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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1937, p. 1

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zLbt With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle IndepFndent And The Orono News VOLUME 83BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THULRSDAY, JULY,29th, 1937 lm 1I - 0 vu 10 IM TAffDrANT ,A nnn" ,'m,VTI = - - - v a %li rjýnr.. n. c tr. rbsnrlren I--- Bowmanville WiII Share! To Extent of $1 1,314 Per Year in Eastern1 Ontario Rate Reidue- tions welcome news has again been receiVed from Ontario Hydro headquarters iii Toronto announc- ing reductions in rates. Bowmanville will share to the extent of $11,324 per year in Eastern Ontario Hydro system rate reductions which wili effect fol eastern Ontario consumers ta ;al saving on monthly bilas of $253,096 per year. The Ontario Hydro Commission, which bas just authorized the rate reductions, estimates that the $253.096 yearly saving wiUl be realized as follows: On Domestic ight .$113,056.94 On Commercial light-- 60,522.90 On Power. ------ 77,350.90 On Street lighting --- 2,165M5 $253,.096.24 The estimate o! saving to Bow- manville municipality is appor- tionied as f ollows: Domestic lighting-$3,519 IPlanning Large Reunion iFor Durham's Old Boyslý THEY SEE IT, ALL RIGHT Event OnIy A Month A- way -Those Wishing It is an amusing thing to Invitations Sent Get the news writers on a news- paper when they hear some- ln Touch With C. H. body suggest that they M sn would ike to have an item M sn or a adertiemet intheIt's just a month away now, the paert"wTheeepeople wiU Durham Old Boys' Reunion at see t."ThenewswriersBowmanville, on August 28-30. As know that people see every the time approaches citizens and Item a.nd every ad. People cominittees are warming jup to see a "3" when II, should be the importance of and pleasure a "5", and they see every derived from this great home- wrong initial, every mis- coming even. Invitations are be- speUled name and every *' gsetotaly sadrse pemiss fee ms"he ex-oie .g entotdiya dre omisson o itemathe ex-n ginto C. H. Mason. peiilt see h?" here pepl Sen in your addresses today if willsS i?" Tere s noyou haven't already attended ta place you can Put aiiythingJ.HrlFo this important duty. ini the newspaper that pe~o- .Hrl o It is expected the old town wifl pie wiII not see it.-Renfrew Appointed Associate Prof essor neyer look so gay as on this oc- Mercury. at George Washington University casion as the Decoration Commit- _____________________at Washington, DC. Prof. Fox is tee is urging citizens to decorate a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. F. ev'ery residence, f actory, office and WINDSTORM PLAYS H. Joness, BowmanviUe. shop. The Parade ommittee i AVCA SCGGLOWER SCHOOL union a rprsedofwth a e Thurdayaftrnon asevee E AM ESULTSgular aid time procession. Pro- Thurday ftenoona seereEXAM REES LTS gram o! sports will recail to mind wlndstorm cut a narrow swath many of the old time players wha f rom a north-westerly direction! The !ollowing is a list of the put Bowmanvile on the sport across Cartwright township, Caes-1 successful candidates at the Low- map. Reception and Speakers area and Nestlpton hpjngin the.eSh acilDe-DrtmntalExam ,, nmt..P r n .uqquca Power-$6,9 01. ln ftesom l h ee ntoshl tBwavle Consumers in 12 municipalties phone pales f romn Caesarea 8choo1Bickstock. Ennishillen, New- alsa, are ta receive refunds total- ta the lahe were blown over adcastle. Orono and Janet-ville in ling $107.928; there will also be miany lines put out o! commission. 