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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1937, p. 4

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PAC1' TXX' t-,Ar I MUR delphiniums in but. There arc Hins or om bode some beautiful roses ant imb Hint Fo Ho eboies ing osethelik ofwhich I lave not seen before. IV is covereti with Wrltten for The Statesmian reti roses. NoV little !eliows but by lovely, large perfcctly formeti Jefflie Allen Brown flowAers, luntirets o! tlem. Tnere ________________________ lis1 a spires thiat 15 dif ferent f rom Holiday T1 anythirig I have ever seen. This Holiay Tme 1is noV like the familiar large slrub Augustis tle monili o! holiitays. but is a slrub-like plant, perlaps IV seems o be the cloice specialiy Vwo feet in leight anti las a fine of those wlo take a cottage only f esthery. spike of bloom. The for a montl. One reason, f rom white is in bloom now andthe a woman's standpoint 15 tIat the Pink is comiflg along. lI a vase early preserving is over andthîe il las somewlat the samne delicate late fruits andthîe pckling lave affect as Baby's Brcatl. ant is1 net starteti. Others haVe o go gooti alone or mixet with other awa'y in JTulY andt ten lave Vo be blooms. We titi noV plant mucl at home for the rest o! the sum- ViLs yeau, as we dit noV know mer. Somehow, I prefer Juiy, spec- what we lad but next year I hope ially aV a cottage. Usually the! Vu atit some missing favorites. heat is most intense arount theî cnt o! June anti early in July A Fanùly Problem andt o consider VIe leat to the saine extent. IVtioca get lot but Sometimes mothers tiefeat their noV unbearably so. The nigîts own ends by trying too lard. A are cool, anti by eight o'clock. one! woman whose lusband was a tra- neetis a coat. You reacl for a veller insisteti that lier chidren blanket as weil as a sheet. Some- wait until their faVhcr came home turnes before morning, you pull for Saturday's lunch. He was in up the quilt too. *tIe office Saturday moning anti orne-VhirVy was the very carliest lle couiti get home for lubcl. The The Perennial Garden niother f et that as le was only One o! the hcarV-breaks o! mov-1 home Vwo days a week, île chilti- ing is ieaving a gartien haV one ren must have lunch wiVh him. las establisîcti. We lave startet This meant that hey were not so many perennial gartiens ant i fnisled in urne Vo join their fi- tIen up anti ie!V, Vlat I vowed I ends VO go Vo île slow or what- neyer again would plant peren- ever activiiy was piannet. She saiti niais Vo icave. So un the last place in that case Vley coulti go with we were in, I dit noV plant a cach other. Wlat een age girl single perennial antiilt iti noV wan*t5 a younger brother agging long VO regret it. This ime we aloflg? They must be witl anti lave lad Vhe joy o! moving to a do w15V the gang tocs or iV 15 place that las an establisheti gar- nu fun. Small brother was no tien. IV las been grand o watch happier about iV eiVler. The con- oit frientis coming along andt o sequetice was that the chiltiren wontier wlat the s V r a n g e were resentful anti cross anti le- plants might be. We lave lad 'haveti badly. Father foundti Vs some o! thc most beautiful col- more trying even than le would umbines I lave ever seen. Unus- i' le were home every day anti ually large, some a clear yeliow use. to it. The mother rying to antisome tingeti witl a tark ret.j make île chiltiren cnjoy being The peonies are in bloom andthîe wiVh Vîir fatler, actuaily matie them diaike it. Would she noV ~~ have been vwser to lave remem- VIberedti iat Saturday a! temnoon BUIESIIET R v-asthe oniy afternoon ilat lier chi1tren hati free anti allow tlem Vu have lunch early enougl to