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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1937, p. 12

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD, 1937 PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO jSTARKVILLE 1h e N ew castle I n depen dent Congratulations ta r ilRi aiid bride wbo arc living iiaur _____________________________________nu dst. Miss Jean Rickard, dental 1 ing a deep V in the long sleeves. M.. nbSvr itdbrss nurse, was home f rom Oakville!Her net veil fell framn a band of ters ini Oshawa. over the weekend.1 orange blossorna. and lier bouquet M 1r. andi Mrs. Bob Best, Thorn- Mi-. Gordon Ashton, Montreal, i",as of white rases and lily af the b)ur, are visiting lier brother, Mr. is spending a week's holiday witli ,valley. Mrs. Colin Daniels, sister Wnu. Hallowell's. lis parents, Mr-. and Mrs. W. C.' of the bride, was mati-an of lion- '\r n r.Mc artPr Asr,îton.i pleble il et Hope, visited at ber brotbers. Mr. Mi-to. adMs1eryHr n spun with silver threads vrbu Mr. ad Mrs Perc Hareandsatin, and wearing a halo bat of IakSoes Jack and Major and Mrs. H. W., blue satin spun witlt silver. She MessEatRbno.Crnc Dudley visited Dr. and Mrs. Latta.! careoabuuto ikrss ilimer andi Laveri Farrow attended Kingston, on Sunday. Jack ie- The groom was supported by h-is Lindsay Pýair. fui-ns to commence lis rnedical brother. Mr-. Fred Warburtan. The Mr. and Mrs. Howse and dauigb- course at Queen's University an ushers werc Mi-. Calin Daniels ter. Toronto, called on bier mother, September 3Dth. and Mi-. Chas. Cowan. NIrs. Jacob l-allowell. Miss Ruth Honcy is planning ta 1Fallowing the ceremony a i-e- Mr. andi Mrs. J. J. Meilor attend- enter Victoria University, Toronta,, ception was held at. the home of when if reopens. the bride. Mrs. E. Warburton, ed a wedding in Toronto, on Satur- Miss Mai-brie Down, Ebenezer,; mother of the groaom, and Miss day. spent a few days witli ler cou- N. A. Shaw, aunt ai the bride, ie- Rev. F. Joblin of Scuigog, deliver- sins, Ross. June and Glenn Allin, ceived with the bridai party. Mi-5. cd an excellent sermon in Shilob on wihilclier uncle and aunt. Mi-. and Warburton wore a navy blue silk Sunday bis subecet vas "Be of good Mrs. Howard M. Alun were away dress trimmed with white and cbeer". Rev. E. L. Beech was preacbi- on fleur honeynioon. i worc a shoulder bauquet of white ing anniversary services for Rev. F. Mrs. C. J. Staples. Port Britain,. orchids.Ms Shaw ware a navy Joblini. who was guesta h edfg0 blu cep dress trimmed with Everyone is looking forward ta lier cousin, Mrs. W. D. Bragg, last beige lace and blue lat ta match.Silb7tanvrar enR. Satui-day. spent Sunday with lier Abotseventyfive guests atfended Sio75hanvesrwe R. cousin, Mi-s. T. H. Clemence, thereception with many fi-rn out T. Walace of Greenbank, will preach Shaw's. 0f town. morning andi evening on October 17 Plans and preparations are un- Lafer Mi-. and Mrs. Warburton followed by a supper on the l9tb. dci- way for holding the higli left on a ten day trip te Penn., Mr. P. Andrie and f riend, Oshawa, sdliool f ield day on Friday after- the bride travelling in a rusf col- visited bis sister, Mrs. M. Sbutka noon, October sf. The commun- ored knitfed suit withà brown ac- recentlv. ity park will be the scene of thie cessories. When flic bride and Mrs. G. Silver bias recently bad a event; and the public are cordial- groom rcturn fîey will reside inttpocisale nmrbre ly' invited te attend. the Gladstone Apts., Oshawa. teebn isaednbrboe United Churcli - Rev. S. Mac-_____ Silo filling is the order of the day. LaB.A., Pastor. Sunday, Sept. AlUn-Bragg Mrs. H. L. Trimm blas returned Lean, .m-orig oshp home fromn a visit in New York. 2.30 p.m.--Stinday Schoal. Rally An interesting romance culmin- Mr. and M,\rs. Russel Savery ac- Day service; special speaker. Rev. lated on Saturday. September 18, companied by friends svent on a W. P. Rogers. B.A., Bowmanville: in the mariage of Howar-d Mid- motai-ttip on Suniday. 