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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1937, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO THURSDAY, JULY 22ND, 1937 I. dl SThe Newcastle Independent Mr. McGregar Jones. who bas been clerking witb efllciency in Bonatban's hardware store. has taken a position with the Home Telephone Co. af Maple, Ont. Mr. Jones bas had cansiderable ex- perience as a telephone lineman, having been in the employment ai the Port Hope Telephone Ca. ai- ter leaving high schoal in New- castle. Mrs- Roy Dougla andi daugh- ter and Miss Kathleen Keddie, Hlaileybury, are visiting Mis. Jno. Douglas. Roy wa here for the weekend and will return later.i Miss assisted the soprano, section af the UJnited Chttrch' choir Sunday marnJng and aiso sang "The Haly City." Dr. andi Mrs. Stanley Uglow and son, Mr. George Uglow. Chicago, are visiting Reeve and Mrs. C. R. Carveth. Miss Faning, Lindsay, xvho bas been visiting at Miss Sarahi Thoipson's, returned home Fni- day, accompanieti by Miss Ada Thompson, Chicago. Mr. anti Mrs. J. H. Jase accompanied by Miss Thompson, now well in ber Plst year. motared them back, re- t urningý the saine evening. Squactron Conandeir Guthrie. Mrs. Guîhîie andi daughter. Ot- tawa. have been vsiting Mrs. Outbhrie*s imother. Mis. C. Fidler. Mr~. Guthrie is a nephew af Hon. Hugh Guthrie. Guîelph. Miss Theana MeArhur. Camp- bellfordc. visited Mr. andi Mrs. Eti. Thackray. Mrs. E. C. Iloar was seiz-ci withi an attack of appendicitis Sunday MORRIS CO. Midsummrer Sale WiIl help you "style up " your home for Durham Old Boys' Week Special Selling of Chesterfield Suites and Studio Couches Reduotions for one-quarter to one-haif on floor samples SPACE PERMITS LISTING ONLY A FEW TYPICAL VALUES Steel Refrigerators Citoice of euamnel flîtidies, iîtsulated antd latest air couditiouiug. Regular $1450 to $3250. Clearing at ..................... ............ .. ... .. .................... Sample Beds Valnut finish, hcavy contixnons posts, sanie with panels, 4 ft. 6 inu size 'sValues up ta $14, one of a kind. Clearng at ..... - - ... Walnut Crib and Mattress Decorated panel entds, dropside conîstruction, crib, spring. mattress. Special. .~.......--. Bed Outfits Bed, Mattress sud Spring. Regtîiar $21.50. 4 ont- fits ta go. At .............................................. . . . ......... -.. Studio Couch Taupe deni, couverts into coifortable double bed. Regular $2450. Clearing at . ..................... . -... .. Day Bed H-eavy (ark cretonne inattressud .lidiîtg spring. Clearing at ... ... ..................... ....................... Dressers WAalnut fintish, witlî 5wingitg nitirrors. Regular up ta $2950. Clearing at ...... ........ .. . . ...... .................. Vanities Modern and couventioual styles; values up ta $35. Mattres ses Cotton filled rail edge, ail sizes. Speciaily priced on Saturday. At . . .......... ........... . -... ................. Bedroom Suite Vanity Chest and Bed. Cearing at -. - Spring-Filied Mattresses 3 only, ful size sampies. Regular $2750. Clearing t ..... ........... .... 19.50 7.95 12.95 14.95 17-95 9.85 14.75 11.50 4.95 39.50 18.75 JuIy Clearance of Summer Furniture Deck Chairs - Plaza Chairs - Steel Lawn Chairs - Hamn- mocks - 'Grass Rugs - Camp Cots - Etc. Every item at less than factory cost Limited Quantities - Shop Early SAVE ON LAWN - BUNIROOM - COTTAGE FURNITURE SPECIAL 5% CASH DISCOUNT ON ANY PURCHASE Pay for your vacation with the savings in this Midsuxnmer Sale. F. F. Morris Co. IT'S 100 HOT TO BAKE Let us do it for you! SATURDAY SPECIALS Cherry or Raspberry Pie......... (Delicious with Juicy Fruit> Apple Turnovers.............. doz. Lemon or Cocoanut Cream Pie..... jeIly ROUlS...................... 