Orono News Section ~tatem~rnOn Page 9 With Which Are Incorporated The BowmaniiViIe News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News -- . ~1 14 1A TTfftD Section 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEVBE- 9th, 1937 S aion Fshig Wa PoplarJUNIOR FARMERSJ VISIT IMPLEMENT PLANTS AT HAMILTON N&r Newcastle in the 60's I 4epartment of Game LOOK AT YOUR LABEL and ish riesReltes The time approaches when How Salmon Were many subseriptons to The Found in Wilmot' S We hope to have the fusl Creek co-operation of our readers through the prompt pay- The following article rcprinted ment of subscriptions can from the "Ontario Mfonthlv Bulle- the standards of this news- tin," Departinent of Game and paper bc malntalned. Fisheries. tells of the Atlantic Sal- If the label on your paper mon. wich in the earlv days fre- raapirt eebr ouftedVilm t'ofCNewcastt cst 1937, then your subscrlptlon of te \illge i Nwcatle leisn arrears. It only takes "Reposing in a case in the East a moment to ascertaln this Block of the Parliament Buildings f &ct and a littie longer to is a specimen of the Atlantic Sal- remit the necessary amount «tnon (Salmo Salar) whicb once was to The Statesman office. found in large numbers in the St. These accounits are smail Lawrence River and Lake Ontario, indivldualiy, but in the a.g- and as far as Niagara Falls,. whec gregate they are a serions this Majestic barier preve nte d matter to a. newspa.per these funîher migration. It is a relic of days. pioncer davs wben natural condi- You can make no better tiôns f avourcd ils developmcint and Chitmsprsnt tw your the strcams wcre stili more or lcss fam.uy than wo renew at f ree f rom pollution and obstruc- once your subseription wo tions. \'<e arc reliablv informed your home town and county that this larticular specimen %vas newspaper, the biggest bar- rnoutited in 1883, and represents ai- gain on the commodlty most the last of the race so far markcet today. as Ontario is concerned. Occasion -___________________ al speciniens were seen tor probablv another decade, but those iiav have Bondbead and Darlington. Althoughi been stragglers f rom îthe Coast or at ats enitrance into the lake il passes lower river biatcheries. One reason througli a marshy lagoon, the bcd of for referring t0 this particular spe- the river farther inland is of a grav- cies of 'departed glorv' is the fadt elly* nature and the watcr is prettv that while plodding tbirough some clear. regular. aind livelv in its flow. ancient volumnnes coverig conditions lit early lim-es it wvas famous for hall a centurv or more ago ive came salmion. great numbers of which fre- across the following interesI in g quented it cvcry autumn for the pur- suggestive extract front a report of pose of spawiling. Tbey wcre soj the Departmcent oi '.Marine and Plentiful forty years ago that men 1 Fislheries for the y-ear ending Jure killeý îbem itb clubs and pilcil- 3Ou, 1869. Il was read at an In- forks. women sened tbemi with flan- ternational Conference held in Roc- nel petcoats, aud setîlers bougbt ýer* 191 udi 1bae 'Special and paid for iarmis and builtI bouses report of Messrs \Vbitcber and fromn the sale of salmon. Later they Vcnning. on Fisli-brceding at New- wcre taken by nets and spears, over castle, Ontario.' 'W'e procecded yes- 1.000 being often caugbt lu the coursc terdav t0 Newcastle. Ontario, in 0of one night. Concurrcntly witlî compliauce Nvitb vour directions. and sucb aninual slauglier, manufactories made a personal inspection of the and farmning along the batiks had fish-breeding cstablishment Ibere un- obstructed. fouled -and changed the der charge of Mr. %Vilmot. The pre- creek f romil is natural stale. and mises are situated on Bald%%i's or mnade il less capable of affording WiVot~ Crek.a sallstram ra-shelter and spawning grourids. The versng tbe Township of Clarke. inYearb-N decreasing numbers at lengtbi the County of Durham, and 'dis- succunil)ed to the destruction prac- cbarging int Lake Ontario. about tised uiponi themn eacbi season f rom forly miles cast of Toronto. This the time of entcring the crcek, un- creck is well situated for Salmon' tiI the last straggler lad been spear- as it forrns a natural miiet of îi-. cd, nieîted or killcd.' î.shellered bend of the lake betwcen "\'<e are îîot prepared to state the I 5116w6(le Lingerie Bi1k Slips - up from 79c SiIk Gowns - up from'98c Silk Bloome¶-s- 39c-$1.35 Silk Vests-- 49c-95c 811k Panties 29c-$1.25 Satin Dance Sets - - $1.25-$3.95 Sillc Dance Sets up front - - - 98e Satin Bed Jackets - $1.95 Satin Negligees - $3.95 2Flannelette Pyjamas ... I lannelette Gowns... IWooI Panties & Vests Fabric Gloves ........ Kid Gloves ........... Hndkerchiefs ........ tScarfs .............. Fowers ............. Umbrellas ........... Purses ............. Pullover Sweaters ..... Twin Sweater Sets .... ASki SUitS............. Silk 1 Coats FIannT Kimoi For the Kiddies Dresses......... $1,50 up ................ $4.95 up ielette Pyjamas 9ge-SI.49 nos............ $1.29 up COaýt, Legging & "' Bonnett Sets Sweaters ........... WooI Mittens .... pr. Ski SUiRS........... $6.95 98c up 25c $4.95 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SHOP Couch, Johnstoni Phone 836 62 winners of their own respective Farm Clubs lhroughout the Dominion, including four Durham County boys, journeyed to Hamilton from the Royal Winter Faim, ho be guesta of the International Harveter Company o! Canada Limited. Here they were'shown how f arm impiemenla, and binder twine are manu- faclured. This picture was laken immediately foilowing Iheir tour through the two large plants. At a luncheon in the Com- pany cafeteria, A. E. MacLaurin, General Secretary of the Can- adian Council on Boys' and Girls' Club work, spoke on the work 0f the Clubs, made possible by a Lund to whlch the Harvester Company contributed $20,000, to teach botter methods to the 35,000 young f armera who now belong to the Farm Clubs. How- ard Millson, Enniskillen, is seen in the third row, while in the back row are three other Durham boys, Fred Martlin of Hamp- ton, and Edward Brown and Allan Beer, of Bethany. Former owmanvile Man Is Now 1 got warred up. Then I'd put The daaest hour of ama' FormerBowmanville juan is ~~out the ight tiil I got Coid, and H awe i isdw opa then do it ali over again" ieiwhnest dntopa Little Anna said the Bowman- how to get money without earn- Happily Located on Ontario Farm vinle achool was just as nice as, iflg it. î> ______________ only bigger than, the littie achool________________ Waltr PLnge, fte 27Yeas Wtt, 1 yarsa paire frme atLeross. She was glad to be back Waltr Pngl, Ater27 ear wat, 3 yers priri famerin achool. Sandy McRobbie, six on the Prairies Returns from looking for a place to which hý feet of sinewy Scot, said- he was Drought Area to Make a will bring his wife and two son. Aye, righty lucky" to get a job New tartHe travelied haîf way across a so soofl. Ne Sfitcontinent in a freight car full o The Watts and the Pingles and "Wewer diedou, hild otcattle. with whom he ate and ail other residents around Lerosa M "W w er re out . haiippe ed out. slept for four nights and five days. had only one good crop in seven bown mot n peed out,an To-day Mr. Watt shaved for the years. "That was in 1930,"1 said soi, w e roeou ter.geo first time since lie ieft Leross Mr. Pingle, "and we didn't get any inte rou ask coueftrhyaridcacres went to school for the first time carload of seed oats for 17 cents inc te dy oug ht o to nd amo sne wMy.Scd'lP bi~a bushel --seed oats for the peo- bowack ll t-a t his haom th e ho came from Ieross because pie up in Assinboine who went on polain ithe aft r eais on tehe is engaged to marry pretty the"lump two years before we plains. it h h ae hs e, rPhyllis- Pingle, got a job with a did.Wt n r igeare seen chiien whso hta nyertire company, and Water Pingle M.Wt n r igeare seen apple blssxorsa Shetland greeted his f ather. Thornas Pin that the west will corne back al pony og i ore ndfo. gle, and'his brother Norman for rîght, "but" they said, "the f arm j Mrcow l sa o f r hs. the first time in 27 years. er can't keep on taking it on the .Pinge omiela nd Mros. "It sure does a man gooci to ohm