PAGE TWO THE CAN.\Dt.\N STATESMAN, BOWMAN\'ILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAX', AUGUST i2TH, 19.37 'Oit %àin biarn 5--hIr0mn Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interestS of the tow n of Bowmaniv~ile and surrouiJng countr'y, issued at King Street. B owmiatnvie. every Thurscday, by M. A. Jamnes & Sons. owners and publisners. The Ca...dian St atesmian is a nier-ber Iof the Canadiani Weekly New spapers Association. .1so t he Ciasso"A" Weekiies of Canada . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year in LUnited States, $250 a year, payable in advance. Singie coies. 5c. THURSI).\Y. \GUST 12-1-H, 1937 Women's Institute to Take Action Th'le ul'isionofI t lie Wiîeii 's Jrîtitiitet, f Bow'iminiville tir 1)uiiite inistallaitionii of rest iii rus ili tlue trrii. , lîrîld lhave tie suîp- p)ort of t tlier iililie rrgaiîizatiolis iliithe town îmd itiîrriitrysitle. The lerîed titr' est moinis luias rîritIei l eit . and it is tirue tilat a towi tlit lias sue h ala irge rural Patron- age sliirîl iistall t houi iiruruediately. 1it is , aid t lia t th(,eorrst wr nid be oni.N. $300. I t bas ireeri suigested tliat they lu' plaeed iiiigtr tie iharviiitht' [<xiillO. T'1 i.- %voirilt i ïuessitate ext'avat ii and tire erevi- ion oft t w rse partalte 'est l'o )ru,, ionie for m iien andi oie for womuen. It right possilY t'rst miore tiliarithele suru sgested lîy thli î1.ti- tute. luit even if it r'osi. twie e SIIsIm. it worli dst Ilibe x'<'lîlj and(la irrrrl i- vestimerit. The WonwiCî s Iii ttitte siîl liaveth Ie act ive suppor<)it o f other groiips. Tlie irîsta Il- ation w'ould lie as x'aluable to rural rk'sideiîts as to u'ban dw'ellers. Thli Institutes aroiiid tihe colinrtv w'oild therettire he iiter'ested ini the pi'ojeeted plans, and there is little tioutt that tire Rota ry' aid Lions ( lbs, a rd thle Tow'n Comieîil. w'orld be -Jad ttî give srvrre finarîciai a.ssistance. Tire iattt'i'is Iow piist the niere stage of discussiton. I t is lirtpodt that withiîi a verx' fe-w'w'et'ks the towrî arnd countrx' wili sec the hiîstaillatitîi of thesi' much rieeded anid longrig ortemrplated rest roorns. Why Business Goes Elsewhere lu arr autdr'ess at Midîand ri'rentî.lvTiirtilt W'. Donna lute.nierelinrd isirîg îexpert tif Loni- don, trntltrttutk tu teth Ie liusinuess rrsurî tof M~idiarîd aint Penittnug - i' viiBtisiii4,'-ssur' Elsewvirere. *' As thrat is xvhrnt ni Iot tof Btix- manvil le tiercliauts xvtîuîd ike to ktixv ive pas.s ontirtattrnscietif thlut burghts tex- pressed hy Mrr. t)otalte, who irîitieidleitx att- dressed xeekîy rrewxsîaîer ettittîrs xvîiugatîr- ered iin Lonidarn for tireir Ontaîrit-QneIiee conîvenrtionristuire xeeks agî. 'loiiriany r clerks, 'Mir. )onalirue says. seerri rnure inter- ested irn gettirig yaur dollar thanrinritnakinig the custorner feel xelnorîîe. aid thuts givîrsg him a desire ta coise îack againi. There' ias boa inuch higrh pressure and nîdit enrog-ir frjerîdliness. The attitude isntrrany stores, he added, xvas flot -"What cari I do for -you,' but "Whab cari I gel out af you." People do not like to feel they are being soîd sounse- c thing. On the ctntrary they like ta thirsk they are doirsg their owrr shopping, s0 that t.he storekeeper and cherk must inake iis suggestions iii a mnairnier w'hicls does trot give the customer the impression tirat lie is being sold. Mr. Donahue strorigly recomuteids IDale (arnegýie 's hook "how' bu Make Frienits antd Irîfluerîer'Peopîle.