THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23RD, 1937 THE CA\-\DIAN STATESMAN, BOWNMANVý,ILLE, ONTARIO PG EE TuE OR-ONO NEWS ILIIESRIEMOFFATT FAMIL Cm ene _Wf Ae ubnsPsto SUNDAYMORNING SOCIAL AND PERSONAL FIGURE IN CRASHeeveadCucl l s W omens Insitute Speaker Sermon and hmi were ap- Four Orono peope escapedser- For Efforts on Roa(o miso _____ _________________proprtae for the Christmas sea- ibus nuvWdiIa eeig son at the St. Savbours Church of Abeuiu eedatdbMr MsBraaRobslen when the'r car co.ided head-on Nirs, 'r.-W. Bowen wu. guest by Mrs. H. Dean showed a bal-; Sunday. In bis excellent address F.An atfll and orated byMr, is Brbthe phha be at Whi:by. wrecking both autos. Reeve T. A. Reid and Courici:lor W R D MU T W I speaer t te Wmen' Intîtte nce f S3.3. Rv. D R.Dewneyempbsizd df hR.obt. Moffatt. his wif e and <chi- Fred B. Lovekin were congratu.- periateonsn digted an d ofnd43-by the fact that Christmas was a day nie Dent is ready or te com- Mr. W. H. Rowe has purcbased drenPasanHrod were pro- iated by their fellow members of N I O E D wit br tik whchMrs. H. Allen and Mrs. J. Eagie- of gving. feasting. family gather-mutyreTurd aeron an engine for use in the miii ceeding eu.t from the Whitbv four counicil on Tuesday for their ef -___ bier afflPhce wt e îk xihsnzhtMs .R oprlo ngs and happiness. but pointed -Mr. and Mrs. S. Cuttell attend- when water is scarce and will fix corners. rounded a zruck and f a"- f ort.s on behalf of the KirbY- -ugiopesmetn a was appropriate for the theme o teMi. out that we shouid not f orget the ed Miss E. E. Hayraf ts f uneral it up this wnter. ed to see an approaching vehicie Garden Hill road wbicb h hei odynih n as ben el ~ h e meting "Hitoricai ~.. .n.ecase. 3. COUnCireason for this day being ceie- in Bowmanville on Friday. Another glove was banded into driven by Councillor French. Mr. taken over b h o.te.EI hreo r oadHmct 'ýà1» rcoenwstobv eqetd brated. In the rush of prepara- M3rs. A. A. Rolph has returned the Orono News offce this week. French evident'y 'did not. see the'enl the .oa mnsmmer znsi convnrmSriur a V»fessed the gat.hering on the Mrs. E. Dean. Mrs. W. Seymour tion made by the factories. stores f rom the city. so now we've a pair. Unifortunate- approaching Moffatt car and the Of tera omssion o! the r »RY er. eigtu rchn es at Ottawa but wa.s un- ard Mrm. W. H. Stapies were aP- and housewives as to gif ts. decor-. Mr. Nei F. Porter treated the ly they don't match. Owners may, twO met beal-an idrving about 20 United Counties had quite a dif-'numbr"un igt a ie able ta be 1resent.. pointed to look after shut-ins ations. and sending out gaiiy de&- choir to chocolates at Wednesday get t.bem during offce hours. mailes an hour. ficul-, job persuading the other byM.A.J nxwhvil, Anothrhinerestngr fasuringboesaaduade wts otirif oan-toateggi!tt. esomeîmesti orgts fgtrprctic iastweekrMc.Geo. ortostswtaykn.atm.e imact asotrri! c sdmembrs tacoînidehetbiteirctwin andecockwit.h'cend an tb dsla ! niqeswic n-iies on motion a! Mrs. James ,egraes idto a. oegff r adMr.R J ontw-br ohesMs.but b evroete idsil i r.Mf zepon. u vetalywreMs.Snerok tte ino f tedsaYoaniuswihi-D;ckinson, seconded by Mms. M. of Gods Son - he intimated. and txie eei rn at criticaliy ill. ft~ a.sryn htee ls suc cez.sful. ter w.c h oi a bytk cluded an apron brougbt by Mrs. Smnith.urged al ta come t too 110W Ce n oo lasdy.Hefmnyfrens sl bcgadove r t eand sawue, in-us Tne decis:on of the Commission enbyM.ot.Sein Sthepl es icb w sner gran- Miss K. Stark favoured