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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1937, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono NewsI VOLUME 83 BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST l2th, 1937NU ER3 Betty Snowden, Bowmanvilli Tremendous Crowd Present As United Counties Warden Draws The Winning Tickets EXPRESSES THANKS *Mrs. Wesley Cawkcr BRAD HONEYMAN Wins Radio and Osh-1 HOME FROM TRIP awa Citizens W i ni Former Bowmanville Boy Enjoyed Other Two Prizes- Visit te, Old Land - Is Trans- ferred te, New Post at Largest Crowd Ever Kingston to Attend Rotary Fair Mr. Bradley Honeyman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Honeyrnan, Miss Betty Snowclen. a mnember Wellington St., has returned from of the office staff of the R. M. a trip to England, Scotland, Ire- Hollingshead Company, was the land and Wales. While in Ireland winner of the Dodge Coupe of- he visited writh Rev. and Mrs. W. fered as the- grand prize at the J. Todd, formerly of St. Andrew's Rotary Carnival on Wednesday Presbyterian Church here. With Mayor Roms Strike nmght. Her ticket was drawn from '*Brad' Mr. Todd sent his greet- President of Bowrnanville Ra- thousands in the mixer by Reeve ings ta his many old friends in tary Club, who exPressed the Rý 0. Jones of Bowmanville, War- Bowmanville. Bradley, who is an club's appreciation to the huge den of the United Counties of ir.spector with the Ocean Acci- crawd for its generous support of Northumberland and Durham. It dent and Guarantee Corporation.- the Club carnival at Rotary Park was the first time in several years ha.s now been transferred to on Wednesday night. Warden R. that the Rotary main prize had Kingston where he will become O. Jones made the draw for the stayed in Bowmanville and the resident inspector, with territory Dodge coupe. cheer that greeted the announce- covering intermediate points be- rnent of Miss Snowden's good for- tween Cornwall and Bowmanville. tune illustrated the approval of 0f his trip to the Old Land the crowd. Bradley was most enthusiastie. TORONTO BOY The radio went to Mrs. T. Wes- He took no less than 500 snap- DROWNED AT iey Cawker, Bowmanville: the tea shots an a otetrle 3R EY CAMP wagon to F. T. Hobbs, 18 Ontario with tne hsot enthrallsed BR Street, Oshawa: and the Kodak to while on the trip. Among the K. Zubkavick, 18'2 Olive Avenue. thrills he experienced were visits Patrick, Keogh, 7, son of Oshawa. The draw for the cauilt. ta St. Paul's Cathe<lral and the George Keogh, barrister, To- conducted by the wives of Rotar- Tower of London where he saw ronto, was drowned in the lans, resulted in Miss Normia the Crown Jewe]s used in the re- new swimming Pool at Simpson, of 9 Hanson Street, To- cent Coronation. He visited Stoke Cream of Barley Camp this ronta, being announced 3..S Wn- Poges Church where Grey wrote Thursday afternoon at 2.45 ner. his immortal Elegy, st.ately War- p.m. This is the first drown- There was a tremendous crowd wick Castie, Royal Windsor Cas- ing in Bowmanviile this on hand when Mayor Ross Strike, tle where hie visited St. George's year. on behaif of the Rotary Club, ex- Chapel. scene of the late King Pat.rick, who was vWsting pressed appreciation te the crowd George's burial. In Scotland he the park with .ids sister. us for the co-operation and support visited Edinburgh castie, saw the thought to have gone tIn given the Club in its annual car- magnificent war memorlal, and swimung wilie his sister nival. The Club would, the Mayor entered the tiniest chapel in the was changing to her batbing said, spend the proceeds to the world inside the castle. suit in a nearby tent. When 1very best advantage. W a rd e n A atclrtrl aa it th sse eundote Jones tlh&Wnounted the plat! orm A athe culao r h lteraSaoist t pohe iterretnnwedto in andhilnlt e the!pctn co dawtecl e he sat in Scott's chair. sight. She immediately not- pailentlyforetheannouncaeen Brad really got a wonderful thrifll fied employees at the camp. that