-' 'hls book has hte-ni quite btlirghly read iriiotîr office, uard xvi uertairrly ngrce thrat ilt rrtainns Irîst tht' ideas tIrat got t tiake rip oo u inertss. Wt' suggt'st that evt'v iex rrclruîrt xvhrtîis ieaI lv înt.erestv'tlinrgt u bus iliess t- l 'tîurrh t i friertsîri ps lue nakes vi th i lis umstuîniers. -et thIs lbook andi]lave every clerk read it. It is niot rt ail tîuv, luittuonin tînt rr'arv rs extrerîn<'Iyfascitirating rcadiîsg. It tell«is u ston'Y iii stîîies, arndt-ive's scorerts o tut'atl inîcidlents ta Iîrovxe eanîIlh eolitt'ttionr. Tire uvirle of Mr. I)oralîre 's address ivas cettred onthe tlu'frienntshiijtht'rte, Ilit'fett after a very 'a refuit sitiY tuf Iluisiirn'ss thIat tIre business mari earrd trot get buîsinress sitbirrg I ike a sph inx heliitrd air of'fice grill, but ni restablhishinrg ant i tainta irrrîg frienul I telatiouns xitîi iis customers, sout îtt it'v wiIl xvnr ti corne lack ag-aiîs. It is nia doubt becanîsi' business imen tia rît(t tris, thiat a reet'nt snrvey shotws that 75 per -etinttuftaIi buisinntsses tIto not tlive trto eer'att'a i tl hirtîtiay. Election Practices Need Revising Apruxilirial e'It'tiotî is iintIre rffitîg. l>rt- miel- Mitulhell F. ltîhi'uis auuîiart'nithv pî arr aîuît'aI thtIe pîît'onîh itihis lte- cortd tf thnt past feux' 't'nrs. Withiiti a vterv shornt tiino' raîd idat's anrd Itledr's vil Il ' ott the lrust irîgs st'ek ing suiîport tif tire lector- ate. At siehl a t inri it is ive]] to arnke orne reurtst offtIise ptl il ital parties wîno wiII bie erîgag-euliiin t' frayu. If il is nott tua tiunîi to ask, wu' siggn'st tîîat speakers dt'al onty withr tht' far'ts aîs they u'xist. We realize that evt'ry quet'ion i Ias two sidt's ta it, anîd that theri' tari Iria Iî'gitirîrate' tiffererrce of opiniounn unr'vtry iajoitop tiiied iseunssu'd. This differerîe<of uoptirionsirtultl tot Iiawever provide a itnanis fuor falsifying tht' far'ts as - they stand. Revr'ut tI'ntituts, lîttî pruiviri- cial and fecdt'rn±, l1aive~.ltxtu a tentilt'ry fori politîu'ians tut triI tîri tnlîtst stnîri's abulti the other, wxvii lftlin' insi h t hit rrîîst of the time is sperît tlrtryinug uvhat tt'eatl'r sitle says, atnd tht' i,iturîs unare 1<' t i nit hie' aek- g round. TIhere 15 li'u riiuiihîul in att'r t Irat musnst rît t bt sidu'stopperuil. IIl su'rtttil' btutiever-bte-Itss t irru. 1 t a ir ur'ueî irsg electitur secs et"riii iniiuîiris, t fit'v cari hardly lIee ailetl i1iiti"i,în11iLtîwrn' votes, lb seeinirs t< us1t ;l i <tvit <r. w it lu any spark of deeerrcy il iiiuir <or xii hi mm regard for thirelefare of hi. ruti ci' iwn- -quiee, could accept a brie tt rstIisv, ' Pnuyîrsileiit for vote's is adtmit tii iur mn <r inin iany ways. Eveti wlen i <litti tir'- agnizatioîî pays forl' nivote, i in uit t rs'.i aixe bhat the voter wilI carry <tînt Ii-, pi. mise. lis fact il seetas logical ta hilirvi tirrît il il*v piso Ii vrlIa', '.itlit tle r'î.peet foi' Iiirî- se'l t' t hla t e lti rit el I is voti e, wrriiid net Il(-, itttta ii)q týl 11 )irir' ti t I l( r)se Nwl14rr ii;a1vt(' 11; 1i I1 ýiltl. \V\e, la ve htirîî 11 od tîrrî t thIns lrii\l'il _- rt i it b l ii. If t 4h 1, arî i ;- li i i t rin î<tir'îlig voinr <te.,it iii 1- t ()1)1) , . On( i Ille <tIorr'ari %%o hii Vî- mai a iru it i' jmîritir.tir rssîiliiet Ili t -.tnnî!. wevI itrike un rîrt i.