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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1937, p. 5

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"j PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIO SPORTNEWSt OINIRS TROUNCE ai first place as ositawa diet the unexpected by trimming Peter- LINDS~AYu WHILE bora. In the Senior strugghe.v SRS. BEAT WHITBY Bowrnanville made the day per- _______runin Whitby 14 ta 2. it was at the beginning ai the WiîSAndy Colville scoring twa final haîf that the huskiy Colville sensational tauchdowns at the h it the heights. Taking lte kick-t start the ecnd hahf ta put off at his own twenty yard line,t lte e tan ice, Bowmanville le kniied titrougit the Lindsayý High - hoal Jyiors delivered a squacl and brake clear ta get hist decisive 22 ta 3 defeat ta Lindsay second major score ai the day. C gridders here on Saturday and Resuming his place, Calvil.he againt *went into undisputed possession was the target o! tle kickaff and _______________________ta show his previaus effort was no fluke, he waltzed down the othert hside of the fieldt for still anothert five point score. Calville alsoI p, Friday& scored Bowmanvilhe's ather touch-f down in the first haîf.1 Batu.rday Bowmanvilhe started out witht Matinec the wind against them andt al- PORT HOPE Saturdav though hard pressed, they man- aged ta keep Lindsay off the Pirs Tiie i Caada scoresheet. Depew recovered his Firs Tim hi 'auala wn short kickoff ta open praceed- AMEI~DVCings. and ater a farward passE UflLIREYS that bounced off a Lindsayite in-f Ni-'e-w Picture ta Colvies eager arms put B.H.S.c Big witin scoring distance. A pen- "T u de ra " alty killed their chances oer1 "Thundr Tri'" andit a Lindsay's turn ta be-1 Withi Gilbert Roland anid came dangerous. Tite "L*' team ParaioinitCastfumbled ta Bowmanvilhe ta easei Parmoit Csithe pressure and shorthy aiteri Dehu.xe Short Subjects when the high wind lad again _______________________ helpeet them ta forge into lacal1 territory, the invaders lest the1 NEXT MON. & TUES. ball on downs. 3 Weeks in Toronto' Althaugh Lindsay were autplay- ing Bawmanvilhe ahong the wing P AUL MUNI line. ihey showed a tendency ta fumble a critical times. Af ter1 In tlhe Million-Dollar :one ai these misplays lad given1 Melodrama the Davis-Gardon men the halli in centrefield, Mcflveen gatheredi in one ai Mason's forwards andi "SCARFACE" Depew haisted a long kick that _____________________Lindsay just managed tot run out NEXT WED. ONLY from belmet their line. But Depew gave themn no Ratarv Club Nighit chance ta run out his next at- tempt as he drew back h-is trtisty1 lef t foot andt zipped a perfect1 IVIRIN5placement thraugl the bars fromi 35 yards oui for the firsi score afi the day. The next Bowmanville point al- so came via Depew as he got rid of a tawering punt from te home SENSATION-AL 66CEREAL GRASS" is the most important new development in the science of feeding. It niakos available for year round feeding, the abundant mninerais, and vitamins of Fresh Young Grass. CEREAL GRASS fl nentirely new procoss ail the vitaniins of young grsusually lost in curing, are retained. The spectacular results of Short Grass Feeding can now be secured right through the winter. Summer Grass for Winter Vigor Now Used in Monarch and Cafeteria F.eds Ask Us for Full Details S. STEWART Phone 577 Feed bferch&Ït Bownrville M. BRESLIN Invites you to a Special Display of COOK CLOTHING 0 f FaIliSuitings and Overcoatings At THE ARCADE 0 Tuesday November 9 th * R. WEIR ERWOOD 0f the Cook Clothing Stylo Service will bo with us, showing a complote range of now Fail Models including formal and bus- iness wear clothos. Ho will be glad to assist you in jour sloction. side ai centre for a rouge. The s bail t.ravelled a good sixty yards. c Tommy getting it high in the air where the wind pusheet it along. Mason intercepted a Lindsay for- E ward just before haîf time and an ', the first pay he flipped a short t pass ta Colville who dodged a couple ai wouhd-be tacklers for his initial try ai the day. Depew con- 1 verted this touchdown f ram place- 1 ment just as he repeated on Col- t ville's other two scores in the sec- ondt haîf. Near the end ai the third quar- ter Bowmanville advanced thet baIl ta