PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 193 Mr. anid Mrs. T. Tabb and Law- rence, Tyrone, Mr. Rov Ashton. SALEMBurketoni, visjted at M'%r. L. Gra iami's MAPLE GROVIE Miss M'\abel Brownî. Nrs. A. Grant---V Pastor Rev. M.\ardi (kelivered an Jini and Bill. Miss I rsiil NMcNeil, Mr.\Vernoni Trinmble Mr. Ray excellent sermion at the Snindav af- Toronto, visited at M,\r. A. McNi%.\atn, otîoe pei h ek ternoon service liere Sundav. - Misses \Veliîîa andI',il(rec l rad ,Ci. Porhtheforne s pntswer. Mis Magart Fstr, illroolev, MNr. Russell Edgcrtîon. (Xlî;îwa. and Nfrs. R. D. Trinîble. is holidaying witlî Miss Marie Colla- cd at Nt'. . rue l'aime. L.brNf,\~i r.-nd Mrs. R. L. \Vorden spent cutt.Cincisrie ex Sundav t s ith tlîeir brother and sis- Mrs. Ewart Pollard, Toronto. ar- Mr. il odn rived on Sundav to join lier liuisband About sixtv attended the commun-' oe for a visit w ith Mr. and M\r-s. C. ity picic e wliclî seas hled at Orono Mr. an(l Mrs. Ben Brown, two Pollard. Next week the% expe)ct to Park on Mon(lav. A verv eîjoyable children a re visiting relatives a t take a motor trip to Detroit and timie \vas lîad by alI anid'arouind six Chathanm. other U.S. points. o*ciock a bountifuil stîpper ivas ser- Mr. and l Mrs. C. H. Greenhlam and1 Miss M. Honcv, Toronto is home. veîl bv the ladies. dauighter, Atudrei spent the weekend1 having undergonte a inior operation Mr and Mrs. Richard McNeil, witli the formers brother, at Port4 for nose trouble. '.\r. George and Gordon Cowling vis -luron. Mr. and MNrs. \V. NIof fat and famn- it&( w itli iriends ini Oshiawa on Suni- Miss Kathleen Clemence, Toronto, ily, Oronio, visited lier parents. NMr (la v. recently visited at Mr. Lloyd Siowv- and MNrs. F. L. Squair. - . n - . Mfrs. C. Poliard lias retuirned frominI \rs. \arcoe, Mrs. Tellar, Missest a motor trip) to lier brothers, M r. N. HAMPTON Norah Meredith and jean jarvie Hocken of Esîaxîola. Fier sîster. < have rettirned front a very pleasant Mid home itliHcer. Torsn. Pollari a- 1Mr. T. H. Burrows. NMrs. M\f.G.trip down tlîrough the States. cd oma iiie er. Trnto onrd av Goodman and Miss Louîise Goodman Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, Mr.j cmrs. . ad r ceivondooa vii 'nipent thee holiday at Niagara Fails. anid Mrs. Bert Colwell and Teddy, Mrs.H. and eceved viit iontTown, spent Suinday with 'Mr. aiid a niece of Satnît Ste. Marie. ;nd ai' Miss Nfarv Wright, Toronto, visit- Mrs,;. ilford \Vilkin s, Oshawa. auuît from Toronito, on tie holiday. lcd Nr. and Nirs. \V. T. 1'crrett. 'Mas- ' ter Garth Perrett rcturned to To- Rev. W. C. Smnith lield a flower ronto wt ir service on Stunday wlîen there wvas a iic o ffoestee eas 1Sontie ladies froin i beiezer (li1JOV- 1lîad a eross made wlîen the 5 small-v S. iHAYTO 1, s isti aNl p îininth e - nThisd. îe lto lwr ce eas _____________________________ pcni ii He îa r o Tlu rI a. r classes each carried a stnall bon- l '.Iand l M rs. \Villoir Burnett, (tuet which wcre liuing on1 tie crossa .Mr. S.Sih ooti iiig0hia. vîsited Mr. andI'-Mr,. W. or laidl at the foot of it. After tlîeM at Mr. E. Bradlev's. \\Vilur. lei servicetlhe oer sr r.aî rS. I... Hallcaiid fanîilvr Mr. aislNfrs. L Hall n d r.and M 1ýý Mrs. Celîlias Rundie, taken to Boswmauiville lHospîital toS Mr, BNr oîxm*anvile. visited MNr. and Mrs. oilp inakec somne otlher sotul pleased Mrs. N. H al, Beriland( Cl itton, . 