PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2ND, 1937 T he Newcastle Independent A Gift You Neyer Thought 0f. CH-RISTMAS GIFT CERTIFICATE For an Individually Designed Spencer Foundation Garment This Certificate 'Entitles Especlally De-igned For Her. Mrs. J. E. Richards, Spencer9 Phone 24rl - - Orono - -1 . 0.. -icr Box 33 BE PRACTICAL IN YOUR GIVING You can do this and at the same tinie Make Warau Friends by giving Blue Coal A most welcome Gif t to any home. It will aloo show your good judgement in selecting good fuel - Delivered in any quantity or size you want - and at any time you request.é A You Prefer Scotch or Welsh Coal - We Have it in Ail Sizes Phone, Write or Caîl and we '11 be your Santa Claus. Sheppard & Gi. Lumiber Co. LIMITED Phone 715 Bowmanville F orme r Newcastle Girl Awarde-d Coronation Medal Mrs. I. M. Stinson. Secretary t0 the- District Engineer of the- Public Works o! Canada ai To- ronta, and a former Nwcastle girl. re-ceive-d f nom King George- VI. lhrougb the Depanime-ni ai Ot- tawa, a Coronation Me-dal for me-itorious service in the- Depari- ment. Mrs. Stinson who was bonn and educalec in Ne-wcastle is a caugbler of Mns. Ge-o. Eilbeck and bas property ai Newcastle- on-the Lake were she- and be-r daughlen. Misa France-s Stinson, spend i-hein vacation. Golden Rule- Mission Rand Golden Rule Mission Band me-t Novemben 2Oîh. In the- absence- of President Pauline Deline, Mrs. Geo. W. Wallon. Supi. 100k charge. Scripiure was nead by OiÎve- McManus. Mns. Walion con- ducted the necitation of the- me-- rnory verses. and Jean Gray nead a story on temperance. Mns. W. E. Bernan took two chapters of the Mssion Study book which prove-cl vei'y inte'esiing. Mi ss Marjor:e Lyce-it told t-be- last slory off the study book. A perîocl was spent in song practice. The nexi meeting Saturclay. Dec. 11, will be- of a special nature. Mî's. Boyce. Presbyte-niai Se-crîetary. Brooklin. wîll be- spe-cial speaker' and the- public are- invite-c. HOLSTEIN BREEDERS 20TH ANNUAL MEETIN~G HELD AT NEWCASTLE Looking bac k iwenty 3e-ans lbeîe- bas bee-n a wonderful in- in the- populariiy for Hol- sten caille in Durham County. Many farmers bave foîsaken the be-e-f bre-ecs in favoî' of the "black and wilcs.' which aie- more suit- e-c for dairy prurpose.s. Nexi Tues- day ai Newcastle the- Durham Couniy Hostein Breedeî's' Assoc- iation are- holding tbe-in 201h an- nual meeting and banque-t. Geo. Cleinons. Secietary. H ol1s te in- Friesian Association, Brantford. will give an illusiî'ated talk. Bus- iness session stants ai 10 arn. and banquet ai 12.30. Evenybody is invitec and that includes the- la- d:es. Neil Mutton, P r esîid enit. Bowrnanville: H. C. Muiî-, Se-c-e-- lary, Counlice. Watches Repaired WATCHES AND CLOCKS RE- condiiione-d, pî'omptly and i-ea- sonably. Clocks clone- at your borne-. Reaidence- phone- 268q, C. Milîs, Watchmake-r, Hamr- ton. 48-1* Messrs. Stanley Grahamn and Solve youir gif, problein by giv- Arthur Toms were- among the ing HER a gift certificate for Nimrods of Newcastle wbo i-turn- Spencer Foundation Garmient - ed frorn North Haliburton witb a Mrs. J. E. Richar'ds. Corsetiere-. red deer each as trophies o! their phone 24rl, Orono. 