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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1937, p. 5

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Mn THURSDAY, DECMBER 9TH, 1937 SFalls, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eeton, BETHEShA Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. E. I Cooke. ~ Mr andMrs. Richard Gibbs Bethesda Homne and School with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stephens. Club met on Friday, December 3. Toronto. pes The program, in charge of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodlley Miller, opened with community and family, with Mr. and Mrs. inging. Mrs. ROY PlaYed an or- Herb Scott, Clarke Uflon. gan -solo, after which Marion and Mr. Brenton McCullough, To- *d6Ie.Ielen Werry sang a duet. Mr.E. ronto, With Mr. and Mrs. D3onald A. Summers, Agricultural Repre- Davey.c sentative, showed and explained Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnsont slides taken along the Ferguson and family, Oshawa, wlth Mr.t HighwayGrdnWiefaoe and Mtvrs. Joe McRoberts.0 with'«Ôô guitar instrumentals, Mr. and Mrs. James BaIl, Missy and Ama Rundie and June Sweet Rena Ball, Mr. Kenneth Bal],s sang a duet. The meeting close<l spent Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs.P Witeée singing of te Ntoa Harry Fraser. Ant. H. Mr. Robert Sims visited in To- ______________________ronto. t Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook, Salem, LONG SAULTat Mr. Fred Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Woodward eand son Roy, Mr. Fred Smith,. Miss Hazel Woodward, Bowman- S Mr. Earl Prescott ran a fork ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Georged through his foot. He is at Mr. Smith.11 Wm. Hooey's Under the doctor's rsS.evtonL cr.Kelvinan Leslie, S a n d us k y. I A crokinole party was held a ivstead M.Ot ite the ch.. oisireandMr.sO to VirTue the oeofri. and rs.Wm Ms. Virtue returned home with HoeyonFidy.Evrone en- thema after a short visit. t joyed themselves. The prize win -____M.___ ners were, Mr. Richard Hoskin The Goddess of Justice may be t first, Mr. Fred Smith second, RCv. blind. yet she occasionally winks a A. W. March third. teohree Next Home and School Club the ther e i nyn xewo meeitin îl e ed e. 4h like to impose upon. it is the istr:chap Who is forever trying to, get<O Mr- and Mrs. B. Carter, Niagara something for nothing, - i "'.4 gos Corne and See Our Display of Various Seasonable Suggestions Cyclamen Poensettias I African Violets Centre Pieces Azaleas Execum New! Made up Baskets - Varlous Containers Christmas Wreaths - NoveltiesI and a Choice Selection of ail kinds of Cut Flowers Store wfil be open Evenings until Christmas PROMPT DELIVERY ORDER EARLY. .. ....PHONE 772 KINGSWAY GREENHOUSES & FLOWER SHOP MINIMUM REDUCED on our Ecoony Service 1 2 Pieces Finished 5 op Bunie must consiat of ut least hait household linon. AU household linon may be sont If deglred. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co., Ltd. PHONE 419 THE HEALTH INSTITUTE 98 King St. E., Oshawa PHONE 2354 'Minerai Fume Baths And Massage Separate Iàepartments for Ladies and Gents each having a Qualified Masseur and Masseuse. WHAT THE BATHS WILL DO Try a Minerai Fume Bath ln conjunction wlth the treatment of: Arthritls, Neuriti, RheumaUism in Its varlous torna, Blood Disorders, Catarrh, Colds, Over- weght, Underweght, Nerve Troubles. You'i1 be pleas- antly surprlmcd ut the beneticl resufts. Baths Soothlng Deep Massage No Danger of Colds Frees Stiff Joints No harsh treatment. - Thec Massage and Manipulation. bath, are soothing, Invsgorat- We siieclalize lu deep imas- lng, e£ f0n rua down or weak sage - sceing out the deep a2ter-la'XIit feeling, tollowed by sea t ed contractions. We a regulated showcr, then a pride ourselves ln our abilty ucentific losing et the porcs. to help frec stltt Joints, No danger of cods. Feel the where strength with deli- cate sense of touch la ru- healthtul glow as the blood quired. Try a tew treat- courses through your velus. ments - 'You'fl benefît. Consultation Fre. Appointments Onily We co-operate wlth your physiclan BERT LOBBAN (Reg'd) Masseur a4d THE CNADIN STAESMA, BOMAPAGEE OTART Lake Shore, Clark. 1 Lake Shore Home and School Associat*on held its annual card party in Newcastle Community Hall on Wednesday evening, Dec. lst. Fifteen tables of 500 enthus- iasts taxed the capacity of the council chamber, while seven tables of euchre fans enjoyed themselves in the kitchen. At il o'cdock aIl repaired to the kitchen where the Lake Shore members served aý bounteous lunch. The pres4dent, Gordon Martin, pre- sented the prizes to the following winners: High lady's score in 500, iMrs. Harold Couch, Newcastle; high gentleman's score in 500, Mr. Cutler, Newcastle; high lady's score in euchre, Mrs. S. Corden, Bowmanville; hlgh gentleman's score in euchre. Mr. Robt. AI- dread, Lake Shore; lucky plate at lunch time, Mrs. Milton Brown, Lake Shore. Lake Shore Christ- mas Entertainment and Basket Social will be held Friday, Dec. 17. The evening closed with the Na- tional Anthem and everyone re- marked what a happy evening they had had under the H. & S. auspices. JUnion, Darlington I Recent Visitors: Mrs. Fred Day, Cadmus, spent he weekend with her sister, Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mountjoy, Blackstock, and Mrs. William Fooey. Long Sault, visited Mrs. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. William Wotten and Blanche with Mr. and Mrs. ames McGregor, Maple Grove. Misses Alice Ashton and Marie Dke, Mr. Gordon Beech and Mr. gruce Ashton, Enniskillen, at Mr. .,Ylmer Beech's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and smily visited at Mr. Wilson Ger- .w's, Port Perry. Misses Iva and Gladys Fergu- ;n, Mr. Carl Ferguson, Bowman- île, visited their grandparents, er. and Mrs. David Ferguson, on1 3unday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm and ér. and Mrs. George Rahm at Mr. Valter Cochrane's, Bowmanville. vhere Mr. and Mrs. Harry R.ahm, ýurketon, celebrated their 5Oth1 vedding anniversary on Saturday1 'ening. Mr. Roy Nottingham and Miss )oris Bray, Raglan, at Mr. Lornei napp's.1 t] E Y a] Ji 0 A: fa vi m w wl Bi ev M ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whillîer and Bobby Stinson, Toronto, have been visiting at Mrs. H. Stinsons. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaton, Osh- awa, visited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's and Wallace Pascoe's. Mr. Albert Niddery and F. T. Ashton, Toronto, were here this week fiXing up Mr. Niddery's house and surroundings before winter set in. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cornisli and Miss Cornish. Wadena, Sask., visited at Mr. MLiton Samis'. Members o! the Y. P. U. here visited the Y. P. U. at North Osh- awa Wednesday night when a v'ery profitable and enjoyable ev- ening was spent. Mr. Jas. Starks is very busy these days with his new sawing outfit in this and other neighbor-f hoods. There were about thirty-five from Solina Y. P. U. visited our members here last Tuesday even- ing and gave a splendid program, af ter which a lunch and a sociable time waM spent. EBENEZER A large congregation greeted Rev. Mr. Jenkinson, Pickering, rwho exclanged services with Rev. W. C. Smith on