the Lind.say one yard strip f but f ailed ta get it over. Lindsay E tallied ail their points in the final I quarter, when with the wind in t their back, Lindsay were able ta r outboot the locals and thtereby pushed them deep into their own territory. The Nartherners broke c through and blocked a kick that Depew was trying ta get away II from behind. his own line andet Bowmanville were f arced ta yieldil two points. The other -L- score1 came on a long kick late in t.hej period.1 Senior Game The Senior game was flot as exciting, rnainly because it was exhibition and it also suffereet from the tenseness that prevaileet during the Junior set-to. But it wvas f ar from, tame. Twice rival players were sent ta the bench for putting a bit tao much exuber- ance into their play. Bowman- ville were however, full value for their win. Only in the iirst ses- sion, when they hacl the wind ad- vantage, were Whitby able ta dint the score column. andt they booted two singles over the Une for their total. In the second stanza Spencer began ta get great distance on his hoofs as he en.listed the breezes ta his cause and finally on an endt run, Gibbs broke baose and scamh>- ereet across the line for a major count. Spencer converteet. The able signal caller also got the other local point chalked up in that periad when he lifted the leather over 65 yards for a single. Things looked bad when the best Bowmanviile coulet da was garner ane point in the third quarter and as the teams chang- ed endts foar the final fiiteen min- utes, Bowmanville had possessian on their own 25 yard stripe and tley were having an awful lot oi trouble with the Whitbyites. But after holding off their ri- vais for better than hali ai the period, tley began a determineet march that praduced another touchdown and settled the issue. A heavy penalty leit the baU on the Whitby forty and f rom. there Chubby Mcllveen carried the bal five times in a row ta advance the pigskin ta the one yard mark. First he made fifteen yards, then ten, and then it took him two at- tempts ta make eight. On the third. down, the .hefty Chubby f ak- ed at the bine and Spencer plung- ed through the centre for the score and then converted. This was the oniy score made at that end af the field ail ai ternoon. Lindsay Juniors - Flying wing, Maxim; halves, Maxwell, FergU-' son and Sharp; quarýter, Warriam; snap, Karrys; insides, Nesbitt and Wright; mideties, Hill and Lamb; outsides. Nesbitt and Kiey; subs, Kingsburra, Baldwin, Rainbaw, Cresw'ell. Bowmanville Juniors - Flyiflg wing, Fagan; halves, Crombie, De- pew and Cobville; quarter, Masan; snap, White; insides, Crawford and casbourn; midethes, Rickard and Morden; outsides, McIlveen and Wiseman; subs, Cole, Elliatt, Graham, J. Garman, C. Gorman, James, Jackman. Whitby Seniors - Flying wing, McQuay; halves, Clarke, Kean and Thompson; quarter, D. Bea- tan; snap, B. Beatan: insides, O',Dell and Kempthorn; middles, Mowbray and Robinson; outsides, Rýea and Cameron; subs, Moor- head, Goîdman, Adams and Wigg- Sston. e Bowmanvllle Seniors - Flying Lwing, Gibbs; lalves, C. Mcflveen, Tlghe and Little; quarter. Spen- cer; snap, S. Casbourn; insides, C. Casbourne and Nlckersan; miel- dles, VanDusen and Crombie; out- sides, Kimble and D. Mcllveen; subs, Luvver, James, Gornian andt Rowe. Bricks and Bouquets~ Bay Nelson E. Osborne The two Bawmanviile victories1 on Saturday were flot at all haretý ta take, and the Juniors in par-j ticular showed a lot of pawer in gaining sweet revenge on tle Lndsay invaders. It was this same Lndsay squad that hung a 23 ta 6 runaway an the necks ai the locals in the first gamne ai the schedule. But B.H.S. were minus1 three of their best men at ltat lime and they vowed that things would be different when Lindsayf paid their return visit. (Sport editar's note - It was.). Sharing -the spotlight for Baw-1 mnanvihie were Colvible, Depew andt Wiseman, wilh everY Man on lte team turning in a belter titan av- erage performance. Colville drew headlines with his twa sensation- al dashes in lte second hah! and -e --ais*oA m fi-flt wss1 nv- so picked two passes out of the ozone with much agility. The Senior struggle is a dii fer- ent proposition. Someitow, we f ear taI the Petes wlll take this ver- dict. But one thing titey