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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1937, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE OMT~PTC~ ~rT.JT1DCr~Av TT!T~ ~<, and aso visited -Mr. and Mrs. C. WHITE ELEPHANT BECOMES GREAT I A L G O E H. Greenharn. _____SE________ ______________________ Mrs. L. C. Snowden. .\r. Thos. Sr.owden a:tended the ffunera: onr Miss Phyllis Tr.'rnb:,e i iit Monday off the :.ate '.\r. WV:1 Van 1 Miss Betty Flintoff. Oshawa. Nest. Misses Betty Snowýden. Jean Mrs. Ross Stevens. eetty and Stevenis, Mrs. Fred Stevýens are Bobby and M:ss Dons Stevens holidaying at a cottage at Caes- took in the boattrip arounth area. Kawartha Lakes. Mr. and Mrs1. Wrn. Lyrner vist- Misses Greza Munday and Mil- ed the formers sister. Mrs. Ernie dred Snowden spent the weekend Hart at Caesarea. on Sunday. a- Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt R.ev. W. C. Smithn wil.i hold a d atteded he fnerl onSatudayspecial flower service next Sunday. of the late Mrs. Arthur We]sh. Fsoeto e ag ubrp Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jarvie, son1set Sewart. 1iited f riends at Oscaca. The annual Womans Associa- Mr. and Mrm. Frank Hanford, t:on andMsso Band picnic w.'!] Who have been visiting her si- be held on Wednesday afternoon. tErs, Mrs. R.R. Stevens. Mrs. W. Aug-ust 4th. at 3 p.m. 1DS.T.) on1 Jefferys. and brothers. Messrs' the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Stuartj Mark and John Munday and MIorLton. Cordial invit«ation is ex- other relatives here have returned ended to ail the 1ad:es, young andý to their home at Bloomfield.N. o:d. of the community Lo corne. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker. Mi Ladies please br:ng your baskets. Vera Baker. Mr. Wil. Baker. Solina. visited the formers daugh-i ter. Mrs. L. C. Snowden on Sun- HAYDON day. Mr. and -Mrs. H. Brown. Go=r- Annual cornrunity p:cnic w:ll ley. spent Sunday wth relatives be hed ne.x- Monday. Auzust 2nd. ______________________________ _______________________a, Orono Park. E'.-e-_-rvoe : we:- corne. Thousands off s:ght seers at- The Castle contains nearly one MNIss, Verna Trew.'n. . tract ed to Casa Lamýa by Kiwanis rooms. Recreation roorna. I UM Mi-.Arthur Tre-win. Brookk'n. vis- Club off West Toronto. Casa Loma sin.gtak I c~iîi~iER :ed at Mr. Wrn. Trewin's. is situaled on the H:ll at the cor- ~infigta. gunnery. spac- ~~UVIYII rs. A. Grant. Mr. Jimr Grant. ner off Davenport Rd. and Spadina icushalis. d1ning. reception. hall- r i d : .'- A MNet Hnr Pflt h 111M:sUrsu: McNe:l. Toronto. vis::-! Ave.. Toronto. It -was built by Sir roozns. sleeping quarters. conser-, arL LA1IA L aMr. . shron underwent operation -n Bowmanville HosI las: Thursdav. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Giffler. Y Monarch Knitting ill1.v.'si.ed at Mr. T.Mountji Ly. Toronto. visited at Mr. L.C Yarns harn's. jAmored ClorsMr. and Mrs. H. Gay and f; Assrte Coors ily. Oshawa. visited at Mr Garrard's. Pienie Supplies Mand ~Mrs. J. Graham, C awa viite tMr. D. Graha Paper Plates, Chips and ~ Napkins LONG SAULT AGENTS FOR New Service Cleaners Hundreds of Attractive Bownianville Souvenirs and Postoards J OHNSTON'S B00K STORE Phono 651 Bowmanville iMiss Ellen Kincaid. Newcas and Mn. Gordon CowUing, Hayd v.sitcd Mrs. Joe Kincuiid. Mn. and Mms. Dave Gatel visited ut Mr. Wm. Penwarde: Mn. and Mns. Abert Nidde Tenonte, visited Mn. and Mrs., MeRoberts. Miss Dorothy McI bents who has