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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1937, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, JULY 8TH, 193~' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARIO Hints For HocaemoleO i Ît lt~Ennisk il nTahersHno At 1pa lsm5 obon omebodies oo andl it is not wise ta ien e c r n ruof guests present. r.Hlad WitnfrTeSaemn Iii usle ocl el.I ( ! f*Oand Mrs. Munday received wt n Wrtenfr h Saesa think most of us after havingZ a LoIfIfUflhtV riciiic At nam ptoni the bride and groom. Mrs. Hol- succession of cold meals have got i land wore a gown of flowered JeseAllen Brown to work and cooked a hot dinner ifo wthcrlwebuea-VSO no matter how hot the day was. Miss M. Dalton, Lauded For, f e's work.. We can assure yo cessories and corsage of roses.B NovaScoianScenry e f te e nea o ed fthetifoond. Fine Work in School, Church that memoîy will often carry us Mrs. Munday alsowrI oee . Oehv uthdafv u-1adCnnnt back to pleasant associations at chiffon with yellow accessories C..T c We hve jst hd a ivehun- ne esy ay of gmetting aot n onmnt Ennisikil]en Continuation School. and corsage of yellow roses. - dred mille drive in Nova Scotia. tso tart. yourtealwith varht foUlowing the coast lUne most of TheaSI Botrdthishwida Tuck the way.The sceery 1 of canned soups available. we can Onl Wednesday. June 23. a con- TeSholBad ihs ,> atrtebdendgomeftO. cheibay. betiful. His mn- cos ifrn n vr a.mnt incwshl tElotthank you for the very efficient by motor for the West on a two- ..Eyesight txiains, oean, inule.bas. mlakes mak salad and a cold dessert Memorial Park. Hampton. with services which you have rendered mothvaaton te rie rael tines, bookand above , aU, trees.'mk a good choice for dinner on about 2'75 present from Enniskil- to the school as our teacher. ling in a coat of pale green An- Onecoldhadlyimgie ha a very hot day. Have a protein len community. Sports were un- We all wish to express to o ra sitingreovaesriguedsil. OnnyBL thee could be so mane has0ffood with the salad. Carined or der the supervision of Mr. A. Mrs. Harrison.our thanks for ( rp wt icnaces s.O . . .) meats ay be sed. harp Mss M. alton Mr. inin'evey waytheir return Mr. and Mrs. Mun- Oshawa, Phone 1516 gre sae~read cooked masmyb sd hap isM atnand Mr.operation inhelping i vry yday will réside in Belleville. Ont.____ befudo A ater of assoîted coid cuts and Mrs. E. J. Harrison. Prizes to make Mr. Harrison's work more__________ fheound Te adds zest. The canned fish. sal- were awarded to the winners. efficient. OTCLLNE the huIs. The mon. labster. tuna. shrimps or Tables were spread and a bounti- You have both been ready andi DAVIES - RICKARD OTCLLNE bh is mided __ crab. give substance ta the salad. ful supper _sen d oaI.willing to help with Èny commun-, NUPT IALS, JUNE 28 ubr1 wood. Pâtches Milk Puddings made early enough During the supper hour Mr. A. ity project, and in time of sick- iyoevrsptahnkht 0f diffeent v 'o be thooughly hilled.will be_____Diyoeertptohnkha ofdféet a-t etooihycle. Sharp. Chairman of the Schoal 1rness or trouble, have always been1 rieties 0f ever popular. I arn ail for inpo Board. asked Miss M. Dalton to ready with a helping hand. Every 1 The wedding was solemnizedth codinude wihte rieties of evper meals in hot weather - ee r sdhsa nlec n coenas t i nvge p~r og ftesial n p take the seat of honour and read orgafization has benefited from Manday afternoon, June 28, at the lens correction? There is aI- corns ti g venoul ftesial n p the f allowing address: your untiring support. Your lead- .