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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1937, p. 5

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THEP CANADIAN STATrESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THU SDA Y, SEPT-'1MIiER lT1H, 1937 YOUR WORLD AND MINE o By JOHN 0. KIRKWOOD o (Copyrig-ht) 1l Perhaps ou have hceard about - nmarried life. or wbose hopes, of nular- wl perbiaps rea(l - that întîicl-heralded niage are slini. re book, 'Live Alone and Like t," - Now another book by the samne written by a womnan. I ed lskm riter has appeared - *'Orchids O1n li Iliil.M recoletin ftisbki -j-our Budget" I found this book s isttit . lvasreocittn ofor sbokrather duli - flot very convincing. istht woen woprenfer Spinsters Its point is that womnen - for again wornn wo prfersingle life to it is addressed 10 woimen - can gel 0( along on a verv small inconie or w ___________________________salarv, and yet have orchids" - 1; sgnifving luxuries or indulgences. g 0f course it is true that ail of us t cari ive on less than we are gtting0 FALL - if we will make up our mids t p t ~to do so. Thus, mnany of us stick g wleeliving costs gencerallv are iii-0b. P a* l Igfewe would go 10 live li smaller t places - in towns or villages - the,'nl - 5e could ]ive quile comifortablv on i our ncomie. sniall tboughi it unliglii September is, by many b. This applies to nen, womien and i people, considered to be f anillies wbose brcad and butter cola the choice month in flot dcpcnd on their labour - hoe il which to do outside uni reccipt of interest. or annulties. Y house painting. j C K 1 Latterly 1 bave beei rcading f Let us give you an es- hoth meni and mnen who xent to t timate on painting -ur New York t0 find îvork. Tluev ocrec rrt ad hae it attracted to tbat linge cit% I)v its vr propertyan hve t enormnitv: Tlîc felt vcry sure that put in condition to with- îîîev w onild iind ecmîîloy nienit and stand the winter wea- Wold bave fine opportunitv for ad- ther. vancemient toward faine and fortune.1 The stories which onîe reads abouit persons going to New York to find work are beart-breakilig. ' Bs conit- 1 ras Toronto seemns a sort of beaven.1 Il i Toronto- a cils- of abut 8W.00.) 1 J. H~. Abernetby population -onîe can bave conîforts% y ad advantages flot available to mnostt Painter & Decorator persons in a cits of thie size of Newst York or Chicago. Phone 431 Bowmanville It is truc, of course, thiat Torontoc lias ils poor - ils verx poor. It5 i uîigbit be both unkiuîd and uinfair tu CENT A MILE ROUND TRIP DARGAIN PARESt (Minimum Fare: Aduits 75e - Children 40c) f rom Bowman ville By 5.50 p.m. ex Belleville, Sept. 24 and ail Trains (except No. 15, Sept. 25) TO TORONTO Also te: Brampton, *Brantford, *Buffalo, *Chatham, Cllingwood, Durham, Coderich, Grimsby, Guelph, *Hamlton, Hunt.sville, Kn- cardine, Kitchener, *London, Meafard, Midland, Milton, *Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Palmerston, *Paris, Penetang, *St. Catharines, St. Thomas, *Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Wiarton, *Wodtck, ani ail intermediate points beyond Barrie, Brampton, Grimsby and Hamil ton (time table stops). And to Beaverton, Wasbago, Parry Sound, Ardbeg, Burwash, Sudbury, Capreol, Westree, Gogama, Tianaga, Foleyet, Oba, Hornepayne, Longlac, Geraldton, Jellicoe, Beardmore. Tickets sold to points marked* A. M.L Trains oniy SUn. Sept. 26. Tickets ais. soid to Local Stations between Beflevile-litby Inel. Ask Agents for parteluars of Canada's Maple Leaf contest. 'Seven cash prizes -.You auy wn $10000. Tiýkets, Fates, Transit limit andM Train ]Information from Avents. Ask for handbill. T406B Canadian National - Canadian Pacifie gi IORDER NOWFOR EARLY DELIVERY! I91 It won 't be long before coal prices will be skyrocketing. That 's why you should place your order now .. .we have a full supply of Best Quality Conger Coal. Phone 448 Riglit Now KNIGHT'S FUELS There are thousands of ways in which per- sons can injure themselves in or about any home - and the courts are full of lawsuits which mun into big money before the cases i are settled. Carry Residence Liability In- surance. J. J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville le o ha i s heclie(leneAT HOME 20 WEEKS c past extravaganîces and folluis It WiHl -uc tbat min. bave a liard tunlie IIL RH UMATZ IS si it to fiîîd svork. It is truc tlî.tn iv have lost tic will to work - Wife Feared Hus:band haps. a1so. tlîe ahIl.1. wrk. Would Neyer Wark Again c, *is alwtays lieariîig ot pe rsoiî, b *verx iîuicli prt fer tlu tas oui When lier lhîusband hall been aI t if 10 guiîîg 10 work. \ et onle'ducs home 20. weeks witb rlîeunatusm uin a tsec the dislress and the meauî bis back, îlîis wonîan began to c -ug cond(itionis ini Toroîîto that une îhiuîk hc would neyer work agaiui. h sini New York. At last, slie said 10 himn "Let's try c J C K Kruschen," auîdthe change that ýVhat is ini my mid is this: Ail took place was, in bier own words, Il uis eau live more abundantly tban "like a miracle." Here is bier, lelter: n (Io. This means that Wve can *Mly husband is subjecl 10 chet- v 'e more happiuiess, more of the matism anîd suffercd îerribly wilb c od- aund free - îlîiugs of life his back. Some lime ago, I lîad c an svc now have; and, for man% hima in tuhe honte 20 weeks with il. c lus, WC can have mucli more of 1 really didn't think hie would exer t se ulesirahîle tbings wlîich money work again. We tried ail the dif- c es uis. To live more absunulautly ferent kiuîds of salis you cosuld r 10 have the fie thiîîgs of life iimentioun, but- _ouîcof îhem did Ilim 1 rger îneasure, boîh tliose free auîd anis good. Tbcuî- I said, 'LeI's trse buuught ssilh moules,,we uîîuîst Kriuschen.' Silice then, we haver ,- îd)auîuicd'" lives. aîd lise tlieuii proved Krîusclîeu Salts 10 be wurtlî ir early cars. uts weighl in gold. My lîusbauid is 'Plauîiedl' lises are rare. N10st of back aI bis job. tliauks t0 Kruus- Sjuist drift alouîg. \Venîay go dieu. Tlie change il unade is like at .uîg ini a rouutinec was-. pretty uiucu niace-(Ni rs.) B. tlîe saune direction ail tlie tiune, Two of tlîe salts ini Krîîschcuî arc WvC canilot be sajd to be lisiuig thle uiiost effectuai solveiîts of ilnei .nucd lis-es. acid crystals kuîown 10 scueuict. I auîî go-iiîg t put Ibis chlalenîge Tlev swiftlv duull the sharp edge- i% readers: Set dlowni on îîape~r of thie îaiuîfuul crystals and couivert le pan of vour life. If vou sill tbcui iîîto a harmless solutioni. -ginlt Io duthis. -ou w-ilI iid. laI- su licib is <heu expelled îlîhroughthe iost surcîs'. that Your owin persouîal nattural chauîuels. ce i. nul planned by- oiu ai' ail. It is sd doin i ideed that a l fe is lmeintesneta a uildiung UfW D flI I ra loconiotive or a battlcship i, ILL K vu EOPL lauinid. A bîuildinîg, a locoumotise, a SidWELL K toI tlesli , is plaiicd. b ithe last iteuîîi Sde Vn %arclîitects and engilicers. BInue- rits are absolutlly sscuîtial, aund (oîudfo ae îrkiuîg drassings.. Evcrytlîîng is Cniudfo pae2 casnired aund calculated. Even the after tbe Armistice was signed. ie for conîpleîiouî is calcuulatcd. that Pte. Venton was released and 'e uîuuuîber of workuneuî requîired to returned to England. unplete the strucîture in tlîe tinte Returning ta Canada be joined 2t is calciilated. The sîreuigîi of the Oshawa City Police farce in Ltals, of woods, of ollier materials. January 1920, and became sa re- Srelatiou n obîurdens and strains lu spected an afficer that be act-ed cput lupon theun is carefully cal- as Cbief o! Police in the absence lated. of the Chie! on bolidays. But whcn il comnes 10 lîumauî lises. In 1928, when Chie! of Police les arceulol blue-printed in advance, Richard Jarvis resigneci as Chie! .d there is set no time-table for af Bowmanville, Constable Ven- ieir building or counpletioui. The ton was selected fram a large list lacrials to lie used in Ilîcir struc- o! applicants ta f ill that office. re are flot vcry muicl considered, He removed to Bowmanville and d there is flot mucli thouglit givei erected bis new borne on Division )the quality of Iliese materials - Street. ose of îbemn which are used. or to Chie! Venton and bis family cir suitability in relation 10 pur- are members af Trinity United ose. It is true that sue arc sent to Churcli. He married Etta Allun, cool, and that our schools are re- daughter a! the late Thomas Allin ue n 10 build us afler a fashion: af Clarke Township. They