CONTRACTOR . carry oui ileir plans? Probably ite trutl were known, île T. E. FLAXMAN If ather might. have been very glati Genieral Contractor - Lover' Lane to have ladl a quiet meal after a Phone 318 Bowmaflville rrorning o! lard work. It is a mist.akcn idea o tlink tlaV be- m usic cause we love a person we must FRANIS STTON always enjoy being witl 11cm. Mus.Bac., F.C.C.O. Accurate P4easuremnents A.TCM. un Piano, SUizg To measure otti amounts accu- Ing, Violin andi Organ. Private or rately seemis o be tifficult for cis lessons. Pupils preparet for some. The following recipes may ail examinations. seem difficuit te measure so I will Phone 742, Bowmnanville expiain Vhe easy wsy - 6 tabe- Tuesday. Wetinesday anti spoons butter. A cup contais 16 Thuraday in esel week. ablepoons, theref oie a quarter cup contais 4. To measure a LEGAL quarter cup o! butter, put 3/ cup wster i the measuring cup, anti X. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B butter until the cup ia fuil anti you Barnister, Sollcitr, Notary Winl have'1-4 cup butter. But you Phone 351 want 6 tablespoons. So put 34 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowni.anville cup or 12 tablespoons water in your measu.ring cup, Vlan ake 2 W. R. STIKE tablespoons water anti you WinI Barrste, SliciorNotry lave 10 le! . FiUp wiVl butter cloficitor for l1anlc o! Montrealan hrwilb,6tlepos Money Vo Loan. Phone 791. Seven-eigîts cup o! flour rnay be Bowmnvile, ntaro awkward te measure accurately. Bowmaviil, Onario If you laven't tiioughV about it. L. C. MASON, B.A. Measure a cup of flour, which is Barrste - Slictor 16 abespoons. Take oui 2 level BoarysVerublici tcr tablespooris of flour and,. ilere Notax rublc -Etc. Winl be seven-eigths o! a cup lef t. Law in ani ts branches. In fewer words, seven-igîts is Office imnetiiaiely east o! Royal1 a cup iess 2 tablespoons. It really Theatre. is flot tifficuit ant is1 an easy anti Flones: Office 688. Home 553. accuraVe way Vo measure. So if you do noV use this metiiot, puV DENTAL your matlematics o work. DR. J. C. DEVITT es elac Assitant: Dr. E. W. fSissen T ereaeVsy WlMaelyu Gradu&te of Royal Dental coilege, V'maeeakete r ookes wiVI hu TorSeto. Office: Jury J ub i1eet-.marckeo oiswthlté Bldg., BowmanvWie. Office hours work anti not much trne spent. 0 a.rn. Vo 6 p.m. daily exoept Sun- When I am looking for something day. o! hs sort, I usually make either Phorie 790,. House phone 883. o! the Vwo recipes following. You X-Ray Equipinent in Office. can make ither one o! Vlem in ________________________lesurne Vlan iV akes Vo tell FUNERAL DIRECTOR about thern. They keep wcll if FUNERAL DIECTORS Btesoc qae Service, any leur, any day. B- u utterth qae F. F. MORRIS Co. 1- cup bwuar Iocern MoVor Equipment, An- 1 egg bulance anti I.nvalid Ca&r. Cali 1-4 cup cloppped wainuts Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. 7-8 cup flour BOWM11ANVI.LLE 1-4 easpoon sali 1 easpeon baking powtcr MISCELLANEOUS 1 teaspoon vanilla Meit butter, stir in sugar and WST END) GARAGE AND) MA- cook for a minute o develop île chine Shop - We speize ln bte-scotch flavour. Cool VO znacliinery repaira, general gar- luke Warim. Atit unbcaten egg anti age repaira, wlting, owing stir uniil wcil mixeti. Spread in a erVice. J. L. Dcmerling, Pro- pan about 10"x10". Bake ai 350 Prietor, Bowman-vxlle. Ph10n eiegrees for about iweniy-fiveý 781. 23-tfl minutes. IV Will stinloo10k sof t but Your financial security depends on two ser- vices - your bank and your insurance agent. For the safety of your cash and valu- able papers, you turn to your bank; for the safety cf t.hose good dollars invested in your property, you should have adequate dependable insurance. J. J. MASON & SON INURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville FAUE FUUX lard. Cut in squares. of His own chooslng."