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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1937, p. 10

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO P~AGE TENT IThe Newcastle Independent Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Fallis, Lon- NEWTONVILLE BOYS, il don, visited at bier brothers, Mr. NEWCASTLE GIRLS WIN t Howell Rowland, and bad teaý IN BALL TOURNAMENT with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp. l Rev. S. MacLean returned f rom' Annual Cvie Holiday Functiona Toronto and on Saturday took WeUH Attendedp train for Ottawa to join Mrs.1 MacLean at Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Three hard bail tcams andy Whittle's. 1tbree girls' softbal eamis coin-s Mr. O. W. Rolph is ac ,g lpcted in Ncwcastl's Civic Holiday l at their lake front cottage whileî tournament, Augusi 2. The re-y Mrs. Rolpb and daugbter in coin- suits wcre as f ollows: First hard I pany with Mr. and Mrs. H. . bail game. Kendal 15, Newcastler MacDonald, Orono, are on a mo- 1;scn a Newtonville 8. It tor trip to Boston. Kendal 7:Netnie nlt prize. $8.0; Kendal 2nd, $400: I The Misses Chidley are again1 Newcastle 3rd. $2.00; First soft-n vacationing at "The Lilacs.' hav- ball gaine, Orono 13, Newtoflville c ing returncd from their motor 9; second game. Newcastle 22, Or- r trip to Cape Cod and the Atlantic ono 8: Newcastle won $400. Or-a Coast. ior:o $2.00. Newtonville $1.00. I Mrs. Lulu Howard, Toronto,,i Battery for Kendal in both spent the weekend at "Broad- gamnes wcre: Witheridge and lawn," Newcastle- of-tbe-Lake. ýHooper. Bowmanville. who tookb MisFs Jean Rickard. dental f requent turns in pitcbing, thet nurse, bas gone to Oakville to take 'former a soutbpaw and the latterd a position with a dentist. a right bander, and Little, catch-a Mr. and Mrs. Russel Walton. er When eitber of the pitcbersi Cleveland, O., visited bis brother. vas not in the box he beld down Mr. Anson Walton, bis sister, Mrs. lst base. Fred Graham, and his nephews. Councillor E. A. and Mr. cieo.W. B attcry for tne champion New- .Walton, and on Fiday met many tonville team consisted of Mccire-j of bis former Sbaw's scbool cbums gor Jones and George Kimbal,' at the Rickard picnic at Orono. pit.ebers, and John Rickard cat- Congratulations te Rev. D. R. cher. A sesond Newcastle boy, and Mrs. Dewdney on the birth o! Alf. Gray, who has been playing a son in Toronto on Sunday, July of h mr etovleta l 251h. season looked after 2nd base. Mrs. E. C. Hoar is home from Cleland Lane was on lat. Otherr Toronto Q-eneral Hospital, feeling players were: Doug. Ogden 3b,1 fine after hier operation. Lawrenlcc Savery ss, Joncs and Mr. and Mrs. Ckeorge Awde, Geo. Kimbalif, Jack Kimbaîl cf.t Drayton, were guests of Mr. and Earle Walkey rf. Mrs. J. A. Awde.! It was the first time a New- Rev. H. A. Mellow, B. A., and ' castie team had been seen in a Mrs. Mellow, Glores Landing, witb' game Ibis season and it was a car and cabin trailer. are holiday- wondcr what Manager Fred Spry ing for a month under the maples had donc with the group lie had a'. Mrs. W. H. Pearces. Rcv. Mel- gathcred together and put into Iow, who is a brother o! Druggist'practice a wcek before. The ag- A. E. Mellow, ia supplying for: gregation consisted of: Al!. Gra- King St. Cburcb, Oshawa, on ham p. Stan Graham c, Ros Sundays. Dickinson lb.,cico. Wallon 2b, Miss Mva7ion Rincb, Oshawa,! Stan