THTJRSDAY, SEPTEM1BER 301H. 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Liberal Candidate Ontario's CouaeuPrmr leI I.S M re Supports a a~ IH p unPolicies PLEDGES HIMSELFA CECIL G. MERCER MTHL To Proniote. the Inlerests of Labor and the Fans TO EMPLOYEES IN INDUSTRY TO THE FARMERS TO AIL ElETR 1 pledge myself to uphold the stand of I pledge myseif to support ail legisiation I pledge myseif- to h letc-prto Premier 'Hepburn in recent labor disputes in On- benef itting the rural communities in Ontario, and in and support of the Hepburw diitaini t tario; and the policy of the Hepburn Administration particular a continuance of LOWER TAXATION, contiiiued effort to keep 0nai1 nte PyA o in maintaining law and order and of respecting pro- BETTER ROADS, iCHEAPER RURAL HYDRO, CGo" policy, and its determnto oscr h perty and civil rights. and a Higher Standard of Living. revenues and dues to which h rvnei nild CUIL Go MIERCER, Liberal Canidt Issued by Durham Liberal Association. _ _______MIL______ Cook, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Taunton, visited at Mr. C. Cros which are macle atOsa t-nOhwa nd av wae I hoenix, Toront,, Mr. and Mis. man's. 11 ltle Known Facts About day.tlrghte oeI frmig -- - - - - mmm~ LONG SAULT . Sape and f amily, Enniskil- 1Mr. and Mrs. T. Mountjoy vis t- iiAn energetic, clear-thiligxdn.Ms caglnwsA __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ visAe S a Mr. E Mcxntio's. 1 d a r .M le',O oo E L KNOW N PEOPLE Ji Sarn"v s, an, laide Mo bayo1i ae 1~~~~~in.irn 13rCnlt jvalV5 n is c a ln h v wed ,de- five * gUMr. and Mrs. John Cooke, Sa- Ms en rwiTrno S Mrs. R. Slemon,, Miss Annie1 S.M gi N I . M FFL IM II i lem, spent the weekend wt Mr. 'visiting at home. Mountjoy, Mr. M. SleNnOLl. 6-R. SMcLAUGHLIN i pany of which he is president.dagerM.W.E I o"d 1 NO. I l He is also actvelY assocated with Mrs. J. CoadTyoMs .B '" BC EI U 'and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mi. and Mis. M. Dickinson, and Gordon, visited at Mr. G. M c- other Canadian industries, rail- Pangman, Ms hrhl an Mr. Fred Smith, Hampton, and Port Hope, Mrs. W. Kilburn and Lean's, Uxbridge. <Continued from page 2) ways and banks. One of the busi- and MissIoe Mcagln es1!Cnd' nutilsS eTe r ebr !teUie Will be held ini Miss Hazel Woodward, Bowman-, Jackie, Mrs. W. Little and Dianne, Mr. A. Beech, Miss Ada Beech. s fCnd' nutilss eTe r ville, were guests of Mi. and Mrs.Osaa MrsF.Tosn. Mr. ss Richards, visited at Mr. impetus to his inventive genius. yet finds time ta take a hand in Church, anMrMcaglnia TOWN HA L BOWMANVILLE Gerge.mitinh. E. Beech's. Columbus. Tire carriers, which were de- civic and charitable enteipises membero! an o!Cnd' ______Martin,_Mr.__SamMartin, Mr. and Mrs. S. Woollings. veloped in 1909 in Canada, were and ta engage in recreations f oremost cus Misses Hannah and Sadie Martin, Beatrice and Norman, Miss Fa-not faue nUntdSae'which have macle him one of the Mr. athe Anerso, Tront, Thrsdy, cs Hines Tornto vistFra fetied19onUied tth e s' nkDomnin's best-known citizeris. Pol Saturday, October 2 spent Sund y with Mr. and Mis. Tusa, M. H. Ashton's. cars unti 91Hhletecak is racing stable is one of the eolewoae eein ur Hugh MuriY.Fia& Church