PAGE SEVES THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. TULY 8TH, 1937 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Mark Roenigk, Fort Erie, visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. B. vsited relatives here. Kay, Weston. Mr. and Mrs. M. Comstock and Mr. J. F. McClintock, Port Fer- Audrey slýent Sunday in Bethany. ry, is visiting bis brother-in-law, Miss Kay O'Neill is holidayiflg Mr. Geo. A. McTaggart. at Sparrow Lake girls' camnp. BbMIve n odSeo inMirok. ht ii eaie are holidiaying at Kilcoo Camp, in allir . Fricis Sutton Minden. ar a e rLý,Ohio, t.aking Miss E. Stedman. B.A., is holi- a suner course in music. daying with ber niother at King- Mr. A. M. Thompson, Principal ston. ~fthe Public School, is holidaying Miss Florence Moore, Public ~nLucknow. School. staff, is holidaying at ë Mr. L. M. McLeod of the Bank Landsdowne. of Montreal is holidaying in Ot- Mrs. Arthur W. Wright, Hamil- t.awa. ton. apent the weekend with lier1 Mrs. C. Sanderson, Burketon, is mother. Mrs. Th-os. Tod. Messrs. Fred C. Hoar. J. F. Hey- land and C. A. Wight. were on a _________________________fishing trip to Norland. Ont. jMrs. Philip Nind, Thorold, is visiting ber grandmother, Mrs. S. W. Mason. Mis. Kate Allen. Brooklyn, N. RoyalY. is vsiting ber sister, Miss ]RoyalMaud Elliott. T ~ b.~Mn. and MTs. R. M. Cto n Theatredaughiter Helen are holidaying at Burnt River. BOWMANVILLE Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey and daughters, Kitty and Margaret, SFri., Sat. - JuIy 91110 are holidaying at Nipissing, Ont. SMr. and Mrs. A. J. Wadhams, iAAY--ICKORdôjdJESE LLASKY ýOwen Sound, visit.ed her sister, MAR PIKFOD nd ESS L Mrs. Geo. Soucb. à ,& Y aLtzlL Mr. and mrs. Norval Down, De- troit, Mich., visited Uis aunt., Miss Lola t)own. Miss Vivian Rowan, Betany, is TEPiRD visiting her grancbmother, Mrs. J. IDKLPIN.LEOARRLLO Parents in Tweed. 'iDK ÙPIO -EO- ARRLLO Mrs. Geo. W. James and chil- ýROU1BEN MAM0UL1ANprodctioný dren have taken a cottage at Caesarea for the month o! July. News Comedy . Miss Mary Dunnet-t, Brighton, iguest of ber cousin, Mrs. A. E. Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Devitt. Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Banister are holidaying with relatives at Mon.- Tues. - Wed. Millbrook and other points. Mrs. Jos. F. Leach, Los Angeles, July 12 - 13 - 14 Cal., visited ber aunt, Mrs. J. N. Lawrie, and other relatives here. Miss Ruby Hobbs Is holidaying jolà at the Golf and Country Club, Lake Wilcox, near Aurora. *RüSULL LES Mrs. Marjorie Gibson and, du r ghters visited ber mother, Mrs. ,44,54 Pointen, and brother, Rev. H. W. Pointen. Northpont. Miss Mattie Brown, Toronto, visited ber cousin, Mrs. W. B. Tapson. ~ Miss Thora Davison is holiday- A COUMBI PITURE ingwith friends at. Cookstown and other western points. News Cartoon Mis. Patterson and Masteî Donald McGee, Ottawa, have been Matinee Monday 2.30 p.m. visiting at Mr. M. Comstock's. Mîrs. R. Dumas is visiting bei Wednedsay 2.30 p.m. daughter, Mrs. Jas. Milligan, ai North Bay. Mrs. Beggs and grand-daugh- ters-, Patsy, Moira and Louise HOT WEATHER MEATS These HOT DAYS eat COOKED MEATS. - Easy to serve. - Choice of many varieties. JELLIED VEAL ................. lb. 30e VARIETY LOAt................. lb. 30e CFIEESE LOAF................. lb. 25e Head CiIEESE....................... lb. 13C Chicken ROLL.......................... lb. 30C Dutch LOAF ..................... lb. 29e Çooked HIAM .......................... lb. 60C