1 . isel . aîd liappy.k Und M F 17.K,.. iti.. 111f2nl Oshîawa, visite(i at Mr. 1). Gýralîatiîî ? few (lass at hionie. Miss Joy ce Kilburni, Oshîawa, is holidayi ng wii Mis*Jean Crossnîaîî. Ms oiiHorn, Dutton. is visit- Mrs. C. Montgomery lias returned îîîg relatives liere. home to Toronto, after visiting at A nuniber iroîîî tle village attenîd- M\r. H. Asliton's. cd the Regatta at Caesarea on 'Mon- \\nnis Inistitute annual pineii will be lîeld ini the park tlis after- noon (Thursdav ) to wvhicli aIl child- Thursday reti and ani- înterested adults are ini- MMI&M,ýFriday iited. Nlr. andi(l Mrs. 'Milton Averv and SatLuday Donna Kav. Buffalo, NY., v-,isited PORT HIOPE Mat. Sat. Mrs. R. Av*erv. MNr. and Nirs. Harold Salter visit- e(l her sister, Mrs. W. Young, Peter- M r. and Mrs. Ewart Creeper. Owenî Sound, were guests of M.\rs.1 S J. Colwill over the weekend. M1iss Winnie Crvderman and fri- end,(l Toronto, visitcd lier fathers, NIr. A. B. Cryderman, on Civic bol- L L Ný*idav. J 0 N E s £I_ r. and Mrs. J. B. Horn andi A Ný- dauighter, Dutton, accompanied bv ____________________________ Mrs. Everett Glover. Springfield, MNass., spent the weekend with tlie Mfisss Horn and other relatives. The .-Xîde famnils- held thecir pieie NEXT MON. and TUES. ini tle park on Saturdav. 1Miss Florenice Burns is lîolidaying ~ BAHTýwith frieîîds at Peterboro. Nr esiis visiting lier sister. i.~CD H r.L idiry. Mer. E. E. Staples atteîîded Masonie *EUEf 5 Grand Lodge Convention at Ottawa. The sympathy of the communnt% __________________________ exteîîded to Nirs. Arthur \Vakelvý and( fanîilY. Oshawa, also to 'Mr. and NEXT WED. and THURS. Mfrs. J. \\akelv., Bowînaîiville, in tuie1 death of tlîe latter's son aftcr a short( illuess. .Arthîur seas a highlv respect- r ýe~ d resident of Hamptoni for soinie P - - S A " W c ý c ars an diîî is m un ali fri uid s l ere isre Cee sorry to lîear of Ilis suilden (eiSeiise ****~ ~ IPoverty has helped many Young man out af ter he has f KersIake's (~ Buy Kersiake 's Sweet Pickle Mixture for Beets and Cucu.mbers, to be of good pickles Bathixig Caps Reduced Reg. 39e Cap, now 25e Reg. 29e Cap, now . ..20e Reg. 15c Cap, now 100 For sore perspining Feet Pair 25c" We guarantee them Free Mug with a large tin of Ovaltine 98c M4eeca Oint. 23-45-79e Mentholatum 29e - 55e Kotex - - - 19e Kleenex - - 15C Modess - - 2 for 39è Bile Beans - - 47e Tampax - 25e - 47e Pickling Spices, pure full flavored and at same prices as the ordinary quality. vacuum Motor Lunch 100 Botties J ugs Kits A.S.A. tabs. 29 -39 -69 $1.69 J 69ec2 W'hen we test eyes or fit trusses you are assured satisfaction in quality, fit and price. Poe695 P. R. COWLING, Phm. B- we Deliver Silverwoods Solve It That summer dessert preblem is easily solved if you just make a selection from Silverwood 's variety of Ice Cream Bricks. .. Easy te serve and appreciated by the whole family Brick ............. each 20C Serve a Corbett 's Fruit Pie with Ice Cream For ail occasions Canada Dry ginger Aie is just right. Have it on hand at al l imes, and save money by purchasing by the case. Ask us about the special low case prices. CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bowmanville a 1- i I ZIONJ Zion Siiidav Schmool