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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1937, p. 10

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THURSDAY, JULY 8TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO n ACr' ' L'M PAGE TEN. 74, Blanche Wotten 73.8, Jim Mc- found 67, Vida Walmsley 6'7: Fin- * Auld Kirk" where the continuing laugh among the citizefis of that ment on la earsbn.Fak Laughlin 61.7. a, examinations-orma Walm-sleyi Presbyterian now stands. period. Gohemn hs siuinpae hr 76.3', R11 59 (R). Lonard Fisher 46hI bt n ad aegrae sts R u a c o lR p rsJr. II tbS. fl-Betty Sirnpsofl 65, Hilda Sorgie 63,PtrG- Here and There and Woud it flot have been betr .bt ob 7a6m0, arl MLaughl76.4 . ), Harold9 ( nuden 2 FI vry hfor the church going people f Music loving people in the ri- faction tha -lmn',ecp Su a c o lR p r sram.1, to r l-cali imn .Ceci) Hr l S bînon,28 (). her w eehe town if the church buildings1 itary band line will be pleased to probably theAgoLahrC' Junior BoJrm By DaveeSSmpsut!thciowobPeonle would have Ba n 8 ieceSthasMbeen e n d-___of____B 79.7*, Helen Moore 78.7*. Audrey Dv MorTison, Sr. had been more scattered through- nwte nidSaesMre n o!unvieO. _____I____Sr.______________________Second____________J_.MIIaghlins7-.4'.aken more interest in the dis- gaged for the Toronto Exhibition. BLCSOKCROOKED CREEK 85*, Lloyd Beech 81.4*. Roy R.ahm phine Courtice 85, Harold Wilkins trict in which they would be 10- Lieut. Charles Benter is the con- Ever noictattemtglr Baktc PulcSchool re- Promotion List Crooked Creek 76.4*. Cela Grif fin 76.2*. 72, Wilma Scorgie 71. Wallace We are pleaed to know the cated. utrwihilbeainpo-igfatà BastkPulcSchool: Jr. Pr-Tommy Slute 94.5'. Barrabal53 (F). Providence Church is going to At one time there was a church port: stand and the grounids -will be at "Westmount.,' which. we be -_________________________ Jr. IV - Sr. IV-Honours, Verna Fi! th Class-Albert Hil d r e t h. Doris R. Milison. teacher. Sr. I to Second Class: Promoted Lept in a state that will be a lieve, was a Wesleyan Methodist. McNally; Pam.alto Dorrel Lillian Hale. on year's work with 2nd clamS memorial to the old pioneers who But the conundrum o! the day is Moretta Graha. Jr. IV - Sr. IV-Ray mond Gi- PROVIDENCE honors (66%) or better-Bennie bore the burden and heat of the what ha.s become o! ail the pe GREAT LAKES CIRCLE CUIE Sr. III - Jr. IV--honours9, Lois mer 77.2 (Hon), Harry Worac PomtoIepr !PrjdneHaeih83pury hî 2 riod when people took Shanks who furnished the congregations VanCiflPoBll;tinOn. Sr-7.6. rootonreJr.ofPrvidnRuJanAntlSundayWiso 7, o their place o! worship; o! ail those town and country Cn~a aii te ta e Larmner, 1itnBl;Ps.Wl 36 Public School, S. S. 5, Darlington: Gordon Robinson 72, Dora Tay- mwhenaeeinseic silchceDimoeppea- r.II-r.I-Honoura, Jes- 77 (Hon). Aileen Ogden 74. JeanR Sr. IV-Esther Barnett, Viola 1er 67, Helen Snudden 67, Horace îuminated by taîîow candles, and tend church services 60 to 75 FderII' Sr II ulter, Violet Crago. Vetzaî 66, Elsie Vetal 6;Passed