service next Sunday at case ventilatior. inspired by cli- countrys f inest. t ei eiv htter.ta Mr. James Byers, Toronto, and Fia 2.30 p.m. . rnatic conditions in Canada, was Natuially, his birthday was not it is neyer o aet ed At 8 p.m. Mi. Peîcy Byers. Courtice, spent Saturday A temperance pîogiam was gi- first developed in Oshawa in 1913 an occasion for relaxation or let- Ignoranc slssweama Sunday with Mi. and Mis. Otto ven last Sunday moining at Sun- and patented but was not used clown. He spent the day at bis has moremoethnekos Virtue. PORT HOPE Mat. - Sat. day Schaol. Mis. W. Ridge gave1 until some years later acioss the desk in the General Matar is 'Ifarnno eetiso a îeading. and music was given 1ne Many local people have bee ý Ifam In the Interest of Cecil G. Mercor nm Ouiacoo atenedthef irat Sanie as at $1.50 by Mis. Wm. Tiewin, Miss AudreY .gii 91 teajsal his hospitable borne, "akod ewl ee evî ie Ennikillfl o Monay.Thompson and Miss Eileen Cowl-I front seat design was cevelaped Liberl CanidateCongratulations to M. and CIN ... B F ing.aninovbe,12,aetd Mis. Otto Virtue on celebrating w..to01aninNvme,92,petd their 25th wedding anniversaiy on the 'a .for Canada for use on McLaugh- Ste lin mtai cars. A few years later SPEAKERS: September 24th. W. A. FRASER, the dynamicfighting Federal member 6 %SLEONit as madebe fouenerall on I SALEM Mi. and Mis. Norman Hughes, I aur !193 hr a R.S CUTRE.M.P.P. for HaldimafdaBsoand Mi.AlnLmdna steadily increasing dema.nd on R. S COUTEREx.Beamsville, were recent guests ai the part of autamobile purchasers W. J. BRAGG, former local member There was a good attendance at Miss Mary Malcolm. for some type of equipment which15 * CANDIDATE__________miss__Janet The aswere wasforth-nd THE wen Rev. . W. aîchdelieied is. hephrd, Cesaia, v sit a c arî without having ta use 1S ____________________________________ ramental service at the close. rdywt i.WMiba. caming in March o! that year in Pubicis oriaiy elcmeMis. R. G. Conklin, Klngsville, NX O.&TE. M. n i.NialLnIgthe f orm a! an electiic starter :s" Pulei odalywloei visitlng her sister-ifl-lawMseeinUbigonuda, Mrs. which was offered an McLaugh j ______oftheGay_90's__Jack___________________home them G. Collacutt, and other Salem ancldCo h Gy9 s Jc Bîo eunighm i in-Buick cars in Canada, just ~ ... GOD SAVE THE RING on lnd. Mi. and Mirs. J. W. Bîownlow, twenty months befare tbey were .~ Mi. and Mis. and Ms H '~ K I E adopted by Buick n United ~ . ~ ' __________________________________Mate imso.Mrly, !a~IMis. Athur Jones and Miss Bar- St as be n o r e GuMtrRphSmsnMr1 bara Jones, all o! Toronto, were I a enoeo i c~ L. Gaud.. wîe Sunday guests at r_____________ Sna us. !M. and Mis. W. Laughlin's consistent alms ta The Maples. W,.gNCSFriE E. Armstrong. ulqaitinohemorcs Mis. W. Fitze, Janetvi'ile. Mis ______________ M.adMs. Gerge Hicks, To- produced in Oshawa. He is Justly Stno.Cadmus. Mi. and Mis. Charles Coînish, Oshawa, Mi. and NEXT WED.rnt.spn te ekedwîb mi.anu o is te a wokas andft QNLY and Mis. W. E. Amstrong. na nteeryyasad Mis. Evans, town. visited Mi. andFiedo!Ms Lyda TaylorsteeStecniud eefo G.Consha Fiaywek. The Siingnîg -Cowbo-,ot Mis. G.wiîî be riayweV pleased to know she is able cra!sixarisbp