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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1937, p. 4

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rTFrAsAflIAN -,TATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIOTHSDYDME8 PAGFOURfTI I.-............... e QUIo2'Peggy Drnt0Qio Consultation Free Appointmeflts OnIy We co-operate with your physician BERT LOBBAN (Reg'd) Masseur ONE FOR RIPLEY ". * Bert Lobban - Masseur at The Heath Institute - during nine seasons as trainer and conditioner of Oshawa Hockey Tearns never had a. player miss a game through a charley-horse. 'He ta*es It's ai l n the treatment and knowing how." Scott. stantled. starcd tup at Clîloc. wsi(le-ey cd. "'Ye il icaîutb ai ? ,Yoî i'i 1 go i lite the village and gelte knéow the p'leai îiakr tlie îants'a Slie- c-?It'. a lot rof îand xsonk, seul knos'. and l ne rexuard.," lue pointed out. afraid t(, beliexe that she realis' iliait it. 1 don't îîîl'site aiu;weî'ed grave- lu"l'il bring a pad and a peîîcil Miuen I come tomonrow afternoon and s'eu can give mie vour instruc- tiens. " Scott said, as she steed inp te go. "But wait a minte-wbat about that southenn cruise yen xere going te tal Ch a!l tlic ke. Your private opinion about and soul in bis Boys' Club and Men's - . -~ - I rhe.r~. i,~ riothin ~vorld in which people do tbings be. If plans ma~e one nvn, ~v..-~--- -. loafers could ride in their own Sun. Even our mistakes have i rrn't ±ret Mue nMOlbgZmAb -- U~~me3Gi\-sti SYNOPSIS Dad. it wîas asvfu-awvful! lil ne'c. next morning. hier arns weighted ed er forget it - neyer." ýwitb flowvers the chauffeur follow - i Chloe Sargent, now living in thel For the fin-t tme silice childboodling ber with a gréait basket of hot- f small soutbern tewn where ber fatb- ishelîead called him "Dad," anîd to lîouse fruit. tire nurse met ber ont -vi er owqs the cotton mnilîs. after tbree Hovell it sceemed ibat she bad gene side bis doon and said worriedlv.. e' years in New York is distinctly ber- back to baby davs as she flnng bier- "If oîlc yeir could persuade him sa ed. At a dance given in bier bonor 1 elf tipon hlm wieeping wildly. dling- flot te take it se liard-He's geing she meets Scott Kelvin. the village fiizto hilm with botb frantic Young te lice but tbe decton savs it will ta doctor, and finds herself intenested arin;- lier wet face burrowing inte hie two menths at least before he ail in bum. Sbortly after Tlianksgivifi, li, sli~oulder. eati leave the hospital. and be's in b Day at ber grandmrother'., Chloe The doctor camne at last. A life- a frotbing rage about il and lus comes in one day te find a telegrani 1,lsiifrieîîd cf Hewell's. vhe grirp- temnperattine is guing up bv la-b fromn friends with wbomi she planIt ed hiý band and said swiitl\.. "Brick anid bounds." r a Christmas cruise. Tbev want io up. ld man. hie bas a good chance Chloe'-s heart sank as. sire weîît i- i go carlier - and ail the wav te Ri'ý-. HelI make it. I feel zure.- te the ronadSot un hsI She rushes out in ber road-ter t" I lo gave a long, shudderiiîn ar ae n -rathiul eyes upeuufa send an anssverîng wire and, tiîrfîig igli and slid forward uiconsciousl51 iber. a a corner. runs do;vn a mar.ti. h t %vas late the follouing after-i"O it's vou" , le aid griînlv. ai Scott Kelvin. iîuun before tbey let ber sec hl.,. es.'msenrv. Whîem uere voub He lac- vin bed. is baudaged bod v xetrgasdChoash ri-A Cliopter VIIhJJ sii bvtire ca" in whiiit ad tioned te the chauffeur te put the s Chle am t hrslfli te e-beeii pîaced, bis stormv eves upon basket of fruit on the table. ni-' Chlo cam toh bsi itire ré-tlier as she camne lesitantlc into then ception roem et the ' eemsH; jtvlva se ad brd "A chauffeur. eh?" commneuted