1June. The number 1 indicates pas refunds ta 31 municipabities them- At Mr. Herman Samelis' a hay- i in English Grammar; 2. British selves on murnicipaUly used power loader standing in a field was History; 3, Geography: 4, PUy- totalbing $26.417; so the total es- driven by the wrind across the s-ography: 5. Arîthmetic; 6. Art; timated benefit ta, Eastern On- field against tUe fence. Six trees 7, Botany; 8. Zology; 9, Agricul- tario oonsumers froni Hydra's in Percy Edgertan's woods were ture 1; 10, Agriculture 11. action will be $38'7,442 per year. blown clown and a Ioaded pbum Bomarifle Cansumers will have tUe $107,- tree brohen off. Stachs of hayB 928 refunded by deduct.ion fromn were carried across the fiel and ird. R. 2, 3: Buttonshaw, Jean, their monthly bills, while the piied in the fence corner. An eîm 3; Davey, J. 2; McKnight, V. 3; $253.096 will came off manthly tree at the school and many trees MoRoberts. L.M. 3; Polbey, W. 3; bibis in tUe f orm of rate reduc- along tUe roads were upraated A Purdy, R. E. 3; Smaie, A. 3; tions. The $26,417 ta be refund- torrential ramn filled with hail, Thatch, A1; Thatch, N. 3; Wight, ed municipalities wibl benefit ta burst, accompanyitig the winci C. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. payers in general. whîch did damage ta bath stand- Blackstock The Ontario Hydro Commis- ing and cut craps. Many stocks Demiibe, H. 5: Ferguson, S. 4, 8: sion's repart for the year endingj being badly twisted and very hard Hyland, L. 5; Taylor, K. 5. October 31, 1936, shows that the ta handle. The township was in Ennisidien darhness until nine 'clock when Goulding, W. 2, 5, 6, 8; Hall, D. (Continued on Page 7) Ithe power came on again. 1, 2, 3, 6; Ormaston, E. 1, 2, 3, 6; Patter. B. 2, 8; Scott, R. 4, 5; Stinson, R. 3; Whithame, F. 5: Girs G ean Pr fitble In pirtio otten, W. 1, 4, 5, 7, 8; elw Girl Glan rofiabl In piraion lesD. 6: Yellowlees, H. 1. From Millbrook Achievement Day . Gray,. C. 3. rn . M Ard. K. H. 2, 3. 6, 7: Fraser,.JJ Up-to-deClothes Closets and Richardson, Margaret Smith, Dor- 2; Goldspink. J. 3: Hale, L. 2, 3, Supper Club Studied by Girls othy Smith, Marion Belch and 18; Harness. H. i. 5: Harr-s. M. 1, BeteenAge of12 nd 6.Wibma Armstrong. A short time 4, 5, 8; Henry, M. 10; Hilclreth. A. Betwen Aes o 12 nd 2. was spent in program planning '2 3, 8; Jones E. 1. 5, 10; Leamen, _____ for the coming year and the unit, G. 5: Morgan. E. 5: Nicholson, F. The annual Girls' Achievement '"The Milky Way "will be started 4, 5: Shutha. N. 2. 6; Syer, J. 5: Day was held at Millbrook. July this faîl. TUe judging wvas clone Wannan. D 4: Youngman, H. 3. 21s. I wa a iteestngevntard the awards were macle by 6.7. 2lt. folbhegias an intrstngeand Miss Greta Pollard. Bowmanville, ail hrfortegral and istore endHome Economics Coach fa- the a'.b poite ad etfo the ex-a'os County, assisted by Mrs. C.Ün htit nc tedeantaton. Peterboro. IanRotary Carnival During the past f ew months the Results were as follaws:- Hamemahing Club Iýgo j e c t s. "Supper Club"- 'Clothes Closets Up-ta- iate" and ss-,Mro ec.Mil As Fine Loinii the "Supper Club" have been brook; , Kahle e tah Orono; studied by girls between 12 and 26 br2,tie Tamb tyk, Orono; Prces rmCrnvlUd ýears o! age in variaus parts o! Jean BteU.milbr oo ,Poed ro anvlUe the county. Each club had a bocal Jan-1Be atMilreFai. Ml- T epUfruaeYu leader and girls and visitors were bras . l a rmstrongl, Mill- i to 1-S Wi outhCpledYoung- present from the folowing clubs: brook;:.WlaAmtog il tr ihCipe ib Millbro, leader. Mrs. W. H. b Crooks lst U-oDt" Back ta Happiness Armstrong; Orono. leader, Miss Cohslse U-Dae Kathleen Stark; Newtonv i 11îe rs.-1. Hilda Rowland, New- A general recagnition by the leader, Mrs. W. Fail; Morrish, carg 2 er ic Miligan, Clarke; citizens tlhroughout West Durham leader, Mrs. E. Harcourt. 3 agr Dichinson, Part Hope. o! the meiits of the social service In the marning the clubs set No. 3; 4, Beatrice Thompson, worK clone by Bowmanville Rotary up exhibits a! the worh they have Jlrke.