With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VÔLUME 83 n VIIU j~~,'.J~~.,i '*'~ . . y 10,W THREE PARALYSIS VICTIMS UUKHAM 1H INWESI CLASS A EDITORS ONTARIO POLITICAL POT ON THE BOIL SUGGEST PARENTS Japan Prepares For World AND VEENOWA CLDN Tw Cases In Bowmnil LAKE HURON TRIP 0F DEEP WATER rr One Drlinrio Conquest Dr. Chas. T. Paul EnjoableMeeting of Class A Pa- net is Kegh, oDrwed l On Daofgo ow s eld ast eeked atPà&winimieghTak t rowearin Oawood Park - Guests of Simn aka ra St. Marys Editor o alyPr Tells Rotry Club M eting 'akA coroner's jury Friday night AlA eO Oawo hr dtradenqui'ing into the death of Pat- 4 eus Rotary Club Meeting ~ 4 rck Keogh, brought in the follow-JAKCLY STw Cae War With China Part of hr they fal for most of the Ontario members of Class A Week- whlaeeare familiar sens.One lies held their mid-year meeting Patvrick: Keogthcae uryis WJACK UN TORON T uigPatWeo Caret ulIy Prepar e d aio the first shels to drop n the over the weekend is situated in beau- ta arc eg aeths W D I O O T u Progrm - Epect oi Il2.30 and 2.45 p.m. (D.S.T.) at the o 'Shanghai killed t'Ao of my mort just nortb of Grand Bend on ti at Bowmanville by accidentai Scene of CuUly-StretNptl rvdne Cide Fight R ussia, U nited intmate f riends, Dr. Paul said Bloc X ater Hîbway. T e Park States and British Tswamay corne to more owvned by Messrs C. M. Walker &donn.Wtejr.wudL5 viigAeVcis-Poi than v.e think, and has the possi- Son, covers a wooded tract of two recommend that there be some Empire Mliîty of a world conflagration, liundred acres, stretching along the sort of warning as to depth of Gladioli and palms decorated denc SholC se he added. We must look at Ja- lake for three-quarters of a mile. It wae tÇem0fBre akKmbourne Park United Church. ____ pan as an armed colossus. The is virgin bush covered mîbok jn U' and would strongly urge that par- 'Toronto, Wed.nesday evening, Sep- On the part of the Japanese1 present war was made by Japan iper and white p)i. I ents warn their children of the tember 15th, when Rev. A. G. Twomoeceso inatl peole te pesntconlit n wtha urpseinmmd I W Nfr. Walker Sr., the founder of t2I danger of going in water beyond Donald officiated at the marriage paralysis aebe rpre i China is a Japanese senise Of precipitated by the violation Of this unique and exclusive resort, w~as ter depth." of Miss Winifred Jessie Street, this area uigteps ek manfes dV.iyH.diinemisieyhooconducteddwors.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Oecs si omnll n maifs dsin, ivn msio ihnoalypldedwrd.formerly a furniture manufacturr thernuerst . eargevidcedo tet ootooM.Wlim~ One i aligo Twsip h Votahe Jaanese l r.ChlzaTion t was a violation of the open He is ainan oi vision and of artistic teiqet ern vdnefo tet oot.t r ila .oei thel wholed wtorld, D o.ChaT door policy 1n China giving ail taste which is sbown ini the develop- Hon. Earl Rowe Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn the children who accompanied the Cully. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil' Bowmanvlecs s aa lre and Prsidentnfathons ecjual tra de opportunities. ment of . e aesatermactiveMitaekF. pn victim to the pool. liamn Cully of Bowmanville. Mrs. daughter fM.adMs .A an rsdn fteCollege of ti ttatv Pr n The Ledrsf the 'aorpol- Mithel.Hepburn is fighting K. Williams played the wedding Clarke, Lyr ae Ii aei Missions at Hartford, Conn., toldi It was a violation of the 00v- natural terraces, amid wvinding roads tical parties in the Provincial el- his second campaign as leader of adtegom rtentcn ofteRotr lb neat of the League of Nations lie bias erected ttractive PiAe 1og ection now raging in Ontario. the Liberal Party. Both leaders nsc Friday. which outlaws war as an instru- buildings to accommodate bis summer This is Hon. Earl Rý,owe's first have spoken in Durh'am Çounty Reunion Echoos M.ATh rde l was iv 10in5t. slpigheial