will not hase wilh be any kicking duels. Spencer wilh see to that. Andt again, Kimble will be the out- standing tackler an the field closely followed by Little and Gibbs. In their little argument with Whitby ast Priday, they f inished up with Tighe andt Gibbs, twa aif their main stalwarts on the side- lines, but they still nabbed off a final toucitdawn. Gibbs was hurt on the leg aiter sifting around the endt for a touchdown in the first itaIf and the officials lhaugh.t that f riend Tighe was becoming a lit- île too vigorous in his efforts. Charles the Chubby One Mc- Ilveen andt Kimble colaboraleet on viaus ta titat time. A husky, 'welh built lad, le las mare titan a fair WEAR SM ART amaunt ai speed andt as long as he doesn't begin ta live on past deeds, le bas tite ability ta go STYLE S AT 45 places. Retain An Attractive Figure A littIe overshadawed by lte Disfiguing etra potands that make it daings o! Colville, was the very duflit t dreua a yo<s wisb are often due effective playlng af île you.thiful to luguiabness 1 of liver. When this Depew. He oulkicked the Lindsay great cleaseaiofbloodand ditributor of itoof ex witl -the exception ai tite energy s inactive or overworked, augara and last quarter when -the Noithern carbohydrates which should b. tored in punler finalhy found out 10w ta the liver develop into fatty tissue. Middle use the wlnd ta advantage. In aged and eider wonsen with attractive lte f irst periad, Depew lad boot- ifigures mnvariably possess heaithy livers. ed ia lIte wind as wefl as Lind- Fruit-a-tives fruit lives' tablets put your liver say could do with the breeze in in good condition, and keep it healtby. their backs. Tommy essayed f ive You feel better,,akan clearer, eyes brigbter, kicks from placements and mtade are moe ikely to retain your gracefui good on four af them. Hie splIitfgre-wear sfliUt young styles Thou- the uprights for te first score sands of women use Fruit-a-tivea for this and then canverted tle -three reason. Try then, 25c., 50c., Il druggists. tauchdowns before having his FD l LIVER tif th attempt blacked. Depew ah- IRUID-AUIVEJ TALIS THURSDAY, NOVENIBER 4TH, 1937 eariy in the gamne on Bawman- ville end runs were due mainly ta he par excellent bhocking ai Wiseman. Taking over an enet position ai ter cavorting about the backfiehet last year, Louie has been a shining light in every con- test. He reacheet bis season's peak an Saiturday, however, andt ie wihb forever have the thanks of the backfield. He ailso was the receiver on a sheeper play but hie aorgot ta hold tle bail tight enough and fumbled when tackled. .kt's see you get even beiter as he year goes along, Louie mine PaI. Other bits that caught tle eYe of the crowd t?) was the way the wingline clippeet out the rushing Lindsayites, when Colville made his pair ai runs. lIt was perfect. Mfason alsa deserves plaudits on his quarter-backing. Once, witer acting in his capacity as safety man, he diet a Fred Astaire in a space the size ai a dime and then side-stepped about Six men while making six yards. Nize going Buet. Bun Fagan finalhy found a wvay ta stop the Lindsay bruisers .sha were making too many gains itraugh the local line. He just broke througl and clippeet them across the shins before they gat started. Quite effective. Duggan McIlveen is another febbow who has been playing sound football without appearing spectacul-ar. He along witl Wiseman formn the nicest pair ai outsides in the hea- gue, but Duggan. where did you get your sudeten shawing ai speed? Yau didn't have it in basebaîl. Along the hine. especiahly dur- ir.g île earlier stages ai -the game, Lindsay ouiplayed Bawma-nville andet was an charges titrough the hine that they made ail their gains. But tley were sadly out- distanceet when it came ta endt runs and farward passes. AlI tolet mason sent out eleven forwards and eight ai titem were complet- ed, several for long gains. Thai shoulci stack Up in any examina- tian. But while we are lauding the team. ta the s,;ky (it is cloudY ta- day), týhey are struggling througýh exa&s and are preparing for the Peterbara invasion ai titis Satur- day. There are .still rough edges in tle juniors play titat must be rubbed off. One thing they need ta do andt must do if they hope to get anywhere, is to speed