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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1937, p. 12

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1937 The Newcastle Independent Mr. William Henaing spent the, picking more than 500 boxes oi Weekend with his son in Oshawa! some days. A number of picker and on Monday motored to Whit- found profitable employment ove bY te celebrate the li2th. a period o! three weeks. Mr. Gec 'Mrs. A. Bailie and daugbter 'Farncomb f ound a market fo Ruth, Toronto, visited Miss L.,rnany o! bis in Hampton. H, Trnwith. patch on his Newcastle-on-the Mrs. Abbot, London, and daugh- Lake proiperty was one o! many o ter, Mns. Cranston, Lucan. have the fain size, highly productiv been visiting Mr. and M1Ir. Thos ores in this section. Coucb and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. The Rickard Family picnic wil Awde. be held at Orono in the Forestr: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seldon, Park on July 30th. Toronto, have been visiting Mr.jb Mr. and Mrs. Salmon and fan and Mrs. A. O. Parker. Mr. Sel- 'i1.- Port Hope. were Sunda: don photograpbed the Rickard guesî,s o! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ro. Memorial Font in the United gerson. 'Greenlane Cottage" Churcb andi kindly presented the' Newcastle girls' softball teari donors with finisbed copies. They played Newtonville on the latter*. are extremely well done. of good diamond Friday eveniag and wor size. and eveny detail stands out 22 to 4. very clearly. Miss Edith Seagar, represeni- Mns. Wright, Toronto, and son ing the Upper canada Tract So- Gordon have been visiting ber ciety. spoke o! tbe work o! tii motiier. Mns. Horatio Wetberall. Society from the pulpit o! tii Miss Margaret Wrigbt. who has Lnited Churchi Sunday evening been living witb ber grandmother She vas the guest o! Mrs. J. C and attending High Scbool, was Hancocýk. away for a visit but bas returned. Reev e and Mrs. C. R. Carveth Miss Frances Stinson, B.A., To- went north of Coboconk on a f isb- ronto, is bolidlaying at "Bankhaming xp 'iin and called on Mr. Hall." T. W. 'Ja<ckson who is holidaying W. A. of the United Cburcb at bis summer cottage at Fenelon beid a 'Grandmotbers' Meeting" Falîs. at Mrs. Wallace Holmes', Lake Mr. Curry. Toronto, bas been Shore, on July 13. visiting bis nephew, Mr. J. E. W. Mr. Leslie Ricbardson a nd Philp. chum, AI!fred Frogley, spent the weekend at Mr. G. Trenwith's. Miss Fanning, Lindsay, who has Mr. nd Ms. Cas Alanbeen visiting with Misses Sarah Prince Albert, Sask., visited Mr.TomsnadAieSin and Mrs. W. J. Clemence, and als sprained ber ankle while belping teok a trip to Buffalo in company, with tbe cherry picking a! ter the with bier mother and ber sister,, birthday event and bad to sum- Mrs. Wilson, Cobourg. Pion the services o! the doctor. Miss Lilian Smale, Creighton Reeve C. R. Carveth and Coun- Mine, is visiting Misses Catherine clrE .Ha vstdtepn and ýEstella Blackburn. liament buildings, Toronto, Fi Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Chicago, day on municipal business. and cousin, Miss Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Selby and Boston, and Mrs. C. C. Grubbe. children and Mr. Isaac Selby vis- Weston. wene guests o! Mr. and ited Oshawa relatives. Mms. P. F. LeGresley. Mrs. Ben- Miss Ada Tbornpson, Chicago, nett is a sister o! Mrs. LeGresley who was here for the celebration and practices law in Chicago. o f the Oth birtbday o! ber. cou- Rev. and Mms. S. MacLean are'sin, Miss Sarah Tbompson. is re- now on vacation and stnending maining for a three weeks' visit. the first !ortnight in Toronto. Miss Jessie MeNaughton, To- Mrs. T. H. Clemence's group o! ronto, a former teacher in the the W. A. o! the United Churcb Newcastle Public Scbool, is visit- held