-Mrs. Do- day and please Brownics ¶, a.o 4mlâd "dney. *the whole cup granulatet sugar 30 b.oehaa, -h ::dd Ie. "The angel o! VIe Lord encamp- tabiespoons cocos e Drm mtheb pohm 1 eth aroun<l about them tlaV fear The.aada 1-2 cup choppet walnuts. One day a!Ver many years Sradded 2 eggs £ *o! 'hard labour tle Lord saiti, 'I --... .CamPany Ltd. 1 cp f=u want you Vo golome l ave a Natar a flia an. 1-4 teaspoon saît rest.' 'But,' I sait, 'Lord%~ the 1-2 easpoon vanilia Mediterraneali is full o! sub-S EU HA Cream butter anti u atici 0KIG F PJ marines andi every boat lcaving eggs anti beat untii weli blendeti. Alexandria las been spotteti anti Si! V in dry ingredients, att nuts, f olioweti.' Then assurance came HEB WE & anti mix tlorouglly. Speat in Vo my soul that God would keep C N D A A I N W E a butteret pan 8" square. Bake US. LÂUC Ih at 350 degrees. 3ZS Thus iVwastlat whenl10p.m ""MAD E IN C0FD 1 suraAc 1 "TY ORTSV AN GIE AN "on our first night out arrived, I 1it's time ail Young f olk ought to everyoT aste ~yk~'. bt in bed, dear,' and ret.ired. ed into my bunk I was asleep and asleep I remained until the morn- NýWhen I had awaeeM. f Ï.t:nw. A Doney said. 'Did you know that last night we were chased by submarine for two hours?' I had When I reached the hurricane deck of the ship one of the offilcers informed me that during the marine had given chase; that ev -_____________________________ i ery available stoker had been .EET C" .. ordered below to fire the boilers stes o"thtPpeNTATNmCha and that only when it liad ap- peared that the boliers would give prouce man chngesafl th way uder he temenous res-old ward is no exception. th~e taxi ý Examine Yourslci n e sure maintained had they been has taken the place of the old bus what and hoW o his l ais o able to out-distance the caravan ad thiomecaibgae :admit hsw much or o! tis ai o! death. wagon. The nid G.T.R. station. you di svld rcml And ha slpt eacfufy tro'the meeting place in the sum mier W-th. The knowedeg of evil th evenjngs of the voung and nidde brings on reetac sh os. *tal. aged, now a deserted village with heiptul stage of mortal mental- Fromour choo a lttieboyscarcelY a sound except the puff- it.'Mr BaeEdY took home the message to his sick ing of the "Shunter" on its wvay tisRe tn titutayumend- mothr tat od ouî hel ~ to the yards of the up-town ment slk otnal upn moe-that the mission-f olk prayed freight yards andi the busy Good- \v'thou edn h ek"Dl fre sck year Rubber Shops. and just now WYn. At engh w wee nvited to the Canning Factory. S onie' A true rpnad hn h the home to ýpray for the sick wo changes since Thomas Barrett. ineiltefmrtantext- man. the old days, did ail the nomr al suff ering or the shame. - Aftr payr w let.cil teamin- fromn the old freidit Shakespeare. Then we heard that the mother hueawh sainu outheuTfi.entlif tSpsrroo r siamndis ha.d been wonderfully deiivered. t3wn where big warehouses wu ufCeti tpoueaed We en aai tose hr ndbL filled with furniture and goods mient. anýj the greatest insu.fflc- when we inquired we were in-oe ail sorts, with Roboert Green- icnt if it. do no>t."-Colton. f ormed that when we had left on field4 the capable managc). in "0f ail acts o! man repentance our former visit she had fallen to charge and the energetic Billy i1 the most divine. The greatest sleep and that while asîeep a Woods, station agent, and genial of ail faults is to be conscious of --- wonderful doctor come walk- overseer in general over ail. noi-e.'