-, aro Pers ot Club, and particularly o! the been coing at their meetings and Hope, No. 3; 2, Dorothy Dickin- splendid things that have beeli the girls participated in a short son, Part Hope. accomplished in giving crippled Judging programn. In the after- M~iisses Hilda Rowland, Bernice chiidren a f resU in b1le, is noon each club put on a fifteen Millgan and Beatrice Thompscin tUe explanation o! the wonderftu] minute demonstration on the adl- will represent the County as a ii.terest that is shown each year vantages a! "A webb equipped clemonstrating team at the Inter- in the Rotary Carnival. TUrougli Clothes Closet" or "A Table Set County Competition at Peterboro this means money is raise.d te for Fp.rm Supper." Fî nltePoica a~ carry on this great hurranitarian Diplomas were presented by ition ai bhe Canadian National Vor f rom ear litayar. ve t Miss Verna Gardiner, Mount Plea-i Exhibition. Misses Marion BelcU. Veyitepuictisiena sant, ta six girls who have comi- Myrtie Tamblyn and Jean Belch the individual cases which have pleted two units of work, namely. will form a judging teainif rom the been helped, but tUe work s car- Misses Kathleen Smith, Gloria County ta compete. at'. tUe C .N .E. ri-ed on quietly from week ta _______________________________________________y'.eek. lb will no cbaubt be surpris- ing to many people ta know that D T L during bUe past wleiinh h Newtonville Ch rhFriends Pav Iriu e Rotry C (lubhas l1nnokeI çftpr '70 Rey and M. I obt. Wragg Laud- ed for Courage in AcoePting Post ln Far North - - On Wednesday evening Newton- ville church fienda a! Rev. Robt. Wragg gathered in the U.S.S. Uraom ta bld him anc Ula bride xdsedta tUeur chosen field-o! 1brin tUe Peace River District, saine amail measure their pride ln one o! their own boys who ha macle good and iS consecrating bis life Vo seuving his fellow men. Rey. E. L. Beech, chairman, called the assembly ta order and the fol- lawing program was enjoyed- piano solo. Margaret Denault; Soprano solo and encore, Mary Ldn; alto soloandegnBoreton.e Reid; altosoloandenBoreoan e Mis W.aing was called on ta read tUe following addness: Dear Mi-. and Mrs. Wragg. W e, your f iends o! this church and cammunity. minclful o! yaur recent manniage, and aware that you will soon be leaving us ta serve tUe church in Nothern Al- berta, have gathered hjere this ev- ening ta extend Vo you aur congratulations and ta show in tUis way the deep Interest we have in you. Your careen, Mn. Wragg, we have fallowed closeby; as year by * year you have fitted youi'sebf for CAMP FIELD DAY HELD ON FRIDAY Friday afternoon the B.T.S. camp on Lake Ontario, will hold its annual field day with races, vvrestling, boxing and a great var- iety of other events. The lads have been training assiduously and should present a real after- noon's fun for citizens who are invited to attend. this great calling, and we are proud of your attainmient. To you, Mrs. Wragg, we extend our sincere good wishes, and trust that you will find real and abid- ing satisfaction in your new home, and in sharing with Mr. Wragg a helpful ministry. We therefore ask you both to accept this gif t of money as a tangible evidence of ourj~enuine interest and affection. Signed on behaif o! Newtonville United Church: Rev. E. L. Beech, pastor: R. J. Rowe, Clerk o! Ses- sion; Geo. Walkey, chairman: G. Thompson. John Elmer, J. W. Lancaster, S. J. Lancaster, Lanson Milison, Isabel Laing. Mr. and mrs. Wragg both spoke a few words o! thanks and speech- es were made by Messrs Oeo. WaU<ey, R. J. Rowe, Wm. Laing, and Cecil PaYne. Lunch was served and a social time enJoyed. treainients ta crippled chilclren v;thin aur county. and over -f if ty children Uave neceived direct benef abs. Besicles the niedical at- tention given at Bowmianville Hiospital 18 trips have also been necessary by Rotanians Vo tahe bl:ese childi-en Vo, Toronto fan breaiment and observation.