a successful strawbenry social ing Miss Annie Drummond. in Mrs. Jno. Do)uglas' lovely gar-b Miss Bertha Tamblyn, Toronto, dens, July 7. Mis. F. B. Lovekin has been visiting Miss Drummond. supplied the strawbernies, and Mr. and Mrs. Pency O'Neil and other members provided other Mr. Kenneth Keech, Belleville, Provisions. Among those present visited Mrs. P. O'Neil. lncluded Mrs. S. Mason and Mrs Misses Marion Allin, Eleanos R. P. Butler. Receipta about $28. Anderson and ;Susie VanCamp ,If you want to see sweet peas rnotored to Kingston te take a growlng and blooming to perfec- summer course at Queen's Uni- tion just take a look at Mrs S. versity. Miss Anderson bas been R. Bonatban's where the pea teacbing in Windsor and stayiag were planted exactly f ive inches with ber invalid mother, Mrs. W. apart and each vine tralaed up a H. Anderson, but returned to ber speclally constructed trellis and Newcastle home before going to .ýcrentica1ly pruaed, o r h e n Kingston. neighbor's, Reeve C. R. Carvetb's, Miss Helen Lyceit is taking a who obtained bis seed f rom Bri- summer course at Toronto Uni- tish Columbia. Mrs. Bonathans versity witb the view o! ôbtaining seed came fromn Englaad. The her permanent ist class certif 1- stems are sunpisingly long and cate. She bas resigaed ber posi- the flowers large. Qeo. Jarnieson tion at Port Granby and will be Mrs. Douglas and others have teacbing in Oshawa. some very nice ones, too. Recent holiday visitons with Mr. Mr. J. H. Jose finished haxvest- and Mrs. Ed. Thackray were: Mrs. Ing this week a record crop o! Oliver Emlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- strawbernies, ail Senator Dunlaps, thur Grundy and son and daugb- _______________________ter, Mr. Clifford Pbilipps and Mis Pearl Abar, Toronto. H ORTI CU LTU RAL PICTURES SHOWN Shown at "ogod Cottage Tbnough the kindness o! Miss Mabel Foster a nuier of ber Newc.astle-on-tbe-Lake neighbors bad the pivilege o! being at ber cottage, "Longwood" on Saturday evening, Juiy 3rd, at an instruct- ive and altogethen delightful en- tertainment. Rev. Mn. Reid, To- ronto, pnovided the entertainment wîitb bis projecting lantern and two sets o! beauti!ully oolored slides. The fimst set consisted o! picbunes taken la Germnany wben Mn. Reid was studyiag there. The second set were o! flowers and gardens, lawns and enticing vis- tas. Mn. Reid is a Presbyterian minister; but he is not only weil versed in tbeology and the cias- sics, be is aiLso a tnained borticul- turist. Ris father maintained nurseries in Belleville and he him- self is a graduate o! the Ontario Agicultunal College. The long and conmodious veranda of "~Longwood" served as a splendid theatre for this event. Amoag tbose present were: Dr. and Mm. W. H. Waltoa-Badl, Mn. and Mns. Doberty. the Misses Chidiley, Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Jose, Mrs. Chaplin and Mary, Mn. Chas. Donkia, Miss Crawford, H. R. Pearce. The appreciation o! the gatbering was !ittingly conveyed to Miss Poster and Rev. Mn. Reid by Dr. Waltoa-Ball and Mn. JoGe. Better BREADi Makes Better MEALS There 's no substitute for bread. tU nothing that can take the place of its fine texture and wholesome goodness. Be sure you have Corbett's bread on your table! Blioed for Sandwiches if you wish at no extra cost CORBETT'S BAKERY Bowmanville Phone 890 rs er eo. for is- o! ive Ily 1,- LM rs on he kg. C. Mr. Fred Fligg and Miss Julia Fligg received a wire July 7, ad- visiing theni o! the death o! their sister, Mrs. Coulter, in Detroit. Mrs. Reid o! Port Hope. another sister, attended the funeral at Windsor on July 9th. Mrs. Coul- ter wa a daughter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Fligg, Brown's S S., in wbich she and Mr. Coul- ter grew up and received their education. Miss Mabel Brown, Toronto, has