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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1937, p. 3

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THURDAY.APRI 29ý1937THE ANADAN SATESAN, OWPAGELLTHREEI I rng for hxs laurels as a conversa- TeCNR. ýDollar tionalist, adopted a cour'Se ta r M iliary Matt rs f in ere t inET he C.Nmade hun easxly the heraoOf the M ilitry M tter of I tere t IDdirung table, until some Of thie o his burst of emudition. Bowmanville In Early Period Amoment eing nthsoee prih dA ws1euting onediscosered tiia aspe Ictmfotleagga s hwere toc, LABOUR the office adappeanng at Loi first, Mltia Company was oi- Then began the erectxo f S i ed in 1862 in Bowmanville and. sheds in different villages, and in th~~I aot erur dg it ws lo lngsitr a~ t.he Officers were Captain Fre<ler- 1 this town was built th-e only Bat- raotun. tilbeaednearcngher for ýAdiutant McLeod. F;romn this date used by the Agriculturai SocietyL convc'.-sational anecdotes began t<> an in. khiitary affairs began to be the and for skating puriioses in the miR cm bump heads in their f rantic last- that g ell-absorbing topdc. winter seasofl. ÀMo ULmmute scramble. tien wv In 1U6 the Fer-dans in and1 Col. Frederick Cubitt was one MICLLAt U5 fli-natured criticism of f ood, to Pre arounwufaobgnt raise fine officer of the 45th Battaliorl, 1~'~ one of the banes of the f amilY farmn tub xthis country and 40 and no less was Col. Deacon ofZ797CU table. was ended in one family the co men under Col. Cubitt lef t this Lindsay. a soldier of the oid by asking members in turfl te Quebec t.awn f Or Cobourg where they went school. a man who appreciated aI confer wvith mother the WEeklý bY boat ta Toronto, but their ser- good band. and had no patience temný, oeie h ebThl vices were not needed. When the with a pour one as some found Labour got the bulk of t ,e enu Saeties the noc meber e continent ot. Wiliam Jmes McurtrY Canadian National PRailways Ion dt he t ocotsmei BOwVýmanville conign a melu.WlimJm M ury new disli. Discussion of the gas- we thli home they came by boat te tis was an officer well liked by the dollar in 1936. The above dia- itronomic effect campleteiy crowd- ers. Port. and the citizens, home men of the old 45t.h. gram shows the proportion Ofi ed out the former captxous carp- A r guards and the band went down Occas'onaliy the B a t tai1 i o fn expenditures of every dollar of 1me, s tree! the dusty roadway ta greet them. would haive a march-out, anirvnedkn nb h a An ingeniaus f amily that hiked us c f but they had the trip for nothine 'Newcastle would be the ex*--nt o eeu a-ni yteN-biu ylt eto asteboat. was seheduled te be the trip. when the-gaod people of tional the Year. ting the pre.siding mviedt embr i0 ft here at midnîight and tis was th ilge wouid see that they expethed to talknd act a s uch ths Saturday. Just the same a larg- were refreshed before mjaking the pranm eec n.wowsta er nuniber than ever turned out 'return trip. This Battalion took WDA flIMf AT lîedb taestakas pssible.pressa adescorted the boys tatheirpr iWrgaecmpAnPee- VI1i LIINM AT Hýis'oy fiction and tradition were got us homes. The steamboat proceeded boraugh one year. and Cobourg drawn upon in turn: and the re- ixn our te Cobourg with the rest of the two or three years f ollom-ing. andDIU Dsusaone hnmteri ec Company. aise the Cobourg band tw-1ce at Kingston. These were INRsl (soc whnmtein ecai 'With its little German leader with then under the direction of Col.thraeaPisia anytid ero the unpxonouncable name and a 'John Hughes and also Sami~t aeftewawseatn ed goad musician. Hughes, later Sir Sam Hughes. The Art of Dining Is One That m the hisrtrof eWiolleam the aurn At tis date the West Durhaxn At Cobourg the 45th Band, un- Takes Quite a Bit of Learn- ase hefuioierde) weeom te-mean Battalian was formed, and init der the direction ai E. R. Bouniail. ing - Can Wrangling Be limsfratJh rdezn)g. up me max was 4 companies, No. 1I Bowman- p]ayed a program aof music at the Eliminated? tmsrte mzn.u n ville Co. Officers were col. Cu- Arhngton Hat*el garden party giv- Is it worth