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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1937, p. 9

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THURSDAY, JCLY 8TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO PAGE NINE YOUR WORLD AND MINE By JOHN 0. KIRKWOOD (Copyright) Same years ago two persans. 1 bites andi perhaps, too, ta mal- m~an and wife, left Englandt t go* nutrition. She almost last her tu Kenya Colony ta f armn. They, eyesight because of poisons re- took with them £2000. They had 1jsu.lting tram insect bites. The been living in a small town nearnbther toileti bravely, but had Manchester. The husbanti had few amenities. She was able to been in the dry goods business, get away ta any settled commun- but had 1@W af it. le, loaketi a ity only ra.rely. Her neighbours rather b and dreary enter- were few and nat tao near. and prise,. E had reati the alluring not tao agreeable. Snakes were literature produceti by the gavern-1 a perpetual terror, anti occasion- ment of Kenya Colany. This part ally there was the grave peril af ,fequatarial Africa was tiescribed ixwild beasts. Visitors were rare - ~iLthe language ai extravagance. were welcomied after a fashion. Everything about Kenya Coiany but sometimes became most un- was gooti. In this rather new welcome. region af settiement one - espe- Th, husband toiled manfully, cJafly an Englishman - w o u 1 di bravely. doggedly. Drouth and find his dreams fulfilleti. Sport, grasshoppers anti other pests and in abundance was to be had ai-, conditions wei-e his neyer absent most at ones door - elephants. if oes. H-is cattie and his mules lions, hippopatami, antelope. birds and his hogs andi his poultry sick- of many varieties. One c a u 1 d ened and dieti, year upan year. make a fortune quickly and surely, His capital had been useti up anti from the production of coffee and lie had ta barrow from the bank. maize. The life af the people wa.s His indebtetiness was a ball-and- carefree. There wvas a spaciaus chain an him. Coffee neyer diti liberty. well. Maize when it matureti was Sa off ta Kenya saileti the twav just suflicient for domestic needs. English Persons. They tiid not Despair had taken possession of find the voyage very thrilling. him. Then one day another Eng- The passengers were a very mixet i lshman came ta his place. and campany in regard ta nationality. impulsively offereti him £1000 for fo~rtune, quality and*c objectives. his 1000 acres. The offer was Those that knew anything about snapped at, anti so back ta their Kenya were not praising it. little home town in Lancashire Wbren the Englishman anti hisi went this man and Nis wife. wfe landeti, they were met by a iYau can read this depressing. relative - a Young man who hati1 yet exceetiingly well-written. stary gane ta Kenya several years pre- -a bona f ide narrative af actual viously. lie was exuberant after experience - in a book calleti a fashion - anti perhaps Scotch "The Landi That Neyer Was" by whisky had been a contributor ta Alyse Simpson. The book debunks bis spirit of elation. He was not Kenya, anti in one chapter af it tao well dresseti. and there was a the writer expresseti the wish that Ialseness about his welcome which they hati gone ta Canada insteati had perception. Yet he was dis- aiofta Kenya. tinctly useful ta the newcomers. i c Kc J C K Theres another aoKl about twa After many weeks and much English persans who ieft their travelling anti tistressing frugal-l native landti t go farming - ta ity in their way af living, the Canada. Like the other book, it f ounti a piece af lanti1 madie its f irst appearance this -1000 acres-which he bought for. year. Its titie is "With The West £1000. He hati been affereti ail In Her Eyes." The author is a sorts a! properties. but he learn- woman - the wif e - Kathleen eti