î if tdlitvile lhrabits vireti- ir.g iît<lito u eletiî t's'tt'rîî. Bringing Reckless Drivers to Their Senses The[lil"'Irtrr-( arnipnigrî' ' irstitîîtt'tl thre eîa r'tniierit tif li lihvays iri an efftort tri str'ru thle aveederrt tîr irs On taio l lihwuys Slittild lr'irî ,.. . î'îekless (drivters 10 tîreit' Seseres. BN- pietniriig hii tIre press, tIlieli tir( resîl ts rtf t'areiess anrd erii iral dri vi ng~thlit îiiveriinîiet t ipes ttî al)lea1 tii tîrns' seirrs lA have left nrrîîîoved. "ithst' xlit trrixel otintth rîlgilixa, sttîarr x 'teit eal izi' thlut tIre grea t îtr tpxrtiuni tf dr'ivers art, Syuig tri ply thlit'gare n d' 11( tIi'tIre hm-. Oxir tierepucert lImiday w'et'kerid xve saxv iiaryin rstait~'s çof touttirrt hii tliat itilit î'ail veaxi'Ird tîagiresnits. luit gontd titi- tunret' vas xvit h t lîrrî. Witli a speedtlIiimit rtf:-)0) ruiles. tîrieis 111)salie reasiti xvliy ntiix mian sholtid take hris and otter Liixes irîtî lus liaid fotr tIre sakt <of rîakinrg tjut afpwxv st morstf t ume. te have rîrt rd terrs wxvlire t i ittl e or ira rot ieof the' feti tent sigis xva ru- ing "D'lo Nrt Pass totiaa1h1. l' fortii iaIt' ly soinie peotple are s callIons tîrat the' le- rt'axveierts tif rtîers (î Iont to unr aaiîsprîr- sîvi'ttiid iri t hem.- anrd it seerus tIrat tIre <ni xvay tMat tiev xAil Ilearî threir hr'ssrtnris xvliî'r sarnetîti mar arnd dear btitein is irivol veti iri a Mouîîrs aeei'den tI is t A IreIiîîed tîat th li'îresî'nrt evtlanip gniiinit ateîl lxdeti e r- partiiierît xil I lrirg sainie af tîese driver~s to a reuaiatimorf xvlat it nipaîs to kil tî nmnia tt Idef .Tîrre are accidents it is trîte tîtat are dite ta ather causes tdanrireekir's' ilrivirrg. luit hîy far tire great niajarity arte dul rt atrimn ze At go îîlaîes faser t hanitht rrsr wlia lapt'rtt ie alea(I of vonr. Getting the Right Vewpoint The liîglv sigu tuf ua F'reii'hI-('atiaîlianti nt- itiialisin lias aurai r'tarî't its Irear inii('air- ior rliaîîiain tif thelin'(aditiarî Fories initht' (T-ertat \Var. (lisetrsses the' subieet iii a î'eeent issue oif Sattrdav Nighlt. and nottes ii tIre recet t 'iactineiit of the Quebee Legisiature, tiakitrg Frt'neh tIre orîlv orfficial langutag-e tf thte protviiue. thIs grawiiig terrderîey. 'Tle Frehr-(airadiati mirraritv lias ltitg heeus a thttrnin i the flesh of tîrose wh'd(esil-e a trriiy iiiiitecl Canrada. Orne wtînders what is hehind il ail, and what it is that makes the average Frersch-Canadianî wish ta eterisalîx' press hi.s caims with the threat of separ- atiair from Canada and the Empire. Receirtîy we lîad an opportun ity ta dis- cuss tire malter with a French-Carradian fraîn Ntrthern Ontaria. From aur conver- sation wxe Iearrsed anc thirîg that hadl tot stritek lis 'ery fareilîly befare. Th is tirais earrietiaaout ithî him. the feeling blini ('araians. <ther tirait Iis 0w-nl'art'. xx't tiî tri put sautîetiing aver tire Frtielrh- Yaradiant potpurlationr. andth îat as a uiiiitritx rrtiij lt'x v'r<' tilr"t, ii' htss loaketid din tîît'd tlrrxviwi. Ire r'aee as a xvlrott lîr'n;Sî tii îake t'ils a fr o nitrittitoIliii iiattiliil'tx ,rrt siifft'r-iiir.rfr'trr i iiiftrioî'itv t'irniîltx. 'Ilit' Bri'tishi andI ttîrr ' t'l'iiîîts i Catianla adals ith<er iliferiit. r tra stf'ii iiir itv. 