Brown 3b, Stan Couch as, spent the wcekend witb ber par- Alden Pollard f, Lloyd Hancocka ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rincb. cf, Elmer Pollard rf. Mrs. cico. Warmingtofl, Toronto, Members o! the winning New-, a former resident bere when ber castle girls' team were: Jean late busband conducted a butcher Bonathan p, Margaret Pearce c, business, visited friends in the Pat Pearce lb, Ethel Spencer 2b, village. Charlotte Gray 3b, Edith Hendry Miss Mela Moment, New York, sa, Norma VanDusen If. Margaret daugbter o! the late Robt. MO- Bowen cf, Jean Holmes r!. Geo. ment, Orono, called on Postmaster Crowtber manager. Geo. Jamieson while on ber way BteyfrOoogrs em to visit friends in Orono.BAhice MclsaorpOrnglv eaow-c Miss Margaret Wright, Toronto, ForicewtoIsacp lveynBowname is visiting lber grandmother, Mrs. p.rizea Kibl c. Som eold jin Horatio Wetherall. seLeda to be bauntSingerle n Miss Isobel Lumisdefl, Christian Wley's ob paers. Tbe ddn' Island, Georgian Bay, is holiday- Walkys bweîî aes. hyd lng in Newcastle with Mr. and play a ela usual and didn't Mrs. Malt. Brown and Mr. and d hmevsjsie Mrs. J. T. Brown. Mr. J. T. Brown Hard baîl umpires were: Edgar' and bis f ather motored toi Pene- Kenefick, plate; Lawrence Savery tatand visited Mr. and Mr ax. Geo. Walton, baes. Softba1l -P ý9AvPr dPuY Brown; large and one sinall kernel. N7obarb barley is gaining fast in popularity. Comipared to, O. A. C.No. 21 alI rougb barked varie- t:es, it is pleasant to handle. It ioas beards but they are barbless and smocth. They do flot irritate muan or beast. It is also gaining in favor with the brewing indus- LI-y. Garnet Rickard spoke of his experiences in growing Nobarb and No. 21 in competition for the past five years. He started with 1 pound of each. He gave tbe yields each year, the figures .sowing that Nobarb had consist- ently outyielded the No. 21, last year by 9 bushels to the acre. There was practically no waste. no light or small grain to it. Out of 53 bushels he took di.rectly f rom the tbreshing machine to, the Boys' Training School at Bow- mnanville to be cleancd for seed lie brought over 52 bushels home. Tbey put on aIl their wind pýower and uscd their largest mesh bar- ley screcn but couldn't t.ake one bushel out o! the lot. Prof. Mason and Mr. Bryden both cxprcssed tbemselves as bigbly pleased with the tests, the demonstration and the attendance at this fiîeld meeting. CARTWRIGHT TAX 22 MILLS FOR 1937 Cartwright Council met Aug. 2nd with members ail present and Reeve C. Devitt presiding. Port Perry Agriculturai Society thanked Council for grant. MNr. Halbert. W/illiams Point, again requested calcium chloride for street. Rceve instructd to procure samne for the Point and village if availabie. Reeve reported he hiad purchased îarcel of land from L. Miotntjoy at 70.00. NMr. Mountjov to do0 financ- ng and pay for deed. lv-Law xvas passcd to colleet Trustee scbool rates as follnws: No. 1. $200; No. 2, $650; No. 3, $150, No. 4, $250>: No. i, $300); No. 6, $200; No. 7, $450; No. 8, $150; No. 9, $300. xvere passed fixinîg the Generai Rate at 23 iiis on Ale dollar. 22 iils only will be levied as the Provincial Government is giv- ing a suhsidy of one miii. On motion- $5.500 wouid be spent on roads this year. Orders were as follows: O. Wright, rnads & bridges $865.66 Cierk. 1937 statutes. .-.