-Calyle. ing into the room and Iladsad __________________ 'Open your mouth,' andhapl- ~ ~ ed upon her tongue a pil seter t tharà honeY and that when she ....... awakened she *as whole again. :: Ood can give puIs!" The school andi the church has been often visited with revival. Upon one occasion the Spirit sud- denly fell and school sessions %ere set aside and 50 souls were converted within two weeks while 42 received the Baptism of the Spirit. Pray for the Doneys. SOUTH WARO A BUSY PLACE INOLDEN DAYS By Dave Momrson, Sr. One of the olti timers las en- v quired if we reme.mbered the old Quarry. Welr, we should say so, and the littie brick Powder house at the corner as you turn down at the wharf road. The reai old wharf road was down nKn t pîctured above are the standard methods recoin- i a hand." The pretty young Miss in her snappy eustof thnl Kengricuura mended by the Ontario Departîment of Highways roa.dster ls getting ready to make a le! t turn; ground(s, nowusedtas florwerland for giving proper hand and arm Signais. Hon. T. the sturdy truck-driver, firoii hi.s lofty percl. is shrub gardens, and down paut the B. MoQuesten, Minister of Highways, in the course warning the f ellow behmnd that le is going to slow Creanof Barley Mill straight of his "TRY COURTESY" cainpaign to reduce dlown or sto'p; and the dashing Young couple on down Vo the railroad traclca. street anô highway rafflc accidents, urges ail on- the motorcycle are xnaking a right urn off the The old quarry was where most tario motorists to demonstrate safe andi dr-iv- main high.way to seek cool and quiet traits acro&5 of the stone was procureti for lng methods by courteously "giving one another the counitryside. bdi, n iaothbick inthat the ____________________________________________________olcltown hall and many o! the old M d m C n e i n e ~ ingto eac wihou a romse f tmedwellings were built. were M d r o v e e sA e a cent o salthe made and burnt by Mr. Hamley, Tyrone Boy Returns To Native )g'otechwTho a prome o asdaa wvoman replied. 'If money cornes father of Harry HIamley wlo Vila e fer20 Y ar I ae r inlfr a teacer.ail t. if h not, Mr. Hamley employeti a nun*er Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are modern to ho."of e n the South ward was Vilge A te 0 er I aioahrgh- an<Î>echay for many years abusY part of the the mninute, mec1banicaly perfect and finely finished. They O. W.Doney Has Ben InChristian parents would came to four legs were naileti to a milk- vxas a much respecteti citizen and teapaac n ofrso orhm. t Pentecostal Ministry Thirty- us andi pleati if there were not a box, the baby put in it andi we be- well liketi by lis employees. There th pern adcmosofyuhm. One Years - Visiting Rela-betrwyta tohv ei gan school with 1 teacher anld 12 wus no thought o! a "Sit-down" The four pieces illustrated-Built-in Bathclower, tives in This Vicinity. cluidren o V ther o avMem oer chilclren. That achool las grown strike in that perioti. rutadLvioy ihalftigrayfo nsala chidre goto iter Molemoranti grown until today we have a At the corner opposite Mr. tion, cost only ............................................. $143.70 a Cathoiic achool. On the other staff o! 14 and several luntireds Hamley's residence was erecteti The Pentecostal Testimony pub- band we knew nothing about run- o! childrefi. Andi Goti cares for the Grand Trunk Railway stables. (ther complete Bathroom equipment as lowvas.. $ 83.15 lished in Toronto records the ning a school. it today just as easlly as He diti wlen the horses empioyed in work of a Durham Old Boy. Mr. Then we feit it to be the will of back in 1922."