'IlThvarre arixîtîris tilivt'tî'tvanti jteaet'alyxxîi trtern. antd xviîle trtînt Ioluit xvîsli tt lie dii'tutedto ytahi eur. eitlrtr iii reigitonior <'rltîrethtie>- nake no utteirip~t to taki' frontr Freril-< 'nrati aists he<ir r'l i g- joirad trriivil I lierty. IlLs Etiiiiîrenoe'C artdinal .1. M. R. \'iih'ii elove, raîikitig îreiatr of the' (artlie hi r'- nure liv in 'aniadla. iii air adtlress last xveek statet't tat tfl' (liiirvli wishî'd t10 l ovnîl ttî Canada and lîîîth(','andrril lit' Iiniî Do-~ riiîiiii lti istinirt su'r'vînt' vlriIi ' hes<îiîtlt'it'i tte i'iiirti's thit1tie Riliani athitlii' ('liiri'hi luiviirotI te sepharat ist. rnia vt'int. Editorial Notes V. RI. Sirithi. l>n'sidetot lltnte ~talcr Lifre Intsnratut't' ()firtrs ASsoiitiant, inn n i'en'uuut aultrt'ss, îintionttltIe fart thiat 3,- 50)0,0003 ( ntatianrs earr' v Ilirfe'inisurnru, thrnnt tire aver'agte polieY is "j ust a ver $2,000), aitd thait t vnwhier.iir najorty tuf the ownt- ers tof insornni'tanttu trir fatiffit's are per,- suoistof very inroultst ineans.' TInisinuakes it quite clear bînat ourtt tf smaîh earningrs wark- inrg peaple hanve adoptt'd tItis saf'st methoîl hy which ta save uip saînetitg for a rainy day or ta inake provisioin for families wlîiî'h mnay at lie more favorahIy sittiateil. Meet- ing, tire qunaterîy tir lalf yvarly payienîts ns- ften a diffieuin iattt'r, buninr is saved iin tItis wax' thiat wattld mot lue saved, but fuir tire obuîmationr t'tereul intt. Yturng people, <'yen ui snail Inirrrus, shunlut set aîîart arr ainnint fur iret'irtsoraneu' anti, vhere'ntn t'ssarv. nn'aet ir'oeiftt fuiti mnet ' - nintts rn'guarl.. tItli t' f iren' xlivIl i tlstn'rvt'ttftlue' tftitt tf tl Inn or ?rei'tir \irriin, tire fyvts orftire nexvs- pavnpet nnluri r'trTinittts Irui'îhveistn ett' iri rtl fthin hn i fittv-iuu' ars. T'l uss t'llnnlsis Itî nt' iutihîrrit n d vu'utîr l thîrotf thet niinn rtenru- ' fut Ivrs inîulie ibkiirîies andr lorur'noitt"et'd is a Sîtiuv proi.ess nît nînîx ltinnu. Witli ieiwsîîalîici records uinavnrilahuîc tint wtrk is miade exet'tdiuigly mare difficuli. When one muan cant get along Thîis is %vork-ed by indiv.iduais and %vith one wamian . . .which we nations alike. Individuaiism is frequently discover b3' observing too strong for Unîversai Brother- otu' neighbors . hat chance is hood to becomne a fact. there for Universai brotherhood.> The aim of ail education sliould What is called Universal Bro- be to beget in people a pover ta therhood . nd is described a mastler theinseives. If we could nie uîum~ïe' al'ai do this. wve shouidn't need to the ltiateideal. . . suggests jeorbohrskèe n i that ail men on earth wouid be arbohrskee n i agreeable. To begin wit h iwl-1di't need ta be ours. can't agree on such a simple t1 a BeondyhgbeoesUi sublime su'ject as religion, versai it ha.s ta work for a long time . . . and on a considerably When the citizens of al coun- smaller scale. Universal Brother- ties in the worid. who now' at- iliood is a long way froin perfec- tenýd partly f illed churches on t'on rigiit now. competitive corners, agree ta flliEmnerson said -Iz îs only as a one of them of color, man puts off fî'om hiniself ail ex- creed, or credentiai . . . 'e vill ternai suîpport and stands alone at least be headed in the right that I see hiîn ta be strong and direction. Up ta date Universal ta prevail . .. He is weaker by Brotlierhood is a figure of speechi. every recruirta bils banner." The main thing that stands in Vir-tual Brotherhood would be the wvay of Universai Bratlieriiaod achieved if every ruan and woman i s the attemptivwe ail make ta get in the worid gave ta others the somnething more than is caming ta privileges they dlaim for them- us.. . or doesn't belong