pieuîic ivas very ivell attended at Hampton Park. The spborts under thie direction of WNr. WXarrenî resulted as follows: girls 5 yrs and un(Ier-Isabel Cruick- shauîks, Doris Balson ; girls 6 to 8- Ruth Robbins, Lois Glaspel; boys 6, to 8--Lawreiice M artinî, Glenî Gas- pel; girls 9 to 10-Helen Camecron. Betty Balsonî bos sIl to 13-Bovd Avre, Alvin Warreun; girls 10 to Il- Doreen Balson, Shirley Martin; girls 12 to 13-Peggy Kilîgi, Velma Bal- son; teenage girîs-Bernice Warren, Marrioui Balson; young ladies-Beryl Glaspel, Audrey Ayre; young menî -Lloyd Staintoui, Tom Whitehead; marriecl ladies-Mrs. J. Ceuicksbauîk, Mirs. R. Stainton; fat ladies-Mrs. Fred Cameron, Mes. R. Killen; mar- ried men- Anson BaIson, Jack Cruickshiank; sboe kicking-Bernice XWarreni, Vera Fishîer; undrcssiuîg race-Jack Cruickshaîik and Audrey As re, A~lf Avre and Eileen Staiuîton; 3-legged race, girls-Betty Balson and Kathleen Camecron. Bernice WVarreni auîd jean Balson: 3-legged race, boys -Alvin Warreni and Bovd As re, .Xnson Balson anîd Ivan Cochîraune.: talking race- Art Staiuîton, AIf. Are : tîug of ivar-.Wr;. Stainton's Young ladies' class and '.Me. Stainton's ouung unen's class ; spot race-Rus- selI Robbiîs: ice cream catiuîg-L-loyd Stainton anîd Annie Killen, AIf -\yre and Olga Lang; boop race-.Xusouî Balsoui and Bernice XWarren, Ivaun Cochirane andl I.cona Flintof f : sack race-Jauîies Kullen, Alviun Warren; whleeîbarrow race- .Anson SaIson aund Ivsan Cochirauie. John Staintou anîd Tom Wh itehîead ; gee-gee race- \uisoii Balsoui and Beruuice WXarren, John Staiuiton anid jean SaIson. .Nîrs. Peter O'Neil, Frankford, is visiting frieuîds and relatives. .Mr. XVhIiituiev Lanîg, Miss Olga Lanig, Mr. Carl Bradlev, .\Wr. Flovd Stauxîtn. Miss Bers I Glaspel. is Eileen Staiuîton are holidaviuig at Mi uskoka. NlIs., Ruth ilus. Oshiawa, is holu- iayiuîg at F. B. Glasn)el's. INESTLETON Service in the United Churci was well attended Sunday. Mr Har-is, Toronto, sang "My Go( and Father While I Pi-ay." whici was much appreciated. Rev. Dr R. P. Bewles will preach nexi Sunday. Misses Winnifced Marlow an( Snowie Marlow are holidayini a'ith their parents, Mr-. and Mrs red Manlow. Holiday visitors in tewn were: Mr. and Mcs. James McDewell Docothy and Elwood, with Mr- Arthur Hulbert. . . . Miss AnnE Elliot, Warsaw, and Miss Golde- lene Dafoe, Havelock, with Mise, M!uriel Fallis. . . . Mr. and Mrs Pency Beach and family, Mcs. Em- ily Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Wn Jacknan and Marion, Toronto, Tiih Mr-. and.Mrs. Wrn. William- son. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Wilson and son, Omemee, with Mrc. and Mrs. Les. Lansing.... MIc. Allen Fallis, Mr. Clîfton Bea- cock and Betty, with Mr. and MIrs. Wm. Beacck.... Miss Dore- thy Curtis and Mr. Macwood Dickey, Toronto, with Mr. and bics. Robert Dickey. . . . Mrs. Han-y Tinney, Mary and John, Cavan, with Mr. and Mis. Jeseph Focder. . .. Mr. and Mrs. William uiagee, Derothy and Evelyn, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Andcew Holmes. . . . Mrs. George Fallis wnth Mcs. Lewis Falis. ... Mr. T. Rahm and Bernice, Oshawa, with Mrc. and Mrs. Stephen Huibert. A E tE Ili p cc m 1t r m H F( i SOLINA Miss Doris Grooms, Toronto, Miss Nora, Werry, Kedron, visited ai Mr. S. E. Werry's. Misses Jessie and Eleanor Heys, Miss Constance Mackey, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman, Hampton, visited at Mrs. R. J. McKessock's. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Deban- andi Violet, Columbus, visited at Mr. Chas. Shortridge's. Misses Joyce and Mary Somer- ville, Clherrywood, are visiting at Mr. Jack Reynolds'. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker and Janet, Concord, Miss Ileen Couch. Bethesda, visited at Mr-. Jack Baker's. Mr-. and Mrs. R.ay Cook and f amily. Port Perry, visited at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. Miss Helen Baker is holidaying near Fenelon Falls. Miîsses P-earl and jean Leachi, Mrs. J. T. Rundle, Mrs. H. E. Soliiia, speuit Suuîday at home. Tink, Mrs. R. J. McKessock and Mr. and M.\rs. WVm. Stouichouse anîd Miss Ruth attended a Rundle- familv, Thornton Corniers, visite<l at Pcnfound family picnic at Mr. Nelson Fice's. Melville Staples, Orono, Saturday Mr. aind Mrs. Normanu Leach visit- afternoon. ed 'Mr. Geo. JolI at Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLean and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Piper, To- daughter of Buffalo, N. Y., who routo, visited at 'Mr. Normnan Leaclis. have been on a motor trip through Chuircl service isas ini charge of 'Eastern Canada, visited their thie Young People on Suiidav îîîorn- cousin, Mr. E. R. Taylor. ing. Mr. Kenneuli Hcddon %vas thie Mrs. W. A. Toms, Collingwoocl, speaker. Mis., Marioni Balsoui was Mc. and Mrs. Jim Verney. Bob the piaîîîst.. and Joan, Toronto, visited at Mr. Mr. A. McLeese and Billv are bol1- Thos. Bakers. idaviuig au Mr. J. Sbackleton's. M.adMs hreo c Nisscs Mabel and Audrey Lane Br. aBu rton nd ary, nM- n visited lat Wr. Warrcis. MrsdBronadMrA r n 'Mr. and Nfrs. Mncrief. Jean and Mr. Aan White, Peterbero. Mr. Dors, 'tteror, v.ýtedat Stin-, and Mrs. Will White, Mrs. Law- tors, uibo(,viie rt' ence. Mes. Bell and daughter, tons.Toronto, visited at Mr. Geo. MIis ernice Staiuîtoui, Peterboro, White's. is holidas ing at NuItckoka. Mr. andl Nrs. J. W~. Balsoîî amol jMr. and Mes. John Kiveil visit- fainiilv isiteil thie Crcam of Barley ed ai Mr. Herb Cameron's, Ty- Camp on Sîîuiday and called on Mir. rone. and Nirs. Will Fonind, Bowmanivillc. Misses Pearl anab Jean Leach M r. and Mrs. Les. Hoskin amuI visited their parents, Mr. and fail.Oshîawa, visited lier parents. Mes. Norman Leach, Taunton. Mr. and Nirs. J1. W. Baison. Me. and Mes. Geo. White wece .in Toronto lasi Friday attending rMr. Jas. Whites seventy-fifth BLACKSTOCK Jbîrthday party. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Oakwood, visited at Mr. N. C, A reunion of the Rahm family Yellowlees. was held at Mr. andMc. Mrs. J svstn e iRahm's. r.Js ml svstn re1 Mr. and Mcs. C. Wright and latives ai Bright.1 f amily, and Miss Jean Wright, Mr. and Mcs. Lauren Hogarth,1 Mr-. and Mcs. J. Forder and f am- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hogarth andE Lily and Mr-. and Mes. N. McNally Mrs. Minno, Oshawa, visited ai and Miss Verna McNally visited Miss Mary Hogarths. at Bancroft to celebrate Mr. and Mrs H. Gomme, Mrs. H. Ashlee Mrs. J. F. Rutledge~s 4th wed- and Master Kelth Breakey, To- ding anniversary. ronto, have been holidayîng at On July 28th Miss Eva Pan- ai- Mr-. N. C. Yellowlees'. tended the