THE CANADIAN STATESMA-N, BOMWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937 Home Loan Moil OnIy_3.25 PE Discount Means Your lnterest Is Paid At the Outset and Then No More - Rest Is Principal Loans ohtained irn th'e hank- under the pros iiînt <of the H ýn1e Improvernent Plan cost the horrow- er 3.25 per curnt. uicownt. and NC)1 ANOTHER CENT. Bankers report that there is t1 some hazines about the featture of the H.I.P. fitiancitng. ý;o, jut an rth. er few wvnrds of explanation. X'ou cati borrow aiivainqui, ntrn $50 to S2,000 repayablu n tnh Mq1j,[al§s Is that dingy old wall paper getting on your nerves? It 's very apt to be the case. If 8o, let us rive You an esti- mate on a thorougli wall papering or paintinw job. You '11 find prices very at- tractive and materials of the highest quality. Finance, if necessary, under the Home Improvement Plan. See Our Coronation Decorations Before You Buy id. W. JEWELL Phone 556 Bowmanville BIG 20 Il , Phone 408 t~e iey Is Cheapest A MODERN er Cent Discount:,,T,,O The bathrocm is off te-n a I hr pentue îîif1taIttx rt' vvr ing room in some homes and i taeiI up t'< tlree vears. j should be ma-de as attractive a Sup- ,ethtYonful-on can room as possible. In titis day and n ip r t - hatNobiratift i rp-vage there are numerous product.s 9Si<IO. u-ing that stiîn for a c nnîenÇ- on the market tt make it easy 1:1* e\atîilv. v'"t eau'on the na- : L modernize titis oft-neglec.ted aczer 'tî a baril and naturaliv ex place. plan ta iii vin thaî t want. As- Fund.5 for such modernization uîigthat tojn are the kindlori are avalable through the Home %%t en tuba pv h intlmn Improvement Plan. under which - ohen the% ar u ie. ihat vN-o are ai banks advance the necessary g'drisk and worthy if credit. voir funds, and are guaranteed against oi receive S06.75. losa by the Dominion Government First a-nd OnIy Charge up te fifteen per cent off the total Yoii havc thereby paid the dis.- amount advanced by them for cor ofn St 325. and that k te fir, tbs Pro-e andI'tiy charge that is piaceil ripou Buit-in shelves. similar t o <tr an. D)isounnt in this case those usedi for books cor glassware, icans that 'inn have paid yvour in- a-dd te t.he atiractivýeness of thbe t erust at the heginning. Tîhe montb- bathsoom. B3otles off 1 o t i on s, ly înstalînient represent paymcnt on 'creamis a-ad Powders. ma-y bei the principal. stored here. a-s well as fresh 1>0w- You payv tur metbjtîilt 'tl- el for the use off guest.s. nientso in the ineantirne 'ivoir pat A large mirror ove-r;the basin tire man wlîo does your wvork for iS a boon to ail members off the- ton: and 'vih<n van bave paid hack, hou.sehold. when it is ta the hauk thre sui o f 10 on oi lighted by an adequate fixture are ail square w ithcvrho. whicb throws the light prop-,rly If t on watt ta borrow mre tfiat and does not permit a gla-re. SI()(). a\v-;(0, the discotnut i at A receas tub adds te the illusion the saine- rate. Yoti can figure it of grandeur, and is a real conven- out for tourself. But in artu case icace, making il easier to dlean, yo ai ray the discount -when voir get antd providing less off a-n oppor-, the Iban. and that ends î-otr iin- tuflity for splashed walla and fix- tere-,t payments. Vour mnnthtî1, in- tures whien the sbo)wer is turned stalrnent., are simply a regular nîeth- on.s od of paying off the principal. Walls ma-y be tiled, papered i And no securitv is reqrîired ta he with wrashable paper or a-ny off as pledged hy an endorser or otl,,r- numlber cf attractive compositionk Wise. coverings use-d. Floor and walls Suppoe vaur boan is $100 for ma-y match. if the wner desires, twclve months. Your monthly pay- or a blend off colour ma-y be used. ment at the hank is $8.34. Some ____________ captiotns critic might say that von are losing the interest which pos TH * sibiy you might get on these mnhy T EUNUSUAL nuuM payments if they theysucre put to _____ some other use. The unusual roc-m is always a By way of answering that point 'challenger to the decorer., re- if it were-raised. ask vourseif lîow1 gardie-ss of whether she is a pro- voir couid