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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1937, p. 8

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THURSDAY, JULY 22ND, 1937 TTE C5AADAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO mý%«m vbY MrOTORISTS and See How Others WiiI FoIIow WHEN NEXT you go rnoloring resolve to "Try Courtesy" every inch of the way and see how rnuch more enjoyable your trip Winl be and how quickly other drivers wiil respond Io your courtesy. If I could but persuade halt of the motoriste to "Try Courtemy" I arn confident that the other haif would f ollow suit and then we would have established the greatest single factor for saf e motoring---courteous drivimg. Again 1 suggest thmet you "Try Conrtesy" the next time you are driving. Try t0 refrain from "pocketiug" your fellow-motorimt when he gets into a traffic difficulty. Try t0 give hm morne warning of what you intend t0 do next whether it is Io slow down, stop, change direction or overtake hirn. Try t0 give hlmx his share of the romd no as flot t0 unnerve hlm by a "close sLave." Try Io remember to dip or dim your brilliant headlights wheu you -meet him at night o that he will not Le "ditched"l or drive straight on when be hould take a curve. Try to remernher that his, curves and other hlUnd spots are danger spots-keep te your right aide of the road when you corne 50 them. lu these aud the dozens of other ways, wich will oceur to you, I sincerely recornmend that you "Try Courtesy" every inch of the way. MINISTER 0F HIGHWAYS PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO 19K YOUR WIFE will agree that it is very wise for you to have sufficient automobile insur- ance. If she doesn 't tell you that it pays for îtself in peace of mind - we 're mistaken. But we know we 're not! (laU on us anytime for advice about the proper insurance for your car. je J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS DARGAIN EXCURSION COBOURG TO ROCHESTER, N.Y. Monday, August 2nd, 1937 Return Fare ..................... $.25 Children 65e EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA ON BOARD FOR DANCING Low pdie« for meale on steamer - Breakfast 50c - Lunch and flinner 15e eacli. - Ase, Lunch Counter Servie. A&mple free motor pitklfl space at steamer dock at Cobourg. ticketi front local (aadci atio>tal Railways Agent or at Steamrr. Ontario Car Ferry Company (oobourg.Rochester Steamship Route) smacked a double. Coiville walked and Bill Bagnell beat out a hit, Royals Emerge From Slump Cowl crng utnte Colelle.scorig.Dueftont h e n H and Cobourg 7 - 2 Bump in in the fifth. gi fe w ________________________ ere out, as he singled and made Polies Pv Edht itsthe rounds on passed banis. in Ponie PryEightHitsto pry eight hits off Osborne, the the next f rame, Roach beat out a Off Osborne-Unable lanlky one was supreme in the bit to, start the frame and macde ad fpinches. His control was also theS circuit on a sacrifice and two to Take Advantag o good while it wus the lack of this more infield bits. in the final Their Breaks qualty that had McMahon in turn at bat,. the o3'ls chalked trouble on numerous occasions. of drw bisosecod ak, agneolvi Backîng up a nice pitching per- Cobourg manufactured one ofdroe a lsondrile into d eepri forniance by Dave Osborne wit.h their tallies in the first inin d olnrde f ollo ep wit a nine it attack off the slant.s when Clement laced a line double d oublenstfolst.wih Of MickeY McMahon. the Royais to right, advanced to third ofl a dThbe Pon iscltedter ia emnerged from their slump by wild pitch and scored when Moise ru The nis ee t he afhard handing Cobourg a 7 to 2 defeat fumbleci momentarily. The lead ri een cagtoo wei rdp in Cobourg on Monday. It %-as lasted tîntil the third when the orve CeUsa to driver home the postponed gaine of last Wed- Royals pushed three counters ove r ec wesho adt revysiedm riesday. the plate t.o take and keep the Beath wh hame o the pathways Albuhthe Ponies managed 1acivantage. With two out. Colwell Osborne