CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1937 ports. A. B. Werry, Ebenezer, pre- home. A surmner cottage is grand, I ~~~sented this siate of new officersHnsF Hmhdn but it is a holiday for the children Iwho were elected: President, Hit or H *.8bdU~iest and flot for mother. much as she *Frank Werry, Bethesda; Secre- miay enjoy it. I can hear same af I PuN ER FA ILES uL K UNON tary. Mrs. Eltan A. Werry. Bow- Written for The Statesinan yoiu say, 'it is ail right to talk ence Werry. Bowmanville; Execu- Jessie Allen Brown children, but there is no wayI tive Committee, Mr. and Mrs. S. can manae it as 1 have no one E. Werry, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Contrasts ta leve If there is no one that BakunadHryClans prizes ta these %inners: Child- Ernest Larmer, Blackstock, Mr.yo cn e,*rrw rhr, ren rce.uner6 yars-Each and Mrs. Frank Vice, Oshaa Coming from Ontario ta Nova wolnitb osibleota say t TheBlakbun -Hary fmil child received a Yo-Yo bail; Girls' A programn of sports was car- &ta ti aurlt oeteyaur best friend, 'I will keep youri reunion was held at Glebe Farmn, race, 6 ta 12 yrs.-Doris Allun, El- ried out by Miss Effa Wright,' Mrs. contrasts in the two provinces. children for a few days, if you the Allin faily homestead, New- 'la Dý>wn; Boys' race, 6 ta 12 yrs. Clarence Mariow and Mrs. Ken- One thing that Nova Scatia ii will keep mine'? Both you and castle, on July lst, when over -Bob McCannel Robert Alin; neth Werry. There were also fia- away ahead in, is the hotels. your chiîdren will feel better for two hundred relatives attended. vlyeetcligoteeyn oprtvl ialtwshv the days apart. There are times Theyweregive a vry hartySingle ladies' peanut race-EstherveteenscainoueerneCm raveysaltwsae Thwe e by ises a vand Llzzie Glaspel. Ada Allin; Married Wo- f rom 2 ta 95 years o! age - and hotels that are as good if nat bet- when parents must get an chul- AlconendMr.seand Mr.ark i enspau 1e-r.Ca.E the prizes awarded made a great ter than the hatels in all but the de' evsamsa uha mes nugt eMrs. Cihtas.oo. hit. largest Onaio citi es. Certaiffly the children do on their parents. lin and daughter Evel.yn. race-Alfred Allns team; Mar- As the last af the ice Crem h tt e r - ot ohesfelthtthyar The palatial home was artisti- ried women's nail driving cantest course was being tucked awaythan cte smalT-e indispensable. Just try leaving cally decorated with flowers and -Mrs. Harold Alun, Mrs. Chas. special prizes were presented by mneals i n t h e my your vaidr n m ity a nd aut f lags. The beautiful large lawn E. Knight; Single ladies' nail Miss Effa Wright ta: John Wright small country wat a odt me anty thaid oit presented a trimi and neat aP- cwjvjng contest-I. Parker, Mar- as the ldest member of the clan hatels ae ex-ouyu.Tic-peaonsa peaane wthan abundance of jry .on;Bisutr -Nan AI- present (by the way this came as cletandIshm ot rig ehv flwes n srus.ln, Alfred Aluin; Single men's something a! a surprise ta Mr. arn sor ry I scohe rth in lar e a e A bountiful dinner o! meat pies, race-Mrk Corflish, W i 1 b u r Wright who, with his youthful have flot found dys utte iml c-peration i ag a hs pickls, caes, andwihes, nd Ba c k brn Married men's race- autlook on life, had flot seriausly them 50o in On- o egbortnihouweav fruit, lemon and pumpkin pies Jim Mconnell, Clarence Allin; cansidered himself a candidate taroi h oasoeo ot was served by the Misses Allin Coat raneAlfred Allun and Nan foi this honour); Miss Mary Dor- scoiamaiehI ouW orkHadEa and xnany wiling workers. Aln. A box a! marshmallows een Rea, Toronto, a 1937 valen-nI o or ad a Sports Committee conducted was prsnted ta winning softball tine, as the 'most youthful cousin out the pro- 'Sa many people seem ta have races and games. Two exciting teams and hoop race team. present; W. J. H. 