THURSDAY, AUGUST 26TH-, 1937 PAGE TWELVE at t tend I. but Th Nwcastleu. IndIU enJWIUWIL v bas tin. Little Joan Brown, daughter of prtty birtbtay gifts anti cards of i Mr. anti Mrs. J. Thos. Brown, was con'gra't'ulation. Other g r a nti- to,11 guest of honor at a birtbday niothers present were, Mrs. Jobn and party given by bier grantimother. Garroti anti Mrs. Ernest Haigb M Mrs. M. Brown o! Olenwooti Cot- assisting at the funiction. jMon tage, Walton St., on Saturtiay af-i Mr. T. W. JacksonruredRow' ternoon, August 2lst. Between 'last weekend fromi his six 2antia M twenty-five anti thirty of Joansi haîf weeks' holiday at Fenelor comI young boy anti girl f riends of one1 Falls. He bati a won,,derf ul time Ht to five years of age were present anti enjoyeti every day of his va- ng anti hati a merry time playing on cation inclutiing an eXcursion trip n the lawn anti feasting in tbe gar- tbrough the Kawartha. Lakes anti ront tien wbere none was too young to out ta Georgian Bay on the steamn- enjoy the ice cream. Joan vvas 'er Stoney Lake. Wn. one year of age anti playeti anti Master Newton Selby, son of eo rompti iththeother gat Mr. anti Mis. Carl Selby, was ve.w ee from whom sbe receiveti many sick last week with a temperature Mrs anti i Mrs. Welcome Durham Old Boys and Girls W isvi Mr. K ersiake s EaCET rn Art Brderprins supliedatrn Our Developing and Printing is done by Experts they i exh§ 100 Doýdd's Lunch Fresh terC ASA. tabs. 1 pii Xits Spices Mrs. 23e 27c69eSe pz. nerIv -Vanc Mrs. KoexKleenex their 19C Kleerex------50c 15c -» 33C Ai Aika Seltzer 33c-69c Mail Dren of cý Dreneo Memba Seals- - - 10c Poison ing Shmpo asteeth - 29c-49c Pads Bone 59 9C Bisodol -- 55c-$1.19 .3 for 25e ma Nova-Kelp 590-98e it Botles Steedman's Powd. . 22e uber sic 29c Noxema Cr. & Soap - 54o Jar Rings i 39c69cSe5 pkg. Wei ad M Mrs. Kersiake 'a Sweet Pickie Mixture assures good Pickles vi. 1 Gali..........35eche Mrs. Rand Sprayer Free Wardonia Razor, 2 pkg. Mr. with any size of Blades and a Jar of Cream s. Whiz Fly Fume $1,75 Value R.D 33e - 49c - 89c Ail for 50e day, muni When we test your eyes you are assured satisfaction er: Poe695 P. R. COWLING, Phm. B. WE FIT TRUSSES MORRIS Co* August Furniture Sale WilI help you "Style Up" your home for the Durham Old Boys' Reunion MIRRORS-for kitchen or hathroorn, 9x12" size, white frames. Regular 95c. Clearing ............ HIGH CHAIRS- hardwood, in windsor style, golden finish. Regular $4.25. Clearing .. ........................................................ BRIDGE LAMPS-plated hases, silk and parchment shades. Regular $6,50. C learing ............ .............. .................... OCCASIONAL CHAIRS;-Modern frames, spring seats and hacks, in taupe repp. Regular $8.50. Clearing . DAY BEDS-double type with mattressos, extra heavy cretonne, sagless spring. Clearing ....................... ......................................... OFFI1CE TILTER CHAIRS-Quarter eut oak arm chairs, three finishes. Reg. $2400. Clearing . ... . ..... DROP-BACK COUCUI-Durable brown den- im, coul spring seat, arms. Reg. $23.50. C leca rinfg .. ..... ............... ............ BOOKCASE-Solid walnut, two-door styles, 42" wide, Queen Anne design. Regular $27.50. Clearing. ... EASY IIAIRS-Overstuffed in copper repp, Marshall spring construction. Two OnIy. Regular $29.50. Clearing MATTRESSES&'ý-Inner spring construction, 2 fulil size (leluxe patterns. Regrular $29.50. Cleariing (IINA C'ABINET- Solid wahîut, g-lass door, linen drawer in hase. Values to $47.50. C ie arin g ... . ... ... .... ... SAMPLE BEDS- Walnut finish, heavy continunus p(sts, some with panels, 4'6"' size. Values u ip to $A4.O0. One of a kind. CIearing. WAIjNIVI' (IRIBAND i) ATTRESS- De- corated pamiel eîîds, drop side constriietioxi. Crib, sprîn, în attress. 'Special BED OurrFVPrîsJ.Ied, înattress a(ii spring. Regular $21.50. Four (>ltfits to gro. A t ..... .. MATTRESSES>-(!'itton filled, irolIc(ledge, ail sizes. Spee liiY îriced. At $ .49 2.95 3.75 4.95 9.15 11.50 15-95 16,95 11.15 1S.15 29-50 7.95 12.95 14.95 4.95 -GUARANTEE . We guarantee ta save you money on any Furniture item advrtised in Toronto papers during tbis Sale. F, F. MORRIS Frurniture Dealers Phone 480 TT4xr . AAIAN SATESMAMN.OWMANVILLE. ONTARIO times of 106. Two .do(Y-Wrs at- led hlm. He is stilI in bed Lbis condition is much im-, ted. jiss Giadys Davatige. Toronto, sbeen Miss Dora Mar- 404 * [is Ferguson, Reg. N., Toron- has been holidaying with Mr. dMrs. Fred Fiigg. liss Lois Rowe returneti on iday from a week's visit in Lwa with her father, Mr. Fre î BIRTHS, Mr. Chas. Rogerson. Jr., c- CLARK-Born to Mr. andi Mrs. T panied his grantimother, Mrs. Ailan Clarke, in the Bowman- Th bhman, to Ottawa for a fort- ville Hospital, August 7, a son. instri ht's visit. seli 1: Irs. Horace Walton-Ball, To- Augu ito, is holidaying with Mrs. 1 con. n. Walton-Ball anti Miss El- MARRIAGE ffeede :r at Harris LoDdge.~Allil [iss Lucy Brauit, Toronto, has;RGRO -U HED n e m vacationing with Mr. and RGROMJRED -O e Wm.Kenfik ad r. at Wednesday, August 18, at St. Sal ssAnni Kenefick d.Pa Clement's Anglican Church, To- hous4 [r. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp and rno oc ajreMxred r sS. MacLean visited Mrs. A. daughter of Rev. C. P. Muir- will Glenney and the C.G.I.T. girls head. former Rector of St. the 1 their camp at Williams' Point. John's Church, Bowmanville, Bath Ir. Leo Kenefick, Dayton, 0., and Mrs. Muirhead, to William Cent visiting bis uncles and aunts, Russell Rogerson, son of Mrs. TerT and Mrs. Wm. Kenefick and Rogerson and the late Mr. Wil- aucti Pat and Miss Annie Kenefick. liam Rogerson. The bride's fa- M Ers. C. A. Cowan anti Mrs. ther officiatied. ul mstrong. Toronto, returiiet on - Spt Lrday from Bewdley where 1 Lot ýy hiat taken a cottage for the DEATHS I lr k. sto_______________ cka Ir. J. H. Jose was the iea.ding ftork Abitor and winner of the FOs- BARBER-At his summer home, at 1 Cup at Tuesday's flower show. Lake Cecebe, August 21 , 1937, Wîibi ýR. T. Rutherford was run- Dr. Herbert Leslie Barber, age >up. 171 years. Interment Newmarket Fi [r. andi Mrs. D. J. McEachern, cemetery. Son of the late Ai- Jenk. ncouver, B. C., and ber moth&, bert Barber, Bowmanville. con. s. cInis Krkfel, vsiedBOOTH-In Bowmianville, Tues- implE ir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. day, August 24, 1937, Maurice Terr in. ir. George Bonathan of the Etiward Bcoth, only son of Mr. tione xket Branch, Canadian Bank anti Mrs. William E. Booth, age - Commerce, Toronto, is holiday- 23 yeusi~. Swith his mother, Mrs. S. R. Funeral from the Funeral Cha- nathan. pel of Nortbcutt & Smith, on - [r.Geo La, vtern treser- Thursday, August 26, at 2.30 FOR i. Bowns S S. wa sezed p.m. Interment Bowmanville dI i a stroke wbicb