been ilI netuxi home with them. p Misses Grace Farrell and R, Farrell, Mn. Clarence Bradley2 Mr. Robert Sims spent Sunday IGrafton. Master Men-in Brovn is hi duiying ut Mn. Harry Fraser's. Misses Hazel and Velma Wci ward, Bowmanville. visited at :George Simth's. When we test eyes or fit trusses you are assuýred ab- solute satisfaction li quality, style and price Drene Dodd 's 1 Noxema Arrid Liquîd Kidney Cream and Cream Shampoo Pius Soap fleodorant 59C -99C I;27c 1 54c I 39c Muni 3c29e-539c Fasteth 2c - 49c Odorono Ice 35e Kkovah Saits 2-35c Fr-uitatives 23c-35c For Sore Perspiring Feet 25c PAIR Anacin Tab. 22c-69c We Guaraxitee Them Buy Kersiake 's Sweet Pickle Mixture For Beets and Cucuxnbers to be assured of good pickles 100 1 Whiz 1 200 Tabs. jAxtacid .A.S.A. Tabs. Fly - Fume Magxiesia Powder 23e 133c - 49c 69e 49e Borders We Deliver Frlday Morning Speclal 10 TO 12 A.M. COCOANUT MERINGUE PIE "cp No ]Phone Orders or Delîvery Banana Layer Cake .......... ea. 30c Raspberry Pie.............. ea. 25c THE DON MARZIPAN FRUITS, ain. Znglish Sweet Pound ............40e NFILSON'S BANANA CREME BRICK Each ...........20c DURHAM DAINTY BREAD Siced to your taste loaf 1lc THE CARTER FAMILY- Bukers for Two Generations IOW PLACE The tour off this great castle is conductcd by well verse<1 guides from 10 u.m. to 8.30 pn. uit 25c. for adults. - .Or, 1e cerÂar. secret passage, ronte, is to 0e comrnended for its tan! off investigation and careful -study tunnel, stables, servants' quarte, enterpr:se in sponsoring t.he open- :pital off European Castles. A value of tc'wers and dungeoris with elabor- ing off Casa Loma as a show place four millions off dollars is placed ate office make up this large for s4ght seers and a mecca for dan- upon theý buildings. grounds and number. Each place is f inished toun.'sts. It has proven a great joy*s. stone wall surrounding the 23 ini the very best of woods and con-1 success as hundreds are visiting farn- a.cres. The faxes are twelve thou- tains many features irnported this -dneam castle" daily. Kiwan- Gra- sand dollars a year and the pro- from the old wonld. Workninq Club tu.rns over 25 per cent. of PertY is in the hand.s of the City were imported to secure the xat roceeds to city to apply on taxes arn- of Toronto on account of tax ar- duplication of the special items 0of the castle and the club uses the rC. rears. ýselected from European castles. balance for's work. Dsh- .m's. -.Jubilee Celebration In -~r SALEM PERSONAL ITIEMS Blackstock Church AME WELCOMED ____ " Services will be resumed at the!I The 5th anniversary services stle, usual hour next Sunday. The Statesman welcomes off the opening and dedication of ,don. Mrs. C. Pollard in company with itemflo a personal nature. the United Church at Blackstock, her brother, Mr. Harold Hockin 1 These may be telephoned in were observed on Sunday. heUl and family of Shirley, motored to or dropped through the let- Large congregations which met er's' spend the weekend with another! ter-box in The Statesman on, Sunday were coniPosedflot erta, brother, Mn. Norman Hockin and office. Frequently, however, only of the local members, but bis family at Espanola; her sister the sentier omits to IncIude persons who had corne f rom sev- lery, Mis Sybil Hockin, Toronto, has I is or her naine and ft is a eral centres in Ontario and even Joe been visiting there for somne time 1 raile o! this office that such fanther away te renew old uic- p as0pt and returned home with Items must not be used.. The qulaintances and to worship in the ned them. name la not published, but sanctuany that had once been Miss Marion Honey and friend I we must know the source of their centre of devotion and activ- auh Miss Flo Houston, Toronto, sper±t alifraincnand ity. yad the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. the l>pape.