YOUR WORLD AND MINE By JOHN C. KIRKWOOD 1 (Copyright) There are three classes of busi- puny business. In the course afil r.ess easy ta enter - the grccery. time groceries and fruit were add-f business, the restaurant busineas. ed, but always the businesN re-g the garage or service station busi- mained a trifling one. The storec nes.s. Many who enter these three was about 10 feet wide and saya c%sses of business do not survive 15 feet deep, and was neyer larg-c a year. These three classes of, er. Probably this man - he neyer9 busirýess enterrrise have a heavy became insolvent - carried on bisc infant mortality. ýprofitless business just ta havet Many, a young and many a something ta do.t inidd. ýage man will enter a re- But had he had no incarne from tail ubiness without adequate his investments this man wouldt capital and without any experi- have f ailed, and he would have ence. ýX'y figure it out this way: failed chieily because be lackedt Icn a store for $30 a month. store-keeping experience. Abouts Ionave ta hire any belp, be- :78' aif ail failures are due ta lacki cause I myseif and my wife can cf capital. lack of essential ex-1 ,do. ail t.he work. My expenses for. peience and persanal neglect.i i*.ghc and heat and telephone and Less than 2'-, f aIl failures is duek other things won't amount ta tc competition. mucb. Perhaps my total expense11 won't amaunt ta more than $2 a Any man or woman going into day. and surely we'll selI enougb the retail business sbould know ta recover $2 a day. that ta succeed, one must have a But in actual experience they cErtain amount ai capital. a cer- will find it hard ta attract enough tain amaunt af stock. and a cer- custamers ta assure tlîem a grass tain volume of sales. Thus. in the proft c $2a dy. knw are-grocery business ones sales in the tireci farmer wbo had been very year mus e 0mes the rentone successf ul as a f armer. He was 'one pays. Thismenthtioe still in his middle years when he ;pays $400 a year as rent, one*s retimed. He wanted sometbing te sales (in the grocery business> do, o h opned p acany ~ mus t be quite $12.000 a year, or He and his wife liveci over their$10pemnt.tisheam store. He sold mostly ta achool lin respect ai other classes of busi- children - whose were ness: one's annual sales must be with cappers and nickels. Also from 14 ta 30 times what one pays t4ese children did their buying on per annum as rent. trie way ta and tram school. whîch1 J C K meant that this store had few Let us look at this matter a customers during most bours o! Ilittle mare closely. If you are in the day. The kind ai candy sold the bakery business. you shoulci was o! the cbeapest description - turn over your stock once evemy for children are flot very partic- 20 days; or ta put it anotlier way: ular about quality, and want a your stock in trade should neyer lot for 1 cent. This fammer. child- be larger than youm sales as made less, haci a kindly beart. and gave every 20 days. bis little customners big value for The stock ai a druggist shOuld money. He did not mind giving1 equal bis sales for 120 days. an extra ounce.I The stock ai a gmocemy store J C K should equal his sales for 17 days. It was quite impossible for this The stock o! g hardware dealer man te §_ell enougb ta pay Uis ex- should equal bis sales for 130 penses. One suspected that his days. income derived fram bis invest- The stock o! a dealer in men's nients paid the expenses ofaibi weam_ should equal his sales for FALL painting September is, by many people, considered ta, be the choice xuonth in which ta do outaide hanse painting. Let us give yau an es- timate on painting your praperty and have it put in condition to with- stand the winter wea- ther. J. il Abernethy Painter & Decoratar Phone 431 Bowmanville A CHING HEADS AND SPOTTY EYES Don't let constipation ruin your health. Read Mr. Davidson's mes- sage of cheer: I"Kellogg's ALL-BKAN has aura been a godsend ta me. This is the first relief 1 have ever had. Believe me, 1 will be a booster for Kellogg's ALL-BRAN as long as 1 live!"