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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1937, p. 7

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 301H, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Henry Carpenter visited Mr. conto, were weekend guests aflier Wilmot Mark, Valentia. mother, Mrs. Vivian Argue. Miss May Lamb is holidaying 1 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tudor, To- with friends at Fairview, Pa. ronto, spent Sunday with Mr. anc ýMiss Borea Murdoif, Lindsay, is Mrs. Wally Evans, Carlisle Ave. visiting friends anid relatives in Metsrs. A. M. Robertson and E. town. 'Pritchard, Goderlch, were guests Mrs. R.- W. Conklln, IringsvilUe, of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston. is vitMg Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Miss Amy Fowler, Cobourg, Knighf. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mms. J. A. Stewart, Exeter, is Mrs. F. A. Dilling, Queen Street. visitinq ~er sister, Mrs. F. J. Lieut.-Col. E. S. Ferguson, Mrs. Mani\ Ferguson and Collette. visited Mr. Mr. 1.1,J. Col dweii, M.P., Re- and Mrs. J. N. McGill, Miflbro>ok. gina, Sask. was guest of! Mr. B. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hord and fam- SIngham. ily, Toronto, visited ber parents, Miss Margaret.Hutchinson, R.N. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McTaggart. Toronto, is holidaying with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Campbell of M. J. Hutchinson. Detroit visited at the home of Mr. M. L. Roenigk, Fort Erie, their cousin, Mrs. S. G. Chartran. spent iast week with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Quigley, Mrs. Mrs. T. H. Knight. Hunter and daughter. Oven Dr. and Mrs. G. Elmore Rea- Sound. were guests of Mrs. Geo. man, Toronto, were in town Tues- W. James. day calling on old friends. Mr. Clemens Percy. Bank of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ingram, To- Commerce. Smith Falls. is holi- MJLLSON STOCK ADJ USTERS RUBBERS - UNDERWEAR - MUFFLERS SU UTS AND OVERCOATS MEN'S HATS AND CAPS Less than Hall Price MILLSON STOCK ADJUSTERS Horsey Block West End Bownianville daying with bis mother, Mrs. John Percy. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Naish and Eddie, Brampton. visited the for- mier's daughter, Mrs. Clifford C. MacNain, on Sunday. r Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Dinniwell and family and Mrs. Beggs were Sunday guests af Mr. arid Mrs. ýW. Walken. Janetvilie. Dr. Perry S. Dobson, Principal of Aima College, St. Thomas, gave us a friendly cali on Tuesday while visiting his native town. Miss Frankie M. Jewell, Miss Chrissie Freeman and Miss Geor- gie Gibson were weekend guests of Mrs. Louise Poînten, Nortb- -port. Mn. Oliver Bradt bas resumed1 bis stueies at O. A. C.. Guelph,i -after having taken a trip through Michigan with the Horticulturai -Class. Mns. H. E. Ashlee and Miss Clara Asblee, Toronto, visited f i-1 -ends in town and attended Har- vest Services at St. John's on Sunday. Mns. F. Tripplett and ber sis- ter, Mrs. W. Swenson and daugh- ters Jean and Helen. Akron. Ohio. have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yeilowlees. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Fergusan. iMiss Verna Cochrane. Blackstoelc, and Mr. R. Adam, Enniskiilen. spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. W. Cachrane's. Church St. Mr. W. J. Berry is in Montreal výsiting his son, W. L. (Bil) Ber- ry. and attending the Second Al- Canada Stationers' Convention. October 4. 