- The choir for both services was Y tF. Honey. consituted of persons who one, joli- Mr. Ewart Pollard, Toronto, is two or even five decades ago gave holidaying with bis parents. work about eight years ago and assistance in the musical sphere ood- Mr. H. Moody and family, Mrs. had lived most of the time with of the church. Mrs. Jas. Beacock Mr. Moody. Sr., and Miss F. Moedy, bhis daughter, Mrs. Elmer Gibson, of Myrtle, organist of 50 years Toronto, spent the weekend with ! Oshawa. His main hobby was ago, presideci ut the organ at the Mn. and Mrs. H. Gaud.1 morning service and with Mr. ; violin playing and duning his earl- Beacock rendered a duet. Mrs. Deepest sympathy is extended iryash n i itrwr pne neMmeBaok -.te the family of the late Mrs. A.îryash n i itrwreSecr(e ai e.ok Welsh whose death occurred sc much in demand at entertain- sang "The Stranger o! Graliiee." suddenly in Bowmanville Hospital, ments, church socials and dances The choir selection was 'Corne to the result of an accident a f ew thogottetonhpweeh the Church in the Wildwood." I iweeks Pnevious. Death camne as aresided. Following bis retirement Itws erfitn thtRv r ra hc ohe eaie n Wm. Hassard, son of Rev. R. Huis-t f ricnds who thought she was on f rom the farmn he continued play- sard, who was minister at the time1 the way to recovery. The funeral ing the violin and in 1935 was the present edifice was crected,t -which took place from the f amily, awarded the prize ut the Canadian ýshould bave been invited to preach( residence on Saturday was very National Exhibition in the old1 the sermon. Mr. Hassard present-1 * largely attended, several ministens t'me fiddlers' contest. : d a very thoughtful message oni were present taking part in the He wus a faith.ful attendant at ýýIs God Out of Style." Revý. Clan- service and the flower tokens Of 'Eldad Church and on moving to ence Ferguson o! Bethany. son of esteem were very numerous and Oshawa attended King Street W. C. Ferguson, who for 30 yearsr beautifu1. Une hrh ewsasrn was S. S. Superintendent. readg u Uieal n plics Mn. Vaan Nstrogthe scripture lesson and assistedC 1was the son of apoer aiy the choir.t OBITUARY his father, the late John Van Nest Rev. H. J. Bell. paston. con-s ___________________ off United Empire stock, hewed thej ducted the service and read let-J timbers for the finst store and ters from pensons unable to ut-F Frank E. Windsor, Montreai otofc nOsaa hc ntcnd, who forwarded best wishesd the early days was sîtuated at the for a continued ministry of help--, Frank E. Windsor, Montreal. corner o! what is now known as fenes one of Canada's best-known piano Queen and King Streets; and fulneacmoatosf tead nmen, died suddenly July I7th, at the two old frarne buildings are itorium was greatly taken uit the * the home off bis son. Allan G. still standing. evening service. The choir ren-1 S Windsor. Ingersoîl. He was in bis Mr.VnNsfrey ia dered the selection "The Church 0 I sxty-fourrh year. With hus wîfe: r-VnNsfrel lz by the Side of the Rtoad." Miss he came thene three weeks ago on Arnot, predeceased him on Oct. Reta Swain, L.T.C.M., grand- 