picnic of the life mem- The August meeting of the W. bers of the Bell Telephone Com- I will be held next Thursday af-J pany tendered by Mn. Barnard at ternoon, August 12, at 2.30 in the Niagara-on-the-Lake. Sunday school i-cer when the The congregational picnic cf Ebenezer ladies wili be our guesis. the Anglican Church was held on Thr a odatna c Thursday ai Cneam of Barley at church Sunday mornrng when L Park, Bowmanville, wiih 105 pre- the Young People's Union had 3 sent. Afier supper a bail game charge of the service. Miss RuthL was played when Seagrave de- McKessock was in charge of the Heaid acktos.ervice. Miss Margaret Scott gaveL Hldy Visito,-s: a story, 'The Four Fishermen of c( Mr. Bob Smith with his par- Galilee.'" Miss Lena Taylor gave , ents, Me. and Mes. C. Smith. a very interesirg talk. The choir n Mr. Lawrence Mountjey and f&voured with an anihem: Miss friend with Mn. and Mrs. L. Pearl Leach and Me. George Wer- B Mountjoy. rv sang soles; duet, Misses Kath- Pl Mes. J. Smith and son, Buffalo, leen Baker and Jessie Yellowlees; SI with Mi'. and Mi's. 0. Wright. double duet by Misses Gladys, j Mr. and Mrs. H. Graham, To- Jessie and Grace Yellowlees and & ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Veena Millson; and a double Gr'aham. quartette by Misses Gladys, Yel- W: Me. and Mns. J. Carter and lowlees, 'Pearl Leach, Kathleen fuîmiiy in Toronto. Baker, Evelyn Tink, Verna Mill- Ïk Mrs. J. Sanderson, Blackstock, son, Jessie and Grace Yeliowlees in wiih heu' daughter, Mrs. H. Hooey. and Ileen Balson. Mr. and Mrs. O. Graham and Next Sunday morning Sunday at Ama, and Mr. Ross Graham, School wlll be at ten o'clock and ni Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. Graham there will be no church service, fa and Verina, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham, Millbrook. Recent visitors with Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. Hoskin: Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy and Misses Elda and Bessie Meuntjoy, Kedron; Mn. and Mes. M. Heard and Elgin, Ennis- killen: Mi-. Bobby Smart, Osh- awa; Miss E. Lawrence, Colum- bus; Mi-. R. Wood, Orono; Mr. Fred Hoskin, Cairsiairs; Mr. and Mrs. F., Oshawa; Mr. Wal- ter Davis. Kedren. Miss Marjorie Marlew and fui- end, wth hec mother. Mr-. and Mrs. F. Werry and family with Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Miss Jean Wen-y return- ecl home. Visitors with Mrs. C. C. Har- cour-t: Acch-Deacon Simpson and daughter, Millbrook, and Mrs. Olephant, Montreal.j the Smith Bros. Mi-. and Mrs. W. Mountjoy and family and Miss Beatrice Mount- joy ai Mr. and Mrs. H. Mount- ioys. TWENTY-FIVE YEAKS AGO VFrom The Canadian Statesman .July 25th, 1912 Ladies Hospital Auxiliary of- ficers: Hon. Pres.- Mcs. J. W. Alexander ;Pres.-Mrs. L. A. Tele; lst Vice-Mrs. W. H. Martin; 2nd Vice-Mcs. W. N. Arnold; Hec. >Sec.-Mrs. B. M. Wacnica; Co-. Sec.-Miss Basseitt; Tr7eas.-Mcs W. B. Short; Executive Cemmitice -officers and Mrs. J. J. Menai- ity, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, Mirs. A. S.' Tilley, Mrs C.. Rehder, Mis. P. Trebilcock. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ce., gave the second annual picnic to their employee.9 and families, on July 19th, when upwards of one theusand people enioyed the eut- ing to.Toronto via train. The pic- rie was held ai Centre Island. Prize winners in sport levents in- cluded: boys' race under 16 years -L. Edger, W. Kelly; ladies race -Miss Thicksen, Miss Jennie Wil- liams; fat man's race-Ai-t Wake- ly, F. H. Mercis; 100 yard dash- B A. Sisler, Scott; fereman's handicap-A. M. Hardy, B. A. Sis- Ici-; other races were wen by J. Pollock, Scott,. P. Greenfield, E. Turner. W. Johnston, W. Kelman, Herb Jamieson. N. Greenfield, W. Kelman, F. Pepper, J. Mehun, J. A. Gilheely, Miss Clayson, Miss Thickson; tug-of-wae team-P. Alcumbrack, C. Richards, W. Lambert, A. Beer. W. Mîlls. A. Wakeley, C. Rundle, J. Mutten. Miss Muriel Calver returned to Rechester, N.Y., with her brothen, William, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Geo. Barten. Mrs. James A. Phillips and son James Alexander, Jr., ceturned te Westchestec, N.Y., after a plea- sant visit with numereus Canad- ian relatives. Misses Dorethy Edsall a n d Beatrice Cavanagh. Royal Victor- ia Hospital, Mentreal, ai-e visit- ing Mr. and Mes. S. S. Edsall. Seme time ago Mi-. W. F. Dale puichased fron J. B. Mantyn a lot in frent of his cottage on King~ St. and has ei-ected a fine twe story brick store. Messes J. S. Meeccrafi. Arthur Mingeaud, town; A. W. McLeod, Fred Fligg, Newcastle; T. W. Jackson. H. H. Reid, Oreno, ai- tended Masenic Grand Lodge. of Toronto. Bith:- Kent, in Bewmnanvillk. July l6th, te Mr-. and Mrs. Carl B. Kent, a son. Birth:- Williams, in Bowinua- ville, July 2lst, Vo Mr. and Mes. Peccy Williams, a daughier. Marriage:- Addlnall-Cox, in Bowmanville, a& home of bride's father, July l7th, by Rev. H. B. LKenny, Wilfrnid Addinall, Pacry Sound, and Arvilla May, daughtet osf Mr. Chas. Ccx, Ontario St. FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesmnan JuIy 27th, 1887 Courtice:- School report foc rune: Sr-. 4th Class-F-ank Gay, Minnie Merrow; Jr. 4th-Wesley Hanceck. Thomas Stacey, Edlth Cornish, Lizzie Rundle; Sr. 3rd-1 Laura Cawker. Lizzie NichaIs, Lydia Balsen, Harry Cawker; Jr. rd-Fred Morcow. Arthur Salter. Loretta Lyle. Wesley Salter; Si-. nd-Maud Teeley, Sarah Balson. Lavania Skinner, Horace Han- eock; Jr. 2nd--Gus Tooley, Char- ie Nichols, Emma Cernish, Min- lie Michael, John Allen, teacher. Maple Grove:- Mr. R. Sinclair, Bowmanville, has cemple te d painting the chui-ch. . . Mc. S. nowden has purchased, a Toron- j Light Binder fnom Messrs Shaw STele, Bowmanvihle. Selina:- Me. S. J. Williams, 'ho has been sick is cecevering. ..Mrs. J. Vice and Miss Mary l'ford have ceturned fi-on visit- ng friends at Fenelon Falls. Tycene:- Who were the lun- ics whe passed through hece one ght last week, uslng very pr - ýne language? Beuwatre of our jENNISKILLEN D)o uot mîiss thue Circuit Gardenî Party at Euîuîiskilleu oui Tuesday, .Xug. lOth. Supper served froiîî 5.3 pînul. at 8 pbm. Ebenezer will preseuit thîcir pouuular pîlay "~Take MY A(I- vice" aind othier numbers betwccui acts. A-dmiission: Adults-35c ; clîild- remi-20c. Niissiouîary programn on Sîuuda% ii(rniug ivas ini charge of NI ss. Stutt.. Nirs. CharsalPage aîd Nies. R. NIeGilI. Vocal duel, Nies. T. SIc- mni(u aud Nirs, E. XVright. Mer. and Niers. WValter Ralim anîd faiily visited Mie. H. Rahim's, Buek- etouî. NMiss Isabelle Ralim visited 'Miss jean NicLaughlin, Union. NMr. and Nies. E. C. Ashton visited