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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1937, p. 10

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PACW TF\ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO The Newcastle Independent Mts. Harrington, who spent the terially reduce the wînter heat.- summer and f aîl with bier cousin. ing expense. Miss Louise Hedges, as in several W. A. of the United Chuxch past years. ret.urned to Syracuse. holds its annual election of offi- N. Y., on Wednesday, ber son hav- cr ody ody e.ît ing motored over after lier. the W. M. S. hold its election of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamiblyn.' ofricers. Orono. were Sunday gUests Of Mr. A tra' ellin., photographer toolk and Mrs. J. H. Jose and Mr. and t grotup picture of the mianagerial Mrs. J. L. Cryderman. and office staff. shop foremen anc Mr. Jos. Coulson lias iniproved emiployees of the J. Anderson the appearance of bis Northi St. Sm:ith Co. There are about 60 residence by the addition of a! persans. men. womien and girls. front porcb and the putting on of emnploveC. altogether. and 55 ap- a new moderi'i sid;ng all around. pear in tihe picture which is about These improvernents will also ma- two feet in length. A few were FOR YOUR CONMENENCE The Evlyn Shop wiII be Open Evenings A commenciiig on Monday next and until Christmas1 A brilliant showing of Gift Merchandise, Hosiery, Lin- gerie, Gloves, Scarfs, Linens, Flowers, Costume eJeweh'y, Dresses for every occasion. Be sure and ask for your Coupons- Valuable Prises awarded each week. The . EVLYN Shop I lione 594 Bownianville MARKS TEAR OSHAWA TH-URSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY December 9 - 10 - Il "B1ORDER CAPE"I with John Beal and Harry Carey "TROUBLE AT ?MIDNIGHT" with Noah Beery, Jr., Katherine Hughes MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY December 13 - 14 - 15 "M1EET NERO WOLF" with Edward Arnold and Lionel Stander "SAID O'REILY TO MceNAB"l with Will Mahoney and Will Fyfe '1 i v w i i A I A A A A A A *away at the time. The factory is running levery week day and a daya nd f Suerynday. x ep at pa yart do e v n y i g t e x e p a t r The remains of Dr. Charles IGibson. who died in New Yorký f following a seriaus operation, were brouglit bere for burial in St. George*s Cemetery on December 17. iiev. D. R. Dewdney conduct- ed the funeral service in St. Gearges Church at 3.30 p.m. Dr. Gibson. who had a large practice in New Yor~k, was the son o! the late Thomas Gibson and brother of the late Wm. H. Gibson. formn- er~ Durhaîns apple king. He hais 1four nephews living in the No. 9 I .S. where he was born: Harold and Herbert on the homestead, 0Charles and Wallace on farms thîee quarteirs of a mile east. -Miss Dorothy Gibson. dietician. is ta niece. le Aînang the local pro-hockey tans taking in the Canadiens vs Maple Leaf s game in Toronto last -~Saturday nigbt were: Irwin Col- Swill. Wilbert Graham and Wm. !and Gordon Hanna. Friends were pleased to see Mn. SWilbur Bas7kerville out again a!- SIter a severe cold and illness. He Iiwas again in bis place in the Un- itied Chui-ch choir ai Mrs. S. A. iMasons funeral on Monday a!- iternoon. At the United Church SUnday IRev. S. MacLean read a letter ifrom Mrs. E. Bennett, Sec ,Y O! jthe Relief Committee, Maidstone, iSask., thanking the Newcastle United Church for the bales o! clotbing sent themn through Rev. Dr. MacDonald. Regina. A com- mittee of the Newcastle W. M. S. bad charge o! receiving the con- tributions and packing and ship- pîng the balles. Annual meeting o! Durham Holstein Club on Tuesday was a splendid success and the Wom- en's Memorial Library Aid served a sumptuous goose dinner t0 about 70, exclusive o! the Aid members, in the community hall kitchen. Neil Mutton was re-el- ected Club President for a second terni. Full report next week. St. Georges Church - Rev. D. R. Dewdney, B.A.. Rector. Sun- day, December 12. 