Sunday. The theme was based on "Here arn I, send me." The choir contributed suitable music. S. S. session as usual. Berean Class will hold a meet- ing on Monday, Dec. 13, with Mrs. John Found and Mrs. Cecil Pound in charge. No. 4 Mission Band held an in- teresting meeting when the usual routine was carried out, witl the following officers elected for 1938: President, Eddie Rivett; lst Vice President, Clarence Higgins: 2nd Vice President, Dorothy Higgins; Secretary, Lucille Wade; Corres. Secretary, Wilma Marshall; Trea- surer, Elleen Beauchamp; Press Sec., Annie Kichko; Peace and Temperance Sec., Marilyn Run- dle. A splendid program was giv- en, with stories being told by Mrs. Cecil Worden. On Tuesday, Dec. l4th, Christmas concert wilI be given. W. M. S. held the December meeting on Monday afternoon with an attendance o! sixty. De- votional perlod was given by Mrs. Adams, Oshawa, In a beautiful ex- planation and story form. Guest speaker, Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bow- manville, brougît to the ladies a message that will not soon be for- gotten, and for whlcl much ap- preciation was expressed. In 1er usual fine manner, Mrs. Stuart R. James, Bowmanville, favored with a vocal solo. The new officers were presented, after whicl the installation ceremnony was con- ducted by Rev. W. C. Smith. Lunch was served, and many availed themselves o! the oppor- tunity to purchase Christmas gifts at the bazaar table. New officers are: Honorary President- Mrs. John Found; Pres.-Mrs. A. J. Gay; lst Vice-Mrs. G. F. An- nis; 2nd Vice-Mrs. R. C. Pearce; 3rd Vce-Mrs. R. E. 0Os bor ne; Treas.-Mrs. R. R. Gay, Chair- man o! Stewardshlp and Finance -Miss Louise Osborne; MlssI>n- ary Monthly-Mrs. James Brown, Rec. Sec.-Mrs. Blake Oke; Ass. Rec. Sec.-Mrs. H. F. Osborne; Corres. Sec-Mis. Esl Oke; Uit. Sec.-Mrs. Blake Courtice; Corn- munlty F'rlendship Strangers Sec. -Mrs. Cecil Pound, Suppiy Sec. -Mis, W. H. Nichais; Tom. Sc 1O AT 83 SHE DEFIES 0 RHEUMATISM After Suffering Acute 'yPain for Years Rheumatsm f irst attacked this el( ýlady ini 1931, and graduallv sprea( nfrom her arms to other parts of hel dhody. Thien she started to takt 1Kruschen Saîts, and now she sendý *the following letter in lier owr * handwriting: e I have suffered f romn rheuma. -tism since 1931. At first. I fell 9acute pain in both arms. I coulc not sleep for pain. It grew worse, and graduallv crept down to the tips of my f ingers. Next it reached nwm knees and ankles, which made me quite lhelpless for a long period. SA f riend recommended me to take -Kruschien Salts. 1I (md they do me tmore good than any other medicine, liniment or ointment I ever uised. This is miv own writing, though I arn in nmv 84th v.ear.'- (iMrs) H. The pains and stiffniess of rheu- matiin are often cause(l by deposits Of needle-pointed uiric acid crvstals in the muscles and joints. Krns'chen FýaIts stimulate vour liver and kid- ncevs to liealthy , regular action, and assist themi to get rid of the excess unei aci(l wiiich is frequently the cause of youir suiffering. -Mrs. A. J. Oke; Press Sec.-Mrs. F. Worden; Peace Sec.-Mrs. F. W. Rundle; Associate H eip er s Sec.-Mrs. W. H. Marshall; Baby Band Supt.-Mrs. Chas. Found; Mission Circie Advisory Pres.- Mrs. Herb. Nichols; Mission Band Supt.