would tell each if they had out of the trip. Anyone who The body was found i the purhasd te lckyticet. hasn't been in the Old Land can- pool bv Irene Mitchell. F'rom the time the parade was flot understand through mere Dr. W. H. Birks, caUled to concluded until the draw was tellîng, what a trip of that kind the seene, applied artifielal made a huge crowd, the largest means. Having stood on scores of respiration to the lad for in Rotary Fair history, seethed historic spots, and having visited haif an hour. but no sien of te.ough Rotary Park. generously buildings well over a thousand lie appeared. The body 13 satpporting the vanjous booths years old, the pecuiar exaltation thought to have been In the which did a land office business ta goes with such experiences is water in the neighborhood throughout the evening. At t'mes îr.expressible. he says. So en- of five minutes. the thunder and lightning appear- thused was Bradley that he hapes Patrick and his sister have ed to threaten an approaching to make another trip before many beenvistiufl with Mus. Thos storm but it passed away, and in 3years. He feels that what he ha.s Veale, Duke Street. He was no way affected the size of the 'learned through his traveis is as unable te, swimr and his body crowd. One of the features c) good and as valuable ta him as a. was recovered in four feet of this year's carnival was the fine university education. water. appe -rance of the grounds and _________ A jury under Coroner V. boths which were gaily decorat- H. Storey will view the body ed. 0f course it is impossible to Mn. F. Leonard White, editor of at five o'clock today. even estimate the net proceeds at the Reformer-Champion, Milton,' The pool has been in op- this time, but George E., who with Mrs. White were return- eration for only a little over who was manager of the Fair. was ing fnom a motor trip in Eastern a month and is the largest well peased with the manner in, Ontario, gave The Statesmian a in Canada. according t. the which the carnival went off. Lack friendlyý cail on Monday. He is a owner of the camnp, J. U. of space in this issue prevents a Inephew of Miss Emma White. Morden. It 13 three feet more detaiied report of the Fair. 1Welîîngton St. deep at one end and elght feet at the opposite end of Martial Airs 0f Ten Bands Thrill the tank. - ~ At FairParad MORE OLD BOYS TO Crowus A otaryFarPadl ATTEND REUNION . I Walkerville, Ont. Tremendous Crowd L i n e s uhm ar Dean George- Streets to Witness one of the ;DIIa rcie teivtainsv Pardesin anyforDuram en eral days ago te attend the re- Longest Prdsi ay ArrangementsfoDuhmCn union at Bowmnanviiie and hope te Years - Prizewinners An-, tral Agricuitural Society Pair were bc there unless something unfore- nounced furthered at a meeting in Bow- seen makes it necessary ta change manville, Saturday, July 31, when my plans. Pather and mother, as several changes were made in you know, are also living here and As the iargest cnowd even te prîze list, the printing o! the list they are looking forward te at- attend a Rotary Club Carnival in was decided upon, and donations tending with us. Pather was bonn Bowmanville lined the sidewalks received. in Bowmanville 80 years ago ta- va- It was decided te ask Bowman- day and is still enjoying excellent and every availabie point of0an ville Legion Band as well as Mid- health for a man his age. They tage. the parade. featuring ten land Regiment Band to assist in will celebrate their fi! ty-sixth bands and 78 entries in the vani- the musical part of the program. wedding annivensary on Labor ous classes, proved one of the The usual amount o! money Day and I know they wifl partie- highlights o! this popular annuai was allotted for herse races, but uiarly enjoy meeting aid friends. event on Wednesday. Cowbays the bicycle races were withdrawn Here's hoping for good weather1 with their smart ponies from the due te lagging interest in the lat- and a record attendance.i Dude Ranch at Kieinbung, clownls, ter event. Yours very