------- 2.00 N. Miounitjoy, 3 lamhs kilied 25.00 O. NIcQuade, 3 sheep killed- 29.00 E. Gibson. 1 sheep killed ...... .800 ,%Ir. Faulkner, refund on 1936 tax error 3.58 D. Beer, premium, Insurance ~132.00 L. M,\ountjoy. parcel of land .. 70.00 T. Hanan, sanitary accommodation ~10.00 Cotincil adjourned to meet Sept. 6th, p.m. W. Beacock. Cierk. 1 d-iur. Ic rLIAmUiwe i - I BIRTHS PROWER-At St. Michael's Hos- pital, Toronto, on Saturday, July 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Prower, 114 Snowden Av- enue, a daughter. HOPKINS-At Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Tuesday, July 13, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hopkins, a son <Rae Gilchrist). DEATHS BENTHAM-Willham M. Bentham at Thornhill, Manitoba. Thurs- day, July 28, 1937, in his 84th year. Interment in M o r d e n Cemetery. HELL1YAR-At Cllnton, Ont., on Wednesday, August 4th, 1937, Ethel Hamshere, beloved wife of Mr. W. H. Hellyar. Sister- in-law of Mr. John and Miss Eva Hellyar, Bowmanvllle. WAKELY-Ifl Oshawa, on Satur- day, July 31. 1937, Arthur John Wakely, beloved husband of Mary L. Green, in bis 48th year. Interred at Oshawa. IN MEMORIAMt MOUNTJOY - In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Fred Mountjoy, who passed away August 10, 1935. Day by day we miss You, Deeply do we feel the loss, Lonely is our home witbout you. Help us Lord t.o bear the cross. Happy bours we spent together. How sweet their memories stili, But deatb bas lef t a loneliness The world cari neyer f ill. -Sadly missed by Wif e and DÉaughters. WATSON, G. P.-In loving mem- ory of my dear husband who passed awaY July 27. 1936. What would I give bis hand to clasp, His patient face to see, To bear his voice, to see hinm sile, As in the days that used to be. But some sweet day wel] meet again Beyond the toil and strife. And clasp each other's hands once more, In heaven, that happy life. -Sadly missed by wif e. Geo. Lmsden and Miss Isobel guxu, Wiherdg an HOPvCi*> lm nnr ior e accompanied them home. 2nd gameWteig n _____________ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonaîhan er. anddagher Rlh Brbraand There was a large attendafice, Mr. W. A. Welsh and f amily. HOUSE FOR RENT - DESIR- VIary Margaret, spent the week- gandstands were filled a nd Salem, wish to xrs 0ter al rc eiec nCn nnd at their cottage at Wasaga crowds of spectators alotig the friends their sincere appreciation cesoStetvryonnir, Beach. side lines. Ail afternoon a con- for the many kindnesses shown aesosi lovr, ol bunert, Dr. Annie Higbee and Mn. Jack tîr.uous procession of people wend- to themn in the recent illness and gaood ansano rdens. Applyer Higbee, Burlington, bave been ed their way te the bootb which death o! a loving wife and mothen. godL. T. M audgbn Phoe 609 visiting at bier Newcastle home.. the Newcastle girls' softball club L .MLuhiPoe69 Mn. Eric Gray, fromn the min- operated with the assistance o! Jas. E. Fleti and family. Bowmanville. 28-tf ing area in norlb-western On-IMr. and Mrs. Fred Spry, Ross Bowmanville, wish to e xp res tario, is visiting bis mother, Mrs. Dickinson, A. E. MelIow, Gertrude their sincere appreciation and NAISGAL YSE Robt. Gray. BoathaLn: Margaret W r i g h t, thanks te their fricnds, relatives O TROUSGNAL BESTER Messrs. Wm. and Herman Per- Kathleen Toms, and others. They and ~gbr for the kindnesses____ ri and Jack spent Civic Holiday had a turn over o! $55.0o. and sympalhy extendcd 10 them " in Coboung. during the recent ilîness and "r Courtesy" Method of Mak- Mnad r.s. R. W. Wallon, To- death of the busband and father. ing Hand and Arm Signais rotspent ic holiday with TW ifO HUNDRED AT anid ais(> for the beautiful floral M.'B tnadArs lativees hLD C OP EETofferings. Border Among the keenly interested FIL R PM E The family of the late Peter Toronto, July 20t.