confincti bim cMetra i his, beti. His condition has HAMLYN - In Bowmanville, onl Stî ce improveti. Sunday, August 22, 19317, Tho- Ph ir. andi Mrs. Arthur Hammond, mas Hamiyn, age 81 years. bster, N. Y., Dr. anti Mrs. Mil-FO iTucker, New York City, visit- HUMF-In Port Hope, on Satur-FO Mir. and Mrs. Percy~ Brown and day, August 21, 1937, Robert roc sEdith Chapman. Hume, husband of Mona Bar- in isitors with Mrs. Mark Mat- clay Hogg. sta ýs and Miss Margaret at their age have been hier mother. JORDAN - In Bowmanville, on - sMilton Long, Mrs. Scott and Wednesday, August 25, 1937, yEAI .Ernest Vierkoter, Toronto. William #Jordan, beloveti hus- for 'George's Church - Rev. . band of Fanny Jordan. bui Dewdney. B.A., Rector. Sun- Funeral private on Saturday at bi Aflgust ,29, l4th Sunday af- 3 p.m. to Bowmanville cemetery. Daý T.-lnity- «!8' 'oen.-HOIY Com- MAYNARtD - In Brookiin, Mary dion: 11 a.m.-Morning Pxay- Ann Pile, beioved wife of the FOR 7 p.m.-Evensong anti Sermon. iate John Maynarti, in her 90th for ruiteti Church - Rev. S. Mac- ya.El m, B.A.. Pastor. Suntiay, Aug. yerEu h10.15 a.m.-Suflday Sehool; MIDDLETON-In Minden on Sat- .m.-Morning Worslrip; 8 P.M. urday. August 21, 1937, John H. FOR ming Service; -Preacher, Rev. Mitdileton, beloved' husband ôf ten mk Dickinson, B.Paed., M.Sc., Mary G. Scott, in his 86th year. _ ýngtu, West China. Interreti at Orono. FOR lnerable Archdeacon Balfour Balfour of Fort William, McGILL-At 32 Mary St., Toronto sev; rning froru Halifax where he on Thursaday, August 216,. 937., me 1been attentiing the sessions Ada Windatt, widow of the Late i the general synod, spent a John McGill. Daughter af the Bol Lle of tiays iast week with the late Richard Wintiatt, Bowman- FoR ,hdeacon's brother-ifl-law anti ville. e er. Mr. andi Mis. P. F. LeGres- SHAW-In Pontypool, on Mon- 'Be* Ir.- Jas. Simpson and sister, day, August 23, 1937, Ella Mauti SOI' ýs Ethel Simpson, Cowanville, Shaw, witiow of Richard E. 742 sJ. H. Vamplew anti grand- Shaw, age 61 years. Interment FO Jack, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Yelverton cemetery. E. F. Pearce, Bowmanville, and WHT nBwanilSn rt Sam Dewell anti Miss Ver day, August 22, .1937T, Miss Em- in er, Solina. were week-end ma White, age 87 years. Inter- f0o %ts of Mrs. W. H. Pearce. Mrs. reti at Eldati cemetery. bei aplew and grandson aiso vis- c jher cousins, Mr. and Mrs. - <lav jd Graham anti ber brother, Wi .Thos. Simpson andi famnily,j ENGAGEMENTS I Ph 'anville. &r. andi MmI. Douglas Connel, rsWliamPHl nnipeg, were tea guests of Mr. M.adMs ila .Hl 1Mrs. J. H. Jose Iast Suntiay announce the engagement of their - their way from, Madoc ta To- daughter, Kathleen Isobel, ta Mr. FOR to. They will spenti a week Thomas Jeffrey Harvey, Toronto, fre M'uskoka before returning tc>son0fl !Mrs. Harvey anti the late ste .nipeg where Mr. Connell re- Mr. T. Harvey, Cornwall, England, tai sents the Dominion Lif e Insur- the marriage ta, take place Sep- Pr, ,e Company. Mr. Conneli, it tember eighteenth. S 1be remembereti by mafly, is Mr. anti Mrs. Wilfred Weather- 28d son of Mrs. Conneli and the lit of Cae.sarea, Ont., announce eRev. J. A. Conneil, pastor of the engagement of their younger SNewcastle Methotiist Church daughter, Myrtle Ida, ta Mr. WiI- n 1915 to 1918. Elliott Reid, eider son of Mr. *jO he Federal Governnient pro- andi Mrs. T. A. Reidi of Clarke, OV, to! building