&olc.0fMrae eri- sa the danger of havinig the cor- the~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~kns -ivey2ir 3&qars heris ikile cmmniy regaheedha ye ae se hs n nfueceo de , ~pet:zing d. Dear Miss Dalton- ership amang the Young people ette. eldest daughter of Dr. and rection disturbed by a change of gr-een. ThenrCer a Your pupils and fîiends of En- benmthepuan yorMsHwadB Rcrd Port working conditions in its effect th-ivr i-1 2qat hrisnsilncmuiyaegtee example wiîl be a worth3y one f or Colborne, and Mr. F r e d e r i c kuontewkigdsac0fyu chs nd th ~ 1cp ruhe pneppe this afternoon to express our ap- us to follow. Havelock Davies, eldest son Of ys under b r u s h 1 cup çwater pieciation for your inteîest in. We would ask you to acceptIChief of Police Pied Davies and es. wr etil or shrubbery is Jessie Allen 2 tablespoons lernon juice and efforts for the betteiment Of these .gifts as a token of apprec- Mis. Davies, at the home of the ta y-tanta te ok still another Brown 4 ciîps sugar cur cammunicy duîing the past iation of your efforts on our be- bride's parents. Rev. Roy H. ta y-tanta te ok green. There seems to be no i Stone the cherries. add pineé- cen yeaîs. In the school youî haîf and we sincerely hope that Rickaid. Coiborne, uncle ofth making it necessary to consider cleared bush as we know it in'apple and water and cook slowly labours may have seemed lntsscesfolw o on ho rd.asse yRv .h. fherom anocutionle p orrcion Ont.ario. 1 tried ta walk in one until the wvatei is nearly ail evap- aind irksome at times. but Ive trust the years that you may have hap- Knighcon. officiated. The wedding Did ou re ocally ntat ifereont. and it meant walking in a dense oraced. Add the lemon juice and that you wvill realize that they py memories of your sojouin in1 music was played by Miss Made- tidype f ens re aatdfr mat of undergrowth about a foot 'sugar and cook until thick. Pour have flot been in vain. We hope Enniskillen and we assure yo>u lne Clark, flunnville, and duringcen types of wose rk? Whtdpaît high. The country is dotted wvit.h mcc steîilized jais and caver with that the truths leained from you that you will be remembered with the signing of the register, Miss cfrtoun tpe s pent Wat close little jewels of lakes. The brooks pairafine. in the classioom may be of infin- respect and love by your pupils Lettie Parish, Bu.ffalo, accompan- o r tm s pn a ls are flot gentle meandering streams Conflake Drop Cookies ite value ta us throughout oui and many f riends. ied by her brother, Mi. Glen Par- ok but are swiftly rushing waters. An1ht mut ftistm There is such variety of sceneîy. '2 cup butter vanied careers and your pupils will Signed: Adam Sharp, H. Fer- ish, played the violin. IAnd therefoe.spnt ofithte e You would find one place and 1 cup sugar look back with pleasure to the guson, R.oy McGill. The bride, given in marriage by cotrfred? Do you th e eyes woldthnknohngcoidbe iegg associations at schaol of teacher Francis Whithame, D o n a 1 d her f ather, wore a princess gown examintedpeDodicu aveord yous more beautiful and chen in a few 2 teaspoons baking powder ind pupil. The school board ap- Mountjoy and Miss Gladys Brad-I 0f white satin, long tulle veil, withwatuilnurdivsouai? miles there would be sameching. i 12 cups flaur preciates the conscientious and ley presented Mi. and Mis. Har- a bandeau of orange blossomwhe nlnaourwedrivas ytorretd ver d.ffren bt jst s eaui- 2 cups coînflakes cheerful manner in which you rison With a desk radio lamp and ond a e ilre oses T he n o were th las t e orn ptd II. Cream butter and sugar andi have peîfarmed your duties. flowers. :bîide's sister. Miss Betty Rickarde.lse t e on at add beaten egg. Stir in remain- Your interest has not been con- Mr. and Mrs. Harrison respond- rwas bridesmaid. in powder blue ieo*taltms Can We Increase theinerais igigeiet.D fo e-fined ta the sehool alone but ev dvî ittingly. Speeches were sheer crepe, tulle turban with(tbecniud In Our Foods? spoon and bake in a quick aven of eîy phase of community work has made. expiessing their apprecia- short veil, and bouquet of Butter- We know that the amount of 400) degrees. had youî co-operation and sup- tian to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison andr fly roses. The best man was the sun that cows and hiens get. or Suggestions for Hearty port. Particularly would we men-I Miss Dalton. igroom's brother, Mi. Richard Da- OLIVE L. MOISE US whet.her the atmosphere is m y Sandwiches tion and thank You for the re- vies. BRIDE AT TRINITY ords ae, nlecsth m sadsponsibility you accepted in tak- ~* The bride's mother received, cor dustaeinflen th e arn- Put. siiced tangue, and mustard the girls to camp. Your in- ALICE EUOJIAIDMII * assisted by the groom's mother. outofvtmi ha sin the pickles thraugh the chopper and teresing efforts