been visiting her aunts, Mrs. Jno. Douglas and Mrs. Ed. Brit- tain. and graciously assisted in entertaining the guests at the strawberry social in Mrs. Doug- las' gardens on July 7th. Mn. H. C. Allia accompanied Durham Regiment Band a n d members o! the militia to Barrie- f ield Camp. Quite a number o! uniformed men gathered at the C.N.R. station Thursday morning and ent.rained foi' Barriefield. Mr' and Mrs. Groway and fam- ily, and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ragen and daughters. Misses Dorothy andi Audrey, visited Mesdames Jno. Douglas and Ed. Brittain. Miss Eva Wilkinsoa, Toronto, a former Newcastle public scbool teacher, is visiting Miss B. Mc- Intosb. HOLD RECEPTION 90TH BIRTHDAY NEWCASTLE LADY tsince the oxcart days o! ber youtb. »And many doubt whether the change is for the better. Mrs. W. H. Gibson was the f irst lady on the program. She read a long list o! names o! those who had sent congratulatory messages for Miss Thompson, as follows: Rev. and Mrs. R. W. AllUn, o! Branmpton, Mrs. F. Clarke and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ballagb, Ripley, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sloan. Miüdland, Texas, Mr. J. E. Atkinson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. DeGuerre, Oshawa, Mn. and tMrs. A. H. Dean, Oshawa, Mr. L. Cutten. Toronto, Mrs. J. B. .Bloss. Rochester, N. Y., Mrs. J. Poole, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H-ugh Da- vidson, Georgetown, Mrs. W. W. 1Walters, Rochester, N.Y., "Maude" Mr. and Mrs. Qeo. H. Joli, Mrs. J. H. Berry, Winnipeg, AM. AI- bert Brown. Port Hope, Miss Ha- zel Barrie, Oshawa, Mrs. Ireland. Toronto, Miss A. Thompson, Chi- cago, Miss Tucker Couch, Kings- ton. Miss Annie Shaw, Rose and Alice Dean, Oklahoma, Mrs. (Dr.) Fallis, London, Miss Isobel Steph- enson, Toronto, Misses Florence and Rose Hawkes, Oshawa, Mrs. H. Keyser, Windsor, Miss Olive Jobnston, Belleville, miss F. Arm- strong, Oshawa, Mrs. Floyd But- ler, Mms. Turner an-d Ruth, Co- bourg, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. D. Shaw, Mrs. F. Graham, Mrs. C. Clarke, Que- bec, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarke, Montreal, Mrs. H. McKenzie, Mrs. Patte. Miss Cruise. Mrs. RB. Jack- Miss Sarah Anne Thompson Pre- son. a sented ihdesad Dr. Butler then announced Miss V. tu W thGadesPaty Etta Holmes and Mrs. J. H. Jose. Puret Garden Part Miss Holmes nead the following FeeinEenn address and presented it te Miss Thompson, and Mrs. Jose pre- Present and former residents o! sented ber with a punse o! money nthe Lake Shore cornmunity wbere whicb ultirnately oven-reached tbe 19 she spent many years o! ber 11f e, $200.00 mark. lrelatives from fan and nean, aadJy8,13 1-Newcastle neighbors joined in Jl ,13 honori ng Miss Sarah Anne Dean Miss Tbompson: Thompson on ber 90>th. bintbday This occasion is a very pleas- on husdyJuly 8tb. ant one for us who are assembled It was a gala day for the noble bere. to-nigbt. We are glad to old bouse and the shrubbeny dot- bave the opportunity o! exteading dted and bordered gardea in which to you. personally, our greetings it stands and bas stood for near- and best wishes on your ninetieth ly 120 yeams. birthday. It was a perfect July afternoon You have been blessed witb a nfor this 90tb birtbday party, bot hea.ithy body and a healthy mmnd *and dreamy, and as the hours and we hope that you will con- slipped by, ticked off sedately by tinue to be so blessed for many the gnand!atber dlock in tbe en- years to corne. *trance baIl, a steady stream o! Your many fine qualities bave ecallens bninging flowens and other endeared you to countless !niends tokens o! regard, came to present ad aqanacs ay o thein compliments to Miss Tbomp- and achaiet.anes, o ny o! soa and wisb ber many happy hm