7 p.m.-Evening Service. deten Allin. youngei- son of the St. Geoi-ge's Churcli - Rev. D. lote Mi-. and Mrs. Thos Alun, and '~ R Dewdney. BA.. Rector. Sun- Edna Viola Elizabeth B r a g g, day, September 26, l8th Sunday youngest daugliter of Mrs. Ge.P. NEWTON VILLE after Trinity: 8 a.m.-Holy Com- Rickard, Newcastle. Rev. S. Mac-' munion; il ar.-Morning Pray- Lean, B. A., of ftle Newcastle Un- Mr. anti Mr. W.1-enderson Er-; 7 p.m.-Evensaog and Sermon. 1 ited Church perfarmed fie cere- Bownuanlviile-onible-lake, visited Mr' Miss Posey, who lias been keep-r mony at Mrs. Rickard's home onan r.axSpltiuldy ing bouse for Mi-. Howard Allin, Mill Street, at 4 p.m., in the aTe Wrs. lax Stplen, Sunday. retui-ned last week te lier home presence a! about twenty rela- , h .I edit eua et at Byng Iniet. She will be mudh tives and friends. The bride and nfoSetmrinhebsin f missed in fthe United Churcli Sun- groom stood befoaie a banik of the United Church. h svas decided day Scliool where lier services bronze helenium, flanked by bas- to take their exbibit ta Orono ande were mucli prized. She was a kets o! celasia. Thc bride was Port Hope Fairs. The program faithful teadlier and consistently prettily attired in a frock of was in cbarge of Mrs. C. J. Mitchell. i-gular in attendance. !iowered chiffon and carried a Miss Hazel Reid f avored witb a solo Miss Besf, Tarante, sister aofr.osegay o! Talisman ross.A.s and Mrs. R. J. Rowe gave a read- Rev. D. W. Best. D.D.. lias been she entei-ed flic room issBating; rail caîl was a Health Remnedy. visiting Mrs. W. E. Bemai. rceBagheae fi bridai Two contests were enjoyed. Mrs. The stork lias been exception- chorus fi-rn Loliengrin on flic Xillis Jones w.on the f irsi and Mrs. ally busy in the vicinity o! New- piano and wlien the service was Jones anti Mr... Redknapp tied for casfle this past wcek wlien No. 9 concludcd gave expression f0 the the second. Lunch was served. school section i-an an even race emotians in Mendlssohn's joy- October mneting wili be at the homne with Sliaw's in flic natural in- ous wedding mai-ch. of Mrs. C. J. Mitchell. crease of flic population,wil Folaowing the signing offlice Mn. Fred Rowe, Ottawa, visitcd girls liowevcr in flih maoi-fy register a dainty buffet lunch was is parents, '.Ir. andi Mrs. R. J. Congratulations ai-e in order fi- served in flic dining i-oom by Mrs. Rowe, Sundav. Mr-. and Mrs. Harold Gibsan and A.H. Fisher and- Mrs. Harold '\r n Nr.J .'\elrwr f4) Mr-. and Mi-s. Arthuri Gibson, Toms.' sisters o!flice bride, assist- lin Toronto, Saturday attendirhg the No. 9, on the bu-fb o! dauglifers, ed by Miss Beati-ice Bragg and wedding of Mr. W. Cairns. ta Mi-. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- Mrs. J. T. Brown. Mrs. T. H. CIe- MraiMs.Hnv\cksad man, Sliaws, on fle ic bu-fo a i mence, seated bef ai-e a silver ser- MfaînTo arnt visited Mn. and dauglifer, and fa Mi-. and Mi-5.I vice at a table covercd wif h a lace i Emil,onto rient . ad-is Otto Bragg, Sliaw's. onflic airival clafli, poured tea. The bride cut L E iî rs. RotlBe ,Thnn of a son. flic wedding cake, flic product f M.adMa!Rb esTon Newcastle Trail Rangers will1 Mrs. Clemence's culinary art, and bury, have been visiiing Mrs. Chas. ho14 thei- f i-sf camp o!flice f all r ah cenjoyed a piece o! this dcîect- Reid. season ncxt Manday cvening, Sep- able item of flic menu. Mn. and 'Mrs. Wilbur Barrie and tember 27, in flic communify hall, Thc bride's goîng away suit was son, Canton, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. wifh Mi-. John Rickard as mentor ai brown boucle wif h hat and A. Barrie, Saturday. and camp leader, and Mr. Bren- other accessories fa match. She Mn. and Mns. L. Savery were ton Rickard as assistant. was flic recipient of several valu- Toronto. Saturday. Reeve C. R. Carvefli las recciv- able wedding giffs and a telcgrarn Mr. and Mrs. A. George and f i- cd officiaI notice thafflic Pi-ovin- o! good wislies firn Montréal. end, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. cial Governirent bas taken over The happy couple Icft an a mator S. R. joues, Sunday. flic road from Newcasfle fa Lind- ti p previaus tc, taking up their, Mrs. T. Siemon, Toronto, wvas a say wliich will licncforth be residence about a mile north O! 