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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1937, p. 4

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i V lJ'1in1 kfLIt tS3ziSZL T'.3t. PAGE FOURCr This Morning from THE FARM Spt'ed is essential ta the' quality and purity of miilk. Gleti 1ltae iiiilk is no sooner cooled an tht' farmi than sNvift trucks start it taward the Pas- teurizifg- Plant . . . . ilhon it is speeded over the' deliverY route to yoîtr home. Gleni Rat' fresli- ness assures yoitîof extra richness atîd a really finer milk flavor. GLEN RAM-DAIRY phono 2665 R. R. STEVENS & SON Bowinanville afai "u- is a pure jay if TrIlPini t,,ryu ndur.icture, why s a rea.l tbat little girls have a !lesh-ad About 100 were present at tht'ead rw>nPrifeess, who wil Trull f amiy annual reunian helcl lMk'1y be Queen Elizabeth tht' Sec- St Hampton Park on Saturday, lond, f emale juvenile readers have july 117, when, with ideal weather1 acquirt'd a tapic o! consumtng and conditions. an enjoyabie tume was 1îasting interest. Captain Aclandt, spent by ail. Relatives were f rom a Canadiant aigaduhtro Brantfaord, cache Bay. Bellevillt',sialeaeta tt'll him how ta Napanet'. Selby. Toronto, Port write it, lias produceci a book that Perry. Unionvulle. Orana, Baw f ils the bll adniirably. Tht' nar- mnanville. Oshawa., Whitby, New- rative is geareci ta an intelligence castle and Hamipton. ranging f rom 7 ta 12 years. Pair- Tht' major Part of tht' a!ter- ents will be pleased ta note that faon was taken up with sports, tht' Prince.m Elizabeth o! the' book ably arrangec by Mr. Bdgar Homn, is always very good and goes ta Mr. Newton Edgar and Mr. Ar- beti every night ai 8 o'clock. This thur Staintaf. A game a! sof t veryopapular book is available at bail was played, horseshot' pitch- local book stores. in g, and races for ail ages, use! ul _______________ prizes being awardt'd tht' winft'rs. Af ter ail hart partaken o! a bouritiful supper, a business meet- ing was ht'ld. presidt'd over byMm Lloyd TruEi n tht' absence o!fht president, Mr. Lomne Truli,wh unifortunatt'Iy was unable ta at- tend awin g ta illness. Tht' secre- tary-treasurt'r, Mrs. Hanson Rich- ards, reported a goodly balance in tht' treasury for tht' coming year. A peanut scranîble in whlch* young and old alike participated was tht' cause of miuch fun. Prizes- were given tht' ones securing tht' most peani.ts. As darkness came on, tht' tired but happy gathering returnedto h a ta kl files ail day and their homes, agreeing ta meet Ebevery day for three weeks, again tht' samne place and tht' 3 pads In each packet. same tume next year. 10 CENTS PER PACKET A beggar naturally lias a pinch- DugitGoesGnrlSoe. ed look if Ut' s arested for WHY PAY MORE? vagrancy. THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., HauIItOii, OOL for Women'1s Institutes or Home SUCCESS SCORED Th, Hints For Homebodies and School Associations ta do. 1 ea ls ihA dded Flair abNcE VO INS j____knaw of diff erent groups af wo- V g tbe W t nAAT 'RO . CONCERT Tal Wrltten for The Statesman !men who have taken the matter ____e by 1into their awn hands and arrang- l i .a 1o orctied ecdeiht h Jei Aln rwn~tahav hironchlrflco read ini the Toronto Iapers of C tgh.Many mothers would làke edthe Chiu ICC5 cre vw A Feast To One the opportunity but have fot .tAlie od ful sky. ve lînsol st, at e4 Anne Morrow Lindbergh in her sufficient initiative ta start sanie- tît omenaKde skvipoln sOrchsta ta, book 'North ta the Orient' tells thing. One University student. lePonaeSl)olOrhsa about a meal at Baker Lake. Their h sts apologized for ha in ranged several groups of boys and .gst lus d le. m si ciic of for them but fresh sal- took themn swimming three tinles ATrontStar ikemsicthc o-fox mon trout, but their supplies, with a week, Everyone benefited. The iTorot h fruit and vegetables. came .n by boys learnd ta swim; the student i.