whiffed Ted Brooks, ___________________________________________________Brooks having hiat three straight hii LO UC±ULCLinO. Oshawa Motormen Defeat Royals Fif thTime During This Season Locals Had Shight Lead in Cobourg xwîped out that edge and Early Part of Game But Lose took the same advantage in the By 7-4, Saturday thîrd. Ewart was hit by a pitched _______ all and with two out Lucas Bowmanville Royals started. out singled. and Houston breezed a bravely against the invading Osb- double clown the first base line. awa Seconds on Saturday, but the They gathered another pair of motormen overcame their slight tallies in the sixtb when one more lead and went on to a 7 to 4 vic- strike would have retired the aide. tory. the fifth time tbey have Maher hit a hopper towards sec- vanquished the 1936 champs this ond that took a crazy bunce past year. Ames and Woods and Smith con- Bowmanville had a chance te nected for pop singles te drive pull out in front in botb the home the runs. eightb and ninth sessions wben In the last frame, Colville gel they loaded the bases, but Lefty his second hit, a double and scor- WilUs, last year a mem-ber of the ed on Cobourg's second error Oshawa Seniors. manageci to get Anies then stole second and tbirc out of trouble each. time. and counted on an infield out. The Royals ganged up on An- Cobourg:BoScr derson, the visitors' first mounds- Brown, ss. 4 0 0 1 1 man, in the f irst frame and push-, Lucas, 2b. 4 1 1 O00 ed a pair of tallies over as Colwell Houston, cf. 4 0 2 1 0 singled, Bates smashed out a long Campbell, lb. 3 0 0 8 O 1 triple and Williams hit for one Payne, If. 3 0 1 O O 4 base. A walk and a miscue f illed Maher, 3b. 3 1 1 1 0 the sacks before Osbawa could WoodIs, r!. 3 1 1 1 0O get the side out. In the second a Smith, p. 3 0 1 1 3 double by Colville and a walk to Ewart, c. 1 i 0 8 2 Bates were of no avail as was Col- well's 'bit in the third. Total 28 4 7 21l 6 Piper was in trouble in the f irst Bowmnanville: but escaped unscathed, but in the Mason, If. 2 0 1 0 i third. the G-men nicked hlm for Nichoîs, c. 2 0 O 10 5 the tying runs. Normyle. Mc- witherclge, lb. 3 0 1 7 O Garry and Hall bad singles and NicIlveen, r!. 3 0> O 0 0 Jamieson inserted a sacrifice if this rally. In the next f rame the Oshawans were able to get only one hit but tbey sent tbree run- ners over the plate. Young got on by an error and Anderson helped his own cause with a sin- gle. Barnes went out, advancing both men and Dalton got on wben the infield failed to nip the run- ner at the plate. Normyle also reached base on a gif t and an- other out sent in the third run. Hall doubled in the fi! th and completed the circuit on two outs and Dalton finished the run- mraking for the Oshawa repre- sentatives by lifting one over the fence. Bowmanville scored their last two runs in the fifth when BiU Bagnell got bis second o! three bits, a long drive over the left............ field wall chasing in Large ahead of hlm and bringing about the retirement of! Anderson, Wills coming in and successfully throt- tl:ng every Bowmanville outburst. Box Score Osbawa AB R H PO A E Fair, cf. 5 0 00 0 O 1Barnes, cf. 1 0 0 O O 0 Dalton, ss. 5 2 1 5 3 O Oldsmobile sets nNormyle. c. 5 1 2 80 1 MoGarry, 2b. 5 1 3 1 6 2 The Six clevelol 'Jamiesof, r!. 3 0O 10 0enirn Olet Hall, 3b. 5 1 2 O 1 0 esrn le Petre, lb. 5 O 1 12 O i ation in traffic. Young, If. 4 1 0 O O O Lubrication-A' Cook, If. 1 0 O O 0 0 Anderson, p. 3 i 1 o 5 0 buretor Alcont Wills. p. 2 0 1 05 0 Total 44 7 il 2720 4 Bowmanville: Colville rf. 4 0 1 2 01 Colwell, 2b. 5 1 2 22 1 Bates, c. 4 1 1 5 0 O Williams, ss. 50 1 2 4 O Large, If. 4 1 02 O 0 Bagnell, cf. 4 1 3 2 00 C. Osborne, 3b. 4 0 2 1 5 0 Corden. lb. 4 G0 011 0 3 T i Piper p. 3 0 0 0 3 0TO (a) Carerof 1 00 0 00 1 Total 38 4 10 2'7 14 5 <a) batted for Corden in ninth. Runs batt d in - Bates. Wil- liams, Bagnetll 2, Hall 2, Dalton 2, Normyle. MeGarry, Young. Twa base hits, Hall. Normyle. Colville; Tbree base bits, Bates; Homne runs, Ba.gnell, Dalton; Sacrifices, Jamieson. Young; Stolen