'guest af ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. known as a provincial higliway. flic village. R. J. Rowe. in vipw o! this flic goverrnmenf Raily Day programn was observed las %en askcd ta also assume f ull Iai the U.C. Suntlay Scbool, Sunday control and responsibilitY for j MAanuw GROVIE mI nng.Mn. J. J. Melior was guesi maintenance o!flice spur firn seakr. ~Newcastle totei lake front, whidh ,sakr al-edy ave asfarsouli s hv. . C FrnkWhme Rck, Mns. R. J. Armstrong, Port Hope,i 15araypvda rsuhas )c.W .Fak ht ok visited lber niece, Mns. J. T. Peance, Toronto Sf. B. C., who bas been visiting bis iast week. __________________.-~~~~-~abrother-miaw, Mr. Thos. Snowý%den, Mrs. J. T. Pearce andi Launna, ac- and other relatives and friends, left companied by Mr. and Mrs. H. Os- WEDDINGS on Monday for home returning via borne and babe, Morrish, visitd '11r.1 -'eMontreai anti the Unitcd States.. and Mrs. F. Gilmer, Sunday. Mrs. Walter Foley bas returneul XMr . and Xi,. I garWhi.Uaker ande Warburton--Cowan \ Newcastle United Cliurch was flic scene on Safurday, September il, 0f a charming wedding when Ruby Irene Cowan, daugliter o! Mr. Alonzo Cawan and fthe lafe Mrs. Cowan. became flic bride 0f William Edward Warbui-ton, son of Mn. E. Warburf on and Mrs. Warburtan of Oshia wa. The dhurci was deccrafcd with gladi- oli and ici- Rev. S. MacLean officiaf cd af flic cercmony, whiiî Mrs. Laura Fisher prcsided af flic organ. Mi-s. Chas. Cowan, sistcr- in-law aiflice bride, rcndc-cd flic beaufiful solo "Because" during flic signing 0f flic register. The bride, given in marinage by her faflier, wore a gown of white satin fittcd an princess lines with Marie Antaineftte col- lar of lace and lace insets form- homne afier a pleasant visit with ber daughten, Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Orono. Wedding belîs arc ringing in ibis community. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. Howard Crydermnan on tbe arrivai of a young daughier. Mi-. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Gormnley, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Gimbleti on Sunday. Sunday Schooi Rally on Sunday1 wben Rev. Sidney Davisan, of Trin- iîy United Cbuncb, Bowmanville, sill be guesi speaker. Everyhody wei-1 corme. An ungallant wrifer says tic modern girl may flot be able te damn ber socks but at any rate she can knif lier brows. familv, Hamilton, and Mr. and MIr,. W. Chester, Oshawa, visited Mrs. W. \Vbittaker. .%r. and Mns. Sheldon Pethîck, Enniiskîllen, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknapp. Mr. and Mrs. WVilson, Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. Oke and daughten. Dariington, visited at Mr. J. Darch's, Sunday. Mrs. J. Watle and son jack went ta Belleville, Saturday ta attend the funeral af Mns. Wade's cousin. XVomen's Institute had charge of a booib at the School Fair M,\onday ai Newcastle. Meýss Melville Jones and<l Wilfred McKay were ini Hamilton on busi- ness Mr. Et! Samis visitet IrM. and Mirs. Reg Woodbam, Toronto, re- cently. MARRIAGE WILLIS-COOPER - On Satur- day. September 4, 1937, at St. John's Anglican Church, Nor- way, by Canon Baynes-Reid, Doris Kathleen, daughter of Mr. Charles Cooper and the late Mrs. Cooper, to Mr-. Lloyd Wil- lis, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis of Toronto. DEATrHS BAILEY -In Darlington, Thurs- day, September 16, 1937, Jane