PAGEl:IVE THURSDAY, SEPTENIBER 9TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARJO FIFTY YEARS AGO 1 romi The Canadian Statesman, 1 August 31, 1887 Th(* voungest clild of Mr. S. so, li wile ouit playîng in thce wsviciously attacked bv a g roostr, which knocked the iid dow and picked its face sev- tr1,mking several nasty vondrs. Two4 tiful 1trophies on isiplay in Sý,t Jury.s store have been Wn b crack shots at the On- tifin ifle Association matches in SToronto. The 45th battalion wvon the cnp for battalion teams and the Drassey Ctip for company tcams v-aý; also taken by the 45th. Birth-XVecrry- In Cartwright, on the 9th inst., to the wife of A. H4. \Verry, a son. On Tliursdav, two fishermen who were retuirning from a 5isit to their nets ini a sail boat were capsized bs- a squiall.- Fortuinatelv the crew of a sclîoonefb nearbv saw the accident aud ptting about succeeded in re- sculing the two castaways. svho were net much hurt hy their soakîng. From The Canadian Statesman September 7th. 1887 Enniskillen-Mr. Levi Niddery ard wife, formerly cf Enfield. have be- corne resi(lents cf the village. Thev will occupy the nid parsonage. . . . * Ivrs. E. Virtue is having lier bous,- t .horoughly refitted by Mr. Thomas Glders. Hampton-The remains cf the lat,ý George Oliver, who svas killed at Newtonville, on Satuirdav on the rail - HE AIE ALL*BRAN ANO IMPROVED WIONDERFDLLY Read this voluntary letter: "In regard to your ALL-BRÀN, it is marked on the package 'best as a cereal, best for cooking,' and, as far as 1 arn concerned, you might add best for health. Since I have begun to eat it, I have improved wondér- fully."-Mr. H. E. Poole (address on request> . ALi-BamN corrects common con- stipation, due to meals low in "lbulk." Within the body, it absorbs water, and forms a soft mass, gently sponging out the system. ALL-BItAN also supplies vitamin B to tone up the intestines, and iron for the lood. Isn't this tood better than taking weakening pilla and drugs? 1Eat two tablespoonfuls daily, either as a cerêal'with milk or cream, or in recipes. In chronic cases, with each meal. Sold by all gr ocers. Made and gauranteed by Kellogg in London. rne FREE 4 road, %vere iîîterred iin the Nletliodi..,ti cenîcters' hîre. T[le aged parenîts have2 the svnipathiv cf thie cemmuuitv...1 Nîr. Jame. C ýrvdermaîî lias been an- îîoiuted Towniship Collecter, aîîd V tlîiîk thie township couîîcil acte. wiselv in giviug bim the appointmiin.s Tyroie-Nifr. H. Kenner leavesc tlîis weel, fer Hamilton. . . Mr. S.i Washington bias been laid up froni injuries sustaiîîed bv being tbrewîî1 frorm a herse. . . . Mr. Jos. Peiifouindl sud sens are doiug a rushîing bu1siuicsý at the factory. Tbey turned out oii Saturdav 34,000 chai'r legs. Nfr. henry, popular photographe-r cf Bowmauville, wihl attend tbe cou- ventioîî cf the Pbotngrapbic .Assoc- iationl cf Canada, lu Toronto.* An 01(1 framne cwelliîg lieuse sît- îîated cii thie hilI vest cf the toNvii and csvned bv -.\Ir. Fletchier, was ds trcyed Isv fire Tîiesdav. The fr ileîartiiieit were preiiitly cii ti.» scene snd their efforts preveîîted tb.c fire froîîî spresding. Messrs D. Burke Simpson and R. S. Hamliîî sud the editor cf TIi' Statesman sand party arrived in Bosv- inanville f rom the Old Country on Suîîidas- v îcrîîing and were met az the station by a large number cf re- latives and friends. Besides tlhcs," mentiened the party cousisted cf Mfr. aud NIrs. Thos. Creeper, Mirs. L.. George Quick and M.