while trying ta make line bitt Majr MceodEnsign W.j. en under the auspices af the offlc- (By Frank Howard Richardson, ure rathy ner ta ea p l."as-ithean bit.MajrPamLeC en-ers of the battalion. The foUlow- condensed tram 'Hollands") the rtf tamydner"ableain,"as- ithense McM urtr PaymCrstie . igi te.ora edrb nlas came te be knawn in coinmon iearn in. uate Tos Criti. ngis theapiogOvrmrendearued i If a national pilgimage were parlance? others Officers in the Orona Ca. No. 2 D'nsOccBasin Overtre. LaRuhe ogan te visit the greatest The art of cining is one that expexi were Capt. J. L. Tuaker. Lieut. Dor (Brepsalt arc, ABepbe American battlefield. mast of us takes quite a bit o! learning: a.nd Fa: R&iwick, Enig Eddy. igar ( nes); Ga]n g ei wouldflot have far te go. For il happy indeed is the youngster the t( Cartwright Ca. No. 3 oficers: Wh, isp DJoes)LGand eice- is thie home dining table that can whose f irst lessons are gained at most were Capt. John Hughes. Lieut. S. ý (Donizetti): Galop. M i d n i g h t daim that high honor; the battle V-_s own family board. lisher. Hughes, and we believe the Bi- 1 Hari) Saced Vital Spark fought there is renewed dlaily. and "Are fineboymPanreai s ino. i(Poe); Mosaic. Fantasia (Frona ins tspeak at dinner each ev- paper bebcastle Cmanoffces iNo. (Bogaurde); Medley March, Home The first thing that starts us SEONiWRnE LYq and the oficers were Capt. Jac- gi;Ntoa nhm off an the wrong foot is the un-SCO D ARLumL abs, Lieut.. Robson, Ensign Wil- M vembers of the band at tlins certainty ai dinner-tirne. TU AM.u*Gett kinson. Af terwards these were the period were Abert Bounsall. John The f irst corners join dad in T A ETCop3. officers: Capt. Rebsan, Lieut. A.!G. Manning, Thomas Fitzgerald, self-righteaus condemnatian f !iadt B.Wino. nigiTylr John Scott, Morti.mer Williams, thokse wha are -tardier: sa that by By E. A. Suminers, Agicultural tainir The faiiowing were added tea Archie Galbraith, E. R. Bounsail. -the tume the clan has asseanbled. Representative, Durham CountY Every No. 1 Ca. - Lieut. James Rut- Wm. Keyes. Thomas Legge. D. a f a. frani pleasant atmosphere1 conta ]edge. Ensign G. Mann, Ensign Mornison. Ed. Coigate, John May- lias been created. Then ane of This is the third consecutive gestic Wm. Scot, and Capt. R. Sylves- nard. Tom Mitchell was alIso a the other children makes the dis- year that a Warble Fly Caanpaxgfl came ter. member and one ai the best snare cavery that somnebody's hands bias been waged in Durhami Coun- give The 451h Battalion began ils drummers in Canada, and others haven't been vashed, or bai- t.y. There bas been a decided re- ersa 10 days' drill in the aid Agicut- 'whose names we have forgotten. hasn't been brushed. or niaits need duction in the gadding of cattie bette ural grounds and the afficers and W. P. Prower was at one time a attention; and the tene in which the past two summrs and if ev- print men were billeted at the different! member af the aid time 45th Con- this unwelc.ome fact is announced ery tai-mer would co-operate and Ti hoteis af the tarwn until tents tingent, but what instrument he daes nothing ta relieve the ten- treat bis cattle thoroughly the was were Secured. Then it was the played we have forgatten. sion. warble t ly pest could be elimninat- Fanrr real soidier life for ail concerned. Not many in tewn today v.ili a slk hers iu'h ed. Ea.rly in March a general mat:l Th Bndattht uewa u-remember the scare this town got cames home tram a day's work Warble Fiy Circulai- was for- ta 13, der the drecton of Wm. Andrews, whtn word caie -that a vessel tired, as a rule: hie may be either warded tram this office to every lo a relative of the Ruse f amxily. load af Fenians were landing at morose and slent wben fatigued, rural route box hiolder in the dress In those days duing th, drilliHHall' Marsh and would iikely ad- or nervousiy taikatve. In either County. od period the aid burg resembled a vance te this toawn. înstantly the event. he is ail to,îikeîy te es- The f irst treatment sbouidco garrisn on . ulrSrdi h o have been applied the later part - tow. uglr truwik. -ae an was