THURSDAY, JIJLY 8TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT SPORT NEW$ Oshawa Makes It Four In A Row DefeatRoyals In Holiday Game Motor City Squad Outhit cals on the mound and although Locals to Take F o u r t h !ound for 15 hit.s. the majority Straight Gaine With Royals of the runs were scored after two were out and with the aid of some questionable playing on the part *'Tip" Anderson uncovered a off the Royals infield. Only Wil- two-hit pitching performance as liams and Colville were able to the Oshawa Seconds took their solve Anderson for safeties. the fourth straight game from the former getting a double in the Bowmanville Rayais on the hoi- I f irst and Colville following two day here. this time the final walks and a double steal with a count being 10 to 3. sharp single through the infield Dave Osborne toiled for the 10- in the seventh to drive in two _______________________men. iBert Colwell scored the first run for Bowýmanville when Jamie- LET son dropped Nis long f ly for a GUS LACKthree base error and Peacock GUS 13LACKcommitteda fault on Bates' short REPAI YOUR hoist. REPAI YOURA walk Io Peacock, a stolen base SHOES and Dalton's safe knock gave the 0-men a tally in the f irst, and af - H e has first class equipmnent [ ter the homesters tied lit ual. the guarantees satisfaction, and his visitors t.ook the lead in the charges are most reasonable. fourth and held it. Singles by Jamieson, Petre and Peacock with A Trial Job Wil Be Much Young's sacrifice mixed in gave Appreciated. them a pair of runs and another Locatd in he McURTR duo were made in the next tirne Locatd in he MMRTRY atbat. Petre hit and went to BLOCK, four doors West Of second on an out and circled The tatsmanOffce. Hicks to slide into third safe on _____________________ Peacock's blow. Dalton and Nor- REAL ICE Cannot Be Equaled ICE provides unequaled re- frigeration at the Iowest cost 10E not only saves food. but it more than pays for itself in econonmy-, in convenience. in health! No matter what you are willing ta pay. vou cannot obtain as good re- frigeration as that available so easily with IRE! Regular Deliveries by Knight's Fuels ICE delivers per- fect refrigeration because It auto- rnatically ci r c u. lates cold, fresh air - just moist enough - over andi under the fooda constantly at the safe temperatures from 40 to 50 de- grees. Ice conaer- ves the moisture in foods; t does flot dry therr __ You may depend on ice - It bas no substitute from -, THE FARM Speed is essential to the quality and purity of xilk. Glen Rae milk is no sooner cooled oný the farm than swift trucks start it toward the Pas- teurizing Plant . . . . then it is speeded over the delivery route ta your home. Glen Rae fresh- ness assures you of extra richness and a really finer milk flavor. Phone 2665 R. R. STEVENS & SON Bowinanvxlle MINIMUM REDUCED on our ECOnoiny Service IL2 Pieces Finished 59e B3undie must consst of at least haif household linen. Ail household lnen may be sent if desired. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co.-Ltd. PHRONE 419 myle nicked a pair of singles ta knock in the trio of six inning counters. A walk to Dalton. a bit by Nor- myle put men on second and third and after Osborne tossed out Mc- Garry. they trapped Dalton be- tween third and home but a wild peg by Hicks ]et hima scamper in. Jamieson's single sent in the oth- er tally. Two more runs accumlated in the ninth on Vwo bits by Dalton and Hall and three errors. Box Score Oshawa AB R H PO A E Peacock, cf. 3 2 2 0 0 1 Fraser, cf. 1 0 O 0 O 0 Dalton. ss. 4 3 3 1 4 0 Normyle, c. 5 1 37 0 1 McGarry 2b. 5 01 24 0 Hall 3b. 5 1 1 2 2 1 Jamieson, rf. 5 1 2 1 0 1 Young If. 3 01 10 0 Petre. lb. 4 2 2120 0 Anderson. p. 4 00 1 2 0 Totals 39 10 15 27 12 4 Bowmanville: Hicks. 