1 a visit. Sevenal years ago he su 26, 1925. He is survived by three diughter o! Mn. R. H. Pr-ust, who fered a stroke. and he had not sons and two daugbters: Mrs. El- was choir leader for 30 years. sang regaîned his health fully. He was mer Gibson <Verna'. Oshawa;, How Lovely are Thy Dwýellings." around as usual. but about mid- Mrs. Samn Brooks <Doreen). Bow- Mis Effa Wright off Oshawa. or- night suffered a heart attack. He nianville; W. Normuin Van Nest, ganist for many yeans, presided at wasbor inOrilia an ha spntWindsor; 0. Van Nest.- Hamn- the organ. bis eanly days in Bowmanville, ilton, and J. Arnot, Niagara Falls, e.Bl euetdRv .R later in Woodstock where he was Ontario. Sanerson to read ste scnpMuRe conect-d it th D.W.Karnn The funeral was held on Mon- Sandev. Wm. Hratssar tofer connctcdwiththe . W. day fnom the home o! Mrs. Sam pan fer wm.Hah he it ouced Piano Ce. He lived in London for Brooks and was lurgely attended. PRae C. C. Wahington, B.rD., of sixteen years, being sales mranag-p e.CC.WsigoBDf er for the Nordheirner PianoCo Services were cenducted by Rev. F'aîrlawn United Church. Toronto. Frtwelve he had been ~Dvsno nnt ntdMr. Washingon, is a son of Rev. sales manager off the C. W. Linday 'Church. Bowmanville, assisted by W .Wsigowowsmn Piano of Montreal. He was a ev C. E. Cragg, off Toronto. The ister at Blackstock 51 years ago. W mmbe of a asoic edg atremains were interred in Union and was born iust previous to his -Woodstock. Besides bis widow, emtr. saa.Thepl parents moving te the pastoral RKwho was fonmerly Janet McKay earens were Jess;e Arnott, LewischreoPrteny of Woodstock, he is survived byVaNetHrnPco, Ernest Mn. Washington srooke on the th.ree sens. Carl. St. Louis, Mo.; Gerrow, John Baker and S. E.l3hCatrofltontins Max. Montreal; and Alluin G. offWry and stnessed the necessity that al Ingeroll.The nurnereus and beautiful who would follow Christ rnust IngersoU. fl~~oral offenings testified to the daly ieepeso eLv"a Deceased is a cousin off the esteem in which the deceased was atty itudexesioten t Loe"spari Pingle fa.tily in Bewmanville. and held.atiueo f rtdinhesrt those attending the f uneral from off Christ. this district were: Mn. Thos.-_____________ Among these who assisted the Pingle, Mrs. Sami Glanville, Mrs. _____________ choir on Sunday were: Mrs. Jas. John Glanville, Bowmanville. uand' Beacock, Mrs. Will Swain inee. Mn. and Mrs. A. F. Cex, Oshawa. Lilly PrustU, Mrs. Hobden (nee We are îndebted te Mr. E. C. LEGION - ROTARY Mary Beacock . Mns. Pickard (ne-, Thornton, Woodstock, for the fol- Emma Beacock), Mrs. W. C. Fer- lowing f acts about the Windsor -i f ' guson <nec Keziah Beacock., Mrs. f.4rily At ne ime indons air~i1u ~r~ai Ed Hocknidge <nee Ethel Werryp. were quite noted musicians whenUIU UI L Mr.VnCm <ee agrt they resided in Bowmanvîlle Swain). Mrs. M. Sanderson c nee Hiramn played the cornet;Mbtfl2aii Annie Swain, Mrs. Spencer cnee 'Dinghy) was supposed to bA'oeDanII 'Mamie Beacock>, Mns. Stevenson of the best slide trombone pla ye>1rs <nec Gerite Beacock, Miss E!! a in Canada. in the days o! the Do- Wright, Miss Reta Swain, Mn. N. ninion Organ Band, and Frank Town Park, Whitby S. McNally, Mn. Jas. Beacoclç, Mn. played violin. Frank huid a very A. W. Pickard. Mn. A. Wright aind fine orchestra in Woodstock ut j Mr. C. Ferguson. one time and also conducted the W, AIug.4 mns Mcoal. Tronto; Mn. ande 22nd Regiment Buind. I think r.MDnlTot;Mad PerhPs omeof Yur lde red- Bg Prad heaed y Fve Mrs. Jas. Beacock. Myrtle: Mrs. er baps so e o resederread- iardneae y ie Spencer, Perth; Mrs. C. Hobden. ebost wi be inter ofted inedgBands at 7 p.m. Boston; Mrs. Stevenson, Toronto: abut his wofamlyo tleted irRev. W. Hassard. Toronto; R.ev. yousicians wo !o elyolive i Prises for Decorated Ve- and Mrs. M. R. Suindenson aind byugodTomwn. The yauiinge hicles and Best Costumes. sons, Tenonto; Rev. and Mrs. J. but I do not know what instru- .