ta us. selves. Little Known Facts About WELL KNOWN PEOPLE A seIres designed ta rnake citizens better acquirted %'îtli people everyone iin the eommiîîity lias know'n for vears. No. il - P. P. MORRIS One by one the aid businesses ity United Churcli where lie las of Bowmanvilie have changed served as a member o! the Board hands or have gone out of exis- of Stewardse. tihe Trustee Board tence. Only a very few businessesI and the Property Committee. in the town can boast 50 years of For ten years he was a mern- operatian, and amang these few ber of the Bowmanviile Hospital i3 the F. F. Morris Cao.o! which Board. succeeding the late Nar- Frank Frederick Morris is the present head. There are perhaps none in Bowmanvilie and sur- rounding country who do nat know Mr. Morris by siglit, but few realize that hie has given ta this community the best years af his life in service ta its institutions........ and arganizations. Back in 1881, Levi Marris, fath-. er o! the subject of this sketch, started in business as an under- taker and furniture dealer. He tvas a native a! the Isle af Wight. a7 was also bis wife. Sarah Jane Bartiett, but strangely enough they had nat met on >their native isie, but in Canada. F. F. Marris was born in Bow- manvilie on August 23rd. 1872. ' That was an important year in the Marris family because the same year bis father, Levi Mor- ris. became a member af Fiorence Nightingale Lodge. I.0.0.F. Mr. Morris attended the aid F. F. Morris Union School on the site of the man S. B. James as chairman. an present Central S chooa and office lie heid for seven years. He among the teachers he recailed was also extremely active on the were, Mr. Barber, principal, Miss Public Sohool Board, serving on Moarcraf t. Miss Fairweather, n that board for ten years and be- Malcolm McTavish. Later wheid isg its cliairman in 19il7, 192,2, lie attended the high school hi.s 1925 and 1926. In the latter year teachers included Mr. 0 11 v e r, the addition on the east side was principal, Mr. Miller and J. J. erected. Mr. Marris alsa served Gilfiilan. one year as a member o! tihe With his father in business it Towni Council. was natural that F. F. Marris So much for municipal a!! airs. sliould start work quite .young. In thse realm o! fraternalismlie Whule stili attending school he lias also been active. He is a life used to work in bis spare Urne in niember o! Jerusaiem Lodge A. F. the store. On the death o! lis & A. M., treasurer of Palestine father Mr. Marris became mana- Chapter Royal Arch Masons since ger of the business, and lias car- its arganization. a member a! St. ried on in that capacity ever Johin's Preceptory, Kniglits Terr- since. plar, Whitby; a nrenîbr of Pen- That lie has been active in the taîpha Chapter, R.A.M., Oshawa, life of the community is seen by and o! Ramesese Temple a! thse the x'arious organizations ta which Ancient Arabic Order of the Na- heŽ has given bis talents. He has bies a! thse Mystic Shrine. holding not been a mere "joiner," but in thse important office of Potentate's most cases has heid important Aid. offices. He is a inember of Trin- He is a Noble Grand o! IN THE DIM. AND DISTANT PAST FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesmian, August 3, 1887 Hampton: Mr. S. Robbins, northwest o! this village, lias soid bis farm and thinks o! going into the butchering or draving busi- ness. . . . In the ast twa years there lias been six marriages in tise ranks o! our