%aster Jesse A. James cf Bewmauvihle. Cartwrigbt-N!r. R. P. Bowles preached for tbe Nfethodists on Suit- day eveuing hast sud it svas a rare treat to bear hlm .. . . . Mfr. Jehîîî Brv- ans. fornierîs- cf Cartwright aud late cf Port Ferry. ias leased the Ceni- merdiaI Hotel .. . . . NMr. James H ' - land, an eld and respected resident, passed awav this îveek. Births-In Cartwright on Sept. 3 to thie wife of XV. Venning, Jr.. a daugbter. Oldfiehd, Iii Euiiiskillcul, on Sept. .3. te thie wife cf Mr. A-. Oldfield, a daughter. Deatlî-Draper. TIi Bowmaiville. ou .August 3lst, Sara Nihmda. tlîîrd d.tugbter cf the late Hars-ev Draper. aged 25 years. .A vers' pleasaut reunicu svas bel;h iii thie greve cf Nir. S. Cotton last week by the many friends cf Res'. J. Dyke cf XWinnipeg, on the occasioni cf bi1s first svisit since heaving the P> N1. Cburcb bere. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, August 29, 1912 Once more eur worthv towusmau, Lieut. F. H. Morris, bias put Bosv- mauville lu, the limeligbt sud lbas brougbt more boueur to bimself withî bis rifle. At the Ontario Rifle As- sociation meet lu Toronto, Lieut. Morris proved bimself te be thie best marksman at the meet by capturiug the militia aggregate with s total of 382 eut a a possible 400 points. He wius tbe M.R.A. Silver mnedal P Rovz for yourself the marvellous comfort brought by modern air conditioning. Grasp the opportunity te have scientific man-made comfort through the Pesse Air Conditioning System. No matter what the size of your bouse or your budget, there is a Pease Air Conditioning System for it. Priced for people ef average means on CON- VENIENT TIME PAYMENTS. Laorai hew jeu con have cden air tIit'5 geod te brah. At ewl King Race C& Co* Telephone 682 Street BowmanviUl Nerves on Edge From loss of sleep Sleeplesiual.% la the Most per- sistent s3edý*-*em ef exhausted nerves. You may have headaches or nervous indigestion. You mnaY be restlessansd irritable sud con- stantly worried over things that do net really matter. Al these symp- toms wear down the nerve force and if yeu canet sleep, there is ne chance te regain nerveus energy and ÇWhy net give Dr. Chase's Nerve Fpod a chance to help y ou? It bas helped many thousan ds cf others and should do as mucb fer yeu. It is net a narcotic te merely induce sleep but a resterative w hich will enable you te regain the vîgor of the nervous system sud free yeur- self of the condition which is makitrg life a burden for you. You will net beusingit long beforeyouwill under- stand why there is se much enthus- iasmn about this food treatment. Froi New Pep and Energy use Dia, CHAMP'S NERVE FOOD IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST i SOLINA itors: Mr. and M\rs XX arder, Toronto, Mr. andlNMrs. Norman M.\utton, Osli-1 awa, at Mr. W. H. Westlake's. t Misses Mary and Phyllis Cook,( MNimico, at -Mr. Walter Parrinder's.i Mrs. .A. J. Reynolds, Montreal, at1 Miss Mary Hogarths and Mrs. R.i J. M,\cKcssock's. Mr. and M.\rs. Maurice Baker and J anice, Concord, M.\r. and Mrs. E. A-. Summiiers, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allin, Misses Ada' and Nan Allun, Bowvmanville, at Mr. Jack Baker's.t Mr. and M.\rs. Ormiie Cruîckshank,1 Peterboro, at '.\r. H. E. Tinks. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Emerson, Bow- mnauville, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gibbs and David, Hampton, at Mr. Isaac Hardy's. Mr. and NMrs. .Allan White, Peter- boro. at Mr. Geo. White's. Mr. Gen. Hogarth, 'Miss Mary Ho- garth. Mrs. R. Pascoe,Mrs.Rý...c- Kessock and NMiss Ruth at Mr. H. L. Pascoes, Columbus. Nîrs. Walter Parrinder and Eve- lIin at M r. Chiris Cook's, Mlimico. M r. and Mrs. John Kiveli at Mlr. Harry Jose's. Newcastle.E .Mr. and Nrs. A. \VIiittiel» an( famnily, Toronto., Nirs. 1-alfacre. Keudal, at Mr. Jack Reynolds'. Miss Doris aind Mr. John Grooms. Mr. Jordan Sharp, Toronto, 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Treble, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werry, Oshawa, Miss Nora Werrv, Kedron, at Mr. S. E. Xerry's. Rev. WilI Frank, Victoria, B.C., Mrs. L. C. ïnowden, Maple Grove, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White visited Toronto f riends on Mondas'. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ruîîdle and fainily, Maple Grove, at Mr. J. T. Rundle's. MNr. sud Mrs. Nelson Chapin.- New York City, Mrs. Arthur Gibbons, Toronîto, Mrs. Jack Hughes, Alton, called on friends here. Regular meeting cf thie \\..I. will lie hel(l inithe S. S. rooni Thursdav afternooîi. Sept. l6th. Roll CalÀ lîealtlî halbit. Gond prograîn 1w grouli 4. .-XI ladies welcomne. NI iss Doris NI ilîson b'as suiccess fully completed lier two-vear suininier course at Guelph, whch grants lier a specisi certificate in Agriculture. -Conîgratoîlations. And vanity may be thinking things about yourself that other people would neyer think of thinking. A man isn't necessarily tail be- cause he looks down on his nelgh- bour. Anybody can buy a horse, but it takes a rich man to get it paid for. LETTERS!FROM OLO BOYS AND GIRLS sud badge sud $25 ini cash. He also wonî the City of Toronto Gold Nea match. About 100 memibers cf Florence Nighitingale Lodge, No. 66, I.O.O.F., attendled the animual (leceratioii and( memnorial service at Bowmanville Ccimetery on Suii(lav. The process- ion svas formed at the lodge mcmm and l marshalled 0)v F. C. Petlîick. D. D.G.M., snd lheaded îIy the Dominiioni Organ & Piano Co. Baud. Rcv. F. G. Andrews gave a short address. Mr. J. H. H. jury was elected pre- sident cf the Canadian Pharmaceuti- cal Association at the annual meLting iu \%îcouver, B.C. The Journal sav s lie merited the honour conferredl upoin Iim by bis enthusiastie work ini tlhe meetings sud bis marked exe- ,tic abilitv. Rev. T. A. Niîîd, rcti ocf St. J ohn's Churcb, lias ret-a rue-I f rein a trip te Engîand. junior Niidland FoLtbaII Cuý), whilihw-as %voit b:,-Bownîaîîs-ille this vear lias been on displaý iii Kers- lkes Druig Store winddvw. A\ happy' hirth(Iay partv Ses; giveri bc Nlrs. J. C. Haîîcock's two littie girls. Ruth and E.lizabeth af New- castle. on .August l2th .Mý%r;. I-lcîi- ccck's parents froni Bowniîaniille, Mir. aud NIrs. Ronert Adair. wvere anîong tliese present. Mfr. R. D. Davidson. formnerl ' pîrinîcipal of the Public Scbool. lias arranged to carry ou1 a geilerial iii- siîrance business lui addition to bis electrical work. Mr. WV. J. Bragg, dealer sud ex- porter of apples, reports tlîat the crop in this district is net (luite uî te average, but is s-ery large across the province. Birtbs-Msrtiu, in Bowîîîanville, .August 27tb. te Nir. sud Mrs. Peter Martin, a son. Candler. at the General Hospital, .-ugust 2Otb, te Nir. aud Mrs. Rov Candler. Toronto, a son. Nlarriage- Vice-Fletcher, at thîe resi(leice cf ber brother. M:. XWil- liam Riding, Oshawa,. Augost 27th. bv- Rev. E. C. Hall, Mr. XVshaler C. Vice. Oshawa, snd Margaret, eldest daughter of '.Ir. Jos. Fletcher, Bow- insu ville. From The Canadian Statesman, September 5, 1912 Rev. Chas. T. Paul, presideut of thîe College of Nfissinns, Indianapolis, a fornier Bowmauville bov. îsill preach lu the Disciple Cburcb, on Stinday. Higli Sclînol opened on Tuesdav, witb tlîis staff: principal , 7jehi El- liott, B.A.; J. B. Dandeno. Pb.D.; Miss S. W. Nichoîl, M.A.; Miss B. N11. Pugsley. M.A. Nir. XViII Dustan, San Francisco, Cal.. is visiting bis father, Mr. XV H. Dustan. Mr. T. H. Knigbt bas bouglît the stores lu the east end cf the Bleakley block now occupied by Messrs XXm. Scott sud