truly, 1 a wondenful turnout of chilre It was suggested that the sec- H. H. Todgham.i 1,, theiÂV iiip qptIu.U i -zyçretanrag ihJmsM! floats, decarated cars and dcliv- fat te bine extra men in order ta ery trucks, together witli the police the grounds on Pair day. banda, went ta make up a panade A donation o! $10,00 was ne- which took. nealy twenty min- ceived froni W. P. Rlckand, M.P., utes te pass a given peint.. ta be used for pnizea un the Wern- The judges un both' sectionsà, en'a Institute displays. Othen de- Mrs. W. H. Binka and Mrs. E. V. nations includcd: $5.00 froni Rus- Hoar in the children'a, and W. F. sell Osborne fer Antique Display Riekard, M.P., E. W. Crawford pizes; a case e! Caca Cela fer and President E. V. Hoan o! the the beat collectian a! peans; paul- Lions Cibun the main section, try feed !rern S. Stewart, for tur- liad a niwifficuit task seiecting keys; cal! meai frem Toronto cie- th:e prize-winners f rom the num- vatons fer cal! classes. enous entnica. As The Statesman Ownens e! atallians wili be in- goca ta press It is impossible ta vited to, show their herses ai- descnibe the vanlous floats in the theugh thene i5 no prize meney parade. The pnize winners, bew- for the event. even, faliow: The Onono 'rmes was granted Children's Section tl'e contract for printlng the pnize Beat Characten Graup-1, Alan iist. and Elinen Strike; 2, Pearl Cola- A saund system owned and op- cott's group o! Quintupleta. erated by Aluin & Neads, Bew- Beat Deccrated Bicycle-i. Lau- nianville, wiil be used for braad- iae Cale; 2, Mike Woods; 3, George casting durlng the day. Roberts. 'Bcst Dccrated DoIl Canniage- If you think you anc nlght go ahead, but don't be disappolnte'1 (Turn ta Page 7, Please) if the crowd doesn't fellow you. Grand Rapids, Michigan 236 Welington Ave. S. E. Auguat 4, 1937 Dean Mn. James:- I arn haping ta attend the Re- union this nionth and ta meet nmny a! my aid friends o! past years. If you liaven't sent an an- ouncement te E. C. Gambie, 1727 Franklin S. E. o! Grand Rapids, yeu might de se as lie formrncly lived in Bawmanviile. Slncerely yaurs, Lille Penkins Hicks (Mrs. Charles W.) Fred' W. Neiles, popular King Street grocen, lias once again cn- langed nia store, this time maklng it 20 feet loriger. This will give hum an extra 360 square feet o! !loer space. The additions and ch anges werc necessany Mn. Nclles saya, ta take cane o! a steadiiy increaalng business. Cheer upl You dan't have to, go around laoklng fer temptatian to yield to. EXPANSION 1H TOWN f- OOODYEAR PLANS S2503000 A enna lootan . 1 ý 1 , 1 - - -vmmwv e, Wins Rotary Car Erection of Three New Buildings and Ambitious Sports Program Installation of New Equipment to Is Arranged For Reunion Start With Ceremony Monday Next Bo lng ad Sot tball nighit and Councillor Sid Little ANNOUKCES PLANS A. M. Hardy, Local Plant Superintendent An- Bowlng nd ll arane asoftalltouna-nounces Biggest Program of Expansion in Tora ts l ment for the community picnic. Goodyear Loc l istory. PulcIvtd o Time Fiddlers Con- W. J. Bagneil and S. Little andAted er on on ona - ToC - test and Sports of ail the execiltive of the Intermediate i Kinds to Feature Re. 'basebaîl team will have charge o! plete New Buildings by January I st, 1938 e basebaîl fixture for Saturday18 u n o Com uniy afernon.DISPLAY 0F RELICS 1 A program of expansion, in- Pienie Horseshoe Pitching 0 Y O ED Y O vin ex ndteofeal Raiph Ames was asked 'te take O 3G N A ST ovn xedtr fnal chare ofthe orsshoePitcingFEATURE REUNION a quarter million dollars by Under the chairnanship o! Tournament te be heid in con -1thGodeaTre___be Deputy-Reeve Alex Edmondstone, nection with the picnic, and alitien Are Invited to Display Company of Canada in Bow- th l os eno prsdesirous o! taking part should get Relies of Pioncer Days at mnil.wsanucdys th os eno prsti touch with Mn. Ames whose BditnCu uig mivlý,wsanuedys Committee drew up an ambitious telephone number is 386. Rad unon lub DurAthrlMnHady îmngram oz events for the huge ild Time FIddlers' ContestRenn Superinteîîdent of the* local Community Picnic an Manday a!