-C. T. Davidson (address an request). Common constipation may lead ta many diseases. Unpleasant breath, blotchy tomplexions, 'spots befame the eyes-ame only forerunners of worse ta cane. Canquer constipation with a de- licious, ready-ta-eat cereal - Kel- logg's ALL-BRAN. Simply eat twa tablespoonfuls daîly - in chronir- cases with every meal. Serve it with milk or fruits. Cook inta ap-. petizing muffins, breads, etc. You'll prefer this dlightful nat- ural way instead of the artificial action of pis and druga. Buy Kellagg'ÉALL-BRAN at y ur gracer's. Made and guaranteedby Kellogg1 in London. The stock o! a shoe store sbould< ecjual bis sales for 177 days. The stock o! a stationery store should equal its sales for 128 days. Sa, you see business is not guessing. It is arithmetic framr fist ta last. I had recentiy an nterestingc contact with a Young man wbo had decided ta go into the busi- ness of making a packaged f ood product ta senl at 10 cents. This Young man had not a particle ai experience in selling a food pro- duct. He bad listened ta a friend wba had assumed him that be could senl 75 cases e! this praduct each week, andthis looked pretty good. Before this Young man had ac- tually begun manufacturing this package food product, he came te me ta talk over bis enterprise. I have my own ways ai measuring busineàs entemprises, anld this man and I proceeded ta, make up a budget a! operating expenses. We came to the conclusion that the budget would be at least $8000. The profit on a case of the pro- duct would be 30 cents. This would mean that sales o! 26,666 cases would have ta be made eacb year ta get back $8000 - or say 500 cases a week. When I pointed out this requirement, the Young man said,' "But mv machine woulcl turn out 200 cases a week, much less 500 cases!" And al bis fi- end could undert.ake te9 seni was 75 cases a week! This Young man has $2500. It would be no time at ail befare bis mrodemate amaunt af capital wauld be consumed, and the Young man would be insolvent. tJ JCK In the course a! my lufe I have met 100's o! men keen ta get inte business for tbemiselves - men lacking requisite capital,. experi- ence and understanding af the aritbmetic. Some o! these men I have been able te dissuade from m-aking the error of starting up in business for themselves without adequate capital, expeience and competency. One o! the kinds a! businesses whicb allure so many o! us is tbe publisbing business. We want te publish a newspaper or periodical because we have an itcb ta write, and we deceive ourselves very easily into thinking that bth tbe public and advemtisems will wel- came aur new newspaper or ma- gazine or trade paper with en- thusiasm and with practical sup- port. But publishing enterprises are fatal for most who start tbem. The publication may be gaod, but 1 few publications can live without revenue fom advertisers, and ad- IORDER NOW FOR EARLY DELIVERY!I It won 't be long before coal prices will be skyrocketing. That 's why Phono 448 you should place your order now .. Riglut No .we have a full supply of Best 0 Quality Conger Coal. KNIGHT'S FUELS BURKETON 1 lntrkei nit lt.fl s .hrsh v. >11hold its A\nimal Thanksgiving Sersvices, Smnnsax and N sl~.Oct. )3rcl ands -4th. Stindav st.r\icc.. Usb(: taken 1wx Re. NI il ane-nof To- ronsîto. at 2.30 andi 7.30) En fiul d ch jr taking charge of the music. Mlsnsîav evening Kedron Drainatic Club ill l)resellt their fanions plaN 'The NMan of Vesterdla\.' i.unch iilîl bc served to aIl. tickets 25c. Corne and enjoy a real treat. Miss Elva Gay and MNr. H. Mac- Donald. Leskard, visited with Mr. and Nirs. T. Bailey on Sunday. Pleased ta hiear that MXrs. R. Smith is able ta bc homne irom Pet- erboro Hospital and is convalescing at M.\rs. E. Coughill's. MNr. and M\rs. W. N. Hoskin and family visited on Sunday Nvith Mr. and Mrs. 11. Heard. Recent v'stors af Mr. and Mrs. T. Bailey~ were: M.\r. and Mrs. Mac- Donald and 'Muriel, Bowmanville, Mrs. Johin Carter, Isabelle ard baby Johnnie and Mrs. Greer and Mr. Or- ville Greer. NESTLETON NecstletonsWomen's lnstitutc wîil meet at Mrs. L. joblin's on Tuesday, Oct. 5th at 8 p.m. Evcr.ybodN- wel- corne. Congratulations ta Nestleton \Vo- mens Institute for the prizes they won at Orono Fair, winning 2nd prize with six institutes campeting and at Port Perry Pair winning 3rd prize with f ive institutes competing. Nestleton W.A. packed a bale, valued at $61.00 ta be sent ta the needy in Saskatchwaii. Mrs. Peter Wright is visiting M.\rs. Sai Bruce. Miss Mary Tinney, Cavanville, spent the weekend with ber grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Farder. Mr. Edgar Emerson, Valentia and M.,r, Ralph Emerson, Toronto, spent the wcekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Miss Mary Mlalcolm, Mr. and Mrs. H. Knapp, Hamilton, visited Mrs. 'M. Emnerson. .Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brownlow, Miss Elsie Brownlow, Mr. and M.\rs. A. Joncs and 'Miss Barbara jones. Toronto., ere Sunday guests of Mr. and NIrs W~. Armstrong. Mr. ansI MNrs. G. Hicks, Toronto, spent the weekend, with 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Armnstrong. I CADMUS ,\r. and M.