PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOXVMANVILLE. ONTARJO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3OTH 1937 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney re- High School Field Day is1 ceived a weekend visit from his heki at the commumity par] sister, Mrs. Bannerman, Toronto. Friday of this week, competi and ber sister, Mrs. Horatio HiUs, te> begin at 1.30 p.m. Tyrone. Mrs. Bannerman also Rev. J. Scott Howard has visited ber brother. Mr. Howard ili this past week and confinE Glenney. his home. Kerslak e's ( Our Optical service ausures you absolutei quality, style and price. satisfaction i Vacuum 10 Cakes 500 Listerfne Btls Castie leenex Antiseptic BotisSoap 25c 29C -69e 25e 33e 49e- 79g Hot Water Botties 1-yr. Guarantee-- 49c-69c 2-yr. Guarantee - - - 79c 3-yr. iGuarantee - - $1 .09 i> Combination Fittings 39c Suppo 50c 75c -$10 D.T. Ext. Malt and Cod Liver Oil is a good builder against colds. i Ib.-49c 2 lbs.-89c 4 Ibs. $1.69 Dodd 's PiUs - - - - 27e 100 A.S.A. Tabs.- 19c Baby's Own Tabs.-- 23c Fellow's Syrup-- 89e Steidman 's Powd.-- 22c l6oz. Cod Liver Ou - 49c Castoria - - - - 29e-59c Seidlitz Powd. 2 for 25e froni.zed Yeast - - - 89c Iran & Yeast Tabs. - 69c 1 Phone 695 P. R. COWLING, WE FIT Phm. B. TRUSSES THIS WEEK. .. IT'S FIVE FREE CAKES Watch Corbett 's windows Saturday. At 3 p.m. 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 8, and 9 p.m. a fine layer cake will be placed in the window, with sanie lady's Christian name iced on it. If your name appears an a cake, and you are the first ta dlaim it, the cake is yours. Only married hausekeep- ers are eligible. We have adapted thiis niethod of nîaking you better acquainted with the quality of Corbett 's fine cakes. SPECIAL FOR SÂTURDAY ONLY Coconut Macaroons .......... doz. 13e Raisin Loaf................. each lic CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bowmanville j' Honey Butter Easifirst Shortening 10e and 25e Lb. 14e Spratt's Dos Biscuits ...............2 lbs. 25c Clarke'a Pork and Beans ......... 26-oz. tin 10c Chams and Sanborn Coffee - Speclal sale .......... lb. 38c Brown' Bird Se................ er pkg. 15c Mona.rch Flour - Special.............. 24-b. 90c Kraft Velveeta Cheese ......... 1/21b. pkg. 18e Flowerdale Tea ....................... per lb. 75c WIffz Fly Fume .............. 29e 49c 85c ptterson's Buttercrisps................ 1 1b. 15c - FRESH PION - I AQUA VITAE MINERAL WATER Nature 's'easy way ta health. For any stomach ailment, high blood pressure, rheuniatism, etc. Gallon..................o.0 ifasrry Allun GROCER Phonos 367 and 368 Bowmanvllle being . of King George VI Iast May to k on~ the contemplation of Jesus of L i m m Nazareth, King of the Jewsan been Kiffllfêlfêlt lng of Kings. His is a kndr ede NoewcastUU le IIIUUj5nIUenIL of love and eternal glory and He ied toand He alone is worthy to be crowned King in the hearts and W. M. S. of the United Church last weekend whlle emulating the Four intermed.iate girls, June will hold its autumn tbank-ofier- higb school boyl and practising- Allun, Grace Cotter, Pauline De- ) ing meeting October 7th, when the highi jump >iii the communîty uine and Betty VanDusen, collect- Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Bowmanville, Park. On thé advice of the fam- ed the offering. will be guest speaker. ily doctor he waa taken to Oshawa, Mr. Fred Graham moved and Their lakeshore neighbours ex- hospital, but brought home aga,în Mr. Howard Glenney seconded a tend congratulations to Mr. and as soon as it was ascertained that vote of thanks ta Rev. Rogers for