John Hellyar. Births-Iu Bowmauville. .Augiîst 26t1î, te Mr. and 'Mrs. Lucious Hooper. twins, a boy aud girl. Geuld. Near Maple Grove, Dar- lingtoîî. September ,trd, te Mr. and Nirs. Thomas Gould. a son. Enniskillen-Mfr. John Sîctiion is meviiig into lus pretty new lîoml- svlicb adds mnuclu tn the appearance of otr village. Hamptonî- Mr. Thos. Welch's driver died last week, from lockjaw. ...Miss Ethel Johns lias gene te teacli at Coîilin's Scbeel, East XVlit- hay. at s salsry of $600. ..Rtv. C. WV. Barrett, ivife anîd cbildreîi arc homne f romn camîpinîg at Scuigog. Soliiia-Mr. .A. J. Revuclds, Scar- bore, lias purchased Mr. Joliîî Vice's fine brick re sid nce. ..A fruit lieuse will be built at Solins Stationi s0e1. Besvniauville Public Sehools opcen- ed on Sept. 3rd, svith thîe staff al en lîand snd an attendaîîce cf about 360. 682 William St. London, Ont. August 12, 1937 Dear George: As I look over the names 0f the men on the Old Boys Reunien committee, not.lng how rnany are former bigh scbool boys of my time, and read letters frorn those who promise te attend, it seems clear that I should go too, and neet some of the boys and girls I used te know. It is thirty-one years since I went to Bowmanville as principal of the Higb School. There were four on the staff then, and my as- sociates were Miss E. Allin (now Mrs. D. DeLuryt, Mr. A. R. Cam- eren, now practising law at Belle- ville, and Mr. W. G. Carpenter of Calgary, principal of the Provin- cial School of Technology and Art and Director of Technical Edu- cation for Alberta. I arn interested to note that Rev. Hugh Munroe, Moderator of tbe Presbyterian Church, is likely te attend. He and I were charter members of the Canadian Club. I have the program of the organ- isation meeting of the Club on November. 12, 1909, at which the speakers were Rhys D. Fairbairni, C. R. McCulloch and J. Castell Hopkins. Yours sincerely, John Eliott. 39 Arnett Blvd. Rochester, N. Y. August 18, 1937 Dear George:- I received the invitation te the Reunion and arn more sorry than I can tell at being unable to at- tend. I have been very ill, went te bospital early in April and was there 7 weeks. 1 arn feeling much better. We had Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearce, Ebenezer, with us over the weekend. It just makes me feel terrible when I get the paper and read the letters from all the old fri- ends whe are planning to attend. Wel.I will wish you ahl success. Hope I may be well enough to at- tend the next ene. Sincerely yeurs, (Mrs.) Allie We]sh Shantz. 1071 Edgewoed Ave. Jacksonville, Fia. August 26, 1937 My Dear Gee. James: Tbank you for The Canadian Statesman. I had received the Mayor's formai invitation te at- tend the 014 Boys' Reunion. 0f course I'd love te visît Bowman- ville any time, fer it will always bc in my heart affectionately. I wouldn't know any of my old pu- pils for really forty-seven years do things to us pbysically. If they have grown up as geod citizens, and are good-looking, I'd find much pleasure giving al of you the "once-over." Your pape r looks Just like ours - front page big beadline about highway troub- les. I bave scanned it carefully for names 1 once knew. Jury. Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman seem to be the only ones 1 recog- nize. Too bac! I'm se forgetful of names. The Reunion prograni looks very fine. I can assure you, you will enjoy hearing Mr. Paul. Te me he is one of the most c harm ing speakers, fine in thought. delightful in expressing his thought, and such a social understanding personality. I bave enjoyed some of the main articles, Your World and Mine." "Pas- 'eurized Milk." the Editorials. and especially your survey for plenty of water, etc., and I read the ex- arination lists. Thanking you George for reminding the Mayor that you bad an oic! teacher dewn here, and wishing you happiness and success in the real sense. Your friend. Martba (Butchart) Baughman. 