24e 25e 30c 1 5C These are only a few of the tempting baked articles in the store. Ail delectable anxd within reach of your purse. For Dessert - Silverwood 's Ice Cream in a variety of flavors will cool the fevered brow. It is good food for kiddies or grown ups. Take a brick home today. CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bowmanville riarning and taken ta Oshawa hospital for an operat ion. Every- one is pleased ta know that the aperation was quite successful. United Church - Rev. S. Mac- Lean, B.A.. Pastar. Sunday, July 251h: 10.15 a.m.--Sunday School; il a.m.-Morning Worship con- ducted by the W.M.S.; Speaker, Mrs. Sidney Davisan, Bawman- ville; Music by the Junior choir; solaist, Miss H. A. Mason: 8 p.m. -Evening Service in charge ai Y .P.U. with music by Juniar choir. St. George's Church - Rev. D. R. Dewdney. B.A., Rectar. Sun- day, July 25th. 9th Sunday aiter Trinity: 8 a.m.-Holy Commun- ion; il a.m.-Morning Prayer; 7 and Sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Thack- î'ay were in Camipbellford for the 121h of July. their niece. Miss Theana McAirthur returning home %vith thein. Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto. las been holidaying with her par- ents. Mir. and Mrs. Parnaby Mar- tin. Rev. Oea. Waugh, Toronto. oc- cupied the United Churcli puipit lasi Sunday and preached marn- ing and evening in the interests af the Ontario Temperance Fed- eratian. He and Rev. E. B. Caoke, a former pastor. were divinity students together at Victoria Uni- versity. At the evening service Messrs. W. J. S. Rickard andi Wil- bur Baskerville and Misses Helen Wilson and Jean Clemence con- tributed a quartette ta the service af sang. Mr. Hanlan Parker, who is staying with bis sister, Mrs. Flayd Butler. has completed the build- ing af an outdoar stane fireplace and chimney in the miniature park at Miss Rowland's. Miss Evelyn Rickard has taken an office position with Part Hape Sanitary Manufacturing Ca. Dr. H. B. Rundle, Oshawa, was a weekend guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare. Mr. Jack Hare has returned f rom, Burlington and be and Mr. W. N. Buckley naw have wark under Raadmaster Thas. Yerrow tearing up the C.NýR. track irom Part Hope westward. News of the sudden. death of Mrs. Elvin Middleton at Minden while preparing breakfast Sunday morning came as a severe shock ta ber mnany friends bere wbere she spent s0 many years of her lufe. She was for several years an active memiber ai the W. A. of the United Cburch and on Sunday marning bier daughter Ruby (Mrs. Wlon), and children and the Misses Wilson were at divine ser- vice in the United Cburcb, New- castle. Over $3000 Expended (Continued from page 1) the Baard. The kitchen in the basement has been completely re- ncvated. New cupboards have been built, new dish washing1 equipinent placed. and the caok- ing arrangements very much un- proved. he kitchen. whicb for-1 mrerly was rather dark and unin- vting, is now one af the brightest spots in the haspital with wood- viork completed in white enamel and the walls in pale apple green. In the Nurses' dining raom new tables have been pjrchased and the room given a very inviting ap- pearance. The McCullough Rtoom Through the generosity of Mr. D. A. McCullaugb, the McCul- lough Ward has been redecorat- ed. new lights and bed table have been added ta the equipinent. Mie new lights, mentioned previausly, are affixed ta the bed and are equipped so that they may betilt-, ed ta any angle required. and may even be remaved by the nurse ta, use for ther purposes. New wall brackets replace the old anes. A complete new roof has been put on the wbale building, in ad- dition to $200 spent on new eave- troughs. Many rooms have been plastered, and