3rd Sunday in Ad vent: 8 an. Holy Communion; il arn. Monning Prayens; 2 p.m. Sunday School; 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. United Churcli - Rev. S. Mac- Lean, B.A.. Pastor. Sunday. Dec. l2th: 11 a.m. Morning Worship; 2.30 p.m. Sunday School; 7 p.m. Evening Service. Over twenty CG.IT. members with their leader. Mrs. A. W. Glenny, attended the Pnesbyterial rally ai. Oshawa, Sunday, Dec. 5. Girls attending were: Jean Bona- than, Reita Cooke, Vera CuaIer. Jean Holmes. Edith Hendry, Paul- ine Deline, Betty Branton. Pat- ricia Pearce. Margaret Pearce, Grace Powell. Maurice Powell. Kathleen Toms, Jean Robinson, Norma VanDusen, Betty VanDu- sen, Grace McKellan, Mary Chap- lin. Asst. Leader; Grace Cotter, Jean Hanna, Jean Prout. Those driving cars to transport the group were: Walter Deline, A. W. Glenney, Frank Branton Jr., Brenton Rickard, Albert Pearce. Friends were sorry Vo learn that Mrs. Wm. Atkinson wbo bas been ilI since October took a ser- ious turn for the worse Friday: also that Mc. J. R. Fisher wbo had i greatly improved and was Up aî-ound the bouse, suffered two more severe lieant attacks on Monday and is again in hed. Nurse Emma Rowland is in attendance. The annual election of officers and committees for 1938 of the Y. P. U. of Newcastle United Churcb %vas held at the wel JURY & LOVELL'S S4oppkiy ~dk Kodaks The gift that Iasts for ycars Kodaks- $5.00 - $14.50 Brownies- $1.25 - $4.75 Personal Christmas Cards& Caiendars From y""r own Snapshots. 'there 's nothing more l)ersonal and nothing more reaqcoriab)le. Card's, black and white, dje n --------- $1.50 Cazrds, colored, doz. $2.50 C1elidars - 25e ea, 2 for 25e Watermafl s Pens Featuring the Ncw Mx - VUE Smarthy designed - Perfect writers E~oh - -$2.50 - $8.00 Ladies If You Were Men You Would Select Gifts Like These Roils Razor - - - $6.95 Schick Electric Razor - - - $15.60 Gillette Razor - 59c-$5.00 (with 10 blades) Wilkinson Razor - $3.00 Auto Strop Razor 98c-$5 Wardonia Engylish Razor ----------50c Packard Electric Razor - - - - $15.60 Men's Toilet Sets olgates --25c-$1.49 ffoodbury 's --49c-98c lardley's- - $1.00-$7.00 Williams - - - - 98c rumine - - zardenia - c J c Cigars - Cig. Tobaccos - 1 In Xmas Gift V Smiles 'n CI In 12-1b. - 1-11 5-1b. boxi Per lb. .- j Pyralin Gift Sets 3 pc.-S5pc. - 7pc. -l10 $2.98 - $14.50 0pc Sets 85bc-$4.00 85c-$4.00 7arettes Stationery lighters 25c - $3.00 Wrappings In i Ojt Boxe-SA Elizabeth Arden liuckles Aids to Beauty Zhocoiatcs .\ttractively Bnxed for Christmas b- 2-lb. Givilng es - S c M n c r 65C to $12.00 50c aniureSets - - 35e 45 IIWhen we test eyes it isdone I ~ properly. BIR THS 1 HUGHES - In Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Saturday, November 27, 1937, to Mr. and Mis. Harry Hu.ehes, Bow manville, a son. MARRIAGE MvcCLELLAN-PAYTON - Satur- day, December 4th, at the home o! tbe bride's parents, 264 Pop- lar Plains Road. Toronto, by Rev. Jobn Dixon, rector o! Grace Churcb-on-the-Hill, Mar- garet McKenzie Payton. daugh- ter of M1. and Mrs. W. Talbot Payton, to James Guernsey Mc- Clellan, son of Mrs. and tbe late Mr. J. A. McClellan, Bowman- ville. BEGLEY-BONE - At the home of tbe bride's parents, Maple Grove, on Saturday, December 4, by Rev. Andrew D. Robb, Oshawa, Velma, eider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bone, and Ernest Wilbur (Bill), also of Bowmanvlle, only son of Mrs. Verna Begley and the late J. E. Begley of Toronto. I DEATHS I BATTEN-On Monday, December 6, 1937, at 148 Beaconsfield Ave. Toronto, Frances Maria Steele, beloved wife of the late Frank Batten. Interred at Orono Cem- etery. FISHER-In Newcastle, December 8, 1937, James R. Fisher, age 71 years. Funeral f romn