1602 Delaware Ave., Bufale August 12, 1937 Dear Geo. Many thanks for the kind in- vitation te the "Gatherlng of the Clan" which I received througb you, and I trust it will be a great success. If there were only more of sucb things it weuld go a long way towards smoothing eut the great unrest in the world today. Am going to make an effort te be on the job at least part et the time. Very truly yeurs, Arthur A. Elford. 1143 Avenue Venetia, Coral Gables, Fla. August 31, 1937 Dear Geo.: Congratulations te you and The Statesman, the Mayor and aI! whe helped te make the reunlen such a glorleus success. It is about the finest I ever attended anywhere. 1 neyer had such a wonderful time in aIl my life. I saw a great 1rnany people whom I hadn't seen since I left Bowmanville in 1885. It was worth travelling a long way te see and hear my school boy friend - Dr. Chas. T. Paul. What a quiet, humble, unassuming man he is and what a splendid mind and such a sense of merry humer. Bowmanville is justly proud of such a worthy and brilliant son. I was very much su.rprised at the size of the crowds at the Cream 0f Barley Camp and especialy0 the Sunday n.ight audience at-h high school campus. I sincerely trust we will have another re- union, say, in five years. Very cordialiy yours, .. Edwy White. 640 Lipton Street Winnipeg, Manitoba August 6, 1937 Dear Mr. James - I appreciate your thoughtful- ness in remembering me on the occasion of the coming celebra- tions of the Durhamn Old Boys' Reunion and I arn deeply thank- fuI for the invitation. I would gladly accept trie invi- tation without any pressure but unfortunatiely I arn unable te be with you, but I will watch The Statesman to see If any old fr1- ends of mine turu up. We have enough here in Winnipeg of West Durham Knights te make Up a picnic, but I would be the same there, as I cannet leave the bouse. Be sure and have our eld f riend D. Morrison keep up0bis good work. as his letters in The States- man are read with great lnterest. especially by the 11014 Timers." The Statesman is a very welcome and ever faithful friend. Wishing you and the committee and the Durham 014 Boys a very happy and successful Reunion, I amn, Yours very truly, Chas. W. Johns. Suite 40 Sef ton Building, 440 C Street, San Diego, California, August 25, 1937 Mr. Norman Plummer, Bowrnanville, Ont. Dear Norman and Susie: I wish to thank the Durham 014 Boys' Reunion for their kind invitat2on to meet with them. AI- though I was net born there, but in York county, Bowmanville wau the first school fer me, and Roger Fishleigh (my hero at that time) was the one to f irst take me te school. I stiil have many pleas- ant memories of those first few years. He and Will Flshleiglh showed me how te tap the mapît sugar trees. back of our eld bouse, and how te do maniy other things. Mary and Susie Fishleigh showec me how te play drop the h.andker- cief. ring around, etc. Theedore would say, tell your ma can you corne eut. Then I meved out o: town when about 9 years oIc!. Bu' in later years spent some yeny happy vacations and visits to Bowmanville, se I amn glad te be counted an '014 Durharn Boy.' Then again in Toronto after leav- ing scbool, and attending the Bathu.rst St. night scbool, I count- ed myseif fortunate in having for rny teacher a young Dr. TiIley one year and the next year bis bro- ther, Att'ny Tilley, both of Bew- manville. My sister Florence anc brother Joe were both born there. 