a tremendous amounit af ather work carried out. The hospital, ircidentally. bas been working ta capacity these past few weeks, Mrs. Smyth ex- plained. There have been from 25 ta 30 patients mast of the time in a 20 bed hospital. Sponsored Rooms Due te the systein by wbich hoepitals are maintained, every hospital needs a graup of inter- ested citizens wha will sponsor roams, or who wifl remember the hospital in their wills. The work accomplished at this turne bas been dane largely thraugb the generosity o! people who have given money ta the haspital. Be- quests af the Montague Estate, Miss Jennie McNeill, and Mr. Ab- rahams have been of extreme value at a time when improve- ments had to be made. Many af the raams are spon- sored, kept up-to-date and decor- ated by generous citizens and *groups. Sponsared rooms include the Jennie McNell. Rotary Club, -Rehder, Tod, McCullugh, I.O.O.F.. bJames. Vanstane, Masanic, and *Wamen's Institute wards. Still ta find sponsors are the seii-private ward, the men's pub- lic ward, the nursery, and the balcony. The Board feels that if these facts are known there are other citizens wha will be happy ta take care af a ward at the hospital. Na doubt there are sev- eral who would like ta keep in decaratian and repair the little ward that welcames the new born babies into this warld. Hospital Staff The Hospital, in keeping witb the provisions of the act. has% ta maintain a heavy staff. That staff must be maintained whether the hospital is f ull or nearly emp- ty. There are on the staff at p'.esent. the superintendent, three graduate nurses, six nurses in training, the assistant superin- tendent and directar af the oper- ating raam, the night supervisar, cook, fireman, engineer, laundry- man, and four maids. With these facts brought ta the attention of citizens, we believe that tbey will in future be more alive ta the needs af this mast important of local institutions, Bowmanville Hospital. Members af the Baard are, J. rO'Neill, chairman, E. W. Craw- I MARRIAGE KER.R-HOAR - At Greenbank, June 29th. 1937, by Rev. Thos. Wallace, Ethel Tryphena, dau- ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Hoar, Darlington, ta Harry! Ed.gar Kerr, son af M.r, and Mrs. John Kerr, Kingston, Ont . LORD-OWENS - In Davenport Rd. Presbyterian Church, Ta- ronto, an Saturday, July 3rd, 1.437, by Rev. Mr. Hiltz, Mr. Jahn E. Lord, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Lard, and Miss E. A. Owens, daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. James Owens, aU of Toronto.r DEATrHS BRADLEY - In Ennadskiflen, on Thursday, July 1,5, 1937, Fanny Kirkland, beloved wif e of J. F. Bradley, age 73 years. Interred. in Orono Cemetery. DIXON - At Belleville General Hospital, an Thursday, July 15, 1937. Rev. Safard F. Dixon, re- tired nunister af the United Church of Canada, late resi- dence 76 Canniftan Rad, Belle- ville, in his 67th Inter- ment Little Lake Cemetery, Pet- erboro. McLEA-On July 15, 1937, at her late residence, 287 Baltimore Rd., Wirmipeg, Man., Annie Laura Burden, belaved wife of C. A. E. MeLea, aged 79 years. WILSON - In Lindsay, on Sun- day, July 18, 1937, Annie C. West, belaved wife af Geo. H. Wilson, publisher ai Lindsay Daily Post. WELSH-In Bowmanville Haspi- tal, Wednesday, July 21, 1937, Edith Mary Chapinan, beloved wife of Arthur Welsh, Salem. Funeral notice later. IN NMEMORIAM GT.BSON - In loving memory af my brother, Everett L. Gibson, who, passed suddienly away just two years ago. Just when your Jife was -bright- est. Just when your years were best. You were called from this world of sarraw Ta a home of eternal rest. -Sadly missed by sister and brother-in-law, Pearl and Chas. GIBSON - In loving memory of my dear husband, Everett