\olpStarldofke s t ne s oln o rh once a ..*.... Sra Br In the ot er he io- te: an hythers were relieved of anxiety. IfIle.TeVOn, * ae erousabutyou cu-~....lsit lad a Bach Concerto. wîth by you tlie trîng orchestra : stuperly j th weisre i short o!dren when they go swimmîrng. or thnshr i g h1 if you do flot let them go because 1 i ol.~tpdtc i tInl lco tfen0 heuhr they cannot swini. get busv and ice',ntllcIinentleanL sandwi c h us jîîaite .and a LiieraI cd" iaster% C c hMesic sie Tstsi and a pe a r us: exmatioiir, ae over for r te..lviît.t.caal fst -~~ the 'er andoliuelegain t liacli ita t', t vear and hadany parents are j .t.lO( f.îiil a î-'i igi [r<i brought fram ~ ~ ~~ oflde-rng li wether it is wotth the ttet tîî ttte.Iwtc M Ota.They J~ tin.e ancd effort ta continue the'tît lciiiiuc,îîkC carefully d-ltssons. Or w le*her it is worthliici rb ltv bee l lcqu tC vided these in- while sar :tîg , Jolnny or Miary tlalil le Il ta equal parts oan the wteary road. W\Vc Citi gt ' c p iýp 11k' I-\,îet tit. l.\vitîî go and had them J si Allen elp ta dec de this d fikult ques- 0, Niti ti e at*/tl. W il g while the Lin- l rw .tion. Dr. Sea.shore ha-s devi"lit beghfasedanf resh sainton. tests which h1ave been used suc- ý1e W iat.ttth i dlll- i Incidentally. this was the f irst ccsfulyfori er at-tptht\'ititt itiitCiOr beef ever ta have been at Baker and rhyvthmn andi ta find out whe- irlîill î.pdeii1ewiîtsl.Ne Cel Lake. What is a feast ta one may ther a child. ai. an aduilt. for tirait ,e tioitt:raitller tooinjttensei ter be montony ta another. matter. has musical aptitude. If a' e! t .tite îlite back or sec- i(IYb they have rhythm but flot pitch. ie tiaorelie ille bac-otr ascl- iti Teaeh Chldren te SWun they learfi ta play the' piano but :ce Kisr'sootacit-t, Most cities are having the, chil-* neyer such instruments as the ;, I ot a tlieine front Korsakoff .s wa dren t.aught ta swim as a Part O!f[stringed instruments noir cari they t..itherî.I ilili tlie playCd v their school work. It is a saund learn ta sing. If they have pitch ____________n't îtt ew.înihaîdcooofe saf ty m e s u e . It is in th in g s w ith outit rh y th m t th e y m a y sin g . ' E E A L S a e n w a h i e d r- a n e t a l t s v t m n s . 1 t't e .ît en d i t.. r nc lieti httown children are But no persn can be a real mu- EEau ueS me ns. rt viie-yug et.s lt vtmiie at~~~~~~~ a ~ iatg.Sriecusi scian without h.aving bath pitch OurJuemns And, flot only are vegetat'1es ait their best. but. .. itat i iiclîtded NMrs... wî have made swimlmifg lessofs and rhthml The Seashore tests bargais" are in order and one should really buy i q antities in NI \\:h %îI- r. alles Willians. sU their pr aleni iaepces. or are ta beliait' on Columbia records order ta save money Of course ta do this we nvstUtve tlie proper '\ îtttntît Ir. and Nirs. he woul be splndi piee ofwar andthe icta capaii taahas starage facilities. With the modern air-canti :e c rfieaori n a e-hich are not quite as well it's no trick at ali ta keep extra vegetables fres tLr.,! esetpour.ti kn-n. Home and Schoal lus- _______rtlj andSINmSS sIInsittRtesonuightare very spacious and roomy, there Is a Trouss.eau Tcfr.uatt. ______ I,~ýn InstituTO YJ tes fr thesh s Cubmane. nths eoomclOefrfigrtmoisit trh,~naî~ TruseuTe eI buy although clean-washed air-iust the atmosriuere in vece: N .~pAlubsko e they are not epensive and might trive. And now saine hînits n sering t e e~tbe$getabrs T-- ' en ela nidb aa c harm- CO TR CT R bc purchast'd for home cansump- apeîigy --sa tai oo !hr.fa ____________________________ tion One eeds a trsned tach- Try using the fruit baller, or laitice cutze, a <-* s ag cr !