* in his connectian Rotanians are generous in their praise and wish ta pay tribute Vo tUe medical pro- fession bath hene and at bUe Sich Children's Hospital in Tai-ana, fan tUe co-aperation and services they have rendened as no prof essional f ees have been charged. In addition ta tUe crippied children's worh tUe Rotary Club has given financial assistance ta other wonth whibe welfane woi'k in the cammunity, including Boys' Worh, Bowmanville Hospital re- pairs anc supplies. Schoal Milk Flund, ScUool Books, Candy te chidren attending Royal Theatre annual Chirstmas Party, donat- ions ta Civic Cononatian Cele- bration, Poppy Fund, Wel!ane Board Christmas Cheen and ather comanunity endeavours. These axe busy days for Baw- manvlI~e Rotaerisus an4 P RatarY Annes who are planning for their ar.nuai cannival wUich will be Ueld at Rotary Park, Wednesday, August iltU. It wiil prove s usual one o! the big communitY events a! the year, sa plan now to came and bring tUe whole famiiy. There'll be fun for everybody. The Carnival wili open with an uproarlous and gala calathumpian 1meeting tonight in the Council Room. s Commnittees Appinted A list of committees presented b3' the nominating committee was adopted with certain changes. The complete list o! comm.lttees follows. Chairmen of comnittees constitute the executive commit- tee with His Worship Mâyor Ross Sirike as general chairman of the Reunhan. Reeept1on and Speakers Mayor W. R. Strike, chairman; Everett Hoar, F. F. Marris, Dr. J. C. Devltt, W. F. Richard MP IV lroaoM nDP .rM ? King St. on Saturday Night Presents Pleasant Picture 0f Busy, Bustling Activity ADRESE WNTDEndless Procession ofi PRICES GOING UP 2,000 More Addresses of Rural and Town Resi- Mi riigdlyi Durham OId Boys dents Makes Busi-ai arvu. dil ii anIirsprinting offices is anything ___ essmen Happy and but cheering. As anex Are you gaing ta be held Thankf ut. ample, *"owing W Uthc in- responsible for disappointing ___ crease in Price of paper ail some Durham Old Boys or pr ic es are discontinue&. Saturday night in Bowmanville New prices wiJI be mailcd Girls away from home be- produces a street scene that. 15 in a few days." And the cause they have not been well worth seeing. The glaring c'u ar o cnied tW sent an invitation to the Old shop windows, with their calorful any one lune in Particular. Boys' Reunion at Bowman- array o! wares. expertly arranged. Newsprint, the raw Product ville, Aug. 28-3D? If you the long Uines a! Parked auto-. of the newspapers alone, are you'll neyer be fargiven mobiles and trucks with occasion- jme pad ot forbeig s' crelss ndai horse and buggy tied in the obd per cent. It is a disconcert- neglectf ul. So sit dawn C. F. Cannon Methadist church shed. ing story but the only open names nd adresouses ! I etr0 ulcS osfr But o! al the most intriguing course is for weekly Pub- nams ad adresesof nspctr o PulicScholsforizthe endless procession of town lishers Wo get together and every persan you hnow who Oshawa, who wus elected District and rural residents, Up and clown revise their prices npwvrds was born here or ever lived Deputy for Ontario, Na. 10, at thethsieas.Mnndwmn codgt hebsne In Bowmanville or Durham masonic Grand Lodge, at Ottawa. ycung men and maidens, old mena trend, same as ail other In- County whom you thinh and littie childi-en thread their dustrialists. - Campbeilton shold ecevean nviatin.way among their counterparts Graphic. Bring, phone or send the DOUG CARTER WINS corning from the opposite direc- lisi without delay ta C. H.