avcaldoyutoa retuns o tbeday.and many more who would like to t w n csionfo!hextra- be bere but circunistances have *ordinary interest for here was peetdte rn on o Miss Thompson entering the non- Your home bas been and is one iagenanlan gnoup witb good hear- o! those bornes wbere any friend Ping and dlean vision and other is welcome at any time. In this a faculties stiîî cjuite strong, weî- busy, bustling age such homes are coming ber visitons te the old too few. To spend even a balf- *home o! ber ancestors, the home hour in the Thompson home is te 9built by ber grandfatber, Asa E. be healed for a time o! our mo- r. Walbridge who became a settler demn restlessness. br ere in 1819, 118 years ago, and Those wbo have had the privi- 0had the bonor o! soon being made lege o! baving you for a Sunday a magisinate. school teacher at tbe Lake Shore a It was in this bouse that Rev. on at Newcastle know that by pre- SAnson Green, itinerant Met.hodist cept and example you have in- 9preachen, used to hold services spired many to botter living. f rom 1825 onward. Many more words o! praise The bouse had a great centrftl might be said but as actions speak heating plant and bake oven. The louder than words, you can be big firepiaces that opened on east, assuneci by our presence hene that south, west and nonth rooms are we feel that we are bonoured in now closed Up for it would take having the privilege o! paying a fortune to beat.a bouse now in our respects to one so worthy - a the way it was done ia the primi- lady in the highest sense o! the dtive days wben logs wene pleatiful Word. i'nd people wanted to get nid o! On bebal o! your many fni- them. But the massive and spa- edw rsn o ihti cious cbimney rising f nom tbeendus, e proeasyouwitytsml mniddle o! the roof! s stiîî serving pureno!fonafetias andvesmai its purpose. Pipes from. modernoe !orafeto n sem ..toves enter it and the smoke goe As a welýl known poet bas said, out tbe top but not in sucb vol- so you can surely say, urne as say, 110 years ago. "Grow old along witb me, Here was a bouse o! antiquity The best is yet to, be- sand visitons marvelled at and ad- Tbe Last o! Life, for wbich rmired ah tbhey saw. Besides the The f irst was made." -grand!atber dlock in the ball, Signed by the Committee: Mrs. rdated 1825, there was another old <Dr.) Butler, Mrs. W. Holmes, dining room clock that had been Mrs. H. Rowland, Mrs. J. H. Jose, keeping time for over 100> years. Airs. H. Toms, Mrs. F. W. Bowea, Tbey bandled the pieces o! a Mms. W. H. Gibson, Miss E. !lowered tea set, and silverware H-oimes. twvorn thin as paper by many yeams Miss Tbompsoa expressed ber do! use, these having been in the sincere tb.anks and the folks on dfamily since 1812. Tben there the lawa gave tbree rousing .fwas the commodious and sturdily cbeers, a tiger and an echo. rbuilt couch tbat because o! its eweigbt and solid construction bas Speakers on the program wbich dstood immune to time and over a !ollowed were Rev. S. MacLjean o! 10>0 years o! service. The maies- the United Cburch who suggestoed [tic stuffed peacock was a sigbt thefonngo!aN aeana [jWortb seeing and even more. so Society in Newcastle witb Miss -waws the 200 year old spinning Thompson as secretary, Mr. Robt. -wheel whicb Miss Tbompson, put- Martin wbo nec-alled tbe coming dting ber feet to, the pedals, set in ol the Tbompsoa farnily te the motion as ia days o! yore. It was Lake Shore section 70 yeams ago once ber grandmother's. and tbe fact that o! tbe original 9 Misa Annie Swimm, cousin o! teachers in the Lake Shore S. ýfMiss Tbompson, was very kind in Scbool wben it was onganized 46 cshowing callers about thbe bouse years ago Miss Thompson is the and pointing out the many tbings only survivor; Reeve C. R. Car- ot intenest. Evenyoae, too, admir- veth wbo had