5 and 6, at Mount Roy- al Hotel. Mrs. Jessie Grigg, Misses Jane and Ruth. Toronto. Mrs. Caroline Davis. Los Angeles, Cal.. and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock wvere guests af Mrs. C. G. Curtis on Wednesday. Mrs. Caroline Davis, who bast been visiting her brother and sis-2 ter, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Babcoclç, lef t for ber home in Los Angeles cr Monday. canrying with her the Ibest .hvses af a bost ai friendst for a. pleasant jounney . Mns. W. Ranna. Mrs. J. L. Cry- derman and Mrs. E. G. Clemence. Oshawa. have returned from a pleasant holiday at Port Carling Actual Savings in Taxes To Durham County By The Hepburn 'SLISHINE BUDGET' FeIIow Citizens of Durham County: Regardless of political affilitions. every citizen of this fair pnovincc<of (ours miust admit, if lie's sincere witlî himiself. that Premier Hepburn 's administration of your ioney is liiglîly grafifying and nierits confinued support for flic LiI)Cral Govî'rnment in the coming prov'incial election. After an orgv of reckless expenditu re by the formner Henry administration, dur- in- w~hieh flhe deficit increased yean by year, if conies like a 'breafli of fresh, elean air ta a suffocafing man to know thaf Hepburn lias turîied a steadily adv'ancing deficit inti) a welcome surplus, balanced tlhe budget by ivise and carefuil landling of the people 's money. and bas been able ta show a surplus at the end of the fiscal year, amonting ta $9,313,938.54. Getfing "doser ta lîciie." as we said. last week, here is hîow tlie Hepbun Governenf's "Sunshine Budget" applies Ioth le LUnited Counties of Durham and Northi- urnbeland. and the savings effected for ifs people since they assumed office: 20% Cost of Provincial ighIway-s, now assiînied by Gouernnient ta Mardi 31sf, 1937 Increase Grants Township R.oads 40%7rto 50 % - 10% equals Magisfrate's Salary îîow paid by Governmvit. - Two years TWvo years savings Registrv Offices. munie ipality refuîîded OId Age Pensions assumed by Governînent ....*28, 86i. 58 Mothers' Allowances......... ........ . ...... 25,872.50) One Mill Siubsid'........32,»000 y . ... . .... .. ... . .....81.738.08 Less former Goiunty Levy .... .... .............. 4,242.58 $ 771,495.50 20%7 refund to Conntf3 by Liquor Board since Oetobeî' 31sf, 1935 fa March 31sf, 1937 ............... ........ Urban Hydro reduefion i rates to consumers due principally to reduction in cost of power ta mmînicipalify, years '35, '36, '37 an d '38 .................... ...............1....... - -............ - 11 100 ,706 .0 0 Savings ta rural consumers by reduefion ini service cha r ges, hamiet and summer cotfage rate .. ... . . 19,369.00 $120,075.00 Rednetion of 25%/ Commercial Velicele Fees lîased ou 1936 actual -Amusement Tax (based on vear 1936 actual) Grants ta Hospitals revoked lîy Henry-, reifi dated bY Hepburn Administrat.ion , -...... Education Exarninafon Fees elinîinafed (flîree yearý) Additional percenfage Relief cost assinmed 1).V Provi-cec in-J936 $5.00 PaOtrer Car License Reduction .......... $62.051.'25 1:3,968.00 5,200.00 111.60 $77,495.50 2,600.46 $120,075.00 10,380.00 12,978.39 1,304.40 9,441.00 :1,129.00 45,450.00 Total Sauings -..... . ........ . $364,128.80 Ontario Needs a Continuance Of the Hepburn 'Administration Durham Citizens ca n do their part by vating for Yours truly, Cecil G. Mercer Liberal Canididate Issued by Durhamu Liberal Association WEDDING Souch-Wannan A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at Newtonville Par- sonage on September 25th. Rev. E. L. Beech officiating, when Miss Clara Wannan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wannan. Orono. became the bride of Mr. Harold Souch of Starkville. The bride looked lovely in a gown of navy blue crepe withi matching