-A recent spectators at Monday's baIl tour- (Cnnudro Pae1 Laing desine to express thein sin- national safety survey made in nament were noliced the vener- (otn. m ae1 cere apprecialion and thanks 10 the United States 10 determine able Mr. Joseph Heard o! Bnown's, the highway; Ihene was ample thein !iends. relatives and neigh- the best method for motonists to MrllerankMnrAibet ao, outh -time ntelng twilighl to sec bora for the kindacas and sym- give band and arrm signais reveals viland Mro. Abr rgSuhahI the plots. to compare the di.!- pathy extendcd to lhemn during that the nietbod recommended b>' Darligton.ferené vaielies o! oats and bat- the recent death o! a loving bus- the Ontario Departaient o! High- Mn. and Mrs. RLoy Douglas and ley onie with another and see the band and f ather and also for the ways ta considercd the most sat- daughter Pals>' have retunned 10 <efecs o! arlificial fertilizer i labeautiful floral offeringa. is!actory. Halleybury fomglasheisvsil wl the standing crops. Two memn- Ia an attempt to establisb uni- Mm. JnacoDuas. is Dhl bers o! the Departiments sponsor- form legislation, W. Laurence Pudyacomai 4tem ing the tests were present t dis- NEWCASTLE BOY GRANTED Dickey. editr o the Kansas City Mns. M. J. Hut sn, ill and cuss the use o! commercial fertil- PILOT'S LICENSE Jounnal-lPost. necently instiluted Rul, BwmavIare, hlida- izers and the menîts and demerits a nation-wiea-s.Y.~ety campalign lng aI "Apple Bl ~o, ecas- o! different varielies o! oats and A former Newcastle boy, Mr- in which officiais in 48 states tie-on-the-Lake. barley. Fred W. Anderson, On the dus- were urged 10 adopt as standard Rev. Hl. W. Foley, who occupied M.Bye fteDp.o toms office staff aI Windsor. bas lte code o! atmn andf hand signaIs dayUnited gust forditn n-ithCemistry. O.A.C.. f ield man b cen granted a pilot's license by now used in Ontario. This metbo>d Mn., ads gueo H.for Ind forit supervising these and other f ield Detroit Aviation officiaIs. As Fred hi surve>' showed, was the simp- te bMr. and Mrs. Me.H ol afrkco teslbuguthep- was getting ready for bis final lest and most logical, and the co- Blckur.vince, explained why such lests test bie suddenly realized Ibat it operation of!ered by rnany state Missck ar oe ertr'o ee cn ane naddm was the 131h o! the month and goc<.ecnors and tra!fic experts in- Mss ear Joe, Screalyof ere ein cariedon nd em-that the date might be înauspic- dicates that Ontario's system will the Collegiate Institute, Belleville onstrations beld. Members of the tu."o' e htwnyyu onb dpc ssadr visiingMr.andMrs j.J-j 0.A. C. Deparîmezits at Guelph iu."o' e htwryyu onb dpe ssadr ta visitngtMn. nduMrsa .cH.rseI bff -ars bis examiner, George Haldimend, tbroughout bbc United States. Jose. mîg roe othr a cours to n said to hlm, "I was fished out o!f h iha Ta!cAto Miss Murmel Lake, Toronto a proe te ber own stisof atonthe Atlantic on bbe l3th and it OTaeni specflesas oi Atofy holidaying wilh bier mother, ÜIrs. %htacteba 'aite !ot.