'Philp, who car- vince cannat the idea that they do flot need ta games of softball were played. Lela E. Knight, sec.-treas.. gave ried most weight. It may- be nec- be cmae eseAln etmc nhtwahr n Mark Carnish's teami won the the financial repart which show- esry ta provide scales next year with the On- Brown doubtedly we need a lighter var- mien's soi tball game, while Miss eci a satisfactory balance. A tele- ta maintain the record for fair aria, ones in towns of similar size. iety of f ood but we require enough Bessie fllackburn's teaim won. A gram was read from Dr. and Mrs. dealing for which the Werry namne Perhaps it is because the towns to keep the bod.ily functions wark- harseshae pitching tournament Ernest Allin and family of Las,. has stoad, scales being more re- and consequent2y the stores are ing. What about those people was won by A. M. Hardy and S. F. Angeles, Cal. Letters of regret hiable also than the teeter-tot- alder or perhaps it is because of wha have ta work as hard or Cornish. were read from Mi'5. Thos. E. ters by which we saw some of the the prevailing waoden structure, harder in hot weather? Very of- A tenmpting tea was served Hardy, Whitby, Mrs. F. Walkey, ladies trying ta determine their The merchants are handicapped ten they are limp because they about six o'clack. Sturgeon Paint, Mr. J1. H. Earle. comparative avoirduPais; Mr. and because of poor Windows for dis- lack -food. Summer food o! salads Mr. Roy Trull took a photo- Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mrs. Herbert Swain, latest newly- play purposes. It surprised me ta and vegetables are fine but we grTaph af the large assembly. Knapp, Windsor, Mrs. O. M. Cole weds,. who rose blushingly ta the find the number of! oxen in use. need the proteid faods too, as Proofs may be seen at Mark AIj- and Mrs. Byron Black-burn, Fier- Occasion; Burritt Sanitheram, Cal- Plenty of cars and trucks, practi- they are the anily ones -that can lin's, Newcastle, A. M. Hardy's, son. Iowa, and Mrs. Bruce Al- lander, Caming the longest dis- clyfahre n odmn elc h iseta swr u Bowmanville, or Mrs. J. Knight's, sn Walkerville. tac;adJmen er f his axen. In some sections there each, and every dlay. If youar 50 Rtso Rd S.,Oshwa.Mark Blackburn gave this re-brtdy seeis ta be a large amount of working hard be sure that you eat Wilbert Glaspeil, Uxbridge, the part of the nominating Commit- The incoming president, Frank unusble land and we wauld drive enoulgh and see -ta it that youra president. called the assembly tee o.PeiensA .Hr Werry, made a brief address. mile after mile and see scarcely diet includes same &f the proteid Y. order. Norman Mlin extended a dy and Fred S. Blackburn; Pas Greetings and regrets at being a house. Aiter the cleared farms foods - meats, fish, eggs, ory hearty welcome ta the assembly Pres.-Wilbert GlaspeUl; Pres.- unable ta be present were receiv- in Ontario yau would wander haw cheese. an behaif af the family. In a Gordan Hardy; lst Vice Pres.- ed fram W. J. Bassett, Aurora, teCvrmki lvn nsm qur aeTn reiniscent mood he reoalhed Clarence Allin; 2nd Vice Pres.- Osmond Sonley, Goderich, Harold o! themn down here. The archards MY family is very fond of 'ta- c some o! the outstanding events George Allin; Sec.-Treas.