\rs. A. Clemens, Nor-I wood. spent the weckend with MIr. andI Nirs. C. Fergilsan. ,\r. and Mrs. E. Sinithi Ferguson, Bownanvillc, spent the weekend with .Nr. A. E. MecGill. .\r. and MIrs. W. Shaw and Shir- ley. Toronto, visîted M\r.. and Nirs. A. Wolf e. MUr. Billy Proctar and Mý\iss Ella Hubbard. Toronto, visited reccntly with Nfrs. R. C. Brown. 11r. and Nirs. Turner, Toronto, visited l Mr. and M,\rs. Cooke. .\r. Frank WVilson and f riends spent the weekend at Mfr. \Vilson's cottage. Mliss G. Joncs, Gravenhurst, visited with lier sister,' M\rs. H. Miuckle. M\r. and MUrs. Batten and fainilv, Oshawa, visited on Stinday with NýIrs. R. C. Brown. TYRONE Miss Myrtle Brooks bas return- ed home after holidayîng with friends at Meaford and Owen Sound. Mm. Clarence Brooks. Cla.rkson, Mr. Leslie Sleigbt, Roche's Pa.nt, îecently visited at Mr. Leslie Brooks'. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Buffalo, N. Y., visited Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Virtue. Mrs. Laura Virtue, and other fiends. Mrs. Clama Byam, Bowmanville, visited ber son, Mr. F. L. Byam. Mr. and Mrs. T. GreenWoad, Mr. Lance Greenwood, Peterboro, Mr. Brenton McCullougb. Toron- ta, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCulaough. Mm. Lamne Martsan spent the weekend at his home at Victoria Square. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam and family and Mrs. Wallace Miller spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward, Wamminster. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Rose, Mrs. M. King, Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens and f amily, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and f ar- ily, Mount Pleasant, weme Sunday guests at Mm. W. F. Park's. A large number f rom bere at- tended Orono Faim and report a good time. Miss Myrtle Brooks bad ber tonsils remeved in Bowmanville Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Wootton, Eldorado, attended the silver wed- rVote for Unempl@ymeft Insurance ifPremier Hepburn wil pass an Unem- ployment Insurance Law next session if the Liberals are returned. A vote for a Liberal candidate is a vote for Unemployment Insurance. Vote for Low Hydro Rates Hepburn brought down Hydro Rates, saving consumers $4,800,000. Vote to kep Hydro fromn being Ioaded up with costly power from the QuebecV Power :Barons.XM Vote for the "6Treasure Hunt" to Continue Hepburn bas already uncovered a rtreasure of 28 millions bidden away in inheritance taxes on under-valuedV estates. Vote to continue the hunt. Vote Your Approval of Lower Auto Fees Hepburn bas cit $5 off the.cost of motor license fees. Vote Liberal andV Eshow your approval. Vote for Lower Taxes Hepburn's desire ta help the taxpayer was sbown by the one-mili special subsidy hie made ta municipalities ta be [passed on ta the taxpayer. Hép- burn is the taxpayer's Proven Friend.X IVote for Debt Reduction IHepburn, by sound financing and good government, reduced Ontario's Public Debt by 33 million dollars last year. Vote for furtber reductions.A Vote for Courageous Administration Hepburn bas not been afraid ta stand up against the Lewis crowd, the Que. bec Power Barons, the financial ring. Ontario needs a courageous Premier rin times like these. Vote for Iower interest rates. Vote for More "gSunshine9-9Budgefts rHepburn's last budget, with its nine- million surplus and -its tax reduction accomplishments, has become popu- lary known as the "Sunshine" Budget. Vote for continuation of these "Sun- shine" Budgets.X Vote Li beral And Keep The OId Henry Gang Out ST'S ail right to let Earl1 Rowe kid himself that he is Asteering and running the Conservatives, but the electors don't want to let Mr. Rowe kid them into believing that he is leading a new, clean, thoroughly purged Conservative party. The same "1old Henry gang" is managing the Rowe boat. The "6old Henry gang" think that they were beaten by "lsome mistake" in 1934. On Wednesday, October 6th, show them that it was no mistake, but that you were in deadly earnest when you voted them out and that you want them even less today. Hepburn'9s Social Legisiation Proves Ne Us ««a Man With a Heart"p B Y is deeds: Mr. Hepburn as shown lielias the interests of the masses ac lieart. His governmenc has assumed che fuit cost of Mothers' Allowances. A moclier wich one child is now entidled to an allow- ance, a riglit denied her by the former Con- servative governmeflt. Under Mr. Hepburn, the government as- sumed the municipalities' share of Old Age Pensions. It established Pensions for the Blind. It abolished Students' Examination Fees. It cancelled the Amusement Tax so that people are no longer penalized for enjoying theinselves at tlieacres, concerts and gaines. Hepburn Beneflts Labour HEPBURN bas shown true friendship lufor the workingman, with advanced labour legisiation - Minimum wages for men as well as women, -an Industrial Stan- dards Act providing codes by agreement be- tween employees and employers and already improving conditions for 75,000 workers; and the creacion of the Induscry and Labour Board. Anoclier evidence of Mr. Hepburn's friend- ship for labour is bis promise, if re-elected, co enact legislation to provide Unemploy- ment Insurance, and Mr. Hepburn makes good on bis promises.