churoli choir, five femaies and one maie. We ;vould like to hear o! any choirwhca beat tlis record. Tyrone: Mr. T. Gardiner Jr.. lias baugit tiseî'e-sidence a! Mr. A. Bingham, which was built in the year one. Do very weii for barracks, Tom. ..This week xve recor'd the marriage o! no less a personage than R. Coates who an the 27th uit. was married ta Miss Cummings o! Cobourg. Thse happy, couple drove ta Hampton, hustied tise parson out o! the prayer meeting, liad the knot tied and drove home. Man that is married to woman is o! many dlays and f ull o! trou- ble. Is the marning lie draws bis salary and in the evening, beliold it is gane. Il is as a taie that is told; it vanishetis and no man knows wliere it goeth. He raiseth up ciotied in the chilly garment o! the night and seekeths the semnambuient paregoric where- with ta soothe calicy boweis in bis infant posterity. He becam- etis as a horse or ox and draweth the chariot o! bis offspring. He spendeili bis shsekels in the pur- case o! fine linen ta cover the bosom o! lis !amily, yet hinisel! is seen in the gates o! the city with one su-spender. Yes, lie is altogether xretched. Haydon: The annual picnic lield at Mi'. Samuel Mountjoys on July l9ths was a grand success. In the 100 yard race for boys under 12, Haard Rundie scored first and Byron ýA1cLaughlin second. The 100 yard open went ta Ed. Richer fLrst, and Sari Mountjoy second. Port Pei'ry Standard says that there are 60 aid maids in Whitby, 120 in Oshawa and four car iaads ini Bowmanville. The maiden la-f dies o! uncertain age in Bowman- ville shauid crusade ta Port Perry and exterîninate tise editor of Thsec TWENTY-FJVE YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman. August 8, 1912 Bethesda Schaol Promotions: Jr. 4 ta Sr. 4, Wilmot Wrighit, Evelyn Brent, May Wright: Jr. 3rd ta Sr. 3rd. Rosa Short, Har- ald Hoar. Douglas Cole; Sr. 2nd ta Jr. 3rd, Viola Short. Howard Brent; Aima Thiomas. teaclier. Miss Edith L. Freeland, form- erly of this town. is presidîng at the organ a! Jarvis Street Baptist Church, Toronto, during t he summer months in tlie absence o! Dr. Broomie. M.and Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn and Miss Tanibtyn le! t last week [for Torotot where tliey wiil reside at present. We are sorry ta lose sucli good citizens a!ter s0 many years residence here and hope r that they may return and make tlieir home here again. The engagement is announced of Olga Iola, only daugliter o! Mr. Chiarles Williams, Duke Street, ta Mr. J. Howard Jainstan. Toronto. Thse marriage is arranged ta take place at tise residence o! Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Markliam St.. Toronto, eariy in September. Birtis: Tamlinson - In Darling- ton. Juiy 29tli. to tise wlfe o! 'Frank Y. Tolinson, a son. Birth: Werry - In Darlington, on July 3lst, ta the wife o! Mr. W. G. Werry, a daughter. Marriage: Fairchild - Lawrie - At the residence o! the bride's brother, Mr. John N. Lawrie, Bow- manville, Juiy 31st. by Rev. J. A. MoKeen. Orono, Addison P. Fair- child, Brantford, and Miss Isa- beila, only daugliter o! the late John Lawrie, Darlington. Shaws: Harry Hill, W. E. Jew- ell's !oreman, purposes taking up land in New Ontario this f ali... Mr. E. .Walirlwliawas seriusl inured by liS team rmn- ning away witb the haytedder wlien meeting an automobile, was iecovering but bas taken a relapse and Nurse Ciaffy a! Toronto has been recaled.... Ashton Brothers are putting dawn an artesian well for W. S. Bragg. Standard and tlirow the contents o! bis office into Scugog. Florence Nightingale Ladge. 