Mr. Ira Travalle. .Nies. S. Pethick accompanied bv Miss \1'erua Pethick, Maple Grove, visited Niagara Falls. Nie. aîd Nies. G. Clîapmauî, Osh- awa, visited Me. F. L. Rohbins. Nie. and Nies. Edwin XWood anîd fanîily, Bowmanvihle, Me. Silas WiI- liatus, Hamptoni, Nie. and Nies. S. Turner, Oshawva, visited a, NIe. W. oke's. Nie. aîd Nies. Stanley anîd Billy. Toronto, visitcd Me. E. C. Ashtons. .Nie. aund Nies. F. LaBelle, Buffalo, N. Y., Nie. audNies. E. Brady,1 XV"iîîdsoe, visited Nies. D. Bsurgmaý-i ter. Nie. anîd Nies. H. Slenion, Toronto, visited ai Nie. H. Annis'. Nie. and Nies. Edgar Wright anîd4 Xlrs. Wni. Oke visited Niers. Bessie Rouhiuis. Hamptonî.i Nliss I.avcruîe Orcliard, Bowman-] v~ille, is visiting hier parents, iVe. aîîd1 Mes. F. Orchard.1 NIe. auîdNies. A. Staintouî and Clif- ford. Toronito, visited Nies. J. Pye. NIe. aîlnieMs. Sugden (ne Edith Gilbert) anîd dauglîter, Branîtford, Nfes. A. E. NfcCeeady, Me. H. Nie- eady and family, Letlîbridgc, Alta., caîled oui friends here recerutlY. Nie. W. C. Stainton, Toronto, is visting among relatives hîcre. Nie. Floyd Pethick and Miss Ethel ,Xard, Toronito, visited Me. S. Peth- ick. Services Sunday: Bueketon-Il ..m.; Enfield-3 p.m.; Euîniskillen- 7p. m. Special evening service at Bueketoui at 7.30. Eveeybody invited. >worthy mayor . .. Mr. W. Fraser and Mr. F. Hancock took a dash for Enfield on Saturday. We wondec if they made a mash. On Wednesday n.ight some mal- ici*ously inclined individual ce- unoved one of the wheels of Tom McMurtcy's hack and cat-riec i off. On Friday Mr. Jackman, Sr., met with a serious accident. He was driving down the hill nea- Stephens, mnul but having ne hold- backs on the hau-ness the wagon came in contact with the herses legs which caused the animais 10 kck in a lively manner. Mr. Jack- man u-eceived a severe kick upon the shin which broke and shat- teced the bone in several places. He now lies in a very critical con- dition. Birth:- Clarke, near Hampton, on July 23i-d, the wife of Mr-. Jacob Clacke, a daughter. "IDESPAIR"I "It is impossible fer that man te despair whe remembers that his Helper is omnipetenty-Jere- ny Taylor. "Remember thou cansi be brought inen condition, be it evet- se severe, whene Love has net been before thee, and where uts tender lesson is not waiiing thee. Therefore desPair not non mnurmur, for that which seeketh te save, te heal, and te deliver, will guide thee if thou seekesi this guidance.'-Macy Baker Ed- dy. "The fact, that God has prohib- iteci despai- gives misfoîtune the rght te hope all things, and leaves hope frcee te dace aIl things."-Mad Swetchine. s2.50 CHILDREN Under 12 Years sl.251 A It is sometimes a good plan t The average man doesn't care be sure the other fellOw is right- what you say about hlm, as long then follow, in his footsteps. as you admit that he's clever. COMMUNITY EXCURSION Niagara Falis $ WED,lAUG. llth Aboard the Palatial Steamer " Ontario No. 1 From Cobourg and Oshawa Leave Cobourg- 6 a.rn. E.D.S.T. Leave Oshawa- 9 a.m. E.D.S.T. - The return trip will be very interesting - Dancing - Entertainnft Arrive Oshawa 10 p.m. E.D.S.T. Arrive Cobourg 1 as». E.D.S.'f. Corne with your friends and sce the Marvel of Niagara. Tickets on Sale at The Statesman Office, BowmanVille Round Trip ADULTS Per Person 1 ýh ýh r. ct A J(