vivid memories o! ed tbe big braided and booked his f inst sigbt o! the 1825 grand- smats, tbe needle work and tbe f athen dlock; W. F. Rickard, M.P.; crocheted articles, products of Mr. Joseph Couison, a son o! the Miss Swimm's spare time industry. Lake 9hore, who eloquently echo- In the flower adorned dining ed the sentiments o! ah lwben he eroom Mms. W. H. Gibson and Mrs. spoke o! Miss Tbompsoa as one dMerkley Clarke poured tea, sit o! Nature's noblewomnen, Mn. F. 1ting at a table covered witb an W. Bowen, ex-M.P. and Mrs. Bo- elegantly wrougbt lace cloth cen- wen, wbo was one o! tbe original tred witb tbe birthday cake memnbens o! Miss Thornpson's S. cnowned witb piak candies an- S. clas o!1891. nanged in tbe fonni o! 90. Tali Ail paid bomage to Miss Th.omp- pink tapers and pink roses comn- son for ber sterling character, ber pleted the table decorations. Mes- warm bhearted neigbborliness, ber dames Nora Colwill and Velmia enduring influence as a Sunday Watson and Misses Margaret school teacher both at the Lake Brown and Hilda Rowland served Shore and in the Presbyterlan S. the dalnty tea menu. S., Newcastle, and ber good works Mrs. Howeli Rowland presided quietly and unobtnusively per- over the registration table and !onmed. Intenspersed witb theE visitons' book, and Mesdames J. A. thnee minute addresses were mu- Butler, F. W. Bowen, Wallace sical numbers. Miss Hattie Ma- Holmes. H. Toms and J. H. Jose sonle in comrmunity singing, ac- assisted in receiviag and enter- cornpanied by Mn. C. A. Cowan taining the guests. witb violin, and Miss Mason and At 8 p.m. a lawn party was beld Mns. C. A. Cowan favoured witb with a special surprise feature for a vocal duet, "Sweet Genevieve." Miss Thompson wbo was escorted The prograin concluded with 1 to a seat o! bonor on tbe front the singing of "Auld Lang Syne"j steps beside the chairman o! the witb the scores on the lawn join- eveaing, Dr. J. A. Butler. This in.g bands arouad the seats and function was planned by a com- the lilacs and the serving o! ne-j mittee of ladies a year ago, de- fresbments wbich appeared in t veloped tbrougb tbe montbs and ricb vaniety and abundance. was now about to corne to, a most Miss Thonipson, despite ber i successful f ruition. As f niends all years, works daily in ber ganden, around saw Miss Tbompson with attends strawberry festivais and 90 years o! lite and service behind other functions, was up at 5 a. ber, sitting at the portals o! the not long since paris grecaiag ber 1 bouse ber grandiathen Walbridge potatees, and last Sunday. follow- i built and saw and beard just over ing tbe celebration, wa-s at cburch the lawn tbe latest models o! en- as usual and witnessed, with in- c gine dniven vebicles rushing east terest the cbnistening o! little s BIRTHS BRO>OKS-- Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Thursday, July 8, 1937. to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Brooks, a son. PHULLIPS-.In Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Monday, June 21, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Phil- lips, a son, Leslie William. MARRIAGE j BRADFORD-W R I G H T - In Rosedale Pre&sbyterian Church, Toronto, on Saturday, July 10, 1937, by Rev. J. B. Paulin, D-D., Mr. Leslie Jack Bradford, son of Mrs. William Bradford and the late William Bradford, To- ronto. and Miss Norma Aberta Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wright, Ridge- ville, Ontario. CORDEN-M-URPHY - At Gra- venhurst, on Saturday, July 10, 1937, by Rev. Fr. J. F. McGuire, Teresa, youngest daughter of Mr. P. F. and the late Mrs. Murphy of Lindsay, and Wil- liam G. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Corden of Bowman- ville. j DEATHS BOND-Ia Oshawa, on Tuesday, July 13, 1937, Margaret Geor- gina Ford, dearly beloved wife o! Harold Roy Bond, and mo- ther o! Lillian Bond, la ber 4lst year. PRESTON-At St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Peterboro, on Saturday, July 10, 1937, Josiab Jobnstoa Preston, o! Betbaay, fonmerly M.P.P. for East Durhamn, a is 83rd year. RUNDLE-At ber home, Courtice, Ont., on Sunday, July 11, 1937, FrYeda Jane Courtice, beloved wi!e o! Albert E. Rundie and mother o! Al'bert Elmer Rundie, ia ber 75tb year. TtTRPO-At St. Josepb's Hospital. Toronto, Juiy 7, 1937, Elizabeth Walsh, beloved wife o! Fred W. Tunp, age 66 years, mother o! Mrs. Anley Nortbcutt, Bowman- vile, and A. R. Turp, Humber Bay. PORT HOPE LADY BOWLERS GUESTS NEWCASTLE CLUB Newcastle Ladies' Bowling Club had the pleasure o! entertaining Port Hope Club ladies on July 12. Rinks were chosen from members o! the two clubs, jitney fashion. rwo games were played following which-the Newcastle ladies served tea in the coxnmunity hall. A third game was played a! ter tea. Prizes were given to these ladies scoring rnost points, Mrs. Higb- field and Miss Lawrence, Port Hope, and Mrs. H. S. Britton and Mrs. C. R. Carveth, Newcastle. NEWCASTLE W. A. Women's Mîssionary S o c i e t y met in the Sunday school on July 5th, with President Mrs. MacLean in the chair. As Rev. Mr. Mac- Lean takes his holidays in July, a committee o! the two vice-preýi- dents and Miss Black~burn will have charge o! Sunday services, July 25th, at Newcastle and Clarke. Anyone wishing to don- ate to Chinese Famine fund band aIl contributions to Mrs. Beman. Treasurer reported sending $54.90 to Presbyterial treasurer for June. and $177.77 for first six montbs o! the year. Mrs. Hoar gave list o! supply work sent. namely: 8 ýbales in- cluding 8 quilts, 2 layettes, 26 prs. rnitts, and large quantity of good used clothing, boots. etc., also games and gifts for children. The bales were valued worth $10000. Sbe also stated we bad $ 10.00 to- wards supply fund. Pgram was caipably provided by members of the C.G.I.T. under direction o! Mrs. Glenney. The theme was "Jesus In Canada." Memigbers taking part were, Pat- ricia Pearce, Margaret Pearce. Reta Alldred, Edith Hendry, Relta Cooke, Jean Bonathan. Mrs. Mac- Lean extended a hearty vote o! tbanks to these girls and their leader. LAKE SHORE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Over Two Hundred In Attendance Wben the air grew chili and it drizzled overmuch on Frlday ev- ening, July 2nd,' the commodious ktbens o! Mr. and Mrm. Wal- lace Holmes' home on the heights provided ample accommodation for those attending the Lake Shore S. S. strawberry festival. The ladies served a sumptuous supper as usual, some o! the re- freshment partakers managing to account for as many as seven lishes o! bernies, sugar and cream. The Lake Shore, or Bob Duck's and Brown's softball teais enter- tained the spectators with a game. Everyone admired the two large bowls o! cornflowers f rom Mrs. Jno. Hendry's garden on one set of tables and the sweet williams and other m9owers arranged by Miss Hilda Rowland in another room. Mr. Jos. Coulson oflciated as liairman at this 46th anniver- .ary occasion and brlefly reviewed the history o! the school. Among hose contributing to the program, were: The Tarnblyn Brasa Quar- tette, Orono; Miss Lois Reveller, Livestock For Sale COWS AND HIAY FOR SALE - John Stephen Farm, Manvers Road, Bowmanville. 28-1* FOR SALE - JERSEY CO W, 5 years old. Apply J. H-. Gibson, Sr., Orono. 28-1* FOR. SALE - YOUNG JERSEY cow, due to freshen. Clarencç Tink, Hampton. Phone 2361. 28-1 * FOR SALE -ONE 3-YEAR-OLD Holstein heifer, registered. ac- credited, and negýative to blood test; due to freshen right away. Apply to M. C. Smith. R. R. 1, Burketon, Ont. 28-1* Autos For Sale FOR SALE - CHEVROLET Truck, in good condition. No reasonable offer refused. One tarpaulin, like new. T hos. Gould. Liberty St. Phone 692. 