prlss sbe Teattitude of the Japanese nient of national policy. guests. Tbe diniing baIl, dormitories. campaign as leader of the Provin- at Port* Hope during the past igbyhrfteadwea Te1 people, he said, is that their Emn- It was a violatiQn of the Kel- golf club bouse and numerotis cial Conservative Party. Premier -week. By Jobn Elliott, London gown o! white lace over satin and vidence weeJh,3ya l peror is of divine origin, and that logg Peace Pack, and of the Nîne cbarmigcnrming ais eid one partie-________________________________ An interesting sequel to sucb a wrist-length veil caught to her child o n adMs.Nra it is their duty to carry the re- Power Washington Treaty. ularly o! Jasper Park. Tbe botel ser- f gatbering is telling tbe story of it to liesd with a Juliet cap. She car- Luxton,isavtmo!hedsa. ligion and culture of their nation Econoînie Side vice provided is unsurpassed, we E 11 < u c *U h2P U l2 Jtbose wbo could not be tbere. 1 bad ried a bouquet of pink roses. Miss TrusteesothPrveneSoo across the world until he becomes Beh.tind the war, Dr. Paul de- believe, around the Great Lakes. '%' ""J rh élbr te S'2yl several examples of tbis, two o! Madeleine Street, siste of the decided V ls h colwe the spiritual and poUitical head of clared, were many complex fac- Oakwood Park bias its own private cmi in St. Thomas. Rev. David bride, and Miss Irma Fowlen at- the case a eotda ae the world. And in this pnogram tors. The first wus the ecoflomie waterworks system Jubilee hdrits tasbem inds te orergurd factras panwllt as Cbydro ervce. iamn d JuiO UOfIts u di* Rogers, a veteran Durbam old boytindedka riesa id.the fmera of imperlal expansion the Japan-fatrJpnwntteChnssevc."0frmEisienisnonomay.fto!cooag.I ue- ese governiment is prepared for a market. It had it once, but was A numbe of Detroit, London and of__n,___ ccesorles andthe lttersti coninui wr wichwil no orlynot satisf id. It started to invade Western Ontario folk bave theiringentf awthdrrgenml i ss oeegny hn, u mmrhmsin-ePr bc 'ISa evcs oMr o-days when the mode o! travelling 'ss eters o She atîely hoghaesoriegladioli. r e ulbro- ts epeiul e>re ae bing them China, but also the CieesvrnY. China un- ne homes.inthe not 50 raîdes as arkt is no.unabletTgoabu Phillipines, French East Indies able to take part in a major wan, conducted on a restricted basis. Mr. mncmetofOhrh nolttie Bethel s wee umros. Te o rmrywe, mnal lrt n hof ! the g.rooJm a est 'mn, ta a imyAleCalsi Burm, Inia ad te BftishEi onalatd ith diyos tn henyLorne Eedy, editor o! the St. Mary's Community Sixty Years Ago finat Methodlst chunch in Canada retaintsbis marvellous înemory for and the ushers were Mr. Albiert enue, isasmangstscor pileand f inally Europe. whose weaPona t lpsa.Ee hnjournal Argus and President o! Class wsbita -a a n19.adpol.A i u ul n r ap -dnn rge1 failed ln the Great War. millions o! dollars trade. it was AWeleadMs eywohv When the present En!field me tbrougb a course o! question, Following the ceremony a ne- Whilehreaetocssi Japn i prpand V gota arcarnying on an illicit trade de- a spacious and comfortable log cabin On Sunday next, September 19 church was erected the circuit to about df riends o! bis vbom i1 ception was held at the home o! BOWinnil oa atoiishv wit R ssi, he Unied Sttes fnudng heCte g vegm nt t ak ood Pak ntetane tb te oageg tinto Ehavdeni- -ectibloned we kn wn as mîgt av me, ecouina- oin te nid's paentareGnee- noth ug10t8ncesay b cos andthe wsi hoe!Epe t .of customs duties. As fan back as newspaper party at tbeir sumier ed Church wfll commemorate the the Hamptn and Ennikillen Cm- inents o! bis own. sucb as naming mount Rd., where Mns. Street ne- ýthý e clsShudteebay tahr198 hesepolm wr en hm i s rout.mannr.O ak- mol nd187ubie a ether hurccut-comprising Hampton, Zion, th 'aswen lie and Herb Cry ceived gowned in wine clndvl ein nraei h ubro this end, which al has its