in an uproar. pause one side or the other. as one of the best buglers we ever2bgles sounided, and the Home the mccxl takes hini, a.nd eîther af Mai-ch. The lime bas now ai-- had, wou]d go the round of the Guards t.uined out. aid gas piPe back up t.he critics or stand up rived for the Second Warble Fly hoteis and boarding boeuses andc muskets were brougit Out andi for the offender. Mother, being of Treatment. A check Up shows Sound the xreveiUle which wams seime lcaded. Ministers o! the tewýn asmahtcntri ieyt that during the f irst treatment ini job. Bru the tntinp othadfeenaid haaged tepplc n d ake up the cudgels in laver of some cases the grub lumps were cam grundsoo pu adiferet vcatd he barricading 0f the whichever happens te be getig ube bad nuhte-- _______________________bridge at Vanstone's Miii. Same the worst of the argument. mave the scabs te a.low a few hîtched up old Dobbn in the one- Atra ~ hs~~ ae« draps o! the solution te reach the YoUr harse shay and vth thei- family p.fter drce hs teeil abte grubs. In these cases -the grubs Tuck it n tok e te tll tmbe tetheup.fater dcids t tel aoutwere flot killed. A new campo! Tuck i u 'tobth he slaU timberte the samething that happened at the grubs is nwmaking its per traeelIing 3c just a picnic. Atter special mes- ofcta ei uewl neetac ntebcso h efr sengers had recannaitered the dis- mother. though il will probably and steers and same aIder catt.e fou neyer know when trict. the aforesaid wa fun bore the chiidren te death. that showed no grubs bef are may Vou'Il need Minard's. NEW tc be just a humble stone hooker Btit big son wants ta tell about naw have a !ew appearing. The METAL CAP hermeticall'y tram Tarante down afler a load haw he distinguished himif inf Illowing hints may increase the seals in strength af stone. Calm was again rester- football practice that atternoon., efficiency a! the work. Of liniment. ed ta, a certain degrec, but the whiie big daughter bas just seen 1. If for any reasan You did Prevents spili. thirsty element. kept il up more the sweetest frock. at a bai-gain net treat your cattie that shawed ing, 'jet is easily or iess ail nigh't and the bars did that certainiy justifies a smali warbies the last o! March - do -removed. -a land office trade, especially the advance out of next week's allOW- not f ail te appiy the April treat- j. . RubinMinard'u west end htels-the "Wavér1y", ance. ment. >.freely ta relieve "Canada Hotel," "Farmer's Ex- And if is a younger child, 2. Mix the powdcr at the rate any muscular change", and Fletcher's Ta'vern. hc is totaily devaid of interest in o! one part af powder. ta five pains or etlff. Just the saxne the Home Guards these choice bits that are ail con- parts of water by measure or ac- nesa, sore feet,'did their daily drill in thxe old tending for a place in the sun, coi-ding te directions on thc box. r h e u m a t i c town hall and siwrd exercise was but undoubtedly bas some cantri- 3. Ta Save the Mixture - Ex- aches, etc. aiso given by drill master Han- bution ai enthralling interest - amine evcry animal caret ully and S.1. geu son a! the Upper Canada Fturi- te bimself at ieast - tha.t he is oniy treat the grub lumps. Pass Hao F. RitchLI ture Ca. But after a spell the te share with the big the cattle that show no warbles. sCo., i..ui, novcity wore away, a.nd when Samn folk.s. 4. Ta Apply - Ue a curry TOTOIIUO Hughes went te Lindsay he suc- As for poar mather, she may be carnb te hel> reinove the scaba. qe ceeded in getting the 45th te that striving ta divide hier attention Wet thc lumps thoroughly with tcwn, and tis place that once int segments te distrîbute among the solution. Scrub vigorousiY knew it. now knows it net. lte volunteer entertainers - and, with a sti!! brush. The scab on The only reminder o! milt a! of irse, failing uttenly. Or else each grub hoie imust be renxove'd affaira o! the aid tîmes 1s an oc- - forgetting in the general cx- te admit the killing çolution. casionai parade o! the Canadian citernent thet she is nothing only 5. For Your Protection - OF ~urPMIN Legian and tixeir band, such as wetea at as the receiving