place the smail sumns ofi fessiodnal. or just the average a few htîndred dollars, in mionthiy ýiome- owner interested in the a-p- pav ment se that thev would earn pearance off ber bouse. A bouse t-ou anvthing. It wouild hc Possible buili on more than one level of- on larger amaunits beyonîl the $1,000 fers a decera-tive probiem. inde-ed. or $2.000 levels; but otherwiýe tîte The owners off a bouse buiît on consideration i trio trifling for a hiliside. obtained a boan for the reckoning. improvement and redecoration off The fact i. that the barnk credît 'the bouse. The living room was extended tai t-anb1'- the Hornte Im-. on a different level from the other prvetttcnt P'lan n .,th'. cleaite-t xcoms a-ad had a bEamed studio mones- ai frerl to people ativwltere, for thii it of service. AndI there1 With roughi, plaster walls, the-1 iS no u srvice charge. room suggested an Eniglish house, It Ï., cliaper mnonet thati the 'but the stairs le-ading downmt-o tbe- Uniteul State, prot'ideti for it-. peo- dining rc-om and kitchen. and the pIe tinder the fetlerai holisiiîg enclose-d, curved stairway which 0cbme.went up to the bedroonts did not It lia; bt-en a-.ý- rte'I that ,)n a fit ,vith this patte-rn. TMie fire-- nitatenatical b a s is the iiitere-t place, being off red brick, with a charge i.,632 per cent., a vcry rea- White mantae. seemed peýrfectly at, nalie rate anîd tili i twe:r than tue berne in the roont. kitieoSt ates charge for tbe ame Using titis as a ba-ais for their knofservice. decora-tive scheme, the owner had But, wiîy bather about the mathe- ;a copy off an oid fashioned chim- miaticai antgle? Look at it froinitire ' ney irys-,t in.stalle-d. The floors uracticai angle anti van know that were painted a dark brown. the wenvii\on havec laidti ti disount iii wood-work ivory. and the- -walls re- the fir.t place, that is the last! touche-d in a natural sa-nd colour.1 1 maue%. vo a ia!t-ur baîîk for a The windows had twelve smail I Home -Improvemient Loan, cxcept panes off glass. the regniar periade utat ymeits of th, Venetian blinda wet-e Iung a-nd principal, ne curtairis used. The furniture. _________________________which was not new, was off ma-pie. wiih upholstery in a reddisb or- ange. yellow and blue. Ha-ad we- - en hoeked ruga were used on the f loor. WIVES A wife ta one who 1f t. from chairs The ha-t a-nd coat ber husba-nd i wears; jWbo cleans the bathroom day by And p-uts bis razor blades away. Shte f inds pyjamas on the f loor A.nd hangs t-hem on tbe closet door. She takes bis shirts a-nd st'uds a-nd tiîes And bides tem right beneatb his I eyes, jThat. whe-n he's hunted ne-ar a-nd I fa-r, JHe'Il find them where- they ai- ways are. A wife ta one who u.ndeRstands The endless ca-re a- ma-n demanda. Thougb f ully grown. she cornes to se-e That stili so mucb a chiid is lie. He must be babied, petted, pleas- ed, And neyer criticized or teased. He must be flattered a-ad adntired. Be pitied when lies il or tired. And wben he has an aching lia iWith tende-mess be put te bed. A wife is one by duty bouad To think ber husband mosi pro- If she- with him woyuld get along She must pretend be's ne-ver wrong. However foolisit le- ma-y be 'With al lie saYs she must a-grec. For once she points hits follies out i For days the de-ar oid t-ing wil peut. To every wif e titis praise ta due: Hers ta a job no ma-n couid do. it is more or diffîcuit for a tî-uthffui peîrson to ix' popular. Aina-n neyer lives long enougli to undeirstancl why lus neighbeua-s dislîke him. No doubt there ai-e che-erful givers-but did you ever sec one? The path oif amnbition le-ads te i ma-ny political graves. There 's nothing like fresh color to put new if e in the home. We will gladly suggest color schemes antd give you estimates on painting, decorating, woodwork and floor refinisbing and similar improvements for both inside and out. Finance, if necessary, under the Home Improvement Plan. M4ason U &Dale l8 Bowmanville ff C mmvt~, * TO THE CITIZENS 0F BOWMAN VILLEROM AND DISTRICT CHANGE As You are doubtlessa ware a committee has been f ormed C ~ Hom-nGespD to assist