PAGE FOUIR The smaller the man the bigger Two's company - unlesa they the boaut. are man and wif e. We find there 's a lot of people are not familiar iv mai ~ a i th the variety of goods Ni IJ~UDwe have for sale so we list a few. sait __ For Livestock SERVES AS A BLANKEI FOR YOUR HOME 9 Here is the insulation you have hemn waiting for-Red Top Insu lating WooL Really blankets you home. Pays for itseif in fuel saving& Easy to instaIL First cot in low, FireprooL Vermin-proof. Perma, nent. "a for sample and furtbei details. A product of Canadiar Gypoum Company Ltd., your wax. ranty of quaity. RED TOP INSULATING WOOI Cernent St. Mary's Rogers' Hardwood Flooring Satin Finish r Coal 'Blue, Coal Scotch and Welsh - Buy *now at iow summer prices. * Plaint iCanada Paint DOORS LUMBER ROOFING * SHINGLES WINDOWS SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LIMITED Phone 715 King St., E. Bowmanville eeA Woinan' s Work is Neyer Done"9 This oid saying may or may flot be true, ISut certainly if yaur home lacks running water, and a kitchen sink, the job of housekeeping is greatly incrtased. With running water, suppiied by a Duro Pumping System, and piped ta any part of yaur home, it will be ready for an Emco sink in the kitchen and an Emco equipped bathroom. Ail Emco Fixtures and Fittings are carefully made, subject ta the cosest inspection and will give years of unexceiled service. Emco prices are moderate. For exampie, Snow-white Enameiied Sink, as iliustrated, 20" x 42", including Faucet and Trap, ready for installation for as low as ...$36.00 .The Dura Speciai Pump, iliustrated beiow, bas a capa- city of 250 galions per hour, is suppiied with a 30 galion Gaivanized Tank and 110 voit, 25 or 60 cycle, motar, and costs-oniy ................................................... $89.00 SnaalI Monthly Payments The Home Improvement Loan -IAct enables you to purchase Emco on the monthiy payment plan over a period flot exceeding three years. Enquiries given prompt attention and estimates suppiied withaut charge. For Sale By Bert Parker Plumber - Bowmanville Dure-Spetial 38 Aise supplied for Gasaflne EMPIRE BRASS MFG'. CO., LTD. Engin. operaton London Hamniltan Toronto Winnipeg Vancouyor Hints For Homebodies Written for The Statesman by Jessie Allen Brown Are Women Too Serious Paul Galillea says that wamen take sports too seriousiy. It shouidn't be confined ta sports. Tliey take everything too ser- io;usly. Women are liard on them- selves because so few of them knaw how ta -play. Men get a lot mare fun out of their work. They look onit game. And men are better las- ers than wam- en. Women sa often say their work is mono- those at the top. there is t monotony and uninterest i n g Jessie Allen work. Did you Brown ever watch a busy executive who has wrestled wth problemns re- quiring his decisian ahl day, sit dawn at the end of the day ta sign his letters? Doing dishes ist not haif as manotonous or u.nin- teresting as signing your name1 time af ter time. I bave done bath and I know. Let us try not ta be so deadly seious. Put the game element into aur work. If you can't find any othen way, use the t'me element. Time yourseif an a particular job and then try ta beat your own timne. See haw many days you can serve patatoes in a different way without ne- peating yourself. See how longt you can go without repeating at dessert. Try having fun witht your family instead o! being sa deadly serious over their f aults.1 Maybe the shock o! surprise may do them more gaod than your scolding, and you and tbey wiii feel a lot better. A Ring for the Nail-BIter A nine year old girl has devel- oped the unfortunate habit of! b'ting her nails and ail the meth-i ada a! persuasion and punishmentJ which lier parents have used,1 have been useless. lier father was away on a trip and bought ber a ring. (a Nova Scotian ame- thyst). The catch is that al- thaugli she bas been given the ring. she cannat wear it until her 1nails have grown and ber bands riook nice enough ta grace the pretty ring. She is getting ta be quite interested in pretties. so probabiy she will make an effort ta quit biting her nails. It is good psycbalagy to make the child ber- ýelf want ta cure her bad habit. Will let you know when I hear the resuits o! the