while he waits."l Pineowomanvîinle and aMbr- shave," quoth Mr. Watt, as he 1Tegoudi rtee.t o ther 0 Nommn Pînle an Mes-washed the iather from his wind- per eggs," said Mr.Ping e darnes Sam and John Glanville of îanned face. "It wasn't rnuch of "There'l1 be a host of 'em next Bowmianville. He has rented the a pleasure trip coming ahl that year, so what we don't iose froin former Bert Poster farin on the way wth the cattle. The steam the drought the hoppers wiil eat. Manvers Rod from their breath condensed on Mr. Watt, who ief t his native Also froin Leross came Harry the roof and then froze, only to Marmora 31 years ago, intends t0 clus, itcfoks nd lanelpeti-melt again and drop on top of us" settie in that area, if opportunity club, ptchork an ilnne peti- "At Hornepayne il was 25 de- allows, he saîd. coats wielded with such abandpn grees below zero and I nearîy Mrs. Pingie, who ief t Ottaw a were the sole cause of the extinc- froze to death. I put a blaniket when a girl of 10, camne by rail tion of this species, but we do cmn- over rny head and shouiders, sat with Bruce, 5, and Anna. Edythe, phatically declare that they hastencd on a cracker barrel and put the 21, Phyllits 19, Lois 17, Ronald 15, its denîise." lantemn between îny knees until and Oscar 13, motored froin Le- ross to Bowmanvilie, accompan- ied by Mr. McRobbie and his step- sister. Helen Copeiand. *.The girls, who are delighted w~illi Ontarîo's mild winter, intend to try t0 get work in a factory, because they are tired of house- work. The boys intend t0 becomeÀ From the m~echanics, or, ehpt tyo tends to devote bis attention to R I Gdairyng and fruit growing. B 1 G HELP TUBERCULAR PATIENTS BY USE CHRISTMAS SEALS t o r The most effective appeal which can be made to Canadians is tri 40 11Sthrough their sense of responsi-SI bility to their f ellow-men. Tis humantarian appeal is not f or- gotten when it is urged that tuberculosîs be fought on econ- -""~""omic grounds. LLI 5- ÀTuberculosis strikes and kills M at ail ages. Neither the infant 00 nom the aged is spared. The young adult bears the brunt 0f the at- tack. Tuberculosis more than any 98c to $ 1.95 oth1egr disease, is most prevaient Supfro 5c ~0fisleas. bl to bear the expense ...... upfro 59 ofislless.b '4' Mcst of the beds in sanatoria ..... pfromar public beds. There are but few farnîlis which can carry the pufrm 49c f jinancial burden of a disease .......up fomhen the turne required or treat- ment must be rneasured in years ................................. up from $1.25 Hosiery andmo th rather than weeks l A FEW SI .... 5. c to $1.00 A complete Range 1 Amng- the Young aduits who Su rm 4c Always Appreciated fali victirns 10 tuberculosis are 1I MEN'S HATS ...... ..... p rm 9 many who are parents of Young[w RES GGWN 29 C _-$1 children. If it be a mother. then DESN GW S..... ................................. up from M5c _________ the home 1f e wiil be disruptedi; SCARFS Plaids au 2if' it be the bread-wînner, the .. .. up f rom 51.50 Guest Towels fainily wil iikely collapse under PYJAMAS....... an intolerabie econornie burden. FINE SHIRTS .... 69c. . to. . $4.50 up from - - - 25o This is enough to make it clear IE Bath Towels that we should combat tubercul- TE . ... up from 98C up from -- each 25c osis, if on no higher ground than DRESS SHIRTS Lace an Linenthat of saving our own pocket- FN O Lace and Linen ~books. Direct.iy or indirectly, we FN O ..... ......... 2-9-5 Runners - - - 29c all pay a share 0f the heavy cost SUSPENDERS of tuberculosis. ...................................inee 89 Damlask Table loths There is only one way in which GARTERS OR ARNBAN -1 il aup from - - - $125 we can lighten the burden, and GLOVES, Kid or Cape S==-------------- that is through bringing about a (Line< F reduction in the incidence of tu- For the Home berculosis. Surprising as it may GLOVES, String Knit secin, there are thousands of Can- HIANDKERCHIEFS Lace Table CIoths $1.25-$7.50 adlans who are sufferng from MN IDRAE Laundry Bags ......... 