C Jane. white and borrified xaSwas nron H lekedat livser vtb cd had Scott drvlv as the chauffeur went 0e onc 'side of bier cbaing hier cold pI oke i irwihcl c hands. and ber father sat beside ber, cusing. unfriendlv eyes as siue crept awav. p hisarmabot hr wilea peasnttowards the lbed. He said nothing "I told %ou Id neyer drive again fa~ bisn a r e about be wilealesaunt and Cbloe .truggled mi..erablv for -and I meant it." sitc said as ste I der er nose until the sharp. pugent vrs ad tefo r vrt ans.m scent cleared ber brain a little. .I-knew it sound-sillv te sav- "Have 'emi put in one of the qi She aitupwasdeathly sick and I'm sorry-but-ob. I am. I am- wards. nurse. and fecd this fruit te o Sfe l he satmmrup. itIv and if onlv there was somnetbing I th, kid,. Yen don't mind?" he add. afe awIl hea mmrd o" she stammered and set ed in an aside te Cbloe.m ««Is be- e a - Wcoddo; iT "He's in the emergencv rooni. ber teeth bard. unable te say more "No. ef course net. Wbatever ai: don' knw yt hw bdIvlielisles; she break down igneminiouslV.von want donc witb them." she an- w burt." said the nurse premptly. swer* ntigan n and red politelv. hb Her father asked. "Can von tel, now. hie teld bier grimly. " I hope. Shelocwena i atfci usbwi apened. Cloe?" tbough. that you'll let it lbe a lesson Seloe ona i atfci "It was my f auît," she whispered te con and try te drive a bit more bis rebellions eyes. bis thin mouth g( cesolately, and sivercd again at the reasonablv in the future. Tbongh I anud said unarei scb' "I' er nlb memory of that impact wren the car suppose that's tee mucli te bopc se lx' vo ae ntpsc altiat i. h struck the man; that sickeningjot 1for.""u 'r o-hsialta s l a tpassed bvr is body. "Oh. Chloe's face worked conx'ulsivel, It's my mind thats aIl upset. Oh. to as t oeranîd she shuddered. 'Il ne;'er drive I suppose it will sound very childish w. _____________________________a car again as long as I lice." she and xery silly te s'eu. bt-wehl. Fin told himn unsteadily. disappointed. and thev will bc, tee n( S "Nonsense," said Scott roughlc. -" bis x'oice dropped and lie turned wi "Yeu'Illibe driving again before thé bis lîead away frem bler. LMS EN... end of the week. And thats ail right. She sait down beside bis bced anud tee. But jnst use a little cemmolu said quietlv. "\\'on't yen tell me sense next time. ii von don't mind. about it? Sometinies it helps. yenn on After ail. you knew. there is a réa- knew. îusit te tell somnebdy-" s 0 99 son for traffic signais. even for thée "Yenu wonhdn't understand." said itl *Little Crown Princcss herself ." Scott bleaklv. "It %vill probably a- tA A A ICblee said hnmblv. "I den't blame muse yen. at that.' to know tlîat a s con er atin me I ate myself." man conld get se wrought up about IMP!RIAL TOSBACCOls Scett f rowned and said gr.ufflc. sncb a thing. Its only tbat-well. d, INSPIRING ROA _ l " don't bate von. Tbat's silîs'. Run Id planned a Christmas party fera *along now. l'il be ail rigbt and the peeple in the village and the IFriday 10 p.mi. E.S.T. don't take it se bard. Accidents kids. And now I'm going te be laid a S happen-in the best of familles h' np bere and the party will go te I LIATLO She crépt awav and wept in the smash."a I Wben she reacbed the bespital the and said swifitlv, ligbtly. "Oh. isa that al?' l'il give a party for tbems ait mv house-witb candy and f av- ors-" -"Oh. neo 'ou sven't." Scott cnt inc - - jso sharply that she started at him. V REiDUCi..E D rA RE~S 'wide-eved. "Ye're not geing te Between ail Pointe in Canadadrag them n pthehblîl te veun beau-I tiful home and exploit tbem ferr vour own glorification. Yudlk CR IST~MAS and NELW Y iA S thait. woldn't oun? The Little - Crown Princess ispensinz largesse FAREANDA QARTR FR TH RONI)TRI tote c peasants? Kind of lîke veun-5 FABE AN»A QURTE FOR TUE ~ I) r~>self in the role of Lady BonntifnI? CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. Good ging December 23 up to 2.00 \Xell-yori can give uip the idea-" p.m. December 26. Return limnit to lcave destination flot "I den't know wbat von mean.t latè thn mdnigt Mnda, Dcembr 2, 137.but I do know that yen are being late thn minigt. onda. Dcemer 2. 