-Lela Treble, Ottawa, and R. L. Werry, through the Annapolis Valley are gether cakes' - cakes with a fîll- t] which had taken place there, in- Knight. Mantreal. larger than the archards in the ing af!ter the fashion o! a jelly- d cluding a party on his mother's Chas. Knight moved a vote a! Many were missing - sanie o! apple growing sections o! Ontario. cake. I haven't made them as Y, seventy-fifth birthday. thanks ta the Alun family, and aur mast regular attendants will I was fartunate enough t e atdt eas h alrBacurassisted by F. S. Blackiburn seconded it. neyer meet in this way again ta themn in blossom time and it was cake baked in the round jelly-tin W the Sports Conimittee, presented A happy day was brought ta a ou-r sincere regret - but, as this an unforgettable picture. awy ak Omsya e h close by an exciting peanut picnic ariginated over sixty years A Holidaylfroksther fist ppaane t tete ft, scramble for old and Young. ago the personnel mat necessar- Has the mother a! the farrily seemned ta me that square cake- yg The aldest couple attendiflg the ily have chaniged as the number had a holiday yet? A holiday tins would salve that .problen, so ai îcenic was Mr. and Mrs. Richard Who attended first picnics grows without the children? No mother I bought a pair a! the 8" square y4 ]KIELOG 'S S VÎ\ W,1,,rFénelon Falls, the for- less. can have a real holiday if she has tins and am having great satis- ti ME HfOURS 0F mer 91 and the latter 86 years o! As final good-.byes were said we a child with her and yet how faction in using them, as the cake pl c OOKDNG 5 age. The youngest was Catherine were cheeredby the annaunce- many neyer have a day alone? A slices neatly until the last piece c( June Earle, younger daughter o! ment that on July 20th, 1938, we summer in a cottage is a delight- is used st Mr. and Mrs. Russell Egarle, Peter- may have the pleasure o! enjoy- fui change but it is not a real Sandwich Spread ir boro. ing anather Werry Picnic at El- holiday. Housekeeping is less ex- 2 eggs t Relatives were present frOm liott Memorial Park. tensive but what is dane is usual i1 tablespoan cornstarch pl -. ~~Toronta, Whitlby, Oshawa, Bow- Dednso aa er ymc adrt ota t1 u ua manvil-le, Newcastle, Part Hope. cendantsofSarah______________ harder____do_________1/4_________ Leskard, Hamptan, 0 a k W o o d, Clogg Present were: Mrs. John _______________________________ Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls. Rea, John F. and Mary Doreen, _______and Mr. John Rea. Toronto, o! Elizabeth Werry Philp: W. J. H. aWerry Clan Philip and Mrs. Philp, Sunder- land, Mrs. J. Pearn, Mrs. H. Drew. "I u»ed o spnd hot hours "What is so rare as a day in Misses Lillie, Fanny, Zella and over the siove geting break. June?" - a 3rd o! July when Della Philp, Canningtan; o! Ann liked Keflogi'. Corn Flakes gloriaus sunshine, a park carpet- an Cameron, Mr. Burritt Smnither- no muck betterl" ed with the mast beautiful green an, Callander. Mrs. Oeo. Sluggett, Eveybdylovs heand a temperature which just Mrs. Annie Quibel and Ralph, Eveyboy lvesthecrîsp, naturally caîls you out o! doars Miss Olive Qeach, Lindsay; ai delicicus goadness of Kel- ta enjoy its balmy freshness. John Werry: Mrs. H. B. Foster lagg's. And you can have With so much given us for aur land Mr. Foster, Bowmanville.ESH them on the table in a few peasure no wonder the Werry The remainder a! the Company seconds! The exclusive heat- Picnic which was heldi in Ellitt comprised o! descendants a! Wil- ST H seated Inner bag keeps themn Memorial Park on Saturday hast, liam and Peter Werry and a few oven-fresh. proved ta be one of the best. relatives o! the samne and includ- At grocers, ready ta serve. About seventy gathered around