~as a Fniday 100; I flcw my firs nal i pciisa olgt Frank Gibson. barley, whcat, potatoca, corn,. etc., solo fligbl on te l3th as wcl." onl>' the "le! t tbm" signal. Sig- Newcastle Ladies' Bowling Club for Ihat paticular section o! the ~wsHliadwoptFe naIs ta indicate "stop", 'slow", ertertaincd lte Cob>ourg Club on rvneadte etfriie througbhtai final tests, whoae at- and "rigbt turti" come under the July 27th, and afler a seies o! mixtures t0 use. But owing to tempt 10 fly the Atlantic wilh heading o! "courtes>'," and as such gine ames the ladies repaired clx mate and soil differendea and IuhEdri 99eddi h are being strongi>' recommended to the community hall kitchen for alo other factors it bas been Rotenarer Azor29es. e iash "'o.T.B cuetn Mnse lcarned that wbat is beat for one o! Higbways.tin connection wit lunch. locality n'ight nol be suilable for won mucit auccess and prominence of i deatmen's etne tr Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Bradley aafirsnc httm. bCsourt"cmpn.' xesie"r celebratcd their golden wedding arotber. Se in an carnnst en- as a fIler sine litaIlim on Tuesday, August 3, wben they deavour 10 give the farmens o! Pilot Fred W. AU.derson is lte A recent publication o!f te dined wilh their daughters, Miss- amyocality more practical ser- eIder son o! Druggist W. H. An- highways departiment, in discuss- es uril nd ladsanda nm-vice these farm tests itad been in- derson. He was cducated in the ing recommended niethods of eMro!fie nds adattenecaseauuaedunIb losbneu-Newcastle public and higit schoois giving hand and arm signais, ex- Anms, and in the evening from 4 der observation te effects o! the and was a gold medalisl in bis diaims: "~The man behind can't - o 6 held a reception aI their fertiliser could easily be seen ah- matriculatiori yean. Lalen be went read your mmnd - Signal!" home. The>' werc sbowered with lhough the effets were net uni- te Windsor te live wit bis grand- Wbenever the signal is given b>' messages o! good will and con- f orm for ever>' phot and vaniel'. imotber, the late Mra. Eleanor means o! the band and atm, the gratulati on and personal greeîings In some lte slraw was consider- Barneti, and bis aunt, Miss Bar- bulletin states. the driver sbould and gi!ts of remembrance from ably stronger and longer on the rett. His invalid mothen, Mrs. W. indicate bis intention 1a stop on the man>' wbo calcd on theai. fertlized haîf than on the unfer- H . Anderson, is in Windsor wilb change direction b>' extending bis tilized and the ripeninj f o the hlm, as bas been bis sisten, Miss hand and arm. from and beyond -4grain bad been itastened. In Eleanor Anderson, now taking a the le! t aide o! the vehicle. Iothers the difference bebween fer- summer course at Queen's Univer- In making a le! t tura, the driv- LONG SAULT tilizcd and unfertilized was net so sity,. Kingston. er should signal bis intention to pronounced. turn b>' extending bis le!t atm 1Prof. A. W. Mason spoke pair- "Ilta vain thougbht 10 f ec rom straight ouI. Ihen dnaw as chose Mr. and Mrs. li ii jj>,j nIý i tcularl>' on vaielies o! oats liewr htGdapit lte centre o! the street or famil>', Oshawa, \1 t. o1d NIrs. 1 11 i Alaska oats ripen in 100 days and fh or th a o find in ts geate higbway as possible, and turr. on mer arrli, oc \ t l are theref ore a vcry suitable va- bcsniscdo ckn it a point in te centre of the road Mrs. Waliaçe Millur i it'b. et>' for sowing with barlc3' for besn alneail iof e fonin.wbich he is cntering. Mim. aond orc.Fe l u~'~amxdgancnpwihcnb ovinff obedience. "--George Eliot. The right tbm la properhy made Jimn> Troto ae il'"Z ý t Nr. countcd on to give a heavier yicld . by signalling intention le lurti and Joe McRoberts'. than ithen one grown separatel>'. 