Bailey, widow of the late Phllip Bailey, age 92 years. BROWN-In Bowmanville Hospi- tal, on Saturday, September 11, 1937, John I. Brown, Caesarea, in lis 28th year. belaved lus- band of Lillian F. Rogers. In- terred at Nestleton Cemetery. McLAUGHLIN - In Oshawa, on Saturday, September 18, 1937, Phil McLaughlin, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc- Laughlin, in lis 4th year. STEPHENSON -At Bowmanville Hospital, on Tuesday, Septem- ber 21, 1937, Mrs. Edith St.eph- enson, Newcastle. Interred Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE OR RENT TO CLOSE AN ESTATE - DE- si-aIle farm lands sifuafed on flic saufl side af Highway No. 2, between Cobourg and Port Hope, carnprising parts 0f Lots, 32 and 33, Broken Front. Con- cession A, of flic township o! Hamilton, 100 acres mare or less, bank ban, 11/2 starcy f rame bouse. Possession April 1, 1938, subject te igli f a fal ploughing. For fui-fIer partic- ulars and termas ai sale apply ta Robert F. Clernence, Whîfby Wesley C. Asht on, Bawrnanville Arthur R. Wilmott, Cobourg. 36-3 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT- Western haîf of Lot 7, Conces- sion 2, of the Township of Man- vers. Apply J. H. Chambers, Pontypool, Ont. 38-2 For Rent SMALL STORE TO RENT- INext Knight's Fuel Office. Ap- jply Allan Kniglit. Phone 448. 'FOR RENT - TWO ROOMS, suitable for liglit housekeeping, central location. Apply "E.J." Di-awer B, Bowmanville. 37-2* TO RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE, half acre garden, garage, elec- tric light, water, bath, etc. Sit- uate corner Ontario and Abert Sts. Possession Oct. lst. J. B. Martyn. 38-2 TO RENT - 3 ROOMS, SELF- dontained4 H. MLerist Smnith, Queen St., Bowmanville. 38-1' Livestock For Sale FOR SALE -CARLOAD 0F fresli cows and springers, Hol- steins and Ayrshires, from 0f- tawa Valley restricted area. Proprietor G. C. Sparks, 627 Somerville Ave., Oshawa. Plane 2847. 31-ff HORSE FOR SALE - PERCHf- eron mare, 5 years old, or bay gelding, 8 years old. Apply No- ble Metcalf, Maple Grove. Phone 2259. 38-1' nimplements For Sale FOR SALE - LAUDERS FOR sale. H. Wilcox, Hampton. 37-tf FOR SALE - RECONDITIONED machinery including: Interna- tional coi-n binder, single and double furrow riding plows, crearn separators, Massey-Har- ris hammermill. W. S. Staples, Massey-Harris Agent, Bowman- ville. 38-1' HelpWanted WANTED - CARETAKER FOR Badminton Club for 1937-38 season. Apply ta F. Morley Vanstane, Secretary. 38-1' Barrels For Sale l'OR SALE - NEW APPLE BAR- rels. D. S. Milligai. Newcastle. Plione 11FL. 37-5 FOR SALE - 500 RE-CO0N DI - fioned apple bar-eis, 25 young pigs. Phone Bowmanville 2687. 37-3 Fruit & Vegetables FRUIT AND VEGETABLES - I will deliver direct to your home apples, carrots, beets, coi-n, al- so tomatoes at 50c bushel. Ira Pearce. Concession St. Phone 860. 38-1' in Knight Building by C. W. M. Hardy, are not removed by Oc- t.ober lst, they wiUl be sold to pay for storage charges. Pullets For Sale FOR SALE - BARRED ROCK Pullets, R.O.P. sired, 4 to 5 months aId, at bargain prices. Quantity reduction. Will be lay- ing when egg prices are high- est. Donald E. Gibson, Bow- manville. Phone Clarke 3811. 37-3* Wanted WANTED - A LADY BOARDER in private home. Phone 555. 38-1 Lost LOST - TWENTY-THREE DOL- lars between Wellington and Elgin Streets. Liberal reward.1 Box 253, Bowmanville. 38-1 Stove For Sale FOR SALE - COOK ST OVE.- Apply R. Greeness, Bowman- ville. 38-2* Piano For Sale FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL, SMALL pianos, foaity-f aur and five inc- es higli, standard keys and love- ly fone - with benclies. Terms arrangcd. Radia bai-gains. Tel- epliane 492, Fred Mitchell, Bow- manville. 38-1* Fur Coats For Sale FOR SALE-TWO LADIES' FUR coats. ancernuskraf and anc Hudson seal. Clieap for quick sale. Phone 802. 