-Mrs. Cecil Worden; Loyal Messenger-Mrs. W. H. Marshall, Miss Alice Arnold; Sunbeams- Mr&. Clarence Penifound, Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, Miss Ann Wilkins. C. G. I. T. hld their meeting on Saturday afternoon at the home o! Jean Gay, with a fair attendance. Young People's Union bld its meeting on Monday evening. A prayer was offered by Rev. W. C. Smith. Devotional was taken by Elsie Oke; vocal solo, Fiorabelle Marshall; piano solo, Rosina Ed- gar; reading, Lloyd Down; follow- ed by recreation period. Ebenezer was quite well repre- sented at the S. S. convention at Ennlskillen. Dr. Norman Pound and daugh- ters, Eleanor and Elaine. Toronto, were Sunday guests with lis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Found. Miss Jean Smith, Newmarket, is holidaying with Miss Rosena Edgar. Township CouncilT CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Regular meeting o! the Council was held December 6th. members aIl present. Reeve Creighton De- vitt presiding. Minutes o! last meeting were read and adopted. N. H. Marlow, School Attend-: ance Officer, presented his report. On motion, same was received and f iled. Bylaw duly passed naming PoIl- ing places, D.R.O, and Poli Clerks in case o! a municipal election. Clerk was mnstructed to adver- tize for 100 sticks o! bridge tim- ber, tenders to close Dec. 15th, at 12 o'clock noon. G. Crawford applied for some wood, centre road, con. 3. Re- ferred to Reeve. On motion Clerk to, instruct Harris & Harris to collect bal- ance o! Mr. C*ooch's wood account. Orders signed as f ollows: W. W. VanCamp, weiding furnace grate ---------- .75 S. Sim, refund dog tax---- 2.00 J Dickey, services weed inspector -----.- ------- 15.45 N. Lathangue, dog tax refund - ----- - -------- 4.00 J. Forder, balance grant Con. School ----_--- -- 120.00 L. Swain. balance grant S. S. No. 4 --------- -- 80.00 Assessor, selecting Jurors . 2.00 Elerk, selecting Jurors --- 2.00 0). Wright, roads and bridges ------------- 509.54 C. Devitt, Reeve --------- 60.00 R. Byers, Councillor ----- 50.00 N. Taylor, Councillor 50.00 U. Hooey, Councillor 50.00 3. Heaslip, Councillor--- 50.00 Clerk, half-year salary -_ 150.00 N. Mountjoy, 1 sheep kilI- ed, 1 damaged ----- 17.0 W/. Werry, refund female dog tax 4.00 On motion adjourned to meet )ec. 15th, 2 p.m. W. Beacock, Clerk. Thursday & Friday the Days PORT HOPE LwnEl SPOO.TRmy SATURDAy ONLY 2.30 - 6.45 - -9.00 GENE AUTREY Ii "The Singing Cow'boy" NEXT MON. & TUES,. Also "-The March of Time" NEXT WED. & THURS. AIrér Also Charlie MeCarthy HARRY ALuIN HARRY ALLIN For For Finest Lowest Quality iaï-111 i re.t.ý MAPLE LE"F Pure Lard 20 lb. pail 3.20 Christnas Fruits Seedless Raisins ..*....*.........**2 lb. Curns...... ....2 lb. Whole Citron Peel .................M. Cu ie e.l.......... b. waln uts.........................b. BleahedSultanas ................. M Lexias Raisins .................. 2 lb. Orange and Lemon Caps............ lb. Whole Mixed Peel .................b. lmonds ......................... lb. Glazed Cherries ................... lb. 25e 25e 25c 45c 22e 25e 25e 25c 60C Week-End Speclals Monarch Flour - 24-lb. 90e Carnation Milk -- tin 10e Magic Baking Powder with Standaird Peaches-- tin lic Free Bakiaig Soda --30c Ivory Soap 1 cent Sale Flowerdale Tea - - lb.. 75c 1. bar 10c, extra bar- lc Amber Honey - 4-lb. pail 40c Christie 's Assorted Biscuits - - - - pkig. 32c Baby Lima Beans- 3 Ibg. 25c Red Rock Pumpkin 2 tins 25c Oysters -- -------jar 35c Smoked Fillets------lb. 18o PO a resh Fillets -- -----lb. 17c Salmon, sliced ---- ---lb. 18e Cod Fish- -- -----lb. 18e FRESH ]FRUITS AND VEGETABLES WE WANT THE BEST POULTRY HARRY Phone 367 - 368 ALLN lomnll 1%BXoxum Ch1lt. PUREST 'Aimes i Icing Hait lb. 25c CHRISTIE'S Christmnas pudding 2 lb. size 65C l-Canada Corn Starc.h PRESERVED Ginger lb. 40C CHRISTMAS Candcy Nard Mixed Candies Assorted Chocolates Ausorted Oreams and Jellies For Giftsa-Chriatmau I il COOKING Onions 7 Ibs. 25c Miracle Whlp 32-oz. - 53c lO-oz. - 34o 8-oz. - 19e 