137.vers' rude !" blazed Cbioe. for the NEW YEABR'S HOLIDAY: Good going December 30 UP Vo 2.00 momenît fergetful of bier shiare iiit JanUarY 2. Return limnit to Icave destination flot later hi. présent plight. than maidnight Monday, January 3, 1938. "1 rmean that 1I iad planned a FAKE AN A THIRD FOR. TE ROUND TRIF: Christmas paty te bc beid at the Cemmuîiiits' House ini the.sillage. Good ging Tuesday. Dec. 21, to Sunday. January 2, inclusive; svhere al the null people viii feel at good to return Ieavmng destination flot later than midnight. homne anîd at case and happy. \Vi'iere Friday, Jan. 7, 1938. tbey woid bave a giant tnee with ______________________________________________ Iprésents for ail the childnen anîd finiu PREPAY A RAILWAY TICKET and a fcast for the eider p)eeple."- IAn Unusual Chrlstnm or New Year's Gift' said Scott gimlv.t "I can't scec xvx' Çe c celdnit basve thée salne parts at nc lîcîne," Cliloe Minimium Special Fare: 25c saicl icils'. _________________________"I deo. for tlîere tire mili peop~le Tickets and ce plete information front aîîy agent woîild feel awkwand. selfcenscieu-ý elut ef place. And coud pass abelit A~iA1 IAKIthein like a great lady amnong lier CAN1ftiIALN PACIFIC levai slaves-" "Scett Keliniî. I hate vn!'sie biazed fnnionsly.E "Thats O.K. 'by me-Prnlcess;l snapped Scott f latly. "Youn feel- ______________________________________________________ ings towands me are net of the sligbtest interest te me. anîd the euh' hittenness I feel ils ait tire tboughýt that sorte milI kids bad beguin te get THE HEA H I STI UTEail big-es'ed and sildls' excited abott the parts-" hie made a little belpi- Oshawales; gestulne andl bis- montb greus' 98S Kingl St.E.,O h w even tlinnen and more bitter. Cbloe sait still for a moment. She P HONE 23S4 bad seen instantlc that the party could b given at lien home wsitb humeri Fule B tlisAnnt Jane and ber f ather standing te take the long aîîticipated trip. But to carry ont the planîs that Scott bad alneadv made meant she bier- And M assage self wonld have te stay bene and look after theni. Give up the trip te Rie, aIl the fun of this soutbern Are ou u.ferig f'om Rheuatim, ourjoits ch- cruise. ail the Ray, happy good timies Are ou uffrin frm. heumtisn, ourjoits ch- -moonlight nights in troplc waters ing? Do your muscles seem to bave lost their with Jim Pearsal. distnrhingly good looking and s'ery attractive. aitlber tone and feel heavy? side. anéi &IEScott, misnnderstanding ber sil- Trya um Bah ndAlohol Rub and ence. tured 5bis béa!ad ad, Ii~'m I Twelve Schoolu in Toronto for Your Convenience Charles Sreet W. ati Way Street Vonge Si. and Ros.lawn Ave. Yonge Sreet at S. Clair Ave. St. Clair at Oakwood Av*. Bloor Street at Doveiicourt Rd. Dundas St. and Pacîlec Ave. Queen W. at Macdonnell Av. 47 Howard Parlk Avenue Gerrard Street af Jones Ave. Queen E. at Hammersmith Av. Danforth and Logan Ave. Donforth and Woodbine Ave. IniTructio» aoo if derired by the SHAW HOME STUDY METIJOD These Courses for Vour Choice : Accountiln Si.noutrophv, S,éotypv. consple S. O&ffice To nin , S .a.ori l, .nd Buinsu Adminlnfrollen Couse.. Individuol Intrution, Penonol Atten- tion, Ropid Advancomntn. Moite flons now. Use the coupon for fnther defof fi. MAIL THIS COUPON TDDAY SHAW vBUSINESS S-CHOOLS, 1130 Bay Si. Toronto Piose serd me your frise descriptive Bocicint enid-"Up With thce Times" Nome ....................... Addrems...................... i1 bhristmias?" Chlee smiled faintly. "Ive a rigbt oa private opinion. haven't 1. 