very early that a capital of Strapige. You probably have read £2000 was not consideredti t be about her and her book, wNich enough to start farming in Kenya. won for ber a prize of $1000. Mrs. Real estate agents were not Strange was city-breti. Like Mrs. very keen men. Intieed, everyboiy !Simpson she knew nathing about seemedt t be limp. Whisky wasl - though her busbanti universaily relieti upon ta keepii, for before the war he hati péople gaing. The tropical climate been manager ai a sugar estate bat enerrateti ever3-otiy. Doc- in Honolulu. These two people tors, hotel keepers. storekeepers- settleti in Aberta. Their first ail were weary anti dismal. Many home was a shack. Mrs. Strange Englishmen hati become little bet- iti not know bow ta, keep house ter than tramps. They hung or ta caok. But she learneti. Her about the towns because tbey hati husbanti became a f amous grower no maney ta take them back af 'seeti" grains, anti won ýprizes home. They batint much desire iii U.S.A. grain shows. He be- ta return home. They feit that came wealthy - or near wealthy. they had deterioratedti t a point In the enti he was of fereti a sal- that unfitteti themn for lufe in arieti job in Winnipeg - an agri- Britain. The women f olk likewise cultural post. hati been pretty thoroughly con- This narrative of Mrs. Strange's quereti by their enviranment, as- is a tale af crutie conditions over- sociations and conditions, corne, of success built on success. SThe Englishman was a resolute It is true that there were bati maný. Hlleught livestock anti years and trials, but steatiuly there equipmer.qWLnt engageti native was an emergence tram the hard labour, incruing a man cook, ant ifle of pioneer conditions into ease proceetiedt i s f axrm. The farm anti plenty. was pretty much af a wiltierness. This book is a fine ativertise- There was a swamp on it - the ment for Western Canada. Anti only source af water. On the pro- when it is placeti along sitie the perty was a shack - tloorless. a Kenya book, it makes Canada mass of cobwebs. filleti with in- 'look like heaven ta an emigrant sects anti vermin. wha is reatiy ta go farming. These two People stayeti in J C K !ýenYa for 6 years - harti, ex- Sametimes I think that we who hiausting. profitless years. A chutd live in Canada f ail ta perceive aur was born to themn - a chilti tenieti1Igoati fortune. We have a liberty association witb other chiltiren,1 not surpasseti elsewhere. We have subject ta many ailments. afflict- la climate that is endurable - se- ed with disortiers due ta insect1 vere enough ta put fibre inta us. supplies 1è Need We find there 's a lot of people are flot familiar wi'h the variety of goods we have for sale so we list a few. Salt For Livestock SERVES AS A BLANKET FOR YOUR HOME 0 Hee isthe inulatio"lyou have hemn waiting for-Red Top Insu- lating WooL. ReaIiy hiankets youz home. Pays for itself in fuel savings. Easy to instali. Ffrat cout je low. FireprooL Vermin-prooL Perma- nent. Ask for sample and furthez deuais. A product of Canadian Gypsum Company Ltd., your war- INSULATING WOOL Hardwood Flooring Satin Finish Coal 'Blue, Coal Scotch and Welsh - Euy now at low summer prices. Paint Canada Paint DOORS LUMBER ROOFING SH INGLES WINDOWS jOur- lanti is nat filleti wîzh pests anti wilti beasts. We do not bave the Problems that South Africa anti other parts o! Africa have-- prablems cannecteti witli nati e I THE DIM AN[ races, not far or long remaveti fro ra savagery, anti aut-nuibe'- ing the white population. Wýej have not the universa.l poverty of1 TWE.NTY-FIV*E YEAB.S AGO China anti India. We have no: i the indolence anti the bat bloot i From The Canadian Statesian, of South Arnericans. We are not JuIy 4, 1912 a Peasant people as are the Rus- sians anti the larger part af the iune Weddings Population a! thbe Balkan