in ail the organ- WED UN OSHAWA Mrs. Rickard was gowned in coro- A quiet wedding was soiemnized milk or eggs. We knoiv that the odd sufficient saiad dressing to izations in connectian ith the natio blue and white chiffon by Rev. Sidney Davison at the amount of iodine in the soil and moiscen. church leaves an exampie warthy TO ELGIN MUNDAY wionwieht n osg in the water influences the arn- Slice Spanish onions. separate of oui following. O____wt ht a n osg f United Church Paîsonage, Bow- ounit of iodine we get. in aur f ood. iinto rings and sain ihsatPink mouseaine dso aies wa ith leJue tM fe Ms Could it be that the condition of and pepper. Asainltkno h sem St eresAgia hrh npikmuslied oewt lve L. Moise, granddaughter of the soil influences the amount of Spread bread with peanut but- askwhich you are held we would Oshawa, was the scene of a pretty blue hat, and Pink corsage. A Mxs. P. Simmerson, Port Hope. minerais chat we get in aur vege- ter and dot with sliced gherkins. for you ta accept these gifts, not wedding at foui o'clack Saturday buffet luncheon was served by six becanie the bride of Mr. Stewart tabls ad fuit? Pehap a ro-fortheir material value, but t-o atternoon. June 26, when Doîothy friends of the bride ta the sixty tabls ad fuit? Pehap a ro- Add .iust. a suggestion of finely show You in a tangible way our Alice, only daughter of Mr. and get.icuigfinsfo o perln friie od so edoes ma i caed na t oat a gratitude and thanks for the val- Mis, W. J. Holland. was united in ronto. Stratford. Bowman vi île, thans gie a o o sucropsyed t wîhe uable contributions you have made miarriage ta Mr. Elgin Roy Mun- Coîborne. New York and Buffalo. semrea.utsonle ita uppoethat ta Our comimunity hf e since coin- day. san of Mi. and Mrs. Mark Af ter a trip ta the Muskaka dis- worn-out soilfo yo te Mnwithoutwmnvllpropert mt r ndn-s eraIs. would gîow foods that do CERTIFICATES ARE in hre W wihfrouheM da, fBwavie Te'titM.nd is Davies will re- not contain the proper amount of veîy best 0f success in whatever ceremony was performed by Rev.1 side in Port Coîbarne. mineraIs. After seeing the ai- GUVEN sTr. JOHN'S sphere of 1ife Yau may find your- David Rose. and the wedding mu- most incredible amounit of feitil- S. S.- STUDENTS self placed. sic was played by Mr. Alex Gor-~ izers that somne Chinese market Signed: Adam Sharp, H. Fer- don, organist 0f Bridge StreetI gus n Chrchoy " urng hei VLUI e l gardeners used, to grow abundant. 1guson, McGlevile.. W.KEUNON successive crops, on a small plot The foiiawîng students of St.' Misses Marie Ashton, Merle Oke signing of the register, r W <- of land. we knaw what fertilizers ! Johns Anglican Church Sunday and Margaret Smith presented A. Haie. aunt of the bridesan Received too latefolatek con do ta give good crops. It. School have been awarded ceiti- Miss Dalton with a Waterman '*My Prayer.' o atwe)g seemns ike sound ieasoning ta ficates, having passed the annual pen and pencil sec, a silver flower The bride. who was given in The hiay crop in this district is ! think that f oods giown on rich examinations conducted under the basket of floweîs and a table re- marriage by her father, wore her 1 .n average one. soils would contain more miner- auspices of the Diacesan Board flector. Miss Dalton îepiied very, mothers wedding gown of ivory. Mis. John Rickaby has retuin- ais chan those grown on poor soil. of Religiaus Education. Most aof fittingly. thanking the pupils and satin. f ashioned an princess lines. ed fîrom Toronto where she has There is no other Place for the the certificates were presented ta friends for their co-operation dur- with short train. Her veil of silk been spending the winter with vegetables and fruits ta get the the scholars in St. John's Chuîch ing her stay there. net, also her mothei's. was ar- ber daughteî. Mrs. C. A. Cum- minerais but the soul. iast Sunday. Those receiving cer-, he chairman then called upon ranged in cap effect held ta her r mings. Mis. Rickaby is not en- ~ A Hot Food Even on a Rot Day t:iîcates are: Catherine Spencer. Mr. and Mis. E. J. Harrison ta 1 hair with a tiny halo of orange joying goad health. Mrs. Percy Hazel Aider, Doris Moses. Ernest came forward when Mr. R. Mc-1 blossoms. She carried a showc_-ri Rickaby accampanied her and is During the hot weather xe Waîd. Pat Emmett., Doîothy Bic- Gi read this addîess: !bouquet of sweetheart roses. waiting on her... keil, Florence Calver, Mary Jean Dear Mi. aril-Mis. Harrison.