3b. 4 0 0 0 3 3 Colwell. 2b. 4 1 0 4 2 0 Bates. c. 4 O 0 7 3 0 Williams, ss. 4 O0i1 1O02 Large. If. 3 1 0 1 1 0 W. Bagnell. cf. 2 1 0 2 .1 0 a) Lonberry 1 00 00 0 Corden, lb. 3 0 O il 1 0 (b) Cameron 1 0 0 0 0 0 Colvlle, rf. 3 01 10 0 D. Osborne, P. 3 O 0 O 3 0 Totals 32 3 2 27 14 5 (a) batted for Bagneli in 9th. (b) batted for Corden in 9th. Runs batted in: Bates. Coiville 2, Dalton 2, Petre, Peacock. Jam- ieson, Normyle 2, Young; Two base bits, Williams; Stolen bases, Peacock 2, Dalton, Normyle. Mc- Qarry, Jamieson, Large 2. W. Bagnell. Colville; Sacrifice. Young1 2; Strike outs, Anderson 6, Os- borne 6; Bases on bails. Anderson 1, Osbrne 2; Hit by pitcher. (byf Anderson) Bagnell.c Umpires: Little and Higginsr and Tyson and Kellar. JUNIORS LOSE BY t NARROW MARGIN TO PETES JULY 1 One of these days the Bowman-ç vile Juniors will keep the opposi- tion runless in the first inning and win tbemselves a bahl game.1 However, they gave the Peterboroi Juniors f ive runs in that disas-g trous f irst on the holiday in the1 Electric Cty and, the Petes wonf the tilt by a 7 to 6 score. t Ed Witheridge started on the mound for the Lions but it was not bis day, and bef are Cy Siemon bad relieved bim and retired the third man, the Petes had chalked up f ive runs. Mfter that Semnon pitched a great game. granting only six bits and Vwo runs, one of which was unearned. BoYwmanville displayed m 0 r e batting punch than bas been evi- dent in their last few contests. sclving Armour for 13 saf etes. but they failed to hit in the pinches as the Petes fastballer set down 17 men on strikes. The Lions f illed the bases on a hit and two walks in the first but failed to score. Vitarelli bunted safely and Clarke and O'Toole were given free passage to first to fUI the sacks for the Petes. Con- nelly whiffedl but Edmunds it to lef t to bring in two, and t.wo ba.d throwa sent two More rUnners home. Thornton strolled and af- er Witheridge and Slemon chang- ed places, Crowe looped a it over short ta count Thornton. The Lions got three of those runs back in the second. Amnes hit ta lef t and Charlie Mellveen was safe on an error. Aines count- ing from second, Nichais drove in Mcflveen wiVh a hit and after go- ing to third on Rices bit, he scar- ed on a passed baIl. A two base error and a couple off passed balls gave the Petes a run in the third and a single. sac- rifice and a double produced their final marker in the fifth. Chubby'" Mcllveen scored in the eighth on a hft. twa passed halls and an error, and the visi- tors made it close in the ninth, counting two and leaving the y- in- marker on third. Seman walIked and Don Mcflveen laced a hit ta left ta drive in Slemon and Mcllveen raced home when the shortstop fumbled Ames' blow. Box Score BoiumanviIle -B H. H PO A E Nichols, ss. 5 1 2 1 0 0 Sleman, lb. p. 4 1 2 3 4 2 Ricerf. 4 01 10 0 D. Mcflveen, If. 3 1 2 1 0 2 ColviUlecf. 3 00 1 0 1 E. Hooper, 3b. 5 01 1 2 0 Ames, 2b. 5 1 2 3 2 0 C1 Mollvee"n pfi5292 2 91 Total Peterboro: 38 6 13 24 11 61 Vi'tarellil!. 4 1 2 1 1 0 G. Clark, 3b. 4 1 0 16 3 0 0'Toole, c. 4 1 1 l O 1 Cannelly, cf. 4 O O 6 1 0 Edmunds, lb. 4 1 1101 Webb, rf. 4 11 1 00 Tbornton, 2b. 2 2 0 1 O 0 Crowe, ss. 3 0 3 0 1 1 Armour, p. 3 00 04 1 Total 32 7 8 27? 