28-1* Motor Cycle For Sale HA.RLEY - DAVT1DSON MOTOR- cycle, 1932, in good condition, for sale or trade on car. A. H. Bickell, Duke St., Bowmanville. Phone 468. 28-2 Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SAL-NOW EMP- ty. good house for newly mar- ried couple or small f amily, 3 small bedrooms, living room 15 x 17, parlour 10x 15, pantry and back kitchen, all down stairs, good well water, electric lights, large garden. Apply P. Hayward, Decorator. Tyrone. 28-2 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT - 181 acres at Newtonville, known as the Penwarden f armn, 8 rooni brick house, good barn, stable for 25 cattle and 7 horses, well watered .by creek through pas- ture and 4 wells, electricity andi running water available for house and barn, 7 acres orcb- ard, %s mile to school, chur- ches, stores and No. 2 highway. Apply L. C. White, R. R. 3, Bow- manville, or J. A. P.enfound, 39 McLaughlin Blvd., Oshawa, Ont. 28-2* For Rent HOUSE FOR RENT - DESIR- able brick residence on Con- cession Street, very convenient, hardwood floors, oil 'burner, good lawns and gardens. Apply L. T. McLaughlin, Phone 609, Bowmanvflle. 28-tf Cabbages For Sale FOR SALE - STOOKy PLANTS of later cabbages, including some of the best Savoy. Phone 2200. 28-1 Furniture Sale GREAT CLEARANCE 0F GOOOD Used Furniture - Sewmng ma- chine $4; kitchen cupboard $5;, buffet $5; extension table $3; Remington typewriter $8; ches- tei-field suite $15; refrigerator $5: wlcker chairs $1; kitchen tables, lamps, stoves, beds, dlin- ing suites, desks, d r es s ers, breakfast suites. We seIl for less. Wilson's Furniture Co., 20) Church St., Oshawa. 28- Toronto, daughter of the former Miss May Otten, who gave some Pretty exhibitions of acrobatic work and fancy dancing; Mr. F. W. Bowen who in a cheery speech paid tribute to the work of the school and to the many splendid men and women who had gone out into the world f rom it; Mr. Neil Stewart, Kend.a, a piano se- lection. Miss Maurice Powell had charge o! a refreshment booth. WARM WEATHER FOOD SUGGESTIONS EXTRA SPECIALS For Thursday, Friday and Saturday Red & White SALT (lanor lflS 2 NkS. 9C 2-IN-1 POLISH, <Ail Colors) ........................ tin 12o ]MACLE WHEIP...... .......................... per Jar 2lc GEM RUBBERS,.................................... 3 pkÎgs. 15e HEALTH S.ALTS, God Medal, .......-- ........ tin 15c RECKITTS BLUE, ..- ...... .......................... per pkcg. ...7c CONFORT SOAP - .......... ..................... 5 bars 23c MAGIC BAKING POWDER.............. 16 oz. tin 28c (Cash & Carry> CO RN Falcon White PeTn JEWEL SHORTENING ...................erT2 pW27c PAROW AX ...................................... per pkg. 12c CHEESE, IGolden Spray, 1/2 's ...................... pkg. 15c LIBBY'S POTTED MEATS ....................... 2 jars 19c ORANGES,.........200's dox. 45c, ......... 220's doz. 40c 252's ......- ............................... per doz, 35c NEW LEMONS ..... ..................... per doz. 33c & 39c MARMALADE Sold MedaJ large Jr 23c TE A O A O S ..... ... -...................2 b 25 DUHA CRNTAC . . ....... 0 PICKLES, Falcon Sweet Mixed .... .... . .... jar 25c CHOW SAUCE .............â li- per bottie 10c M A C A R O N I & C H E E 8E , C a e 's . . .......- i.ý . n llk CERTO ........... ........... ..... - per bottie 250 ,SALMON, Falcon Fancy Pink, J.'s, ........