in the local application off the smaUll an scheme in- furniture to suit the, hou.5e but augura-ted by t.he Groverrnment of the Dominion of canada, in occasionally the home is acquired co-operation with the Chartered Banks, with a view to encour- after the furniture. In such cases. aging- tht repairing. renovating- and remodelling of homes. rooms must f requently be made to conforrn with -the type cf fur-- During the period of depression now happily passing, it nisbings which are available. was mexitable that in many cases fimancial circumnsta-nces of ouri If Your room does not suit your citizens were such that it became impossible for them te give f urniture, f unds may be obtained from any Canadian bank under proper and needed attention to the maintenance of their the generous terms of the Home dwellingýs. Improvement Plan te redecerate The pla-cing at the disposaI of ail responsable persons of or modernize. the means of borrowing at reasonable interest rates. with a mini- Tihis was the problem a home- mum of -e ae suais f rom $50 to $2,000 for the purpose of ýo.ýner was faced with recently. repairang enovaing hmes a therfoTeeost tirnel. e, mosi off which had reparin an reovaing ome istheefoe mot tmel. I is been in the fam.iiy for genera-tions felt and hoped that many residents of titis district will avail was Georgian, while the rooni themnselves off the opportunitr thus afforded. itself was rather nondescrapt. The housewif e decided to change the Not only will the arrangement make it poGsible to go for- room completely. ward with the long overdue activity in this respect, but it wil.l Two bookshelves were buit ini be the means of providing very considerable employment. I the wall on either side off the fire- earnestly recommend that thoŽze affected consider taking the place. The tops were arched and fuilest, advantage cf the facilities now ai their disposai, and to the f1cor. The moulding off the the sh-elves went ail the way to communicate writh any member of the Home Improvement Com- shelves con! ormed to the colu1in muittee. who will be glad to render aIl possible çervr-ce. off the mantel. No mirror waa Sincrel yorshung over the mantel because the Fre Crderanhousewife planned te reserve the Chairman, Bowma-nville Home Improvemnent Comnùitee. pcefraamlpoti. The fireplace was black tile. which did not conflici with the 'colours used in the room's decor- InstaU New Sign two or thre~e years the night ap- ations. The Balmoral Hotel bas in- pearance off King Street ha-s beEn A wallpaper in suve-r and grey st.alled a handsome new Neon sign completely changed ihrough -the stripes covered the walls. Againsi in front off that building. TI-.-2 installaticn off over a dozen sncb titis neutral background lte fine sign is about the large- of it' signs and may now weil be te-TiT- woods off the furniture stood out kind in town. During the pasi ed -The Great White Way." in bold relief. The woodwork was ______________________________________ done in antique white. The upholstery off the chairs ______________________________________________ were held to sombre tones, gayeiy being introduced in the room tbrougb the -use of flowers. Drap- ries rugs a-nd upholst-ery were in mu off gray, brown and white, 1 * witb antique gold accessories. Under the Federal Let us give you an estimate on the cost of your improvemnents Enkance the beauty and value of youi PROTECT YOUR HOME WITH A IGOOD ROOF Toronto Asphalt Roofing Gives long wear and satisfaction. Give us the dimensions of your roof and we will show you how reasonably you can re-roof -u.nder the Home Improvement Plan. AN ASHPHALT ROOF MEANS LOWER INSURANCE COSTS Hardwood Floors Really Do Make a New Home Satin Finish Rardwood Flooring is Canada 's Best Buy. It costs no more than any other - But it Looks Better - Lasts Longer 1 44J1'Rii ON THAT PAINT JOB - USE - Canada Paint -d ?IE! t Goes Farther kàg,,ol t Costs Less BUY BLUE COAL NOW Lowest Summer Prices Now ln Effect Sheppard & Giii Lumber Co. LIMITED Phone 715 Bowmanville THE HALLBEDROOM The hall bed-rooxn the scourge off ial oity bouses