L. Gibson, wha passed away at his home, 193 Dowling Ave.. Ta- ronto, July 20, 1935; interred in Orano Cemetery. Turne pa&Fes on, And changes came apace, But time nar change Love's memories can efface. -Anne. 1 LANE-In laving memary of aur dear mother, and wi.fe af Fred Lane, who passed away July 19, 1922. Your presence is ever near us, Your lave remains with us yet, For you were the kind af a mother Your loved ones would neyer f orget. You were very true and patient, Through the years you strug- gled on: And thase dear hands now rest- ing, Made a home that naw is gone. To thase that have a mother, Cherish her with care, There will neyer be anather Ta fill her vacant chair. -Ever remembered by Laura and family. Personal MEN! GET VIGOR AT ONCE! NEW OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invigoratars and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs. glands. If flot delighted, naker refunds price paid - $1.25. Caîl, write Jury &Lovell. 18-52 Feted By Friends 1 (Continued from page 1) tary and assistant secretary ai the Sunday school and we are as- sured that you would be a willing helper in whatever phase your services are needed. While you do nat sing in Maple Grave choir, we are not unmindful oi the f act that the choir is indebted ta you for co-operation an choir practice nights. That you have each chosen your hf e partner froin the coxnmunitY and have establshed your home here is a matter of gratification and we are counting on your con- t-inued interest and assistance. Oýur best wlshes go ta you both that your lufe tagether may be f illed with prasperity and happl- ness. We ask you ta accept these gifts and as yau use thein maY they bring back pleasçant memor- ies of your friends af MaPle Grave and Base Line. - Rev. W. C. Smith. pastor, H. G. Freeman. Iva M. Foley. Bruce Metcalf. Samn Van Camp, Cliffard Swal- low and Ivisan Munday the presentatian of a buffet mirror and a Persian rug. The groom re- plied fittingly on behalf ai bis bride and himself, thanking all for the lavely gifts. Several speeches f ollowed. AUl joîned ini slnging "for hes a jally good fel- low,' after whîch a social time wvas enjoyed. f ord. F. F. Morris, Fred Cryder- nman, F. O. Mcflveen. R. 0. Jones, W. J. Dudley, Dr. J. Clark Bell, representing the medical prof es- sion, and Mrs. V. H. Storey, Mrs. W. H. Birks and Mrs. J. O'Neill representing the Women's Auxil- iary, and C. H. Mason, secretary- treasurer. Stove For Sale FOR SALE - ELECTRICSTV with oven. Apply Jack Miller's Barber Shop. Phone 852. 29-1 Lost LOST-ON KING ST.. BOWM4AN- ville. early. Friday morning, a sum of money. Reward for re- turn to Statesman Office.291 1,0S T - SUM 0F MONEY IN Bowinanville, an King or Temi- perance Sts.. on Saturday. Re- warcl. Finder piease leave at Statesman Office. 29-1* Livestock For'Sale YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE - A. Laird. Maple Grave. P h o n e 2109. 29-1 FOR SALF>-TEN 7-WEEKS OLD Yorkshire pigs. Apply to Laurie Cale, Newcastle. Phone 2421 Clarke. 29-1~ FOR SALE - YOUNG COW. 3'ý/ years ald. T. B. tested, gaod milker. Apply J. B. Reid, Route 2, Bowmanville. 29-1 * FOR SALE-YOUTNG 80W. DUE in August. R. H. Olesen, Hanp- tan. 29-1* FOR SALE - GOOD WORK harse. Apply Taylor & Hall, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. Phane 24D2. 29-1* Autos For Sale HARLE - DAVIDSON MOTOR- cycle, 1932, in good condition, for sale or trade on car. A. H. êickell. Duke St., Bomanvlle. Phone 468. 28-2 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE OR RENT - FIARM on 6th Line, 118 acres dlay laam, good buildings, spring well, and two cisterns. Apply Mrs. John Henry, Orono. 29-1* T-WTENY-FIVE ACRE F AR M For Sale--25 acres of choice land, twenty workable, balance pasture, creek, spring, weUl, cis- tern, about 75 apple trees in gopod condition, smiall fruits; f rame house built abaut fiiteen years, Hydro installedi; barn, large hen hause, drive shed. Situated one mile narth and ane mile west of Newcastle. Apply ta owner. E. F. Russell Osborne, Newcastle. 29-1* HOUSE FOR SALE-NOW EMP- ty. good bouse for newly mar- ried couple or sinaîli amily, 3 sinail bedraoms, living room 15 x 17, parlaur 10x 15, pantry and back kitchen, ail down stairs, good well water, electric lights. large garden. Apply P. Hayward, Decorator, Tyrane. 28-2 PARM FOR SALE OR RENT - 181 acres at Newtonville, known as the Penwarden iarm, 8 room. brick hanse, good barn, stable for 25 cattle and 7 horses, well watered by creek through pas- ture and 4 wells, electricity and running water available for bouse and barn, 7 acres orch- ard, 1/ mile ta s9chaol, chur- ches, stores and No. 2 highway. Apply L. C. White, R. R. 3, Baw- manville, or J. A. Peniound, 39 Mcbaughlin Blvd., Oshawa, Ont. 28-2 * Wash -Machine For Sale FOR SALE - OAS ENGINE washing machine and hand- pawer washer. bargains. See Mr. Locke at Mason & Dale's. 29-1 Corn Binder For Sale FOR SALE - DEERING CORN Binder, Massey Harris corn boinder, ensilage cutter, grain binder. L. R. Wood, Bowmian- ville. Phone 597 or 726. 29-1P Twine and Coal BINDER TWINE AND COAL - For ecanomy and comfart place your order with R. E. Osborne. Church St., Bawmanville. Phone 473. 29-1* Teacher Wanted TEACHER WANTED-FOR S. S. No. 9, Clarke, Protestant, first class certificat.e, consideratian for teaching Household Science and Agriculture, musical pue- f erred. State salary expected. Apply at once, E. F. R. Osborne, Sec.-Treas., Newcastle. Ont. 29-1 NOTICE Dr. C. W. Slemon's office will be closMe from July 27th ta Au- gust 2lst. 29-2 BARGAIN FARES July 30 - 31 - To - Windsor - - - - $5.40 Detroit - - - - $5.40 Chicago - - - - $8.50 Going - To Chicago, July 3è-31, trains 19-17-21 & 5. To Windsor- Detroit, trains 5-9, Juiy 30; trains 19-17-21-5, Juiy 31. Returning Prom Detroit - Last train lbaves 3 arn . Aug. 3. Prom Chicago - Last train leaves 11.30 p.m. Aug. 3. Consuit Agents - Ask for Hapidbili POOL TRAIN SERVICE Canadian Canadian Pacifie National LIu[IoWLIoF~ HOUSE FOR REN'T - DESIR- able brick residence on Con- cession Street, very convenient, hardwood floars, oil burner, good lawns and gardens. Apply L. T. McLaughlin, Phone 609, Bowmanville. 28-tf FOR RENT -BRICK HOUSE, 6 raoms, hat water heating. gar- age, garden, Church Street. John McIntyre. 29-1 Miscellaneous PAINTING-SIGNS AND POST- ers, also auto trucks, wagons, general painting and enamel- ling. J. H. Needham, Centre St., Bowmanville. Phone 441. Notice Tio Creditors AiLL PERSONS having any claini against the Estate of the late MARGARET McLAUGHLIN, who cied on or about the 3rd day of May, 1937?, at Bowmanville, Ontario, are required ta file the saine with proof thereof with the undersigned not later than Au- gust l6th, 1937, ai ter which date the Estate will be distributed and all claims ai which the Executors have flot received notice will be barred as against them. DATED at Bowmanvulle this 19th day of July, 1937. M. G. V. GOULD, Bowianvifle, Ontario, Solictors for the Executors. 29-2 ~ ZION \lirs. \Viut \eîis and sou Jinime, MNontreal, visited at ".\r. J. Neniji'. Jimutie is staying for holidays. Dorothy Kitiknisky. Oshawa, is holidayiug ith Miss Nellie Nemis. Rev. J. Beck, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Staintoît. MNr. and Mrs. Anson BaIsonantad family visited M\r. and Mrs. Nor- mani Nelson, Tyronie. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Glaspel and famnilv. Mr. aud Mrs. Tracy Glaspel andI famulv, Mr. and l'\trs. \Vslev Glaspel attended a picuje at Mr. and Mrs. George Hilts, WVilliam's Point. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baisonaitnd family attended the Woods-Johns picnic at Orono. Mr. and Mvrs. A. Staintoît and family. Mr. aud Mrs. Aif Ayre and family attended the Truil picnic at Hampton. Step Up your better - pcture average with VERICHROME IT'S the double egnulsion coating that does it. Guards against under- exposure and overexposure. Gives you the highest possible percentage of successful pictures. Finishing's im- portant, of course. Let us take care of it and you'U see your pictures improve. Drinking Glass Fruit Saîts Both 39c For Eno 's Saîts 47e - 79e Gypsy - Tan 45e - 75e Gypsy Cream soc 1 Bayalde Light Syrup BuIk PRAhIIT1 CampLeli'. Tomato L o PE R BUTTER 1î1i ins Nat 2b.a o 2Tn .25 2 bs.25 2For11 If You Can't SlecP OVALTINIE Tin.5 Damnai MOTOR OIL Clioice Meaty PRUNES- 6-qt. l Can a 1919~ 2 1s..19 Niagara Dry Ginger ef 2 Large Bottles 25C% (5c Deposit on Botties) - 7D GOGGLES New Assorted Colors Special 29c Mecca - - - - 19c-37c Feenamint - - - 25c-35c Mentholatum -- 7c-54c Nu-Feet- - - 25e Aspirin - - 22c-39c-98c Mum- -- -----33c-53c Chase 's Nerve Food- 49e Absorbine Jr. ---98o Odo-ro-no ---39c-59c Tops --------25o FREE! 5x7 Enlargement With $1.00 worth of Photo Finishirig from our Photo Departnient Swun Caps Beach 15C 59C Bails 15c 59c 19C- Vacuum Franik Bottles Medico Filter Pipes 29C $1.00 WQRRY WILL NEVER DIM HER BEAUTY OR SAP HER VITALITY, THANKS TO A safe and scientific prep- aration for aIl cases of men- strual disorders and feminine -. hygiene. FREE BOOKLET THIS WEEK JURY & LOVELL "REXALL DRUG STORE" When we test eyes it is done properly Phone 778 for Speedy Delivery i.. .~ 4k. ie*"~ & £ Il I 'M Thistle Pablum Writing Precooked Pads Food 9c 45e THURSDAY, JULY 22ND, 1937 ý 1 r CARDS 0F THANKS-, Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Gaines wish ta convey their sincere thanks ta everyone whe worked so herioocafly and successfully in saving their home from destruction during the early period of Saturday evening's fire and alsa ta the Bawmanville Pire Brigade for their indispenis- able services at a later stage. Mr. James Braciiey and Mrs. Middlebrok and sisters wish ta extend their sincere t.hanks and appreciation ta their many fri- enxds, relatives and neiglhbars for their kind sympathy and floral tributes extended during their re- cent sad bereavement in the loss af a beloved wif e and sister. Mrs. E. Bonatnlan and Mrs. Oea. Warren, Newcaýtle, wish ta exprepss their deepest appreciation ta those kind neighbors and fri- ends wbo assisted in controlling the fire in Cecil Robinson's house at Newcastle Saturday. They also feel they are deeply indebted ta Bowmanville Fire Brigade f or their activit;Les For Rent iý- PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Good attendance at cliturclitoun- day. Rev. \. Rackia i ve an '1t COMING EVENTS Conratlaion 10Magart îcr Bow,ýmanville Women's Institute kins and Bov d Ayrc on passin. fftheir wl meet in the farm of a picnic cutrauce exanms.1 at the home of Mrs. Frank Jack- Mirs. J. Hardwick -and 1lerbie, man on Friday, July 30. Program \\oodhridge, visited lier parents.,1in rgeOf Ms . .T's a d Mr. and Mrs. Hcerhert 1Filutof f. Mârs. s. Brooking's group. 'A~pic, Mirs. Jas. Stainton and granUdon. Beauties of Nature. Roll caUl, A Iiiinmie vislted NIrs. Fred Harding. favorite bird. Members br i ng Osihawa. dishes.-w These Values fer July 19th ta 24th AYLMER_ PORK 2.19- PEACHES * No. 2 No. 2a M Sqt. Tins 2 FRn * Sqt. Tins *....wiu.uuMuM.uMMuuMuuuMMuuMUuuua Aylmer Tomato JUICE 3 Ti. .27 Green C' int Tomiate JUICE 3 Tinz. 25 Kellogg'& and Quaker Corni Flalkes 2 Pkg 7. .15I

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