-_______vle Rv.C.C ment e plyed.Washington, Toronto; Rev. aind ment ie plyed.Mrs. C. Ferguson, Bethany; Mns. FORD COACH TO THE o. Carley, Cavan: Mn. and Mrs. Wilam Van Nest, Oshawa WINNER 0F LUCKY W J. Swain and Mn. and Mrs. H. A former nesident o! Durlington DRAW Mswi. GHen TewnMan; d antr <for muiny years and more recently Mn. and Mns L. newn Mnande one o! the bcst known elderly menMra Mrs. urL Wood Mr and gtn o01 Osawa district, in the person r.HolWodadauhe, off Wila Van Nest, passed 5 Additional Prizes of $5.00 Ottauwa; Mn. Saim Beacock. To- awayat he hme f hi daghte, Ech onto; Dr. and Mrs. Herb Prust, aw. amu tel hoeokfsaughr, EacEdmonton, Alta.; Mrs. Laura Bel- Mns.Samel Book, ui Prvi-legim, Peterboro- Miss R. Swain. dence. eust off Bowmanville, on Dance, Games of Skil, Fun Toronto; Mrs. E. Hockridge. Dun- Satunday, July 24th. He wuis in for Ail. 'dulk: Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Fengu- his 82nd year and had been ailing 1 HAMPTrON WOMENFS INSTITUTE MET Haimpton Women's Institute planned te meet on the lawn 0f the President, Mrs. W. T. Penrett's tome, on Thursduiy afternoon. July l5th, but owing te weather conditions the meeting was held on the park bungalow veranda 0 Canada was sung in opening and the Lord's Prayer repeated irL unison. During the business discussion it. was decided te en- tertain other district branches on the occasion e! having a speauker, thc date o! which will be an- nounced later, probably in Oct. Arrangements for the annual pic- nic in August were madc. A sports committee o! Misses Helen Knox, Eva Johns aind Doneen Per- net was appointcd. Donations for the adult fish pond werc asked for, te be beld uit the school fair. A cemmîttee o! Mrs. H. Salter, Mns. L. TruIl and Miss Louise Goodman was uippointed te pur- chase articles for children's !ish pond uit this event. The Gnuindmothens presented the followmng prognam conducted by Mrs. H. E. Rundle. Fellowing the singlng off "The Little Brown Church in the Vale," Mns. J. Buns gave a neuiding, conclud- ing kith a poem, "The Optimist a nd the Pessirniat"; reading, "Usefulnes." Mrs. S. Williams: music by a number off C.G.I .T.I girls; reuiding 'Be a Fniend.' Mrs.I C. Souch; reading "What I Owe to the World." Mns. S. G. Niddery: a short talk and poem by Pauline! Johnson, recited by Mns. A. Peters. On account off their wed- day, description off dreas where muirried. place off abode. etc.. was asked for to be given by the Lyrandmothers. moat of whom rcsponded witb intcresting atonies. Nirs. A. Peters in nelating speke off Mn. Everett Brown ringing the Will leave Public Sohool Grounds, Bowmanville, at 7.30 p.m., Daylight Saving Tme $75.00 IN PRIZES Every child wiII receive an Ice Cream Con. We are planning the Biggest Parade with1 tractions in Years. Plan to Participate. BestChar ct ILDREu n 'S CLAES $ Best Caracter Grcycp, aoy ormbr $3 $20 Best Decorated Biccey or olCrgir $1 .50 Bset Boy oratidlBabyCortueDoCnageot $1 .50 Best Boy oratG ricclsume, ..n.f.ot $1 .50 Best Pony Outfit $1 .75 the Best At- Best Manufacturer 's or Merchant's Float Rep. Business or Products Best Clown or Comic Character Best Jazz Band, 5 or"more pieces Best Delivery Truck or Wagon Best Unique Float or Display $0 $5 $2 $1 .50 .25 $4 $2 $3 $2 $1 FARMERS' CLASS Best Farm Wagon and Team .