Roast STUFFED PORk................b. Goc Fresh BOLOGNA 18C Prcssed BEEF ..................... lb. 20e Luncli TONGUE....................... lb. 40C Fresh Meats Kept Under Refigeration Fram TORONTO Union Station - 12.45 p.m. From DANTORTH - - - - 12.58 p.m. PrIr9HITBY ---- From OSHAWA--- From BOWMANVILLE- From PORT HOPE -- From COBOUREG DOCK ', Arrive ROCHESTER 1.29 p.m. 1.38 p.m.j 1.53 2.22 p.m. - - 3.45 p.m. - - 9.20 p.m. $3.0 $2.40 $2.35 $1.55 Retîtrn froin Rochester B. & 0. Station 8.30 mil. follom'iltg Sundav or Monda% Tickets anid iformationî frontu ail Agentts of C.A. .IMys. at Torounto, Wlîitby, Oslîazva, Bozv,,anville, Port Hope, Cobourg CANADIAN NATIONAL jDinniwell, are holidaying at View 1 active work, have moved ta their Lake, near Janetville.j new bungalow on Centre Street. Mrs. John Curtis is visiting ber Rev. Rogers %-as a former pastor o! Newcastle circuit previous to daughter, Mns. Elgin Sparling, at bis last charge at Tara. The Tara their cottage, Lake o! Bays. Leader says bis f arewell sermons Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Evans. Car- i the United Cburch were at- lisle Ave., spent the 'weekend with tended, by large congregations, relatives in Toronto. Knox congregation joining witb the otber et the evening service. Mn. and Mrs. Alex H-addy and At the close the members o! the sans Wesley and Donald, Clinton, Boards adjourned to the school- ore visiting at Mrs. J. W. Knigbt's. room wben Rev. Rogers was pre- Mn. and Mrs. w. H. Allin, sented with an address and a club Campbellcroft, visited bis sister, bag. The Evening Auxilary o! Mrs. Kate Wight, and attended the W. M. S. presentesi Mrs. Ro- the Osborne picnic. gers with an address and a Shef- Miss Winnie Cryderman, Pake- fiîeld reproduction silver serving sley. is holidaying wtb her par- tray suitably engraived. On Fniday ents, Mn. and Mrs. A. B. Cryder- afternoon the Ladies' Bowling man. Club, wbich was organizesi by Mrs Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Carpenter Rogers, exprdssed their apprecia- andi daughter Marlyn visited hi tion by presenitiflg ber with an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A- 1'electnic sandwich toaster wben tea bert Austin, Valentia. andi nef reshments were servesi. Mn.andMrs Mlvile lhittOn the saine evening the Men's ndMndC. Baielvlleterbor wereBowling Club expressed its ap- Sunday guests of Mrs. A. E. Mc- peitoit n oesadpe Cready.sented him with a travelling toilet Byron Crawford. Donald Cam -________ enon and Donald McIlveen are at- Rev. and Mrs. Woottofl tending Glenmobn Presbytenian « Boys' Camp at Beaverton. Honored at Tyrone Mr. andi Mrs. E. R. Freeman and son Glenn, St. Catharines, (Continued from Page 1) visited at Mn. Ira Purdy's and 'joyment. ta say "Good-Bye" ta Miss C. Fneeman's. Mn. and Mns. Wootton andi family. Mrs Arey ortcut wa cal-During the past six years we have ed to Toronto Wednesday even- bad many social eveninsbtti ing. Her mother. Mrs. Fred Turp,I one is tingesi with sadness for we had died.1 are to have you move fromn us. Mn. Hugh R. Smale, son o! Mns. It would be impossible for us as 1C. J. Smale, Bowmanville. was individuals to express te you botb successful in passing bis exams at our appreciationi o! your work Peterboro Normal Sebool. among uis. Mn. and Mrs. Edward Mayer Mns. Wootten. we would partic- and Misses Dorothy and Virginia. ularly like to thank you for the Buffalo, N. Y., visited i.M. and way you bave sa willingly andi Mrs. T. H. Knight. ably given