~ m a K rei I ... n e ee s a t aane d e alhoe r asrIs Ce a o k pof l a e i T. E. F I ANr to get the most ut o! them rts and beets. Fresh hopped mini or pars'ite eî - .0. haEn ma r eiae ta General Cntractr - Loers' Lane and help along this Ie miht butter are vegetable "Peper-uppers Grte,-Ioeiarig oa Phone 318 Bowmanvillt' be obtained from your nearest sac s <mtil t eeme.An ' 5e.-.i...V Ms lcîbac e _________________________University. Even the unmus'cal cloigoh' eeaisbsdsp"os ~'pu ooe he ihO bedded in a rich creamy sauce and taw- ;vth a. .. - - e 'f roses, and was assistedi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b u t if th t' ab ility o ! th e c h ild u m s r s r e v g ta l s a p i a g s 3 FRANCIS SUTTON ere knowfl. a load of grief for makt' a deliclus change, too. c=*sa;cjýlwr v 'lcDa itro h Mus.Bac., F.C.C.O. parents and child might be avoid- zn Mieslumrchfonove P ed. __ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ---rmmz in baby blue net over A.T.C. .diplomas in Piano, Sing- et j'MisstAlffet a esket. b E ing, Violn and Organ. Private or To MII Moths .:.eaw- tfit akt ohd iless lessons. uispeae for Scientists tell us that 120 de- Fml Re-Unionls WEDDING cors ra s isterosfeMr.c ail examinationis. o! heat kills maths, so if Ze aMrsharl.esise f. ou Phone 742, Bowsnanville you have been having trouble with Anne Runaonde-A1umb.eCa ride-to- se. coesided Tuesday, Wednesday and the pesky thinigs. pick out a nice A _______ Cn entuy n.: cumbc.~ e al.w.c a t Thursday in each week. hot day and light a good fire infezr nc h riet-e rsdd0 thionoffurnace.sceShuts v decorated with pin _________the________________everything up Reuno !UEL.Dsednsronto. wa.s :eStD fa;ea * sîverolers. iedwih LEGAL tgt pnu ubadda- Held at lhitevale on veddng Jut 24:z. wzen Re terhtapce upcuoardsthedrat-a ome Gra*-aaM ýz:e _ mnA bnches of! valley Ulies. As-- _____________________er ad hess a ivTth'eea awed-irtnusal A MnisidugAc.nof- . i-n t:he tearoom were Mrs. M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. chance ta penetrate and watch TetMnifss nua .x s aughter o M '.l n r.P: e.W Cxo ede a . Barrister, Solicitor, Notary the thermiometer. SoudsmleClnAoiaonPciwhihw. cmb-c.baze: re M Phoe 51dosnt thed Wednesday, at McKaY's new Mr. Thorna.s Georze iDea. sez :e of London, Ont.: Mrs. E. Royal Bank Bldg., Bown.aflvillt' Banana and Peanut Butter Rolls Park in Whitevale, was on-e o! theth te laite IL-. and Mrs. Gcnte D and M\ss June Wise. Miss W. R. STRIKE Was at a church tea and had mst'enjoyable outàngs ever held The church was e.ora:ed . t alsi teddt or Barstr SlctoNoay baniana and peanut butter rails. bY these descendents o! the' U.E >wht adoas ar.d ePale iss Annuedhe as i Barrste, Soicior.Notay Sund kin o!querishbutthe L. nde idal weather conditions.!S rd the wedding mr- - ,w P.-- -av-ea of bieelc~ bo Solicito fo ank 0fhoneal9.really are deliciaus. Fresh bread over ont' hundred gatht'red early ec yMs enSo -.eated.r ee r' ook. Up Mon'yta oa. hon 71.was buttered and sprt'ad with pea- ta renew friendships together ~te ysigsn oJet'zr- M.. -Dsa-wtn'nMrsheIriri Aum- Bowmanville, Ontario nut butter. The crusts were re- later enjoyed a sumptuotis supperi M ar. cDndan 1mavt'd and the bread was rallt'd supplied and served in ulta-gener- woasgen:mr- b "aKcnbck Ms.E L. C.MASON B.A. firml aroud a bnana.Just be-~ ous quantities by the' ladies o!fht fthe r.ioe oey~B ta !Lnai tfto Barrister - Solicitor :fresrving the' raIls wert' slict'd association ude ht aneor herenc l of s Lotana.sdon wel-o Noar Pblc Ec. like a jelly rail. They cannot be ship a r.Cats lna al o h'p.c.,ds--Je 0gue ss.e Law in al tts branches. sliced ahead o! time as tht' ba- Bowmanville. eueen-Anne c'e g estza Offce xnneditel eSt 0 Roalnan wold urndar. Ty tem Dr. AnnSs of Lindsay, President Her floor-length zuLe re w-z Theatre. soimetime and see if you too don't