- ___________________________t t Mason. chairman of Invit- PRIZE AT SOCIAL tion oie s it y as dgingicSteta ation Committee, and they'll tmake one'sdway alang Kingintreet, go out by the next mail. Doug Carter of Bawmanville, but it is a pleasant difficulty. It tiar" and setog th n teir Time is getting short. Do was the winner o! the $50.00, first 's fun watching the crowds. Per- car. eIthe mee rit a ndwhoued it now and have no regrets. prize drawn at a welb attended St. haps that la what everYbo<1y ta l ve ion the disrictan the ____________________Joseph's Church Lawn Social on thinks for aUl walk, some once or stalk happ il on tie onrofhte Friday evening at Rotary Park. twice up the street, and some for sorket.rIthwl e tion esnoughtar T. A. Dustan. Len'Elliott, R. R. Other prise winners included: Mrs. the entire Saturday evening. 'ook for e. "on ns fe Stevens, W. J. Chalbis, Ray Dili- T. Moody, Oshawa, $25.00; Mrs. But is wabhing all that those awie lng Ro Nîhol. AlanKnihtForsythe, Toronto, $100,0; Mrs.1 large crowds o! folks come "up Up and dawn the street d.rift J. H. Abernethy, W. H. Carruth- T. A. McCallum, Marmora, $10.-twn'froSaudyigtAcrsthidivskeby ac- ers. 06; Miss Margaret Taylor, Wark- survey O! the business rise for the ing for a parking place, that Decoration worth. $5.00; Mrs. W. Cowle, town of Bowmanvible for the pust elusive plat o! the street that is Bowmanville. baby's outfit; Mrs.,year will prove that it is not. hard ta find on Saturday even- G. E. Chase, chairman; T. H.! J F. Brown, Bowmanville, candie-1 Those persans really do buy, for ir.g. Usually the Street is well Knight. W. J. Dudley, Han-y Rice,. sticks; Mrs. S. CanciUla. Portp the percentage in business over filled early in the evening. E. W. Crawford, P. R. Cowling, Hope. lst cushion; Mrs. W. Tap- last year has advanced fram 15 Where does the saturday night J. F. Gorman, C. E. Rehder, W. son, Bowmanville, 2nd cushion. b 50 percent according ta the crawcl go? Many o! ten wonder. C. Caverly, Harry Allun, Gus The social drew the îargest variaus business heads interview- Th& local Royal Theatre receives Bounsal. Jack Gunn. King Chit- crowd in xnany years. Father Caf- ed. those with a f lair for the 1'talk- ty, F. W. Nelles, Aubrey Smith, f ey reported that the returns were Plenty of Parcels les." Many Just go around ta visit Mo Breslin, J. H. Johnston, A. S. far better than satisfactary and You will notice that ail the friends or relatives ini the town. Baker, S. G. Chartran, M. Com- wishes ta express his personal walhers generally carry sanie par- Some foalks have intimated that stock, A. Hait, W. J. Berry. thanks ta citizens for their gener- cel. Sometimes it is only a few It la only the rural area follk wha sports Program ous support. candies ta tahe back ta those who waik Up and down the streets! G.A. Edlmondstone,. chairman; had ta finish up the chai-es w1ile Nat a bit of it! Usually the f arm.- the rest came to fnton. fthers - -%,- ti- ia,......t- -iiA. l'.J.. lliot J ohn 1~. Ly V . Sid mm< le C.T. omW.. - vr who nus ioaowed naines ail aay, wen, M. J. EiitJh ye .eîî., tearlCnT.nRoss, W.J.rag- CHEMICAL FOUND hýaave more and larger parcela. It would just as soon sit in the car J. Mason, Oea. W. James, J. H. H. :Williams, Roland Bate. Nelson SHOT INTO HOME aul helps. samewhere or lean against some Jury, .I. yenaReeR. Obone______rgrP.C But usually there are tumes store wail, and chat wlth his 0. Jones, D. Mon-ison Sr., Smith Ptik .A deW .Mr hnM.adMs during Saturday evening when nelghbour. TUe ladies from tUe Ferguson, Ivan. Hobbs, D.C .PticW .Egr. W.J.Mr rs s.Îry the walhers are mostly the yaung- farm have probably been up since Slemon, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, W. tyn. Oscar LaBelle. J. D. Carruth- Hiumphries, Horsey St., retu ned er people. Dad and mother, who five a'ciach Saturday morning, P. Carbett, A. R. Virgmn, . L. 3i'5 C. B. Kent, W. J. Fumse, HugU home Wednesday evening,r the' cantrol the f amniy financial struc- Morden. F. C. Vanstone, Col. L. j ameran. were surprised ta discaver they ture are in the stores "getting the (Continued on Page 7) T. MoLaughlin, R. M. Cotton. aW. PublIcity had had visitors wha with some Invitation - Regstration ýe.W James, chairman; John sort of extinguisher or spray gun C. H. Masan, chairman; Fred James, J. H. H. Jury. A. M. Har- had shot chemical in one of theurFreIE pli d 'Cryderman, Lawry Cryderman, F. dy, C. T. Ross. front windows. The Cureains, surance Problems x lie O. McIlveen, R. L. Mitchell, L. C. Billetting floor and the bed in tUe room Mason, J. R. Sbutt. W. F. Ward, Fred Pattinson, chairman; Alex stan coe wiheadcrytalliseb- Alex Lyle. John James, Fred Fat- Lyle, T. H. Knight, Tom Dustan, werecee withadtUe wUizesb- ty Outstancling Research Expert 'inson, J. W. Jewell, C. A. Cawker. Ross Stutt, F. C. Vanstone, J. L oicet were immbedio atly cae___________________ Parade Marden. inmysberious case. TUey taah sam- 1 R. L. Jones, Toronto, Presents 1bat.mtecniin Uihms Wes. Cawker. chairman; A. M. pIes o! the material fram the floor Educational Address Show- fa1rmpart of every fire insurance Hardly, Bert Mortlock, B. B. Fur-' LIONSY DELEGATES !and are having it analyzed. ing Items in Pire Policies policy, and which conditions miust ber Royer Jcmne, WE.Paesn J. OFFICERREROSTE Which Should Be Studied be printed on the back of every 15 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O FC R Ro acmn W.paesni P E EN EP R S____such polie. The Insurance Com-~ Rotarians were treated to a pany la not allowed Vo tary these In iteretin andhumoousConditions as agamnst the Assur- Is Rec gnize An mtereing adat hmorou WITrH ACCIDENTS mast informative andl interestinged ..,Vmaetei aron report o! tUe Lions Club Inter- address Friday, by an authority on mkth oron national Convention atChicago, Traffic Officer Harry Caldwell Fire Insurance. C .Jones, oa!terousobthepiit onaswaivpaticasty was given at the local club, Mon- who replaced Ed. Purves an this Research Department of tUe Can- any!te pvroios i cavoref ta nunity Endeavour: day night by Mo Bieslifl and Ein- ,d:visuon in April is fanding the adian Pire Underwriters' Associa- i U ava nfaoro U tUes cwfrdwonvenhth in. sci hfam Nosh2awa ta spottilTrtUmanyexplained in Assured~. t hs ttt waives attended th ovnin seilyfo saat otdti h aycantroversial Conditions, as they are called, the parade at 7.30 with brasa bands, Fom tUe report the Bowman- Hope. Since his arrivai over 80 points a! fire insurance policies poîicy as allowe<i ta contain a "Co- jazz banda. floats, clowns, special vihlle clelegates did not miss much accidents have been reporbed with which are often aniaunderstood by insurance Clause" and also what f armers' cbass and o! course all Io-.the excitement which trans- four f atalities. In addition there policyholders. His address dleait is Ienown as a 'i.imitatlan of! Lia- kinds a! entries for the chiîdren1 pired and really had an eniayable were probably many minor ac- with a subject that intearests and bility Clause," but if elther of with liberal cash prises in every Ita me. Mr. Breslin anc Mr. Craw- cidents which were nat reported. affects evei'yone and yet most these two Clauses is used a red class. See page 6 for 'ford tooh several Uundred f eet of TUe cause of most o! these cal- people hnow vei-y little about tUe nstmdrwgateiot t Iof parade. moving pictures which they wilb lisions was lace o! courteay and intnacaclea andc technicalities pen- ihsapdlwn teto aI Then when tUe Carnaval gets show ta tUe club at a later date. crazy driving without proper re- taining ta, fire insurance, and has ta be prominently placed on ur.dei-way at Rotary Park a!ter The newly elected a! ficens o! the gard for caution. Liquai- also has thus depend on what the agent tUe fae o!te policy wrdn tUe parade tUe variaus booths wiîî club were in their places and Uad a good deal ta do with the recammends without investigating -which appears on the face o! tUe provide entertainment ta try yaur cc.nducted the enthuaiastic meet- high total, expiained Of ficer Cald- the