in Mrs. Wm. T. Lake on their son, the fracture was Properly set. coming down from Bowmanville Donald Alfred's success in win- Mr. and Mrs. John Allun and to give this talke and bringing Mrs. ning first prize in the younger son John are moving f rom the Rogers witb him. Superintendent group at the Baby Show at Orono. third line est into the Parker Rodger conveyed the school'sap- Congratulations are extended, too, house on the west hili. preciation and the former pastor to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch on A committee of the W. M. S. of graciously accepted It. Billy's winning second prize in the the United Church will be at the c class for boys 16 months old or S. S. hall on Monday evening, SO under. See their pictures on Or- October 4, to receive dlean second SO ER HELD FOR ono page. hand clothing to be packed in PPLRCUL F'riends in Newcastle joined1 bales to be sent ta the drought AT NEWTONVILLE with those of Brown's and the aras 0f the swest. Contributions Lake Shore Scbool sections in ýmay aiso be brougbt in on Wed- A miscellaneous shower for Mr. paying their tribute of respect to nesday, Oct. 6, up ta 1.30 p.m. and Mrs. William E. Reid xvas held the memory o! the late Mrs. Edith Mrs. Ross Dickinson ia stiîî in in the Community Hall, Newtonville Stephenson by attending in large Bowmaniville Hospital undergoing Friday evening. Over two hundred numbers the funeral service at St. treatment for injuries received in f riends, relatives and neighibours George's Church on Sept. 23rd. the motor accident of Saturday, gathiered to wish, the young couple o Rev. D. R. Dewdney, B.A., con- September l8th. happiness and prospcrity. The gifts - ducted the service, assisted by the Mr. Wm. Perrin broke some xvere unwrapped and arranged on a choir. Many relatives from To- ribs and received other painful long table at the front of the hall ronto and other points were am- injuries wbich confined him to and covered until the presentation ong the mourners. hîs bed when hie feUl from an ap- was mnade. Young People's Union opened pie tree at Mr. F'rank Gibson's. Mr. J. J. Mellor wvas chairman and thie f aIl season with a weiner roast Mr. Matt A.ldrea.d, operator Of a very enjoyable program hiad been down by the creek at Pioneer George Law~s threshing Outfit, arranged consisting of a guitar duet Farm owned by Messrs. Herman was taken ill last week and h as by the Mlisses Prouse and Campbell; c and Winestein. An enjoyable been in bed, in consequence of solos' by Miss Hazel Reid and Miss c t;me was spent by aIl present. wbich tbe machine bas been idle. Wilma Prouse; recitation by Miss President Wilbur Baskerville pre- Mi\eda Hallowell "Advice to Young sided over the camp meeting with CUC oes;totpdnenmesb ail In attendance gathered round NEWCASTLE UNITED CUC oes;totpdnenmesb a blazing fire. Rex'. S. MacLean S. S. RALLY DAY SERVICES Charlie Prouse, and musical selec- gav aninsiraionl tlk ndtions bv Mr. and M.\rs. Roy Smith. Mrs. Kenneth Werry led in a There was a goýod attendance M.Mlo aeasotsec sing-song. of both cbildren and adults at which ever3yone enjoyed and then W An interesting wedding was1 the Rally Day service o! the Un- called on Miss Mary Henderson for solemnized on Saturday, Sept. 25, ited Churcb Sunday Scbool last the presentation address xvhich xvas whlen a former young lady of New- Sunday afternoon. Superintendent as follows: Scastle, Miss Janie Singer, now of Thos. A. Rodger presided. Dear Bill and M-\yrtle. roronto, was married to Mr. Geo. The session opened with music We, your friends and neiglhbours, Watkin, Toronto, in