48-1 skill with a rifle. Captain Thos. Tboinpson of the Mr. John Rickard and sisten, "Blue- Cross.' a large great lakes Mviss Evelyn. accompanied by Miss Diesel drive-n ship. and Mrs. Mercet'. daugbter of Mr. C. G. Thomlpson visited at Mi'. and Mî's. Mercer. Elizabetbville, motored te W. N. Buckley's and Mr. and Mrs. Toronto Saturday to attend the H. R. Peaî'ce's. Captain Tbomp- annual meeting and banquet of son. one time of Newcastle and the 20th Century Club. Newtonville. bad .iust di.docked Miss E. M. Blackburn is sup- his ship for the winte-r at Port plying for Miss Hattie Mason in Dalhousie and corne te Torontoi the second room of tbe public were Mrs. Thoînpson met him byi scbool as Miss Ma--on is remain- motor to drive bim to their home ing home with ber mother "bo in Deseronto. Captain Thompson bas suffered since break- bas only been able to spend about ing her bip. 16 months of tbe 6 years o! bis r. ni~arried life at home. The rest, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Springbam bave been spent on the water1 and Mr. Melvin Graham spent from Cape Breton to the be-ad of1 Sunday week in Belleville, the great lakes. _____________________ Miss Lois Martin and Miss Leone Tebble held a joint Partyt November l7th. at Miss Martins home and entertained about 20 o! their girl friends. After a pleas- LOVELY GIFTS nt1'n, ihcrsadmi, ant tîm entb ca9srd and music Sets - Gowns - Slips - Etc. esses for the lovely evening and LINENS the enioyment it bad afforded. LINENSCongratulations are offene-d to Lunch Sets- Lace Table Mr. and Mî's. George Gray on tbet Cloths- Towels recent arrival o! a fine 12 pound1 son.i BED JACKETS About 6 o'clock Saturday even- In Wool-- $1.95 - $395 ing Mrs. Mark Allin axîd daugh- ter Evelyn and her father, Mr. KIMONOS Jos. Toms. beard some untirnely cackling f rom their cbicken bouse. Satin Stripe and Flannel On investigation they discovened PYJAMAS that a big rooster had be-en stolen. They reported tbe fact to the-t Sleeping and Lounging ýpolice. It was learne-d that tbe1 rooster had been offered for salet GLOVES at the hotel witbout success, but Kid - Wool - Angora - Suede ithat it bad be-en sold afterwards :to some- customners in a sboe- sbop. PURSES Wbile Constable Jno. Garrod and Morocco and Suede son remained in Newcastle to keep a watch on the movementsc SCARFS 0f the- person suspected, Provin-k Velvet - Satins - Crepes cial Constable Price Morris got3 on the- trail of t-be bird and locat-t HOSIERY ed it at Osaca, plucked and neadyt Crepe - Chiffon - SerVice for the pot. Harry Clayton of Bowmanville was taken into cus-9 FLOWERS tody by Constable Morris and be-dId For evening or afterxioon in Bowrnanville over tbe weekend. I Wear Word was received by relativesc b e-re- that Dr. Chas. Gibson, Newr COSTUME JEWELRY York, undenwe-nt a serious opera- A very nice Variety tien in Ne-w York lasi week. He Iast visited bis old borne in No.9 UMBRELLAS school section last August whent In oilskin and sil he came over for the-01,d Durham Boys' reunion.p HANKIES Horticultunal Society held its Chiffon and Linen first card party in the- community hall on Friday evening. Te-n tab- HOUSE COATS les were in play and the procee-ds Velvet - Flannel - Satin we-re $8.00. Prise wmnners were:n Ladies. Mrs. Aiken; gentlemen. J.n EVENING BAGS L. Cryderman: consolations, Mrs.Beaded in colors and white 'H. Cutler and- Miss E. L. Tren-9 with. Prizes were donate-d by Mns.n Coupons given with every J. A. Butler and Mrs. Hare. Then 25c Purchase only refneshne-nts wene apples provided by Mrs. Percy Brown and M.r. J. H. Jose. president. P EylynShop Rev. S. MacLe-an and Re-v. R. E. E Evlyn Shop Morton of Paisley exchanged pul- Pb.neBowxnanVille pits Sunday. Rev. Mr. Morton came by train to Toronto and vis-d 'iîte-d ai Thornhiîl witb bis brotherA who niotored hbîm ta Newcastle. Mr'. ot" pastor at Thornhill ncw :s Rev. E. B. Cooke. fornierly of Newýýcastle. C. G. I. T. met Fî'iday. Nov. 26. Jean Bonathan led in devotional and Betty Clougb read t.