with a munion and Christmas service a Anrnbe aleioert A-tOknwtht r. ihad o- lctngsteecue nthirfce.menstatte outeshae Inbshxclenvel M:Shr .ohr.Oee-Ciig ne S- Theres a Song in the 9.30 a.m. Christmas day.A uae akdoe oA-t nwtaMmRihrMr-fiigsvr csonhi aes e<a by the Indians at one time and 'ocal solo '______________ tioch concert Friday night. It ton. who bas been iii. is improv- Mrs. Moffatt was tbrown forward taken over the road from Kirbywncoratd te tie o b7r-otby rris. maE. J. a the' pano. proved ta be O.K. gaing over but ing and able ta sit up afternoons. and suffered a fractured rib. but tO the budr n ewe hit it n o.Crs 97-~~~~99hyear-oldhssmple Hamnwas 99b year.KKO coming back. Orono Curling Club beld their the children. except for loosened. Clarke and Hope Townships, ap- w&sbr namngri ii eleven-year-oldl girl and brought Aften ment:ýomng ber interest Juiy 15. 1918. and gave the history «Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weston and f irst, meeting o! the year Thurs- teeth in Patsys mouth. were un- proximately seven miles. and aiso of ec,0 ubl it oa by Mrs. Bowen; a candie stick inl the Home and School Club and o! the aider memrbers o! Hope b . aemv. mTvlrsdyevnn ~po~ nured. Mr. French was not ser- 4 1- miles fnom the boundary ta 0enbeHi arec hehm and anuffers made in 1800 and Hîstarical Research. Mrs. Bawen Township. buhvsoe oMs alrstoryeveib 1 0.mbers inattend-iuiinjured and police laid no Garden Hill and cannectJng w:th hie pol.Hsbrhwspo brougt by Mm. J. Eagleson. and expresed her desie to, compile a Mrs. M. H. Stapes expressed r. . Cut.el storane.wt 0mnbr natn-iul a bbraoch w hatb nhaliroin htitsbraugfhurham story aod M.uandams.Count, . ande.-Plasleagediso!sroafrschtaesenMavenfatthisarpistaie shoty wbdchomsGarenedlltpe by Mrs. Bowen. bave it published in book form. the gatheings appreciation Io spend Christmas in Buffalo with the yean. a drive for. damaged beyond repair. . ta Highway No. 28. As the total fanourodto isUn.m She read an'artJcle f nom a paper the speaker. A vo te of thanks wasa Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Cutteil. M.~ new members. The playing will On the same day. Mn. MOffatt' erws ny2 miles. Clank ake o eGea Wrhitstsdetrctono givenàito ail pho had taken part Dr. Canvetb, Toronto. wuî as bgn sonas ie valbe brother. Wiil. bad coilapsed. on, Township has faned very well. A livesadpoetysatdth Th m ee M Htin -aspes id teavenofneArc:g hies pnoornto an nmotion o! Mrs. EagieSon wha senand arrangements cani be made Main Street, Orano. from. an ab- dlgto eiindteCute oî bikn n atn o e ns MeHxSapesinth a- ! heriv e sTront.indhe dchrgTo hisecletme-se tiCitalmeth ngthe with the ink manager. Omfcers, dominal bemmorrhage and was tO also take aven the road f nom the oigaano hit lowing threetngote9die n.scnebyMsA.Tr-The ecbeld Ms A hon wene re-eiected as f oliows: Presi- remaoved ta Bowmanv;lle Hospital. eonietaPrGab.buwemswitganuilods AngesSig"to. in the school assembiy room On dent. G. M. Linton: Sec-mess.. 1e is stiliinPthethGspnay,.bbutta 'Hark the Heraid SAngles Sîneg Sheil indeecribedal bthe" wamatureessul. The commission ready wssg;MsJ.H sehu h ecJe th iitrtoIn etn fcsrgrdn h Wednesday took the forano! an .A A. Dnummond. R. C. Rosbor- recovening slawly. would not consider over MnCoiTalrgvara- weas hsun; r J. H. stebrotQuebec made by an engineer i'idiIngor ta reig o ari theinformal discussion. awing to the i augn acted as secretary in thle ab- Additional1 no tebil atild nprye:!rmWofe Mntarw i sttuilion ng r b ei in