________________________________ and onlyiyce re- oeTa vr whileicscierai buindred iee geration pre-o Miss Helen Gunn, Misses Mad-0 seryes fods with- cine and Marjorie Jones., t i iiiss io bc ac u SODA FOUNTAIN .oIoso hi When hot weather threatens the le Myrtle Bu-ns, Mis Marie Quar tcnui %nalural f reshnes \lîav a..îcia hîne f bse MEUA Only real ice ban-. shesdt foods and vegetables rington, and Messrs. Harold Burns Scbools 1 iepe(tbainc pc 1hes food odors in is fle pesetatin o a sec-your refrigerator you know that iceman' s ice will a.nd Bill1 Shai-pe were Sunday ialiv haked pjrhl\ aet lcof Banana Mel cheese.tet. ri guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn estldyci îbba ak 0 leu- orb eu ta r keep them fresh and full of their - and Warden and Mrs. R. 0. Jones. s'avi ttnat.Tereod udes-2fr2hesr n a tc u ra natural flavor. an is . .E.Mattso far. is field 1w an Orillia lad\. ____________________Ieref graio S Capt. adMs .W .Mahaged 95, and il w\illle iiterestine Ispplige îenîy0 motoed up from Ottawa over te te înobice îvbetlîer Rosilîîatiiinvi il Special Business Men's pure, clear, odor- STARTING MAY lst weekend and celed on friends bic able bo equal or cxceed bbis mîark. Lunch Served Daily less, lastelesse ce here while on their way te, visit Tliere ivill also bc a prize for flic for ail household We will deliver Pure Ice, approved lis mother in Toronto who is in moblier of the largest familv wboi purpos es. This is by the M.O.H. of Bowmanville, in lîrhalh resent, a_____________plate____for___flic_________ ant in summer. Bowxnanville and Newcastle daily. Mi. and Mrs. Will M., recentl ' v îîarried bride, an iotîdAnCrer niera- P oe4« frSevc Fresno, Californlia, are vistmng Iis "Deli' prizes. "Lnickv Nu ib 9JJ '19 I II Jo saf nsepea, hnb48fr ev moather, Mrs. W. H. Dustan who prograns ivill he iised in g <'A P1'FP afed , denablei has been seriously 11l but who is tlîirtv packages conitailning snCb s C R E F M LYoaevnteper- now reported to be mekrng rapid oua lîro(Ihitts cf Thîe Canada Starcli Baker Lunc eratiOn. SteadyFUEL re~1r~ Grbut, M Copati asCroin BaîîdC BkeryConectionery ature assures pro-. U L S tsBsieGrut is lc 'v rn p, .\Ma7da, l3cnsotî's Corni Prompt Delivery Phone 855 _________ Distributors of Pure Natural Ice Arnold, Brooklin. who attended Starcli. etc._____________________________ ____________________________ the Young Peeplc's Union con- All flic articles cf fond prcpared vention it St. Pauls Cîtircli, were anld cooked iniflic demonstration ivill guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Mc- also lie distrilîîtted anlong blice and- 'ragga.rt. ieilce i\ fic saille tîîetlîod. The tietîn Mrs. Ernest Brock, Mi-s. E. E. %vil] fcatbtrc a special Cororiatioti----- McClellan. i-s. Oco. Casselman, ParN< atidl complete details ivill ap I Mrs. C. H. Haddy, Min. J. B. E. pear i obr nexb issute. Thîe Sel col Staples. Tor-onto, were recent ivill bîlfe ldî itflc St. Patil's I c- guests of Mis. Norman S. B. t'tre Roo111 Clitnrcli St.. begitii at £?anishI<'~rfI James. 2.30 on Friday afternoon, April 30tb rea Se d Gainf Bn ih Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cleinence, and indicationis point to a capacitMns. Geo. Rickard. Newcastle, Mi. attetidatî.ce. Thie entire procceds 0ýf There are several methods of tratn Seed Grain forG r y H i and Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Mms. H. t.flicverN moderabe adimission ci arzeraxg~ r y H i funer, oa.l f le cousn wllgotoli.titthe aIl e fpfnic Smut. Two are recognized to be superior to the others: Restore your grey hair to ils original thaboock. Bofwntaie. acousnded Wotesof1 CRSA M TODecomedd o cntolcgal lor wîthout uea o tn.1n fhele.jMm. licol heiiîg thy lustre malely Robeit Butler, £Lrnevle, on tesch lbizpaid fi- TheCt CRSN MEHil-c b ie frcntolng al b s ing ntrlh Tue.sday. d trh oiai itc. types of Smuts - 16 oz. of Powder treats 32 bushels.bakb sg Mis. C. O. Miller, Simcoe Street a SrIf y o w ant beseil in Bew- Lowest 2., FORMALDEHYDE METHOD-controls ail types of Smuts N E I U E SoUî eter tîedon a iselaeurdymavle Ii7sme so ou r but is not recommended for treating wheat or hull-less oat s - vll hs umrsoýJml GREY HàqlR RESTORER afterfo he ant isslnRuh interest now by ettending the or- Prices 16 oz. of the liquxd treats 50 bushels. Acte through the process of pigmentation nolo f Trnt. wM iss uthganization meeting F'riday niglit. trom the hair oels otward. shortly be married. Antong the Pickering Official Board of te Ceresan 16-oz. -.00 Guoaalted t îo re y hak gucats wcre Mms. T. E. Knowlton United CIxurch has extended a Io ù$ noturol cola ff r nd Mrs. D. C. Bet.ts. also of To- caîl to Rev Mr. Jenkinson, of Af- Formaldehyde ntoe 0yaso g)i o Sc ,bertSt. Oshwa.30 Io 60 days. or yosr ,noney I ronto. - Oshawa 'Times. bertSt Osew itrelunded. Mis. W. C. Ashton on Sunday _______________ 1-F.RE E 3-o.4(<P.r.ce Gu-sa Iehoe0 r n $____________1.00 Miss Marie MacDougal end Mirra. TEN OUNCE$.0 SPECIAL OFFER Clar-ke, of Alber-t Collegc, Belle- E1MM830 and ybi for Three $1.00 boxes vile anad, Oüshawa.PAPER w uiyA~uRGAINS $2.00 STOMACH SAVERS Lagad saa aa utitipagafor $2.00. Formula t4sed in this pre. Mr. and Mrs. George Rowe and scription, prescribed by successfui son Garnet, Toronte, were visiteis U IIEÂLT14 WITH EACH LB. TIN C lrt y - physicians, wjlh excellent rîsuts-o a t the honte of A. H. 'Rowe te cel- P IDI ioie y -2 o 40 years. Positively ourate Sto relieve ail forms 0f Stomach Di C. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - BalPn .Bnet saa ~ j- - ~ uRICE 40e ______________________ Mr. Ernest Arnold, an empîcye of the Bowmnanville Foundry Co..______________ - carne into tîhe Statesmean office _____________B t Saturday efternoen aIl het up Iot for 35 over a feat lie tad senacent-te34sze sn s3wcap : nteCirSteA l x MGgoDrg elished in the Ontare Malleable when a moulder Itad made 425 T's, Unitedeia tr onalag Works noxhanwaehamor le Arolai at wu abox enomui- Agency PHONE 792 PRESCRIPTUONS A SPECUALTY Mv esial performance. BowmanvUli THURSDAY, AVRIL 22ND, 1937 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAK STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO À 1

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