end o! the Coflsuilt our neighbours sur- bad on Sunday last at the Vimxy lne - she may be doing ber best rouiiding your farm to nake sure Memorial at St. Paul's Church. to get a word in edgewise. and thcy co-operate by applying t1bis Even the Durhami Reginient head- wondering wby no anc is listen- treatment. The xajority Of the quartra alaIe grubs are heel fly larvae. Qureshave been moved te ing! Theref are, il as important that dta oum. If an unprejudiced outsider evcry gnib shouild be killed. ___________________cauld make a survey of thc situ- The second application should À aion, sec wbhat is wrong. and sug- b, apphied anytime duing lte gest a way out. tbey would be later part o! April or the f irst fews delighted ta iollaw xl. These folks days in May. If you missed the love ane another. as normal first application, do not negletlc members of a tamiuly naturally do, tbis treatment. Let us ail do aur S ip e ia ll ,,,but they have done this sort o! part. thing se long that t.hey. are in the relail trade. Tîxere is a wanderful diffcrencc. b < a close ysînging '"T,ýhe -DayThou I Gavest." Everyone jolned in coim- And Have Our Driver Cail DailyI munity singing led by Miss Helen T orâe pa uaa v ohn cnduleKxx,~after Miss Eva I"LEN f Sleeplessess and irritability Cme game. E A IRY early torab oeof youthand beaty. Fit.lf ih edfnda - -Womnen have found a great friend n Phoe 265 . R STVEN & ON owianvlIe thcmn young, energetic and attractive, attention wtbeut intention. NCER V E IF0 01D The wise youtb entera upona ______________________________________pcareer ýby hurstllng for a Job. zýf, IYJ/ W * J. CRALLIS Dodge and DeSoto Dealer KING STREET 1 BOWMANVI LLE plin, Fergus; C. W. Tresiddel,, anc regret and that was did css Conventions Keep Editor-s Kirklad Lake; Walter Legge. n-ot permxit our seting Mr. John VU7.Is rncipal fBwavle1lg IThis about cavers the business Sehool, and a man who always ) n Their Tocs W ith Pep Sessons part ai the convention. '1 as a warm spat in bis eran __________________ While in London %,, ean th agaod word te say about Ibis lïghts of Onitario-Quebec'in spring and an open sewer in Free Press a beautiful triue townox and il.s people. Ilishers' C4athering a t the summer. You can understand the late Rev. D. N. McCamus Sa wlbh these rambling re- ndon Are Outlined by hwti an bot eepan written by Rev. David Rogers of marks and other comments ac- howthi cae a-ot. e eplan-St. Thomas, a native son af En- comnpany the pictures in recent is- tor of The Statesman ed. by taking an oulsicte ceilar niskiilen. Il brougbt, happy mcm- sues taken aI the convention we door and a peil ai water. Pour ories back in the 90's when as a will mark the calendar for the oweeks ago we gave readers the wa.ter on tbc closed doar and boy the Meth-odist coxtierence was next press convention which is te lklxng ai the entertaininent.: it, quickly flows dawn and dis- beld in Bowmanviile and Rev. Mr. be beld in Halifax. N.S., lthe mid- appears. Put an oId riîg or mat1 McCamus was biileted at aur dle af August. gacs on aI a press conven- an the door, then pour your water1 home and he gave my briotter when we dcscribed Oui- visit: and il sceps down slowly. Ta 'Norman and myself eacb a lovely remier Hepburn's 1000 acre is the efleot that fonest growth hymn book which I still have. Some lucky men find il as di!- as amie ai the higblîghts 0f had on the river flow in the days Befare leaving ,London we took ficult te bor-aw as tbey do te pay convention af the Ont.aria(- befare the land was denuded. lime ta cali on Rcv. John Gai-' back. ce Division ai the Canadian' At the nmon lunchean at the butt, a grea'tly belaved pastai- ai The ring o! fiindsbîp is less y Newspapens Association Hotel London. Harold Donahue o! Bawmanvilie Methadisl Church expen.sive titan an engagement at London. Titis week we the Lorndon Advertising and Sales 25 ycars ago, and Mrs. Garbutt. elate other inc:dents wlÉch Club, as guest. speaker. gave a ip The lime we enjoved at the i g link mu-ht imterest aur read- tale smiartcr ai an inspiratîoiial home was ail1 too short a he* Il takes a clever cahild tc, re- pcp talk on mer-chanidising aur inquwred foi- many former !riends jfanfS aigct hns nerchant slopd us on the secivices aiong modem .trendencies. and sent titeir regards toalal who Thc !ellow miho doesn't amount the other day and accused He sent bis audience away keycd are st11 here. It was a i-cal bene- te mucb loSes no lime in lettixtg eititer going ta a pi-cs con- up to, a Gct.