50 ong as 1 keep it private?- she said. id turned and wvent quick'lv out Of lie room. Outside she stood for a moment. ir shonîders drooping. a mist of cars in bier eves as sbe said good- we to tbe glamorons Cbristmas she id planned. But bier shoulders were raigbî. bier chin up wben she walk- d .inte the telegraph office a little ter and sent a wire to Betty. tell- ng bier tbat it would bc impossible }r ber te accept tbe Christmas in- -tation. Sbe dasbed a tear from bier e%"c a, 'le signed it. but no one saw ive tbe telegrapb office attendant. 13% tbe time she reacbed the dinner hble tbat eve!iing. facing Howvell id jane. sbe had berself vell in ,d. Slîe looked cool and swect ilier simple dinner frock, bier hair 'utisbed back and up from lier face. olIed ini an absurdlv becoming curl antîvise across bier prettv bead. -And hosv is Dr. Kelvin?" bier ýather asked. as hie sampled the soup id nodded bis appreval at tbe old .itler. "Coming along nicely," said Cbloe. t least the nurse tbinks so. Fer- ;nally, I can't sec anytbing verv ce about anytbing bie does or says. 'b, by the way, Dad inm taking wer tbat Christmas part be bad [anned for the mill people." "Yon're doing wbat?" asked ber ither as if quite sure that bie bad nistaken bier meaning. She lifted limpid eyes. a face ex- juisitely controlled and said matter )f factlv, "Oh. hie was planning some <d of Cbristmas doings for the nill folks, and hes been worrying ibout the partv conldn't go tbrougb xithout bimi and the nurse thougbt le might bave an casier time of it À lie knew that some one else xvas Zoing to attend to bis precious cele- :ration. And since I'm the one wbo made it impossible for hlm. to do it imsel f-well, there wasn't anytbing te do except tell bim I'd take it over. 'as there?" Howell said swiftly. "Yon'll do otbing of the sert. Yon'll go on with your Christmas plans. Jane and Iwill look after tbe party." Cbloe sbook bier bright bead. Nope. Thanks a beap. Dad. but it*s my own little responsibility." she an- wered premptly. "And l'Il sec it brongb-if it kilîs nme." Jane loeked swiftly at Howell wîo- aid gravely: "Sec here. yonngster. lîere's no use your going of f tl4e deep end about aIl this. You had an accidînt. As a matter of f act, I'm .ssured by witnesses that Kelvin was at ianît in stepping off the curbstone when lie did. The ligbt was amber. Lnd botb of you were in a burry. it's rotten luck and bard lines and all that. but I can't sec wby you should sacrifice your wbole Christ- mas merely f romt a sense of duty. 1 tive von the recreation director. a check and bie can look after the partv. and Jane and I will giv'c it our vers' best number-one brand of personal attention . And you go right abead-" Cbloe sbook bier head. but lier blue eyes were warm. and sweet and lier moutb was toucbed wvîth a little sniile. "You'rc the tops ,Dad, but this is mv partv. Oh. l'Il caîl on vou for the cbeck. of course, but M'I sta'. and sec it througli. Ive alreadv wired Betty that I can-t coi-e." Anîd tlien as hier voice thiclccned a little and grew not quite steady. she added liastily." And now for cat's sake. let's change the s.uhject. This is vmr good 50l!p. Aunt Jane." The following afternoon. armed %vitb a fresblv slîarpened pencil and a iiotebook. Cliloe presented herself to the hospital and wvas shown into Scott's room. The wvay bis red bead tnr!ied as she cntered. the little look of relief tbat touiched bis eyes. told bier that be lîad been afraid slîe wotld(nelt k'eep hier promise. "Oh. tlien %-on didn't go awav after ail?" hie blurted ont eagerlv. Clîloe sniffed. "I may he a miental lightweighit and a useless cumberer of the eartb." she assured bur frostily. "But wbat- ever else I may be. I am not a liar! I teld von Id lok after tlîe party.