- Miss Greta Munday. of Miss Mamie Archer is wrîtîng Emmett, Sidney Aider, Myrtle Teppl n xppl fE-tegom was maid-of-honor,'examis at Orona this week. Hall. Edythe Carter. Grace Hall, niskillen Continuation S c h a o 1. and woîe orchid siîk tulle over Mi. John Rickaby, HanÉlîtan. *- - .. Celia Tait. Nellie Parker, Mark their parents and Your f riendsj taffeta with matchîng hat and and Mi. Percy Addison, Toronto, Lambourne, Clarice Aider, Isaboelle fromiT the whole commiunity have 1 accessories. Miss Catherine Mer- visited their mother last week. fr Naylar. Lindsay Mitchell, Ernest gathered in Youî honour. We re- ritt and Miss Margaret Daniels, Township grader has been do- Morris. Florence Densem, Effie gret that your new field of labour cousins af the bride. acted asi ing good woîk on the toumn une NwepMcFeeteis. Helen Tait, Kathleen rEcessitates yaur departure, but bridesmaids. The f ormer w a s wvhich was much needed. * Roberts, Willa Ward. Jack Childs. 'ehp htyuînwevrn one npn iktle over Miss Eileen Souch spent the *nrg Scott. Densem. Kenneth Nichois. netmypoemr ognal. taff eta with matching hat and weekend in Kingston. the guest 0f Robert Evans, Eiieen Cîockett Yu oki h coihs enacsois n h latter woîe 1 her former principal. Mi. Tim- Dooh oriMrtle Virtue' long and arduous and you haveI blue silk tulle aveî taffeta with mins. who is teaching in that city....... Jea Liing Adre Huphry.been painstaking and patient in h at and accessories ta match. and Mr. and Mis. Pied Blackburn ettyLSpenc,AdrisyTHompsan. îimParting ta us the varieus phases 1 aIl three carried oîd f ashianed spent the weekend in Belleville. Dorothy Evans, Alice Ward, Vera of leaining and youî pupils at thisi nosegays 0f mixed f lowers and Mi. Pied Hilîs lost a valuable Ciapp, Mary Childs, Rachel Hil- ie wish ta thank î'ou for the'baby's bîeath. Ibiood mare and foal. deriy. A total of 40,.out of 68 tîuths you have taught us and Mi. Arthur Claie of Belleville, whowroe te know that if we apply them was best man, and the ushers A smali boy tries co practice cevd h crifcte.and follow the example of good X'eie Mi. Donald Daniels and Mi.r economy in, the use of toilet soap. issad ht hee r popeship which You have held before Foiiowîng the ceîemony. eSha RoanEa[ tik f DE I AN wh aemnyadd z nwus, we will be the better fitted for ception w as held at the home 0f himn is to, make her angry.MA E I CAN 1 CO wo avumny nddons io how to enjoy it. metimes a girl misses a good trne by pretending she does' D qu.I want to be kissed. D'- Il lal Ua, 7ud). fa RIDE IN A Phono 2653 E W. J. CHALLIS Dodge - DeSoto Dealer Canada's Favourite Tea TUA IDE"yD )WHEArmT DA - 0F CANADIAN WHEAT wi $1101 *AND Ulp Delivered in BOWMANVI LLE Licenae oniu extra. *Subject to change wjthout notice. - B U D0 E T T E MS Bowmanvîîhe M U Stinson, Cobourg. The bride wore Nothiflg joits a married man a pretty gown Of yellow Sheer More than to have his wife spring chiffon with white accessorieS. A one of his old love letters on himi. short honeymoon to Western The child who is afraid of the points was enjoyed and on theiridark May become a Politician ret.urn they will take up residence 'when lie grows Up and fear the in Cobou.rg. light. Door to door ? ' ' store to store Milk and its products do flot seli themselves.They must be sold -from door to door and from store to store. Only by aggressive salesmanahip can millions of pounds of milk f rom thousands of dairy farms be sold day after day, year after year. In the complicated business of bridging the long distance from cow to consumer, Borden is expert. Vital to the income of the dairy farmer, are the tens of thousands of caîls made by Borden men in this and foreign lands, every day selling milk and milk products-door to door and store to store. PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, JULY 8TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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