'Obedience 10 Inutknown, 15 kcepin- close 0 lthe ightt hand Mrs. Wiliam Siitlt.', .n.' Banner is one o! the very beat late the king's bigbway 10 that which curb ine while doing su. Two been visiting her fatixer, \Ir.H utats, as ta also, O.A.C. No. 72, both is silîl be3yond us." mrebbods may be uscd 10 givo the Farrell.' arc practical>' amuI resistant. I'He that despairs measures signal - ither b>' extending lite- Mn. and Mrs. Cyrils Rti;m111Tc r;uie 1 dys1 mature. Providence b>' bis own 11111e con- left arm upwards or b>' wavîng daughter, Helen, ElizabetIsiIlic. NIr Erban la a vcry promising new va- tractpd model. and limita initile bbc left hand in a clockwisc and Mrs. R. Woodward, Ni- r\luu:iet>'. maturing la 105 days and power 10 finite appr-ebensions."- motion, wîiicb simultaneousl>' ln- Woodward' Mn. Robent W. wiri as provecd absoiutcîy resistant 10 South. dicales a tura 10 the igbt and Bowmanviiie, Mr. and ?%Ir,.. k- ooseý smul. In thc plots liere the "He taI despairs a.egradcs the sgnahs the driver bebind thaï; Il Todgham and daughtcn Ruth, ýI r. Alaskas werc practicalhy ripe, tbe Deit>', and sceais 10 intimate that is safe to pass on the lefI side. anid Mrs. Murreil Woodwardi andi Erban ripcning and the Banner He is sufficient, or flot .iust 10 bis 'Stop" or "slow" is indicatcd b>' son Ronny, Oshawa, spnou'1m nd No. 72 quite gr'een. word; in vain hat he read the extending the lefI atm down- with Mr. and Mrs. George Smitlh Prof. Mason hadal vcry mucit Scriptures, te world, and man." nards, and cane sbouhd be taken GIad to report Miss Dorothy Mm ood 10 sa>' of Victai'>' oats, a plot -Fcltbam. when approaching an intersection. Roberts somnewhat improved after re-, of which was vicwcd. n t i ver>' Ilta the Ibinga lit are po- 1t slow down sevenal yards, turning homne from visiting bier aurit, susceptible to loose amui and pro- sible but not probable Ihal kcep rather than a fcw feet, from the Mrs, Albert Niddery, Toronto. 1dt.ces a lot of double oats, one some people from belng happy. crosslng. For Sale FOR SALE -SET OF SINK boards. pedestal basin for bath- room; also outside toilet. Apply to Thos. Percy, Silver St. 31-1 FOR SALE OR RENT - FARM on 6th Line, 118 acres clay loam, good buildings, spring well, and two cisterns. Apply Mrs. John Henry, Orono. 31-1* Livestock For Sale FOR SALE-CAITLE, SUITABLE for beef ring: also cows due to renew. Apply H. B. Foster. Bowmanville, Pbone 745. 30-3* FOR SALE - TWO YEARLING colts; 6 sow pigs, about 80 lbs. R. H. Olesen. Hampton. 31-1* FOR SALE-2 JERSEY RED-EXRS due now. Phone 2269, Norman J. Metcalf, Bowmanville. 31-1 FOR SALE -CARLOAD 0F fresh cows and springers, Hoi- steins and Ayrshires, from Ot-1 tawa Valley restricted area Proprietor G. C. Sparks. 62Ï Somerville Ave., Oshawa. Phone 2847. 31-tf Personal MEN! GET VIGOR AT ONCE! NEW OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs. glands. If flot delightcd, maker refunds price paid - $1.25. Cali, write Jury & Loveli. 