today. The stamp ___________________ G~tc be out after ber recent illness. of each indtividual woiker i o ________________ LE AUIREI Mi. and Mis. Harry Philp. Bob- as easy ta discein in the cars o! bie and Bryce. spent Sunday in this generation as it was in the Iii O usamiaFîankfoid with Mi1" usna . and Mis. a! the lndustry, but the Warren Preston. hand a! the skilled warkman i Theopein f Ilmeein o! Elctin etunsMis. Wilbeit Archer was in stili neecled ta guide the magic o!f Bron'5Hoe ad cbol lub____________________ Baverton on Saturday and at- machineiy. He can stilI be pîoud Bw s H oetm 4twt is tnedanthe Faîl Claireo!the increased comfoit, increas- - wshlSet 4h ihssiutE.o Miss Nellie Taylor was a judge ed sa.fety and the fine waikman- Simpson in the chair,sutit-o Domestic science exhibits at ship in the motor cars o! each ing for Mis. Woodlock. Letters evroPascedn a. o!apieia w radf omBevetOPIr.scedn er. No fumes Wor'Y you o prcaion wr readfrmMi. and Mis. Grant Thompson it bas been geneîally natedb r Mrs. George Stephenson and Bet- hnju e. ty. Mis. Wooclock and Mi. Law, n aiY pn uda liigmotar car useis everywbî ha :H A M 0 o Y U be mrs W. lak ndJen erin Kat Peffeilaw and Beaverton. the pioneer achievements and rdelighted with this Mis Wm Clrk nd eanPeiin.Miss Mary Tinney of Cavan vis- quality policies wbich character- s. mfer, cleaner. money- Tieasuiei's report showed a bal- lted recently with Mi. and Mis. ized Mi. Mcbaughlin's early days saving Coke. Laits so Don't nelect to rotect al thoseance o! $39.24. Electian a! officeisJoehorr.ite nuryaeefc Don' negectto potet ai thoeasJoseb Frder In he ndusry re ifleted in * long-ýeaiy to zegulate. resultededdigasrsfnsolihowoh bPg-s ie-t Rally Day service will be b- the sleek, modern automobiles And no ight con, the vaualewedig reens it bthbug-Mis. Henry Reichiath; lt Vce served in Nestleton Presbyteiian ____________ hovel, it'. le1 re11 lary and fire insurance. Not only while y>ou President, Mr. F'ied Coucb; 2î 1 hh Sn . .V alke opes uch a L Eu as ho. ar nthe honeymoofl, but also afterwards! VcJn îw;3dVc.Ms are Ofl C. Turner Secîetaiy, Wyhaata attend a!teî Uis illness o! theotehrdfl.Tya Fo eedbeinsurance protection and Farrow: Treasurer, Clarence Tur- .pst!wwek.ton cafuels.Othe CL ner: Pianist, E. So all n spsone J M s. Joh n G ilchrist w as called I I 'd a i . . a o e e s rea fiedl avie o al nsraceCommitteeS: Sick - Mis. Couch; a hteWicnsin, wbere ber matters. cail on us. Chair -Aithur Bedwin adSid t htk ic wasteleus Coke. Order -er - Mr ebr.Ay Bîwn;a sn- o bsroher, ill. cldca 1le r - h. deerves HAMILTON BY PROUTCK VIS IIE sang e yMsSipoluc1 Pleasure is àlmost anytbing we orfebuis.HA j JeM S N & S Nwas served. A T can't aff ord. e .- It sn't enough to pay as we go.- Sold By - b.We should save enough ta, get SHEPPÂRD & GILL LUM ERC. TD INSURANCE AGENTS HAYDON Whnwescce i a ad l Z E B R AWrefalue sue e tîi reî t MRS. MABEL WIlKN P h o n e 6 8 1 B o w m a n v I I I C M r . a n d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __du e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t Seattle, Wash., Mi. and Mis. (SbdalIdi veybd wo aksmae James Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Johnwokorsmoyele r er 2