-be story in the study book. Roll caîl was ansuer-ed by a Biblical cbai'acter. C. G. I. T. will go to the rally ir Oshiawa on Sunday. Betty Van- Dusen gave a talk on lier'trip tc New York, while t.he other girls k-nit.ted. A good stait was made at the farmeî's' and village folks' bee last Wednesday in leveling the î'oadside along the south side o: Bondhead Cemetery. Mr. Ceci] Horrocks. secretary treasurer o: the cemetery board, and Rev. D, R. Dewdney of St. George's Chiurch which controls the ceme- tery. w'ere present and gave valu' able assistance. The municipal council, wbicbh las jurisclictior over the land on the roadway out- side the fence. is co-operatinl witb the cemetery board whict lias signifiec its willingness to keep the grass cut after the coun- cil hias leveled the ground and made this possible. An appropria- tion of some money by the coun- cil will be necessary to complete the work so well begun at the bee. Miss PhyUlis Clemence, daugh- ter 0f Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clem- ence. Sbaws. and a teacher or the Belleville public school staff, was taken 111 Nov. 28th, and op- erated on for appendicitis. Fni- ends here are pleased to learr that the operation was successful. Mrs. Clemence who motored dowr in company with other me-mbers of the family, remained in Belle- ville with Miss Phyllis. Mr. A. Conley of Latta and bride, formerly Miss Frances At- kinson of Toronto, wbo were marriec in Toronto on November 24, were guests on Saturday of the bride's aunt. Mrs. W. H-1 Pearce. They were accompanied by Mr. Conley's sister, Mrs. West. Osh.awa, with whom they were -pending the weekend. They have commenced housekeeping on the Conley farm at Latta. north of Belleville. Mrs. Conley 4is the el- der daugbter of the late Fred At- kinson and Mrs. Atkinson of Bruce Mines, Algoma. and grand-daugh- ter of tbe late Mr. and Mrs. Ro- be-rt Atkinson o! Ne-wcastle. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce were guests of Editor Geo. W. James at a dinner confe-rence of The Statesman staff and the outside correspondents. contributors and reporters in St. John's Panisu Hall. Bowmanville, on Saturday. Among those from Ne-wcastle and 'vicinitywbom they were delighted to mee-t on this happy occasion were: Mn. and Mrs. George Sta- pleton, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid, Cowanville, and Miss AnnabeIl Hendry. Lake Shore., wvho accompanied Miss Alma Bell, Kendal. They were pleaised to, meet among other, too, two f or- mer No. 9 girls in the pensons of Mrs. Russel Stainton, Zion. dau- gbte-r of Mr. Jas. Cameron wbo mnoved from No. 9 to the Zion neigborhood, and Mrs. Wes. Hos- kmý, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Woods. Orono, who accom- panied lber daug-hter, Miss Ella. Burketon. St. George's Cburch - Rev. D. R. Dewdney, B.A., Recton. Sun- Elay. December 5. 2nd Sunday in Advent: il a.m. Matins and Holy Communion; 2 p.m. S. School; 7 p.m. Evensong and Ser7mon. United Church - Re-v. S. Mac- Lean, B.A., Pastoî'. Sunday, Dec. 5tb: il arn. Morning Worsbip: 2.30 p.m. Sunday Scbool: 7 p.m. Evening Service. e-ases of the- bones, chronic mor- bid states and indigestion. Es- pecially good for growing childre-n and the- aged. The Marisi Bro- thers Tonie bas won gold meclals for resulis obtaine-d against all world competitors at worldis f airs in Paris. Milan. Tunin, Cologne-, Brusse-Is, Rio de Janiero, etc., and i.3 re-comne-nded and use-d by thousands o! physicians through- out the world. la good for colds, bronchitiseat.aîrh. simple sore sharp1y reduced in price. $1.50 up Dingman & Edmondstone King Street - - Phone 375 Storie. ueîvu wfe of tne lae 4- - -------s'- William Gre-en, in be-r 72nd 1 Clement St.. Montreal. 