o! your time andi tal- ents thi-ough your messages o! Mn. and Mrs. Percy Greenfieldsag and Joan are visiting Mrn. and sng oo.ak vrth i Mrs. Russell Williams, Niagara A elo akoe h i Falls, N. Y. years you bave been here, M.r. Wootton. we see many changes in Mn. -and Mrs. George Locking- our midst and we realize how 1ton and family, Long Branch, and faithfully you bave carriesi out Mn. and Mrs. S. H. French and yu numerous tasks. Sometimres 1 udayhter reFati e re petthe changes have brought sadness Sundy wih rlaties bre. yet you were aîways with us andi Mr. Bradley Honeyman andi Mn. belped us by your presence and 'Arthur Peacock sailesi on the Em- your prayers. Then, too, there 'press o! Britain on June 26 f rom have been joyous events when you ,Quebec for England and the Con- not onîy ofmciated as pastor but tinent. have given friendly advice to those 1 Mn. andi Mrs. Chas. Grigg, Win- stanting out on the sea o! matni- .nipeg, Man., Mrs. Jessie Grigg înony. The young people espec- .andi daughters Jane and Ruth, ially have been benefited by your ,Toronto, visited thein aunt, Mrs. actions in the realin of sport when 1C G. Curtis. ý,our opinions have always beeti Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chalmers unbiased. But it is net only on .and Mn. and Mrs. Friensi, Kings- these special occasions we apprec- Ston. were guests o! Mrs. A. E. iated your sterling qualities but .McCready. as we met you f rom Sunday to Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Graham and Sunday when we feIt your influ- 1family. Mn. and Mrs. A. C. Brown ence. flot only through your mes- .and George, Mn. and Mns. T. Gra- sages, but through your actions as ham and f amily visitesi friends in well. .Collingwood on Thursday. And now the time bas corne for you to leave us. We regret your 1 Mrs. M4. Smith, Blackstock, Mn. moving but we realize our loss will and Mrs. H. A. Milîso>n andi dau- be another community's gain. We rghter, Orono, Mrs. R. D. Carruth- are truly sofry for we tbink of 1ens, Geilt, visitesi Mrs. L. J. Bar- you as one o! us and as words are ton. not adequate to express our f eel- r Miss Manjorie A. Cole is at- ings we ask you to accept tbis gif t ttending a reunion o!fjormer tea- as a remembrance o! the time you chers and pupils o!f"Woodlands" Ispent wth the Salem people. We School, St. Catharines, where she trust God's ichest blessing and espent several happy and success- guidance will be %rith you and f ul years as assistant teacher. Mrs. Wootten as you continue in Among the guests at Ebenezer your Master's work. Wstrawberry social at Mn. Blake Signed: Salem friends. Courtice's on Monday night was Long Sauit Presentation Mn. A. Scadding o! the Moose Ri-I The members and asiherents of ,ver mine disaster. He recently the Long Sault Unitedi Churcb purchased a car f nom Mn. Roy' gathenesi tagether at the home of Nichols. Courtice. representative Mn. Byron Farrell on Wednesd.ay of General Motors products. evening te bid f arewell to Rev. Miss Margaret Henry, Peter- andi Mrs. A. M. Wootton. boro Collegiate. is holidaying with Ater reading an address a pre- ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. V. A. sentation was made o! a tea set Henry, Ebenezer. Miss H e n r y andi luncheon cloth to Mn. and passed with honors and was again Mrs. Wootton, a set o! picture successful in obtaining a f irst W. books to Master John, andi a tey G. Morrow scbolarsb.ip. f or the baby. Mrs. C. H. Hobden, Boston, Several o! the members o! the