18-52 Real Estate For Sale DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR Immediate Sale - Late W. B. Coucb residence, Centre Street, Bowmanville, recently complete- ly modernized and interior re- decorated; beautifully la nd - scaped; flowers and sbrubs in abundance; brick garage. Apply on premises until Aug. 2lst, or address Statesman. 31-3* Wanted WANrfD - UNFURNISHED 4- roomed cottage. in good condi- tion. Bowmanville or 'Orono; rent 4 to 5 a month. Scott, care Lilian Boyd, Kendal P. O. 31--1* hundred dollars for on e yar, good interest, f irst mortgage for security. For f ull particulars apply to "RiC." cýo Drawer B. Bowmanville. 31-2 EIOUSEEIR - EXPIEENC- ed. refined, middle-aged wo- man. rotestant, two in family, techr and mother (elderly), laundry sent out; twenty monthly; references; personal application prefered. Miss H. Mason. Newcastle, Ont. 31-1 Lost LOST - GENTLEMAN'S SMJALL watch and chain, on Liberty St. or near Nurserv Corners, valued as keepsake. Liberal reward for return to Statesman Office. 31-V* Miscellaneous Train For A Nurse THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL, TRAINING SOHOOL FOR NURSES - WHITBY offers an opportuaity to a limited number of students with matniculation standing, to be self supporting while train- ing for an interesting profes- sion. Write Miss Pearl Sharpe Superintendent of Nurses for full information. aration for all cases of men- stuldisorders and feminine . <\hygiene. J ~ FREE BOOKLET THIS WEEIC JURPY U LOVIELL THE REXALL STORE When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Phone 778 We Deliver BEDRQQM Suites PAINTING-SIGNS AND POST- ers, also auto trurks, wagons, general painting and enamnel- ling. J. H. Needham, Centre St., Bowmanville. Phone 441. ELGIN MUNDAY AND BRIDE PRESENTED AT MAPLE GROVE A\bout 125 friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mundav gather- ed at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. .Mark 'Mundav and Mr. anidîrs.. I visonn unday, to extend good wishi- es to Elgin and hlis bride (nu tlîeîr recela mnarriage and to show Elgin hnw lîïs past work ini Y.P.S. and the Sundav Schiool hiad heen apprecîated. .\fter evervonne had assernhled Rev. W. C. Sinith acted as chairnian and called the company to order, a.,king .Nir. and M.\rs. Nluniida%, to take the seat of hionour, Miss Edna Swallnw read the folloiving ,addi ess: .Nlr. and Mrs. Mundav, \Ve. vour friends of Maple Grove, gather here this evening to extend nur congratulations on your recent marriage and wish to offer von our hest wishes for manly years of hup- pînes s. To you Elgin, we appreciate your past work in this commfufity, as an officer of our Young Peoples Soc- ity, and a faithful w'orker in Sun- day School and Church work. We have followed closely year by y ear as you have fitted yourself for your present position and arc proud of vour attaitnments. To you, Dorothy, we îvelcome as the life partner Elgin has chosenl and trust that vou xiii find real and abid- ing satisfaction in vour niewx home together. \Ve. tiierefore, ask you both to ac- cept these gifts as tangible evidence of our genuine interest and affection. Signed on hehiaif of Maille Grove connnuiiitv: ,\1r. Tiios. Sîîowden. Mrs. H. Y. Brooks, Miss Iva Foley, ilanl. A\t the proper time Mfr. Stephen Jefferv andti.\r. Wm. Laird present- cd Elgin and his bride xith a loveix occasinnai chair and ail end table. Elgin thanked everynne for their lovelv gifts, asked anvone who hap- penied to he ini Belleville anv timne. to corne and sce them in their home. MIrs. 