48-1 throai and as a gangle. Get your year. Barn For Sale bottle igbt today." Pnice- $1.00 Having a Surplus of this MALCOLM-In______________U._S. Personal for 16 oz. at Alex McGre-gon's DrugLneIanofrg Store. Phone 792. 47-4 Ln mofrn A.. on November 27. 1937, Dn. FOR SALE-BARN. 30 x 65. ON MEN! GET VIGOR AT ONCE!-- SPECIAL - t W. G. Malcolm, nepbew o! the- foundation. with lightning rods; NEW OSTREX Tonic Tablets late Andrew Malcolm and bro- quantity of stove wood: te-n con tain raw oyster invigonators L O A then o! Miss M. E. Maol. e-we larnbs. C. A. Ave-ry, Hay- and other stimulants. One dose ENTERTAINERFL R WA Nestleton, Ont. don. Phone 2577. 48-1' peps Up organs. glands. If flot -NOBLE-In South Be-nd, Indiana. celighted, maker nef unds price Secure RALPH GORDON, the30 -Octoben 26, John W. Noble. be- For Rent paid - $1.25. CaU, write Jury wonderfully versatile entertain- Per lb. l love-c husband of Maud Noble-. & LovelI.. 18-52 1 and brotber-in-law o! Mrs. E. TO RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE- er, for your next entertain- R. Bounsaîl, Bowmanville. on Concession Stre-et facing Mselnosmn.Ilutae iclrfe.High Grade SCOTT-At Ne-wcastle, on Tues- Centre St.. aIl conveniences, bot __________men.________________reePintng-_Ppein day, November 30. 1937. John water beating. bhandwood floors. PATNTING-SIGNS AND POST- Address 628b Crawford Street.Patng-aerg Thomas Scott. age 75 years. garage. Phone 2433. 48-tf e-ns. also a.uto trucks. wagons. Toronto. Caulking Internec at Bond He-ad ce-me-- FOR RENT - THREE ROOMS general painting and enainel- I teny. witb et wtran ih , ls ling. J. H-. Needhairn. Centre ______________ SYMONS-On Monday. Novem- garage. T. Be-nnett. Scugog St.. St..______________Phone_441. be-n 29. 1937, ai Port Hope Hos- Bowmanville. 48-1* WEST END GARAGE AND MA- "Lest We Forge-t" pital, William He-nry Symnons. chine- Sbop - We- specialize in A. H. BOUNSALL J. H. Abernethy be-love-c husband o! the- laIe Fox Food Wanted machineny repairs, gene-rai gar- Dsge eiri ane eoao Alice- Symons, in bis 78ib yean. age nepairs. weîding, towmng Dsge n elri ane eoa Interment ai Welcome ce-me- Wîu.L PURCHASE OLD HORSES service. J. L. De-neling, Pro- Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. Phn 41 Bo avil te-ny. Fathen-in-law o! Mrs. and cattle- for fox food. Phone prie-tan, Bowmanville. Phone In Granite and Marbie.Phn 43 o avil Munie-I Symons, Bowmanville. Bowmanvîlle 2415. Cook. 48-1 781. 23-tf WALKER-In Toronto. on Wed-____________________1_____ ____________ nesday. Novemben 24. 1937. Winni!red Kathleen H e-n ny -...-'.....v. wife- of Dr. Frank N. Walke-r. WOLFRAIN - At Bowmanv'lle Hospital. on Tbursday. Nove--Y ber 25, 1937, Lenora Elizabeth y Sutan. belove-c wif e o! HamietV Wolfnain, in ber 3lst ye-ar. In- Vf terrecla, Bobcaygeon ce-me-te-ny WRIGHT - Entenec into nest. sudde-nly. in Oshawa, We-dne-s- -- day. November 24. 1937. Editb Louise- Kirby. belove-clwi!e- of1 63rd ye-ar. Interment Union IE 1 Y< iiJ$ W 1 Ce-me-te-ny.Oshawa.I The family o! the laie Mrs. H. i Edgerton. Oshawa, wrish to tbankV alI f iends and neigbbons for theV many kindniesses and floral tri- bute-s received during their necent be-neave-ment by the de-aih of ibeir mother.j The- family of the late Lenora Elizabeth Wolfnain wisbes taoi ihank their neighbors and f iends I for their kindness during theiri~ *- ~ ~ . ~ ..