Mass., is visiting ber sisters, Mrs. congregation spoke briefly of the W. C. Ferguson and Mrs. A. W. splendid work o! Rev. Wootton Pickard, and is visting with ber for the past six years and the brother, Mn. T. A. Beacock o! Re- help that had been given by bis gina, Sask., whom she bas not wife. seen for twenty-eight years. In acknowledging the gifts Mr. Mn. ansi Mrs. E. Smith Fergu- Wootton said the loyalty and ce- son andi Collette, Mr. andi Mns. W. operation o! the Long Sault peo- C. Ferguson, Mn. and Mrs. A. W. ple enabled hlm ta gain wbateveî Pickard, Mrs. Stuart James, Mr. success be may have hasi as their T. A. Beacock and daughter Mar- minister. He and bis family would ion. were among those who at- carry away with themn these evi- tended the Beacock Reunion qat dences o! the love andi esteem ,of Midland on Saturday. the Long Sault people. Principal L. W. Dippell is teach- The following address was reac ing at a short course at Toronto by Mrs. Jack Cook on beha1f of University; Mn. B. E. Ingham i the comntunity. on the Board o! Exammnens; and Rev. and Mrs. Wootton: Misses Marion Wagar, Dorothy We, your fiends and well wish- Bonnycastle and Marion Warder ens, have met te spend a pleasant are examining papers at the D)ept. ToLt oCasf o! Education, Toronto. ______________________ ____ Rev. ansi Mns. H. W. Foley and WANTED - RASPBER.RY PICK- daughter have movesi te town and ens for season. Apply Laird, are ocoupying the bouse on Well-1 Maple Grove. Phone 2109. oven the wekend, guests o! their i) .taev.kache. Tha-i -taal,: low . .o npltxi.oi .i-î cousin, Mn. W. W. Short, Well - Vor eylacs b aornt malit ami.sîii irgton St.* The Doney brotb ens lia taelita tlsappîe:tr. 1.îch pat<la g are sons o! the late John S. Do- of N'o\ KIittS Finlelîrs contain a ful ney Tron, ber tey er noifi'.q tn-a inenît. Tiare is uniý riey Tyrne, heretheywereon,. Nox l t<ido'y Flusjqtir - itî l,, benn. Mn. Frank Deney bas livesi îuovt; your eoitirt' georaI Itealth in California for 26 years. Mr. Y'o.r Ki.tntys am.i 1Liter weil truntiti Wes. Doney is a mlssionary ansid îet<î'lY ilî ont tari îoîlay <i te rond 10 good heafllh, ieiNox 1Kid bas bras charge o! a girls' scho01 ney Fi'ii.aiers bring you good îiealt1h. in that off landi where be bas FOR SALE AT werkesi for 26 years. Rev. ansi Mrs. W. P. Rtogers, ALEX MeCREGOR'S Who bave retires after 45 years Phone 792 Drugs We Dlvei to express our appreciation o! tend. L. Joblin, Rec. Sec.; F. H-. your help ansiassistance among Ellis, Dist. Master. BARGAINS Drene Shampoo - lSc-59e 25e Nozzeina - - - 15C Dodd's PilUs- - - 27e Pinkham's Camp.- 89c flnteh Drops - - - -. 5c SE SMARTa'wdLDIK SMART SHAVE EREAM GIANT 19 hb.-33ÇLARGETU SHOE -TEX, The Ideal Cleaner for . AUl White Shoes 25 IT'S FREE TEN OUNCE -~Fancy Tumbler SALTS WITH FACH LB. TIN __ 39e ~fllffl l l n ot buy a new $tm.6h but ILloyd IU 1U U omach Saver5 wii help make yours like new. Pos. itiveiy guaranteed. b relleve Stomach Distress, such as in- digestion, Dyspepsia.' S o u r Stonach, Nausea,g Vomil1 ing, Car, Train, Mornin Si ckness, or your money wlii be refunded. Formula prescribed by doctors for over 40 years. Speciai offer three $1.00 boxes for $2.00. cvening with you, ere you leave us, especially have we enjoyed us for your new field o! duty. We YOur vocal numbers. We know felt that we could not let tbe op- tbat when you leave for your new portunity pass without showing- field o! labour those who remain you in some tangible way Our ap- will reali7e wbat your