St. George's by the re-organized orchestra hiave gathered here this evening to Church by Rev. D. R. Dewdney, wbich later played for the hymns wish vyou much joy and happiness B.A. The bride was attended by, and also rendered a -selection through your if e together. Bill, you Mrs. Earle Walton and the groom wbîle the offering was being tak- have alîvays been a good friend and by Mr. Walton. This xvas the, en. The orchestra members were: neighbour - ever readyv to lend a fourth xedding in Newca.stle iniStanley Rickard, violinist and hand. 'Myrtle, wve have known you as mnany weeks. leader; Chas. Clemence, Ross AI- for sonie time and yon have proven Mr. Donald E. Gibson. poultry lin, Roy Ashton, -Clarence Gibsors vourself as a friend and willing manager of the largest Ontario and Glenn Allun, violins; Johin 'worker in our crinununitv. Breeding Station of Barred Rock.sbhton, trumpet; Brenton Rick- .Aways togetlwr - living as one, in Durbam County, is sending a ard, clarionet; Reita Cooke and No grýater happiness under thec Pen of pullets, which hee bas been Margaret Pearce. piano. Miss preparing aud testing. to Harrow! Hattie Mason sang, Must Jesus There's littie to wish, you - you have to compete in the Ontario West-1 Bear the Cross Alone, accompan- the bcst. ern group in the Canadian egg- ied by Mrs. E. C. Fisher. Jean FEich bias the otlher, so, your ives laying coutest which continues Bonathan and Buddy Smith read aebet througbout the year. A pen con- the scripture lessons. Donald Jose W s o nacp hs it sists of ten birds actually in the read thestory, How Brian Learn- W as tknof to reptesc ft contest with three spares in case SedtoSn beng Pofraises.nds one or more should die. Rev. W. P. Rogers, B.A., Bow- Siedobeaff urrens The Farmers Advocate of Sept. manville. gave the address. E Mr HnesoS<lHges 23rd contains much interesting congratulated the school on its and Mrs. Geo. Sta pleton, 1Mr. and rnatter for Durham readers. re- fine orchestra and the large at- M\rs. \V..A. Reid. Mr. Reid replie(l porting as it does the successes tendance o! adults and expressed tliaîking ever'.one for the lovely pre- of armrs nd oun peple0f is pleasure in revisiting New- sents oýn belalf oi liN wife and hinm- the county in their different lines !sl n eigprsn nti ef o! endeavor. There is a picture occasion a number of young men. ,I)Iil(lid lunch iva., served aftcr of Beruice Milligan. Hilda Row- naming them one by one, whbo %vielîi the chairs were puslhed to the land and Bernice Thompson. re-i were Trail Ranger or Tuxis boys Nvall andl the you1ng people danced presenting Durham Çounty iný when hie wa pastor of the tn ,niusic hrovi(le(lby the Cowan Junior Girls' Work at the C.N.E. ýchurcb. He spoke on. Kings aud Orchestra until the wee sina' hours. Toronto. They brought bonour Kingdoms, a coronation theme for to Durham by winning f irst prize coronation year. and led the ,If a man does not seek wisdom lu team demonstrations, a partie-i thougbts o! aIl from the crowning bie will neyer be very wise. ular feature of xvich was a f ull size clothes closet and fittings which they sbowed. Bill Row- land was high man in bog judging and at the Guelph sale o! Hol- steins on Sept. 14 a four year old __________ cow consigned by Jas. T. Brown, ssg Shaw's, brougbt the top price of A K R S RE o-,M 'ED or the sale at $175.00. paid by W.W. -Smith o! Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Row- Sland. Toronto, were guests o!'Mr day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Mont-1 gomery and daughter. Miss Betty, and Mr. Baxter, Bloomfield.' were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.' E.