experiment. Vegetable Plates When the weatber is warm and the vegetables are at their best. a vegetabie dinner can lie a most attractive one. A vegetabie din- ner gains trémendously by at- tractive arranging and for that reason it may well be served in the kitchen. Vegetables whicb Dravide a contrast in colour should be chosen. There is sanie- thing about a garnish of red that takes the eye and if there is a choice of cakes or salads the one that bas the bit of red is almost sure ta, be chosen, especially b the men. Let us apply. tfrat bit of claur knowledge and see that aur vegetabie plate bas its taucli o! red ta give il appetite appeai. Beets. tomatoes and radishes. Any one a! these wilI f ili the bill. Green and yellow are another pleasant contrast. Crusbed bard- cooked egg yolk sprinkled over your spînacli. adds ta appearance, improves the taste and increases the food value. What mare can yau ask? Make a crunib sauce for your beans or asparagus. Meit butter and stir in dnied bread crumbs, then cook over a slow PUBLIC THOUGHTS ON LIFE UNSURANCE Survev Shows the Holders of Policies Realized High F'inanclal Value The Curtis Publishing Company has recently completed wbat is perhaps the most exhaustive sur- vey ever mnade of the attitude of the public toward life insurance. The seurvey was made under the direction o! the Lif e Insurance Sales Research Bureau and em- braced interviews with mare than 3000 men and with almost 500 business women. The interviews were conducted by trained investi- gators. The metbod o! direct questioning was not used as the investigators feit that this meth- od would lead the mind of the man being questioned rather than disclose his real -attitude. sume a contlntiously lncras cash value ta the field man. The survey revealed the import- ant f act that aimost 90 Per cent of tihe mon wlio were lntorvlewed heat until gently browned. Sprin- kle chopped parsley Over your new potatoes. To look their very best, roil the spuds in melted but- ter and then in the cliopped par- sley. If your f amily does not like vegetable dinners, probably it is because pou make them drab and uninteresting. If they must have meat, haw about garnishing the vegetabie plate iiberally with ba- con. Raspberry Vinegar Not many people make the old- fashioned raspberry vinegar these days but I find that 9ny f axniy and my friends enjoy it verY much. It is very handy to have an hand for the casual guest and it has the added advantage of keeping even after the bottie has been opened. I must say that aur botties seldom get a chance ta keep once they have been opened. It is very easy ta make and here is the way ta do it. Caver rasp- berries with an equal quantity of niild vinegar, that is measure ta measure, using a pint o! vinegar ta a pint of bernies. I find that undiluted vinegar is tao strong s0 I use about 34 pint of a mlld white wine vinegar and 1/ pint of water. Let the vinegar and bernies stand aven night. I us- ually rnash the bernies a bit ta help on the good work. Strain off the juice and ta each pint of julce add 2 cups sugar. Bail 10 min- utes and battle while hot. Nuggets 1j6 marshmaliows 3 tablespoons cream 1/ cup dates 1. cup nuts 1/2 cup Graham cracker crumbs. Cut the manshmallows in smali pieces with wet scissors. Add the cream and let stand an hour. Cut the dates and nuts and stir ixnto the marshmallows. Add most Of the crumbs reserving a part of them. Formn the mixture inta balîs and rail in the reserved crumbs. This ia a good recipe for a bot day as the nuggets do not recauire coaking. owned life insurance, and that ai- most go per cent of the women intenviewed also f efi into the Pol- icyholder classification. In this fact there is nothing about which to be discouraged. Every agfnt knows that the man who buys life insurance automiatically becomnes a better prospect ýthan he was lie- fore he liad madle the purcha-Se. Every agent knows that the man who is life insurance minded enougli ta add ta Nhs holdings at frequent intervals is the almost perfect prospect. The f act that about 90 per cent of the Public already ow-ns life insurance does flot consttute a handicap Vo the f ield man, but rather a real bless- ing. H-owever, the faot that the pub- lic does own if e insurance means that the