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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1937, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARIO I SALEMI Mr. and M.\rs. Leonard Richards have moved from our neighbourhood to Bowmanville wherc '.\r. Richards bas secured a position with the Rub- ber Co. Salcmn friends regret te lose these good people f rom Our mnidst. and the best of good wvishes for their future welfare folwthm Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Samnis and fainilv, Enfield, with Mr. ancJ MNrs. C. Coll- acuitt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin and OCelia, Union, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge on Sunday. Rev. W. F. Banister declivered a fine discourse onSundav a fternoon. Rev. W. A. Nfarclî le(l the topic A bigger and better stock of games BAGATELLE The Family Game 25e to $2.00 STATIONERY The useful gif t Attractively Boxed from 19e - $2.00 box DOLLS - TEDDY BEARS ANIXALS from 15C - $5.00 Gf t China - IGlass - Pictures Pottery - Mottoes Linens - Haxikies Greeting Cards anxd Gift Wrappings Je W. Jewell hone 556 Bowmanville discussion aI îtîe Y. P. îîîeting on1 XXediesdav evenlinei. Nov. 24t1î Nirs. L. Squair gave tue bible readiîîgs anti coilînents. Giîest artîst on tIhe prograuîî was Niadly n Xilcox of H anîptcn. wblo rendecedtw so finle pianlo solos : readings w ere given bv .NI r... LIovdRichards. NIiss'k VeL h Mtiss .J. Newmnuîaid Mr. I.. 1.. olllîbes : Nrs. S. BultterY antid ls \V. Lancaster iavoiored sith a vocal duel andi NIr. B. l)areh witlî noutlî- organ solos. prograîîî oas mun charge fi Miss ..f.Collactt. SocialXicec- Presideîît. .\îtendance 34. Ni r. J. Hall is able te bc arouîd agamîn after beiiîg indisposeti for a week. Banqjuet teuîdereti by the editor ci the Caniadian Statesmsîaus. Nr. Geo. XV. Jantes. to blis local correspondents. Saturdas v as muîulîenjoveti bv*al presnit. NMr. Janîes eertaitily 'matie a roval host and he and h is office staff diti cverytiiug possible for the enjoient amîi benefit cf tlîe guiests. F-irst a lotir of inspection of tIhe priustiusg planît wss' foîhosseti bya bounitifil l hiîcleouî served ini Parislî Hiall ssith a forum of speeches. ini- Srot oct ion.. and icon' nî oîit\ s sin gilng. At thîe close a lîartv vote cf thanks \sa.. tendiredt o NMr. James liv the 4tiCsts andtiett ithî singimsg "For le..a Gll\ t;ocllîoss.. COWANVILLE Zuinetre s npatbv is extendedti 1 Nirs. Stanles Porteous w bose mîîcîl- ec. îr.s. \' ni. NiKemîzie. of Utter- soi], passeti ava -v carîx' Saturday nornuulg. NIrs. Porteotss.MNr. anti Nîrs. ]R. HaskilI iotoredti 10UttVr- soui. League li atma attemîdauîce of 40 ast sseek. sebicli breaks last year's record. A short prcgrauîî ssas Ire- semtet after the businîess session, re- freshînents ivcre serveti andt a social tumne eujoveti bv aIl. NMiss Don 1- wreaîlî Farrow was lccted treasur- er for 1938. The Iu'aguue wsilIpur- ebase two Colemani lamps fer Ithe chu ccli. 'arioiis practices are beimîg liel inii the cimmnits' in connectien ssitlî the seheol concert. Tîsirteemi of our vouing people aI- tendet the Oshawva Presbvterv Con- gress belti in Hanîptoi, on Sattir- day. A gooti crcssd gatberedti te icar Res'. R. E. 'Mortoni of PaislcY ss'o gave ami intercsting sernion Stîîdav. Recemît Visitors: Mr. anti Mrs. P. Hamilton. Janet- ville, withî Mr. andi Mrs. XW. E. Reiti. Mr. anti .Mrs. Erwin Farrosv witb Mr. anti M\rs. Xatersoî, Xellandi. Mfr. Les Reid, Toronto, NMiss Hazel Dickson, Oshiawa. anti Mr. Alfreti Reiti, Bowmanville, sith Nir. anti Nirs. XW. A. Rcidi. Nir. andt Mrs. NI. Comstock, Boss- mnaiîville, with Mr. S. Porteous. Niss Vera Milîson. Bosvmamîville. wsith Mr. anti Mrs. XW. Stringer. Mr. T. J. Simpseon, James anti Dorcîhy wiîb NMr. and Mrs. Fred Grahamn, Newcastle. Editors Note-XVe sish to retract thie item ini last sseck's correspond- emce referrimsg te Jack Hale as wev are informed ti l was incorrect. i,.Super-Lastic Tire Sales OSHAWA Products of Canadian Tire Corporation HOT WATER HEATERS from $5.95 ta $12-95 HOT AIR HEATERS from 99c ta $5.75 SEALED ANTI-FREEZE.. per gai $1.25 2000 Mile Winter Oil, Free Running at 300 below zero None Better Best Prices in Town on Guaranteed Parts and Tires. We Are Bore to, Please - Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Refunded. 