onemans job was to keep them yasaota oaI a Gross Tonnage 2616 - Length33Fe aie Va aP, owaMrd rHae72 JanWVan(bon Jr. W te Sr. 1V-Helen Ruiter on final examinations - L o r n e , i order: when the song leader smwa htapaac.M Ncl rO e on oFr Pass. i al.Mril a- Jr. II- Sr. In-Clarence Far- 79 (H),Madeline Crago 77 (H-). Penfound 71, Glenn Reynolds 68.1 wouîd take the tuningort fork andr Own S Camp. H row7..Li Tre 13 Helen Wight 74, Ross Bragg 531 Allan Cochrane 62, Raymond 1ic h ueadotntehr Years ago both the WesleyanWlia an Rtuf ST. II - Jr. nî-Hanours, Ha- ln- Jr. In-Francis Hale 58.5, Rec). MacKay 62, Roy Snudden 59 (R). mony theound e adoteo n bt and thePrimitveanetodis od Forder, Jack Marlow, Mur- (Hec) Johnnie Hicks 47?. i Sr. III to Jr. WV-E l e a n o r e George Dean 54 (F). tam ateedvylte would eoto on u n heldPremitrivalervi LEAVE MONDAYS RETUR STRDY rayW.erYDooth Wnht IJr.I -Sr.1-veln Saplto Wight 77 tH). Suzanne Cook 75 Jr. I te Sr. I: Promoted on: Prom Providence Chut-ch stood at certain pericds o! the year. The Edith Wright, Stuart Dorrell. 73.8, Wilfrid Sunday 72.5. May i (H). Mary Wight 74, Irene Wight year's work with 2nd class honois Rebt1 hc a ln ic Disciple church would also get one Jr. nl - Sr. nI-Honours, Ni ale62,JkOgn653 - 69, Murray Cain 66. 66%/1) or better-Ernie Hanewich gn h a !mn î ieo! their best debaters and hoîd Drn uyadAgs Werr; pas, Mrril Hery, thur'huFarrow 63563.5.II Jr.r. IIIGetooySt6,.JuIn-Gwy 9;ndsseyon 69algJunehe Selobyan69l tiPassedal eoniefinalty fhapetrni wer Tlry;~s. MrilHny Primer - Jr. I-Jean Turner, Brooks !)0 H), Brian Barnett 81 exami nations -Lorraine Holmesces in this district. The last wpci a srvie nightly fort aiter, ;pFOR'tu.uuOL Jro r -Hnus aol ldw ead evc Taylor. th ihrgwmentsufre bnd g otint the RO ORTNONDCOL~~ff Jr. - r. IHonurSHarld Thelma Stapleton, Ray Stapleton.(H). Calvin Crago 68. William 73, Albert Gravelle 63, Rose Snud- tm ehadasrieteeteagmnsfradaantteOE ON HaitoGrry Venning. Merlin Miîdred Wood, Clarence Sunday.Brg 67Betie uney5 n41F> song service was led by Mr. Cor-cedo h hrh fCrs;btFO Hailon 0 Baý 6, earie uine 5 den41(Fr ish, father of Lewis C cr, t eedo h hrho hit u Bailey, R.oy Graham; Pasa. Lu- Beginners-Reid Wood, C a rl Recd, Joye Shorbt 49 F).. Pr. to Jr. I: Promoted on im eelro Crih that tcday is a thing o! the past.FR ROT $45O iSunday. ld time jweler ofthis town. Who TRNO$4 cille FOrdew peil r. I--SUndaY. iky, II bo Jr. Ifl-Lillian Osborne year's work with 2nd class honora the preacher was we have forgot- The Anglican Church is one o! Es Jr r r. P rHn.5 HW pca - St-. I-usie Bdicky 78 (H). Dorothy Ruiter 63, Ralph 166%) or better-Douglas Wilsonte.heiuipat akn a the oldest places o! worship in Westbound Via North Channel-EstufdVa akio ard Tewin Pas, Yvnne ORk-Kati Budcky.Shortt 63, George Wight. 51 (Hec). 182, Margaret Burrows 79, Betty deeper effect than the discours.e. town and has had at the head Plenty of open water cruising on Georgian a n h ra son. Figures denote per cent. I to II-Douglas Burtde tt 76 lAntil 67; Final examintions- L.0. McCol. eacher. S. B.Rutherford, teacher. H), Dorothy Quimîey 63. John Mary Walter 59 (R). Carl Welsh Bthel" Chapel is another oîlkd anyse as e adas s rit nadfehwtroen fH Wight 60. 