United Church on Saturday, December 11, at 2.30 p.m. Burial at Bond Head Cern- etery. F000 - In Clarke, on Sunday, December 5, 1937, John R. Fogg. husband of the late Mary Jane Dowson, in bis 80th year. In- terred Bowmanville'- Cemetery. FRY - In Toronto, on Saturday. December 4, 1937, Harry Ver- non Fry, age 67 years. Interred at Bowmanville Cemetery. GIBSON - In Cartwright, Wed- nesday, December 1, 1937, Fred- erick Russell Gibson, beloved husband of Edna Irene Graham, in his 52nd year. Interred at Cadmus. QIBSON-In New York, on Sat- urday, December 4, 1937, Dr. Charles Castieman Gibson, hus- band of Annie Irene Hopper, in his 70th year. Interred in St. Georges Cemetery, Newcastle. LUMB-At his home near Well- ington, on Saturday, November 27, 1937, William S ut cl1i f fle Lumb, ageci 74 years. Brother o! Mr. John and Miss Lumb, Bowmanville. MASON-In Newcastle, on Fni- day. December 3, 1937, Maria Harriett Venner, widow of the late Samuel A. Mason. age 79 years. Interred in Bowmanville Cemetery. MITCHELL-In Bowmanville, on Monday, December 6, 1937, An- thony (Tony) Mitchell, beloved busband of Ettie Hoar, age 77 years. SHEEHAN -In Bowmanville, on Monday. December 6th, 1937, Daniel Bernard Sbeehan, infant sonl of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sheeban, age 2% months. In- terred in Bowmanville Cerne- tery. TUCKER-In Darlington, Dec. 8, at the residence of ber sister, Mrs. Luther Barrabail, Mabe] Lenta Tucker, aged 56 years. Funeral fromn United Church, Orono, December lUth, at 2.30 p.m. meeting on December 6, witil tbe following results: Past President, Wilbur Baskerville; President, Qarnet Rickard: Secretary, Mar- ion Allin: Treasurer, Jared Kim- bail; Conveners: Fellowship. Rita Flintoff, Missionary, Marg. San- derson. Citizenship, Jack Holmes,i Christian Culture, Bessie Black- burn, Temperance, Louise H-an- cock; Pianist, Bernice Gilbank;i Press Sec'y.. Charlie Clemence; i Corres. Sec'y., Hilda Rowl.and;1 Auditors. Ken Werry, E.rnest Gil- bank: Attendance Comm.. Mrs. Ken Werry, Chas. Glenny, Mrs. Reichrath, Bill Rowland, Geo. Buckley, Marjory Adjamls, Louis installation of the 1938 executive will take place at the evenlng ser- vice in the church on Dec. 12. i For Rent TCo RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE on Concession Street facing Centre St.. ail conveniences, hot water heating, hardwood floors, garage. Phone 2433. 48-tf Runabout For Sale 4. -------~FOR SALE - RUNABOUT BUG- gy, cutter, set single harness. set CARDS 0F THANKS brass belîs. Apply Orono News c!~~C -- - - - - - - - 4 office. 48-2* we %wish to extend ouir heart- felt thanks and appreciation for the many acts o! kindness, mes- sages o! sympathy, and beautiful floral offerings received from our kind frîends and neighbors during our recent bereavement. We wish to offer oui sincere thanks ta Rev. E. Beecb and the congregation o! Kendal United Cburch. - Mrs. John White, Mrs. Stark, and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sheehan wisb to extend their sincere thanks to aIl their friends and neigbbors for their kind expres- sions of sympatby and help in their recent sad bereavement. Aj~jUCTION SALE Mr. J. W. Pogson, Lot 30, Con. 4, Darlington (1 mile south of Zion School), wll seIl by public auction on Fniday, December 17, at 1 o'clock, ah bhis f arrn stock, implernents, hay, corn, turnips and rnangolds. Terms on hay, poultry, corn and roots - ahl sums o! $1000 and under cash, over that amount 6 months credit with interest at 5% per annum; 3% off for cash. Elmer Wilbur, auct.ion- eer. 49-1 Mr. John Collin, Newtonville, is giving up housekeeping and will se1l by public auction bis bouse- hold effects on Friday, December 10, consisting o! kitchen furniture, living room f urniture, dining room furniture, dishes. rugs, etc.; also blacksmitb's blower. Sale 1 p.m. George B. Caldwell, auctioneer. 