--u. .._ ~~ MEMORIAM The Gift That I You Were Men You Would PYANGFIST PINGLE-In memony o! Frances Lasts for Years Select Gifts LUke These Anne- Burton. de-an wif e and moiher, wbo passec away De- Brownies ol cebr2, 1932. Vj~ Two de-an brigbi e-ye-s. a tende-r 1.25 -4.75 mazors A loving beari that kne-w no W at No ibougbt o! self, but o! "tbe-i- 14.50$6 5 other," )f 6.9 Iknow He said, "Well one-, - - <c' chc EetrcRao -55.0 de-ai-moiben." HaadPERSONAL SGi Ette Razri- - 59c - $55.0 -Even re-me-mbere-d by ubn and amil. C riatas ardaand(With 10 Blades) CLEP.K'g NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST 1'oters' Iàst 1937, Munlcipality of Darlington, County of Durham Notice- la bene-by given that I have complied with Section 10 o! the Vote-ns' List Act and that I bave- posteclUp ai my office- ai Hampton on the- l6tb day o! No- .e-mber. 1937, the list o! all pen- sons e-ntiile-d 10 vote- in the saM Municipalit3- foi' Membens o! Pan- liameni. and at Municipal Elec- tion.'. and that sucbliine-mains the-re-foi' inspection. And 1 bene-by caîl upon ahl vot- e-ns 10 t.ake imme-diate proceedi5ngs le bave any ennoî's or omissions correctec according to, law, the lasi day foi- appe-al being Satur- day. the l8th day o! December, 1937. Datecl iis 301h day of Nove- ber, 1937. J. D. HOGARTH, Cle-îk of Darlinglon Township. 48-2 He- that can travel we-ll afoot ke-eps a good bairse. From Your Own Snapshots. There's Nothing More Personal and Nothing More Reasonable CARDS, black and white doz. $1.50j CARDS, colored ....... . doz. $2.50 CALEINDARS 25e each-2 for 25o Smiles 'n Chuckles Finest Quality Ohocolates In 1/21b.-Ib.-2tb.-51b. boxe s Per lb. - 50e Waterman's Pens Featmring the New WiIlsonl iazor - - - $3.00 Auto Strop Razor 98c - $5.00 Wardonia English Razor - 50e Packard Eléctric Razor $15.60 MEN'S TOILET SETS i 3 pc. - 5 PC. - 7 Pc. 10 PC. Sets $2.98 - $ 14.50 Colgate « 25c - $ 1.49Sttony Yardley's $- 1.00 - 57.00 25-530 Jasmine - - - 85e - $4.00 In Gift Boxes Gardenia - - - 85c - 54.00 i CIGARS - CIGARETTES TOBACCOS - LIGHTERSELZBTARN In Christmas Gift Wrappings Ad oBat wee ' AtotieyeFr INK-VUE Atrcivl BxI o Smartly Designed 6Critoas ii Perfect Writers 65J P$1.00 $2.50 - 58.00 each Phone 77 hnw etee ti done Properly Manicure Sets. 5-$4o TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER 2ND, 1937 PAGF EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWINI AN VILLE, ONTARIO HeIp Wanted Wood Sales - Feeder Cattie Wanted W A N T E D - HOUSEKEEPER, Mr'. James H. DeMille, Lot 4.!I WANTED - FEEDER CATTLE. Amiddle aged. Protestant. cap- Concession 1. Cartwright. 1 mile limited quantity. Apply J. H-. aable; conveniences. one lady. forth and 2 miles west of Burke- Davey. Or-ono. Phone 54r5. -Phone Clarke 1134. 48-1 ton), will seli by public auction 48-2* -Mol__________________________o Wednesday, Dec. 8th, at 1.30 _______________ -WANTED - GIRL OR WOMAN p.m., 5 acres more or less of good to take charge of house with! beecli and maple, to be sold inl 1U' family of two adults. Must be acre lots, more or less. Purchasers "~ Rable to cook. Apply Box 254. given until April 1, 1940, to re- BLUE BIRD BEAUTY 1 eal Estate For Sale 48-1 miove timber. Good road for trucks. Ternis cash. Elmer Wil- PARLOR brick house on Centre Street in cook general, references. Write aFor -$2.0 ~ SNOWDEN-In Oshawa Hospital. good locality. desirable home M. Drawer B. Bowmanville. Notice of B -a o 25 on Thursday, November 25th. with modern conveniences, will 48- Untfil December l8th 1937, ta Mr. and Mrs. Ronald be sold very cheap to close Up A By-law for' closing, and stop-L09 R. Snowden. a son (Richard an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman. Used Clothing Cleaned ping up and for selling the soil Phone 3339 Bramsby). King Street West, Bowmanville.