102 William Street East Near General Motors Ernployment Office Gordon Summers, Proprietor <I BURKETrON 5 On Dec. 6th Rev. W.J H. Sm3'th. Port Perry, will give his lecture on hLis trip 10 Ireland and also lus slides on the British Isles, at the Young People's League. At the Y. P. L. Thursday Miss Norma Hooey took charge of the program. Daphne Avis gave a reading, and Viola a.nd Millie Ad- arns sang a duet. Eldon Hub- bard, Mary Adams and Norma Hooey gave readings. Ruby Bailey favored with an instrumental. Hazel Aldred gave a reading, and Rev. Whithame had charge of an apple contest. Mrs. Aldred is on the sick list. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. R. Philp on the loss of her sister- in-law, Mrs. Arthur Wright, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mî's. C. Dean, Mr. O. Bailey and Miss Ruby Bailey are ill with colds. Recent Visitors: Miss Jean Davey, BowmanviUle, with her parents. Mir. and Mrs. R. Davey. Miss Ella Hoskin with her sis- ter, Mrs. M. Heard. Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith are home f rom Oshawa. Mn. anti Mrs. A. Lunn anti Mrs. C. Dean. Mr. and Mî's. L. Hoskin and Murray and Mr. G. Hoskin, Col- umbus, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoskin 1andi family. Kedron, with Mr. andi Mrs. W. N. Hoskin. EBENEZER Satordav evening neighbours as- seml)le(l at the homne cf'.\r. and '%Irs. Bert Wilkins, 10 exterît best wishes t0 thero in thejr new homîîe, at Nfaple Grove. and te show the esteemn in whjch thev are hield in our commnunjty. Rev. WV. C. Smnitli calleti the companv to order and asked MIrs. Clarenîce Penfound te read a nicelv worded address te the famnilv, which expressed the feelings of their friends and at the proper limne Messrs Sid Nichols, L. J. Cour- tice and Blake Oke presented te 11r. and MNrs. Wilkins an electric floor lamp, toaster and iroîl. M.\isses Elsie Oke, Mfari ory Down and Ruth Pen- found presented te Helen, Doris an~d Greta a lcvelv hivmnar,. \Miss Ada Annis on behalf of the Missiorn Cir- cIe preseinted te Helen a purse and to Doris a box cf Yardlev's prepar- atlons. Mr. W'ilkins and Helen re- sponded in an able maniner. thanking al] for their kindniess. Refreshments cf fruit, candy anîd pop cern ivas served. Annual Faîl Supper which wvas serveti on Nov. 4th proved a real success and was attended by large numbers. The pageant "Old Pic- Sturcs and New%,' vas loiidlv% ap- platuded bv the audience. The solo- ists. Mrs. WV. R. Courtice. Toronto; ýNirs. G. Aunis, M.\isses Eileeni Pick- eIl and Louise Pearce, M.\essrs Alan Duncan, Harvey Piekeil. and James _Hancock*alJ doing their part inî a t .itting mianner. AIse 10 Miss Hazel Rondle pianist goes a great cleal of eredit also to the Rickard orchestra. Newcastle, who so gcnerooslv sup- plIed music for the evening. Satorda -v evening NIrs. Walter Snider lîeld a family gathering in l)ratioll of bier parents, Nfr. and M.\rs. WV. 1-I. Nichols. A bounttifuil dinner xvas served after which gaines were enj' ved. Tlîeir miany friends extend tc the le nored couple best. wishies and that thev miay be spared 10 en- jc . my iany more soch occasions. Miss Lila Osborne wvas liostess te somie friends and relatives at her home on Saturdav eveniing. \W.MN.S. %vill mneet Dec. 6th in the S.S. rooni. Bazaar wîll be held. Mr. Harry Worden has Izone to Toronto Geneî'aT Hospital for? fur- tlier treatnient on bis armi. His mnaxx- friends are glad to0 bear of bis im- pros'enleiît. Mfiss Allie Wordeni lias returned PRE. CHRISTMAS SALE 0f Fine Foods At EDMONDSTONE'S Meat Market jeeSHORTENING UFFED WHEAT Whiz lb........13c~2kgs.a HAND CLEANER ClIRISTIE'S RITZ BISCUITS............ 