-1 2 for 23e F. W. Nelles Phone 596 Bowinanville Horseshoe, Fancy Sockeye X ' If you 1.1<. yourI picture makingsmpe.I Six -2O BROWNIE Jun.or $2.75 aiPre-lst abuto-it's as Brownie Junior. Fixed focus, turne and instantaneous exposures, ewo diaphragrn openings. Makes good group, view, or dlose-up picrures, 2 Y x 3% Corne in and s=c it Allen & Hanbury Vacation Package Containing 3 Cakes Basic Soap and Allenbury Shampoo 79e Kodak Films to Fit your Kodak Your most interesting Negatives Enlarged and mounted in Studio Folder 4 x 6 - 18C Noxzema Reg. 25e for 15e VACATION HELPS Shu-MiIk 25 ' -Caps Tops 25 15e - 59e EUoeys 25 Ôatn Cinderella Oalne 25 Orphan Ame Cup Cutex Ice Both for 98 non greasy 35 Gypsy __. Cream for Neilson's Sunburn Bricks 50c 20 Fitchi MumShampoo. Mum Hair 011 33e - 53c 55c WORRY WILL NEVER DIM HER BEAUTI OR SAP HER VITALITY THANKS TO A safe and scientific pre4 aration for ail cases of men- strual disorders and feminine hygiene. FREE BOOKLET THIS WEEIC JURY & LOVELL "REXALL DRUG STORE" Whien we test eyes it is done properly Phone 778 for Speedy Delivery Friday & Baturday Mâttinee SarayPORT HOPE Monday and Tuesday Wednesday & Thursday Also "Crime Doesn't Pay" Wanted Lost WANTED-SECOND HAND LA- LOST-GLASSES IN CASE, AT dies' bicycle. Phone Bowmafl- McConochie's Corners, Clarke ville 2466. 28-1- Township, on bank of stream, I _____________________ south of bridge. Reward. A. L. Barrie, 59 Spruce HilI Rdc.., To- IWANITED--GIRL FOR GTENERAL ronto. Finder please leave glas- housework. One who loves chil- ses at Statesmnan Office, Bow- WANTED - A GOOD USED AcinSl girl's bicycle. Phone Bowman- uto Sae ville GD6 or 775, or write Drawer ' Z, Bowmanville. 28-1* Upon instructions f rom the - Commissioner of Agri cutu ral1 WANTED - A DESIRAB3LE Loans uander authoi±âlof a Chat- house to rent or purchase in or tel Mortgage Seizulwhich will near Bowmanville. Alsofr be produced at tun' sale, there nished cottage for season out- will beoff ered for sale by public side town. Apply stating ecauip- auction on the Ana nd Wîfl' ment and property to Boxp, T. Shemilt f arm, being partof Bowmanville. 28 1* Lot 3, Concession 3, Township "of Darlington, on Wednesday, the WE ARE HOPING TO F]ND IN 2lst day of July, 1937, at the hour Bowmanville or vicinity a young Of 1.30 p.m. S.T.. the followmng man who is interested in ma- chattels: 1 black horse; 1 jersey chinery. For such a person we cow, 3 years 014,; 2 Yorkshire have an opening in our organ.iz- sows: 1 McCormick Deering mow- ation. If interested, write and er, 5 f t.; 1 12-plate disc harrow; tell us about yourself. Apply 1 set of single harrows; 1 set of "M.F." Drawer B. Bowmaville. steel harrows, 4 section: i Cock- 27-2 shutt 2 furroyw plow; 2 sets heavy _______________________harness: 1 car, rope, slings and Personal pulleys; efe ra.spr MEN! GET VGRA NE Harris corn cultivator; 1 cutter; NEW OTREX onici power sprayer and truck (Fr1- NEWOSREXToicTablets end; i part Jersey cow; 3 Dur- contain raw oyster invigorators ham cows, 2, 4 and 13 years old; and other stimulants. One dose 1 MoCormick binder, 7 f t. cut, i peps Up organs. glands. If flotSyvsehediiiPteHa- deligd,$125mar rndsryoilton spring tooth cultivatori paid - $.25 CU1wte McCormick walking plow; 1 pota- & Loeil.18-52 to plow; i set single harnesa; 1 litter carrier; 1 set Renfrew Miscellaneous rscales, 2000 flbs.: 1, wagon. 31, tireý, ____________________' and box; 1 buggy; 1 Buick car PAINTING-SIGNS AND pOST- and trailer; 1 Fleury scuffler. ers, also auto trucks, wagons, Terms of Sale: Cash. Elmer Wil- general painting and enamel- bur, Auctioneer. 28-1 lmng. J. H. Needhaïm, Centre St., Bowmanville. Phone 441. Nothing will cause another to lose confidence in you more read- NOTICE ily than a broken promise. A* _______promise should ýbe a scared duty Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle's dental just as a debt should be paid. office wiUl be closed from Monday. Without adversity a man hard- JUly i9th. to Tuesday, August 3rd. ýly kno'ws whether he is honest or THE CANADIAN STATES'MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1937 1 19C SALMON

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