acces- sories. Miss Jean Wannan. sister of the bride., vas ber oniy atten- dant, and wore à becoming frock af pale blue georgette with taffeta jacket and matching accessories. The groom was suppc%,ted by his brother. Mr. Manson Soucb, of Starkville. Following the cernemoy a wed- ding supper was held at the home o! the bride's parents. Later the bride and groom le! t for a trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. On their reurn they will reside at the groom's faxm at Starkville. __.4 ZON Master Keith Shackeiton got a fish-hook in bis band and had to go to the doctor to have it remov- ed. J. W. Balson took bis sheep t0 Orono and Port Hope Fains and did well at both. Mn. Russell Robbins attended bis aunt's funenal at Leskard on Tuesday. Mn. J. W. Baison, Genald, Mar- ion and Jean visited Mn. and Mrs. Harvey ï1agerman, Oshawa, an Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Stainton and family, Mns. Jas. Stainton visited at Mn. A. J. Balson's, So- lina. Sacrament service at chunch at 1.30 p.m. next Sunday. Quite a few attended the school fair at Hampton on Tuesday and cun school brought home its siîare o! pnizes. Notice t. Creditors In the Estate of Paul Saànsbuzy, deceased. Ail pensons having dlaims ag- aînst the estate ô! Paul Sainsbury, late o! the Village o! Newcastle, dreceased, who died on on about the 19th day o! June, 1937. are heneby natif led ta send in to the undenslgned Administrator or his Solicitor an or befone the l2th day o! October, 1937, full partOculars of their daims. Immèdlately after the saîd 12tb day o! October, 1937, the assets o! the said deceased wili be dis- tributed axnangst the parties en- tltled thereto, having regard oniy to the 'daims a! whlch the ad- r,,mîstrator shahl then bave notice. Dated at Newcastle, this 28th day o! September, 1937. W. R. Strike, Bownxanvllle, Ontario, Solcitar for J. W. Bradley, Newcastle, Ontario, Administrator. 39-2 1 and Huntsville, and while there enjoyed the beautiful boat trip through the scenic lakes of tbe Muskoka district. Mrs. Geo. Nevin, WalkerviUle, Mn. and Mrs. Howe, Detroit, Miss Beatnice Howe. Ontario Ladies' College. Mrs. T. G. Colwill and Miss Clara ColwiU., Whitby. ne- visited the former's aunt, Mrs. Isaac Tabb, wbo tecently celebnated ber 88th bithday. Dr. G. E. Reaman. Principal of Glen Lawrence School, Toronto, and former head of the BOYS' Training Scbool at Bowmanville for seven years, was the speciai speaker at Port Hope Home and School Association Monday even- ing. In an interesting and in- formative address, Dr. Reaman discussed the topic, "What does socîety expect of a school," be- fore an audience o! some 125 pen- sons. Mrs. Black, Mrs. Howard Chai- lis and Mrs. A. Ruiter were the winnens of the cakes in Corbett's window contest last week. The contest continues this week. Mn. Conbett used this means last week as, a test af Statesman advenuis- ing as well as adventising his pro- ducts. No notice of any kind was placed in the window. and no not- ice of the contest appeared any- where but in The Statesman ad- vertisement. A splendid response proved ta Mr. Conbett's satisfac- tion that people read the advts in The Statesman. Gnoup 8 of the W. A. of Tnin- ity United Church were sponsors of a genuine treat in the form of exceptionally good moving pic- tures of the Coronation ceremony and othen, interesting scenes in the Brit.ish Isies pnesented in tbe church by Mr. Fred Roy of Peter- boro, an Monday evening. Tbose who witnessed this deiightful pro- gram were greatly pleased witb the entertainment. Mrs. V. Ott and Mr. O. Nicholas sang appro- priate solos and also contributed a very enjoyable duet. Rev. S. Davisan