Up their plays. At the present time the line must hld for seconds wiie the backfiebd is getting un- der way, and a fast team wilb break Up taa many plays bei are they are under way. Another ýthing that coulet stand practice is their tackling. For a teamn that neyer leaves their feel, they are reaily wonderful at ankle cluiching. But whal we want is a couple ai Kintbies, Who lave nolhing better Vlhan 'ta fly titra tle air with the greatest of ease andt nip would be ground-kainers. As ta picking île outcome of Saturday's encouniter, we are du- biaus. According ta, the haw ai averages, Bawmanvibe is due for a fabI. They have receiveet ahi lthe best ai île breaks in the pasi few contesta as opposing squads lave f umbleet when getting in 1dangerous spots. But on the other hanet, the Red andt Black gang have been playing iteads-up bail, have laken advanlage of these breaks and while confident ir lteir own abbily, tey have sense enougi t taknow lIaI zrepu-tatior does nat win games. lIn their previaus tangle with tle Petes, the final score was onhî 2 ta i1 and while Bowmanvllt were better than ltai on thte play, the Petes slowed tlat they ae not mousemeal. And after being dunked. by Oshawa, thte Peles wil be in a rather tougl 11ao0(, and their own fieldl andt crowd couIc nol be called a hindrance. But on tle basis that Bowman- ville has not let us down yel, and mucl mare important, -lte fact tbat the f ifteen yeer aid Depew is quite apt ta outklck lis rival, we will string alang with Baw- manville. We Have 15 ONLY of These BRAND NEW MAJESTIC SCOUTS Only One Radio Sold to Each Customert REASONS FOR THIS AS- TONISHING PRICEi The&e radios were engineered and priced to fil the ne.d for a smart, compact radio at 31.95 ...and were considered ex- traordinary good value at this prioe. Hem js what we be- lieve to h. the Iowest price ever off ered in Canada on new radios. $ CASH. Thli la oisly one of the many gmt apelaln luRadios at oui store. Coma la and look &round. Over 100 Radios t.e hoose front. Ail guaran- teed DoN CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 1 1 PAGE FIVE IrTJTTDCnAv vM7ýN(DWID ATT-T 1017 ORONO ORONO district between Hamilton and W A D IlT Toronto," was the reply. HEIL.WVrIiJ RAIii.R.i ARMISTICE SINGERS RECEIVE -Canacllans are more f riendly C2\ss lsi Roe)BETTER HEARING and f ar more appreciative afi mu- CROSS A STREET Just 19 years since war drums WHI1LE UN CANADA -a Xswr o thle qe st how thei Lost His Nerve After 12 ceased ta beat? people compared. Sinc brthes. athrs.frinds During the short çtay, of the -How do You account for musicMnt'Aon marched up the street Florida Sextette in Orono we had being more touching when rend- ufrn irmaterQ ats In khaki suits. with knapsackrs - a few minutes talk with the man- ered by you than when sung by iS f e neu omcit-reuatliii To1once more f ree ager, Mr. Maurice Cooper, who Canadians?" we asked. "We 'feel' i )tihsle onstetdi Toliverthey: ve n d arb u h with his so t peasing southern ur music. Hardships endured by opta twc îh t re lt - S libety.vaice cheerfully answered the Our slave forefathers have left unnerved that he wvas afraid to cross Free from the curse af trenches' questions relating t te l-, te. their mark on the anes now liv- a street - how readily cvervL dieu- Uf ith. et and o unsdoe Asked where each of the casteiing. We have inherited it," was matic.sufferer îill sv1-mathize with Uni t on-ea, d ud ae had studied he informed us that the reply. this main. Read what he says: Free f rom long hours, weary, Miss Elizabeth Johnson, the so- "sthr nyhngyuthlnk "For 12 nmontlis, 1 sufferedpi danger-fraught? prano, had studied at the Chicago, nught prove interesting for Orona and niiserv with acute rheumatism They're home! To them 'tis now Musical College; Miss Vivian Mar- peopfle to know?" was the final in both mv knces. Twvice. 