ed Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cowue. Yucntuythe tables for the noon meah and Napanee, Mr. and Mrs. Cliffard . .... .. ......... more than one hundred- more ar- Cowle and Gerald, Mrs. Walter bigger value. rived for supper. Many a coim Murray, Mrs. H. McConnell, Isabel Made by ]Kel: - pliment was paid the ladies for and Ras'. Mr. and' Mrs. P. D. logg in Lon1- CORN~ the tempting viands with which Turner. Misses May Wright and don, Ontario. FLKE the flweî' bedecked tables ;ere Iene Bray, Toronto, Mrs. Andrew laden. Power, Mrs. Frank and Master Earîs' in the a!ternoon Presi- Larry Werry Power', Lindsay, Mrs. dent Milton J. Werry. Oshawa, E. and Miss Evelyn Davey, Cress- M A DE B ET T ER... called the campany together and Weil, Miss Katie El! ard, Oakwaod, ~ A cK ~ DB E TT E R in his usual capable manner con- Mse ayadLnMsr ducted the business. Secretary Tom andCh ras. Eh! ard, Waadville, TASTE BUTTER . and Teasurer, Mrs. Eltan Werry and others from Bethany, Ban- I ad Mss lornceWery, c.p~c-croft. Blackstock, Detroit, Orona, tively, piresented gratifying re- Newcastle, Bow;Amanvilîe, Oshawa. ________________________________________________Salem, Shsw's, Ebenezer, Bethes- da, Enniskilhen, Salins, Kedron. Ti ns viorning f rom THE FARM Speed is essential ta the quality and purity of xilk. Glen Rae millk is no sooner cooled on the farm than swift trucks start it toward the Pas- teurizing Plant . . . . then it is speeded over the delivery route ta your home. Glen Rae fresh- ness assures you of extra richness and a really finer milk flavor. GLEN R LDAIRY Phone 2665 R.R. STEVENS & SON Bowmanville FÀe GV~E 1~L~~~Ml'JNL I mO~ M 0RN. jIREPROOI M1W HOTE CONVKNIENTLY LOCATED nfo ROOMS-RATES ~730 ftOOMS-RATES s1.5<> to8.5 y $1.50 to $2.50 OINGL NO IGHER "" SINGLE NO HIGHER nu MIN50 WEDDING Read-Gibbs The mnarriage took place quiet- ly Saturday a!ternaon, Juhy 3rd, at 2.30 p.m.. at the Baptist Par- sanage, Oshawa, o! Mrs. Margaret Gibbs, Oshawa, ta Mr. Barnard Read o! Bowmanville, Rev. Mr. Xardell peî'!orm-ing the ceremany. The bride looked very becoming in a suit o! mauve prînted silk crepe wvith white hat and acces- sories ta match, and carried a nosegay a! pink and white rase- buds and !ern tied with white tulle ribbon. Mrs. Harohd Wake- lin, daughter of the groom. was bridesmaid, wearing a gown of! printed silk chiffon with big white p'cture hat and white accessories. Mr. Harold Wakelin was grooms- m an. After the ceremony the bride and groom motored ta Bowman- ville where a lavely -wedding sup- per was prepared, and the dining room laoked beautiful decora.ted in mauve and wh-ite, and pink and white, peonies and roses. The two honored guests ait the weddîng supper were Mrs. Read's sister, Mrs. M. Edwards, and Mr. Reads oldest brother. Mr. James Read. Af ter supper a wedding reception was held when over 40 f riends caled ta cangratulate thie happy couple and wish them every hap- piness for their new lufe together. The happy couple received some beautiful and very useful gi!ts. Mis. Jack Harding o! Oshawa at- tended ta the register. while Mrs. C. H. Braund and Mrs. Walter Woolley assisted in receivmng the guests. At il o'clock Mrs. Wake- lin served a dainty luncheon which everyone enjoyed. A three -story wedding cake adorned the table. As the friends and rela- tives departed they all wished the bride and groom a long lufe ta- gether and God's blessings. On Sunday the happy couple motored to Toronto. Out a! town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Adam Read, Mr. Bill Baker. Miss -Margaret Tilley, Langstaff, Mr. James Read, King, Ont., Mrs. Mae Edwards and