onîgin heedot The beach o! soft sand atOkul n17 i a etee la, Mt. Vernon, Enniskillen derman were scboolfellows iin the vet with matching accessories and cases 1oeetescol ol in the mythical belief that their In 1915 the Japanese brought wood is popular for batbîng. WXe the vicissitudes o! the passing and Enfield. In 1892 the circuit couiitry school under WV. E. Tilley, a corsage o! Johanna HUi roses. undoublyeclsdLoam- emperor and al his forbears were the antipathy o! the Chinese into know o! no finer beach anywbere. years and amid the changes that was divided, and En! ield together and ,,,ei bis inquiries abouit a cer- The groom's mothen chose a gown dical me r ent!thopnn playwhe Japn tok avanage he iteen iole golf course sas aetken place it stili nemains with Burketon and Enniskillefl taineet lady'now living iin Bow- o! orchid velvet with accessonies thatBomnieisklyVex creaed ad~ te Ilando! Jpan of the war to make its 21 demands an important attraction. Many city a potent witness ta, the abiding ýconstîtute the Enniskillen pastor- manville were answered lie remarked to match, aad a corsage o! roses. perienceayeieie h ol Dr. Paul, who spent many years could be listed under five heads:. retreat, corne to Oakwood every sum- when the matenial things o! 11e 12 O this Diamond Jubilee we ally lie remindeci me o! My Own age,_ Sudlbury," Wh1çne tley wi111 Uve. For atParAnolngtedeaen President mining ights; 2, the rlght ta con- f all too tbey like to corne out for a îwecure. counageous souls who built the day recently. He asked particularly suit with silver fox collan and tions o h rvnesgetta C A , the s e' all a -on (rrit ae T n lae quiet ektd Time was, when in1 tus com- church and handed t an as a about people f rom Enniskilleii, and navy accessonies. the epie clao th w ne an Chnhsaid, I can picture (unt aeTn lae ________ munit3' o! Enfield there were two sacred trust. They have labored on learning tbat I bad tbe pleasure Among those who attended the it is 1oe htn ute ae stores, two hotels. blacksmith and we have entered into thein o! riding back to Toronto witb al wedding from Bownianville wene will be eotdi omfvle UNITED CHURCH AT shop, shoemaker shop and church. labors. It cost a great deal ta Enniskillen old boy. one o! my forin- Miss Daisy cully, sister a! the Howev,, lclhat fiii e Nw, ail that remaîns is the white mk h omnt htA s rBHS tdns e.Mlo groom, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke, lieve thteeypcuinagnt A IPF. Annis, B. H. S. Graduate NEWCASTLE UIr-ucihn h hteds acrfetece aun twat i Saderson, .A. , R .Miito!ntReMr. Morey Oke, Mn. John James, the dseeshudb!ole, lame church i which Mhe.dRobentrifectandiMn.e Russeli. anddthatno.Achancesisshouof th SCENE 0F NUPTIALS cnat fteponeswrhp Teebeautiful homes, with United Clhurcb iin Toronto, who a r.RbeHetayesr Rssllan. itdA tn r w Ato n ythe God o! their fathers, and their spacious barns housed with been out to sec bis inother, li ________________Hayes.____________________ Appoine cig Crw tonyGiadys Margaret Pollard Is Bride within its wall once every Sab- sleek, well fed cattie. These fer- dered, about bis motber's mind of verttJoh BownOf bat, istn o te ord o etr-til eeprdci evrp tsat- naine. tbat bie miit indenti bSuier.e So !Cuclo .W Ans POSFRCO NOrono rnal 111e. lif h ed feeyliving That i avdRogers. Sonof eonciordo W nto0 .*. Apetwddgasomniz- SFO RO Nprsentcid, acurectnohews 0-thing. These splendid roads aven A second St. Thomas manî greati cg g S m e e of Tyrone, Appointed t O- ..Aprcatedn w oem - ed jt euitdnon a h e C ar - which we travel in automobiles. interested iii tbe Reunion storv as G i fice Conant - *~~~~~~~~ ed by Rev. S. MacLean, B. A.o!,of tae ju teeton a the r What we do in an hour inco-RvPrr.SDbsn îA DDa ce B fre T p C u ci the United Church at the parson- difornia Church. There was also E fort, they had ta take a day orteprniao!Am LdesCl_______________ 'i age, Newcastie, o Wednesday a!