ý $10. $5 $2 (Ope toDaringonCartwright and Clarke Frlr (Oent Drlnto, oniy) ; Parade prizes wifl be paid on the grounds ut Rotary Park unvnediately following the parade - Make entnies the night of the parade at Central Public School. Be there flot Juter than 7.15 p.m. PARADE COMMITTEE John M. James, Chairnian; M. A. Neal, Fred C. Hoar, A. M. Hardy, Frank Williams, T. W. Cawker, Geo. W. James. Let our experts finish your next film with Art Phone 695 P. R. COWLING, Plifl. B. 1Phone 855 THE CAXADIAN STATES'%IA«';. BOW'MAN ý7 ILLE, ONTARIO TPTTP-qT)ý%V IT7TN' 10 lory 7 W.Plckuiîd. Bowmanville; Lieut- cher there uit the time off ber . ng the vanlous picnics th-is sum- Col. and Mrs. Perey Jobb and'muirniage. mer and those in attendance are daughter. Oshawai: Mr. and Mrs. James Moody. Mn. and Mrs. Following the singing off the very appreciative off the service off Alrt hun Wright, Miss Eff a WrightNtoa Antbem the East group ths rganization, in slJpplying Miss Annie Wrniaht. Oshawa: Mn. served a dainty lunch off bncad di:shes. sîilvcrware, bot water and and Mrs. Norman E. Wright. and butter, potato salad. devilled tea. at a nominal charge which Rîdgevîlle: Mrs. cR:ev%.; W. C. eggs. cake aind tea, much to the aleviates the burden off many Washington. Mrs. B. M. Wamnicui. enjoymient off aIl present. There when enjeying an outing off this Mr. and Mns. R. W. Xarnica aind wuis a goed attendance and an- k:nd. Mn. A. Peters who looks son. Kcnneth. Bowmanville. and other pleasant afternoon is antic- uifter the grounds, or the Presi- others. ipated uit the picnic next montb. dent off the W-1. can be uipproacb- On Monday afternoon a meet- when the children will find a wel- icd by telephone regarding picnics ing was held in comznunity build- corne as well as amy intenested1 on these grounds which are i ing. Rev. H. J. Bell acteci as 1 adults. j ideal spot to hold family gathe~ chairmnan and the !ollowing men The Women's Institute huis been ings witb no othen intruders,%. spoke about varieus incidents that operating a booth in the park dur- may be f ound elsewhere. happened in the past: Mr. W. C. ___________________________ Perguson4 Bow6manv-ille. whe 50,Ao years ago laid the corner atone' of the church; Mr. Wm. Swain,!' Manitoba; Mn. IHarry Oliver. whoi built the church: Mn. Robt. Philp. GET READY NOW Bunketon: Dr. Prust, Edmonton; Mrs. Jas MacDonald (Lena Hugh-' es >. Orono: Mn. W. A. Van Camp;' IMn. S. Jeffery; Rcv. C. C. Han- court; Rev. M. Sanderson; Rev., Hassard. tr assembled in the community hall aind a splendid pnogram was pro- vided by Miss MuieDuff. elocutien- ist ffrom Brooklîn: Miss Leah Me-, Quade. Cuidmus. piano accondian solo: Greenbuink quartette sang Hood. Port Penny, sang and ne- cited; Mr. Stouffen. violinist. Port Penny. and Miss, Reta Swain. L.T. CA TH M AN P R D Anhistenicuil sketch witb a pic- ture off the church will be pub- U lished next week which sets forth in a very interesting mannen the W EDNESDAY serv-ice rendered ucross haîf a centur3- by the luity.of the church aind the group off ministers who bave been associated with the - UUT1 1 T ____ui AU OUSIha 11TH

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