have ey give us essential knowledge, buut twa cbildren, Donald, age 14, a es are not much concerned with patrol leader in the 2nd Bawmnan- e matter of our character of our ville Troop a! Boy Scouts, and timate vocation - nor witl oxur Audrey, age 10. uysical bealth. Our universities have Chie! Ventan bas many addi- eguuî 10 examine their students tianal duties ta those af Chie! a! îs-sicallv. and 10 plan their plîysical Police. He is Sanitary Inspector, :ercises; but in pre-university days Weed Inspectar, and Callector o! bhools and colleges do not pay rmnch Dag and Poil Tax. Since its in- tention ta the physical well-being ception Chie! Venton bas been a dboys and girls. member a! the Public, Wel!are J cK Board. Imagine a f ully planned if e - life He is generaus ta charities, and iilding itself daily in accordance like bis predecessor in office, is ex- itb a blue-priut. This blue-print tremely !and of children. He bas, vould concetn itseif with a wide as we painted out at the begin- ;ariety of things. A f irsî malter ning o! this stary a cambination would, of course, be the final pro- o!_ bard bailed devotion ta d1ýty uct: what would be the life aI the g_________________ n? What would beil purpose, s magnitude, ils attractions, ils abil- COURTICE y ta perform ils job? But what 4 ian or waman known ta yau had is or ber life's final form and size A meeting o! the Libecals o! nd purpose planrued as from the be- Durham was beld in Mr. Ed. Ptd- inning? Most lives are capricious- duck's Hall an Sept. lOth. lbuilt - built according ta the L<ocal »npcovements in this dis- whims auîd ideas of our parents and trict include: Re-sblngling a! Mr. ur own selves. Most of us do not William Essery's bouse; me-paint- now svhere we are going. We have ing af bouses owned by, Mr. Lloyd o goal - nîo set route. We have Cauctice, Mr. Harry Burroughs, o time-table. We have no program. and Mr. Jackr Wlggans; an addi- Humn lvesareinfnitly oretion ta Mc. Bd. Pidduck's Hall; a Hmrant hvestareucnte of moregarage at tbe bame o! Mr. J. Wig- npotan tan trutues f wodgans; and a small barn on Mr. nd iran and stone, ycl buman lives Mike Gravelle's land. cre not lived or built according 10 Srryta o lseMr. and Mrs. tIwd plans of competent archilecîs and Matuice Selby and cbihdren frorn engineers. Whicb means that we hive aur district. xtravagantly, and have at thie end Several fclends of Mrs. Ralph far less than we could have had had Taoley have lately received word our lives been lisved iuî accordance that sine will soon be returning with a plaun and an objective. i ram ber pleasant vacation in The well-planned if e bas regard Scotland. o®r the body, the minc, the soul. If Mrs. S. Paternoster and Mrs. 0. s'e ate the right things - righl in Reynohds visited with Mrs. Jack relation ta îtîe objectiv'e of perfect Barclay and Mrs. Wm. Hobbs, heahth, there would bc but a fractioun Oshawa. of the illnss which prostrate millionîs Mr. and Wm. Robinson if chihdren and adults, and thus take and family visited the Exbibition away f romn the earniuîg power of in Taronto reoently. workers. If our minds were being Miss Annie Hoît, Toronto, spent built and shîaped according 10 wise a weekend with !riends thraugb- plans, we would flot have so much out the district. -nadncss i the worhd - the miad- Miss Nora Adams, Peterboro ness of nations which wanî war or visited ber borne recently. are always prepariuîg tlîeunselves for Miss Gladys Reynolds bas me- ,var; the madness of poliliciauîs su-iclî turned to Lindsay. keeps a country i urnîoil anîd dcbt; Mc. Edwin Pidducc, Mr. GeorgE tie maduiess of zealots svlielî givcs Pidduck, and Mr. Anson Phaii lis faîte doctriunes and miakes us fraI- motored to Mathesan, near Tim- icides. mons. They remained severa trouble living generally worries Osluau'u's Oldest CIcapiers most abaut dying. The seeker af ter truth has a DAILY PICK UP hife time Jab. P oe « The warld Is always cager ta hno4 give a man a boost when lie gets B W A IL near the top. WM N IL Few thlngs are per!ect. Even 36-2 the Iangest way araund lias Its ahorteominga. ýose wham it is bis duty toarrest is gentlemen, but when they de- ý;de ta get cough, tbey find they ave came up against a very taugh ,ust