- A very Popular feature of the A feature o! the Dunham Oîd plant. The program includes tennoon. August 30th. This event, old community picnic will be ne- Boys' Reunion in Bowmanville on the imiediate erection of three like the former Business Men's vived at the Reunien Picnic when August 28th, 29th and 3th, wiil building-s, providing add e d Assciaio **to ilan Old Tume Piddlers' Contest b m uion Cub her spl nteiad ecIonnpc Duhmadi shpdta e-will be staged. Th.e committee e ma ,Cubosity display i t eca-of500fetad Dura, ad t s opd ha po-has asked Mn. David Morrison Sr. tien will be devoted te, the dis- the installation of a coniplete ple fram the sunrounding caun- tryside will pack thein baskets to take charge o! this event, and play o! old articles, family hein- newv miii line, and a new press. and join with the people of Bow- eTris. l emd ihhm iosadrmneso ine The added space will be utilized manville in a big a! ternoon of icI- cQntest is open te fiddlers Arthur M. Hardy days. for stonage purposes and office lewship and fun at the Cneam a! 6 years o! age and oven, and ne Any who cane ta, assist in this space, with the present store ca- Banley Camp, where J. L. Mer- accompanists are allowed. Mn. Supeintendent o! the Bowman- dispiay are invited te send their Pacity o! the plant being utilized wuMonison's phone is 8'78. ville Plant o! the Goodyear Tire den, the genial propnietor, . l& Rubben Company, who an- articles in prier te the celebra- foi production purposes. plac th eninegrouds t te Aprogram o! sporln events, 1neunceci expansion plans invoîv-ton Any înteresting item, such The buildings te be enected in- disposai o! the picnic. numbening aven 30, have been an-'ing expenditures o! a quarter o!faa lns spinning whe ls amI-ud oey anc oe60 by 180 feet, m Bowling Tourna.mcnt nanged for by the cammittee. The1 million dollars at the local plant, chemns, old rsssaily boork, itoehghoe60b18fet mnenchants o! Bowmanville have 1 to commence immediately. cia l rse n edeok two stonies liigh; and another 60 On Monday morning a Bowling' kmdîy co-operated in providing _________ and any othen article that wouldi by 120 feet,* thnee stenies high. Tounnament, open to anyone lni prizes for these events, but some prove interesting te the old boys The finst two will eictdsd Duha, ncudn ay ldbosmore pnizes are stiil requinedd and gisrtnin o h e- hy side and attached ta the pre- attending the reunion, wiii be any citizen or farmer who wishes M ANY PRESENT AT i union. It would also be an eye-setspigrom whlte staedattheBolig Gee, ndte denate a prize for any even ANNUAL PICNIC 0F loiener te many o! the present third building wili be enected at Postmasten C. B. Kent and J. D. may do so, by notifying MnrEGO B N genenation. -tews n !temi ulig Cannuthens have been placed in Mentlock at The Statesan office, THE Thee iIanNstiulaioni he wil e usedfothe anebidin. ch a arge o! thisn e ven. who is arranging the pr1 ls.gand te this display andi that is and sterage o! naw' materials. Ralad Baes as ben gven The complete list o!ec tsfl The Legion Bandi held its an-1 that the articles displayed must while the top floor wiil contain charge o! arrangements for the nual picic at Orono Park on. be aven 50 years aid. Those who the genenal offices o! the factory soccen football game for Saturday (Turn to Page Six, Please) ýSaturday, August 7th, with sixty c are ta send articles in fer this which wili be moved from their pensonýs Wresent and had a very dfspiay are asked te plainly label present locatian an the second anjoyable a! tennoon. The cern- thein items with their naine and floor o! the main building. mitteeý in charge anranged and address, and a brie! description of The added space in the other Announce M iddle ..School- Resuits - rn Outa PrOgr Of sports what the atticle is. Those in buidings will be used for itrg Bowmanville Blckstock Oronothe wnes This was followed zens wouîci send their articles in mobiles, o hc odcrl y apicicsuppn ie hc eanly. TheY will be stared under now the soie manufacturer in1 swimming, ball piaying'and athen lock and key in the Town Hall Canada. The added space ta be amusemenits filled out the day. until neady for dispiay at the utilized for Production purposes Long Awaited Results Are An- One o! the highiights O! the af- Badminton Club "House O! Fnr- will iikcly create additional cm- nounced in Three Commun- DECORATE YOIJR tennoon fer the children, judging endship."