a decade or so ago, f inds new use today, with the magie of modemn deooration. No longer need the tiny cubiole be shunned because il, is cluttered up with heavy f urniture, is vwafls dark and dreary, and the sun which streains through its -one window too bright. or the room too dark and airless witli drawn blinds. i Funds may be obtained f rom any bank under the genezous Plan at a very 10w rate of inter- est for the reluvenation off thesze roorns, ad they often become one house. A bousewife decided to do over such a room in b-er house. The woodwork was paint.ed ivory and a Iight f igured wall-paper used on the wails. The ceiling was paint- ed a pale blue, the colou1r of the sky. Floors were repainted and varnished. Venetian blinds hung ai the windows, allowçing air without too xnuch sun ligh't on a hot day. Net curtains were used to take away the feeling of bareness without clut.tering Up the place with silk or chintz. Furnashings of the room. bought with the family's own funds. were simple. A spool bed. a dresser. a small but ccmfortable chair and a table were all that were need- ed . The result %-as a cheerful room that was its own welcome tc -the overmight guest. I ZION Crowded out week) Miss Martha Hansen. Trenton, has returned from visitingh rsis- ter. Mrs. John Cruickshanks.le Mr. Frank Pascoe and Mse Elva and Irene Pascoe visi teMr Luther Pascoe at Toronto Gen- eral Hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Tom Martin has recovered f rom an lattack of 'the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron and Inez, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fisher! and George, vdsited Mrs. p. Gif- ford. Osaca. on Sunday. Mrs. Cameron and Inez are st.aying for a couple off weeks. Mrs. Wes. Cameron has recov-' erdfrom the flu. Iwas Temperance Sunday ai, i Sunday sehool and Mrs. MeMas-' ter, Temperance Supt. had charge. Miss Norma Glaspeil gave a read- ing. Miss Marguerite Martin, gave iwo solos, accompanied on1 thE, and Mr. Victor Bawin, gave a paper on "Alcoh>1 and Youth" that lie won second prize in the Young People'scontes.t.: Congratulations Victor! Friend3 'and neýighbcr.s gather--d' at the hcme off Mr. R. W. Bail on! 'Thursday night to honcr Mr. ai-d, Mrs. Norman Nelson 'nee May ]BallU on their recent marnaage. Mr. Arthur Stainton called the company to order and Mrs. Jesse Arnott read an appreciative ad- 1 diress. At the proPer time Miss! Irene Pascoe and Miss Jean Leach presented the-m with a table and chair. Both bride and groom ex- pressed thanks for the gifts and hoPed Vhey would corne to çee thern in their new home. The ev- enmng was spent in cards and a bountiful lunch was served by t.he ladies. BRI GHIEN THE -NOMS Inside and Outside Freshly tinted ceilings; smart new wall paper- what a dîfference they make to any room-Let us give you an estimate on an ail around reno- vation job - paper-hanging, painting, floor re- finishing. You will find it surprisingly easy to pay for under the Home Improvement Plan. We Invite You to Inspeet Our Stock of Fine Wall Paoers J. H. Abernetbày Phone 431 BCwnanille ~aj HOM - - then arrange a HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN to meet your needs ..a Your Local Committee has full information on the Home Improvement Plan, what it covers and how it works. So has your bank. Either will be glad to help you take Advantage of the opportunity offered to improve your town home, farm Iw'we or farm buildings. Contractors and materials7g;- ply firms, too, have the facts and in addition, cari give you an estimate of the cost of any improve- ment you contemplate. Put the Home Improve- ment Plan to work for YOU. Get the details. National Employment Commission UTNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE DOMINIONJ GOVERNMENT (Thec <ois:of this geries of adi eriuem:ns pon ,red b>, the National Employ- ment Commission, bar bien de,Iayed entiely ly pub,,',:ed ceancerni and jndi'iduatg as a contribution fhuard, cht'atiNaon'.ude co-operative effJot" enviiagcd by tbe Parliamen; of Canada in the- National Employment Com- mission Act.) s