- and bere 1 am. .Now wherc do we begin?" Scott wvas sulent for a moment wh'ile she opened the notehook. poised bier f resbly sbarpened pencil and waited. watching him. "The recreation director is flot niucb good, be's wrapped up heart Baseball Club." he said after a mo- ment. "But bell do whatever .ou ask him to do. I expect vour best assistant and most dependable work- er will be Sara Jenkins. She works in the office. Been an emplovee of Sargent Mfilîs for 30 y'ears. Knowvs everv man. woman and child in or about the village. Has a caustic tongue and a sharp disgust for life. but when vou reallv know lier. she's a peach. Then. to plan gifts for the children and to get the women to lbelp. youd better sec Mfrs. Barvell. Shie doesn't work ini the muT. thotgh lier husband and four sons do. She runs a sort Mf unofficial day nur- '.erv where the milI women can leave their small children while they are %vorking-" "W~hat do vou mean, unoificial?- deinanded Chloe. puzzled. "I mean she makes no charge for bier services. and that she keeps the chjldren because she 15 fond of tbem.- A grand woman! You may not like ber, but you'lî surelv bave to admire hier," said Scott f irmlv. Cbloe asked. "How do I find bier?" 'Drive down 'Main Street in the village, and the neatest. cleanest bouse with the best garden and the most noise will be «Miss Jennie's." said Scott promptlv. "Now, to get the co.operation of the young men and unmarried girls. vou'd better contact Callie Johnson," hie w'ent on witbout waitinR for her comment. "Callie's sort of the ring leader of the young crowd. If she takes te vou. she can swing the whole crowd your way and the paty will be a success. If she doesnt- well. then it will be a party witbout the voung people." Chloe's cheeks flusbed and ber blue eyes snapped. 'You talk exactlv as if thev would bie doing me some profound favor in permitting me te arrange a Christmas party for themn. instead of it heîng the other wvay around." slhe said hotlv. "«At that. mavbe thev will."Sct said quietlv. 'Thev will be sbowine %,ou a brand new îvorld. Princess. A The death occurred at Mount Elgin on December 7th. of Mrs. Daniel Thornton. In her seventy- second year she had been in fail- ing health for some time. She was born in Bawmanviîle. and for the greater part of her lifetime had resided near Lakeside. She had lived in Mount Elgin for seventeen years. She was a member of the United Church at Mount Elgin. Besides the husband she is sur- vived by two sons, Edmon4. of Dorchester; Lamne. of Otterville; one daughter, Mrs. E. Hicks, Mount Elgin; one brother. Edward Hambly, Toronto; and ane sis- ter. Mrs. C. McLaird, of Florence, N.D. The wanld is slow to recognize genius prhncipally because it has s0 little practice in that Uine. Fortunateîy the average man is unable te realize how homely he la. ig new under the carriages. ibeen made before. cause îbev havheo.ecautins be- causeteateivetn, bcuthvt wbo' manage te f mdetime 'o obuttlet w anabeartd. indlythingsfo orl otrhear eople. Awold f srvieot humitvpep. rAherltanfasefcesb graiica tio hfe's n adeis' Tretfiatioa ti ne ofson iii is voiertha maethne oworstngi. For a oetCblo te ws sevtemptedo t omnaptbCe ook surad ling t it s mocking face. ut ding tim innhis rmmbered tate. Bt inasber falt. notbs. that i wasberer p fls and is, pai Andso sr h con- tlead bentepern.And ssaide"Iton- ttrldle I'epenou nd maial"to ek ona fore te next daoriltwo l'lse ors.for ell s e nkdv rtw.i sean iss JBnsnl. 