bases, Bagnell 3, Williams, Dalton, Mc- Garry, Anderson; Left on bases, Oshawa 12, Bowmanville 13; Double plays, McGarry to Dalton fa Petre 2; Strike-outs, Piper 3, Anderson 5, WilIs 3; Bases on balls, Piper 1, Anderson 3, Wills 1: -it by pitcher. (by WiUls) Colville, Osborne. Winnlng pitcher. Wills. Umpires - McMahon and Gibson. LIONS DEFEAT MAY MEAN LOSS 0F PLACE IN JUNIOR PLAYOFF Ed. Hooper Struck Out 13 Men and Mlowed OnIy Seven Hita Putfing on a last inining two- run rally f bat failed by one to reach the three-ruf margin Co- bourg had bult up, Bowmanville Lions dropped a 4 to 3 decision ta the Countytowfl Juniors on Frlday, the de!eat practicaUly ellminatiflg them f ram the play- afs. Ed. Hooper allowed only seven hits, but f ive o! those were buncb- ed in the third and sixth frames for aIl o! the wlnners falles. Hooper struck ouf thirteen men and only had one lapse o! control. At that, it was a bad .bounce that trlmnied hlm. Colville opened the second Inn- ing wlfh a single, was sacriflced fo second and scored on a f umble. BeidsGhE h toe nre as. IBricks and Bouquets By Nelson E. Osborne Although the Royals lest three starts in a row, the slump has net reached the point where it is alarming to more than those few who view every loss by the Royalv, as a calamity. In Port Hope they had the Iitting but nlot the pitch- jng; against Cobourg here about all they had was a nice twirling exhibition; and against Oshawa - welI, Oshawa is Oshawa. Somehow. in spite of these five straight setback at the hands of the well-balancecl and fast.sep ping Oshawa ex-Juniors. we stiïli feel that the Royals will have a lot. to say before the leagut ni, annion s1h-. is c Aided Twor over the score card, was the lîne Notes on the Cobourg gaine: devoted to the doîngs o! Bill Bag- Porky Os.borne duplicated his fine nell. Previous ta tbîis game, Bill game of Saturday, only this time had had trouble getting bis bits hc- cavorted about thbe shortfield. ebut be really broke loose on this Twice be tbrew out a man going occasion. In five trips to, the into third. . .. Moise was hurt in ýplate. he bomered, singled twice, the !ourth frame when the man walked and got in by an error. going into third dug both knees into bis hip and Sbinny had to d retire. . . . Roacb played bis first Colville, cf. 3, 2 2 O 0 O game and did alright. . . . Since Ames, 2b. 2 1 0 0 O 1 Bowmanville won, a kick at the R. Hooper, ss. 3 0 0 0 1 O umpires cannot be m.lisconstrued 0Wodward, 3h. 3 0 1 3 1 O as an alibi, but seldam, have we 2 E. Hooper, p. 3 0 O 1 2 1 witnessed such poor offleiating. 0j Once Hilis called Moise out when 0Totals 24 3 5 2-1 10 2 be overran second but the agile 0 Run-s batted in - Houston 2, oldster was back before the field- 0) Smith 2, Woodward 2, Aines; er knew he wa-s even in the park. 0) Two base bits. Witheridge. Col- Another time the third baseinan 0 ville, Houston; Sacrifices, Ewart, dropped the baîl and Cbalk said 0 Nichais, Ames; Stolen bases, Lu- ht- couldn't see if. Maybe he - cas, Houston, Witheridge, Aines blinked then. Three times he 2 2. Woodward; Left an bases, Bow- called third strikes an men that manville 3, Cobourg 5; Double were not within six inches of the O play, Smith ta Campbell; Strike- plate... . Both the President and 0 outs. Hooper 13. Smith 8: Bases Secretary of the League were 0 oî* balîs. Smith 1; Hit by pitcher, there so maybe tbings will be 0 by Hooper, Ewart. changed. 