38-1 Dancing School THE FLORENCE STUDIO 0F DANCING will apen a studio on Saturday, Sept. 25, in Sf. Johin's Anglican Paxrish Hall, Temper- ance Sf.. Bowmanville. Classes and private instruction. Spec- ializing in fap, ballet, acrobatics, ballroam, etc. Terms moderate. 38-1* Personal MEN!, GET VIGOR AT ONCE! NEW OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs. glands. If flot delighted, maker refunds pice paid - $1.25. Caîl, write Jury & Loveli. 18-52 WOMEN-WORRY WILL NEyER dim your beauty or sap your vitality if you use "MENSTRUL- AID' a safe and scientific pi-e- pa.ration for aIl cases of Men- strual disorders. Free booklet this week at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 38-t Personal COMING, SEPTEMBER 27tli - Madam Melva, The Canadian Voice of Experience. Ai-e you unsettled? Troubles domestic or financial? If s0 consult the Voice of Experience. She gives correct solution of problem of business, wark, changes, invest- ment, loss, health. etc. Method different from others. No f 001- ishness or guesswork. Absolute- ly reliable. One week only. Bowman Hotel, Bowmanville. Miscellaneous PAINTING-SIGNS AND POST- ers, also auto trucks, wagons, general painting and enamnel- ling. J. H. Needham, Centre St., Bowmanville. Phone 441. WEST END GARAGE AND) MA- chine Shop - We specialize in ruachinery repaira, general gar- age repairs. welding. towing service. J. L. Demerling, Pro- prietor, Bowmanville. P h o n e 781. 23-tf Treasurer's Sale of Lands For Taxes Town of Bowmanville, County of IDurham: To Wit: By vitue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Bowwmanville bearing date the llth day of June, A.D., 1937, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Bowmanville will be held at the Council Room in the said Town at the hour o! 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the 5th day of October, 1937, unles fthe taxes and cosfs are sooner pald. Notice i liereby given fliat the list o! lands for sale for ai-i-ars of taxes iz belng publlshed In the Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day of July, 1937, and f hat copy of the sald 1sf may be had af my office. Treasurer's office this 26h day of July, 1937. A. J. Lyle, Treasurer. 30,1w 34-1w 38-1wi Notice IBRIRTrHS A meeting will be hldat thei BATHOATE - In Bowmanville lina, Saturday, October 16, 1937, Hospital, on Monday, Septem- at 3 o'clock for the purpose af ber 20, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. ýelecting trustees for the ,Advent Peter Bathgate (nee Rena Far- ýCemetery. Plot holders please at- rel), a daughter. tend. Mrs. A. J. Reynolds CRYDERMAN - At Bowmanville H. L. Pascoe Hospital, on Thursday, Septem- A. L. Pascoe. ber 16, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Dated at Solina, Sept. 21, 1937. Howard L. Cryderman (ne 38-2 Florence Foley), a daughter. CARDS 0F THANKS The family of the late John Brown desire to express sincere appreciation for the many evi- dences of sympathy and comfort sl2own by friends and f ellow- employees of the General Motors in their recent bereavement. The family of the late Thos. Harntss wish to convey their sn- cere thanks and appreciation to ai'1 their neiglibors, friends and relatives for their expressions of sympathy extended te thern dur- ing the illness and death of a loy- ing father and for the beautiful floral tributes. jCOMING EVENTS 1 Companions of Forest are i-un- ning a series of Euchres during the wnter months, starting Oct. 7, and to be continued the f irst Thursday of each month. Prizes offered for highest score. Reserve Sunday afternoon, Oct. 3rd, for special services to cele- lirate the 65th anniversary of Maple Gi-ove United Church. Chicken pie supper on Monday. Oct. 4th. Note change of date. Bowmanville Women's Institute will meet at Mrs. F. c. Cohner's on Friday, Sept. 24th, at 3 p.m. Subject 'Healthý' in charge of Canveners Mrs.. E. J. Wood and Mrs. Colmer: Roll call: "What can we make for 25c.