ccun- A pretty wetiting taok place in tries. We are a Uiterate people. St. John's R. C. Church. WbidtbY, We bave no deserts. Everywhere June 17, when Miss Katherine the land is ready ta sustain those Cofiey, tiaugbter af Mrs. Stephen wha tuil it wisely and faithfully. Coffey, Whitby, was unitet in1 Wbat burtiens we carry are large- mrariage ta Mr. Cecil Greeniielti, ly a! aur own making -bt densan ai Mr-. anti Mrs. Robert wbich are the afterrnath o! aur Greentielti. Bowrnanville. R e v. own i allies in going inta baopeless Father Cline pertaormeti the cere- debt. WUhat tiscontent we have rnony. is because W-e have nat a larger St. Joseph's R. C. Church, Baw- portion af a xast abundance aif manville. was tbe scene ai a plea- wealth. We bave an outlook ýsant function June 26th, when which s rainbow-bued. !the marriage o! Miss Melissa M. It is true that un sorne parts of 'Fletcher. tiaughter ai Mr. anti the Irairie provinces Nat.ure seems 'Mrs. Joseph Fletcher, Cburch St., ta be unkinti: bilt witb scarcely anti Dr. J. P. Campbell, Ardten- any exception. Nature is aur goot tale, Ont., was solemnizeti. Tbe frient. Sa prosperous is Canada cerernony wa.s performeti by Rev. that many ai its workers have the Father Cantillan. a! St. Michael's will ta quit work - as strikers.j Cathedral, Toronto. They stri-ke. not because their On June 26th the home o! Mi-. wages are inatiequate, but because anti Mrs. James Runtile, Darling- ai abstî-act grievances or beliefs. ton, was the scene ai a pretty If you want ta see much we, wetiding wben their second tiaugh- have to be thankful for - we %vho1 ter, Ruby Elizabeth. was uniteti in tiwell in Canada - read "The i marinage with Mr-. Louis A. Hare, Lanti That Neyer Was'- anti books! Oshawa. only son ai Mi-. anti Mrs. about lufe in other countries - Jahn Hare. Markbani. Rev. S. F. China, Japa.n. Russia. Italy, Spain Dixan. Courtice, periormeti the South Amierican States, and even1 emov ) DISTANT PAST te rs Mrs. J. L. Parsans, Darling- Oshawa, Wesley af Burketon, o! Carstairs, Alta. One sister anti Iton, Mrs. C. A. Bragg, Ta' t John af Balfour, B.C., anti Fred ane brother pretieceaseti ber. ; Mrs. A. Gully, Oshawa, ant rs. W. S. Bragg, Bowmanville; anti five brothers. Jas. anti Cephas o! et buggy from J. Marris, Baw- The intense heat a! Suntay IO S IA O SA night bat the effect o! prastrat- ing two attendants at the Salva- quite well if meetings were short-MIER B E T NG eneti when the theriorneter is____ standing at 80 ai- 90 tiegrees. One hour anti a haif is ample turne for It takes the pep right out of you a religlous service. -makes you feel tired and inni- Public Sehool Promotions 1 table - ready ta wonny aven the Fram Miss Moorcraft ta Mn. siightest thing. Davitisan: A. Fraser. A. Armaur. Yet it can be carrected in rnast M. Metilanti. James Quinn, J. cases so easily. Comman constipa- Hacken. W. J. Martyn. A. Haynes. tion is usualiy causeti by iack of E. Boughen. L. Doncaster, M. 1 "bulk" in the iaods you eat. Shaw. A. Mr-Daugall. H. Brima- I1 li fpolehv ere cmC.Wiliams. E..Trewin, N. that Keiiogg's ALL-BRANz endis con- Willims. . Cawer.1 stipation by putting "bulk" back From Mr. McTavisb ta Miss in~ the diet. Within the body, ALL- Moorci-ait: F. Trebîlcack, Rollin BRAN absorbs twice its weight in Henry. A. McMurtry. J. Hill, E. watei-, ormning a soit mass and Downs. W. Spry. O. Labelle. A. gently spanging out the systern. Knight. E. Loscombe. M. Crytier- man, M. Wight, A. Bryant. N. Kel1ogg's ALL-BRAN also fu-- Hall, A. Margach. F. Martyn. E. nishes vitamin B ta t4rne the intes- James. B. Gage. K. Elliott. L. tines and iran fan the blood. Marris, M. Rowe, F. Tiliey. Twvo tablespoonfuls daily asa PromMis Thrnasta i-.Mc-ceîeal with milk or cneam, or in Tavish: H. Beith. B. Tamblyn. M. rcps iesfiin.Tic ie WarterP. Felts. A Pekins