effciency preciation o! your good comrade- and kindly assistance has meant. sbip. and your sincere devotion to 'l But during the process o! ex- the uplif t o! our churcb and coni- change there cornes the joy o! munity during the past six years. f iendshîp, f aîtb and confidence. You have ever been willing to As a token o! appreciation we help us in all our endeavours, ask you to accept these gif ts. We both Christian and social, and wilî always welcome you back at have followed well the command any time and we wish you much to the people o! old. For you happiness in your new field. have surely rejoiced with us when Signed: 'On bebal! o! Haydon we rejoiced and by your deep and Commun.ity." sincere syrnpatby we feel you RvA .Wotnwsas hav wet wth s wen e wpt.presented with an autographed At this time we ask you to ac softball by 'Ace" Richards on be- cept these small gifts. May tbey bal! o! the members o! the bahl ever prove to be a link in tbe tearn on which bie bad played for chain of our fiendship, tbougb the past six years. Last year the many miles may separate us. We team won the '"Statesman" tro- sincerely hope as time goes by YOU phy. niay still retain a kindly tbought for the littie church at the top o!f OSUD E C the winding bill, and its people.T UD BE C And as occasions arisge that make ROAD PROBLE M it Possible for you to visit us. youj will feel as ever that the key is (Continued from Page 1) on the outside and 'welcome' very strong for sometbing being painted over the door. dlone immediately. May God's richest blessings be Mn. Caverly cutlined tbe f eel-r Yours now and in the future. is ing o! the merchants and poiflted the wish o! your Long Sault out that the residents at the1 friends. 1BEach were good customers, bring- Tyrone Young People , ing a great deal o! business to A soial venig wa hel bythe town. Ah syoileveoung Pwals beDrby- Mr. Ross in reply to a state- mte ClubneYoungheoe'os.ra-ment o! Reeve Jones concerningr mati Clb a thehom o!Mrs the attitude o! citizens opposedl to Floyd Dudley, Thursday. The tbe schenie stated that if the Young People took this occasion to toewn was securing a new industry present their minister and play it would make many concessions, director. Rev. A. M. Wootton, with even if the industry employed two beautifully bound volumes o! onîy ten men. The merchanits, be fiction and poetry. Mr. Lorne ad osiue i nuty Morton.on ehal ofthecase, éemployed many men and paid out made the presentation and spoke large payrolls. o! Mn. Wootton's ability and pop- ularity and the regret o! the young Mayor Ross Stnike commenting people in losing bim f nom their said. "It is a vicious pninciple to' miidst. He wished both Mr. and set Up that taxPayers axe4not get- Mrs. Wootton success in tbeir new ting back the ýmoney tbey pay in field o! labour. taxes. This applies to eveny tax- Haydon Presentation payer, because the visible results O! tax payments is almosat nil. MY During the concert at Haydon advice is to approach the matter on July lst, Rev. and Mrs. A. M. from another angle." Wootton were called to the plat- Mfter some discussion as to the formn and presented with a lovely possibility of opening tbe former Kenwood blanket and Waterman noad over the C.N.R. tracks. the fountain pen as a mark 0fte mtter was disposed o! tempor- love and esteem o! the Haydon arily by tbe appointmnent by His Iccmmunity. The presentation was Worsbip o! a committee conmpos- made by Miss Ada Beech and Miss ed o! Dkeputy Reeve