THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ipole vault showed Depew \vnng While Port Hope. Cobourg and V D ~L N Toronto, Mr. Bryden Roberts, S Fortune wof't smile on you un-1 When sm epeda it ove Morden. Depew vaulted 9 Whitby are grouped together.92YEASOLD -ANDH amilton, at Mr. Jas. Smales îes.s you meet lier half way. it souflds lk nepoin Brcsan oqut er 3ice.W oeorms Bimnil stse nwtI A miss Vera Baker visited r4îa- 1 MAPLE GROVE The people who pose as martyrs It doesfltrqieanerhuk tksddntcuetomlii-Oshawa and Feterboro. and the FI AS À ID L tives in Peterboro last Wednesday. e - -S seem to get a lot of satisfaction to shakeoufaihnsoep- B-v Nelson E. Osborne takees dd ortannc a e.U1 Juniors also meet Lindsay. Lind-___ Mr. and Mýrs. Elgin Brummel Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Munday, Mr. out of it. pie. Tcconveihths ei w avnszeofoor wil Ohwiaeanhe and bab. Columbus. Mr.and an.d Mrs. E. W. Foley visited their to, admit that there was a mis- Bowmanville is concern gets Petlerr ouveand. e n et i ornnield, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Milford Wilkins, Oshawa, on Sun- taei eellrel atee udrwa hoSaudy iht e rsan ta hWth e aesParrinder. day. take the hcurielyft.he eduniodserWavethinSatordyCosanbtatrhugi.for lre "I feel in duty bournd, writes . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam Miss Beat.rice Pinder, Toronto, O T E EL CS 0 Hihan exhibition tussie with Don towns grouped under the B sec-. express m grali- and iamily are visiting relatives isý visiting Mrs. L, Twist. I'hT V Schoal Field Day. In the Junior Çîarkes troup. We know little tinig th c hee a dopt . tude for the inarvellous results mi in or Prr.M'ses Bet nowen and j) URHIAM YITY resuits, the haif mile event should about the 1937 editian of the Jun- phanifg cry tat tey waudn hr father lias otained f roin Kruschen Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker at ty Fingle and Mrs. Norman Pin- have read Hutchinson, Jacknian iors. except that rumais whsper lay if bourganvll a i heir Saits. He is nîfletv-two years ol<l. Capt. H. Waters', Hghland Creek. gle, Town, spent Sunday with fri- jiist to let my many friemîds know 1rtatogl m u and extra poTint.avehck-wa ai a t earen's tem back osand ttendance than Bowmanville and and is as fit as a fiddle. He cati Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto, ends in Oriflia. muat waetrahe ne tieHutw ithof Jim Dsavins ta the ul-aVi5andPort Hope is about the same whilc get around easily, and en uulwiher sister, Mrs. Jack Yellow- No sunday Schoî on Sunday a candidate in the coming provincial ElectioIanrgtnY cutwthinso or fir t lace Sa th am avioand ha oeueenDavs Whitby has about 200 student.ý. anîd down stairs. His f rieîds mar- lees. on accounit ai the special service f ight as uisual - and workitig wvloIleartC( orteeecino chel wloriyrs ilceiso he ismpnalwadysforerlerts vandh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks, on Sunday ai ternoon. Cecil G. 'Mercer. the Liberal Candidate. Ihs n~ ~o two of themn will share the cham- University player. coaching them, n ee el ites eawy el iar g ou.just eebran s-te terao:'yeglrdiv pinhp get hng r xpcedgou. Ftrbr n stlnîe realiiSon: m inregularstawa, Mi. and Mrs. Harry Fraser, ter Mary visited Mrs. Earl Houck, mno usadigaiiv al Inth Itemeiae ecio, ur Jdgngirm hescedle teyawa would not f urnimucli o! oeo rsle aI i ~fî Marion and Jessie, Mr. and Mrs. Kingstn Road E., an Tuesday. jdmîtaiuIarî additei n toly gave epewon, 0 r e uin ,a srontgt egîo iup and hey loop. But why shoilld Bowm n clp of tea every onng .- S ) Bh Miller, Fontypool, at Mr.Liv- Mrs. R.aL.of oîîîsandiîîs.ît aiîî ai e . points itone egvent stil 10tabereedina ta e go n d Braket-ville be made the goat. If they *\JAV. ingstone Miller's. Gerald Talcott spent Friday in express lus OpinionsMinlie1 runt off.A oereen stdy aith e ei wt Lingodsayi. Oshaa and had been grouped wth the B di- Most peoplç grow old long before' Mrs. L. C. Snawden, Maple Tornto. is convinced lie is riglt. resuits showed that Depew had Il Peterboro. they are in with schooV sio twudhv en n hi iebcuetîynget~ Grave, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. The monthly meeting o heaiadtint the seln points and as he won the remain- that have a much greater atten- cther home game with just lis vital liee(l of health- the need for Waman's Missionary Society wil l diin10tele1 igevent, h idWsmnfrdneadteeoemr tgo rwn da h '-irtertial clean1iliness. eheld on Weanesoay, Octoe ulte fiidadh to ing~ ~~~~~~~~~~ hetetiemrarcnc n hreoemr tu- on.adawn arla tea Eventuall\ tliey start the lîealtlî' fKrusplceend hhabit.wil Tliedntso probabrm. alnoor j H M T N13, instead af Oct. 6. iMr. Mercer the acconnuîdishi- share the title. looks as if the Boxwmanville school K________abit_____________f__HAM TON unday School Raîîy was heîd lients nf tlie eltriGv was given the wel-known woîks But, while the Feterboro and the iirst time ini tleir lives, thie\ - Sunday aiteinoon in the church HpunGv The resuits ai the Intermediate when the schooswr rw Oshawa schocls may have it on start getting rid every dav oi all Mrs. Knox and daughteî, Miss ,with a goad turnout. Scripture erniment inii s soi( business oosweedaw p.1..S n h naotfavetenedge ste a o f iugc!ggthe iîtestines lt-Gertrude Knox, and Mis. Jewell, lesson was read by Misses Betty administration of rednicing tax- ance. they willth avh desedo engco dteitsie Fenelia, visited at L. D. Sykes, and Doris Stevens. A sang was es deserxes ýouir support ini in the mnatter ai intestinal foiti- are clean and clear. Instead of liver and J. R. Knox's. sung by the littie ones. Mrs. tude. and do not be too surprised and kîdneys being sluggisil îhey are Mr. Wilfrid Smale, Cobourg, Charlie Rundle very nicely told Mr. Mlercers belialf. T __ Yif Bwmanville shouid finish with active ani efficient. New, hiealtlM' visited. his mother, Mrs. Ida the story. Rev. H. W. Foley, Town, Alte on ti h av ain e rly ea go.dT h a nose sbof goes coursng tlîrough the Smaîe. an od Maple Grave boy ledAnthera on t - O it ioth 1~~FIW eringwihaersan0d theyceiof - carring health amd srengîhi Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gifler. prayer. The guest speaker for the geea9o'nîl ioiil WW .-~*' VicorianoadivsitedMis.dE occaion wa Rev.SidneyDavi- that Itie Hepbuirn Governienct D o Y o u Wi aruisthean(l energy 10 every part of the ocso a e.Sde ai ~e Vsupporta, isieson. . psawiTiit hrl,~ ill soon be returned witlî haveb(lStvn. Bowmanville. who gave a very in substantiai majority, and it is SMr. and Mrs. Isaac Bulmer. teresting and helpful addiess on t hscllt' $ 1 5 F R E E ? The Lakeshare group ai the C. Miss fleen Balson pîesented Gea. ,*Mi. and Mis. Wilbuî Buînett, 11Cîowning Jesus King in Ouir othsconys interest to bie O.S.S.A. drew dawn a signal hion- with a travelling set in a leatherOsaaMi.FeTabyr-Lv."adgeaspnddc- othgvrnntie.S