-Mrs. ]Dcney. building the railway were housed. Dure PumIps Furaish Rtuaning Wates. C. W. Doney. son o! Mm. J. S. the Lord anti when we diti we **It was some building with a large If your home is without running wvater, there is a Doney, who visiteti home of lis moveti. We didn't wait. That "A labourer is noV necessarily a bell on the north end. When Dr upta ilfrihaspl okthn ah birth, the village o! Tyrone, a fe seerns to have been our experience gentleman -preacher or an uni- these stables were solti and moveti uoPm htwl unshaSpl okthn ah weeks ago, also his cousin, Mr. -flot to wait long after knowing formed i ceric. but a man calleti away this bell was procureti by room, laundry and barn. The Duro-Special Pumping W. W. :Short. Bowmanviiie. The something to be the will o! GFot. anti sent ýby God into Vhe larvest the Win. Porter Foundry, King System has a capacity of 250 gaIs. per hour, complete with rrticle reads "24 Years in The But we lad no teachers and field."-Bro. Doney. and Liberty SVs., a!terwards going 30-gallon Galvanized Tank, 25 or Land o! Bonage ... The Doneys didn't know where we coulti get . to the South Ward Fire Hall, and Visit Canada . . . Triumphs o! any, especialîy Christian teachers "We neetied lelp in the school- fromn there to the village of Orono 60-cycle, 110-volt motor, and costs Faith Amiti Cairo's Population o! -fr-we would have none other. work badly. Our prayer had been, where it became permnanentlyI only .......................$ 89.00 1,0,00"It was at that ime that a lady 'Lord senti one of Thine own settleti. Home Improvemern S * with a baby in her arms presented choosing!' Then the answer came With a hotel at tle G. T. R.Lai c We ýeconmend Vo oui assemb- hersel! andi asked to be our f!irst but from what an unlikely source. station, there aiso was one at the La e lies across Canada a man of God teacher. It seemeti unlikely. How Fr7 cm nEgat a foot of Liberty St. for some years Take advantage of this Govemn- who las been in the harness for could she teach anti care for 1er Fr7/ er i nln. danti when it ceased Vo be a hotel mn lnt oenz 41 years, 81 of which have been chutd at the saie time? Anti be- lain a Young woman in such an was occupieti by Thos. Christie asmetPa ondriz your spent in the Pentecostai ministry. sides thee as o none for a invaliti condition and suffering s0 a dwelling. It was afterwards oc- home with Emco equipment. Small Raiseti in the early days o! Manii- teaclier. We asked. 'Are you wiîî- terribly that o! ten she would have cupieti by John Fletcher anci monthly payments over a period VGaBo oe oroktefr aken her own life lad she been known as 'ýRag Castie," f inally cup to three years. mndentTeeditrmthe r rli ecailsv able to. Specialists who lad ex- demolishet anti a smail dwdUling WiefrFe okeso e anmentTee the H ohercss oves-aminet her hat idespaireti o! 1er erectet on the olti site. WiefrFe okeso e o! ten having hearti Bro. Doney case. Those were tle days when the preach in Winnipeg in those days. U Raiseti an Anglican Elle knew soutl ward wa s a busy pat o! the For Sale By He was one o! the f irst to receive f~' ~ f nothing beyont the teachings of town with its brick maing. is the out-pouring o! the Spirit in RB U er dhurch, but in that condition flour mlii anti Muir's Tannery, it's Los Angeles anti 24 years ago le, sRG T Nhe reacled out toward Got f or Quarry antia Abattoirsr LiquorB e tP rr with Sis Doney. obeyet the cati of ~ salvation. Soe nt rc rSs, noPlm e - Bo avll God anti set forth for Egypt in jecoratdng yuar ny iedt Unmistakabiy she heard the forgetting that sclool o! learning lm e - B w anie wihich country Got las marvel- seueý~< voice o! God caiiing hem Vo go VO for. young gentemen-Loscombe 3 ouslybueset tem. i c f ok or Him i -Egypt -. -She rea-_Aadmy Il"wsth h--Duro-Special rEMPInRRASS MFG. co. Le TD.

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