-aohrcuc utsuhes y_______________ lature !s enoSpeme ,we isthe name o! Providence.lanthose (Continued oni Page 6) lege, St. Tboinas. He is the Bow ________ G adyoons Mret Plr, yung-issinanville old boy îvho preceeded the REVEALS JAPAN'S PLAN Frank icsin fLksd GladysProblemstHeldlRecenYoung est daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. AI- ]te XVes. Allen iii the Big 20 Book r nagi out' e Atn ePlD A a uiedi r tore. Youngster though ble as, lie Crown Attorney, Allia F. Annis. . gewith Mr. Everett John lethora f ig wa A cougsbad. t t prepareoforitasved ok ervc rniTwa ls a former Dalington boy, a son ..Brown. second son o! Mr. and " s e a sucpess e oil and savSed o! ounillr A W.Anns. 3roe s Mrs. J. . BrwnOrono. The, fn Sau d v iiO1 olc B s ith a college course that led up of Cdnciwas AbecominglyTyongoOnnedurAny Keep oliceBjI to a degree iin Oxford University. Adigto !sme otg He a jnir prter ! he on.. o n rped satin. She wore a _____.> tird iiîquirer w~as a Lonidon es0 atand Annis iaw irm, and has broY'Y~ wn velvet hat with nose veil Acdet main, Albert W. Anderson. a goodCeaeaadWlAmPitae bad a actve creer a poîtîcand caried a bouquet o! 'mums.Five AcdnsBetween 1 and taeln , ml !suetiiBowvmanville Higli tue meCantngh w. onclo chuch edcaionl.spotig c- ioThe bndesaii, is Muie 6 .m ci-.da 6 ou Bomavîlewhe te rivr ndFunorrtbeti camîioî t .l abo Dy V vnt hetheeing vie andi social organizations dur- ~~ Shaw, wore white, with a blueto H l -Tows rcdo apply his brakes 1920 f ield day. He is a s !Chson ofCaswm ao revns-roi ac in hsthree easo!iw rc-~blouse and white accessories, and Taken t ospial weeda MnfHaîbent o and a ice in Oshawa. Mr. Annis ob- i canrieci a bouquet o! asters. The Local Boys Arc Injured suddeniy. He skidded into the H. Andersonî, a former business man dîch teca gig om isaneon Main St., and lie lias beeîî fora numbeo!thrtokpt he tie i LB rmOgoegroom's gift teo the bride was a dth h a on oedsac number o! years on the actuarial Reeve .Dvt elic nbhl Hall in 1924 andi on June 20oflvycmptad oth a!e! ore coming to asasafa h edofc fteLn that year was caileci to the bar. qgroamnsman, Mr. Eroy Brown,. oieadrpreswr n Walter GoeadPilpPt don Lif e Insurance Co. of n o gt Cocunt of aw n Ohaw wih M. G D.ceremony a reception was helci at way accidents on Saturday, when ble seat were thrown out of the hear about tbe Bowmnanville doiîîgs. o! law An shawa withMr. G. D.car and both suiffereci consider- even amnc ihadlgto Conant. who has just resigneci his Mr. and Mrs. Abet Polland's si ccidents were invsiadabenjr.M.Goewsta- Let these su!ffice. o aic uiesaueepr position as Crown Attorney for home on North St. Latei' the 'si ein u nyhur. M~ rtun e anddslocatd iefceadwihreranIpo candta n isrdi their new home at Hudson Fromn shontly after noon until six iwist, head injuries and body PURCHASES ORONO DAIRY phesy cAnisedo3d!fr candiae YeatsM r is widng.AlUn F. Anxis Heights, Que. -o' dock on Saturday a! ternoon bruises, whie Mr. Pattrick su!-____ ence ilsry!ilW Frie yftef r.AOshaa woasy Ntv fAyoead rd- Beoetewd gMis Pl traffic officer and newspapermnen !ered a dislocated shoulder and We uncierstand that Mrs. W H.ifaybytin hates secetryo!th Osaw Rtay ate o! Tyranle ani gradu- Befoare he eig is ihe rmoe section o! ýoth#r injuries. Neither Dean Bic- £ mattens by any authofity can be Clb ni astenelcedtotedteo BwanileHih coo lr, hows omeiya a js Btte, ronetr !Boîathehivdteyhaeanthrtha presidency af the club. He is alhao has been appointed acting tive member o! the Girls' 50! tball the highway ta another trying Voi keil non the other passenger, Jim ville Dairy, has purchased the plast president o! the Oshawa Cî'own Attorney for Ontario Coun- Club, was the necpient o! a box keep up with the accidents. Sev Woodward, owner o! the car, were dairy operated in Orono by Lance ______________ om an.epcalylclpo Tenis lubanc ison he ffiiaitydue to the resignation o! Gor- o! chocolates from the present eral were injureci, some seriously, injured.E.as.M.Betelapnig con. don D. Conant, K.C.. Liberal Can- members o! the club with their and gneasy highways and high Another serious accident oc- ta distribute pasteunized milk Vo pie fothyav onupwt (Continued on Page 6) d'date in that county. compliments and good wishes and winds accounteci for several o! the1 curredi shortly a! ter dinner when patrons in the Clarke township Dr. Charles T. Paul it, stil okuo asraa h -in appreciation a! her pensonality accidentà.1 two Ameican cars, dniven by P. aree.. One o! the Bowmianville Old end o h od hna tl and past service. Two local boys suifered i pn- 1 H. Forbes o! Beaver Falls, Pa.. and paystiula rnPeito the c en atr,1ViViesmemer- fui injuries in the last accident o! F. W. Stewart o! St. Louis. Mo., N.oeaeTa Rte Cllegeo! ise sin t Harthedoa îDuhm outnadls' Roman e Of ubbé Indu try I theafteroon. cardrive by Nwcasle Taheate ColernoofMissAnscarHadtiven by Ro a c 0 u be n usr sFROM DROUGHT AREA Dean Bickell o Bowmanvilie was (Contnued r:-rae 7) Is 41 Mills M on rem a eo thedotrty alub Sh wn Li'n n oton P ctre Msrs WltrPigl adon the Par Est, .who outlined the the ocso o hsdlgto __________________Sandy McRobbie o! Leroas, Sask.. NUMEROUS TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS BUSY POLICE ambitions of Japan for world su- had nVeitd nur a S h w io s I M t o P c u e s MThseate lgi niM unicipal C o il t M n r m ybf eth Ro ay C u are vi-i-ing the forme'ft, da________________ evenling's session struck theon Prîiay.(Oftlednpae7 af- re visiti 1ng h wom'fathle ,ý aer, ~fnor 1937? at 41 mills as ________________ Interesting Movies Sjhow VMt blowout may be.1 The second picture showed1 Rubber Plantations, NOW'~ Goodyear rubber plantations la Blowout Proof Tube, and the Sumnatra, and the methoci exploy- Building of a Tire ed ta extract rubber !rom the trees. The process useci from the time the tree is tapped until the Three exceptlonaily interesting rubber la ready for shipment was motion pictures, pnesented by illustrated. Gordon Kerr o! the advertlslng The third movie was also ex- departalent o! the Goodyear Tire txemely lateresting. It was tak- and Rubber Co. at Toranto, Pro- en la the New Toronto plant, and vided the excellent pnogi'am. at showed the building o! a tire, tak- the Lions Club on Monday night. ing he audience through every The finat picture llustrated a stage o! manufacture from the new Goodyear product knowns as compoundi room ta the completed the I'L. -3uard" tube. It la o! product ready for shipment. To radilcal,. Diiferent construction niast of those present the methaci and assures absolute safety la the of building a tire was entirely event o! a blowaut. The new tube new and highly instructive. wonks on an entirely new prin- Russell Osborne expressed Vo ciple. It la really two tubes la Mn. Kerr the Ciub's appreciatiani one, the innen tube floatlng with- for his most instructive evening. la the outer tube when fully n- President Ev Hoar presided and flated. As the outen tube la f lled the speaker was introduced by from a smali vent la the inner Past President E. W. Crawford. tube, the outer tube may be blown A guest at the club was Walter out, andi the nner tube silI give Bleakly, new teacher at the High adequate support fan a mile a!ter Schooi. The Club declded ta the blowout, thus ellmtnatirig ail lease the S. 0. E. Hall for meet- danger o! seriaus accidents f rom ings for the next twelve months. blaWotits. Due ta its !loatlng pro- A recreatioii committee composed perty it la almost impossible for o! Messrs. Bresla, Oliver, Mort- the inner tube ta be punctu.red no lock, Stevens, James and Craw- matter how violent the outer tube. fard was appolnted. Mr. PlagIe la one o! those western stalwarts