2 pkgs. 29C y TOMATO CATSUP ................... 2 botties 19C if GERKINS........................ large bottle 25C g SALMON............................. tail tin lOc TABLE SALT......................... 2 pkgs. 9c VANILLA COOKIES ..................... dozen Sc FINER MEATS --- LOWER PRICES yBoneleffl Biade AThlck Rlb xv POT ROAST ROAST 0F BEEF RoAsT 0OF BEEF lb ..........15CJ lb ......... 16Cjlb ......... Ise BONELESS PRIME RIB, rolled............... lb. 23c I ROUND STEAK ROAST ..................... lb. 19C SIRLOIN ROAST.......................... lb. 22C ,qt yRump Shouider Butts Of SROAST 0F BEEF O F PORK OF PORK4c lb ..........l17cIlb ......... 15c lb .........Is jEDMONDSTONE'S MWEAT MARKET f ifPhones 375 - 376 Bowmanville a DURHAM COUNTY HolIstei n B reeders Annual Meeting and Banquet 1 wilI be held in Newcastle Conununity Hall Tuesday - Dec. 7th Annual meeting at 10 a.m. Goose dinner at 12.30. The guest speaker will be Mr. Geo. Clemons, Secretary, Holstein Fresian Association, Brantford. Mr. Clemons will give an Illus- trated Lecture on lais recent trip to Europe. Ladies cordially invited. Ail live stock breeders in this district are invited. NEIL MUTTON, H. C. MUIR, Pres. Sec'y'. to lier chiarge at Pickerinig. after iiir'.îng lber brothier throuigl bis critical xllniess. M\rs. WX. R. Courtice. Toronto, wNas a Thotrsdlav visiter ith friends aiid relatives. M0iss Rosena Edgar was guest of lier frierd .d iss Kav Scott, Toronto. .\r. and M.\rs. Will Bickle and famnilv and M.\rs. A. J. Oke and W\eslev were Stindav visitors with relatives in Toronto. IPROVIDENCE Friday members. of Providence Swndav Sehool spent an enjoyable evenling at the home cf M\rs. James Swin ford. President M.\rs. Burdett teck the chair and prayer was offer- ecl bv '.\r. Swinford. A short pro- gram iîncluded: vocal liet by Bob Swinford and Brenton Fogg; piano solo bv Catherine Wighit; vocal solo bv MIr. Swinford; a double duel by tlie Wight sisters andi the Quinne-y sîsters. A contest was conducteti bv M\rs. Quinnev. Wininers were pre- senteti with aIl-day suckers. Ladies helti a business meeting after whiclh a lountifuil lunch wvas serveti. Thanks wvere given te the liosl andi hcstess for opening thieir homne. Clhurcli Service wilI' be lield at Il a.m. Soindav hy RevA. WX. M.arch . Sunidav Sehool at 2 pin. Es ers 1)0(15welcomie LONG SAULTI NIr. and(l rs;. Xilliamn Smith, To- route. Nlr. and i Nirs. Rcy Todglham andl Ruth, \Ir. and i Nrs. Niirrell WXoodlwardl andI Rcnme, Oshawa, were Sundav visitors of '.Ir. andi Nîr... Gecrge Smith. MIr. Ravmcnd Davev. Bnirketoni, visited bis soli.NMr. Donald Davev. MIr. Harrv Bottomi, Toronto, spent Sîîntav witib NIr. N. Foster. .Nfr. and Nrs. William Smith, To- ronto, spent Sonldav with Nfr. Bv- rcn Farrelî's. MNiss Grace Farrell re- turniet home sith tlîem for a visat. LADIES' ADULT BIBLE CLASS A happy gathering o! over f orty members and friends of the La- dies' Adult Bible Class assemblcd in Tîinity United Church school room on Tuesday evening when a social time was greatly enjoyeti. Mrs. R. B. Clark, president, pre- sided, and after extending a wel- corne 10 aIl, offered prayer af ber singing a hymn with Mrs. C. A. Wight at the piano. Miss Edythe Trull rendered a fine piano solo. A contest followed on an original poemn on the various good quah - ties o! the Canadian apples, the winning group being awarded a huge apple pie, the others smaller pies in order o! merit. Miss Leta Jackson gave a couple of read- ings. andi Mrs. M. H. Wight and Mrs. Ross Grant sang a pleasing duet, accompanied. by Miss TruIl. Another contest was on answering relationships. the winners being awarded a box of home-made candy. Mrs. W. H. Yeo gave a humorous reading, and Mrs. G. E. Pritchard sang a solo accompan- ied by Mrs. Grant. The concluti- ing contest was a bottle rolling game which providied lots of fun. Lunch was served and as a clos- îng gesture ah .loineti hantis and sang, afler which prayer was of- fereti by Mrs. H. W. Foley. 1 OBITUARYI Margaret Wilmot, Newcastle The funeral service for the late Margaret Wilmot was helti in St. George's Church, Newcastle, on Thursday afternoon. November 25, with the rector, Rev. D. R. Dewdney, in charge andi bis im- mediate pretiecessor, Rev. F. H. Mason of St. Monica's Chuncb. Toronto, assisting. Miss Margaret anti her sister, the laIe Elizabeth A. Wilmot, were botb residents in INewcastle anti under Rev. F. H. Mason's Pastoral cane during most o! the six years be was rector o! St. George's. In recent years Miss Margaret bas been living in Co- bourg with lier cousin, Miss E. Burnham, at whose home she tiieti. She was the last surviving mem- ber of a fairly large family of sons anti daughters born 10 Col- onel Allan Wilmot, J.P., at one lime Reeve of Clarke, anti bis wife, Julianine Turner. Her near- est relatives in Newcastle are hen cousin. Mrs. D. J. Galbraitb, anti Mrs. Galbraitb's niece, Mrs. D. B. Simpson. At the service were many o! the laIe Miss Wilmot's Newcastle friends, anti relatives from sev- eral points in Ontario. Beautiful floral tributes. cbrysanthemums in many lovely shaties predomin- ating, ]ay upon and around the casket, attesting the fond regard in which her memory is helti. The pall bearers were: Messrs. Geo. A. Burnham, Howard Gib- son, Donald Gibson, Cecil Hor- rocks, Chris Law anti J. E: W. Philp. Rev. D. R. Dewdney performeti the burial rites in St. George's cemeteny nean w'here she was born andi in view o! which she spent the early penioti of ber life before moving to Newcastle with her eldest sisten, Miss E. A. Wil- mot. Among those present from out- side points were: Mrs. Parker anti Mrs. (Dr.) Allen. Toronto; Mr anti Mrs. Allan Wilmet. Woodi- stock; Mn. anti Mrs. George A. Bunnham, Miss Blanche Burn- harn, Mns. F. D. Boggs anti Mrs. Desmonti Boggs, Cobourg; Mrs. A. D. Wheeler, Bowrnanvilie; Dr. D. S. Hoig anti taughter, Mrs. Lander, Oshawa; Rev. F. H. anti Mrs. Mason anti daughter, Mac- garet Helen. Toronto; Mr. anti Mrs. S. Sutton, Coîbonne; Mn. Avery Jobnston anti Mn. Lawry Crytierman, Bowmanville. T 1CLARKE UNION i! il Correspondents (Continued fcom page 1) iency of the cc- cespondents. I >have knewn the James f amily for .a greal many yeacs. The hate M. iA. James was my teacher foc two years at Bcatihey's School, anti I cecaîl him licking me seven times in on0ý day," the RLeeve said amiti laughter, "anti then he asked me to be a correspondent, anti I ce- mained one for 40 years." i "Today the paper la being car- ried on by his son most efficient- ly," the Reeve continuei, "anti 1 particularly like the etiitocials. I arn veny happy to be here, anti I hope that this fine gesture will become an annua] event." John James of The Statesman staff led in a penioti o! commun- ity singing with Dr. ?Iartcidge at the piano. The guests joineti lustily in bbe singing anti vieti enlhusiastica]ly in the part songs. The Editor Talks The pninteti prognam showed an item "The Fditor Taîks" wbicb will lie rcerifbereti as the title of the late Editor M. A. James' editonial column for many years. Untier this title the present edi- ton atidressedti he gathering. This meeting. Mr. James said, was the nealization of a long ambition to hîning together ail those wbose endeavours eacb week matie pos-i sible the publication o! The Statesman. Along witb the tea- cher anti the preacher the news- paper correspondent wields a most important influence in the communiby, Mn. James7 declareti. You cornespondents are the re- porters, commentators anti his- tonians o! your com muni ties. You record from week to week the im- portant events o! the section ini which you live. Life is pictureti in youn writings in an ever re- peating circle frorn the cratile 10 the grave. Foliowing another short penioti of community singing a Forum on the work o! the country cor- respondent was tielivereti by B. H. Morthock o! The Statesman staff, andti Iis was followed in turn by a Question Box, in which questions submilteti by the cor- nespontients were answered by John M. James. A Humorous Address On lichaI! of the correspond- ents. Harry R. Pearce of Newcas- tle spoke, and his atidress proveti to be one of the highlights o! the gathering. Mn. Pearce. displaying that keen sense o! humour for wvhich he is noteti, turneti the tables on the previeus speakers, anti proceeiedti 1 tell them a thing or two about publishing a \\e exitns our sinpatbs' te Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Powser iin the sleath cf lier grandfathier, Mir. John XWhite cf Starkville. .Miss Mamie Archer vi..ited Cart- Wvright frienis. Mir. Kenneth Cain, Sudbnrs', at bis grandliarents, -Mr. anti Mrs. George Cain. Mir. and 'Mrs. H. C. RickabY, Oak- ville. ith lus mother at Mr. H. . Soloch's. Mr. Beveri -v Fogg is under tlîe (loctors care. '.\r. John Fogg aIse is îlot enjoying good health. Nîrs. Eva Allin is visiting bier dtighter. Mirs.Rov Cornish at Port Perr',. Voice of the People BY THE OLD BOX STOVE Dear Editor: Althouglb I have neyer written te a nesvspaper before. il is net because 1 have not wanted te. Sitting by the olti box stove manv things have been reati bv' me anîd 1 have wislhed 1 cotilt j ust sav a Word of praise and sonie times even say 1 titi net agrce. 1 bave not donc so. perhiaps. because of a little fear or more lik'ely be- cause cf a streak, of laziness ini my mnake-np. Howevel, bere I am in bothi a mocd for criticismi and of praise. Let's hAve the praise first. Y or esitorial on Canaias Immi- eration polies' sas a verv timely eole. Ifit is tinle that Continîental Europ- Caus are conling here te the lune of 5-1 in_ respect te Britislîers. there i.. something ratiicallv wreng. and 'f religion is plaviîîg any part in tlhe choosing cf tîîese immnigrants thiiigs are eveil worse. The wlîole thing Ivas a surprise te me andi il made me i thiîîk. Fin îlot a crankc about where a mn is borîî or wlîat lîis religions lîcliefs mîav- le but cf the above facts1 are truie then or immigration offic- iaIs are %vide open 10 censure. lit looks furnnv te me Iluat svheiî the fariers Nvere crviîîg ont for lîelp bo ,i andi girls frein tlîe British Isles svere îîot alloweti to conîe ont lîec aninr. 'u are te be engratulat- cd for bringiîîg tlîis malter te the attention cf vour readcrs. Inî thue tisagreeînt coloin I will ref .er 1 o or editorial 0on Durhîam Orators. It svould be a nistake Io ]cave these speeches 10 ttîe voong crators alcîîe. If il svere lefItlîhere the coutest wsoulti be over, except for a few prodigies. To mioîrize the speech i.. fine eveil if it is înostly gotteil op by tlhe teacher or parenîts. Tlîe speaker secs lîow a speechî k biiilt op. learrîs how 10 present it, gets trainîing in the art cf iosing tlîe voîce aiîd mailierisni properly. auîd also îlot te bc afraidti t appear be- fore a crowd. It would bie alriglît for a siilier te bie impelled 10 build up his own speech for another con- test. bot not for beginners. Now j ust one more. Jo J. C. Kirkwood's coluîno lie speaks of do- ing awav sviîl Armistice Day and expects some cf us wen't sav Amen1 10 bis view. XVeII I'm in a dilemma I cannot say "Amen" or "Praise Ye". If il is te be turned i mb a public lîoiiday andt used for pleasure I say' do away wiîh il. but I thinki il wouild bc best te recognize it or that peopile sshe ssailt 10 remember nav (Io so. The very fact that the wcrld ks as troboîcti and toril as ir is todav is cite reasoîl for remeîîîber- ing thc tbiîîgs that hîave beeîî. Arun- istice Da -'v 5 îlot a glorification oi war bot a remnîder cf the hrcakiiîgj cof a terrible tenlsion that had lasteti for over iolir %vears. HI1RA.