10 4 Runs batted in: Edmunds 2, Crowe 2, Nichals, D. Mcllveen. Ames; Two base bits, D. McIl- ',een, Witheridge, Crowe; Stolen bases. Rice, Siernon 2, Ames 3, Vitarelli, Thornton: Sacrifices, Rice, Thornton; Strike ou s, Air- niaur 17, WîÎtheridge 2, SIemon 6: Bases on balls, Amour 5, With- er4dge 2, Slemon 3; Hit by pitcher, by Witberidge, O'Toole; Hits, off Witberidge 2 in 2-3 innings, Sle- mon 6 in 7 and 1-3. Loing pit- cher, Witheridge. Umpires: LitIle and Batten. SOUTH DARUANGTON SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDING Resuits of games played a-st week: CourVice 4 - Salem 2 Salemi 5 - Providence 3 Standing Providence 3 1 .750 Courtice 2 1 .667 Salemn 2 2 .500 Base Lime O 3 .000 Won LosV PC. HE KEEPS HIS JOBI Though TURNED 70 House Painter Who Takes Ris Kruschen Every Day How many painters can continue ta work when they are over 70? Here is one who can-and le stili does some of the most trying jobs in his trade. How does he do it? He tells us in this letter: *"I have been in the habit of taking a f ew grains of Kruschen Saits iin every cup of tea 1 have had for a great number of years. I mnav state that I arn turned 70 years of age, being born on July 22nd, 1864. 1 arn a bouse painter by trade and stili at work. I can work off any iadder, ne mnatter what hieight. or in cradies wvhich are hung eutsi(ie high build- ings. 1 have been asked many tînes how 1 carry mv age se we(li. as i oniv look abou1t 50. Weii1, 1 tell thiem al that I takc Kruschien Salts rcgulariy every da<.-J.S.A. Kruschen is a combination of numiiereus mninerai saits whîch assîst iin stimulating yvetr liver. kidnev.. andi digestive tract te heaithy. reguiar activity. Thev ensure internai dlean- iiness, and se heilp te keep the bieed- streamn free frein impurities. By Nelson E. Osborne The Bowmanville tean's have a comiplex. The Intermediates are unable Vo trim Oshawa and the Juniors are unable ta escape a bad first inning. One of these fine days bath squads wili snap out of this rut and pity their op- ponents when it happens. Sa far the Rayals have failed to play good baîl against the Mo- tor City entry. They have tossed away -bath tilts that have been contested in Oshawa and wbile even errorless bail would have f ailed to-down the leaders in their Vwo trips here. steady fielding would have kept the score dloser. Twice the Juniors have given Peterboro crowds a five run first inning lead, and a! the hree games tbey have lost. every one bas been decided in the first f rame. In two of these aff airs. the Lions have come within one run of winnmng and both times they have le! t the tying run re- clining on third. Whether they win another game or net, and fear not they will, the Lions are bringing ta light some bail players. Most brilliant s the al-rounder Boyd Sleinon. In the exhibition game with the Intermediates lasV week, he played flrst for the initial two frames, pitched the next two. went back to the No. 1 stop for an inning and a haif before re- turning ta the mound f or a brie! speil and then be cavorted about third for the final stanza. A great bitter and possessing plenty of thinking matter. he is undoubted- ly the best player in the league. The Juniors brought out a 13- hit attack but hits were lacking at the proper times. Don MdIl- veen had two bits, one a double. With a litUle more speed he will be a valuable addition Vo the team. Doug Carter is feeling the pangs of a sore arm, and Wither- idge has a swoUlen hand f rom catching the heaves of Ed Hooper. Hooper will likely oss against Ca- bourg and either Carter or Witb- eridge will face the Petes here on Friday. With Oshawa having first place in the league firmly in their grasp, the interest in town cen- tres on the battie Cobourg and Port