variaus clauses and tenms. policy, and describes tUe particu- skill and spend youn money for ing. well. We ai-e therefore publlahing Mr'. aworthy cause. -Jones' entire address beîeveing lar property that is insured, the aThe chief prise, a! course, i id - it will be a real service tO> aur Comîpany la ailowed ta put in y *a 1937 Dodge Coupe, which wiîîEK c iv s re en ai n radrs.The speaker was intro- stipulation that ha particulan i-e- b'j drawn for at the close o! tUeB e EIect R c ie r s n a i ue othe Rotary Club by Ro ference Vo the individual pi-operty program, as weil as four other ~a rian Charles H. Mason, well regarding ita maintenance or use, tikt ontecrn s muh for 0f Si iver Tea Service From Choir v;as responsible for bringing Mw onitions sActpoide bm bnding the akeof chncetowina Joes'entre ddrss elivin insofar as they are Ueld by tUe crte sae o!asc hean e t inaoes enareaddessbelevig Courts to be just and reasonable. ca bt ecus teyrelie ha Hle AigieFeedBvrnany tames I have had charge of dre f oiow s neCntat r The idea behind ail this la o! tUe money they turn in for tickets Miss Hei Te PireInsurace Conract, ourset bit h ees o goes ta aid handlicapped children. Friends and Presented Wgith' tUte choir. Policy as it as usualîy callecl, cus V bitetencest o Plan now ta attend this great4 Address Expressing Choir's We, youa f riends. delight ta enbirely controlled as ta its con- tUe Assured in each case neading comuntyevet n owmnvbl.1wish yau and Bill all bhe satlafac- ditians by bUe baws o! tU e variaus a multitude o! printed conditions Wednesday. August iltU.Mnldeig.. tion o! a if e o! happinesa. heaith, Provinces in which the property fir, adrta see wthen they ai-e Booth (Jhafrmen usefulnessanad prosperity. i3 located. As we are in Ontario, Cmayptigm narcn Gea. E. Chase, Pair Manager. On Friday evening at tUe close TUey tell us that tUe way to a I shaîl confine my remarkls en- Comion A fie inuapi co n Hot Dags-Harry Allin. ai' choir prabtice in Trnity Uriited man's heart is bhraugh UiS stoni- tirely to tUe Ontario fornm o! pol- adicen.A eined om an mn ontarin Sa! t Drinks-'W. P. Corbett, M. Church the members were invited ach. and altough we are confident icy. alcrsdCmayi nai S Dle.' t tU acooli'om wen Ue you are an excellent coak, The Ontario Insurance Act, therefore always contais the Gi'aenae-Pnnh Wlllas, I- sdent Mi. E.R. F Osonii ma leen, should your "Bill affair" among a whoie lot o! other tUings, aepntiCodiosoht Ian Preeman. a happy speech anuen that e ver go wrong just aing ta hlm laya clown specifically »and ver- (Turn to Page 5, Pleate) annoucang for we ail know that "Music hath PiSU Pand-Mrs. W. R. Strike. Miss Helen Argue, one o! t.heir amst sotete avg Hanse Race-No. 1: M. A. Neal; mrembers, was about Vo sever Uer at"Ld ie siv e g Na 2: J. M. James, R. R. Stev- connection with the choir, of Uer be t"Sa we expect you to Porto Rico LayT ll rye eti f ens. faithfulniess ta the choir and continue using your talent ta ad- Free Maney-T. A. Ganton. church. an4 o! tUe inany happy vantage in your new. home. We Law Cair-C H Maon F tiesthy Ud ilenJoyed to-hope you wlll have hindly recol- Religious Conditions In Far Away Land LawnChars-C H.Masn, F ties hey ad llbections o! tUe choir when gia- F. M.Vantane gether anc Vo wish Uier every goodiusydsesn cusoteinMsA.VActaBA, soVstc-bdtepputonwchl MoneWhey P.M.Whetoel-F. n he utre HhteinaledtUeydipefuture.ofte i MHe . .then calledO Vdtcrbed hearontioo.ic i J. R. Stutt. on Miss Helen Marris ta read the Trno With Parents, Rev. and ovrwoai ne a!mlin r Hams and Bacons-M. Coni- tollawing address: Signed on behai! o! the chair: Mms W. A. Bunner veropl. dToeechie! prouclioar stock. Da Helen Mrrs su gai- cane and cof!ee. Everyone Dean Helenght F C Vn-On behal! o! tUe members o! Frut-. . niht P C Vn- We, tUe members o! Trlnity tUe choir Mrs. J. E. Anderson