onossa ate-ne ins ea-sence o! Mn. Drmmond.tenodtaiskn.ingi atasGft.asoy froad the sbirle o!Cnrist' in rth :friWolfe rvand ntalom tesisiuin adsceisi oing ta the society was discussed -B.L .HR details are given in a separate a 'oayh setalhe hit "Sln Ngt assn.aa o n teaive nO-w given by Mrs. N. Rainey. and suggestions given for future ____ 7îsiln. JNi.gCt prwas sngap aepointte-rciesin0 Mrsi Nancy Honeywell. Mns. H..; or. It is expected that tbe el-; MRS. MOFFAT WINS Anther enjoyabie five hundred Mi. J. R. orop e Cristas pit- tawa and said if Toronto had Zie, rs F Hll and Mrs. kplc As the meeting was the con-;andl!tnefogitfrhr edcovearo!te hnsîastenything like that it would be a Ale.a es ction of officens will take pae cluding one for the 1937 counicil, ihusad nd ere.Tegit bag-filling committee ta meet crme o wih~Jennie Richardsoan. at t.he January meeting which wiîî WITH LUCKY TICKET and eucbre party was held bY the'svriacut n atr fhasgmd h bl apt. ______ o wa it i.L.O.B.A. o! Orono. Fiday nmght. svrtlance wre setd.aflhuaddi tmd and thees f h Tuesday evening in Park Street h ihd h nttuewud Roll caîl was answered by eacb be beld January iltb. IWînnimpnotertaehunce wereîas S. ~ ~tak u boh te cmpiin o!telin a!an isonicai place she Roy Coîviile is home f nom To- Thinteen aain pnoved îucky Mi F Cwn nt ho M-coupewn aaso ywyo Letes ! ppecatonwe e stryab o neerth e mplcaan at istd.rntforte Mim.s odas Mnayngh a earfo ns ei biea osoaio aneda eligtnFarw 1te avn apesn tgth read from Mrs. Rolph on behaîf suggested f ive different ways o!f h Jesr o îvigMs. A. Pupils and teachens o! OrnoaGardon Maffatt wbo won a beau- awanded ta Mrs. IHartwell Lowery'Shemwifl. Mrs. Robt.. Morton andlDnn b uins eidi o! ber mothen. and the Ont.ario coiecting: A. Rolph wth them again was schaol are enjoying their bolidays, tifully iced Christmas cake St St.,adPnyLn.I teecr nhrMnnn eealwdr- wasecddtleethapon- Socity or nipiedChitinn wo 1' -Appeal ta olden membens xrsdb rs.!M.dH. Staples and the usual quota o! Ononoites 'Saiaurs annual Cbristmas tnee. Mrs. Dick Fowlen and E. E. pst- bates a! $2.15 eacb for dag t8.x ing!adlgtiaLnsyWn sent n $10. Treasurer's report. read 2d Collect apîîhentic copies aRelplitit bi! y Mr.teingescinvter paesdares.ho me i MTiscakelwasdwn M.esnninghewnns adMrs. inregulanities. trSbo ni etwe.I a v~alue. 0. C. S. clased the *erm with a drew the lucky number from an th oslation prizes. These: Roati Voucher No. 13--- $ 231.50 .week-terd nnigtrs 3rd-IoL l bos rpamphlets E. E. Ha wcrefpteanti a letC.rAo!RbluesWacakes. Contesferesu87s42Red GIRLSWHO H V E.Hycrf n etro otiigfmly hrh on nigbt. This big social event will. sented it ta Mns. Moffatt during'Brawn duning the bal! boun in Lyaîl Lowery, bl2,ite1,Bu 5 GIR S HO A oranin tmyChisr. tw-sympath s obe sent ta rela- necessarilý. bave ta be reporteti tha social baif-hotîr wbich fallaw- wicblunch andi social chat was:A. ulrs....------------ 4001 OS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tvs etisesince the paper was ut ed tha pragrani. The S. S. woas l aa oka olwn oeo bnk ebat!lyteaaet a h >~ejyt.T.A et.dto40 eceto eit a noc ne phe <omfittee who arrngedsh Mr. and Mms. Rosborough are: ainwt elec.adte d aris ayt GtCar 'es letes. oletteok.