who has gone through seven years o! successive drought without fllaching. He pans to la- cate in this district if he can finci a sultabie !arm. Mn. PlagIe and Mn. McRobble left Lenoss on Thursday, Sept. 3rd, and complet- ed the 24DO miles to Bowmanville by Tuesday. They drove an old car andi report not a blowout or a fiat ine. ST]ILL WITH BROOKDALE Through some misapprehension rumors have been cinctilateci that Mn. E. J. Wood, manager o! the Brookdale - Klngsway Nurseries, has severed his connection with the f Irm. There la no truth what- ever in these rumors. They prob- abiy had their onîgin la the sep- aration o! the floral division whlch la no longer a part o! the business, but operated as a pri- vate unit by Messrs. Leo Rammel and A. Luennemann. Trnnty Young People's !Union wll open the season with a welner roast at the Beach on Moaday aext, September 20th. Meet at the church at 7.30 p.m. County Rate -.--- - 12 mils School Rate -------- 6 Mlls Village Rate -------- 14 mils Total 42 milla Less Goveramnent Bonus 41 milis The only difference between this year's and last year's rate is a 1 Mill neduction. the equivalent o! the Provincial Goverament bonus. Music Festival Annual Meeting ýe Newcastle, MondaY, September 20 The annuai meeting o! Durtham music Festival Association will be -' held la the Communlty Hall, Newcastle, on Monday, Sept. 20th, __________________at 8 'dlock, Standard TAme. The chie! business o! the meeting wll Prov. Con. Price Morris Trafic Oficer H. Caldwell be the election o! officers, andi The two provincial police offic- andi 6 p.m. The pictures repro- plans for 1938. ers statloned la Bowmanviile had duced above point ta the fact that This ils a public meeting and ail a reai busy àfternoon on Satur- besides belng capable officers they i.nterested n promotlng this great day when greasy highways and are mighty gooci iooklng, and are community endeavor for the ad- hlgh wlnds played a part n caus- good natuied, too, pnovlding iou vancement o! better music are la- lng some five accidents between 1 obey the law. viWd Vo attend. Circulation 3000 This Issue 1 - 1 Ran Walter _R. Johnston, Columbus*, 0. KiIied By Car Crossing The Street Was Native of Bowmanville, Morris, and as a young man left Bowmnviile ta, take a position withî and a Brother o! C. ALVrY the Haines' Carniage Works in De- johnston o! Town, and Ma's. troit. The owner o! tbis plant was J. J. Gilfillan o! Orono the son o! George Haines, Police Magistrate o! Bawmanville. Later Mr. Jobnston went ta Columbus A native o! Bowmanville, and a where he joined the staff o! the Col- brother o! C. Avery jonston o! umbus Buggy Company, being liead *the f inn o! Coucli, Jobston & Cry- o! the draugting department. Later dermaui Ltd., Walter R. Jonston, e establised is own automobile automobile salesman o! Columbus, sales busintss which e carred on Oio, was amost instantly kiled on successuly until is deat. Sunday night, September Sth, wben He was married and is survived struck by a car at a Columbus inter- by bis wife, and two sons, James and section. Mr. Jobnston had been ta bis Allan, botb of Columbus. Also sur- place of business to admit the night viving are one brother, C. Avery watcbman and was crossing the Jolnstn o! Bowmanville, and nc street when struck. sister, Mrs. J. J. Gilfîllan o! Orono. Mr. Janston was born in Bow- The funeral was held in Columbus omanville 71 years ago, a son o! the an Seîîtember 9th, and among those late Mr. and Mrs. James A . John- attending were Mr. C. A. Jonston, ston. He iearned the carniage busi- Mrs. J. J. Gilfîllan, Orona, and Mrs. ness in Bowmanville witb James W. T. Veale of Harrow, Ontario. T ri t-%XTrrq rPUTTPQn,&V lf; lgq7 mmm mmwýjmý ýRBýmmmmm More Circulation News and Advertising Than Any Other Durhanj County Newspaper zLbe 7 ,onlxrltg A XT'XTTT -T.V. fIN'I' 'l'HIIMZlit)AY. Iihr'IbIVI15rill 10. lZiai 1