amer. A policeman's job is vecy mucb ke that o! a ncwspaperman. He -iay have certain defined bours a! wcrhc, but he is at tbe beck and cal a! his community 24 boums a cay and seven days a week. Few itizens mealize the number of times eacb month the Chie! is callcd fram bis bed ta supervise police affairs in the town. Few :now that in addition ta bis wark as "'keepec o! the peace" in Bow- nanville hc is cequired ta co-ap- erate witb police aliavec the pro- vice and to chase robbers and -eckless drivers ahi over the coun- ty. not to secure as many arrests and as many convictions as possible, but rather to maintain whenever possible the peace and tranquility of the eommunity without arrests. The unusually fine record of !ree- dom from serious crime enjoyed by Bowmanville, is in na small part due ta the efficient and able manner in which Chief Venton handies bis job. His chief inter- ýest is Io prevent crime and ta bring together amicably warring factions. and ai ter ail. is that flot the primary duty of a policeman? The dictionary describes a police- man as one who watches and pro- tects, and in the manner in whicb he bas handled his job, Chief Po- lice Sidney Venton bas sbown himself to be a true. devoted, able and efficient watchman and pro- tector. 1, COWANVILLE Mr. Hector MiUlson and sister, Miss Addie Milson, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Bandy, at Herman. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer and Mr. and Mrs. Westol Strînger visited with Mrs. Ramsbottom. Herman. Mr. Jack Barnes and Mrs. B. Crossley visited friends in Toronto. Our deepest sympatby is ex- the dictionamy. Some Resu its of Hepburn 's Hydro Policy Saved ta Hydro Users Reduced Service Charges, Rural Lines Rural Hydro Lines Built Last Year Under Henry - - - - Rural Hydro Lines Built 1937 - $4,797,761 - - 57% - 190 Miûes - - 2,300 Miles Increased Number Rural Hydro Usera s 21,331 HEPBURN HE Y D R 0 POLICY Will Save Ontario Every Year By New P o w e r Contracts Over SIX MILLION DOLLARS Hepburn's Highway Policy Passenger Car Licenses Reduced by $5.00 Truck Operators Saved Million Dollars Current Year's Road Contracte $1s90009000 Boulevard Roads in Southern Ontario Northern Ontario Gets Permanent Roade Trans-Canada Highway Progress New Roade Open Up New Mining Areas Financial Relief to Municipalitles get stamted. 1 Hepburn 's Promises 1. A bala.nced budget. 2. Lower Hydro, rates. 3. Debt reduction. 4. Better labour laws. 5. Advanced social legialation. 6. Improved highways. 7. Timber Departm.ent reform. 8. Abolition liquor toîl-gate. 9. Honesty, efficiency and economy in administration. Hepburn's Record 1. Surplus, 1937, $9,313,938.54. 2. Sa-vings to power users of $4,797,761.00. 3. Debt reduced last year 33 million dollars. 4. Minimum wages for men; Induatrial Standards Code; Industry and Labour Board. 5. Increased Nothers' Allowances; assumed mun- icipal share of Old Age Pensions. 6. Highways modernized; mileage increaued; mun- icipalities relieved of all charges. 7. Bight large new industries established; old in- dustries revived; employment greatly increased. 8. Administration cost cut over hall million; profits increased. $2,500,000; sale prohibited in restaurants. 9. Administrative record speaks for itself. Hepburn is the Taxpayers' Friend Vote For Mercer in Durham Issued by Durham County Liberal Association. -t q PAGE FIVE and gentleness, rather an unusual -ombination. His job brings him ýn contact with the appaUing .gbts o! smashed bodies in auto- nobile accidents, and an injured ,hild will always bring tears ta ,ls eyes. He tries always to treat tended to the fam>ly af the late Thrnas Harness. l Mcs. Robt. Reid 's visiting Mr. WE DIG and Mrs. Hecb. Gihn'ec. Mrs. Gea. Hendcrîon is sisiting Reid-Weatherilt in Port Hope. Mr. Jas. Simpson, Misses Mar- A quiet wedding was sohemnizcd ion. Ethel and Ruth Simpson, Mr. in the Queen St. United Chureh. and Mrs. W. A. Reid, visited Mr. Lindsay, by Rev. Hl. C. Wolfraim. and Mrs. A. T. Perrin~ on Satur- wben Myrtie Ida, youngec daugli- day. tec o! Mc. and Mcs. W. W. Wca- Sunday School opened Sunday therilt, Caesarea, became the with a very gaod attendaxice. bride o! Mr. William Elliott Reid, It was decided at