Those who attended tUe Thurs- eats beassasd rice sud drinks stone. cfe.Teeaemn elh Blanket Booth--C. E. Rehder. Chair meet tonight with mingled presented Misa Argue with a lave- day evening prayer service in cfe.Teeaena& elh K. Chitty. C. Siemon. feelings o! regret and pleasure. Il three-piiecq siliver service Vo Trinity United ScUool-Room were factory owners but the wages are Bottle Gane-J. E. Cunning- Those o! us wha have tUe bongest whlcU tUe bride-ta-be macle a very hgl repaid by the veny inter- 10w and thp people who earn tUeur ham, D. R. Morrison. association with you and those appropniate reply thanking all for esting and enlig-htening address living are poonly pald and adjust- Crow andAnchr-N .1:c. wha have jomned us laten leeeniytUrgodwae an wsig given by Mrs. A. V. Acosta, B. ments seem necessary as In many T. Rosa, T. E. Flaxman; No. 2: realize tUe great bas the chair tUe choir every success in tUe R.E.. o! Porto Rico, who la Uere other lands. Fred Cryderman, L. W. Dippell.. will suatain in no longer being future. Brie! speeches followed by on a visit with Uier parents. Rev. SUe re!erred ta the religiaus at- e Aluminurn Ware-T. W. Caw- able o enJoy your valuabie services Messrs M. S. Dale, O. Nicholas. and Mrs. W. A. Bunner. mosphere and also stated since ker, C. T. Miller. and dellghtful pensonal associat- Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Mrs. Andler- Rev. Sidney Davison canducted tUe United -States ha taken pos- Fiawers-Mrs. W. R. Strihe. ion which we have gneatiy prized son and Dr. T. A. Partnidge, or- thé fist part o! the meeting and session tUe Protestant population e Home MacleC u Mr.W throughout your membershlp; we ganlst and leader. Ice cream sud intracluced tUe guest speaker- wha are being tahen cane a! by the rR. Stnike. quibe as keenly rejolce wltU you cake were served and a happy for tUe pat six years -ha been Presbytenian, Congregational and Bingo-J. P. Heyland, Fred un the new and happy sphere social time enjayed as the meun- living in this Isand ta tUe south Methodiat churches, tUe Island Hoar.' which you are about Vo enter. bers extended gaod wishes sud a ai us. Ivrs. Acasta sald the Island being dlvided equaîîy between Parade--J. M. James, M. A. We wilU ail sadly miss youn bappy future ta the brlde-to-'be. of Porto Rico was disovened by these denominations. TUe mis- rNeal, F. C. Hoar, A. M. Hardy, lovely voice in the services at Miss Argue wa also tUe recip- Columbus in 1493 and was in sionaries representing these de- eFrank Williamsa, T. W. Cawker, ChurcU sud Sunday Scool, youir lent o! a lovely floor lamp fram SpanisU possession until some nominations are coing splendid ',Oeo. W. James. infectious baugh (giggle) as well the Manager and staff of tUe years &go when taken aven by tUe work and Mra. Acosta paid higU S ~as your valuable Uebp ixn grave on Bank o! Montreal when sUe sever- United States. The Island iS 100 tribute ta tUe Presbyterian repre- y gay raie mn concert or openetta e<i Uer connection with that in- miles long by 30 wide and is very sentatives whene sUe résides and 0 TUe real thlng in honest men is where you have always s0 f reely stitution after several years f aith- hllly TUene are some good roads the splendid work carrled on. The 1one who pays the widow that $5 given o! yaun best. Personally I f ui service. built for horse and buggy travel address was intensely interesting. he borrowed o! tUe late bamented would lihe ta, thanle you, Helen, but not for autos w'hlcU are now Rev. Davison expi'essed ta Mrs. 1Just before he ieft this vale o! for your very loyal co-operation Most people would rather take becoming quite popular as mn Acosta tUe appréciation af al atears. and willngness ta Uelp during tUe advlce frorn strangers. ather countries. The speaker des-present. 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