~ Thnoughout the tîme Ploymnent, Mn. Hardy stated. ities - Standings in Varions HMSADSOE by the singing and cheering, was they are on display unifonmed Bey Contracts for the lerection o! HOMESAND SORES the trip te and fnom Orno in the Scouts will be on duty ta take the three buildings have net yct Subjects Listed bus, in charge o! their good fni- cane o! the exhibits and te en- been let but wiil be opcned and At a meeting o! the Exe- end Tim Gàrten. A candy and sure that they are not handlcd. decided upon next week. The The long awaited and keenly cutive Cammittee o! the Oid peanut scnamble aIse added te For funther information on this new buildings will be langely o! anticipated Middle School Exam- Bos Reunion on Friday tl'ein fun.. dîspiay citizens shauid get in steel construction and the vily ination results o! Bowmanviile night the cammittee approv- Gis winnens wene as flos touch with Mn. Mortlock at The latest in factory buildings. Pre- High Schoal were neceived and il the plans o! George E. rth5 and unden, Rhona Evans, Statesmian Officewh has charge sent Plans caîl for their comple- releae erpbicto.yseda hseadbi eortos I Aluin; Boys. 5 and under, o! the exhibit. tien by Januany 1, 1938. i by Charles H. Mason, secretary- Committee fer the decora- IDan o y;ians, onGee8 ed M.Sato eland bride Genroal upninet aIl thoe treasurer o! the High School tien o! the business section, B3D . oroly; rls, and uenedn, M.St * OCvry n rieGneda y uprne t h .H en thoTwaHaldndthBBd- yes, 8 and unden, Clarence Sel- were guests e! bis parents, Mn. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com- Leen: C.Enlih omos- tTonHClb for the Red- den. Jack Tait; Girls. 12 and un- and Mns. H. C. Cavenly on Wed- teend EL , English iteature -AH. non ACltebforo thmpany Bey, Dorthy Evans, Helen Tait; nesday. lTrnta Page Seven, Please) twn Acienisy H , Cean&Ii;AH, uhon. Akes a ro o ! By,12 and unden, Rae Aber- Ancen Hstry C, andin thionkesaspecialty of nethy. George Sellers; Girls' 3- Hismtory; Ag, LtAiebr; Geom, cryeulhegged race, Florence Sfiotter and Geoneny L, atn utor; C. decorative scheme. T li i Cela Tait; Boys' 3-legged race, Several Injured In Accidents- In .LtnComposition; FA, French firm recently deconated Ce- George Sellers and Bob Evans; Authers; PC, French Composition; bourg for its Centennial Boys, 16 and under, Bob Evnansu a nw Phys., Physics; Chem., Chemistry; celebration and made an Go elr;Grs 6adudr _ _ _ _ _ _ hs W e Agric.I, Agriculture, P a r t 2.uttnin uceso!te Helen Tait, Cella Tait; Needle_____________ Agnc. 1, griultrePar 2. job. The company nepre- land thread race, Bob Evans and 1 indicates f inst class honors. sentative will canvass the 1, Ins. J. Knight, Mr. and Mns. Max THE WIGHT FAMILY Bowmanville Beach, Kurv Inn 75% and oven; 2, second class stores shortly and will de- Tuerk; Beet and shoe race, girls. honors, 60% te 75%; 3, thrdicass cnteidviul5trssp Florence Shotter, Celia Tait; boys, HOLDS BIG PICNIC and Hart's Hill Scenes of honrs 6 te66; , Cedt,50 plying ail material at reas- Ken Bnoeking, Max Tuenk; Hand Auto Accidents - Several te 60%. onabie cost. Citizens and SasiglaisMr.SLegt; rooPkWaSenofapy edKdcaAtnin S. R. Ashton-AH, 2; LA. c; LC. merchants are nequesteci te mesn, adTesnk . Lgot FOr ark a en eof Htpy- Ne eia teto 2; Chem. 1. join with the tw in givîng meMaWrrk aiyGhtson Wght ected- Joan Ayling - AH, 3; CH, 2: the community a gala ap- f rgto ih lce Geom. c; Agric. 