56 (R). Winnie Walter 56 (R),ý timer that once was but is now dr asa ela t rgt Uotieros-aCus u BAKR' SHOO'NWT VSCHOS-.PrLtoI-ratyroos 6mtaleyTaloy5 oFf ul amemryo!chuchand W ar ntaorrttngth Sl- ilousie rom -inC1'ithe rly ndsipl (H)OVILES. rPP. t -GatBok 6SalyTyoSrr . oc oe tfdysho onai htds ainAm nti th rmNo tedious port layovers - Reservatiolsanwoe June report for Baker's S Prmoio rprto!S.S.No . .P.t r r.LawrenceJanr. Ma .Pry. : Aoycs Fyow rict. It s o! n th rtdis-ve teit-st ary io! Capbt. aHnd ositvurro-laqto nyaq No. 19, Final Examinations. En- Clar-ke. * denotes honour stand- Sho. r to 4 . -LaToolnc ey Annie Graelle. Adasuce Methodist persuasion and had iintil the present. the Army has otilyurraeagp ra To. Sr.anW-Kathleen oRandaîl, igu e . M. aepecet. Slby, Billie Gearing, Douglas quite a followîng, among t'hem been a power o! good in this placeN DANPCUI ir. IV o Sr, V--JimII a rr 1 s o. Sr.rV-Katleen Rteacher. M.NicholsacAlvin N Taylor.lin unror.suMiddletonstnsBellwoodsanda dstrdistrict.n BothliginunÇAreliN ous (hion), Bet-nice Moorey. Rs dm.Afe eka.J.P.t ideP. Louis Trickeys, Bowens, Fliggs, and sense as well as a musical this Jr. nMie SmBrucelTaylor Mation Bruce. McLEAN'S SUHOOL Rom.hanyi, John ShirtlilT. many others. Sunday school an- body is becoming a powerful or- (ho), urel msh (on, Mar- To Jr. 1V-Eddie GuiUer*. Keith Anne Wlkins, teacher. niversaries were then, as to-day, ganization, as witness their mnusi -_________________________ garet Hilis.Be'RwadBryEc June Promotion Report o! S. S. and the last one we remembet- cal programs as well as their t-e- Sr I t J. nJoceH l aure.1 No. 17, Clar-ke: was addressecl by the Rev. Jhnigosftva. (hn) Hle AamJen das.Bule.Jr. IV te St-r -a eCt- SOUTH DARLINGTON onbiuwfsias n-n) een TaylorJea nam.To Sr I- Bruce Den au IV---cart.Cth-Smith, ministet- o! the Presbyter-*** S. I to I-vln alr(in LloydBlecun Waerta.fl School report o! S. S. 3, Dat-- ian Church. now St. PI l'Unite. U ' * Dooth DavesGlenThetell hed nIsaNo.elleooIlare itr n s n oyo eeI R.hPr.htonS. rMîlHls Bruce. 1 Jr. III to Sr. Ml-Hilda Bell. lingten: Preaching services wr lo Sekn bu hrhs i-B Y H Ada J. Allin, teacher. ToSr. IIIBrnAdaI Srn to Jr. nI-George Wilson. Stackaruk*, Donald Metcalf. AI- that was at Bellwood's Corner brwe h iitrwsbig Mary Burley*, Marg'ueritte Ad- ing home his bride and the con- ( jama'. Gordon McKay*. St-. I te Jr. II-Bill3y D a v i es~. vin Metcalf, Kenneth Poer and also a good Sunday school grgtN>adagetreeto To Sr-. I-Bud Jones-, EginGatTet l.Recommended to Jr., iM il 1 uîhdtee ed frti otycul.S BUINSSDRET IYSav.ery*. Pat Ware, Murray Ad- St-. I--Jean Cathcart. dired Metcalf*, Atthur Stack-k Lawrence Presbyterian Chut-ch tetrainrcame in. the buspstart- tam s, Bill Couch. Jr. I-Edith Davies. Daisy Gîbson, Joyce Power, Mike ia another edifice that at one t'ie te froi m en the u starto To Jr. nI-Sidney Stace,He- r.Jh