o! tht' Association, weicomt'd tht' held in place by a ha.b , a Phons: ffle 68: ome553 thik tat Ue anaa ad tt rembers and psid tribute ita those velvet She carrecla iththe coldrnks orac itthdersa vie îbol~ h DE TAeambnutbte mk nitrgigho originated the association and bouquet o! white roses and h dtrs M i DE TA omiatiof that would go well the' principles a! fellowship f or of the valley, frani whc«U steam- DR.stnt J. C. W.EViT ! t' A feature o! tht' meeting was tUe floor. Tht' bride'ssr'.NSDarEto- GAssiat: oyDr.enW.lSion Coclae ceCrathe address o! Mr. David Minis O!floaAc brack. was Uer on , I-, is 58 years s:nce I le! t Bowý-!ROyale Dental Colege 3 squares o! chocolate Whitevale. tht' veteran member attendant andi was attract;,ve.y at- anville and there ia-s been Tor., onta ll. Office r oJ u il t' '4 cup hot watt'r wha is always interested and tirt'd in a gawn o! pink taf feta niany changes sînce. but I re- 9 am. ow6mflvil e ffcettrS- 2 cus-,,aîledwiîk neyer misses a picnic.. with fual akirt. square necklifle member sanie that perhaits wauld 9 . ay 6pm.d. 1 e-t5d- icip sugar Mr. Hanford Annis gave a re- and very large puf! sleeves. She bc o! interest te some. I remeif- Phnd 70 oaeon 8. 2 tabiespoons f lotir pr ntemnmn hc wore a Pink siik mohair hat and ber the' Furnture Factoryti tht' Phonye 70. uephnfie.883. s 2 eggs - part on tht monment hih hascarried a bouquet o! sweetheart 'nothern part o! tUe town which Office. poongelatine been eetd i ahnairoses and 'blue conlowt'rs. M r pae ra nn etas X-NRA Eq ipn Ent O 1 taespoon lwtr aCutrchofCemt'tryand hoaA!nt-'John Dea was his brother's bet Sîhen they started the' Orgaf FUNERALDRECTO 112 taitsphaon cd am netr !Leiat hd nmaniandi tht' ushers were Mr. 'wtoymyucle Dr. J. M. Bnim- 11 PiS tav rem nis. A minutes silent prayer fol- atrmyu 2 teaspqotis vafliliSlwdu m-ayo too u Harry Marshall andi Mm. Edwinl acombe (now dec'assed' toak me FUNER.AL DIECTORS IMeIt tht' chocalate in dulmembn ers wh ofsst onofdurAlcumbrack, brother of the bride. over ta set' tht' first organs they bolr n ddteho aer hnth erMs.EwnA i ad A reception was held following had madle. I thouglit it was s F. F. MORRIS CO. i'strir i hot mnk. Mix sugar andi Mm. Ed. Knowlt's. Rev. Stan- ,he er moathe r tired hom a on raul oad.Theran s rdewI fluran sr n.a ttî'o ht e nis a!Toona.tnhoecd on o ray lace over satin. with to Port Hope. I do not ememn- ModanemiMotor qipmCartCali- o ik te etrti att two new mernbers and their fam- orchid hat, and a corsage o! or- ber whether it was the first train bPhone 4a0n 734,AsisCar.tC573.mst Of tht' hot iik stirring ste-ad- ilies. bt'ing tht' Rev. and Mrs. Carr hd rcev'tt'uss.T'btnaryh'fitofh'Gad Phn 40or 74A sistn Ll. okfr20miue. trigwho lately moved f rom draught copl eten e! thon a mtar The rn aiwY h' trs )WANVILI ~ accasiona.liy. Pour this o v t'r resi.cskthua t1bcmet A n byutt rd tae-tt' main sthereet o thte wrd £MISCELL~AlNJIOUS beaten egg yolks. then cook for tht' pastar of tht' Washington t lni cko! atubidral ee mainurtreeaon thtie sîe as ly ...--~~ ~three minutes longer. Add the Church at Scarbora. A base-bail ligna rkofata wedM uty'onhesms s ýVS N AAEADM-gelatine which has been soaked î ath mnigmsnrcesetcwîth xnatching cape. coronatiat _________________ WFT NDGAAG AD Atht' cold water and chilI the' mix- wathsuiable pries wr etch blue accessories, ancl a corsage o! Shop - We specialize in ture. Whmp tht' cream, and fold enjayed ua ri tt' afe mnonandYellow roses and blue carflowers. machinery repairs, general gar- into tht 'oke mixture. Add noe uigtearonad On their return Mm. anti Mrs. Dea ag rpars wldng twig anll cadoaike oud ito the'vening. Appreciating their e!ffic- will live ini New Toronto. servie . epar rtldîrng wgvnlaadsat orit h'it'nt service, ail tht' officers weme servce.J. DeerlngPro- freezlng trSy and suir every thirty e-lected for 1938 as folow- 781V. Bwm23-ltP f t itit5Hanarary Presidt'nt-Rev. Stanley A REAL PRINCESS 781. 