Hope are waging for the other play-off spot and whether the locals, provided they can get by either of these teains can re- peat their records of the past few years. During the past two years the "rubber squad" has been beaten regula.rly by a team during the schedule and then urned on themn in the play-offs. Last year Picton trounced the Royals in both of their schedule fixtures, but Bowmanville took the Eastern team over the hurdles in tbree straight in the finals. SCHOOL REPORTS LONG SAULT Report of S. S. No. 13, Darling- ton, June examinat.ions: Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Harvey Part- ner 62. James Smith 61. Jr. III to Sr. 11-Alan Brown 64. Jr. II to Sr. II-Helen Partner 64, Merveyn Bro'wn 43. Ita Jr. I-Edith Wood]ey 74. Douglas Miller 64, Clayton Brown 67. Prixner-Joyce Woodley, Eileen Burgess, Keith Davey. Figures indicate %. S. M., eacher. ANTIOCH Midsuumner report of Ant.ioch Sehool, S. S. No. 8: Sr. IV--Audrey Harness (hon), Bob Coatham (hon), Evelyn Har- rîess, Tom Harness, Bill Gordon. Jr. IV-Neil Moffat (hon). Jr. III-Howard Coatham (hon) Alfred Harness (hon). Sr. Il-Joan Harness (hon). Ted Coatham (hon), Helen Wood (hon), Bernice Sharpe (hon), Ev- elyn Gordon. Sr. I-Mervyn Harness (hon), Tomimy Coatham, (bon), Dick Wood (hon). Sr. Pr.-Howard Wood (hon). Prises: Regular Attendance- Mervyn Harness (absent 3 days). Punctuality-Bob Coatham, How- ard Coathain, Ted Coatham. Tom- my Coatha.m, Mervyn Harness tperfect). Annie I. Yeo, teacher. You can't keep a good man downm; likewise an upstart. C learing Sale 0f I-igh Grade House Paint FOR CASH Up to and ineluding JuIy l5th, will seil at the foUowing prices: Gallons- ------$2.80 Quarts- -------80 Pints --- -----45 Act quickly as this off er wiII oniy last untul specifled date or until stock is cleared. J. H. Abernethy Phone 431 BowmanviUe LONG SAULT Hoine and Scheol Club heid a pfic- flic at the Cream cf Baricy Camp iast WVednesday. Everyone enjoyed theinseives ini the races, gamnes and contests. A good supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. James McRoberts, Misses Hazel and Elia McRoberts, Kendal, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe .1McRoberts on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Kennedy and Helen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. "Mr. Sheil and Mr. Toben, South River; Mr. Castie. Toronto; Miss Pearl Tindai, Toronto, visited Mr. Melville Tîndai on Tliursday. .\r. and Mrs. Art Stoe and fam- ili, 'Miss H. Martin, Miss S. Martin, Torento; '.\r. Sam Martin visited at MNr. H. Murphy's on Thiursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Plains spent Suin- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy. .Mr. and Mrs. Murreil Woodward and Ronny visited with Mr. andýMrs. George Smith. To a girl of sweet s4m a love letter looks like the Jrice ag- ent of a wedding feast. SAFE! STURDY! DEP ENDABLE! SEIBERLING SPECIAL SERICE TIRE A real Seiberling, Value from everv standpoint. Unusually safe, becauseN it is buit of super-strength eord coinbined with deeper treads whieh assure you of extra protection against road hazards. This sturdy tire will give thousands of miles of faithful wear. Let. us show vo(>i the coniplete Seiberliuig Line a tire for every type of car. C. A. BARTLETT Phone 2626 King St., E., Bownianville Guaranteed repairs to al nakes of cars[ DWNERS IDELIDHTED WITII O LOSMODILE ECDNDMY »~ ~a/o A THRIFTY, DEPENDABLE OIDSMOBILE £1 ed £2 en ve sei un wé ha toi ai] Er tel ab na ho Vo thi thi Br ha qui S0< 4ma' eqi lat Pr( wa Tii oni pe: ma sec hia, wa Sul ed mmomm