M.daily in severe cases. Sparling, M. Moses. Idia Hoskin. P. Ellinor. W. Tale, E. Hall. E. Sold at ail grocers-ant guar- Hillier, M. Altireati. S. Hastings. anteed by Kellogg in Londoan. E. Cai-scatiden. L. Beach, N. John- the Uited tatesof Amrica. I ~ son L. Santicck, B.Mori. M. Sttso mrc.A pretty wedding was solemniz- WerM.HieF oti.L ____________________ed on June 26th, at the home afimeL. M. nes, M. Nichais L. the bride's parents, Mr. anti Mrs. ml.MNed .NihsL KIRB John Dyer, Oshawa, when their Sinclair, W Tati. M. Martyn. <J KRBYeltiest tiaughter, Liena Irene, a Receiveti toa late for last week) James Lawry Crytierman, eIder OBITUARY A far cowt tunet ou tetheson of Mr. J. H. Cryderman, Baw- A fir row tunedoutto hemanville. Rev. C. R. DePencier, anniversary services an Suntiay. rectar of St. George's Churcb. Mrs. Thos. White, Tyrone Mr. J. J. Mellor preacheti fine1 Oshawa, pertormeti the ceremony. On Thurstiay, June 17, 197 sermons. Monday everyone en-' A quiet wetiding was celebrat- there passed ta rest Maitha J. iayed a goat supper anti people e<i in the Methatiist Churcb. Bow- Haskin. beloveti wife af Thas. attendeti tram far anti near. nianville. an June 29, wben Mr. White, at their resitience in Ty- Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Bryson, Ham-i N. D. Hinkson. secretary af the rane. Her illness. causeti by a ilton, spent the weekenti at. Mr. Oshawa Y.M.C.A.. second son oftae a.ia ny e or A. Maraw's.Mr. J. E. Hinkson, East Wbitby, iuration. endeti in her sutiten anti School clasect on Monuay. Thýe wsuieii araWt is unexpected tieath, whieh was a chiltiren will be free now andTwe Mabe Celeste Brock, only daugh- beavy blaw ta ber huabanti, son. v.ish them a pleasant holiday. ter- af Mrs. Robert Holmes, Bow- relatives anti friends. Kirby soit-baIl team sure hanti- manville. Rev. H. B. Kenny of-~ Mrs. White was the fi! th tiaugh- et Orono tiefeat on Manday ficiateti.j night by 22-6. We hear the sche- Neads - Dilling - At Meticalie ter af the late John anti Joanna tule is being lengthened. If this St. Methotiist Parsanage. Oshawa, Woodley Hoskin anti she was born is a scheme ta try anti win the June 26th, by Rev. S. C. Moore, on Sept. 8, 1865. She became the wite of Thos. White in 1888 anti cup fi-rn KFirby the fans can see Miss May Agnes Dilling ta Mi-. they starteti ta fai-m in Hope that the Kirby boys are stronger William Fretierick Neatis, Bow- townsip. Later they mavedti t than ever. They blasteti twa Or- manville. the farmn east of Tyrane on which cno pitchers ail over the park. they continuedti t live until they even in the creek. FIFTY YEARS AGO moveti ta Bawranville. where Mr. anti Mrs. W. Welch anti son they conducteti a grocery business, Jim, Wilsonville, visiteti ber bro- From The Canadian Statesman, andt t which they afterwartis re- ther. Mr. S. Chapman. July 6, 1887 turned, living there until the fal Master Bob Beacack visiteti his Solina: Mr. Abert Ellis lost a o! 1935. grantiparents, Mr. anti Mrs. W. valuable mare anti colt. . . . Mr-. The funeral service was helti at Bannon. BaW's mother, father Wm. Werry. ai Roselantivale, last the hame in Tyrone on Sunday. anti sister, Mr. anti Mrs. E. Bea- another Durham bull. June 20, anti was very largeiy at- cock anti Pauline, Scugog, spent î Haytian: Mr. H. Strutt bas tentiet. The remains were inter- Suntiay with hlm. 1bought the f arm at present oc- reti in Bethestia Cemetery, six Miss Marion McKelvey bas re-1 cupieti by himiself frorn Mr. niephews being the beareî-s. They turneti hame from Lindsay whereGreenaway for $7,000. . . . Mr-. were Nelson Bragg. Howardi Has- she bas been nursing. Joseph Hawkey bas leaseti Mr. A. kmn, Ray Haskin, Henry White. Mi-. anti Mrs. Wm. DeMille,I Younie's f armi, near Tyrane. ..-Thas. 