4zol POWER the pace in smoother, livelier performance. n 95 horsepower, the. Eigkt, 110 horsepower, acion on the highway end quiclc acceler- Lightweight Anolite Pistons -Full Pressure mtomatic Choke Control-and Down Draft Car- ribute ta, Olcismobile's Ilashing performance. OLOSI C AR T HA T C4NeT T4IlH% Constipation causes aIl kinda f misery. Clear It Up by eating Koilogg's ALL-BRAN reguiarly. It supplies natural "lbulk." i You noed t. Try Iti1r ; - *0~~~ ~~'~~~.0~ FRESH This Morning fromi Speed is essential f0 the quality and purity of inilk. Glen Rae milk is no sooner cooledon the farm than swift trucks start it toward the Pas- teurizing Plant . . . . then it is speeded over the delivery route f0 your home. Glen Rae fresh- iiess assures you of extra richiness and a really finer milk flavor. GLEN- RAELDAIRY Phone 2665 gmkon kSTYLE Famous as the 1937 Style Leader, Oldsmobile is the smartest car o! the year. Note the long, low lines-the sweeping body contours - the unusually distinctive radiator grille. Judge, too, the beauty o! its interiors - with instrument board and ail appointments up-to-the-minute in style. lOBULE H AS E V ERY TH 1N G kEEDN-OMYI ta the gallon o! sas, and is remarkably thri!ty on cil. This eco- nomy, which compres with that o! muck smaller cars, is enhanced by Oldmobiles !amed dependability which means PRICED FRON more !reedom !rom servicing and repair bis. l At % - $1Ubb 1 Corne today for a trial drive in an Oldsmobile - Montlily payments to suit your purs. througli the General Motors Instalment Plan. ROY Phone 25 10 NICHOLS COMMTIE TRY COURTE5Y, The New Spirit of the Road i Phone 681 Bowmanvllle Steamer Sehedule cjOING Mvqe CObourg - 8.00 a.m. Arrive Rochest« 1.45 p.m. - Standard TIme RETURNINlG Leave Rochester - 5.45 p.m. Arrive Cobourg - - 1.30 pa. Oldsmobile's Knee-Action Wheels smooth out the. rougk roads-give rear sat passengers a more comiortable ride. Dual Ride Stabilizers reduce sidesway, rolling and Iurch- ing. Hyiraulic Shoclc Absorbers ensure restful riding. Fisher No-Drait Ventilation admits plenty of fresh air without <rats. additional. <Price. aubj.ct to chande wthout notice.) 8-Cylindor Modols also Avallablo R. R. STEVENS & SON umý win irn or thfie osriev e i wins during the season. Undoubtedly the Motors have a 'powerful line-up. Their pitching staff embraces Anderson, Mc- Cabe,. lanky speedballer. who is stili Junior in age; "1efty" Wills. ex-member o! the Seniors and a curveballer deluxe; Walter Knox, another ex-Senior, who has yet to see service this year aithough he did bulîpen duty on Saturday; and Frank McGarry. who plays second base and hits from the dlean-up siot when not on the n2ound. G eo r ge Phillips, the chunky southpaw who worked for Picton hast year is also in Oshawa and may see action. But you can only use one pit- cher at a time and with Dave Os- borne back in stride again. the Bowmanville staff is something to bc proud of. Piper hurled better than average bail on Saturday, and if "Porky" Osborne's arm loses its soreness, the team will be set. IncidentallY they say that Osborne's handling of the third base chores on Saturday was a revelation to behold. Unfortunately we could not take ini that gaine in person, so ."Bud" Oke very kindly did the scoring for us. So anything that we say h-ere is entirely hearsay. which mnay be nearer the truth than we generally are. The rnost pleasant sight that arnd very few take liberties wit.h Danny Normyle*s arm. Keep up the gool work, Bill. The Junior loss on Priclay was disappointing. With one game lef t on the schedule, they have won one - the f irst - tied one and lost f ive. Three of those defeats have been by one run and another one was a six-bit pitching effort by Hooper. Lack of batting punch is their greatst weakness. To make the playoffs, they must win from Peterboro on Wednes- day (yesterday). and then take another one from the Petes in the replaying of that tie game here. Admittedly the chances are slim, but by the trne you read this yoa will know whether they won in the Liftlock City or flot. Batting averages of Port Hope- Intermediates as published shows the team hitting .291, or four ,points less than the locals. Ed- wardson. kid first baseman, is the leacUng hitsmith with .514. and Douglas. the shortstop, is second withi .454. Brunt, ex-Royal, is hitting .407. The last home game of the Royals schedule was last nmght and this Saturday they travel to Port Hope. winding Up the list agarnst Oshawa the following Saturday. Then for the playoffs and the payoff s. ýpl Bowmanvifte

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