45c-50c of their condition. Their ignor- (Wool Mell ur ance not only endangers their SETR Damask Linen Towels .. C own lives, but makes of them a SWETER . ... Bed Spreads ... up from 51.49 menace to others. (rs o The first step in the campaign PLAIN KNIT SWEATER Blankets ....... pair $1.95 up against tuberculoala Is to find the ME SOER AT Embroidered PilIow of the family, young andIold, BAR PINS - DRESS E CaSe ......... % .$22r» where there la or lias been a case Case......... 95C 2.2 0ftuberculosla that unsuspected CAPS - BELTS Candewlk Be Speads. 5.25 cases are found most frequently. E ARLY Tra Clotha......... a h SOC ùntoofctas ug. ray eacAt this season of the year, al «MMIR«Wlwr4r4w« over Canada, Christmas SeaLs are Cu being sold. Thie proceeds of the sale go to support the war th.at is belng successfully w a.ge d ~r. Cr derman Ltd. aanst:or emy tubercuosis. Poe( Cry erm n L d, The army whlch f lg'fts for us not BormanvUle vidima 10 the disease, but also83 safeguards our Uives, day by day, as we go about our worlc. JUDGMENT IN DAMAGE SUIT HANDED DOWN Darlington Township Farmerk Awarded $250 and Costs By Judge Judgrnent in the amount of $250 and costs in favour of Ro- bert R.. Stevens, Darlington town-e ship, against Lawrence Hart and1 Stanley Brown, Oshawa, w a handed down in County Court ah Cobourg last week by His Honor D. B. Coleman, Whitby. A coun- her dlaim 0of $705 made by the de- fendants, was dismissed. The action was brought by Mr. Stevens as the result of an acci- dent on King' Highway No. 2, at a point about two miles west o! Bowmanville on the niglit of June 23 laat. Evidence was 10 the ef- fect that Mr. Stevens was driving his car to his home fmom a church social aI Maple Gi-ove Church, and that whule attempting to, turn into his own gale on the north side of the highway a truck driv- eni by Mm. Hart and owned by Mr. Brown crashed into the rear of the automobile. Rosa Strike, Bowmanville, acted as counsel for the plaintiff, whlle Josephi P. Mangan, Oshawa, acted for the defendants. $ FO0R 'UGGESTIONS . .....Upwards from $2.25 Upwards from $3.85 md Knitted, inibialed 98c to $2.50 Upwards from $2.00 Bach $1.00 ta $2.50 Each 25o ta $1.00 Arrow Made $2.95 .....Pair 39o ta $1.95 plain and initialed 50c to $1.00 I'DS E .. .... ach 25e ta 50c *. ........Upwards from $1.40 id or Unlined) Wool Lined $1.95 .. ..... . ..........2 for 25o ta 50c 18 . ...--.......Each $3.95 ta $12.50 ltn's and Leather) .............. ach $2,95 ta, $6.95 ail and Goat Hair) RB ...........Upwards fram $1,00 ................Upwards from $14.95 BTUDS AND CUFF BUTTONS3 - SMOKING JACKETS MeLAUGHLINS WIN HONORS AT ROYAL This section of the province was weil represented in the Horse- shoe Pitching contest at, Ihe Royal Milaer Faim recently. Dean Mc- Laughlin off Oshawa, grandson of Reeve A. L. Pascoe of Darlington Township, was piaced t hi rd among the experts of the Pro- vince. Dean la only 16 years old. and wus the youngest toaser in the four daya', tournament. In sixth place came anoîher district lad, Lloyd MeLaughlin of Burke- ton. Lloyd and Dean are not e- lated bo each other. Another prize winner in the contezs was 0. Wright o! Blackstock, who wlth C. Hudson o! Toronto came third in the doubles. If you muat drive in a snow or aleet storm when temperature conditions cause ice 1 f orm on the windshleld in spite of the ac- tion of the wiper, a heatlng de- vice to keep ice f rom forming shouid be uaed. As a temporarY measure to keep the wlnd-ahield free in freezing weather wlpe it wlth a cloth soaked in glycerine after removing al be and snow. Even the up-to-date woman may be behlnd her age. MEN For The YOUNG LAD BOYS' HELETST Upwards fram - - 75o WINDBREAÂKERS Upwards from - $2.95 BOYS' O'OOATS Upwards from - $3.50 BOYS' BLOUSESS Bach - - - 69c-- 98o BOYS3'BREEKS ,Upwardz from - $1.59 .NOVECLTY TIES Bach -- --- ----5o GOLF Box Upwards from - - 29c Boys' METTS Upwards from . - 59o PYJAMAS Prce - - 79o 11 SWEATERS Price - - - Meo - $1.95 BS, SUITS Upwaýrds fro0m - $6.95 eh phso Cryderman N Circulation 3300 This Issue -j VOLUME 83 'Y M MMMMMMMMý - - --- - -------- - - ------ a IN u lvilitin 4e Pages 11 to 14 LTD. A %.ana Otan Bowmanville