an extension to Ont., the marriage ta take place yo present pler anti protecting early in September. i il at Newcastle-on-the-Lake Mran s.WlimJStw sstarted on Monday mornlng, ar oantoMr.Willim J. thewe- gust 23, under the supervision atmorntonofterduceteHae Engineer Partritige of Oshawa gagemet0fter. Sauhe r, Hazel TO ah Mr. Geo. Gray as foremai. layd, ton fMr. Sanuel rent0.oi- ha Sthe samie day the Municipal larsnoer nt r.O . li uncil hati a team anti men at Poilard. the wetiding ta take place AI rk opening a straight channel the latter part o! September. vi rugh tae accumulation of ,ks in the creek beti below the Reai Estate For Sale TO Ig btae.a-uans A hî ul stirring story of a godless honesty. ambition, energy. Start ian being madie happy on bis with $25.01) assortmient. No rlsk - eath bed wben Rev. Mr. Allin Reserveti districts. Outstanting F0 isitet i m by urgent raquast anti profits for the willing worker,. c ati ta him the story of the Pro- Act now! Complete details, g gai Son who, returnati to bis fa- Familex Pratiucts Co., 570 St. her anti was f orgiven. Rev. S. Clament St., Montreal. 34-1 f acLean. pastor. conducteti the -} rvice anti extentiat a warm wel- the night at the home of his bro- v Dme to bis brother clergyman ther andi sister-ln-law, Mr. and - om the neighboring republie. Mrs. It., C. Allun. Their two sons *r. H-. C. Aluin anti Mm. C. A. who accompanleti them from Il- - 'wan contributeti a duet to the linois were in Orono, wlth their W.' ervlce o! sang. Bey, anti Mrs.- uncle, Mr. Clarence Allia, and 1 li AlUin were tea guests of Mr.1 aunts, Misses Belle anti Laura AI- -I id Mrs. J. A. Awtie anad spent lin. k ..,, 's I h "t. I At5CTION SALE ie untiersîgneti has receiveti rctions from E. A. Werýry to by public auction on Tuestiay, ust 3lst, at 1 p.m., Lot 17, 9, Darlington, 95 heati choice ers anti stockers, beef breeti. miust be solti. Ternis cash. Jackson, auctioneer. 34-1 turtiay, September 4th.-The 5ebold furniture, property of anti Mrs. George Batbgate, be solti by public auction at home 0f their son, Mr. Peter gate. corner Carlisle Ave, anti tra St. Sale at 1.30 p.m. ns cash. Wm. J. Chahls, onear. 34-1 r.Wayne Elliott will seli by ic auction on Wednasday, ;mber 8th, on the pramises, 5, Broken Front Concession, ke (Port Granby), allbis kanti implements. See bills >articulars. Terms casha. Sale p.m. Standaàrd Time. Elmer ar, auctioneer. 34-2 iday, September 3rti. - Ken Ls will seil on N.H!. o! Lot 23, 6, Darlington, at 1 p.m. S.T. his f arm stoék, Jersey cattie, [ments, hay, coin anti grain. L5 cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- eer. For Sale SALE - MASSEY-HARRIS se harrow, International corn nder, Melotte cream separator, assey Harris diisc plow. W. S. iplas, Massey - Harris agent. ione 781. 34-1* ,SALE-THREE PIECE BED- om suite, anti upright piano gooti condition. Apply ta, atesnaan Office or phone 770. 34-1 P. END CLEARANCE SALE rfour days o! useti and ra- it electric washers. For tbase rgains see Locke at Mason & le's. 34-1 SALE - RIPE TOMATOES rcanning, 90c bushel. J. E .ott, Elgin St., Bowmanvilla. 314-1 * SALE OR RENT-A WALL nt, 1,5 x 25. Pbone 2428. 34-1 SALE - GOOID SINGER ring machine, rotary move- ýnt. Apply to Miss Normna Van, cýo Allia Bros., East, )wmanville. 34-1 * 1SALE - ORdHAR.D PRO- rty, near Concession- St. anti ,ch Ave., on High St. Rea- nable offers considereti. Phone 2. 