\M Corbett's reputation stands behind every cake from this store. Only the very finest ingredients are used - combined with the skill of many years experience - It 's cheaper ta buy a cake than make one. Plain or lced Christmas Puddings 1 & 2 lb. Sizes alb. 35c ý SChristmas I Crackers 1" '1 ' --- ~ < Boxes of 121 Chris tmas CANDIES Ail Varieties Hard Candy - Creaxus Jellies - Mixtures Prom 12e lb. up CANDY CANES lc up CHRISTMAS STOCKIN3GS Re u Almond Paste 25c box up CVTIO 30c &40c lb. NVEifSOF L KINDS Phone 890 Corbett' s BakeryBowmanville 1~ - N THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2ND, 1937 newspaper. Mr. Pearce's clever Norma E. Hooey, Ella Hoskin and handling of his remnarks was the Mrs. Wesley Hoskiii, Burketon; means of keeping his audience in Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Pearce, continuai f its of laugliter. Newcastle; Elsie Rowe. Orono; Leslie Pascoe. Enfield corres- Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Souch, Clarke pondent. put e:xpression of thanks Union; Mrs. Richard Hallowell, into a motion. seconded by' Miss Lloyd Hallowell, Starkville; Ada Elsie Rowe. Orono News page edi- Beech and Freda Bradley, Hay- tress. which received the heartY don;, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Doidge, appobtin o gthrin fr heSalemn; Mr. and Mrs. Russell approain o gthrig orh Stainton. Zion; Pearl Smith and Joining liands around the hall, Mabel McRoberts. Long Sault. Auld Lang Syne was sung. and Members of the staff present ,, the f irst annual and verv suc- were Editor Geo. W. James. Mrs. ,cessful correspondents gatheriflg NormTan S. B. James, Miss E. E. came to a close. Haycraf t. John M. James. Mr. Ainong Those Present and Mrs. B. e~. Mortlock, Mr. and Those Mrs. C. C. MacNair, George 1,3ra- ToeWho registered at The îîam, Reta Bennett and Winuie Statèsman Office were: Reeve A. Lancaster. L Pascoe. Solina: Mrs. Wes. Tay- lor, Mrs. Don Davey. Tyrone; It Snowden, Maple Grove: Mr. and that if e is worth living, and your Mrs. George Stapleton Jr., New- belief will help create the fact.' tonville; Aima Bell. Annabelle Every material thing is on t.he Hendry. Kendal: Mr. and Mrs. L. inevitable march to the junkp C. Pascoe. Enfield: Mir. and Mrs. heap. Blake Oke. Ebenezer; Misses Vera If the stars should appear but and Verna Griffin. Union, Dar- one night. in a thousand years, ]ington: Mi'. and Mrs. W. A. Reid, how would men believe and adore Cowanville: Rutli MeKessock and and preserve for many genera- Evelyn Tink. Sauina: Mr. and tions the remembrance of the city Mrs. Edkar Wri.ght. Enniskillen: of God w'hJch hiad been shown! t-j"bl 11 C>-- - , 1 £ Il - Seasonable Merchandise.. Many of these items wiII make Ideal Christmas Gifts and" wilI save you money at the same time EXTRA SPECIALr Ladies' LA\DIE" îQ.NNELETTE NIGHTGOXVNS 79 .%F[edallioii Trinînîed. Reg. $1.19 ..................... 7 9 Rayon Vests E 'Sl'Y-JA\l.\S '...$1 9 1 9 e BOXN' FANCY XVORSTED SON35 ______________BOYS' PLA.IN COLORED BROADCLOTH 49 SHIRTS. Regular 6........... XXX SPECIAL L.ADIES' PANTIES AND BLOOMERS Men's and Boys' Plaid Chri..îiîîas Special ........................................................ 3 9 c Wool S arf s SILK CREPF-DE-CHINE PANTIES C B1OYS' GOLF HOSE25 Suzes 7 t( 10. R\egtilar 39e. For ................................. 2 5 stock Give Chocolates -This Year They are always appreciated Jenny Lind- Ganong 's- Robertson 's' Willards House of Picardy Packages 25e to $3.00 Christmas Cakes

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