Cacr. Bonk, Sam Bonk. fineaî days and wa its way up town. It se happenied ryWheeler, Vina Stacey, Jeanj A. E. Hendry. eacher. Reconimended to St-. n-Win- attended by a large number of the livery stable had a contract CONTRACTOR Milligan. iCUTC nie Power. asturdy Scottish fat-mers o! the with the towimî: the bus team goas TI-Fred Rowe', Jim Savery*, iCUTC Recommended to Jr. nI - Alex, Orono district.Ienaetoakthft-egieo T. E. FLAXIXAN Wayburn Adams*. PooinEai1 so Stackaruk*, Keith Crago' In church going Bowmanville egscene o!tk the f ire Te dier Geneal ontrcte - ever' LiteLaurence Savet-y, teacher.! Courtice Public School: RecommTended te Sr. I - N e i 11I has had its ups and downs. O ern h hrhbl ign Pihoe 38 BwiiiflvlleNames in order o! menit(R Metcalf', Annie Moroz', Harvey the Bounsaîl site stood the smallfo the e cnmisookil for music STARKVILLE recommended; (FI failed. () Metcalf. Robbie Henry. church o! the Primitive Methodistfo the fite bell.and stooxngthefbr Senior Boom Recommended to Jr. I--Stella People with such pillars as Geo. th its 'plassnders, uPnice the us LVO Starkvile Publc Schoo 1937:BonkI Helen Stacka.ruk. Velma Haines, Peter Coleman, Thos wth m, mousne o n o!h the agfsL FRANCIS SUTTON Sakil ulcSho 9': PpIl from the Senior Room Crago, Rosa Metcalf. Hoat-. Caretaker Spotswood, Rich- tand gaUopedteaway tfe thsceneago! V-Nellie Shutka. Who ~passed frein Public School on* Honours. ard Haggith, and many others. the conflagration. only te discover Mus.Bac., F.C.C.O. To St-. W-Danny Shutka 83 their year's work are: Mary Wil- Fred A. Miller-, teacher. The parsonage was the little brick his mistake. and 1hustled back for A.TiC.M. diplomnas in Piano, Sing- honora. Hazel Farrow 79 honora. kins. Catherine Minto, Wesley dwelling, now occupied by the lits awaiting passengers. The epi- ing, Violin and Organ. Private or T Jr. 1W-Eileen Farrow 78 Oe l.i oly onR~kcrtkro tiiyCu-h ol a odframt as lessons. Pupils prepat-ed for honora. Phyllis Gilmer 73, EleenDOnald Jckrs on. NTB.PIS JohSnthWa "abnale, ____________________________________________ Phn 72 Bxaminaviols.TodJr. IID-oree Frow9lion- Jr. IW to St-. W: Pxomoted on School Report o! Enterprise, S. down belew the south wat-d Phes 72, BWmdedyande o Jr pi-JSiTr 79, horn-e Year'a work with 2nd classalhon- S. No. 19, C1brke: achool, was another building de- Tusday ien ahesdy and ors. S ooph hutk 7MaDncedet-s (66%) or better-Ruth Pen- V-Kathleen Ard (Hon), Joe voted to religious instruction, butî Thurday n eah wek. Frrow72. ot-ohy McDonld fund73, Adelaide Wilson 65; Goldspink. a e iei a upsdta 4.Final examination-Bob Muir 64, Jr. IV te St-. Coch- it was net necessal'y in this swift LEGAL To n1-Dorothy Farrow 88 hion- Audrey Walmsley 56 (F). rane (Hon). Eleanor Ransberry, age, or we could get along with M.__G._V.__________B.A., _ ors Bld yTrm 44.ic acon!Sr. IIte Jr. IV: Premoted on James Ard. es M. G.V. GOLD, .A., L.B. id ~Year's work with 2nd class honoraSt- I eJ- -il ae The old Canada Presbyterian I Bariser Slicto, otry To Sr.-.