1. 0. F.. Past Chef Ranger of bath the Independent Order of Foies- ters and the Ancient Order of Foî'esters. a member of Ontario Encampment No. 14. and of Long' Sault L.0.L. No. 764. That's quite a r'ecord in fi'aternalismn. a record pî'ababiy unequalled by any man in this district. He is a charter' memiber' of Bowmanviile Rotary Club. and ils, President in 1927-28. He is naow Pr'esident of the Men's Canadian Club, a member of theUndertak- crs' Association since 1892. Presi- dent of the Canadian Embalmer's Association in 1920, and a niem- ber o! the Ontario Hospital As- sociation. He also served as Pres- ident a! the Canadian National Embalmers Ass'n.. and during lits termi presented a gavel. made in the Organ Factory o!f ine differ- ent woods, representing the ninp Canadian provinces. And membership in ail these groups and aî'ganizations bas mneant something ta those groups. He has given a dignity and quiet leadership to every arganization ir. which he lias heid office. His record as a public man lias been exceptional and lie has carried on bis municipal wark efficientiy and ably. Mr. Morris lias a kindiy and generous nature. Many are the benefactions that the public nev- et' hears about. He shuns public-, ity. and it waS with the greatest )difficulty that we were able f0 se- cure fram himi some of the neces- sarY information ta camplete this story. Mr. Morris is married and lias a f amiiy of eight children, and as he Proudiy added, 11 grand- children. His chidren are. Mrs. Greta Olsen. Santa Barbara, Cali- fornia; Mrs.. Ross Stevens, Maple Grove; Mrs. (Dr). W. J. Lang- maid, Oshawa; C. Gardon (Ted) Morris. in Bowmanvileé; Mrs. W. F. Souci, Halifax, N. S.; Mrs. R. N. Rea, Portage La Prairie, Mani- toba: Betty at home, and Jean, taking the Domestic Science Course at MacDonald Institute. 0.A.C., Guelphs. As a boy tlie oniy businesss lie recalis that are stili aperating ta- day are J. B. Martyn, Han-y AI- lin, J. H. H. Jury. Cauch. Jolin- stan & Cryderman, Levi Marris. and Pethick~s Barber Slap. Mr. Morris lias witnessed the town make progress. aithougli it has sliown very iittke increase in Population since lie was a boy. He believes that it would make more progress if thle business men wxotld take a more active interest in affairs. and co-operate to the benefit o! al. instead of nursing the enmities wliich grow out a! business competition. Mr. Marris has given lis share of ca-operatian tco bis native town and wlien the history of this town is recaunted, the naine o! Morris wMl be amang those o! wliîn it may be said "weli done thou gaod and faitliful servant." Orange Pekoe Blend MINIMUM REDUCED oOOur Econon'y Service 12 Pieces Finished 599C Bundie must consist of at least hall household linen. AUl household linen may lie sent if desired. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co., Ltd. PHONE 419 Sid.aend trhe genuine sE.S.. pro. Thi e rreetoii rertilator end lap duct. Send ridge and attached to, your seed drill or* rafter measurements for I enabies you to sow fertilizer weatheu. free cost estimate. I with your fall wheat. EasM nsteel Products 705 Guelph Stmet _Iirni(ed Factoies alio et PRESTON, ONTARIO MONTREAL end TORONTO TELEPHONE TALKS IN THE WATSON FAMILY Manager THURSDAY, AUGUST 12TH, 1937 PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO