THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 1937 TH E CANADIAN STATESNIAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEX IIN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO FIFTY YEARS AGO e Fromn The andia.. Statesmnan, From The Canadian Statesmian, e October 31, 1912 November 2, 1887 1 Bovmnanville Board of TIrade Courtice: There i-s a cow in thisg met Friday n.ght and elected Place that does a messenger ser- vice, the me-ssage being tied to its d these officers: President, J, J* horn. ..Mr. George Mor-ris and c Moriarty: Vice President, Dr. G. Miss Mary McGowafl, having tired f C. Bon.nycastle; Secret.ary. Charles ;of battling with difficuities of lif e9 H. Andersoni; Treasurer. J. A. Mc- :singly, have united their forces.0 Clellan: Directors. J. B. Mitchell., yoe u ooltute have succeeded in keeping Mr. j. C. Rehder. Dr. B. J. Hazlew-oM,!W. ODell as teacher for another Archie Tait. James Deymafl, F. A.! year. at an advanced ýsalary. t Haddy. Harry Cann. T. D. Kerr.. Hamptoni: The pupils of our A voe o appecitionwasex-school are lamenting over the loss A voedte 0 reition vaesent -they are about to sustain in the tened he etiin prsidnt.C.removal of our esteemed teach- Rehder. ,ers, Miss Coleman and Mr. R. J. President Cha.rles T. Paul was1 Niddery. highly honored at Louisville, Ky.,' Marriage: Conlin - Jam.eson- thsmonth whe he was the chief By Rev. S. H. Matthews on Oc- Ibis ~en e ober 26, ai Church Street Meth- speaker ai the greatest meeting odist Parsonage, Mr. Samuel J. heldi in the city for mnany a day. Cni.t isEiaehAn A ea ba bee set b ev.Jamieson, ail of Kendal. Clarke S. Gorley Brown, Hemmingford, township. Que.. 10 become pastor of St. Miss Annie AllUn, daughter of Jo-hns Church, Amonte, Ontario, Mr. Samuel Allun. was the recip-i with a stipend of $1500, a free ient of a beautiful silver cake1 mianse and four weeks holiday. stand and pickle cruet from thec Mr. Brown is a Darlingt-on boy Providence congregation in re- whose early sýchool days were cognition of her sýervices as or- spent a, Tyrone, and is a brother ganlist. Councillor Smale made of I. L. Brown of Hampton. the presentation. Birth: Jury - At Cobourg, Oc- Mr. F. W. 'Allen of Providence tober 23. t0 the Rev. and( Mrs. and Mr. Harry Cann of Hampton Cordon S. Jury, a son. :have bought a flourishing Uiveryi Birth: Hamm - In Clarke, Oc- business in Port Perry and have tober 20, to the wife of Mr. Ha--moved to that lively burg and old Hamm, a daughter.1 taken Possession. Mr. Geo. A. Stephens. at the: On Friday aternoon Miss Mary Milîs, Salem, wifl have about 800 Mosetta James gave a birhday1 barrels of export apples this year party when upwards of thirty of William Scott is now occupying her Young friends enjoyed a few4 h1is new grocery store in the Hor-. hours of genuine pleasure. sey Block, Our local shootiats bagged the Death: Moore - In Newcastle,! buik of the game ai the East Dur- October 21, Mary J. Katerson, re- 'ham Rifle Association. the indi- lict of the laie Samuel Moore, in vidual winnings in cash and prizes ber 79th year. i being: King, $17; Russell. $16; Mr. W. H. Gibson, o! the fruit McLaughlin, $13; Hilton. $35; farm. 3rd Concession of Clarke, Morris, $12; Young, $1150; Mit- has bought the Arnold -Forrestei' chel. $j7; Beach $5; Curtis $6.25: farm. fifty acres of lot 31, rear of Total $13625. There were 48 the 2nd concession, for $5,600. *omet'.tors and in ahl 267 entries. Dr. J. C. Devitt and Mr. Geo. W 0Biîrth: Tod - In Bowmanville James attended the annual meet- 'on October 24, to the wife of Mr. ing of the Ontario Football As- Thomas Tod. a daughter. sc'ciation in Toronto, when the Birth: Keeley - In Bowman- former was elected Honorary1 ville, October 23, to the wife of President. 'J. H. Keeley. of The News, a son. possible te promote industrial ac- 1Z tivit in our country and by wise au administration to fo-sher those a Huge Hornby Broadcaster elemients of our sol wY hich are bi o n prosperity. There is one factor, ki however, wbich is ever present in Starting Operation Sonbemngmno!idtrae- the minds o! those cbarged with D Caaasfirst hg- o w e r ed terprise, that is the lever popu- t, Caada'gstaingh utrd crete have been poured into what lar 4 ?) one o! taxation; the means mrodcrnsthinstation the ultr-I forma the base o! the tower. Aiop by which we raise or try teo raise meoemlngither C akeithair aIn Ibtis base is a set o! porcelain in- the volume o! revenue necessary Befr oang Cin t anscat a sulators which according to en- to serve public debt andi provide to-coast chain o! eight new $250,- gineers, is about the size o! a bat for expenditures to maintain pub-p 000 transmitters. la rapidly near- box and which weigbs about 500 lic services for our Federal, Pro-G ing completion at Hornby, neai ixunds. On this is builitbe steel vincial and Municipal Govern- Georgetown. Ih will replace Bow tower which, when completed, will ments. m.anville's CRCT. The local staft1 weigh 54 tons. Industrial management must o! will operate the new station. Aideti by an intricate grounti necessihy regard taxation as 2.P- k The giant broadcaster, t0 bit aystem. ibis tower. acting as thie plied to induistry, as a part co! the knon s CB". a 0 adai aerial itself. wîll cast the siation's cosh burden, and as industry can- s programs to aIl Ontario. its buge i signala hund.reds o! miles mbt the not pay oui more ta lrcie output tubes, eacb valued in the air. and remain n business, Manage- 0 neighborhood of $1,000, wiîî ow 1 Approximately 21 tons of copper ment must endeavour to use pro-n er the station to 50.000 watts.1 wire bave been buried nine inches ductive capacity so as ho nianu- This is more power iban that used undergroUlnd in the 50 acres of facture and find markets for ils « to-day by any other Canladian property surrounding the trans- produce at prices whicb wiil cover station. mitter bouse. its coats and provide some return, Now being assembled in Mont- if possible, for the capital invest- CBL wiil have a sisier station real, the transmitter it-self will be eti. In other words. taxation, if in CBF. also under construction ishipped te Hornboy as soon as a possible, must be passeti on nlot at Vercheres. Que., and will ser- 'roof bas been buili on the one- necessarily te the consumer in the vice that entire province. sîorey transmitter boeuse. The narrow conception o! that word, According te A. Bourke, engin- transmitter uses output tubes but rather to the market and in- eerin hare o costrctin, ndwhicb are more than f ive feet dustrial structure itself is a very W. C. Little, the CBC'S chie! en- ta,,. They are said to be the only large factor in the consuming gineer for this region, the new tubes of that type in the world. market. transmutter will be one o! the An electric eye will be employed. The fundamental considerations world's mosi modern. The aerial to operate the spotlghts at the in the imposition o! taxation are tower, when completed, will pierce peak o! the iower and studding for "services rendered- and -abil- 647 feet into the sky. It wll be the sides. These ligbts, to serve as ity to pay." Ont does not ques- 200 feet taller than the tallest a wrarning te aeropîanes, xill be tion the f air imposition of taxa- building in the British Empire, iswvitched on automatically as soon tion on industry for services ren- the Bank of Commerce. To-dayi as darkness beg-ins to faîl. Thle dereti by the community, nom this steel tower la 365 feet tail and .ellectrîc eye - or photo electric stîggest that public services should is going up at the rate o! 30 f eeh cell - aiso will switch off the lights bo supplied to industry at les eahday. 1ai dawn. than their cosi, but I am suggest- eahoiaeyfvetn fcn ing that: the taxation on the basis _________________________of abilty to pay" may be open ___ ___ ___ ___FIRST BADMINTON to question. DANCEON FR DAY A prof tble industr3y la one tlhat DANCEON F IDAY reclovers its cost, includmng ade- fl 1 *WAS BIG SUCCESS quate provision for depreciatiori Riadlis enaireu andi obsolescence, and s5h11 bas rSeveral htndred Bowmanville to disburse to ils pro- Also ýcitizens matie theîr weary way Prietors. Such industries are as- about hown Saturday morning sets to the comnmunity. If an in- Car Radios Installed wihh acbing feet and tired eYes dustry is unusually profitable. following a most successful open- quibe obviously ils earnings willl and Repaired ing dance at the Badminton Club find their way inho similar indus- Fiday night. tialI investments. This is. o! 1< I.J11 JNDecoration3 were in keeping course. the way amaîl industries R . Q U N with the spirit of Hallowe'en with grow into large onles and ma the black witches riding brooms, yeî- ultimate object which municipali- King t. Bomanvlle 1w pumpkins anti coloreti ight.s ties like your own have in mind * forming an exquisite background .e ihy ndauroatac ______________________~for the outstanding event. anti encourage tbem. Visiorswer preenif ro m Taxation wbich results f romn neighboring townis, swelling the public expenditure bas a f ar crowd to a capacity boeuse, every- reach-ing effect on the overheati one joining in the fwun andi happi- el' private business anti inter- Ifll lii ess with a spirit o! fellowship provincial as well as international BMI~MI' FA ES nti friendliness so characteristic Power o! competition. Public ex- o! iNFA E e he club"s dances. pendture bas a very definite e!- Nov. 5 -S - 7 Music was provideti by Jack fecto profils, salaries anti wages - T -Evans ant i is orchestra, o! Col- as well as on the problems of em- *o umbus Hall, Toronto. anti was ployment anti unenlployment re- Buffalo - - -$ 3.10, receiveti entbusiastically f rom the lief. To illustrate wbat I mean rollicking Paul Jones te the Rye by the mouniing volume o! taxa- Chatham --- 4.50 Waltz.teryt tcsin ui ion. I can teÏi you that the total 1 Ft. Willia - - 17.20anti the fast anti furjous Tiger 2mutpa0,yusi 93 as Ft. illim 17" 20Rag. During the fast moving20 higher ihan iliat paidtin Hamilton - 1.70jnumbers il looketi as though an 1935, anti I think those for 1937 ambulance anti firsi aid nLght be will be still higber. The taxes Toronto - - - .90 neededtet take care o! those who paiti by us in 1936 amounteti in Algoto lliton BlthDunvile,'ere n te rceiingendof anytotl t a figure wbicb represent- AJs taAlsio, lyt. Dnni.le.wer onth reeiifl eni ! mnyeti an amount equal 10 73 %/ of Gait, Goderlcb, Guelph, Kitc-hen- our annual net earnings. er, London, Markdale. Orange- We ail know the problenis ville, Owen Sound, Paml3 Sound.'010 Irwbicb the varlous governmental Shei-burne, Smitbville, Sudbury."~' bodies have te face, the debt Welland, Woodstock. I T chargea they have te meeh, the Golng: 7.35 pm. NOV. 5; M EN.. heavy expenditures for social ser- 4.01 p.m. Nov. 5-6; 71),. ' vices anti unemploymenh relief, 5.02 a.m., 6.24 a.m. Nov. 6-7. 4 ki but the greatest care must be tak- Returning: Last train from To- of AD en by those in charge o! spendlng ronto I.?O p.m. from Toronto. -AlIpublic money 10 exercise reaaon- aleage, 10 see bat valeeis o Ask nwcr-st agent regardln CANADA-9I aleotrolso ithat taere is o parry Sound, Sudbury and Fort IMEIL OBACCO'S ?d tieifrte oe xedt WiMlamn. INSPIRING RGA anti thai the greatesi economy i5 POOL TRAIN SERVICE exerciseti commensurate wiîh our Consuit Aqepsts. Ask for Handbill Friday 10 p.m. E.S.T. national welf are. Canadian Canadian Directly or intiirectly, every- ____________________________acfUcN tinl STATION C C body contrihutes, t.brougb taxes, ipacfic atinal RCT 1 t the cost o! governmerit, anti 1 ~yet ithere seems te be n lamentable Lumps, but no casua.lties occurred. New styles in gowns and hair- dress made the ladies outstand- ing. as always. adding color and allure to, the surrounidings. defin- itely demonstratiflg the effective- riess of the d-essmiakrng and hair- dressingý arts. and revealing the enhanced allure and charmn of the fair sex in evening dress compar- e-d wîith street clothes.- The men %vere attired in conventioflal clothes .providing the dark back- ground for their radiant partners. At intermission chairs were j.rawn int circles, each group comprising a gathering of special i'riends and acquaintances of one generation while the younger and older members of the crowd hiad their own separate -roups for lunch. Sandwiches, cakes and re- juvenating coffee %vere passed by the directors~ and their wives un- til al appetites were appeased and the dancing began once more. CANADA LINKED AT ROYAL WINTER FAIR The sparkling "Spirit of Can- ada" is to be caught for eight happy days at the Royal Winter Fair when each of the Canadian provinces will be celebrated by a day" specially dedicated to show- ing its products and exhibits. This l'nking of all provinces through common interests in agriculture and to foster a spirit of broad Canadianism was instituted at the first Fair sixteen years aga and has been continued uninterrupt- ediy ever since. Fashion meets the farm, Cit-y Lii e greets Rural Canada, nine provinces nod mierrily to each other. It is a symbol so far as the Fair can make it. of Can.ada'5 national urnty in matters gorng far beyond the f arm. In this. -Regal and Imicerial Year' the days are: Tuesday, Nov, 16--Ail Canada Day", also Children's Day Wednesday. Nov. 17-British Columbia Thursday. Nov. 18--Maritime Day Friday, Nov. 19--Quebec Day Saturday, Nov. 20-Aiberta Day Monday. Nov. 22-Ontarlo Day Tuesday, Nov. 23-Manitoba Day Wednesday, Nov. 24-Saskatche- wan Day. ROTARYCLUB (Contflued from page 1) lo. fac ari lit bur or il s:, col em t:. ou: les an re ge, pr ai 1 th AT MAPLEIGROVE ct, wh.ich is evidenced by strong ceased; and six haîf-sisters and id sometimes irresponsible pub- haîf -brothers are Mrs. Ward Gied- ýpressure towards the expendi- . hili and Mrs. Percy Walters. of ure of public monies, apparently Benmlller, Richard and Joshua i the erroneous a-ssumPtl4on that Moore, of Goderich, Owen, of Col- is t&he tr fho wo -llpy born township, and Wesley o! the Because I have attempted 10 Peace River District. ress the matter of taxation,1 The funeral took place from the oncluded Mr. Berkinshaw. I do residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. t want you to f eel that 1 am Bissett on Wednesday af ternoon. xa.geatngit out of alI propor-: Rev. A. W. Brown of Hannon, a1AR NG O Ïon 10 its importance. After ail, former pastor ai Benmiller, of- A H IG O1 ir main duty is to put aur iroub- ficiating. Interment wvas in Mail- s aside and work a a un.ified land cemetery. The pall bearers 1 ociety. wvere John and William Moore, C.' I believe that we have not by L. Bisset. John L. Sieber, Phil. ay means seen the limit o! Our, Bîssett and Verne Gledhill. )rosperity. Canada's central posi -____ 6io ti t e r ion in the British Empire, our 1 o tst e r mlative security o.wing to, Our' Mrs. Flod McMaster, Peterboro _ ographical situation, and our If igh type o!' citizensbh'p w.11li The death o! Cora Pearl Mat- ta ray unaer tne HOUM E ýventually make us one o! the thews, wif e of Floyd McMaster, nost prosperous nations of th, occurred ai the home, 1 Stewar xrdif wise and prudent states- Street, Peterboro, on Tbu.rsday, IM PROVEM t.ii PLAN Yîanship is applied to our various October 28, f ollowing an illness of Don't put in another winter with a faulty .roblems, whether 'Lhey be nation- three montbs. She was in her etn syemajieyrofruisltd il, provincial or municipal. 49th year.hatn syem ajierrofrunsltd A. M. Hardy. Superinten-dent of1 Born ai Bowmanville, she was walls that let the heat out and the cold in. tie local Goodyear plant, iro-1 a daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Make your home cosier and more livable. Do uced Mr. Berkirlshaw to the club 1 chie Matthews. She came here it with the magic of the Home Improvement nd the expression o! appreca-I from Bowmanvile 25 years ag lnadattesm tm u ent ok ton was extended to -the speaker She was a member o! Park Street lnada h aeLieptmnt ok by President Ross Strike who at- Baptisi Church. Any contractor supply firm or architect can help tended law sochool with Mr. Ber- Surviving are ber parents, ber you arrange a'Home Improvement Plan boan or kinshaw. husband, six sons, Jack, Charles, you can apply direct to youar banker. Visitors included: James W. Edwin, Archie, Art.hur and Fred )evitt, Torono: Tom Breck, Bur- f Peterboro, and two daugters. NATIONAL E MPLOYMENT :eton; Hugh Monagban. Hamil- Hael andi Betty at home. TwoC MM S IO ton; W R. Hilton and P E. Ver- brothers. William Matthews. Osh- C M I S O ity, Brantford: A. J. Ballagh, J. awa. and Wesley, o! Toronto, and H. S. Kerr, Geo. McCrea, Toronto. a sisher. Mrs. W. Gambie, of Osh- UNDEIl THE AUTI4ORITY 0F THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT During the meeting a presenta- awa, also, remain.(Tecsofti re fadrienns tinwsmd o h eiig The f uneral was held on Sat- ='"". pnoed by the National 1Emnploymtn~ Publie Health Nurse. Miss E. R. omission, bas been defrayed enrirely by Graham, and is reported else- urday !rom the D. Belleghem & public-spirited concerns and individuais as Cemetery, Roev. C. C. Boyter o!f =oerarive effort' envisaced by the Par. vh&e Scs Fnera Hoe t Litie akea cntribuCanardsntha Naton idoy Vanity is wounded but neyer Park Street B1apiat Church of- n lamnt CofCaadion At)NtoalEpo killeti. ficiating. LOCAL ADVISORY ONTARIO ADVISORY Hope is the railway ticket to Among the relatives andi friends COM311TTEE 74 Kn Tr t EToot success. attending the funeral were Mir. 7 KngSretMasToront If a man tells you bis opinion and Mrs. W. Gamble and son Chairman: Fred Cryderman 1. Martius, Secretary. of bis neîghbours you know the Noel, and Mrs. Hastings, Oshawa: Telephone 416. Ryiand H. New, Chairmnan neighbours' opinion o! him. #. andi Mrs. Wes. Mattbews, To- Phone 2653 W* Je CHALLIS BowmanvMfe DODGE AN~D DESOTO DEALER $ronto: Mrs. Honor Todgham, Mrs. Fred Large and Eileen. Mrs. Gar- I OBUTUARY net Mutton and Mrs. Braund. *Bowmanvifle. Wiiliam H. Moore, Goderich Two mont.hs,from the day, a-, WINS TROPHY 1most the hour, his wife passed IN PIGEON RACE away at their home on Newgate street, Goderich. William Henry Frank Bott.îell won the Grant Moore died on Monday mornng. Campbell Silver Trophy at. the IOctober 25, at Alexandra Hospital. Canadian Racing Pi1 n no 1Ooderih, in bis eightieth year. convention show heid a h oa Mr. Moore was taken ilI a month York Hotel, Toronto. on October ago and spent the two weeks 29th and 30th. This class waS ir.i hospital. He was born in Eng- for birds bred in 1937 that flew in land. a son of the late Mr. and the convention race f rom Mont- Mrs. William Moore, and came to pelier, 0hio, on Sept. 26. Frank's Canada when sixteen years of age. bird flew 344 miles, 1745 yar-ds. He lived in Goderich township averaging- 1220.33 yards Per- min- and while there married Mary ute, and won 7th place in the, Jane Chambers. Forty-four years race with over 300 birds compe- ago he had an arm taken off in ing, and was judged the best bird a7sawmiil accident. and four years in its class by the well known later. afer moving to Coîborne pigeon judge. Mr. E. Lang- Miller~ township, he took over the stae of Buffalo, N. Y. and mail route between Go>derich and Benmiller. Later, when rural1 Many a lovely thought havin e mail delivery was established, he been emnbalmed in verse is buried took charge cf route No. 4, u-i ase-basket. ning to the Benmiiler district, and removed to Goderich twenty-thre-e years ago. He retired in 1929 at the age of seventy-two. Mr. Moore is survived by six _______________ echildren: William. of Goderich, John Moore and Mrs. C. L. Bis- Ssett, of Goderich townsb.ip, Mrs. *J. L. Sieber of Windsor, George of -Detroit, and Mrs. J. D. Powery of Florida. Mrs. Mary Ann Bennett I N ch 0fundestandng . .ht 1f B"ma» àlisa ite f4e lqn THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 1937 RE\V. C.\PT. SIDNEY LA-MBERT Pladre of Christie Street Hospital, snd one of Canada's inost distin- gitislied citizens wlho addresseçd tht ,Neis Brotlierhood of NMaple Grove. last Fri(iay evefling lg sen menibers of the local Legion Post were giiest,;