- an hts laatadprftbePo oiaigi Ptroo icl eoa wib elî.etc.. ad te rn iepg --- .0H N fh - dSHvoalibrarv f hst the ramand p r fi abdl po- ous iss.A damsînPeter ndigte ih itPARK ST. SERVICES W. E. Davey, taxi 6.00j ing dotata . iugswos al value - writers o! Mm. tn unhe o! sandwiches, cake anti tea. Mr.bristmManinglidays .dMis. E. J. Randall, PR vs F 400 "Y -£diP-edfeiis- « boisony - er Gilet temeeting wsbogtt nOee.over the pnogram in the absence:i Christmas services wene helti Twx. Clarke, taxes -- _-- 2.97 LoîadProa ' Emily Weùver. Guillet.close by singing l'O corme. aîl ye M.RWidsshoiaynata!resident Mn. Gardon Bruton, Sunday in Park Street Chunch'E. E. Patterson, relief VWre .ftim e Have S , ,04, e0 OhnWs ouair. W. L. ofmion-, ~faith!ul.- anti prayer by MS. Os- bis borne in Omemee. ianti the foilowing items were en- wbich was beautifiiily deconati:sple -d uum Mà OMwf-y- h ff- eé~îf ~k~ait tenhout.aniabne Miss E. Gallowray is spending joyeti by thase present: Recita- with reti anti green roping. tinsel. Oronto Coal & Lumben 3.00 Ms .Wdelbsrtre y0'Uh.UWIUe hW eilr 00ae.~ ote y bfead ta~e . Lan tfoo Candles.Chnîstms haandays St er hometion. "My Sbip ant I ", Monty wreaths. anti greenery betecked E. R. RaineY, supplies-- 3.00 f romwatewhr h a amyirs hae percp-- S ide- hy braught a Christmas message and in Mirnico. 'Richardison; recitatian, C o n n i e with tinsel. poinsettas anti color, 50%-/ Maintenance: beenwiigo h aeMs <115WIUIig ipmg, aêd. t t t mates o cael - and reati itprovaked many complimenta.iy ne- Don't f arget the Christmas treea M i t c b e il; guitar solo. "Silent eti lights witb flower-shapeti Henry Casernent. 25 M n Take "ri--iSmd you'»w sea. mode Oname o!-pandee famîlismnarks. and Mis. J. Eagieson and' Thursday 23rd. in Onono town! Nigbt," Ceciu Brutan; recitation. bulbs. During the tmifg offer- 1; ot neen.o 2o.50abou minmzed b.w odilmeseof mioeeh wamilies er conmmittee are certainiy te be bUa .0ocok ot ie"Santa Claus," Doneeni Morgan; tory a trio compniset o! Mrs. O. Annie Davies, Sick IgivigbsStni aet i yoo' ve b e w id .. tt cb round about Orono. taken front J.congratulateti on their wonk. hullat.B ng th kitiode tien ectation. Jolly OltiSt. Nicholas- W. Sandancock (piano). Mr. A. J.: Children's Hosp.-----4.38 idue ele t Scuas istr.te ed-Contnibutetid e at lu pro. Junior West: Irish Jig. Greta Knox vlialin.' anti Edwin Sander- Annie Dewall. Qen. Hos. 7.8ITeitra fomrsues =kuthe" p« wi4jehnd f wtef nom Emly Weavers seeSntaClusin_____ mmdPOUeS V?5 00 5W>~ bak nCante!Drbn. n.Cangratulations ta Mn .anti Meiten frocketi in green anti cock cello), nentienetithe canal;Chas. Lindsay, contractor 100.0>0 havinOC.Sisso bth flabb7 hume <JUINforine "Fr*&u trsMs oe ocueib et~g Speak as it seensts te mostMrs. George Couvier, f ormer nesi- *wite, with Mrs. Neil Colvilie at -Silaflt Nigbt." CalsSmt.egner 8.0nubro ina.iti in- inteu e ur 5-,5r r oesîin lete wyreangb ui nylt tb :hagot et !Ooo.wols au-the piano; recitatian. Jack MOI!- The topic o! Rev. J. H. Oster- Nomination day wuli be hli tuesec.thtav acd4e gweai'.h a godwdets of ronowho lu antu- ft;.oalsl. - ., -ittle< Town"rinipl snceles wek' pae ber rea eunleMn.Stetimn tmpe. ati îthmadstyantdda caebrtet thir 5tî andin mat; vcalsom. rj.tttm Ton o hats ermn ws VddkLi t teoDcemen ts n atsermonobhiyhav FRUIler AraTI'ethleem." r. Anhurcell. us angorCrabcomingn htheldstf - FR I--IESABLES Bebee o! Meaford. who dieti in bis, without hypocniry. anniversary. Beiee. n ihrBl.wt agrCaie"we atlia We take this Opportunity o! Mrs. Colville at the piana; reci- haw. in spirit if nat in realit3.A LGA C 1S'h hnro einn n o wisbing aur neaders a veny Merry tation. "Why Boys Leave the manîy people were there at the t ~~~~Christmas anti the happiest anti Farml. Albert Mitchell; recitation manger on Christmnas morning.' TAKEN BY PLAYERS