% Hýepburn Takes Liquor Out of Politics HEPBURN'S proposed Board of Three H-a Judge, a Liberal, a Conservative- is the sanest, soundest, most constructive plan for removing liquor from politics that bas yet been devised. In respect to beverage rooms the Hepburn Governinent stands for the principle of local option. It is up co the municipalicy to decide for icseif wbecher it wishes co be "twet" or "dry". That's British fair play. VOTE Hepburn prevenced che sale of liquor in restaurants. On its record of successful administration during its first cerm in ofIfice, the Hepburn Governmenc deserves to be returned to power-deserves the support and the vote of ail fair-minded people. Do your part to assure Ontario a contin- uance of good governient for another term by voting foi, the Hepburn candidate in your riding. LU BERAL Issu.d by the Ontario Liberai Association Elect Miercer For Durham e f vertisers prefer ta advertise in es- tablished magazines. J CK Rightly or wrongly I think that few farmers make up a budget of their inescapable expmses for the year ahead. and unless they know just what their cash expenses are. in acivance. theY cannot plan their iarming operations very intelli- gently. If a f armer*s inescapable cash exbenses for the year ahead' amount to $2000. then it becames clear that his Cash sales must be at least $2000. The farmer's in- carne is menaced by so many fac- tors which he cannot contrai, but this circumstance does not take anything away framn the arithme- tical phases af farming. I have written what I have in the hope that it may be useful ta some young man or waman think- ing of entering business on his or ber own accounit. My contention is that it is possible ta measure business enterprises in advance ai entering them - andi that they need ta be pre-measureci if one is flot ta go smash. ding of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue of Thomas Hamlyn, Duke Street. Rupert G. Hamlyn of the Solici- lyn, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tucker. al Why does flot a successful man Frîday evenrng and aIse called on: The deceased was born at Ver- tor-General's Department, Ot- af Toranto. Prof. Chas. T. Paul af always give his friends the same friends.1 Hartfard. Ccnn., and Mr. andiMs brand of advice that he uses in Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith andI worthy Wharf, Sutcombe Parish, tawa. R. G. Hamiyn, Ottawa. h'is own business? babe, Belleville, visited Uis mo- 'Devon, Engiand. on July 13, 1856. He leaves to mourn his passrng,________________________________ ther. Mrs. Viola Smith. Coming to Canada in :1882 he set- besides Uis three sons, three step- Our school took their usual part tled in Bawmanville where he children. Dr. Chas. T'. Paul af on thMSondFithe pup4lssu nfl asith thed fmninoraan nd ear neartodai WndsorMrs. F.CrtkhuB en the Scy, hool Fai t nse ileng awas te omednfon rman yands Hartod onWndo, Mrs.Arthur O r ange P kne l n number of prizes. Piano Ca.. and subsequently with Pethick. Bowmanville; twa bro- Congratulations te Miss Lamna the Goodyear Tire and Rubber thers. Mr. John Hamlyn, Mr. Wm. Hooper on winning a large num- Co. f rom whose service he was re- Hamlyn. and one sister, Mrs. ber of prizes at Orono Fair. tireci some ten years ago. James Hawkins. all in England. at church on Sunday morning. Mr. Hamlyn was twice married, The funeral was held on Wed- his first wife having been Eliza- nesday, August 25, from the Mor- __________________beth Deyman wha died in 1879. Iris Funeral Parlors. the Rev. W.' oBITuARY To this union were born two sons F Banister conducting the ser- Fredcrick andi William. bath oï vice. The paîl bearers were A _______________________~'whom are now resident in To- 'Dilling, E. Dilling. R. Dilling. J. 1 Thomas liamly-n, Bowmanvie ronto. In 1885 he was united in W. Jefrey. T. H. Knight andi N.1ai marriage with Eliza Mitchell Paul, White. Relatives f rom out Of hospital on Sunday. August 22, oi this union was bomn one son. Hamlyn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ham-r E