'Munday aiso thanked evervone for their loveIv. gifts. 'Miss Betty Stevens gave a recitation and '1r. L. Coiiacutt led ini community singing. after which a few games were eni- joyed by the vounger ones. chit-chiat by the older clics. Lunchi was served at the close. Success that is easily attained is bard to f ind. Best Character Group, any nunber $3 Best Decorated Bicycle, boy or girl . . $1 Bset Decorated Baby or D)oll Carrnage $1 Best Boy or Girl in Costume, on foot. $1 Best Decorated Tricycles. .......... $1 Best Pony Outfit . . .... . ........... $1 OPEN CLASSES Best Manufacturer 's or Merchant 's Float Rep. Business or Products -....... $10 Best Clown or Comic Character ....... $1 Best Jazz Band, 5 or more pieces ......... $4 Best Delivery Truck or Wagon .......... $3 Best Unique Float or Display ............. $3 FARMERS' CLASS $52 .2 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50 .25 .75 .50 $5 $2 .50 .25 $2 $2 $1 $2 $1 Best Farm Wagon and Team $10. $5 $2 (Open to Darlington, Cartwright and Clarke Farmers only) Parade prizes will be paid on the grounds at Rotary Park imniediately following the parade - Make entries the night of the parade at Central Public School. Be there not later than 7.11% p.m. 4 PARADE CODMTTEE John M. James, Chairman; M.L A. Neal, Fred C. Hoar, A. M. Hardy, Frank Williamxs, T. W. Cawker, Geo. W. James. WEKEND SALE 0F TASTY FQQDS Specials for Thurs., Fri., Sat. - Aug. 5-6-7 Extra Speelal Value! PoUy Prim CAT$P ............... 2 botties 19e Spectal 1»w ffPrce! Singapore Sliced PINEAPPLE............... 2 tins 19e PUFFED RICE .............. ... per P 9 RINSO .......... small pkg 10c - large pkg. P. & IG. SO A P ........... ......... ........... 6 bars HORSESHOE SALMON, 1-2's ...... . ... ... .. .tin GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE ..................... pkg. SHAKER SALT, Red & White Plain or Iodized ....... .... ... 2 Ige. pegs. PEANUT BUTTER ...... ........ ........ large jar CALAY SOAP ....... .. .... .. ... 3 bars SUPREME SHORTENING 2 lbs. 13C 25e 25e 200 13cr' 25c 17c 27c WONDÎRFUL SOAP ........ 5 bars 16e ROASTED PEANUTS .............................. ,2 Ibo. 25e PICKLING SPICE, whole mixed ............... 1-2 lb. 15e QUICK TAPIOCA, Red & White ...... pkg. 10e CERTO -................ per bottle 25e MAZOLA OIL, 1's NUGGET SHOE POLISH ............ -- per tin 1 ........ 2 tins 1's 24e - 3's FLOOR WAX................. tin 25e F. W. Noules r il m r m -Exceptional Value FACTORY SAMPLES *Cleared to MORRmIS C0. from Peppler, Knechtel, Beach factories - at Savings of 50% 'hoe roin 7 getîtine Ainerican aand Oriental WaInut Stiites. Lange I)ate venetianin imrons on Dressers anmd Vaiiities.. Latest mnodern and conventional designs. 'Suite illustrated ixîcludes Simmnoxs Sagless Sprnug, coin- - ortale cotton i iiattress, pin. feathen pillows, cheille I reverible i) îg and silk ht'd latmp. Reg. $140 v'aine. Your choice in the August Sale 9-Piece Bedroom Suite ... .. . Phone 480 Bowmanville F. F. Morris Co. $641P3 Phone 27r1 Orono I BEFORE BUYING BE SURE TO SEE MORRIS CO. VALUES i. GET READY NOW ]Rotary CALITHUMPIAN PARADE/ AUGUST ItN WÎil leave Public School Grounds, Bowmanville, at 7.30 p.xn., Daylight Saving Time $75.00 IN PRIZES Every child will receive an Ice Cream Cone 1 1 N Bowmanville Phone 596

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