'andsrert te anu 'Misbaons on." ad reot topetel. andn she eft had retaiinglier impush et slate doreind b ler aspusee toent ontedo eidle To lbc Conlf,îued IoBitiUAtRY e - Ruddy cheeks, briglit eyes, steps sure and straight _ . . these are some of the things we can give! At Christmas and every day in the year you can protect the health of those who mean Sa -ery much to you. Why flot make ar- rangements today with one, of our courteous drivers to make regular deliveries. G LENR4LDAIR Phone 2625 Bowmanville From the fIG 1 qpw-Store Flannelette Pyjamas ............ 98e to $1.951 Flannelette Gowns............ up from 59C SWooI Panties & Vests......... up f rom 35c 1Fabric Gloves ................ up from 49c À'Kid (sloNes ................. uD from $1.251 Lingerie I Iandkerchiefs................ Se to $1.001 Silk Slips - up from 79e1 Sillc Gowns - up from 98co Scarfs ...................... up from 49CJ Silk Bloomers- 39c-$1.35 Flowers ..................... up from 25c' Sil.k Vests - 49c-95c 1 SikPates.- 9-$.5Umbrellas ................... up from $1.50à Sin anie 9-12 Sts - $D2a$3ce Purses ...................... 69c. . to. . $4.500 Silk Dance Sets Pullover Sweaters............ up from 98c up froni - - 18 SainBd akes- $19c Twin Sweater Sets.................... $2.95J Satin Negligees - $3.95 g Ski Suits ..................... 2-piece $8.90 j For the Kiddies SiIk Dresses......... $1.50 up ' Coats ............... $495 up Flannelette Pyjamas 98c-$ 1. 49 Kimonos............ $1.29 up Coat, Legging & Bonnett Sets .... $6.95 Sweaters .............98c up WooI Mittens .... pr 25e Ski Suits ............ $4.95 SPECIAL Substantial Reductions on Women's Coats and Dresses See oun' stock before you buy. I Hosiery A complets Range Always Appreciated 29c - $1.50 iup from - - - 25o Bath Towels iup froni- each 25e Lace and Linon Rluxmers - - - 29e Daniask Table Cloths 'up froni - - - $1.25 ------- - ------- For -the Home R Lac r Tal th Home7.5 LacedryTags...2.5-750 Damask 'Linen .....s.. 45c0 BDams ie Sprad weaU frm. 149e Blet prs....upairom$1.49U broiere....pair $.9ow Casoie.........9ll$o2 Cases ............ea95c.$3225 Tay Cloths.......each .$SO2 Tray-- - - - - - - - - - -. . ea.h---- For the Men MEN'S HATS .. ... Upwards from $2.25: DRESSING GOWNS,. Upwards froni $3.85 SCARFS --.ý Plaids and Knitted, imitialed 98c to, $2.50 PYJAMAS Upwards froni $2.00 FINE SHIRTS BEach $1.00 ta $2.50: TIES B. ach 25c to $1.00 DRESS SHIRTS. Arrow Made $2.95 FINE BOX . ... . . Pair 39o to $1.95' SUSPENDERS . . plain and initialed 50oc to $1.00 GARTERS OR ARMBANDS . ...... .... Bach 25e to 50c: GLOVES, Kid or Cape... . Upwards from $1.40' <Lined or Unlined) GLOVES, String Knit Wool Lined $1.95: HANDKERCHIEFS .,, -......... 2 for 25c to 50c MEN 'S WINDISREAKERS .., E ach $3.95 to $ 12.50 <Wool Melton 's and Leather) SWEATERS . Each $2,95 ta $6.95 <Brush Wool and Goat Hair) PLAIN KNIT SWEATERS . , Upwards from $1,00 MEN'S OVERCOATS Upwards from $14.95 ------------------For--theo MLad IBOYS' HELMETS Upwards from 75o WINDBREAKERS.... Upwards from $2,95. ISOYS' O 'COATS Upwards froni $3.50 BOYS' BLOUSES Each 69e 98c BOYS' BREEKS Upwards froni $1.59 GOLF BOX BOYS' MITTS PYJAMAS SWEATERS ISOYS' BSUITS Bpach frni 29c Upwards from 59c Price 79c $1.15 Price 95c $1.95 Upwards froni $6.96 BAR PINS - DRESS STUDS AND OUIFF BUTTONS CAPS - BELTS - S3MOKING JAOETS COUCH9 JOHNSTON &C-DEMA Phono 836 Limlted 'Il I IL -m I A Real Gift I ~ The Thrii of GoodHat SHAW SCHOOLS DÀY,&N D M 1 G MT S ý S sÀýc.-/Aýs IMIT THURSDAY,- D901ýM i

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