theyastco. most prasperous New Year vet- The Baby Jesus.' Chnissie Jor- H1e mentioneti that among those,ý _____Ms Hh.ic:al etr Onono News staff. dan; vocal solo. "Beautiful Isle o! wene tievout olti men, innocent! A new organization is in the hoeFidyltbfotehs A Cobourg 1. O. O. F. mambers.1 Somewhare," Mn. Wm. Mit chell, chiltiren. pure women. wise men. making in Onono, wherein memn- 1P"tlat sgtin ln ie rumbering about 30, visited On- w:th Miss Muriel Morton at the shepherds. Henoti. angeîs. anti the bers must swear not te, smoke or MisBtyCogl isntre ana I. O. O. F. Wednestiay aven- piano; recitation, Francis Cowan; PhiLrsees. Ai but Heroti anti the use profane language anti promsehme Aing, December 15. anti assisteti in necitation. Joyce Cornish; twa Pharisees came in love anti adi-,ta do thaîn best te fuir the hehtsiecfHiburo i niîiaîing two new members. The selections by Leskarti Quartette. aration. anti gifts wana POUe uet'i untenests af the society. When wi raha ak t hrho fievening festureti a delight!ul ban- Miss Elva Gay. Messrs. Chanlie at the Baba's feet. but Hanati carne,. rhay bave takan thesa oat.hs o! ai- Sina n tteeeiasr Aquet In the lotige bal, with the, Gay, Roy BaIl anti Matt Harrison; witb murder in Uis hear anti the legiance, the seal o! the organisa- vicwllsnatipytegiar f c.oti prepareti anti sarveti by men nectation. Betty Jordian; Solo. Phanisees mocking. 'tian is placati besitia their naine. ,ru !lde ne h a only. Wm Boy a! Mine." Mn. A. Bell. wiîb Because sinners came te the, signeti in ink insteati o! blooti. coemesio!M.JR.oor a Mis.. Staplas returnedti t Mrs. Colville at the piano; recita- cratile. we. top, can bow anti aski No, it is nat a subsidiary o! the MeTudanitatifldth A ono fr Christmas with M. anti tion. Fathen Christmas", Thema f orgivenes o! the Christ Cltid Black Legin or the K] lux sma henboebwras IMrs. A. J. Stapls. Han son. J. B. Jordan; recitation. "Christmas anti jin in the angls' chorus. in- Klan, but ne tai futher the in- peaed 00E. Staples, ant iUs wife bnougbt . Day," Donna West. tîmnateti the pastor. who express- terests o! hockey among the Pl aeawystogto fMrs. Staples toe village Satun- MrR.HAle spoke briefly eti theopnn that preseîit-tiay yeunger ganeration. Wesuspect hnsialmewenulascm afiernoon. retunning ta To- a>_ xpressing bis pleasure at seeing! dictatars. lika Henoti. will bave 10Ore amb asteisgtr rone erlyinthe evening. sa many out anti bis desire te see ' psy fan tbe nuthlass destruction o! anti pramaten of the project, but ar:ni sagot ie ld meeA ngo! Chanîber a! Com-: therin aIl oui at Suntiay Scbooi . innocent womnen anti chiltiren. lofcers a! the company include J. frîlg merca inegirs t~ti ne t Sunday. H oitdout te!The co n endeneti anh-J. Cornish. president; O. L. '-oui- kelncandro teya, f 11h.fontiih man iscsson eaon we celebrate Christmas was ems. "The Flnrst chrialtmas Morn*" an. treasurer; O. A. Ganisby. i c se.n on the proposeti Hytira because t was the birthday of anti "Chistians Awake." wiih manager; Frank Pearson, coach; we e niwmnse puehse. feing seme o Crist. He intimate t tat the Mis. A. A. Drummanti taking the anti a captain to be electeti by the on osn aoe hi htu be that PoiTsfeegs eeet number wha hati turneti out ta solo parts in the latter anthemn. !boys. - hat rel.bhnlsDces sufficiently inteneste i in thb e bear the programt was very an- lne evening service was devoted!i Memnbenship is lirnited ta boys "hsdysalcag i 14 charne te urge counicil ta put the' couragîng te tbe axecutive. anti