4-oz. - 10o Nuts Tidixed Nuts roiamond Budded Walnuts Brazils FilbOrt43 Almondi Pecans 1 -book which was very interesting. f~ farms to tvo sources. First to lack Group one o! the W. 1. held a of monev: second to the influence M Nvery enjoyable Lost Heir Party BD E Y of a false standard of living. Coun- -at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy - try life mî,st bc made more attrac- "Resolved that the dirty good- Langmaid last Thursday evening. rde'HoeadShoAstiPrnsiuthl i)ote natured womnan offers greater op Mrs. John Kivel] and Mr. Jack rdesHoeadSooAsti.Prnsnîshldu oth portunities to mankind than does Baker won the prizes and Mr. sociation held its regular montlv 3«ou'19People the nohbilitv ('f the the dlean cranky wom an" w s t e S m D w I o h o s lto meeting on Friday evening. Dec. 2 land. More stress miuas be laid on Id subject o! a lively debate at th~e prize. A dainty lunch was served with attendance of 60. Meeting reading. Ld Young People's meeting. Gerald by the group. was opened by singing The Mi\aple A vote of thanks to the speaker ,r Balson and Victor Bowin upheld Mr. and Mrs. Les. Collacott and Leaf. President Mrs. F. Gilbert was moved ba' Mr. Norman Yellow- ce the affirmative, and Eva Cooke famnily, Maple Grove, visited her conducted the business. Mr. E. lees and seconded by Mr. Merlin is and Eileen Stainton the negative. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cryderman introduced the speaker, Hepburn. ,n The negative won by one point. Westlake. Rev. W. F. Banister, pastor of St. The reniainder of the program Chritma Tre a th scool Miss Jean Hogarth, Hamnpton, Paui's Church. Bowmanville, who corîsisted of an accordian solo by ChitmsTrea tescolspent the weekend with her deliivered a very interesting and Mrs. Jas. Parr; vocal solo by Mrs. j- house wfll be on Wednesday a!- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. instructive address. Foster Snowden; reading by Mrs. It ternoon, Dec. 22nd. Parents are Baker. The speaker dealt with the position Alfred Prescott and a piano duet by d welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam ini wlich farmn boys and girls find Mrs. E. Cryderman and Miss Helen A large crowd gathered at the and family with friends at Hoît. themselvcs in Canada today. He Smale. Contests were conducted by ihome o! Mr. and Mrs. Luther The leader Mrs. S. E. Werry traced the strange stirring and dis-Mr. eliHebnadMr.M I Pascoe on riday night. M iss Eva and members o! our C. G. I. T. contentrainn voung peoandon GilrMy ýCooke read an address and at the group attended a rally in Oshawa 1proper time Lloyd Stainton and Sunday. eEiwôod Slackelton P r e s e n t e d Mr. Thos. Baker and Miss Vera e tlem with a silver tea service. visited at Mr. Lew Luke's, Osh- %Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe botl ex- awa. 1 pressed their thanks and every- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cation and 1body enjoyed a social time to- Miss« Vera, Brampton, Mr. and gether. A bountiful lunch wasl Mrs. W. C. Cation, Mayfield, vis- -served by the ladies. ited at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'. Mrs. Warren and Mrs. J. W. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds Balson were delegates to the S. S. and family spent the weekend convention at Enniskillen. Others with Toronto friends. »attending were Mrs. F. B. Glaspell, Miss Rosalind Allin, Toronto, Mrs. T. Martin, Mrs. J. W. Mc- Miss Annie Allin, Bowmanville, Master. Mrs. Chas. Naylor, Mrs. visited at Mr. Wesley Yellowlees'. A. T. Stainton, Miss Eileen Stain- Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and ton and Miss Audrey Ayre. Miss Vera Baker were guests at Congratulations to Mr.' ad the McClellan-Payton wedding in Mrs. Nelson Fice on the arrival Toronto Saturday afternoon. o! a fine baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jenks enter- m Sorry to report Mr. Qerald Bal- tained a number o! their friends son las quinsy. at a party Friday evening wlen COWLING SELLS FOR LES Mrs. John Trull las gone to an enjoyabie time was spent. stay with her daughter, Mrs. Alan Mr. Will Lamminan, Oshawa, and serves you weII Lavis. Whitby, for the winter. visited lis sister, Mrs. Thos. Ba- Choir practice on Friday nigît. ker. Select your Gifts now from ouIr large December 10. Regular Home and School As- Assortment of highest quality Visitors: sociation meeting will be held on Mr. Harvey Balson, Columbus, Tuesday, Dec. 14, in Solina sclool. Yardley Men's Sets Regular Prices Miss Marion Balson, Oshawa, 0 $1.00 to $7.15 with their parents, Mr. and Mrs: ade ade'St od' 7 J. W. Balson. 1___________REPORTS__ 85c ta $7.50 Feliow 's Syrup - -. - 89o Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, Jean -. Pinex --------32e and Éarvey, at Mr. Foster Snow- TYRONE SaigSt ~ s -----5 den's. Kedron. SaigSt u op -----5 Mr. and Mrs. Ai! Ayre, Boyd Report of Tyrone Public School Palmolive --49c-98e Absorbent Cotton, lb.- 29o and Lloyd, at Mr. and Mrs. Alan for term September to December Lavis', Whitby. 1937. <A) Excellent progress; (B) Colgate's 49c-98c-$1.50 100 ABS&C tabs. Oc 9 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and Satlsfactory progress; (C) Un- Woodbury's - - 49c-98e Hot Water Botties - 39e family, Thornton's Corners, at J. satisfactory progress. SaigBuhs-2c$ 0 riaie 9 W. Baisons. Grade 8-Lorne Yeo (A), Win- SaigBuhs-2c$ O riaie 9 Mr. J. Nesbit, Columbus, at Mr. nie Brooks (B). Robert Killen's. Grade 7-Helen S m i t h (A), PYRALIN LADIES' SETS Misses Jean and Bertha paco Lawrence Tabb (B), Y v on n e of Brush, Comb and Mirror, of many shades with their aunt, Mrs. Arthur Byamt (A). redfo $47t 105 Moore, Enniskillen. Grade 6-S h irl1ey Park (B), Pie rm$7 a$07 Douglas Barr (B), Marie Thomp- s o n (B ). P c a d E e t i a o u e a i u e S t SOLINA Grade 5-Clarence T ru e m an PcadEeti ao ueanireSt SO IA(B), Charlie Campbell (A), Breta $15.60 19e to $4.50 -et Collacott (B). RoUas Razor - $6.95 Waterman Pens Miss fleen Balson was in charge Grade 3-Lloydc Skinner (A), Wilkinson Razor- $3.00 $1.25 to $6.00 o! the Young People's meeting Billie Dudley (A), Bernice Pogson Monday night. Bible reading was (B), Marion Jones (C). Gillette Razor-- $1.00 Bath Saîts - 25e ta $2.20 given by Ruth McKessock, and Grade 2-Donald Dudley (B). Evelyn Tink led in prayer. Topic Grade 1--Glenny Brooks (A). You can always rely on was given by Pearl Leach; vocal Enrolment 17. solo, Helen Baker; reading, Mar- Lorne Mortson, teacher. FPRESHfPAOIK CHOCOLATES garet Scott; piano duet, Misses to fil your candy needs - lb. box 50c Lena Taylor and fleen Balson. See that your windshield wip- Mrs. R. J. McKessock presided er is in good working condition. f for the temperance programt at The wîper should be equipped I Sunday sclool on Sunday after- with two blades--one blade does C W I G S D U T R noon and gave a reading. Miss not give you a sufficient range o! Relon Baker favoured wlth a vo- vision. Renew the wiper blades Phone 695 P. R. Keralake, Optometrist Bouse 559 cal solo, and Mrs. Roy Langmaid when tley become worn or inef-1 gave a clapter !romn the study fective. .. ..V --l' 1 THE CANADIAN STATES'ýIA,-,ý, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DAÉ--e IZYXII- il if a %0 qwo a

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