Edmondlstone, Grace Trewin and the address Counicillors L. C. Mason and B.'B. was read by Mr. Earl Stevenson. Furber. to confer wit.h the bu,4i- Rev. Mr. Wootton on behal! o! ness mnen and report back at a LMrs. Wootton and bimself thank- reua rseilmeigonb Led the community and referred to council. Lhis pastorate at Haydon as one _________ of real joy to hUmself and miarked Rev. E. B. Cooke, Canningtofl. by 100%7 co-operation and loyalty formerly o! Newcastle United by the Haydon people. The ad- Cburcb, goes te Richmond Hill dress was as f ollows: this cOmjing Year. Dear Mn. and Mrs. Wootton,- It is with much regret. that we bave learned o! your departure CO"MING EVENTS fromn our midst. We bave alwaysl" appreciated tbe excellentsemn 1whicb we bave bad the pnivilege Cartwright District L. O. Lý to listen to for the past six years. church service will be beld at E You bave always comforted us in Blackstock on Sunday, July l1th, *our sorrows and we bave enioyed at 7.30> p.m. Rev. Bro. Walker your presence on more joyous oc- will be tbe speaker. All members casions. o f the Orange Order and their PICNIC SUPPLIES Paper Napkins 80 's - 15c (100 ft. ral>) Picxxic Plates - doz. 10c Paper Cups - - - 10e wibepaid by the $25 Rewardnfs.oLLob' CORN SALVE for any corn or cailous THEV canriot remove with this won- clerfui new scientific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It de-sen. sitises and relieves pain wlth firet a.pplication. PICE 40e Indin Wo61' W ithouDistre 1 BaIm m Mcm Ch& t ,,Wlds' A spendd t~ic or men STOMACH flmale..Stou.di Powâu- Aro hldhd tc od ae. POW D E R I emtot.k.- rdwvs. It has been used with good _b' Lut..' - 0e .d 11.0 a th. effect for forty years. Price $.25. jY3w United Cigar Store Agency PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McGregor PHONE 792 DRUOS WE DELIVER __________- I - -~ BIG WEEK-END FOOD SALE Thursday, Friday, Saturday - July 8-9-10 GOLD MEDAL COFFEE ................-........ lb. tini 39c GOLD MEDAL WAX ........... ..........1-lb. tin' 250 CROWN TEA ---. ..... per lb. 53o CHIPSO ......- ... small pkg. 10c- Large pkg. 23c INFANT 'S DELIGHT SOAP ............ 3 bars 17c Fry's (Serve Hot or CoId> COCOA ................. 1-2 lb. tin 19C WLAZOLA OIL .... ..... .. .......-1-lb. tin' 28c SALTED PEANUTS..... 1-2 lb. 9c BRASSO .e. .... mall tin 14c - large tin' 24C NUGGET SHOE POLISH, all colors.. per tin 12c Special CORNED BEEF .............. 2 tins 25e RED SEAL SALMON ..... . 1-2 's 14e - 1 's 24c SULTANA RAISINS 2 lbs. 23c LILY CHICKEN HADDIE per tin 15c GOLD MEDAL KIPPER SNACKS . .. . ..tin' 5c PEANUT BUTTER. large 24-oz. jar 25e CORN FLAKES.......... 3 pkgs. 25e AYLMER WHITE CORN . -........ 2 tins 21c FALCON JELLY -........... 4 pkgs. 19e AYLMER CATSUP .................... bottle 15c SERVIETTES, white ....................... per pkg. 150 SLICED PINEAPPLE ......_4... 2 tins 23c HANDY AMMONIA.... 2 pkgs. 9c Headquarters For Ail Fresh Fruit F. W. Nel les Phone 596 Bowmanville THE REASON WHY Americaxi Airways, çoast ta coast fln112ilBULOVA WATCHES the official time-pieces of their vast Uines. The reason - because Buiova is I a dependable, reliable wa.tch. Buy a I ~ Bulova when you want a wateâ. I Priced from $24.75 I JAMES MARR - Jeweler Phone 463 Bowinville, Lifebuoy Saap - 6- 6e ~icnCJig - - - 1.98 ( 1 Gallan Size) Peek Frean Biscuits 15c ta 35c CORNSThermos Bottles Lift Off89c ta $2.75 NO PAINIce Cald Drinks Beatan 's Ice Cream 29C~ FILMS- Complet Fresh Stock I ~1 i h ý Developùng - - Printing