34-2 .SALE-THE LATE DONALD Galbraith resitience an Lib- ty Street, roughcast, contain- gsix rooms, some bartiwood )ors, aIl conveniances, stable, an bouse, anti two anti a bal! :es o!f first class garden landi, tai anti ahade treas. Appiy lliam Brock, Bowm-anville. ana 2628. 32-t! Livestock For Sale SALE-CARLOAD 0F esh cows anti springers, Hol- mis anti Aymshires, from O>t- ma Valley restricteti aiea. roprietor G. C. Sparks, 627 )mervîiUe Ave., Oshawa. Phone 47. 31-tf For Rent RENT - SUITE 0F ROOMS ar Martyn's Grocery, suit :ung couple, possession Sept. t. J. B. Martyn, Bowmanville. ,33-2 R-ENT-A SIX ROOM BRICK iuse, on Queen Street, wiîth ardwood floars anti ail conven- mces; close ta High School. wply ta Wm. Brook, Bowman- ilia. Phone 2628. 32-tf RENT-SIX R.OOM HOUSE, aif acre gartien, garage, eiec- ic light, water, bath, etc. Sit- ate corner Ontario anti Albert a. Possession Oct. lst. J. B. lartyn. 34-2* ILAYED-H-OLS'IEIN HEIFÉEL. ýinder please notify John Mun- lay. R. R. 3, Bowm.anvilie. ?hone Ml4. 34-1 Room and Board DM AND BOARD FOR TWO -chool girls. Apply ta Mrs. W. JS. Rundia, Otieli St., Bow- manville. Phone 2644. 34-1' D>Y BOARDER WANTED - Loom anti board in ceatrally [catati homne with ail modemn conveniencas. Appiy Phone 494. 34-1 Autos For, Saie )R SALE - 1929 BUICE SPE- laIl Roatister, 2 fentier Wells, gobd- times motor perfect. a snap for quick sale, $100 or best of- fer. Consitier small trade. W. H. Gould, Liberty St., Bowman- vilae 34-1 Cow Wanted t.NTED - COW ABOUT TO freshen, also four ta f reshen >ec. 1 ta 15. Phone 2522. What have you got? 34-10 THE CARTER FAMILY AND'STAFF', Le! t to right, front row, EdytheCariter, Bernice Mutton, Greta Tomlnson, Margaret Finn, Doro- thy Carter; Black row, Chantie <arter, Dong. Carter, C. H. Carter, and Tom Carter. Welcomes-- the Durham Old Boys THANKS A LOT .. We have just completed oa.ur first year in business, in Bowmanville, and we extend heartfelt thanks to ail those who have in any For Monday's Community Picoje Picnic Punch Boxes ini the Carter style, packed ini a handy container 25e - 35e - 50e Picnic suggestions Fruit and Meat Pies.............. each 5c (packed in waxed bags) Picnic Sandwiches, made ta order each 5c (packed in waxed bags) Special Reunion Dinner lfvéry Ù ay- from 11.30 a.m. uxitil.2 p.m. 35e Ham, Salmon, Cheese, Sardine, Peanut Butter, Sandwich Spread 20 Different Lands of Cookies.doz. 20o Snowball Doughnuts . 2 doz. 25c Gurd 's Dry Ginger Ale Ige. bottie 18c (plus déposit) Gurd 's Mission Orange, Lime Rickey, Soda Water, Canada Dry Ginger Aie, Always a Favorite. i-IEADQ UARTERS For Neilson 's Icé Cream: Creamsicles, Cones, Bricks, Bulk in Maple Walnut, Vanilla,, Chocolate and Orange EXTRA SPECIALS FOR THEf REUNION Family Pride Cake ......................... each Real Fresh Apple Pie ....................... each Phone 855 30e 25c THE CARTER FAMILY Bowmanvmle BIECHDALE TEA ROOM Special Reunion Dinaer will be serveti turing this weekend at ",Birchdale Tea Roam." Bring your guasta along anti enjoy a real chicken dinner. Just two miles west o! town. Position Wanted POSITON wAe;LNT] AS HOUSE- keeper on a !arm or general bouaework, by Sept. 10. Apply Box 212, Bowmanville. 