1 was born in Toronto August 17, 1874. Yours truly, Walter Dibb. Other letters from Durhamn Old Boys and Girls will be published next week. i HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter. Toronto, accompanied by Miss Bradley, Buf- falo, N.Y.. visited Nir. sud Mrs. Theo. Salter. MIrs. Bert Stevens is witb lier mnotlier, Nirs. Whlite, Palmerston, who is seriously Hi. NMr. sud NIrs. N. TrulI, Detroit, Nlich.. spent the wveekend with Mrs. R. Avery aud '-\r. aud Nirs. WV. W. Horn. M r. .A. E. '.\oyer, son and daugh- ter, W'aterloo, 'Mr. Xilbert Bailey and son1, Donald, Kitchener, visited the Horn famnily. Mîr. sud Mrs. F. Sutton, Bowman- ville, sisited Mir. sud Nirs. E. E. Staples. School rc-npene(l on XVducsday. Selît. lst, with principal E. E. Staples aud Miss Grace Cawvker iii charge. 1Miss Jessie Kniox has been eci- gaged as teaclier at Haydon scliool. %'ounlg People's Union wilI hold their first meeting for theie aîl on Friday evening. It will take aie forin of a social evening. Mir. and Nfrs. R. Reynolds and son, Toronto, visited Miss L. Rey- nolds over the weekend. .Mr. sud Mrs. Elmer Golding and two sons. Rochester, visite'l her miother, Nfrs. Smale. Congratulations tqj Mr. E. L. Wil- liainson on receiving the pri'.e in the 01(1 Time Fiddler's Cotîtesi at the Durbani Old Boys' Reuinioxi at- Bowmianville. Mir. \V. R. Bailes aud son Donald, Kidney Acids Rob Your Rest Man7 people mew soe S. Seuiloo ngt's test. Th«y turn sand te-lie awake and count sheep. Olften th57 1,1cm. it on ".nettes" when it may bo thefr kidne7s. Hoalty kidocys flter poisons fro. the blood. Il theY a«0 aultY and f ail, oio* stay in the systbm and aI.eplossness, head- ache, backgche oflen foilow.- If you don't sdeep voi tri Dedd's Kidn.y Pil-lt hfall «MM trythe faoret.rffedy. 103 DoddsKidney Pis Kitchener, Mr. Ed. Moycr, 'Miss' Mary Mloyer, Master Ross, Water- loo, were Sunday visitorS with tFe Misses Horn, and other relatives.. Horticultural Society purpose hold ing a sho0w, Se1)t. I 4îh. Exlîibits 1( be made by members of flo:wers,. fruit. and vegetables. Beron, a member and bring along your exhih- its. Ail interested are welcome. Mr. and Nirs. L. .\dolph, J.isîuwcl. visited Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sciocli. IMAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden ac- comp)anied hy their sister-in-law.- Mrs. Edward Wilkins anîd two daugliters. Misses Bervl and Doreen Wli; Oshawa, visited near Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Pickard and daugliter Mary spent the weekenld with Mr. and M rs. Gordon Har;lv. Bobcaygeon. Mr. Thos. Snowdcin and Ruv. . C. Frank, WVhite Rock, B.C. and Ms Betty Snowden spent the weekcîl, xvithý Mrs. D. H. Coates, and Dr. anii MNrs. D. H. Coates, Brantford. .Miss Mildred Coolidge, London, Ont., who has been visiting frieiîds around here bas returned to Lon- don. Mr. Vernon Trimble, Port Hop)e, spent the weekend at home. Rev. T. Albert 'Moore, Toronto, occupied the pulpit here on Sunday in the interests of Temperance and Moral Reform. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith have returned f rom an enjoyable holiday and were with us again on Sundav. Mr. William Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Jewell and son, Claude, Cannington, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDonald. Mr. and MIvrs. Charlîc White and f amilv. Oshawa, recerttly visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Steven- * 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rooke. To. ronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. Swallow. Mr. and Ma-s. William Williams, Brigden, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday and other re- latives. 