-R4chtQuick Waliing- diction ta have again br-en in the us know it. on or coming f nom amie molt fond tempo and an Oxto-d Grotip campany o! and talked with Mr-. If a man tells bis opiniont of 1e time. Weli. il may seeni ccnsciousneszs o! confession - if Garbutt. bis neighbours you knaw bbe way. but aur dear aid dad yau gel wbat wc mean. Anyway Our visit te, Landon itad just neighbours' opinion of Iltm. i great believer in going to he was good while the speli iast -_________________________________ 3conventions himself and Ixe ed and your intentions are goad. us imita the sanie habit earlv- even titougb you torget, ta put bis ir newýpapcr carcer, anid noýv teacbings imita practice whcn yau ýn't shake it off. As a mat- gel back home. ) fact we don't want ta. At- Dr-. Shenwood Fax. President, of ing trade conventions is like Western University, London. wvas, g a post graduate course in'chic! speaker at the banquet ýthat awn wonk and is aiso a' evening. He gat oui- interest s ai keeping a persan peppcd, night. off ýthe bat by giving lthe nd up ta, date in inds particular early history ai newspapcrdof ai business. One goes te, back te the tinxc ai the Romans. eget-tagether gatberings with Coming dawn te modern Urnes be pen and receptive mind te said newspapci-s had been a great rsometbing, as well as give influence in lthe pragress o! civil- rs lthe benef it o! yaur own ization nd he ranked tbem w,%ith lences. churches and other great institu- )r instance bei-e ai-e sanie o!flions in titat respect. He alsa, topics presenled in able and added a fui-liter nice comment iHV O re aetmt hti ol theipful addresses iby pub- about weekl3' newspape-5. butlAElUtidt stmt hti ol ns af aur ov,'n association: thal w'as Ogaad you'Il find il obttelc vrtin nyu elr SYou Proud ai Yaur News- among aur editorial notes in last Itt elc vryhn nyu elr er?'. 'Srecial Colunins in the ek's issue. Does your fire insurance allow anything cily Newspapers. "Prepara- But thc geniai Docter sti-uck bis of Advertising Copy," *'For- i-cal stnide when he ta.iked about for them or did you only insure those things an Commercial Pi-inting."ý Western University. For lthe tirst tting Material for Editorial 'lime we. who live just cast aiflte which you use every day? Y"and a Question Box per- Qucen City, re.Lzed we have been 10, discuss any problcmn per-,overa'badawed in oui- claseness ta ng la thc newsPapcr business. and bigness ai Toronto University ry anc a! those addresses to reaillyappreciate the advan- Ask us ta insure your household goods anmd taincd helpful hints and sug- tages and accomplishments o!fesnlblnig nteHrfr ue Jons wbercby we publishers Western Uxiv'ersity. esnlbogisinteHrfdFr. ie back home determincd le H. E. Zice, ai Huntsville, was a ur subscribers and advcrtis- elecled presidenltat succecd B. M. an improved newspaper or a Pea-ce , Simcoe. Other officers ci- job or service in oui- job ai-e: Vice-president, A. E. Dobbie J i1 SO O ting departmcttts. Smiths Falls; secretary-treas.urr. je J A O O ten for oulside speakers titcî'e R. A. Gileos, Lachute. Quebec. 1 SW. H. Porter. Editar o!f Board ai directors. Ernest Lasit- INSURANCE AGENTS -ers Advacate, wha is pro- brook. Rodncy; John A. Mar'b. tng reforestation in Ontario Amberstburg; R. P. McLcan, Pic- pratect the land and prevent ton; Andrcw Hebb, Newmai-ke';' Phone 681 Bowmanville is. In the course of bis ad- C. J. McTavish, Cornwall; M. R. ss lie sized up the Grand River Primeau. Huntingdoit. Q u e b e c: lition as being a terrific flood Roy Bean. Waterloo; Hugit Tei- M CANh0A ENDORSES 0000E!l Sensation ai Sales Increase, evidence of approval u lu 1 i't' . . .-- - - .. . . m

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