1 was the dearest spot rison, the contralto, at the Amer- question. "You nùght say that treated ini hospital - but it was no That an this earth they'd ever ican Conservatary of Musc; Mr. four or five of us can play the use. 1 could flot m-alk iii or down- James Cooke. the basso, private!piano," ýhe said thoughtfully, "butstrs I aaradocosth hope ta find. 1 f esn ihM.Jhsn h-I don't know of anything else" s or I 1 os ailocrossfidec There peace e'er dwells adHelsoswt r ooCi akn r opr o iig~strf. or ir t avs go.idec seems good and kind. cago; Mr. Cooper, tenor and man- us anfk inutr Ces foi h isvuable se taking n das g *d Js19yas Ahye!Adytager, at the Chicago Musical Col-usafwmntso ivlabetrtdakg Kruschen Sats. a Juse ersA.ysAn lege; Mr. Arthur Crittenden, the Ure n suighmw ol already I amn a news man.1i cÏn An age setefn ete pianist. with Miss Florence Price.1 be at his concert that night, we V1kvth arstpgopai mn remsetefn eteo the only negro ta write a sym- 'leit him ta his task of final re- wsairs wth atse a oss a$ Passed on to his reward. "A gal- phony; and Mr. Joseph Stubbs, hearsal for the treat in store for street with coniplete confidence. Mîy lant man! the baritone, at Selma University. ustht igt rheurnatisrn is getting hetter every He died and gave his ahl." Ah yesi Their last engagement -%as at __________dav."-D.L. they can Ancaster and their next was Lon- in a good rnany cases, rheurnatisrn Say that. but I will hate f orever1 don, he informed us when asked 'You want ta speak ta me? Well cannot resist the action of Kruschen more1 their plans. ýI'mn busy; what is it? Do you want Saits, which dissolve the painful cry- The war lords who began the j How does Canada compare as ta marry my daughter or borrow stals of uric acid - often the cause fruitless war- taseey wt h States?" money?" of those aches and pains- and as- Fruitless toalal but them who "There are beauty spots in bath. "Er-well, which would you pre- sist the kidnevs to eliminate this profited but it would be hard tot beat the 'fer?" l'poison throughi the natural channels. And left on f ield ai hanour no ________________________________ laved deset. Wrtten Nov. 1937. The English sportsman became iriendly with the keeper ai the M only store the Highland village boasted. One day he said. "Well, justice ai the peace andt county ___ councillor for this district?" 'Aye, sir," replied the native. "Ye might say I'm the Mussolini of________." FALCON Mincemeat 2 lbs. 25,ý that final touchdawn drive. K-imn- ble openeet the hales and Chubby Coffee, Red & White, 1 's ..... lb. 39e Falcon Jelly Powder ......... 4 plcgs. 19c plowed through with much glee andt charm. It was rather tough Chipso small pkg. loc- large 23c Habitant Pea Soup ........:.. ...... ...tini 100 that Mcflveen could not get the CesGle pa,12spg 5 acnPn amn s2tn 5 1credit for the score, but Spencer Ce(pG lin ry,1iment.....a) S1e ardnin Sldmodal'...... 2tin 15o used his head in callùng the play(pano iet)SrieGl ea................tn1e hedd.WenCdiet. Whene Chuinbbyhsed) .......... 2l. 5 Lby' atu ..went.................ckte 7 as if ta again carry the ball, the LxaRasn <wtses) . 2l.5c iby'Ctupote17 W'hitby team bunched for his ex- pected charge, and lef t enaugh Gold Medal Choice Quality Red & White Finost Pastry opening for the slippery Spencer. We doubt if McIlveen could have _PUMPKIN PLOUK Incidentally, Spencer pumped. 1bath ai the Seniors converts thiro' Special tisfr W q 7-lb. 5C 24-lb. A the bars which meant that every 2 is o I 7 .i4 )Bowmenville touchdown. f ive af them, were converted from place- Pickaninny Molasses ...... ...... tin 1oc ANDVGTBES IL ;ment without a miscue. Mave 2 lb. 25cABL SECAL a ver Mr. Hef ty Herman ai Ot- Pittod Dates .......................2lb25 1tawa and Cam Gray af Varsity CtMxdPe /1.1c C rw ieo .bna cand make way for a pair af real u iePel....... .......1/1b.5e C rw teo M hoofers. Assorted Spices, glass shakers each 10lOc4 es.....U 1 Here is the standing of the Bulk Macaroni........ 2 lb. 11c S e4 1 0..... i iJunior League ta date, with points New Cheoso . ........ ........ 1/2 1b. 12o Tomatoes, .... large tin 1 for and against: c Points s W L For AgstPts. eBowmanville 3 1 48 28 6 Lindsay 2 2 59 42 4 ePeterboro 2 2 17 15 4 I ASCrmcs2 ba29 f Prom the abave one might ga- * ther that Peterbaro while not fselvessee ayptsheothe ieP W E L SBO N N IL rsclvring mtany oiteforthem- de PHONE 596 F . NL E O M N IL 1doesn't get many. Let me see, thow many games have the Petes slast by one point? I THE YEAR'S MOST SENSATIONAL Phone 84 Open Evenings 38 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa ýLuEj 110 1 1

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