the congre- eider son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. gational meeting Sunday ta hold Reid, Clarke. annivecsary services an October Tbe bride entered the cburcb ta 24tb, and !owl supper an the Wed- the strains o! the wedding march nesday. the 27th. playcd by Miss Marian Taylor, Ice ceam social is to be beld Nestieton, and attended by ber an Friday. sister, Mrs. Percy Hamilton, Jan- 4_~ etvifle. The bride wame a beauti- 1 OBIUARYfeta on long princess ines, witb > a long tulle veil and headdrcss o! orange blossams. The bridesmaid F. H. BounsaU, Bownxanffle woce appliqued net over brawn tangerine crepe wth accessamies The death occucred on Fciday. ta match. The !howecs were bau- September 3rd, o! F. H. Bounsall, qeso oe n ses c '79 years af age. a if e-long cesi- ýJack Reid, brother o! the groom, dent o! Bowmanville. Deceascd was best man. was born in Bowmanville on Au-I He learned the monument busi- 'hom fo the bridesmaid. The ness f rom bis f ather, Christopher j brides other wore a gown o! Bounsall, and was activeîy engag- black cmepe wîth lace trimmings cd in it until recenthy, when iUl- and a corsage a! roses. The ness kept bim away !com his gcoom's mother worc a gown a! works. He was a past master o! black crepe and cut velvet with a the Loyal Orange Ladge, and a corsage o! cases. membr o theRoyl Blck re- Later. amid showcrs of confetti, e m er o t he Royal Black Pre - in t e bride and groom le t on an cheptoryotaking akeen itcest In ext ended motr trip ta Ottawa, i t s work a the raternites. InNorth Bay, and other points. The 'poti c e w s a s a nc s r bride travelled in a dress o ! blue Haie. - ntd nmarag otangerine crepe and navy acces- He a S n t d i m rra n A ge ta sories. On their etu n tey wilh 3, 1887. Their golden anniversacy tsli pDrbam CntyinCareTon wa.s quietly celcbrated by their _____Duram ___ty ixumediate famihy and a !ew f ci- ends this ycac. He is sucvivcd by Felt-Haycraft bis widow, two daugbters, Evelyn and Marjarie at borne, and a son, In St. Andccw's United Churcb, Lieut.-Col. A. H. Bounsaîl, of Oshawa, at 5 o'clock Wed'besday Bowmanville. Two dau g h t e r s, evening, September 8, Rev. An- Wynn and Liblan, predeceased drew D. Robb united in macriage hlm. Agnes Helen Haycmaft o! Oshawa, The funecal was held on Satur- daughter o! tbe late Mr. and Mms. day a!ternoon fmm is late resi- W. J. Hayccaf t o! Broohlin, On- dence, King Street East, Rev. W. tario, and Neil Evleth Feit, son of F. Banister conducting tbe sec- Mr. H. A. Felt and the late Mca. vice. The paîl bearers were D. R. FeIt o! Oshawa. The bride and Morrison, Gus Bounsahl, C. E. groom were unattended. FolIow- Bounsaîl, Frank Tomlinson, Dr. ing the ceremony tbey leit oni a T. C. D. Bedell and Cceigbtan De- wedding trip ta the Qaspe Penin- vitt. sula and will live in Oshawa on their eturn. The anc place wnere duty ah- If sarn men weme cornpellcd to ,mai i ai Ir"yTr)cyýA%7 ý - 11- IAC-7 BUSINESS DIRECTORY LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLýB. B1arrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowînanvil]e W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of! Monta'eal Moeney to Loan. Phone 791. Bowmanville, Ontario U. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicittor Notary Publie - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office inxmediately est o! Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688, Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of! Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 amn. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day. Phone 790. House Phione 8W,. X-Ray Equip<ment 1hi Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FTJNERAL DIRECTORS Service, e.ny hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO.' Modern Motor Equipie<nt, Am- bulance ami Invafld Car. Cail Phone M8 or 734, Assistant 673. YOU Cao Lose That Bulge - You have a figure problem- Find out about a Spencer nowl1 Have a Spencer Corset designed to lift tired, sagging muscles and your bulges will banish. Free demonstration in your own home I>y Mrs. J. E. Richarde Phone 24r1 - Orono - Box 33 Spencer Corsets Indivldualiy Deu&gned.

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