- Ail mem- bers attend. Corne to Trinity Church on Monday, Sept. 27th, at 8 p.m. to see the colored motion pictures of the Coronation of King George VI taken and presented by Mr. Fred Roy, Peterboro, under auspices of group 8 W. A. Admission 25c. 37-2 Licensed Auctioneer WJM .MAW Uicensed Auctioneer Ail kinds of sales taken on short notice. Special attention given te f ai-m stock and im- plements. Phone me for a Address: 614 Dundas St. E . Whitby, Ont. IAUCIrON SALES Saturday, September 25-Ernest Werry, Lot 17 and 18, Con. 9, Darlington, will sell by public auction the following stock: Num- ber of good springers, heifers and cows, numnber of stockers and feeder cattle, 1 good work horse, 1 two-year old colt, 1 pony, 35 pigs, 40 to 60 Ibs. each, sold in lots of 5. Sale at -1 p.m. sharp. Cattle delivered free. Ted Jack- son, auctioneer. Thursday, Septemaber 30-Auc- tien sale of farm property, stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, coi-n, buckwheat, the property of Wray Bros., Lot 16, Con. 4, East Whitby. Everything except pro- perty sold without reserve. Farm will be offered about 3 o'clock. Terms: Stock and unplements, cash; property, terms. Sale at il o'ciock sharp. Wm. Maw, auc- tioneer. 38-1 1 have received instructions from Mrs. John Henry to seIl by Public auction on Lot 16, Con. 6, Clarke, on Thursday, September 30, aIl her f drm stock. implements, liay, grain, corn, turnips, potatoes and some household effects. Terms cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 37-2 Wm. Maw's List of Auction Sales For the convenience of my mnany friends in Durham Caunty I arn listing some of the sales which wlll interest you: .Monday, Sept. 27-F. Power, furniture, Brooklin. Wednesday, Sept. 29-I. Com- mor, property and f u rn i t ure, BrookUin. Thursday, Sept. 30-Wray Bros. East Whitby. stock, implements. Frlday, Oct. lst-OG. Crawford, East Whitby, stock, implements. Saturday. Oct. 9-Stock and im- plements, A. L. Pilkey, Claremont. Tuesday, Oct. 12-Stock and implements, W. Sadler, Kinsale. Wm. Maw. Auctioneer. Whitby, Sept. 21, 1937 YES ... We Have Good Values "Everything Plus" For Your Convenience Antacid Gas Tablets- - - 25 if you prefer shopping where Lseie 2-97 you have the nost complete cholce ,- Zam-Buk Ointment 47 of merchandise, you'U enjoy every Seidlitz Pow. 2 for 25 visît to our store. On our weIl- stocked shelves and counters, Mead 's Pablum - 45 you'U find EVERYTHING caried , 141k of Ma'rnesia by ail leading drug stores PLUS V~ guaranteed Rexail Produets, sold16o.-9 only at Rexail Drug Stores. And Chnig the16O.----9 remember, our store is the only I Castoria - - - 29-59 authorized source o! Rexail Pro- HEADL1NE Mineral i 01 16-oz. 29 ducts in this neighborhood. of the NationPodCr -294 t.,1 b~k.h cl, p.k1S Oi ~ ~~ French Baini - 21-39 f- dru1. d D- pâm- Rex-Eme ---59 D NE Fitch's - Y NOT OAPNOTO L Italian Balm- 29-55 99C Ipana Tooth Paste 43 o- Pearl Tooth m< 5cPowder - - - 25 *EYE,-GENEgivesa mazingly __________________________ * qieer relief for burning. itdin * lay lever eyes. Scothe, rtated eyes J~ fy C O V L Stainle. nafe. At ai .l c m A BOTUI department stcre,.&'~ tr EYGE EZy.Rli~Sr.uYOUR REXALL STORE PHONE 778 AFTERNOON E Flower dale Tea ... In Indiidual Pots with Biscuits1 % or Fruit Cake- Special . l5 ......C WEEKEND SPECIALS Lemon Filled Maple Walnut LAYER CAKE LAYER CAKE 30e 30e Your Old Favorite25 PEACH PIE....................25 THE CARTER FAMILY Bakers for two generations, Phone 855 a By The Hudson Fur Co. Toronto's Leading Stylists The Evlyn Shop Thursday - Friday - Saturday Buy your Fur Coat at this Sale and Save 15% to 20% by sa doing. Fur- prices are increasing daily. > Trade in your present Fd.r Coat for a new Coat of this season 's style. - Liberal allowance made. _ __ __ T R M ST GA. Phone Call will bring our Furrier SUITYO0U to your home - Phone 594 The