23-tf IAffis, Toron to; Prt'sidt'nt-Dr. . B. Annis, Lindsay; Vict'-Pres- The Princess Elizabeth - By P N U idt'nt-Mr. Arthur AnnLis, Tyrone; Erie Acland; Winston, $1. Secretary-.Mlss Ada Annis, Bow- Chlcrens fondness for royalty rranville; Treasurer-Mr. Gor- probably began with tht' feudal F E" don Anis, Oshawa. outlook o! tht' older wrters o! uyu~~~ w .~ -.--.-.------- - - her side was Murdoch Bros. and city library here, used to go ta )ve their store Miss Amelia Mc- the north ward school. When I Evish's millinery store. I work- was in Bowmanvtlle my name was 1with her four years. It was Nona Cryderman. sister of J. H. in that the PresbyteriaP Cryderman. I could tell you more hurch wanted their minister ta but my eyes are so bad I have ta ear a gown which they got for stop. With best wishes toalal the n. It was too large for the dear people of Durham County. ev. Mr. Little, s0 they brought it Mrs. A. W. Bellamy SMiss McTavish to get it short- 444 Langdon Crescent, ied and I had to shorten it. The Moose Jaw, Sask. Kt store was McClung Brothers. was a large store and they had wa sign a large brass sheep The sum of $7,000 in Futurities ng out over the sidewalk. Fur- will be raced for in addition to er down the street on the cor- other cash awards at the Cana- ýr was a large drug store owned dian National Exhibition's harness îJohn Higginbotham. Across horse meeting this year. iside street a liquor store was The cost o! staging the Cana- vned by Mr. Milne. Rev. Mr. 1lian National Exhibition is o2ne ird preached in the Methodist Imillion dollars each year. The hurch and that was the year the iexhibitors expend huge sums rst Young People's Society was Iwhich. together with the amautit arted. Some years after I met di.sbursed by the Exhibition, mnake Sson; he was. Prof. Laird inl a staggering total. 'sley College, Winnipeg. When ýy opened the brick Methodist .utrch in Bownianville the Rev. orley Punchan was the preacher d only grown up people were to ýas, they expected a crowd and ilciren ivere not ta go. There %vas a paper called Thte server which was edited by Rev. phas Barker who was a minis- ýin the Bible Christian Church. Bfore they were united with the Lthodist Church; also the Prim- ve Chuxch, and Rev. Mr. Dyke4 's their minister. I remember \ ç. . nstone's grist miU at the west '. dalso Markus Mayer had a ir store: and north of Bawman le on the way ta Hampton there ts a taîl gate where you had ta op and psy some money bef are , ~ î5' ewould let you thraugh the gate. -o 1was run by a man named Rgs ,o only had cone arm. The oniey he collected was spent on he gravel road ta keep it in ie air. Rev. W. McClung who lived here was fat.her-in-law of the mous Nellie McClung, the ladys ;ho has written so many baoks ýd lectures so much. She lives n Victoria, B. C. now. I allen te the namne of Rev. S. Ma,-Lean )fNewcaztle in The Statesman. e used ta live in Moose Jaw a aod many years aga. He was CHOOSE THE ECNOCA )aster of the Presbyterian ChurchiHOE )fare the union. 750 ROOMS-RATES Next ta Dr. Br.imiacombe's resi- lence was Governor Loscombe's $1.50 to $.0a ,ttage. One of his daughters SNL O HGE ,ept a private school. At that SINGLE FNO JIGHE methere were cny twa achoos Dne in the north ward and the ther in the south ward. Mal- M *f 0 q e ccm McTavish was one of the tachers in the north ward. Mr. WITH RICH, RIPE SUMMER FRUITS 750 R0OMS-RATES $1..50 to $2.50 SINGLE NO HIGHER 33/4% On Gucranteed Trust certificates A le gai investment for Trust Fundls Unconditionally Guarmnteed TrHi STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATI ON STERLING TOWER 1;ý'4TO h5 MOERRRPOO TL

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