Her'sho vu ange i fr hrstas oui on Saturday when Don Cake case. George repied very fitting- Osana, M reg e taM. an M-is. undgat e raatin cereman- ote fo vercie nd Hiepbur 0f Çbaug ç..S..A.and . W Mi Walei iacburniea anies as an introduction. Rev. W. C. May 1I also take this orcs Thofln hp ithe entire C SSA n .W r atrBakunra n1Miss Bessie Simpson, Maple Smith, pastar, assisted at the ser- Starting on Friday, October lst h vy h Clmer af the local High School address on behali ai the commun- 1 Grave, Miss Florence Simipson, vice. Choir also rendeied an an- joli to express my sincere and _ wil gîve with every purchase of 25c or with everY 25C -staff was appointed Secretaiy- ity, thanking George foi the many Harmany, spent Su.nday at home. theni. cordial thanks 10 the electors paid on account a coupon to be deposited in a box at Treasurer. Congratula ti on s ta ways in which he had helped and A number fîam aur community r___________ the store. ate d d O oi ar political aiffiliations, for the co-operation, cnieain ad sp group win many tities duîing the chosen wark. and Mi. Howad Service in the Sunday C W NVLE I pr ie edrn yfv ucsiicmagi.A h ie O)n December 24th, the custonier having the Most yeai. Millson presented him wth a, Schaol on Sunday aiternoan was C W N IL otgvnm urn yfv ucsll coupns i te bx wll eceie acreit f $51o an wrist watch. George replied veiy well attended. Rev. W. F. Banis- I have tried to do what I thought wvas in th' etitrsso h cuos in e oxu store Te offciadi count5won be nicely ta this and said il had ter ai Bowmanville gave a veîy Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Allen, 1onyadprvne retire f romi public liewt h idis x~~erchsndise~~~~~ NEWJTONVILLE 1 been a Dleasure for hlm ta help. fine acl&ess which will not soon Cobourg, were Sunday guests ai feelingtwr yfho iieso odndDra ony made by an independent person. . Short speeches weîe made by sev- be i orgotten. Mi. and Mis. Westol Stringer. n oadm elwctzn fgo Trnoth anda the ven Thsent min a so Congratulations ta Mr. and Mi. and Mis. Rob Graham, Mr. (ind SME.IaLdWEEK Y PRIZES Mi and Mis. vnigws pnti as-Mis. Harold AllUn an the arrivai and Mis. Clarence Turner, visit- S E I EE L RZ Sf aîily, Mis. Cornthwaite and cial way and a dainty lunch was ai a baby girl. ed Mi. T. J. Simpson and family. At the end of each week the customer having the trs. Saunders, Pr oe oksre.Dr. and Mis. Davies and chil- Mr. Chas. McNeil, Mi. and Mis. FomrMmeWf.h eiitr nube f opos eostd urntta we with Mis. Alice Truscott Jnes Visitors: dren, Oshawa, visited Mi. and Mac Stapleton and family, Mi. Fre eb greatest nme fcuosdpstddrn htwe Friday evening. Misses Paul and Jessie Heiron, Mis. H. Wilcox. and Mis. Frank Ogden and son for Durham Couny will receive a prise to the value of $2.00.- These prises Mis. M. J. Holman and Mrs._____________________________ Orin, Messrs. Melvin Graham Jr. dono afet ou cane f inin te igprseon Willis Jones went out ta Kendal and Spinghaî aof Newcastle, were Issued bv Duîiam iea soito doristmaffEe.u hneo inigtebgpieo Saturday and helped to orgaflize guests ai Mi. and Mis. Russeln ieaAsoat Chita v.a WmnsInstitute te .McNeil. Harmany. ____________________________ Ask for Coupons when you buy at The Evlyn There's a lot ai îoving gaing Mr. and Mis. Chas. Bedwmn and orn in the village. Mr. and Mis. L. Arthur, Mi. Parker and Miss ___________________________ CET STARTED TODAY Savey ae oving inta the house DURHAM COUNTY Theda Taylor spent Sunday at- formerly known as the Britton Highland Creek visiting Mr. and As a special inducement we offer new Wool Jersey house. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Smith r iir i Il Mrs. Fred Parker. an oet olDess noeadtopeesye, are moving into the hause vacated IMis. A. T. Perrin is in Hamil- andNoely oolDrsssin nean to pec syls, by Mi. Saveîy and which Mr. TLUIflhlUL FEDERATION ton visiting her daughte. in autUMn shades of black, brown, navy, green and rust. Smith. already owns. Mi. and Mis. Robt. Reid is staying withR oaT htr Win. Smith's brick house and are The Durhtamn Couiit Temîxtranee Fedleratton at a publie The Sunday School has pur- Special................... each $7.95 rnoiving in there. meeting decided to place the followmng questions before chased a piano and is now îeady B W A IL Mi. and Mis. Redknapp and A- the two Cetfl(idates im the forthcoming Proviial elec- to settie inta the iall session in fredi spent the weekend in Osh- u aiTesîtd1- real earnest. The attendance is aaadToronto. tion i hm County.Thequestionis sbitd creeping up T he E V L Y N Shop aw nd(etlter with lte answvers of Mil. Elliott and Mr. Mereer The ladies are meeting again The Biggest Attraction ofteY r Mis. Alice Truscott Jones attend- are as follows: with paint brushes in hand. This &sW.G. Corden Phone 5%' Mrs. F. Oke ed the f uneral of Mi. Haskill at __________________________ tume it is the interior of the pan- WED. - TFIURS. - FR1I S T M .W Port Hope, Thuisday. QUESTION: 1. The abolition ofn beverage ronms and wiîie try that ia getting a few coats aiSp. 9-30-O Mi.ani is Wate FU ndstores, vither through direct act of Legislatuire, or bN a briglit and shining for the fowl iamily moved ta, Hamilton Satur-, proviîîce-wide referendumn on a mai ority basis. supper. 711Rjý . day. ~A gaod number fiai this dis- *~ ' \ ' Sunday calleis with Mi. 9and MIR. ELLIOTT'S ANSWER: 1 am n ii avor ni a reiereiîdurn or titatne h iclaeu Mis. G. J. Stapletan were: Mi. a local option on a înajority vote.soe edi ewavîecm ville, r and Ms. H.ore S ihtaik- R MECRSANWR e munity hall on Fiiday night foir ~ ~I~i!~1 * ~ * ~ * J~ vloe, M. and Ms. H . . Wil s I.MRESASE:~Mi. and Mis. William E. Reid. ______________________________________________ See repaît in another column. bains and Irene, Paît Hope. QUSIO:2 Rcgnzndta udrimrve oeso4tas Mr. and Mis. Fred Couch, New- QUSIe .Rcgiigta ne mrvdnne itas _________________ lb... Value& Effective Until Saturday, October 2nd castle, weîe guests ai Mi. and portation and the conscquent widening ni the area aiiectcdAS O L Mis. J H Coch. . by each liquor-sellig unit, and that adjacent muîiicipalities Mr. . . ouh.1'___ ___ ____ KILIN Mi. John Mitchell assisted Or- sif 1cr f rom a nuisance against which thîey hav'e no _________________o__KIPLING__ Do-m.inoad tBbcyeo n a-thiat without î,rejudice 10 municipal local option. counities Hs~ Dominy.b ienpwronamjivt o prevent the estab- Miss Gladys Page, Oshawa Hos Fkg. uiday4 Mr. Reichiath la visiting in lisient or operation of Goverimnent liquor stores wiîhin pital, is visiting her mother, Mis. COULE) TELL ITI Crw r ebiChicago. hr bounds. Etta Page. 51.Miss Evelyn Hassen, Chathanm, Ms rt kBw vie O NTin iisited Mis. Rutherford. MR. ELLIOTI'S ANSWER: I ar n ot in favour ni coîîîîty local Mi. Cyril Rundle, Ebenezei, visit- ~ C O R N S Y R U e3 9Miss Eleen Widdess. Miîîbîook. option as I leel that liquor stores would be lorced on many ed Mi. W. E. Sanderson's. Perfection and Mi. Jack Reid weîe Sunday municipalities that are now under local option. Mi. and Mis. Athur Page, Miss gussalMsbhs.Ri. e.