« W Pbilp. Mr. Montgomery was up on business and purchased thro' $ 9 J. J. Mason & Son BowmanvilleI$ - the bouse across the street frr m Mc. Pbilp, focmerly occupied by Miss Margaret Wilmot and lier sisters, the late Mrs. Julia Met-F calfe and the late Miss Elizabeth I S A Wilmot. This bouse was original- ly built by tbe late Dr. Alfred Farncomb for the reception of bis J.* bride and was their home for - many years. The grounids arel FEAT R E , spacious with a broad lawn and a large area suitable for fruit and growing. Mr. Mont- XiX o nte pr gomery bas bought the property with the view of again becoming Suit.4 in tîxo-piece sty les. One a resident of Newcastle wben lie has patent trim. Another lias flj retires from the position o! bank Zipper opener at collar. Such l,~ manager. He proposes to repair and modernize the bouse next colors as Browni, Navy, Rust, , sPring and then rent it until such Green, Etc. Sizes 14 to 20. time as hie and bis family re -_________________________ quire it for tbemselves. Master Ted Hoar broke an arm A new shlpment of 'Suntested' Papers in attractive deIgns for walls and cefllngs. Prlced as 10w as 1 Oc per Roll WALLPÂPER PASTE Lb ............. 15C Sole Agents in Bowmanville for Flo-Glaze Paints Enamels and Varnishes J. W. Jeweil Phone .5,56 Bowluanvmle Austrian Sweaters $198 A iîex lot, new designs, new colorings in both Pullover and Sweater Coat styles. Sizes 4, 6. 8 years. "Madeira" Hand Embroidered PîiIow Cases PAIR These pillow cases will dress the most particular piliow and every one is hand embroider- ed. A varicty of new designs. New Fait Purses $100. The newest and smartest purses for Faîl, that one could imagine! Pouch or strap styles in Black, Brown and Navy. 4-PIy Knitting WooI BALL 8 c Our special "Diademn" 4-ply knitting wool in 25 good shades. Save by buying now. I j MORE for Your Money in EVERY Wae -We guarantee MORE for your Money - More Value - More Assort- ments - More tirne to pay for your purchases on our liberal Terrn Plan! NOW is the tirne to buy - and F. F. Morris Co. is the place corne to FIR$T! to corne to FIRST! Two-Piece Living Room Suite Vie beautiful Daveîiport anîd your ehoiec of either Chair, at a price that nieaîîs money ini your pocket. Solid construc- tion - full spring seats anid back - a range of artistie covers. A real value a t .. . . . . . . ..,-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thre llilit fne pieces at a iinîg-lît low price ! A refreshinglv modernisie grra ceful. ronrux- and se> xvell min n es'erv detail ! Xalnnut vencers over fie guinlwoe>d. Ani exceptionallv iîîterestiîîg buv at $69 SOLID WAIiNUT Occasional Chairs Choice --$7.95 18"1 Mirrors Reg. $2.25 Value Sat. - - 89c Cash Mattresses $ ~ S oft Catton Filling $63 1Cash A95 ill Sizes 4 . Spring-Filled Guarantee Reg. $20.00145 Pull Size Only STUDIO SHOWN Arms - Bactk Wardrobe. * . - I $37.50 I bi 1~ I A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS FOR CHRISTMAS Lane - Red Seal - Heirloom -4to 1-2 Off on these Factory samples ka 49fgr.y ,~.- ------ - cou ar aiau ouîg ctaber lst Buy Before The Price Rise Our Customers Saved Hundreds of Dollars in the August FurnitreSae -Yau too n Save by Sharing in This Great Array of Bargains. Model to right $13.75 Model Shown With Deep Drawer ................« See Our Windows For More Great Values! F. Fe MORRIS Co. [014E 460ln CEDAR*CIESTS 1 1 'la PB Il. - - .~~rr~wrv, N ar-r .4r ~ - ~ -...- - - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH, 1937 i $19.75 FaCtOrV Ongt.R n.Pa 4- A Beautifui Bedroom Suite 1