- and f ree-hold of original road Open Wednesdays & Evefllngs PEEL-To Mr. and Mrs. Everard Poe56 40-tf Lr1SED CLOTHING, STERILIZED. 'aUowance, known as and situate Frederick Peel, (nee EvelynFOR SAL-BRICK HOUSE IN cleaned and pressed like new. south hiaîf of original road be- -'- Beamish). Bowmanville, form- the village of Nestleton, includ- Suits. overcoats and pants. etc. tween lots 28 and 29 in the fifth erly of Tofonto, Thursday, No- ing 1 12 acre lot. For particu- Prices reasonable. S a mu el concession, of the Township of vember 25. 1937, a daughter. lars apply R. Harry Philp, Ne-s- Schwartz, 21 Bond West. Osh- Darlington. ___________awa. 48-1 Whereas, it is desirable that the Cold Weather is -.--<~ tleton. 48-.2*_______________ said road-allow'ance shaUl be clos-Hee MARRIAGE LivestockFo Sae R n ot For Sale orized to sell the freehold thereof, How about your Rubbers? -- RSAE- UNBOTta such party as may hereaf ter Are They Ready? HARDING-EBER - on Satur- FOR SALE - TURKEY G O B- FOR AE-RNBU BUG- become the purchaser thereof. To the Ladies - Are your day, November 27, 1937, by R.ev. blers and tirkey hiens f romn gy. cutter, set single harness. set Now therefore, the counicil of Motor Boots shabby? If so, Joseph Wasson. Kathryn May Montreal Hatchery; Durham brass bells. Apply Orono Newvs the Corporation of the Township consult us. We refur them Eber. daughter of Captain Fred 00W, f ive year old. to renew; office. 48-2* lf Darlington enacts that portion and make themn look new Eber and the late Mrs. Eber, ta Feeder steer, 850 îbs.; 10 pigs, ' FrSl of road-allowance in the south again. Edward Harding, son of!'Mr. 8 weeks old. Phone 51r3 Orono. imuer Fo ae bal! of Concession 5, between lots Ail kinds of Shoe Repairlng. and Mrs. F. W. Harding, To- 48-2* 28 and 29 be closed and sold. ronto. FOR SALE - QUANTTTY 0F A. L. Pascoe. Reeve. E. S. NAYLOR SLEMON-BROOKING - At the FOR SALE -TWELVE SUCKER standing timber. Geo J. Sta- J. D. Hogarth, Clerk._ Division St. - Bowmanville residence of the bride's parents pigs, about six weeks old. Ap- pleton. Clarke. 48-f 45-4 Wesleyville, on Saturday, No- plY W. J. Snowden, R.R. 3, Bow -_____________ vember 20. 1937, by Rev. W. E. manville. Phone 2119. 48-1 Building Wanted Personal_____________ Millson, Mr. Cecil Edward SIe- FOR SALE -SIX WEEKS OD-BIDN UT "Released to the outside world mon, son of the late Mr., and pgsOILuie a l y-WANTEDa-enBUse.INGeo.SUI Ter 124yesscuinbendj HL Mrs. Thos. Slemon. Haydon, and young Pg Iqie alHy!able for alinonua tr y ar lls Th edero Olive Winnifred Brooking, du- na. Maple Grave, Bowmanville sapetn.C se. 48-f th Mastro al!The orderfamA ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ha.rry 48-1- toenistoltnfpher osph ateof Bokn.Agents Wanted Toi(sltnofBpshaef ON SALE Brooking.IFOP. ALE - 9THD' -P'r. Li~Tme) for nervouîs dilfity, dis- I DEATHS BROUGH-In Toronto, on Thurs- day, November 25, 1937, Mary Brough, daughter of Mr. Wm. Brougb, Clarke, aged 34 years. Interred in Orono cemetery. GREER-In Oshawa, on Sunday, November 28, 1937. Elizabeth oldest rising 3 years; also pîgs six weeks old. W. E. Lymer. MEN! - IF OUR FIRM GIVES pbone 2164, Bowmanville. 1 over 750 dealers the chance 10, 48-11 earn their living profitably. it can do the saine for you! Am- Lostbiiious and hard-workingme wîll do well to write for our LOST- INBOWMNVILE ON plan. explaining bow to make FnSTiday o Sat NdaybubcapO!,money easily durîng thelboli- 1937 Cherolt. Finder cpeofe days. Have a yearly de-pendable le-ave ai Statesman office or at adavnlFagfeeous busn d Brookdale-King-sway Nrsvy our OKxn o eed-al n Nu _er , catalogue - Familex Co.. 570 St.1 Carmel