'aat anti Wilmott Prause. Oshawa, visiteti at Moir. John Mr. W. Trewin anti Mr. J. Rundie esites ber husband antiso Brawn's. have each purchased a new caver- Percy, sie is surviveti by four sis-1 Modernize Vour Home With au Einco Bathrooni It is bard to believe that miany homes are today without bathroomn conveniences, but sud-i is the case. If your home is Iacking in this respec 't, don't make your family do without any longer. Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are widely knoWn for their quality, long service and moderate cost. The three pieces illustrated -Bath-tub, Basin and Toilet -with ail fittings, ready for installation, cost oflly.......................................................... $83.15 Duro Water Supply Systenis Maybe yau have been without bathroom facilities be- cause your home lacked running water. If sa, a Duro Pumping System will salve this situation and also serve the kitchen, barn, laundry, etc. The Duro-Special bas a capacity of 250 gals. an hour, is suppîied with a 30 gai. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle, 110 volt motor, ail for .............................89.00 Duro-Spodtal Can aloo ho furnished fur Gasoline Engine operation. Three Years te Pay Emco Bathroom equipment and Dura Pusnping Systems can be purchased under the Home Im-. provement Loan Act. The cost may be spread over a period flot exceeding three yeans. We wvi11 be glad ta give you fulil information. For Sale By Bert Parker Plumber - Bowmianville 37 EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London HamUifon Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver 85 HORSEPOWER...1124-JlNCH WHEELBASE! OWNERS REPORT 25 AND MORE MILES PER GALLON Only Chevrolet gives you big-car thrills *.big-car pride. with lowest costi! (C HEVROLET is big in size-it's a full 112'4-inch. 'jwheelbase car. It's big in power-with that smooth. lively Valve-in-Head engine packing full 85 horsepower under the hood! Yet it cons you less for i ga8. less for ail and le8s for upkeep than any other car in its clasa! "Better than 20 miles to the gallon of gas in heavy traffic," report taxi drivers. "Up to 30 miles per gai- lon," say travelling salesmen who ride the highways day in and day out. Anyone who says you have 10 pay big-car prices to enjoy fine-car performnce-fine-car roominess-fine. car pride - certainly hasn't sat behind the wheel of The Only Complete Lou'-Priced Car! Enjoy that expe. rience for yourself, today. Find out for yourself how it feels to pilot a high-powered, full-sized, luxuriously roomy car that's priced right aown with the lowest. AIl you have to do is visit or phone our showrooms. Once you drive a Chevrolet you'll know why it's Canada's fastest-selling car. And you'll neyer be satis- fied with less than Chevrolet value for your money! CH EVROL ET a .for economical transportation UNISTEEL TURRET TOP BODES DY .. . The heart of Chevrolet dependabilit- PRICED *FROM FISHER ... Comibining Al.-Steel safety with ecanomy-and brilliant performance. silence. Wider and roomier. Safety gluss ODArVNIAIN Ends drafts and windheid "fqig't. 7 2 PEFCE YRUI RIS.. Enables yon tb .scoop in" ,fresh air o Z.e.amu ~ Cua PERECTD HDRALICB~~.. bot days. Removes amoke and stale air. a facto",fOshaa eio.4. Recognized everywhere as thealet, smootlî. Amslcsatorr. O dtbi od.n est, mosi dependaibie brakes ever built. IMPRO'JED GLIDINO KNEEACION kol, >ou" "' y *0 RIDE ... Worid's saleat, smoothi, most 0 ,se o béG.g VALVE- IN-HECAD High-Compression Engin. comiortable ride. On Master De Luxe Modela. =Moutoiesomens C.277* SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LIMITED Phone 25 10 ROY NICHOLS Friday & Saturday Matixaee Saturday PORT HOPE I A I Courtice j I 1 THURSDAY, JULY 8TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE 1 1 Bowmanville ý Phone 715 King st, B.

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