cblefly ta music. The chair ren- 1cf 12 years anti under who will g9eradqaresIt oe" matten te a vote. There is stili a claseti by wisbing all a Merny dereti twa nbm Sn !teslml ge lhteOooseepae ,~~ ~~I ~ ~ ~ . ulttle turne anti members o! the:'Cbristmas. A.ges" anti "Thene Were SheP- Mitige t Hockey Team and ti rao -______________ ., ( f, .. Chamber hava not given Up the: Rev. D. R. Dewdnay also spaka bards." Miss Kathleen Stark tak- ficers anti with their mothens and S.figbt for ibis year. briefly expnessing bis ieLight in ing the solo part in the latter an- fathers anti with each othen.. aywnmityutesniin the program anti bis appreciation i them. Mrs. A. A. Drummnonti anti The demant foa- membership is Ç youn .isitons during Christmnas anti for assisiing in il anti for attend- Mrs. G. M. Lintan tieiighteti the growing napily anti pa r e n t s New Years weekands for inclusion ing the social gathering. He Point- audience witb s vocal duet, *'A shaulti urge their chiltiren te joîn in heLoalant Pmaalcoumn. ati eut ibat taa o! tan we are tac Star, A Sang." the club ta promote anti fastan in ~. a iketabae tas sall items cuîck ta express aur dispiesure' Rev. Osterbout. in leu of sen- the Village o! Orono anti District e ntis ike ta see them. pleasa aur gratitude anti that a deeP 'sage fnam "h e uio, wil finti worthwhile exencisa tai make certain to bave your friands' debt a! gratitude was owed ta the1 extentiing season's greatings ta tieveîop co-ondînatian a! mind 1___ .3'-.-- iis-anti thir place o! resqi- Sunday scboal superintendient anti thea diffeneni circuits andti t the anti muscle as weil as the funda- TH KI E S thefy. tnk.TCe hld ay n oroto FR ee field T ut S tock FID Y 1 eurayat sva eligbful dirne prt.efronrfcmthln waya oh ------- ---~~~~~~~mang I".T. hasepsn Msere trJ.anee ine.saendten elet he Mtis t.hD.manscatitin bsas ne-odgi Tmoay mm« 0ui or Flor Lap wit any abbe d c.M . m.CMaonani awees dint ac .aTieun-bunt it fro as p eleasat to wiihi Lm"FARE AiN DoAtQAeR TER FOR ig T HERUD wilU spenti Christmas with Mn. truck resting on the housing was on the subjact. Ir. F. MORRIS CO. WIBH YOU ONE AN ALL "A VERY WMRY YXAS anti Mm. Stanley Chapman. unable to move forward on back Mrs. N. F. Porter's primany class FARE AND A THIRD FORTRUDTI Rev. R. H. Whiteslie. Cobo- until the fleur bati been unloatieti njoyeti a treat o! sweei4 anti a GCo o enaToey. Dooenab.e21ntil Sna nllu.Rez li F.y. MOBRRISCO. WISH OU ONE A"D ALL tgAàVEXY MERRY llA onOn..wllpeahatai er y eerl uiigwokm ur retlytecraei ra i uda < »t.siaaomo otr mn udmai. J.ama , W vices Suntiay at Orono anti Kirby iedly volunteereti. Finaily with I scbool on Sunday. Unitedi churches anti ai the aven- the aid o! a holst on the truck 1Mn. anti Mrs. A. Walkar anti hat ubG aft uw . lng service un Onono wilU sing antid anti much strugging by the belp- 1 daugbters Betty ant i Wlbelmina, , o anti hean bim. way. not the worse for the tiuck- A splendid practice was heltid F F.MR I C O .Rev. J. H. anti Mrs. Osterbout ing. New planks have been plac- a! tan churcli Suntiay evening for Tichy<S and complete ifnlomio vonayau Direbtors of Fmuni servi" wil spenti Christmas week wtb eti ven the opening, a 1111e the Comnunity Tree ThursdaY FumitnrO Deahr Pon Osterbout, Ottawa, anti Miss Doris The usual story is '"Pussy in the assureti. Everyone cerne. CADu NAD IL Osterbout, Montreal. wlll aise be well." but it lias been changedt te Mi. anti Mis. Norman Wlnter Al titane for the holidays. "truck in the well." spent the weekend here. " - M., 1 1