-adyFarow htis 66)orbttrDoenPhair Jr. M Ite Sr. III--Donald COch-Chut-ch which stood the other Phonel351 o Sr. Pr.David T h -O w e r,76, Jehnny Gravelle 71, Herman rane, Eva Elson (Roaieo!te aiwy rdg C.P.R.) Royl an Blg. Bwm.nvUeMable Tht-ower. Lorraine Farrow. 1 Robinson 71, amnd Wiggans J.I oS- -om as wasf thrnedintwaebridg a~t FWgues.dnobepet-cent 70, Rusell MacKay 69; Final ex- b)ert-y. ments when St. Paul's was built. W. R. TRIKEMarion J. R. Green, tahr amination-Bob Barraball 43 (F).1 Jr. I te Sr. I-Audx'ey Cochrane, Net many in town wfll temem- Barrister, Soliciter, Notary Jr. III te Sr. III: Promoted on IalFayor br"heol Bbl CutchYafrm Solicitot- for Bank o! Montreal LNODRIGO year's wow.th2dcashnr t.ProJ.IJa lson building which stood between Money p0oLoan.nPhone 791. 66%) or better-Ruth Shudden Lloyd Elson. Crembies watch making shop and Bowmanville, Ontario ueprmto eaiat 1 !74, Greta Wilkins 72, Joan Antil Eey cttahr the Holgate coal plant. ___________________ S . o.1, aligon Fgre 8,YoneWalmisley 68, Sim Pen- How the early citizenis come te p L. C. MASON, B.A. indicate pet- cent. ______________ u eryaltecu-hbid-_________ Barristet- - Solicitor Jr. WV b St-. IW-kuby Mc- The unexpected happens leo-igpo htchS.w ano n Notay Pbli - tc. Laughlin 83', Harold McLaughlin_______________ ten that it ought te lose its nov- derstand. The fit-st D i s c i p l e- Law in aIl its branches. 69.6, Jean 67.8, AileenetyCh-cwsbut ononCrh - Office imniediately east e! Royal Rahm 66.7, Leslie Franc s645,My a ans curgeisnt t.almot at cuog. Thn came - Theare.Kathyrne Moore 64.1,Foec skin deep. the Congregational chut-ch. a Phones: Office 688; Home 553. Rahm 59.8. Werthless people are o! tei f rame building; then St. Joseph's Jr. III te St-. IIn-Rod Simnpson 1 ore amusing than worthy ones. 'R.C.>; then the second Disciple DE TA 7. , Keith Fet-gason 65.7.,Gady When two smiles comne together chut-ch. now the fit-e hall: thien E A 62.5,ElsieHahm55.4. 0 * aS0 e0 un a head-on collision the result the Wesleyan Methodist, now DR. J. C. DEVITT ISt-. In te Jr. ni-Helen Rahmà,. is a kiss. Trinity; net f orgetting' the goocd WHITEROES VIE TA ONHNE60 Asistant: Dr. tE. W. Sisson GrSaduate of! Royal Dental College, ToimUto. Office: Jury J ub ile e Bld.g., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day. Phon.e 790. House phone 883. X-Ray Equipment in Office. IFUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, iany hour. any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment, An- bulance and Invalid Car. Cal Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. BOWMANVLJLE M ISCELLANEOUS WESTI END GARAE AND) MA- chine Shop - We specialize in machinery repairs, general gar- age repairs, welding, towing service., J. L. Demnerling, Pro- prietor, Bowmanville. P h o n e 781. 23-t! EAcî pad wll kil fl es aild &Y au every day for three weeks, 3 pds ln each packet. 10 CENTS PER PACKET et Dugglsts, Grocers, Genetal Siomu. WHY PAY ORE? nuE WILSON FLY PAD CO., I*1a111àOsnt vù fr bu Bi ed 67 A G vi a] ol fo 01~ Ci Cs 1'e B W 1

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