V Y ShopWhr the Best rse WeePeople Shop M Music Teaching DR. T. A. PA'RTRIDGE Beech and Concession) Singing. Piano, Organ, Theory Pupils prepared for examinations, if desired. Voice production and interpretation; sangs and ballads. Special rate ta business girls. Popular and classical playing. A popular course of 20 easy lessons. Phone 313, Bowmanville. or write for full particulars. Voice - Piano - Organ - Theory MRS. RETA COLE DUDLEY, A.T.C.M. (Late of Toronto Conservatory of Music Teaching staff and Cleve- land College of Music). Medalist - Toronto ConservatorY.i 15 yrs. teaching experience. AlI candidates successful at T. C. M.j examinations. Class opens Sep- tember 20. Studio: King St. West. Phone 757. 37-2 FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus.Bac. (Toronto) Fellow of tue Canadian College of Organists. A.T.C.M. diplomnas in Singing,i Piano, Violin, and Organ. Pupils prepared for exarninations.1 Long list of successful candidates1 from the earlier grades up to the1 A.T.C.M. diplomna. Gradec clase in piano and violin now meeti1ng New class for beginners on the violin starting sliortly. Moderate fee. In Bawmanvillei Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-1 day of each week. Phane 742. LONG SAULT W Mr. and Mrs ..Williamî SmîithTo- route, visited at NIr. Byron F'arreli s on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe MeIRoberts spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stephenson, Janetville. Mrs. George Smith visited lier sis- ter who is sçriously iii, in Oshawa, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Kennedy anid Helen, Elizabetbville, '.%r. and Mrs. Murreli Woodward, Oshawa, Miss Velma Woodward, Bowmian- ville, \vere recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Smnith. SBURKETON Several* frorn here attended the! Diamond Jubilce of Enfield Churchý onSunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mi\cLauighini vis- ited their son, «M\r, H. McLaughlin. .Oshawa- 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Gardiner, Nia- gara-on-the-lake, visitedj Mr. and MIrs. E. Coughiil and attMndcd Blackstock Fair. A large number from here at- tended Lindsay Fair on Saturday. _________ ~ 7'~v- ~-~,,~ww-.-J , mil--i . - - . - - ORONO News from the Distant Past From The Orono News of October 3, 1912 Mr. Edward Pinder is home from the old land, loaking fine after f wo months outing alcolrd bis boyhood home. His son Hry who went witli him is also IÉUCh improved in liealth. Mr. James Stark is route home from British Columýa. He stopped off at Weyburn tovisit his sister, Mrs. Oea. Davidson. Mrs. Robt. Wannan ahmoved into the Mrs. McComL tV.sîdence on Centre St. Miss Margaret Pinder, Toronto, is home. f Miss Neva Smith intends visi-'e- ing friends in California before returning home. Mr. Jas. Cuttelilibas been visit- ing in Potter.sville, Mich., and To- ronto. Mrs. Nichais, Oakwood, and Mrs. Hugli Scott, Sixth Line, vis- ited Mr. S. Halliday. Mrs. <Rev.) Shearer and chil- dren, Calgate, Sask., have been visiting Mrs. Dolph Henry. Mrs. George Bullied and daugh- ter Irene. Oakville, are visiting lier grandfather, Mr. J. P. WiI- liamson. Mr. William Thompson, Jr. who lias been visiting lis father, has returned ta Chicago. Miss Gladys Richards lias t.aà4- en a position in the head office of the Bell Teleplione Co. Toronto. Married: Holmes - Grant - On October lst, at the residence of tlie bride's parents, Beaverton, by Rev. D. W. Best. Helen Elizabeth, eldest daugliter of Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Grant, ta E. A. Holmes, Toronto, formerly of Newcastle. Sales Bookcs are the best Counter rCheck Books made 1 Canada.- They cost more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased ta, quote you on any style or quantity required. 'See Your Home Priate, Firat 1

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