49-1 Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - SO0L ID brick house on.Centre Street in good locality, desirable borne with modemn conveniences, will be sold very cheap to close Up an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman, King Street West, Bowmanville. Phone 526. 40-tf FOR SALE-BRICK HOUSE !N the village o! Nestlet.on, includ- ing 11/2 acre lot. For pai-ticu- lars apply R. Harry Philp, Nes- tleton. 48-2* Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - YORKSHIRE boars, 7 rnonths; also two sows, due night away. Corne and sec tbem. Ask for Mr. BishoP. Elm- croft Farm, Oshawa. R. Ray McLaughlin.. 49-1 FOR SALE - AYRSHIRE COW, renewed 10 days, sucker caîf at side. W. J. S. Rickard, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 2218. 49-1 FOR SALE-COW, PART JER- sey, part Durham, 3 years old, and cal! 8 weeks old. Apply Charles Rundie, Maple Grove. Phone 2246. 49-1 FOR SALE - TWO HOLSTEIN cows, to renew in December. Apply E. Cryderman, Enniskil- len. 49-1 TWO D UR H AM COWS FOR Sale, one renewed, one to renew soon, quiet, easy milkers; one Guernsey heifer due Jan. 11. J. L. Metcalf. Lot 20, Base Uine, Darlington. Phone 2311. 49-1* FOR SALÈè-TURKEYS. CHOICE bronze gobblers and h e n s. Phone 2449. 49-1* FOR SALE - TURKEY GO B- biens and turkey bens f rom Montreal Hatcbery; Durham cow, five year old, Vo renew: Feeder steer, 850 lbs.: 10 pigs, 8 weeks old. Phone 51r3 Orono. 48-2* SHOPPING DAYS Until Christmas HELPFUL HINTS BOXED STATIONERY 25c to $2.0 Books for Juvenies and AduMi Framed Mottoes and Pictures China - Glass - Silver - Pot-. tery - Games - DoUzs Toys Handkerchiefs, boxed and single Christmas Carda Calendars - Gi.ft Decorations J. W. Jewe Phone 556B Mi b Used Clothing Cleaned tSED CLOTHING. STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. Suits, overcoats and pants, etc. Prices reasonable. S a m u e 1 Scbwartz, 21 Bond West,. Osh- awa.48-4* Wouk Wanted WANTED-WORK BY THE DAY. 25c an hour. ý Urgent. Phone C.N.R. Station. 49-1* COOK GENERAL DESIRES A position. Can do practical nurs- ing if needed. Apply ,K.H." Drawer B, Bowmanville. 49-1 FOR SALE - 1928 CHRYSLER Sedan in good condition. Thos. McRoberts, Tyrone. 491 Sawing Machine To Rent 3POWER SAWING MA CH I NE, available on short notice to anyone in this district. Price $1,00 an hour. Phone Orono 17r7. 49-1* Coats For Sale 3TWO FUR COATS FOR SALE 1 Cheap, medium size, one real Hudson, one Muskrat trimmed with Hudson Seal. Apply Mrs. T. S. Holgate, Division Street, Bowmanvîlle. 49-1* Washer For Rent ELECTRIC WASHER FOR RENT -Also laundry done. Mrs. David Brown, corner Liberty and King Sts., Bowmanville. 49-1* Strayed STRAYED - ON LOT 26, CON- cession 9, Darlington. a roan steer. about a year old. Owner may have samne by proving pro- perty and paying e x p enSilS. Richard Griffin, B ur ke t on. Phorie Bowmanvîlle 2295. 41 -1 Agents Wanted SALESMEN! WANT TO BEITER your position? Then write us! Start with $25.00 assortment and realize a successful, inde- pendent and profitable living! No Risk under our conditions! Outstandlng profits for the will- ing worker! Choice territories available! Act now for results! Free particulars. Farnilex Co., 570 St. Clernent St., Montreal. 49-2 Wood Sales Miss Margaret McLaughlin will sell by public auction on Lot 13, Concession 9, Darlington, 3 acres, more or less, standing mnixed tîmber in 14 acre lots, more or less. on Saturday, December 11. at 2 p.m. Purchasers given until April 1, 1939, to remove timber. Good road for trucks. Terrnis cash. rTheo M. Siemon, auctioneer. 49-1* Personal MEN! GET VIGOR AT ONCE! NEW OSTREX Tonie Tablets contain raw oyster invigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps Up organs. glands. If flot delighted, maker refunds price pald - $1.25. Call, write Jury & Loveli. 