11, 2.' pearance for the celebration. S E WO D IMbI President Clifford Macey, a cottager at Mary Baker - EC, c; EL, c; Already several stores have H R O D UN L Bowmanviile Beach, was amazed Agric. I, c. signed up for expert decora- MAILMAN PASSES The annual Wight Family Re- Satunday afternaan te find an Murray Bate-AH, c; Phys. c. tien. i___ union was held Thursday, July 29, eventunned bread truck in his kit- (Tur to age10, leas) --------The sudden passing o! Mn. W. at the aiready beautiful, but rap- chen. The family had been iat J. Sherwood Rundie earîy on iri- idly increasing in size and accom- ing in the diing noem and werc 'day morning, August 6, came as medation, Onono Màemonial Park. preparing to go into the kitchen a arat ,ockto hs fmilyandwhen Weston's bread truck, dniv- floui~igret scckte is amiy ad IUnder per!ect weather cendi- en by Art Holmeà, piaughed thro' M oiton ict res f D rha To ri;ds ar and near. He retireci tions and unden a heavy penalty the wall, knocking aven a slnk M oinat the usual hur hie e'ening fi ae oas oe it ea- aId ienutesru snlkt B e Feature 0f Old Boy s Reunion whenle ano ariseri his dau- ntoon. Although lagi ree hetruckWas poein d quiet i i having suffered a ering were soon uhrdott it struck a bump. Thue driver ap-. Dr. L. B. Williams of Toronto, 1 rente is pîeased te present hia stroke and passeci away appan- the softball dianiîend .by the an- Plied bnakes which allegediy lock- to Show Movies of Durham1 historic record in the finest o! ently witbeut a stnuggle. dent basebail fan, Mn. Melbourne cd throwing the truck eut O! con- i Color At Badminton Cl motion pictures, a replica in ro- Deceased was the oldest son o! Wight. Here a lively and enter- trol and into the aide a! the cot- on Saturday, August 28th nhance and !act o! the Durham the late John and Janet Pallard taining gamne was indulgeci in by tage. The truck turned over On ____County a! 1934, flashing upen the Rundie and was born at Hayden bath Young and aid, the highlights its aide in the collision. The Ceunty o! Durnham is se silver acreen for our enjoymrent on September 2, 1869, whene lie a! the pastime bcing the eils Tom Allen, Youthful hldayer, overJoyed at the prospect e! arnd memory's glad refre,ýhing. lived until about nineteen yeas vetakig etmegr bttngby iding on the runnimg board o! gnetlng and renewing aid assoc- This filaur is unique in the ago. 'His acheel days wcne spent Sm Charles Wight. the vehicle, receive<i injuries» ta iatiens at the Reunion eois e annais o! ne-unions, se <opre-in that neighborhaad and hie gncw O! course such strenuous exiln-is îeft leg and Passible ilnus hesvei its chaecen up en the fanm and, centinued cisc seen nequincd a heanty meal, Sien a! thebanwhnhws venc<l Oid Boys and Girls that it esvint cacerI sa- there until after bis fathcn's death and it was wcil providcd fan in pindudrnth he truck. Ho basgemertady cempe ted ailan- mtcpted bha the guegts wCern- when failing health caused him to ulta-sumptuous qua nt it iecs by waarcmoved to Bowmanville Hos- rilanements toname l owx n itteee that teeguoet ilap-theretire. On Manch 26, 1913, lhe was f amed caeks wha are second tu pital by Dr. Millar, but later re- vilat adInig ton gst8Ha nd peciero it evn eet han mahk-united in niarriage wth Miss none in thliand. leased. h rvradapsei rsatain lhtiAu ano2tan d generas resntat thatbsmrk- tAima Wght, ryrone, who survives *When everyonc seemned quiet, ger in the drier aned a passen- tspreoen stinons pandnilage ts mny peetain tn thum. which was due te only anc cause, and bruises. Itspeeieitstows nd illge he auny.The famiiy moved ta Bewman- a full stomaocli President Elgin *ith the samne aid streets you Dr. Williamis' film on Durham ville and for the past eighteen Wight wcicorned the members and once trod, its schooi houses County la now much tea long for y-a,.he, as _ enî_m_ oye -in ------dd toe-ectthe.a.iawng.Ma. -_ ab- t . onhhy-o Osh ý%* m ma latte More Circulation News and Advertising Than Any Other Durham County Newspaper

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