Miss nllian Edwai'ds, Toronto, Miss Grace Warren, Mr. Tom Teas, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harding and baby, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Goodchild, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. al<ordon Lane, Oshawa. Here are four important reasons why this bigger, finer Oldsmobile is the smartest buy of the yeax: Frirst, il costs you 'but littie more than the lowest-priced cars. Second, it is The Car That Has Everything. Oldsmobile's modern fine-car features include: Unisteel Turret Top Body by Fisher ... Knee-Action Wheels ... Dual Ride Stabilizers .. . double-action Hydraulic Shock Absorbers . . . Center-Control ~- Steering *.î . Super-Hydraulic Brakes . .. Fisher No- Draft Ventilation . . . and Safety Glass ail arouxid. 2 tablespoons mustard 34 cup vinegar 12 cup cream 1 package cream cheese 1 can pimento 1 green pepper ', teaspoon saIt Put pimento and pepper thro' chopper. Mix dry ingredients with cream. Add remaining in- gredients anýd caok in double boil- er for 20 minutes. Raspberry Jam Mx 4 cups, of raspberries and 4 Cups sugar. Crush slightly and let stand until soine of the juice is extracted. Bail for ab~out 25 minutes. Add the juice of a le- mon and boil a minute longer. Pour into stenhlzed, jars and seal. YOUR EYES And VISION By C.H. Tuck opt. Eyesight Specialist Disney BIdg. (opp. P. 0.) Oshaw, Phone 1516 OPTICAL LENSES Number 14 Were you ever adrvised to wear tinted lens? You can readily see hat At is wise to remember the Ldvise that is given you when 'aur glasses were last fitted. if you forget or averlook this advise 'ou may exipect only a partial correction. Learn to know when they should be worn as a means of prevention rather than to put hemn on to relieve a feeling of discomfort which may be due to your own neglect. It is much easier to wear glasses when they are becoming and corn- fortably fitted. If therefore any of these thîngs affect you, see aour Optometrist at an early date and have themn properly fitted for You. Next week it is my inten- tion to explain somnething of lens *artially occupational as well as corrective as it applies to the steriascopic effect of the two eyes 'I their effort ta maintain fusion the loss af this power causing the erson ta see double. (ta be continued) TrySalada Orange Pekoe Blend TUA SAFE! STURDY! DEPEN DAB\LE! SEIBERLING SPECIAL SERVICE TIRE A real Seiber]ing Value fî'om every standipoint. Unusually safe, because it is built of super-streîîgthi cord conibinced withi treads wvhiell assure you o f extra protection agaiîîst road hazards. This sturdy tire wvill give thousands of miles of faithful wear. Let us show yon the complete clrig Lin-e a tire for every type of cir. C. A. BARTLETT P hn 626 King St.,B., Bowmanvile *\\uaranteed repairs to ail makes of cars zI PACE 1H VALUE Thard, Oldsmobie gives you thie distinctive beauty of the 1937 Style Leader ... the. extra comfort of roomy, luxunaous interiors ... the. superlative performance of a 95 h.p. Six and a 110 h.p. Eight. Tourth, Oldsmabie saves you rnaney, not only in gas and ail, but in low maintenance costs assured by quality engineering and precisian workxnanship. Prove for yourseli that Oldsmobile sets the pace in valu... corne for a triai drive today. Monthly payments to suit your purse are available on the General Motors Instalinent Plan. "THE SMARTEST CAR 0F THE YEAR. . .THE SMARTEST BUY 0F THEM ALI"1 e.. e e aON Courtice ROY NICHO'LS Phone 25 10 0 0.197 THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1937 CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO MOI deeper