18-52 iAlways Appreciated LOORL THURSDAY, DE( IItKC Feeder Cattie Wanted WANTED - FEEDER CATTLE, limited quantity. Apply J. H. Davey, Orono. Phone 54r5. 48-2* Gift Suggestions A BEATTY ELECTRIC WASHER would be greatly appreciated, or a Beatty Electrie Ironer for tbose wbo have a washer. See, Locke at Mason & Dale's for partîculars. 49-1 Notice CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Voters' List 1937, Munieipality of Darlington, County of Durhami Notice is hereby given that I bave complied with Section 10 of t.he Voters' List Act and that I bave .Posted Up at my office at Hamipton on the 16th day of No- vember, 1937, the list o! ail per- sons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Par- liament. and at Municipal Elec- tions. and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon ail vot- ers to t.ake immediate proceedings te have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being Satur- day. the l8th day of December, 1937. Dated this 30th day of Novem- ber, 1937. J. D. HOGARTH, Cierk of Darlington Township. 48-2 Personal "Released to the outside world after 124 years seclusion behlnd Monastry walls! The Order of the Marist Brothers world famous Tonic (solution of Biphosphate of Lime) for nervous debility, dis- eases of the bones. chronic mor- bid states and indigestion. Es- peciaily good for growing ch.ildren and the aged . The Marist Bro thers Tonie hls won gold mnedaI& for resuits obtained against aiFp world competitors at worlds f airs3 in Paris. Milan. Turin. Cologne, Brussels. Rio de Janiero. etc., and i,3 recommended and 1%ibY thousaxids of physicians ,tMuough- out the world. Is good for:colds, bronchitis, catarrh, simp>%.sore throat and as a gargie. c~< our bottie right today." Pridl ý1.00 for 16 oz. at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. Phone 792. 4- ..Lest We Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. in Granite and Marbie. ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile entertain- er, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated circular f ree. Address 628b Crawford Stree*o Toronto.I MPI 1ju Èýv & .mmmý - --------------------- Boneless m Blad POT ROAST ROAST -01 lb . .......... 15e 1. lb . ....... BONELESS PRIME RIB, rollv ROUND STEAK ROAST ..... SIRLOIN ROAST ........... Rump Shouli ROAST OF BEEF OF PC lb . .......... 17e lb . ....... TDMONDSTONE'S Phones 375 .376 -------------- 1 . 1 We Thick Rib IF BEEF ROAST OF BEEF 16e lb . .......... 18e ed .............. lb. 23c ................. ib. 19C ................. lb. 22c dder Butts of ,ORK OFPORK 15C lb . .......... 18c MEAT MARKET Bowmativille CATCH COLD - OLDS RANG ON Pl EASILY 7 AND ON 7 MWW4««W&" Try uffalo Neait Yes Sir, We have it - Genuine Buffalo Meat from Canada's National Parks - Grand Steaks and Roasts. Try some this weekend You'Il like it. 1 Whiz SHORTENING PUFFED WHEAT 19 1 HAND CLEANER lb . .......... 13e à 2 pkgs . ..... 19C 2 tins ....... 19e CHRISTIE'S RITZ BISCUITS ............ 2 pkgs 29c SALM ON ............................... tall tin loc CORN FLAKES ........................... 3 for 25c TABLE SALT .......................... 2 pkgs. 9c VANILLA COOKIES ...................... dozen Sc MEAT PIES ............................... each Se Fluer XeatS Lower Prices M13ER 9T' PAGE TEN There are no finer gifts Lamps make your home bright and cheerful at smal] cost. Bowmanville's largest stock at guaranteed lower prices. Table Lamps - $1.95 Bridge Lamps $2.gS Floor Lamps - $4.75 Bee our Xmas Specials JUMOR REFLECTOR Base and Shade Tri-Lite Torcheres Fa F. Morris Directors of Funeral Service Furniture Dealers Phonf 4.80 . a L $4.95 Cou VICKS VA-TRO-NOL helps plevent many colds 1 KS VAPoRu helps end a cold quicker à phone 778

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