'Miss Jean Stevens is learning hîaïr- dressing in Oshawva. Mr. andi Mrs. Elgin Munday- lavec returned to Belleville, where Elgin lias resumed teaching in tlhe Ontario School for Deaf. Pride and summer go before a fali. Self-control is a thing you al- ways possess tili you need to use it. If you would be successful stop saying that fate is against you. cl You may grow old but if your hea.rt remains young you are aIl right. Economy may be wealth, but ,most people would rather nMherit real money. iA man neyer knows how many f riends he has until he strikes it rich. ALL BED LINEN AND TrABLECLOTrHS LAUNDERED AND FINISHED1 10 lbse 6c eacb additional pound Ail other pieces returned damp ready for ironlng. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co., Ltd. PHONE 419 1897 W. Adams, Les Angeles, Calif. August 21, 1937 Dear George: Invitation received for the West Durhuam 'Old Boys' Reunion and w;ords cannot express my regret at flot being able te participate in t.he festivities of that joyeus oc- casion, but my sight suddenly gave eut in 1931 and bas net xm- proved since enough for me to venture far on unfamiliar greund. iMrs. Davis, nee Carrne Babcock, is leaving tonight for Bowmafl- ville fer the celebration. I bave enjoyed reading, or rather, hav- ing read te me tbe newsy notes published in The Statesman from those wbe hope te attend. Many of the namnes were very familiar to me in the old days wben I was in the Statesman office. My tîioughts will be very much ini the old town during those three days and can visualize clearly the busy and pleasant scenes that will be enacted there. With the aid of -a typewiter I keep up a good sized correspondence with o14 friends and as I can read the diff erent grades of Braille with ease and having a wonderful and complete State library te borrow from, my tinie is fuUl and neyer monotonous an.d as my healtb as perfect, life is neyer dulI. Sincerely yours. May Webster Weeks. would we go without the TELEPHONE ?p Sally Watson turned to her Mother. "Whatever would we do without a telephone ?" she Asked. She had just finished making arrangements for the evening with the ever-faithful Jack. Mother smiled as Sally raced upsitairs to get ready, realizing how much the telephone had smoothed the day for ail the family. I have sa much trouble wlth slugglsh drains"l "Use GILLETT'S LYE. It dlears the dlrt rlght out" Cuts right through 41clogging motter 9D Juat use Glllett's Pure Flake Lye regularly... and you'l keep toileta, tub and sink draina dlean and runntng freely. It will flot harm enamnel or plumbing. Banishea unpleaeaflt odors as It cdean............... Gillett's Lye makes llght work of dozens of hard cleaning tasks.. saves you hours of drudgery. Keep a tin alwaya on handt Nover dissolve ly. ln hot vrater. The metIon of the. ...... ly. Itseif hects the wmcter. FREE BOOKLET - The Gillett's Lye Booklet telle how to u» ne powerful cleanser for dozens of taske. Send for free copy to Standard r' is Ltd., Fraser Ave. and Liberty St., Toronto. Ont. . a a590 2 e u tnrt une FR EEl Your copy of this informative, interesting, illustrated f older is ready. Send for it TODAY. Describes for you the pea,se rfEconomatic» AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM TELEPHONE TALKS- IN THE WATSON FAMILY Do your children have te admit to, their friends, "We have no telephoner? It'e hardly necessary when the cost is so low-actually ouly a few cents a day 1 FRANK WILLIAMS, Manager. lama -ý !%L THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO h ýe e, S. ýd r- )f A .y ,0 )e ie Le r- È e. 7,- b.