-j'aureen Malaney, Toronto, vîsît- geToef ri heatt eidingMthe - ERCERS ANSWER: If proper rep;sentatioîîs are made ed at Mis. S. Fage's. fuea ftelaeMs arnto thie goverîlment of which 1 ram sporeaht uh Mis. F. Rabbins has gone te, be funralofthelae Ms.Warena nuisance exists, 1 arn vrepared to lend my support to wîth her chldren in Rochester, Dunbar in Part Hope, Sunday, ceru h iuto.NY mmmm weîe: Mi. and Mis. J. A. BarrieNY Ma ium' I E E E lb. * ~ adMra.M.adMs .G-Mis. G. Clake, Miss Betty ver and Jack, Messrs. Fred and QUESTION: 3. That with a view ta the renuoval of the îem- CaieM.Carne ithli. , BuIk Dick Gbaver and George Payne. ~perance issue Irotn party politics, and the co-operation n onTeel oatvstdMs thMis. H. Millson, Miss Maîguer- tebsaeenns ial parties, that thie canîdidate e S. Page. Mi. Tîebell has been M4A C A R O N I teMilsn5n friend, Bowman- requircd to assert bis purpose to reserve his libertv on the visiting his sister, Mis. Page, foi> ville, were Sunday guests af Mi. question and to hold lîimself f ree iromi dictation o r control Mi. rand Ms. C .Wlo n and Mis. L. E. Milison. lb Mi.Cahni is impraving ai x ar-,tecacsn islae.f amily, Ottawa, vislted Mi. H. b mster lier recent illness. NRELOTSA WER: Yes. Sees W h.anite.EvDeansllmy Misses Elsie and Muriel Moore, ~ Solex 2-06 Vî rcivstdhsprns i MR. MERCER'S ANSWER: The offer of Premier Hepburn to Mi. Floyd Beckett, Bowianville, EXTRA! EXTRA! ap - ec 2 and Mis. Laitus Bellamy. thfedrn the Conservative Party t lift the liquor ques- visited at Mi. Wî. Moore's. Mi. Glen Richardson, Chicago, lion nut ni politics is on record. I arn a supporter of the Mi. Floyd Pethick, Mi. Oswald s.. Allens Lodon s visiting his uncle and aunt, Mi. Premier on this stand. Ftics.. CLAR'S andes -- -lb..19 and Mis. J. Anderson. Cowan's Perfection Miss Jean Wade spent the week- A.ume.faiheeatene c n t elyOle UESTION: 4. That hie promise to confer and co-operate (as s Orana Pair an Wednesday. A olu P o lkCco 11. i .5 Mr. N. Hayes and wife, Mi. L. donc in the British House of Commons) with like-minded Congratulations ta Mi. and Fresh Salted Haemn aiy amnilnembers ni ail parties in the Legishature t0 secure the Mis. Ea.rl Stephens (nee Ruby S~J ~ (U Hayeatacan belyobtained. leaughte... oasi Peaut8 - l. .1 spe4-Suday T . . Drclzs.etiactm'.nt oi the most progressive temperance legislation Adams) on the arrivai af a baby Nomad Swet ~*Congratulations ta Mi. Walter Blackburn on his success Janehisr c exams at Queen's University, ob- E LE C herries ~ ~~~~~taining 1st and 2nd class honoîsExetW chDrhyL or 2 5About seventy-five memnbeis oai Àeý Un 27o.Botethe community gatheied at thg%.' home ai Mr. and Mis. S. E. Werîy Jewelry Repairs L S R I - last Thuîsday evening in honaur ai Mi. Geoige Weîry who is leav- Exclusive Agent for e FAST FREE DELUVERY ing shoîtly ta attend Taranteo. Bulova Watehes ' R M M D I _______University. Rev. Rackhaî call- Cnaa Standard of Time. ed the gatherlng te aider and The [argest Stock of Gftt * Miss Pearl Leach read an address N~73 erchandise In Bowmanville frai the members ai Eldad Choir elb Phone 463 Kin - tee Matinees: Monday 4 p.m.- Wendy230.m k. ~~~expresslng thei appreclation of' _______________ George's work as choir leader. r-\F( T rT14IT