expressed the thanks of the audience to Mr. Roy and others assisting on the program. The first negular meeting of St. Paul's Y. P. U. for the fail term was held on Tuesday. New officers elected were: President. George ,Graham; Vice President. Ken McQuarrie: Secretary. S usi e Thompson; Treasurer. Nelson Os- borne; Pianist. Betty Pingle; As- sistant Pianist, Nora Shrubb; Fel- lcwship Convener. Mary McAllis- tkr: Missionary Convener, Ruth Tuerk; Citizenship Convener, Eric Swindelis: Culture Convener. Hil- do Hall. An installation service will be held in the chuncb on a Sunday to be ann'ounced. The main feature af the program was on illustrated travelogue depict- ing lufe in Quebec and the Mari- times. Meeting concluded with g ames. Her many Bowmanvilie friends will be pleased to learn that Mrs. W. A. Quibell. Oriole Gardens. Toronto, for many years officer in the National Counicil of Women. bas been forwarded one of Ris Majesty's Caronation Medais in commemaration af the Canona- tian. IX1 ITLE ~LIUSNESS IVF-9 MORIDLIVER I PIL.CONSTIPAT#ON UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY PRESCRIPTIONS CT' Carefully and Accurately E U SÔ DISPENSED 4r5TMSFSE Bring your prescriptions to your I.DA. Store. Eaoh, THAN PLAI one carefully and accurately filled with the purest ingred;.CO IEOL Lowest Prices Prepare For Winter Take Vitamin Products Now I.D.A. Cod Liver 011 8-az. 45e - 16-oz. 79e Aiphamettes $1-1.85-3.50 Ayerst Cod Liver 011 40c - 75e - $1.00 Ayerst 10D Cod Liver Oil .67c - $1.69 Haliver Oul - 55c-$1.80 A.B.D. Capsules 1.40-2.50 Natola Capsules 75--l.25 for the prescription, fil BARGAINS Lux Soap - - - - 5c H01r WATER BOTTLES Special Bottle Lifebuoy Soap - - 6c ý Guarnteed 1 yr. - - 59ec Dutch Draps - 3 for 14c Guaranteed 2 :vr.-- 79c-89c Robinson's Barley- 33c Pinkham's Camp.- 89c Fellaw's Svrun - 89c Pinex - - - - 32c Corega - - 24c-39c-69c Wash Cloths - - - 5c Dodd 's Pulls - - - 27e 25c Naxzema - - - 15c 83o Noxzema - - 59e ýGuaranteed 3 yr. - - -$19 ýHospital Bottle - - - $2.00 4fllfllflwiII flot buy a UUu U new stomach; $1 MONbut Lloyd's Sto- mach Savers will help make yours like new . Positlvely guar- anteed to relleve Stomach Dis- tress, such as Indigestion, Dys- pepsia, Sour Stomnach, Nausea, Vomiting, Car, Train, Morning Sickness, or your money wil be refunded. Formula prescrib- ed by doctors for over 40 yas Special offer three $1 .00 oe for $2.00. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex MGeo PHONE 792. DRUGS WE DELIVER IF..1 1I - MARKS THEATREI OSHAWA SPecial Preview SUNDAY MIONITE 12.05 And MN-USIWD a.m. ContinuousMO.TE.WD IT 'S HERE AT LASTI! You've Read The Book Now See The Picture ill be p i $25 oew r ofLOw Wampole's Extract $1.00 THYMOLATED CORN SALVE for any corn o callous THEY Kepler Malt and C. L. 0. cannet remove with this won« cierful new scientifle prepara- 85e - $1.40 tio n fo r CORN S OR CALLOUS- E S. It de-sensitises and re- výlMl adC .O lieves pain with lIrst applica- yoMatndCL.0 tion. 60C - $1.00 :VT II 3, j'. TUBE §HAVE CREALM TUBE IT STUNNED THE WORLD! Raw, Blistering Truth Revealed! No Where Else Will You Ever See Any Thing Like It! A CAS[ OF uTHE 'f T MISS À-OUANSm Taking Picture ients, or Phone 792 and we will call it, and deliver it promptly ta you. i TI-IURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH, 1937 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATES-MAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO TWO SIZES - 33e - 69c Indian Women-'s BaIm A splendid tonic for women from childhaod ta old age. It bas been used with gaod ef- fect for farty years. Price $1,25

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