34-1' Piano Teaching- MRS. E. SMITI FERGUSON,, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory Complete course laading to A.T. C.M. diploma. Private or cias lessons as Preferriet. Conserva- tory Piano examination results for 1937 are: First class honora 4, honora 11, pass 1. Studio: Corner Temperance anti Welington Sts. Phone 606. 34-tf Personai &MIN!CET V1IOOR AT ONCE! NEw osTREX Tonic Tablets contai.n raw oyster invigorators and other stimulants. One dosP peps up organs. glands. If not tielightcd, makar refuntis price pali - $1,25. Cail, write Jury &Loveil. 18-52 Treasurer' s Sais of Lands For Taxes Towh o! Bowrnanville, Cou ntY o! Durham: To Wlt: By virtue o! a warrant issueti by the Mayor a! the Town o! Bowmanville baaring data the llth day o! June, A.D., 1937, sale o! landsisnl arrears of taxes la the Town o! Bowmanville will be baiti at taeCouncil Room la the sai Town at the hour o! 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the 5th day of October, 1937, uniess the taxes anti costs are soaner paiti. Notice J;, hereby given that the list of landis for sale for arrears o! taxes 13 being publisheti in the Ontario Gazette on tbe 3rti day o! July, 1937, anti that copy o! the sai list may be hati at my office. Treasurer's office this 26h day o! July, 1937. A. J. Lyle, Treasurer. 30-1w 34-1w 38-1w fCOMîNG EVENTS I' The Womea's Institute will meet at the home o! Mrs. W. P Hall, Brown Street, on Friday a!- ternoon, August 27, at 3 p.m. Pro- gram la charge o! Mrs. MoFeet- ,j ad« rs.Jackmana sgroup. l . ducaion.Ral call: M favorite book anti why. Miscellaneous PAINTINGO-SIONS AND PgOT- ers, aLso auto trucks, wagos, general pai.nting and enanel- ling. J. H. Neetisa, Centre St., Bowmanvifle. Phone 441. WEST END GARAGE AN'D MA- chine Shop - We speclallra in machinery repairs, general gar- age repairs, weltilng, towng service. J. L. Demerling, Pra- pnietor, Bowmanville. Ph on e 781, 23-tf Reduced Pares Travel Toronto and Lindsay Exhibition SPECIALS - By- GARTON COACH UNES Comfortable Up-to-Date Busses Going Daily Ride on the bus and avoid worrying about driving i heavy traffic or crowding for street cars TORONTO EXHIBITION BUSSES DAILY FROM AUGUST 28 TO SEPtErBEg Il (Dat1lght Saving Time) Read Dw 7.00 airn. 7.10 a. 7.20 amrn 7.30 a,.rn1 7.40 a.m.L 7.50 a.m. 7.55 a.n. 8.00 a.m. 8.20 a.m. 10.00 a.m. KAWARTHA MAPLES JANETVILLE ---- YELVERTON --- N'ESTLETON --- ------ BLACKSTOCK----------- BURKE"TON --- - - - ENNISKILLEN ---- HAMPTON..............- - BOWMANVILLE -------- - TORONTO Exhibition - Lv. Read Up 1.35 *1.25 *1.15 1.05 12.55 -----12.45 ---12.35 -----12.25 ----- 12.15 10.45 P.m. Fare $2.40 2.30 2.00 1.90 1.15 1.70 1.60 1.40 FARES INCLUDE EXHIBTION ADMISSION Bus takes paengers rlght en to Exhibition Grounds and stays there ail day for the convenlence of paengms. LINDSAY EXHIBITION THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 16-11-18 Rtend Dvr 9.00 ar. 9.10 a.m 9.20 amrn 9.30 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 10.10 a.m. 10.25 a.m. 11.00 a.m. BOWANVILLE - HAMPTON ------- ENNISKILLEN - BURRETON--- BLACKSTO'CK NESTLETON -- YELVERTON--- JANETVILLE --- LINDSAY ----- --- Returnlng Return Red Up Fare 1.00 am. $1,50 12.40 am. '1.45 12.30 a.m. $1,25 12.15 a.m. $1.00 12 mld'ght $ .80 11.50 P.M. $ .60 11.35 P.m. $ .40 11.00 P.M. For information phone LidEay' 506 - Bowmanville 2M6 and Oshiawa 2283 Patrons using aur busses may leave their carq li parking space at Kawartha Maples or at our garage in Bowmauville freo o! charge. . . v , oý omw (Standard Time)