f ield mnan's proNoem is not ta seil life insurance, but ra- ther ta selI more life insurance ta people who aiready own a given amount of it. Wrhat does this mean in aur selling Practice? Does it inean that we must con- gratulate the prospect upon the good judgment he lias shown in building up a lif e insurance proli- lem? Daes it mean that we muSt secure his confidence Vo the Point at whicli be will tell us about Nis present if e insurance holdings? Does it not mean that we mtust skiUlfuily fit our contract into the pict'ure so that it will make the protection and investment he lias planned for hisehf and his fam- ily more comnipiete than ever lie- f ore? It must also be borne in mmid that the ownership of ife insur- ance by a large part of the public means that the average Prospect will expect of the 111e ihSuranc man who is ta sell huru, not anlY an intelligent knowledge of bis subject. but aiso judgment in ad- vising particular Plans and a wifl- Phone 25 10 Valuable Activity 0f Health Nurse Is Shown In Semi-Annual Report Civic officiais are sometimes ac- cused of not accomplishing mucli, but this could neyer be said of Miss E. R. Graham, Public Health Nurse, whose bai! yeaniy report appended shows a tremendous amount accompllshed in the first six months of the year. The report outlines the inspec- tions carried out and the other activities that faU ta the lot of one of the busiest of this town's civlc employees. Semi-Annual Report New barn ----------------__ 19 Infant --- - --------- ---- 55 Pre - School ---------------- 105 Scliool ------ -------- -- 142 A d u it --------------------- 51 Pre - natal ----------------- 18 Post -natali.. --.------------------- 2 1 Non Communicable ---- --_141 Tubercuiosis -- ------------ 14 : Tuberculosis Contacts ----181 Acute Communicable --------21 Social W elf are -------------- 39 1 Not taken under care --------151 Nat found - not home ------121 Speciai Actlvity -------------- 47 Promotion of work------- --40 Fam illes ------------------- 260 Visits - new and return -----287 Office...................----------30 New - office and home -----173 Doctors Con*itlted--------------- 38 H aurs on duty -----------------856 Office............-------- 23 31/2 Schoai ---------------3071/ Vlsiting ------------1473/4 O ther ---------------- 73%/ Child Health Conf. . 94 Schoois Visited ---------------121 First A id ------------ --------- 325 Routine Ciass Room Insp). 30-1105 Ciass Room Inspection 16- 598 Other Inspections -----------447 j Special Physical Inspections. 117, Vision Tests ------------------ 34 1 Chldren with new defects ----73 Children for observation ----37 Re Inspected Observation ----18o Corrected.................------ 1 Subsided _1------- ------ 2 N atif ied ------------------ 1 Continuing under observation 15 Chiidren with Corrections New de! ects ---------------- 39 Oid de! ects..............--------31 Sent home.................----------58 S k in --- ---- - -- - --- ---- - --- 4 consultations witli Principal. 19 Consultations with Teacliers- 39 Defects found - new ... --- --78 T eeth -------- ------- -- O ther ---------- -- Defects under treatment correction new defects -------39 Teeth................--------38 O ther ------------- 1 Co4rection old defects ------ --31 O ther -----------------10 Chiid Healîli Conferences 24 Oid Infants -----------122 Oid Pre&chool........-----17 New Infants -------- --35 New Pre-school --------50 Total 314 Meetings Addressed -------- 23 Meetings Attended ------------18 Mental Heath Clinlc --------- 6 Dental Survey by local dentists, February 24 - 25. Scarlet Fever Taxin Immuniza- tion, campieting five doses and Dick test - 26 pre school, 25 school, total 51 children. Refresher Course on Tubercul- osis attended May 19 ta 22. E. R. Graham, Publiceliealth Nurse. Love may not niake the world go round, but it seexns ta mnake a lot of people glddy. ingne-ss ta serve hi.xn if lie decides ta buy the propoçed plan. Those Interviewed owni ut the present -time $14,513,931 of lUfe ipsuranoe. Tliey de! initely ex- pressed theniselves as desiring ta secure, as soon as possible, addi- tional insurance anmuntiflg ta $21,547,819. IFaniily Re-Unions Cryderman-Ruse Pienic The Cryderman - Ruse f amilies met. at Orono Memoriai Park for their picnic. On account of rain they had ta go ta the Agricultural Building for supper and sport.s. Severai enjoyed a swim in the pool before leaving. Around sev- enty sat down ta a real sumptuous picnic for it was a real picnic in more ways than one. Mrs. Walter Cryderman. wha was the first ta start the f amily reunion seventeen years ago. was presented with a taken of remem- brance as the picnic was held an her birthday. The children and grawn-ups enjoyed themselves in the sports provided by the sports committee. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ruse were awarded the pxize for being the oldest married couple there, and Mr. and Mrs. Carias Tamblyn the youngest married couple. The officers appointed in 1936 were re-appointed. Friends were there fram Toronto, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanvilie, Hampton, Orono and Glen Miller. OBUTUARY 1 Rev. S. F. Dixon, BeUeviile Many aid parishioners on Ty- rone and Courtice circuits and others in Bay of Quinte district will regret to hear of the death of Rev. Soford F. Dixon. superan- nuated United Churcli clergymnan and Press Secretary of the United Church Bay of Quinte Conference, who <ied suddenly Juiy 15th in Belleville hospital. Hie had been in hospital twelve weeks with a fractured hip, suffered in a fal at his Belleville home. Mr. Dixon was born in Castle- ton sixty-six years ago, a son of the late Mr. anid Mrs. S. E. Dixan, and after his ordination held charges in Milford, Bath. Red- ROY 1 i Is deliclous nersville, Odessa, Lake!ieid, Raw- don. Courtice, Tamwartb, Wooler and Tyrone. lie retired fram ac- tive ministry a year ago. Surviving are his widow. fanm- e.tly Grace Waldron; two daugli- tors, Mrs. W. C. Wallace. Kirk- land Lake, and Mrs. lioward Braad. Oshawa; hree sans. J. N. S. Dixan and S. Clark Dixaui, To- ronto, and W. B. Dixon. Belleville; and one brother, J. C. Dixoni, Warkwortli. ht dosnt ta .,Slong forl the warst ta happen. The vows a man makes aI 11 marniage sitar do not worry i hait as much as tbe siliy prom- ises he made ta the woman in the case befare sire led him there. Milk Monoy is CASH M1ikrnoney rePreaBltIl the. -~~ cornfity pay rail in thon- sands oi towns, a dependabie incarne for millions aoflainiers. Milk and milk products must lie soid sa that cash can flow back to dairy farmers and their communities week after week and month after month. This is a job Borden knows how ta do, for behind Barden L are 80 years of experience in handiing and selliug the mast 1 perishable af food products. Dairy farmers producing for a Borden company, know that a Borden miii check means 1 dependabe incare. DISIRIIIJTORS flIROUGHOUT THE WORLO W HAT a treat when bernies are in season. Ripe, Iuscious rasp- berries, strawberries, blackberries ... stewed gooseberries, bi uebernies... your favorite choice . . . with crisp, gotden-brown Shredded Wheat Bis- cuits, made in Canada of Canadian Wheat. Del iclous, nutritious ... served in a jiffy. THE CANADIAN SI4REDDED WHJEAT COMPANY,. LTD. Niagara Falls Canada w IT'S GREAT ta own a McLaughlin-Buick when marvellously steady, level Knee-Action glide! you're "riding high". Fori' ut the kind of car Lean back Iuxuriously in this roomy Unisteel i\ &' ta match that kind of maod. Sleek, racy and Turret Top Body by Fisher! Press gently on the 1"'exciting ta look at... and brilliant, colorful, brake pedal, and feel these Tiptoe Hydraulic exciting ta drive! 5f It's thrilling just ta let your Brakes go into instant action! 5f Treat yqurself ye run over the long, low, sweeping length of it. ta a long, gay holiday from the duli "utility" But step inside, touch toe ta the gas, and revelini kind of matoring. See the new McLaughlin. the extra power and "pick-up" of its famous Buick . .. drive it ... and find out about today's Valve-in-Head Straight Eight Engine! Test that low delivered prices. mtt/. PIIECUI J EtIN (SERIES4PORT COULTH OPRA SUATS) Dslivered at acor, Oihau'a. Govor. nts taxez, licone and fre.gbt addsaond. <Pr.'cets sbjec ta,0 Ibange iwitbot notice.) M o n t b l y #a "t en ts 1 t , 0 j u r a r u M tbe Generat Mo tort Inztahneni Pi.. Courtrce I., j, ~4ei HWS SIKNo"FC Y LCUS 750RO .SR ES 9oe *SRA C:LA&UOH LU fl - UmcI(Im NICHOLS a M-2079 THE (-ANAL)1^IN